Arch of the foot. What does a high arch of the foot mean and why is it dangerous Full foot

We suggest you use the test to determine the arch of the foot. This quick and easy quiz will help you find the right shoe for you.

In order to correctly, you need to know the nature of the pronation of your foot. Doing it yourself is quite difficult.

What you can do yourself, at home, is to determine your arch type.

People with different types arches need different types of running shoes, as this is directly related to how exactly you run. Each athlete is unique and needs a model designed specifically for him.

Remember, the right sports shoes will provide you with the opportunity to train for a long time. smaller and more efficient, without bruises and damage.

To begin with, we will conduct a wet test to determine the type of arch of the foot.

  1. Prepare a container of water.
  2. Place a piece of paper next to it. It is best to use dark colored paper.
  3. Dip your feet in a container of water, then place them on a dry piece of paper.
  4. Get off the paper and look at the prints left on it.
  5. Use the description below to determine your type of arch and pronation. right choice sneakers.

Now about the types of arches of the foot.

1. Low arch or flat feet (excessive pronation).

If the imprint of almost the entire foot remains on the paper, i.e. there is little to no arching on the inside of the arch, then you have a very low arch or flat feet.
People with flat feet, with very low arches, tend to overpronate. Overpronation is when the foot turns too far inward as it moves while walking.

2. High arch of the foot (insufficient pronation).

If the arch between the ball of the foot and the heel is too large, then you have a high arch.

People with high arches tend to underpronate. Underpronation refers to insufficient inward rotation of the foot as it moves while walking.

3. Normal arch of the foot (neutral pronation).

If the description of the footprint is between the two cases above, then you have a normal foot arch, that is, there is a slight bend on the inside of the foot.

People with a normal arch of the foot have normal pronation.

Hollow foot - a pathology characterized by an abnormal increase in the rise of the longitudinal arch of the foot, is the opposite of flat feet.


The exact cause of this phenomenon has not been identified; pathology often develops due to weakness or hypertonicity of the muscular apparatus.

Predisposing factors of the disease:

  • Meningitis;
  • Polio;
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome;
  • Spinal dysraphia (malformation of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by partial non-fusion of tissues along the spinal column);
  • Friedreich's disease;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • Neoplasm in the spinal canal.


Cases have been identified when burns or fractures were recognized as the cause of the hollow foot.

In medicine, certain types of foot changes are distinguished:

  • Posterior - muscle insufficiency (triceps) is formed, which provokes a change in the posterior part of the plantar arch. The work of the ankle flexors flexes the foot, so the heel drops below the anterior sections;
  • Intermediate - a rare form of pathology, which is formed due to the formation of contractures on the muscles of the sole. Often develops with regular wearing of shoes with excessively hard soles;
  • Anterior - the foot is forced to unbend and the support during movement is distributed to the phalanges of the fingers, the heel is higher anterior section Feet. As the disease progresses, the heel bone turns inward, which leads to severe deformity of the foot.

All types of deformity are characterized by a redistribution of the load on the calcaneus and metatarsal bones. The ICD 10 code is Q66.7.


The first signs of a hollow foot are the appearance of fatigue after a long walk, a feeling of pain in the ankle and foot. Patients note the presence of difficulties in choosing comfortable shoes and the impossibility of walking on models with heels.

Typical symptoms of the hollow foot:

  • Hammer-shaped deformation of the phalanges;
  • The appearance of corns and corns on the thumb and little finger;
  • Intense pain in the ankle joint;
  • The high arch of the foot is determined by visual inspection;
  • Stiffness of the foot.

With deformation against the background of poliomyelitis, it is difficult for the patient to move, the patient has a “shuffling” gait, visual examination of the leg reveals muscle weakness, unilateral paresis.

With cerebral injury clinical picture the opposite: the muscles are in good shape, the functions of the tendons are increased. The pathology is characterized by a unilateral lesion, but in the case of a congenital defect, the deformity develops bilateral, rapidly progressing with childhood during periods of growth.

For Friedreich's disease, the hollow foot in adults is characterized by a tendency to progress and affect both limbs. On examination, ataxia and decreased sensitivity are determined, the gait is changed.

Expert opinion!

With mild symptoms, it is difficult to identify the cause. The hollow foot in a child is often formed under the influence of external factors and genetic predisposition. Children refuse to lean on the affected foot, avoid long walks.


At the initial visit to the doctor, an anamnesis and plantography are taken. The technique consists in imprinting the plantar part of the foot on paper and studying the resulting image. With a hollow foot, the arch is not visualized, there is a fingerprint and the heel of the foot. Advanced cases are characterized by the absence of contours of the fingers on the plantogram: a sign of claw-like deformity.

If you suspect neurological disorders X-ray diagnostics of the hollow foot, magnetic resonance therapy or electromyography are performed. To investigate old injuries CT scan legs, the patient is prescribed a consultation with a neurologist and a traumatologist.

The absence of neurological pathologies in the presence of symptoms of the hollow foot requires differential diagnosis with tumor-like formations in the spinal column, so the patient should be referred for a consultation with an oncologist.


The method of treatment is selected taking into account the established cause of the pathology, the degree of deformation and the age of the patient.

Treatment of the hollow foot in the initial stages is carried out using conservative methods of therapy:

  • massage;
  • Paraffin applications;
  • Physiotherapy.

A full course of massage is carried out under the supervision of a specialist using oils and special techniques. At home, it is permissible to replace it with walking on pebbles, a massage mat, knead muscles on your own and develop joints.

Paraffin applications are often used in children to relieve hypertension. Liquid, pre-heated in a water bath, paraffin is applied with a brush to the foot so that the foot is completely covered with the product. The paraffin "boot" is left for 30-50 minutes, after which the frozen paraffin is removed, the limb is wrapped in heat. This procedure allows you to remove muscle hypertonicity and improve blood circulation in the tissues.

Physical therapy is carried out under the guidance of an instructor, the selection of the program is carried out on an individual basis. Exercises allow you to strengthen the muscular system and develop joints, improve foot mobility.

The main types of exercises:

  • Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Put a ball, a few pencils or small objects on the floor beforehand. Alternately, with each foot, roll the ball from heel to toe and back, and then shift objects from one side to the other, using only the toes. Repeat 10-20 times with each leg;
  • Leaning on a chair, rise on your toes and make marching movements, avoiding completely lowering your feet to the floor. Then the position changes: the weight is transferred to the heels, then the exercise is repeated. With this method, the marching step is performed on the inside and outside of the foot. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times for each of the positions;
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs at the knee, then bend the foot as much as possible, stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, and return to the starting position. For a change, bending can be performed alternately, it is necessary to perform 20-30 bends with each foot.

On a note!

Before each workout, you must thoroughly warm up the muscles with a massage or warm-up.

To facilitate movement and fix the result of conservative therapy, insoles for the hollow foot are selected.

Properly selected insoles help reduce the load on the hip and ankle joints, increase a person's stability when walking.

When choosing an insole, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The model corresponds to the size of the foot;
  • The arch support is made of springy (hollow) or dense material;
  • Raised roll zone for caval arch support;
  • Hypoallergenic material from which the product is made.

For winter seasons, it is necessary to choose an insulated version of the insoles, and for summer shoes, manufacturers have developed colorless models that are invisible in sandals or sandals.

Surgical intervention

The operation is carried out at the later stages of deformity, when it is necessary to restore the foot.

Before surgery, conduction anesthesia is performed, then the surgeon dissects skin and adjacent tissues, then redresses the plantar aponeurosis, followed by partial resection of the bone structures. After bringing the foot to its normal position, the wound is sutured, and a cast is applied to the limb for 6-7 weeks. When deforming the toes, it is permissible to perform an osteotomy of the phalanges according to indications.

If it is impossible to completely correct the hollow foot during the operation, the wound is sutured, a cast is applied to the leg, and after 3 weeks the surgical intervention is repeated to complete the correction.

The postoperative period includes the mandatory implementation of the following rehabilitation methods:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • Painkillers;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Antibacterial therapy.

To prevent the progression of the pathology, shoes are made that do not have an arch lining and have a raised inner edge to provide support for the foot.

Foot deformity and army

Fitness for military service with a hollow foot is determined by a military commission, during which the health group of the future conscript is determined. When working with men, doctors rely on Art. 68 in the list of diseases.

Young men with significant impairments of motor function are not suitable for military service - horse, hollow and calcaneal feet, diagnosed as a result of injuries or other diseases. A young man receives a refusal to serve in the army in the case when the pathology does not allow the use of military-style shoes.

The objective reasons for refusing to pass the service are:

  • Supination of the posterior part of the hollow foot with simultaneous pronation of the anterior part of the foot;
  • High internal or external vault;
  • Hammer-shaped or clawed deformity of the phalanges.

To confirm the degree of a flat foot, an x-ray is taken, its arch is measured, and an objective assessment of the conscript's condition is carried out. In disputable cases, the decision is made by the medical commission.

Without timely treatment deformity in the form of a hollow foot will lead to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system, which will lead to inevitable disability.

What is a hollow foot? You can find a photo of this pathology in the presented article. We will also define the disease in question, identify the causes of its occurrence, list the symptoms and talk about the treatment.

basic information

What is a hollow foot? This is a pathology that implies deformation lower extremities. It is characterized by lowering the tips of the fingers down and raising the heel up. As a result of such a deformation, the size of the arched vault noticeably increases in the patient.

Hollow foot can be a hereditary disease, and also develop with age (from 35 years). The disease in question is the opposite of flat feet.

Stages of deformation

What does the treatment of the hollow foot depend on? Experts say that the choice of a particular therapy is directly related to the stage at which the disease is located. Specialists distinguish 2 stages of deformation:

  1. At the very beginning of the disease, a change in soft tissues (morphological) occurs. In order to eliminate this problem, doctors recommend that the patient apply pressure to the head first. metatarsal.
  2. If measures to treat the developed deformity have not been taken, then a stable phase of the disease occurs, which requires urgent medical intervention.


Why does a hollow foot develop? The reasons and the exact mechanism for the increase in the arched vault have not yet been elucidated. However, doctors suggest that such a pathology may occur due to imbalance (muscular) against the background of hypertonicity or weakening (paretic) of individual muscles of the foot and lower leg. By the way, some experts note that sometimes when examining a patient with the deformity in question, it is not possible to confirm a noticeable decrease or, conversely, an increase in the tone of muscle tissues.

According to most doctors, most often the hollow foot is formed due to the pathology of the neuromuscular apparatus and a number of diseases, as well as poliomyelitis, spinal dysraphia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, syringomyelia, polyneuropathy, Friedreich's ataxia, children's cerebral palsy, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, benign and malignant tumors spinal cord.

Very rarely, such a pathology develops due to burns of the lower extremities or improperly fused talus and (after fractures).

In 20% of all cases, the factors that provoked the hollow foot remain unexplained.

Symptoms of the disease

in pharmacies and medical centers very often sell insoles for the hollow foot. What are they needed for? The fact is that such a disease does not pass without a trace for the patient.

With an increase in the arched arch, the patient constantly complains of pain in the feet, fatigue while walking and discomfort in the ankle joints. Also, some patients note that they have great difficulty in choosing comfortable shoes.

When examining a person with the pathology under consideration, specialists reveal an increase in the height of the internal and external arch, flattening, expansion and slight adduction of the anterior soles, painful calluses (for example, at the base of the first toe and in the little finger area), as well as deformity of the fingers. In addition, such a patient quite often has severe stiffness of the foot.

Other signs

A hollow foot that has developed as a result of poliomyelitis may be accompanied by a mild unilateral paresis in combination with the equinus of the foot. At the same time, the tone of muscle tissues is reduced, and the deformation does not progress.

If a person has cerebral lesions, then he may experience spastic phenomena, increased muscle tone and increased reflexes (tendon). Such a process is not progressive and one-sided.

With congenital malformations, the pathology is usually bilateral. It is prone to progression, especially during periods of active growth (for example, at 5-8 years and at 11-15).

When a person has a 2-sided and progressive deformity of the feet, as well as which extends from the bottom up.

How is it diagnosed?

Exercises with a hollow foot should be performed without fail. However, this should be done only after the diagnosis is clarified by an experienced doctor. As a rule, for this purpose, the patient is sent for plantography and radiography of the foot.

With a mild deformity, the plantogram reveals a large depression of the concave arc of the inner edge, as well as a protrusion along the outer edge of the foot. With moderate pathology, concavity is observed up to the outer edge. As for a pronounced disease, the imprint of the sole of a person is divided into 2 parts.

There are also advanced cases when the contours of the fingers completely disappear from the footprint. This is due to their claw-like deformation.

If the doctor believes that the cause of the problem is a disease of the neuromuscular apparatus, then the patient is referred to a neurologist. The latter conducts a detailed neurological examination performs X-rays of the spine, MRI and CT, as well as electromyography and other studies.

For old tarsal bone injuries, the patient may need a CT scan of the foot.

If the hollow foot was detected for the first time and the patient does not have diseases of the neuromuscular system, and there are no previous injuries, then this indicates the possible occurrence of a tumor of the spinal cord. In this case, a person is sent for examination to an oncologist.

How to treat?

The tactics of treating the hollow foot is determined by the cause of its development, as well as the degree of increase in the arch arch and the age of the patient.

With moderate and mild pathologies, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy and massage. Non-fixed forms of this disease are amenable to conservative correction by wearing special shoes with a raised inner edge.

Severe fixed disease, especially in adults, is subject to surgical treatment.

Depending on the type of pathology and the reasons for its development, arthrodesis, osteotomy, crescent or wedge resection of the tarsal bones, tendon grafting and dissection of the plantar fascia can be performed. Various combinations of these techniques are also used.

Surgical intervention

The operation to restore the foot is carried out in a planned manner under conduction anesthesia. The best option is a combined surgical intervention according to Chaklin or Kuslik. The latter method involves open dissection or redressing of the plantar aponeurosis in conjunction with falciform or wedge resection of the cuboid bone. As soon as the resected area is removed, the back sections of the feet are bent towards the sole, and the front - towards the rear. After that, the wound is sutured, drained, and a cast is applied to the lower limb, which is not removed for 6-7 weeks.

During the operation according to the Chaklin method, the plantar aponeurosis is also redressed or dissected. Next, the bones of the tarsus are exposed. In this case, the extensor tendons are retracted to the sides, and then a wedge-shaped resection of a part of the cuboid bone and the head of the talus is performed.

As for it, it is removed partially or completely, depending on the severity of the deformation.

With a strong omission of the first metatarsal bone, its (additionally) osteotomy is performed. When observing the equinus, tenotomy of the Achilles tendon is performed.

In the event that in the process surgical intervention the position of the foot could not be corrected, a cast is applied to the leg for 3 weeks, after which it is removed and the final correction is made. Then the bandage is applied again for another 4 weeks.

Insoles and exercises

Can a hollow foot be treated? Insoles and properly selected shoes are one of the most simple ways getting rid of leg deformity, as well as its prevention.

According to experts, with a hollow foot, patients should give their preference to shoes with a wide platform and low heels. This will help keep your feet in the correct position.

It should also be noted that buying orthopedic shoes should only be under the supervision of the attending doctor. By the way, the latter can recommend shoes with a raised inner edge. To provide proper support for the arch of the foot, orthoses are necessarily used, that is, special insoles made to order.

How to reduce the pain caused by a hollow foot? Exercises and physiological procedures for the treatment of such a disease are selected on an individual basis, on the recommendation of the attending doctor. Here are some examples:

  1. Starting position sitting. The exercise is performed freely, then with resistance (fixed weights are applied to the foot, gymnastic elastic).
  2. Grasping movements with fingers and both feet of various objects (wooden, rubber, metal balls of different diameters, sticks, etc.) in a certain sequence - their sizes should be gradually reduced, and their weight should be increased.
  3. Starting position standing. Toes in, heels out, maximum external rotation of the shins, then transition to the outer edge of the foot. Next - lowering to the surface of the soles.

Also to eliminate discomfort the patient is prescribed paraffin baths, warm baths and manual correction of the deformity in the form of a massage.

The foot is an important element responsible for walking. It withstands the load of the human body, and any pathological process in the foot does not go unnoticed.

Stages of deformation

Hollow foot - a disease in which the arch arch increases, the tips of the fingers are lowered down, and the heel rises up.

There are two stages of deformation:

  1. At the beginning of the pathological process, moderate changes in soft tissues and ligaments of the foot. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to apply pressure on the head of the first metatarsal.
  2. The stable phase occurs without proper treatment and requires surgical intervention, since the height of the plantar arch does not allow the patient to walk.

There are three options for the development of a hollow foot:

  1. posterior type - the calcaneus falls below the toes. Often this process is accompanied by restriction of the movements of the abductor muscles;
  2. intermediate - develops quite rarely. The most common causes are thickening of the plantar fascia (Ledderhose disease), prolonged use of flat shoes;
  3. anterior - the calcaneus rises above the phalanges, and the foot rests on the tips of the fingers.

A variant of the norm, in which a person has a high arch of the foot, can be inherited from parents and not bring discomfort.

Causes of pathology

So far, the true causes of the hollow foot have not been studied.

It is assumed that the problem may occur due to:

  • diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus (poliomyelitis, incomplete infection median suture spine);
  • hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease);
  • syringomyelia;
  • ataxia, which develops due to damage to the cerebellum;
  • meningoencephaly;
  • neoplasms of various parts of the spinal cord;
  • severe burns of the foot;
  • improperly fused fractures of the bones of the foot, chronic injury.

Symptoms of the disease

At the beginning of the pathology, a person complains of weakness and pain during movement and at rest. It also becomes difficult to find comfortable shoes.

In the area of ​​​​the fifth toe and at the base of the big one, calluses and corns appear, bringing pain, there are restrictions in the movement of the foot.

A hollow foot in combination with poliomyelitis disease has a unilateral disorder with a decrease in muscle tone. With cerebral damage, muscle tone is increased along with tendon reflexes.

An increase in the arch is often expressed by a serious change in gait and a lack of sensitivity, deformity of the joints of the fingers (claw-shaped and hammer-shaped).

A hollow foot in a child is difficult to diagnose due to mild symptoms.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis is based on the plantography method.. His system is reduced to a footprint on a piece of paper, and the degree of the disease is already judged by the shape of the footprint.

Upon receipt of the image of the heel and fingers and the empty space between them, the patient is sent to the doctor for further examination.

To confirm the diagnosis, a visual examination, an X-ray examination and a consultation with a neurologist are also carried out, since the disease can be a symptom of serious pathological processes in the spinal cord.

Neurological examinations include X-ray of the spine, MRI, CT, electromyography and clarification of a hereditary history.

Treatment tactics

The method of treating a hollow foot is based on the causes of development, the degree of damage and the age of the patient. In the initial stages, the pathology can be treated conservatively with massage, paraffin applications and medical practices.

Surgical intervention

In advanced cases or in the absence of a result from previous therapy, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Operations are of several types:

  • arthrodesis (creation of ankylosis);
  • osteotomy (dissection with a change in the shape of the bone);
  • tendon transplant;
  • dissection of the fascia of the sole;
  • crescent or wedge resection.

The operation is performed using local anesthesia in a planned manner in a hospital setting. Surgeons use combined therapy according to the Kuslik method - excision of the aponeurosis with resection.

The navicular bone is removed entirely or part of it, and if the metatarsal bone is excessively lowered, its osteotomy is made.

After the manipulations, the incision is sutured, leaving drainage, and a plaster boot is applied. If the first time it was not possible to correct the hollow arch of the foot, the operation is repeated after 14 days.

During the rehabilitation process, the patient is shown:

  • acupuncture;
  • injections of antibiotics and painkillers;
  • wearing special shoes;
  • therapeutic massage, exercise therapy.

Insoles and shoes

The selection of comfortable and proper shoes is very important for the prevention of the disease and at the initial stage of its development. Choose shoes with low heels or a wide platform with a raised inner edge. Orthopedic shoes are selected after the doctor's recommendations.

Orthoses are used to support the arch of the foot. Calluses should be cut off regularly and placed under them with special pads or wear brace.

The main task of shoes is to reduce the load on the arch of the foot and discomfort when walking.


Physical therapy classes are carried out both after surgery and to prevent the development of deformity with a hollow foot.

  1. Exercise is done while sitting on a chair or in an armchair. First, it is carried out without load, then with resistance (using a weight or elastic band).
  2. Grabbing objects with toes of different sizes and shapes strengthens the muscle tissue and ligaments of the feet well. Each time it is necessary to increase the weight of the thing being lifted.
  3. In a standing position, maximally place the heels to the sides, and the socks inward, do external rotation (rotation) of the shins.
  4. Walking on the outer and inner edges of the feet.
  5. Exercises while standing on a beam.

Prevention and possible complications

The deformation will not progress if you follow a few rules:

  • timely treatment of diseases that cause the development of pathology;
  • regular courses of massage, exercise therapy, acupuncture;
  • rational nutrition, weight loss.

The procedure is best performed with warm hands, intensively rubbing the feet from toes to heels, it is useful to massage each finger separately.

Finish the exercise by kneading the lower leg and ankle.

Complications of the hollow foot are:

  • change in gait;
  • persistent deformity of the finger phalanges;
  • pain in the back and legs;
  • disability due to the inability to walk.

During treatment, the patient should be observed by a neurologist and a traumatologist. Only complex therapy will help to quickly overcome an unpleasant ailment and walk again without pain.

Man, unlike most other mammals, walks on two legs. As a result, he underwent changes in the structure of the spine and lower limbs, which took on the main load. An important role in this is played by the elevation of the foot.

Meaning and functions

Even when viewed from the outside, the human foot has a complex structure. It includes three departments:

  • anterior, which includes fingers and pads, followed by them;
  • middle, the area between the fingers and the heel, it contains the arch of the foot;
  • back, including the heel.

At the same time, all parts are interconnected by flexible joints using cartilage, ligaments and muscles, which ensures the stability of the foot and at the same time its mobility. At the same time, the arch of the foot is an element of the entire system, which takes on a significant part of the depreciation function when walking. The effectiveness of its “work” depends on the level of development of the muscles that form the lift, and they are formed in childhood at the age of about 3 to 10 years, as well as on hereditary factors and on the degree of development.

Types of lifts and their definition

The rise of the foot is usually divided into normal, low and high. To determine the rise of the foot, it is enough to stand on a flat surface completely on the sole and, without bending your knees, bend, sticking your index finger into the space between the foot and the floor.

Depending on the length of the finger that entered the gap, the arch is defined as:

  • normal, if the finger crawled 12-15 millimeters;
  • low if less than 12mm;
  • high if more than 15mm.

Another available method to measure indicators is a wet test, which many people took during physical examinations at school. You need to take a sheet of paper, put it on the floor, moisten your foot with water or grease it with a fat cream and step on the sheet. You need to stand straight in a natural way, without falling to the side.

High rise can be seen with the naked eye

After a few seconds, the leg should be removed, and the resulting print should be carefully examined and two lines drawn: from the center of the pad on the thumb to the heel, and perpendicular to it at the point of maximum narrowing of the foot. With a normal arch, the length of the second line will be slightly more than half the first. If you carefully look at the leg of a person in a calm state from above and with outside, then you can see the high rise of the foot or not.

However, some experts say that this test is not entirely accurate, because there are cases when a person has a low arch of the foot, but the instep is normal or high. That's why the best option definitions - consult an orthopedic doctor. For a person, normal lifting is optimal, since it provides the most correct load distribution.

With a high rise, the foot tilts outward during movement. As a result, the load is unevenly distributed, and largely falls on the last two fingers, which contributes to the appearance of sprains and dislocations. It is not uncommon for people whose instep is raised to have knee pain.

A low rise is also wrong, it indicates that the foot is too flat, so a significant load is transferred to thumb, and the depreciation function is performed poorly.

The owners of such a deformity often have a backache, and their legs get tired from long physical activity. Susceptibility to injury is also quite high. In addition, an improperly formed instep of the foot contributes to the development of various diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • bursitis;
  • Morton's neuromas;
  • gout and others.

There are several reasons why the lift is formed incorrectly, these are hereditary factors, improperly selected shoes, and insufficient physical activity in a child.

How to fix the defect?

It is better to form a rise in a small child, while the bones and muscles have not yet acquired their final position, they are easier to change. In adulthood, these procedures are much more difficult. However, it is worth remembering that in a child the process of arch formation can last up to 10 years. A high rise is extremely rare, more often it is a professional deviation, for example, among ballerinas who have been training muscles for many years and achieving a certain position of the foot.

At the same time, it cannot be removed, it can gradually become slightly lower in the absence of physical exertion and a decrease in muscle tone. The only thing that can be done is to be mindful of the high instep when buying shoes, and not allow them to compress the foot too much. But it is quite possible to reduce the problem of low rise. Special exercises and devices help to achieve this.

Stretching exercises are easy and simple

Of course, a lot depends on physiological features each person, and for some the process will go faster, while others will have to expend considerable effort. The main group of exercises is aimed at stretching the muscles and tendons, their effectiveness will depend on the frequency of classes and the correctness of the exercises.

One of the simplest things to do:

  • walking barefoot on a surface with different terrain (sand, pebbles, grass, etc.);
  • walking on toes, on the outside and inner sides stop;
  • grasping objects with toes;
  • rolling various objects with the foot;
  • pulling socks on or away from you and so on.

Each exercise is performed for 5-7 minutes with about 20 repetitions. Before stretching, warm up the muscles with a massage or exercise. As additional items can be used:

  • rollers under the heel;
  • tapes;
  • insoles that increase the arch of the foot;
  • slips for separation of fingers;
  • wedges that correct the angle of the foot;
  • correctors placed under the midsole.

For example, with the help of a tape, you can increase the load. To perform the exercise, you need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you and put a tape on your foot. Then gently pull the tape towards you, stretching your fingers. After 1-2 minutes, on the contrary, pull the tape back with your fingers, overcoming resistance. Good results are given by dance techniques that are used by specialists. Classical ballet positions will help with this.

First you need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, turn your socks to the sides as much as possible, without lifting your heels. Legs should be tense. If possible, you can try to sit down in this position, while keeping your hands on your waist and keeping your back straight. A similar exercise, legs should be placed in front of each other, turning the socks to the side as much as possible, so that the heel of one leg is in contact with the toe of the other.

It is very difficult to achieve this position, but with regular practice it is quite affordable for most people. In addition, for stretching, you can use special simulators that require less effort, but give more efficiency. However, it is worth remembering that they have a strong effect and do not overdo it, otherwise you can get an ankle injury, the treatment of which is quite long.

Exercise machines can be used to enhance the effect

Important! During classes, you need to prevent unpleasant consequences and take some precautions:

  • for the first time, wrap the feet with an elastic bandage;
  • do not exercise if pain is felt;
  • pull muscles gently and slowly after warming up;
  • during this period, if possible, use orthopedic shoes or embossed insoles, which will reduce the load during movement.

Restoration of the normal form of lifting is the prevention of other diseases. The instep of the foot plays a role in providing cushioning during walking and running, in most people it is within the normal range, but sometimes it needs to be increased for better load distribution. Then special exercises and patience come to the rescue.