Scorpio vs Leo who is stronger. Which zodiac sign is stronger Aries or Scorpio

These strong people do not throw words into the wind. Leo and Scorpio are perhaps one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac. Even individually. If they decide to be together, then they will have to go through a difficult stage. The compatibility horoscope is very successful, but the astrologer advises paying attention to the distribution of responsibilities in a pair. If this is a young guy and girl, then love can end without even starting.

The union of mature people will withstand any test. A man and a woman over 30 will find "the same" in each other.

In a relationship, those who know how to listen to their beloved are lucky. If you are completely focused on your career, and love is relegated to the background, such a love partnership is not for you.

By the way, they have no equal in sex, prohibitions are broken together, secret desires are realized. Your love is waiting just around the corner. The astrologer can give useful advice how to increase compatibility, even in the most difficult situation.

Strong zodiac signs

A pair of Scorpio and Leo can make a brilliant union of two strong people. It's all about the same influence of the Sun on both signs of the zodiac. This is important, because the compatibility horoscope is based on zodiacal energy. Of course, before living a measured life, the couple will have to face a number of difficulties. Both are amazing, unique individuals in their own right. Two geniuses under one roof will have a hard time until a man and a woman sort themselves out. Such a union obliges them to reconsider their attitude towards themselves.

When the "grinding in of characters" is over, you can make plans. This pair of zodiac signs can have a varied, happy future. Travel and adventure, family, children, incredible career ups. Getting it all right - that's another question. The compatibility horoscope advises couples to spend time together more often, just the two of them.

Leo is always on top

A bright representative of the influence of the Sun. Leo proudly walks through life, and the rest of the signs make way for him. Of friends, the sign Aries fit better everything, although he dare not hope for the love of the Lion.


A very ambitious person, this woman is Leo. She is sure that her word is the last in any dispute. Most often, an unusual person, gifted with a variety of talents. Her horoscope is very eventful. There are few who are truly able to understand the soul of a Leo woman. Much more envious people. She strives for success, relegating her worries and doubts to the background. They should be, but should not interfere with her path. The sign Aries will be able to build excellent friendships with Leo. Friendship will become for both a secret secret that will pass through life. But, unfortunately, Leo and Aries will not be able to build love. Both are very disappointing, because there is so much in common that connects them.

Compatibility in love with Leo is difficult. Few stand the test of her character. This is a lioness, ready to defend her interests, the right to freedom. Who can conquer her proud temper? Who is indispensable for a Leo woman? Only strong, wise and cunning. Strong sexual energy. The Leo woman is often looking for a one-night stand to satisfy her desires. You should not expect more from her, she herself will say that it was only an adventure.


The rest of the signs of the zodiac tremble before him. Leo man is coming. His path through life is not easy, but he continues it with dignity. The main thing is to shine, sparkle and attract the attention of an enthusiastic audience. Leo loves to work for the audience. For him, this is a way to replenish energy - to receive applause, congratulations, admiration. Most often, a man under the zodiac sign Leo is a favorite of the public, a naked boss, a famous actor. He should be at the forefront of his field. There is no point in competing with him in the workplace. The lion will win. But, friendship is easy for a sign.

In love, he is noble, but impatient. Fight and win - win the object of love. Leo will definitely do it. If he is according to the eastern horoscope of the Serpent, then this gives Leo an advantage. Such a combination of Leo and Snake is always attractive, adds charisma and attractiveness to the zodiac. His horoscope is full of love victories, the Leo man does not count them. Women fall at his feet for as long as he wants. Finding the only one is a difficult task when there is such a huge selection.

Scorpio does not give up

The mysterious symbol of the alchemists. Scorpio is able to be invisible, but stings to death. It is better not to cross the road to representatives of this sign. His horoscope is always associated with the influence of Mercury, which means that a mystical mystery envelops the scorpion.


The Scorpio woman is attractive to many zodiac signs. She controls herself, knows how to be mysterious and inaccessible. Conquering her is the dream of many strong signs. In turn, Scorpio does not seek to fall into someone else's network, she confidently sets her own. Her compatibility with strong signs is great, but she will have to endure the battle for superiority. She respects equals in strength, intelligence, ingenuity. The sexual energy of a Scorpio woman is very high, sex means a lot in a relationship. If it is not there, or if it is not of high quality, you will have to leave. So the Scorpio woman replenishes her strength.


Their main goal is to manipulate people. Scorpio men simply possess when everything goes their way. This sign is known for its cunning, so be careful. The horoscope of life often changes according to the mood of the sign itself. Friendship with them does not always lead to the desired, rather, the Scorpio man plays with you. As soon as he does not need a person, friendship, love, any relationship ceases. Scorpio appears in a different light. Yes, they are not easy. This sign is strongly attached to its family, clan. For them, for their sake, he will do everything necessary. Others are a means to an end. They are often promiscuous in sex, especially in their younger years.

By all laws, Leo and Scorpio should be the perfect couple.

The combination of Scorpio and the Snake in the eastern horoscope smoothes the corners. A person receives more nobility and honesty than is allowed to sign by nature. The snake is able to balance his personality. Immediately, compatibility with others increases, there are more chances to build a successful alliance. He is looking for a female accomplice. She is not boring, she does not judge. Yes, and in sex there should be harmony - common little obscene secrets.

How to survive together

Both pair combinations are considered successful. In love, when a Leo man and a Scorpio woman, Scorpio will always rule the ball. In their union, she is a "grey eminence", enjoying the love and support of her husband. As long as he does not try to throw her off the pedestal, everything is going fine, the signs have a happy fate. Their interests lie in the same plane, which means that there is always something to talk about.

When at least one of the partners of the Serpent is in this pair, their horoscope changes. The Leo Snake combination is very interesting, it makes his ambitions fade into the background over time, allowing the family to break into the first place. This is only good for Scorpio, because this way he has more influence on his partner.

Honestly, this is a stellar paradox. Their compatibility is high, there are common interests, aspirations, outlook on life. Everything would be perfect in their relationship if both could step over pride. Wise Scorpio and proud Leo. Where does their mind go when feelings come into play? Perhaps it is their powerful sexual energy that does not give a sober look at relationship problems. You have a lot of interesting things ahead of you, do not forget that happiness awaits you in love and marriage.

This is a good couple, but you need to clearly set the boundaries: this is “her” territory and tasks, and this is “his”. In general, your love story is just beginning. The union of adults, a man and a woman loving each other with passionate love. What could be better? You have high compatibility, use this to build the union of your dreams. There should be plenty of space for a couple. Always relax together, come up with something just the two of you. This is love and friendship, a good combination of feelings for one couple. From this, the compatibility of the couple increases significantly. Who knows, perhaps it is you who will set an example for all the Lions and Scorpios in love who are a little confused?

The combination of feelings in Leo and Scorpio - all the secrets and secrets of compatibility according to the horoscope to the site

Some people are born tender and vulnerable, others are punchy and self-confident. Everyone is endowed with an individual talent. Today we will talk about the most powerful signs of the zodiac. Read the details in this article.

  1. Capricorn - the power of patience
  2. The strength of Capricorn is in his patience, perseverance and ability to wait. He first sets goals, and then moves long and hard to achieve them. This approach invariably leads to excellent results.

    No, Capricorn is not looking for easy wins. Rapid conquest is not his style. He will first think everything over, prepare the ground for future achievements, and after that he will begin to act. In his notebook you can always find plans and schedules.

    Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, controls time. Therefore, our hero knows that time is on his side. He does not give up at the first difficulty. On the contrary, they urge him to show even more perseverance.

    When competitors have already given up, Capricorn makes the last push and receives the long-awaited prize.

    One of the secrets of Capricorn's success is in his methodical and rational approach. Sober calculation and analysis of the situation without unnecessary emotions help to make the right decisions and find the best ways.

  3. Aries - the power to move forward
  4. Aries is a direct and very energetic person. He is always full of ideas, without which his life would become unbearably empty and boring. Continuous movement forward is the key to his good mood and well-being.

    Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries strives to be #1 in everything. To be the very first, to overtake competitors, to do better than others - these are the main incentives for its activity. The element of competition only fuels his interest.

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    Representatives of this zodiac sign are able to fully devote themselves to work. These are the people who say: "There are no problems, there are only tasks." They solve the assigned tasks quickly, showing their impetuous character.

    Aries will not stagnate in place, pondering the question for a long time. He prefers to act rather than wait.

    And such tactics can lead to success. While competitors are slow, Aries has already coped with the task.

  5. Leo - strength of personality
  6. Leo highly appreciates success in society, naturally endowed with leadership qualities. This is an ambitious and at the same time very charming person. Usually Leos are loved by those around them for their bright personality.

    Representatives of this sign are not afraid to take responsibility. They are distinguished by courage and the desire to prove themselves.

    Therefore, Leos make wonderful leaders and managers who are respected by their subordinates.

    Self-esteem is another of Leo's key qualities. He will not allow anyone to humiliate him. This is a worthy opponent who can fight back any sign of the zodiac. But with the defeated, Leo always acts nobly.

    This zodiac sign is susceptible to compliments and fawning. Leos love to be praised, especially when it's done in front of people. If someone belittles Leo in front of others, he will receive an implacable enemy.

  7. Scorpio - emotional strength
  8. Scorpios are passionate and impulsive natures, although they show it only to close people. Them inner world full of emotions and feelings. Inner work gives a powerful boost of energy for vigorous activity and achievements.

    Scorpio loves to be the first and achieve high results. But his approach is different from that of . He prefers not to demonstrate his desires, but secretly seek ways to achieve them.

    Scorpios generally love mysteries. They enjoy unraveling the secrets of the lives of others. A powerful mind and the desire to get to the bottom of everything in everything usually open the veil to them over what is hidden from the rest.

    This zodiac sign is the most stress-resistant of all. And all thanks to the patron - the planet Pluto, which is responsible for the revival.

    However, it would be a mistake to think that Scorpio does not experience stress at all - on the contrary, his feelings are deep. But force negative emotions he is able to transform into a powerful charge of energy and spend it to achieve his goals.

  9. Aquarius - the power of individuality

Aquarius from childhood feels different from everyone else. He thinks differently than others, dresses extravagantly, or has unusual hobby. It is very important for him to show his uniqueness and not be led by others.

At the same time, Aquarius is a collectivist. He loves to work in a group, because understands that everyone does his part of the work, everyone contributes a part of himself to the common cause. As a result, together you can achieve much more than alone.

Aquarius is stubborn, if not stubborn. He wants to do things his own way, and no one can convince him otherwise. Thanks to their sharp mind and extraordinary resourcefulness, representatives of this sign are known for their achievements in science. Consider, for example, Thomas Edison and Dmitri Mendeleev.

Aquarius will always prefer their own path rather than the beaten path. Therefore, he can achieve heights in areas that most people simply do not fall into.

These are the five most powerful signs of the zodiac. Of course, other signs can also show strength of character, the will to win and succeed in life.

Anyone can offend an artist! Yes, that's right, Gemini is the weakest sign of the zodiac, unable to take a hit. So the Gemini would basically have every chance of becoming the zodiac whipping boys. Unless, of course, among all the other signs there would be at least one idiot who would have thought of going out with his heroic strength against the Twins. Against the Gemini and their Jesuit cunning and outstanding cunning.

11th place - Cancer

Cancer's strength is small, but he doesn't really need it - he's still in the house. In your beautiful, cozy bunker house, where you can safely survive a nuclear war and a zombie apocalypse. So the only case when Cancer needs strength is the rebellion of the household. But in this case, Cancer has a sharply sharpened metaphorical claw. It's called "Aren't you ashamed?!".


10th place - Libra

A small, weak and gentle cat, falling into the astral plane at the slightest sign of aggression directed in his direction. It should be noted that the tactic “In any incomprehensible situation, pretend to be dead” perfectly replaces the missing strength for Libra, so they do not suffer much without this very strength. Well, except in the situation when Libra themselves want to be aggressive. However, they get out in an elementary way - they simply set their tame Aries on the enemy.

9th place - Virgo

Virgos, unlike the rest of the zodiac weaklings, suffer a lot about their weakness. “Why, well, why didn’t the Universe give me more strength?” Virgo sighs, and all the other signs stealthily praise the dear Universe for this act. would give out.

8th place - Pisces

The strength of the Pisces is in their weakness, this is obvious to everyone. But not everyone understands that Pisces is not at all as weak as they want to seem. And only our magic ball knows that Rybka can accumulate their weak strengths in anticipation of the right moment, and they can wait almost forever without giving themselves away. So evil enemies always get hit with a fish tail suddenly. Sometimes to death.

7th place - Leo

Lions quite sincerely imagine themselves as omnipotent zodiacal Samsons and believe that their strength is: 1) stronger than all other forces; 2) unlimited; 3) is eternal. The situations in which the enemy turned out to be stronger, the formidable Lions prefer to immediately forget: I don’t remember, so it didn’t happen! But, by the way, these situations happen with Lions infrequently: well, what kind of fool decides to check whether Leo is really as strong as he says? Well him.

6th place - Aquarius

The power of Aquarius is truly limitless, this cannot be taken away from them. But sometimes there is not enough power in it. That is, Aquarians could develop their strength and get a gold medal in this rating, but they don’t need it at all. Well, what is the meaning of that strength - to fight, or what? Aquarius himself does not want to fight with anyone, and those who want to fight with him are quickly disappointed. In a difficult situation, Aquarius discovers a talent for mutations and turns into a puddle of elastic slurry. Very smelly, we note, slurry: once you hit it, you won’t wash off all your life.

5th place - Scorpio

Scorpios, according to all other signs, have absolutely incredible power, perhaps even mystical. Which is unexpectedly completely wrong. It’s not that the Scorpions are some kind of weaklings, it’s just that their strength is nothing compared to their other outstanding qualities: cunning and deceit. So Scorpios rarely use their own power. Well, what's the point of kicking the door with a running start if you know how to open the locks, right?

4th place - Aries

An honorable fourth place goes to Aries, who are a classic case of "There is power - no need for mind." And "don't" doesn't mean "no". It's just that there is a mysterious and incurable bug in the Aries' internal firmware that disables the mind function when the power function is turned on. And, oddly enough, it is this bug that makes Aries almost invincible: it is completely useless to argue with an angry Aries, because he does not understand a damn thing, and it is pointless to fight, because he is still stronger. Profit!

3rd place - Taurus

The two-wire Taurus closes the top three, on which, as you know, you can plow 24/7. It should, however, be borne in mind that Taurus, who for some reason does not want to plow, rests with the same force with which he usually plows, and it is completely impossible to move him. But this may be for the best. Because Taurus generally applies its mighty power to everything, and while he does nothing powerfully, you can live in peace. Exactly until Taurus decides that now it's time to plow in 24/7 mode. Everyone. Yes, yes, including you, loafers! Resistance, of course, is useless.

2nd place - Sagittarius

Desperate fighter. The dear universe showered Sagittarius with an incredible amount of heroic strength, but it didn’t explain where to apply it. Therefore, Sagittarians, as a rule, spend it on stopping galloping horses, which they themselves forced to gallop. You can watch this process endlessly, because it looks really amazing. Unless, of course, you were appointed a horse this time.

1st place - Capricorn

Capricorn is not just the most powerful sign of the zodiac. Capricorn is a battery man who draws strength from some mysterious internal source, and then distributes it to those in need for free without SMS. May the force be with you, you, how are you?! What does "don't" mean? As Capricorn says, so be it. In any case, yes.

Compatibility Scorpio - Aries: Boa constrictor and rabbit

The most difficult couple with very controversial compatibility. The common patron planet Mars helps Scorpio and Aries find common ground and unite in a critical situation.

Where there is one goal that requires full mobilization. But in ordinary life this relationship becomes a confrontation: fast and fierce or eternal and hidden.

Still, the elements of signs - Fire and Water - are in confrontation, which sets the tone for this pair.

Scorpio is the "boa constrictor" for the posterior sign Aries. "Rabbit"-Aries, despite its strong fiery character, somewhere in the subconscious is afraid of Scorpio, who sees through him.

And Scorpio actually quickly realizes that behind the visible ardor of Aries, there is little that is really worthwhile: all his ideas are primitive, his views are too superficial, successes are just a coincidence, and strength and pressure are applied thoughtlessly.

Aries does not have the opportunity to become an equal ideological and spiritual partner of Scorpio, and it is precisely this image that he is trying to create around his person. Scorpio for Aries is like a cold shower, extinguishing all the ardor.

Sometimes Aries looks as if naked under the cold-blooded gaze of Scorpio, who sees all his weaknesses and sore spots. And, oddly enough, this attracts many Aries like a magnet.

They simultaneously experience subconscious fear and respect for the "boa constrictor" - Scorpio.

It is important for Scorpio to feel in demand in the eyes of the opposite sex, wherever he is.

And Aries, perhaps, is easier than others to respond to the typical tricks of Scorpio: a fleeting hint of flirting, a wide smile, ringing laughter in response to Aries' joke - and Aries is on the hook. And now Scorpio himself starts up, feeling the influence of his charms.

But few of the Scorpios understand that they are turned on more by their own irresistibility in the eyes of Aries than by this character who happened to be nearby.

However, if a random character will have a status and an important role in the society where both revolve, then Scorpio will start up even more at first.

Again, due to the fact that such a strong and important partner was smitten by him on the spot. But later, Scorpio realizes that it would be nice to take advantage of all the selfless opportunities provided by Aries.

So Aries can become a new sensory experiment in the life of Scorpio.

The main conflicts in the pair of Scorpio and Aries

If Scorpio did not have experience with fire signs, then he will not immediately be embarrassed that their couple with Aries is far from ideal. Especially painful for him will be experiences regarding a complete mismatch in the emotional sphere: on the part of Aries there is no necessary return, his feelings seem superficial, real support in his experiences cannot be found.

Due to the fatalism and tragedy inherent in the sign of Scorpio, he may well regard all problems as a kind of cross of fate, which he will carry with dignity, having built these relationships. Such is the nature of Scorpio: in love, he does not look for easy ways.

Therefore, he often remains unhappy, for a long time making attempts to find harmony with partners who are initially difficult for him.

Aries is almost the exact opposite of Scorpio. And together they constantly rush from one extreme to another, satisfying the interests of only one, but not both partners at once. Although more often, of course, the couple also acts in the interests of the "boa constrictor" - Scorpio.

By nature, Scorpio is a realist with a bias towards pessimism, because. his peculiarity is that he unmistakably sees weaknesses, problems and everything negative in people and things.

No wonder Scorpios are one of the the best doctors, and especially surgeons who determine and cut off all the sick. Therefore, in relationships, Scorpios often more interesting people having obvious or hidden (especially latent) problems.

Next to which they will be able to realize themselves as a mental "surgeon". And Aries in the eyes of Scorpio is one big problem.

Aries, in comparison with Scorpio, is a much more positive and optimistic personality. But this is all from the fact that, according to Scorpio, he does not know much and does not notice much. Therefore, the further these relations develop, the more insoluble contradictions will accumulate.

And at some point, a conflict will begin on all fronts, where each sign with its inherent persistence will fight to the end. Water will try to extinguish Fire, and Fire will unsuccessfully try to evaporate the raging water ocean.

Aries will rely on strength, rudeness and attempts to make fun of Scorpio, but Scorpio looks stronger both morally and spiritually.

Scorpio woman and Aries man

A classic combination for this couple. A seductive Scorpio woman will easily capture the heart of an Aries man, and then she will happily accept his signs of attention. And then frankly benefit.

Despite her imaginary fragility, the Scorpio woman will leave the Aries man very little chance of dominating the relationship and will easily manipulate him. Somewhere with whims, somewhere with insults, but in general, purely emotionally, as befits a water sign.

The Aries man will not be able to use force in response. Unable to resist the magnetism of the partner Aries will try to do everything to please her.

And only in rare moments, when he can be alone, will the revelation come down on him that he gives more in these relationships than he receives.

Scorpio man and Aries woman

The Aries woman is active, strong and passionate. A Scorpio man who is a collector of women's hearts may be interested in a new copy. Why not? Moreover, she literally jumps into his arms herself. The beginning of their meetings is very promising.

It is unlikely that he will have any mercantile goals in relation to the Aries woman, so he will try to end the relationship as soon as his feelings for her fade away. But she can still remind him of herself for a long time.


Energy horoscope: strong zodiac signs

Each person is naturally endowed with energy and energy potential - the ability to accumulate and use energy. This potential can be revealed with the help of an individual horoscope.

But there are also universal energy properties inherent in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

From the point of view of energy, it cannot be said that there are uniquely weak or strong signs of the zodiac, they simply represent different types energies associated with their element.

Fire Energy: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The fire trine represents active principle Yang energy. Fiery energy often forms the temperament of a choleric person - dynamic and impatient, self-confident and quick-tempered. If the representatives of Fire could direct their energy exclusively in a positive direction, then they could be called the most powerful signs of the zodiac. But, alas, fiery energy often pushes to destruction.

Aries energy- the most intense and unbridled, identified with acetylene fire, which is difficult to extinguish. She makes herself felt by the high level of endurance of Aries. It helps to move forward, fight and survive in the most severe conditions, overcome difficulties and restrictions, and achieve your goals.

Leo Energy, as a kind of fiery energy, softer and more restrained. And this is the main energy of the personality, which allows revealing talents and abilities.

It can be compared to the fire of a fire, which must be maintained. The energy constancy of Leo is ensured by any vigorous activity, whether it is a hobby or creativity.

And vice versa, passivity, lack of ambition and plans plunges Leo into despondency and adversely affects health.

Sagittarius Energy personifies the processes of distribution and distribution. It is no coincidence that Sagittarius is characterized by the desire to "go beyond", broadening their horizons and a passion for exploring new spaces (travel).

Unlike the first two signs of Fire, Sagittarius can manage their energy more consciously, in a certain focus. As an analogy, we can cite the ruler of Sagittarius - the mythical Jupiter, who controls thunder and lightning.

The most successful energy of Sagittarius is used to attract attention in society, for social work, to promote ideas in teams and groups, that is, the purpose of Sagittarius is in its social function.

Earth Energy: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The earth trine represents energy embedded in matter. She belongs to the female type of energies - "Yin", and her main principle is stability.

Carriers of the earthly type of energy often have a melancholic temperament. But these are the owners of a sober mind and prudence, which means they are the most powerful signs of the zodiac in practical, earthly terms.

Thinking more rationally, they more easily achieve material well-being.

Taurus Energy- the most calm, allows you to act more deliberately and consistently.

But often Taurus becomes too inert or passive, freezes like lava, then unable to move from the "dead center". This state is not the best for solving the tasks.

Therefore, Taurus needs to develop willpower in order to overcome these periods. In this, such character traits as perseverance and perseverance help him.

Virgo- the image of the Earth-nurse, bearing fruit, but subject to moisture. Dry cracked earth is barren and unpromising, while juicy and wet is a source of abundance and prosperity.

Virgo tends to notice a lot of things, classify and highlight the most beneficial and useful. This process is like separating the wheat from the chaff.

The task of the Virgo is not to harden, to find a harmonious balance between the mind and feelings, since material forms are too much for her. great importance, and far from everything is worthy of such close attention and analysis.

Capricorn corresponds to the process of crystallization of matter, therefore, the earth element is presented here in the form of a mineral or natural crystal - the custodian of the energy of the Earth.

If we take into account the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of health, then Capricorn wins against all the others. There are many centenarians among Capricorns.

The older Capricorn is, the more positive and creative his energy becomes.

Air Energy: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The air trine represents the most mobile, changeable and inconstant energy, partly asexual, which is a conductor of thoughts and ideas. It symbolizes information and the mental plane as a whole.

The predominance of the air element in the horoscope usually forms the temperament of a sanguine person - the owner of a lively mind and a labile psyche.

Air signs are the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of intelligence and its capabilities.

Twins endowed with all the benefits that only air energy can give: the ability to assimilate large amounts of information, virtuosity in establishing contacts with people, creative and other talents.

Enumerating the virtues of Gemini, one cannot fail to mention their main drawback: the lack of reliability, depth and solidity. Superficiality is inherent in different areas of Gemini life, and the most striking example is the sphere of relationships.

Gemini does not tolerate boredom and monotony, monotony and stagnation: this is the whole essence of the manifestation of the energy of Air - a restless wind that constantly changes its direction.

Libra Energy- more calm and moderate, they are more thorough than Gemini, but less decisive. They tend to hesitate in making decisions.

However, the air element in this sign is the most friendly to the rest: no sign has such clear diplomatic abilities, no one strives so hard for harmony everywhere and in everything. Libra can be called the kings of ethics and cultural interaction.

Aquarius- this is air compressed under pressure, which, apparently, provokes his endless desire for freedom of action. The release of the energy of Aquarius is most clearly manifested in the birth of his unique ideas.

If we consider the strong signs of the zodiac in the field of science and art, then Aquarius manifest themselves as the most daring and original, prone to experimentation in their field.

But the typical disharmony of the energy of Aquarius is manifested in its unpredictability and explosiveness of nature.

Water Energy: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The water trine represents energy female type, but just as water happens in different states, so the water signs of the zodiac have significant differences between themselves, endow with different, sometimes opposite types of characters and temperaments - from choleric to melancholic. It's all about the emotional nature of these signs. These are the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of their emotional richness, sensuality and imagination.

Crayfish symbolizes Water in its original form, which can both create, give life, and become uncontrollable and destroy.

This is a cool pond with water lilies, shimmering in the moonlight - a symbol of contemplation and romance of Cancer, and a dark pool, with its unexplored depths - a symbol of the subconscious, and a warm fountain of a geyser - a symbol of the release of emotional energy.

This list can be continued, ending with a tsunami wave that sweeps away everything in its path. The task of Cancer is to learn to control their emotions.

Scorpion worthy of becoming a leader in the ranking - the most powerful signs of the zodiac - in many respects. His energy is almost inexhaustible, but only when in difficult circumstances can Scorpio take advantage of its hidden reserves.

It is known, for example, that Scorpio is able to recover from the most severe blows of fate, including illnesses and injuries that turn out to be fatal for others. In ordinary life, Scorpio is cool water, which either freezes, then thaws, then heats up to the limit, then turns into ice.

The character of Scorpio is based on this - a receptacle of genuine passions, although well hidden.

Pisces Energy- the most mystical, mysterious and incomprehensible. Therefore, it can be compared with the ocean, but rather with the depths of the sea, because the Water in this sign is the darkest and deepest.

Water depths are a symbol of emotional depths, thoughts and feelings, inexpressible in words, but which can be embodied in beautiful images. Water energy is most easily transformed into creative energy, especially in Pisces.

It is not for nothing that there are many artists, musicians, etc. among Pisces.

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Aries and Scorpio: Sign Compatibility

Aries guy, Scorpio girl find compatibility quickly, especially when it comes to sex. When a Scorpio woman comes across on the path of life, the Aries man first of all notices her sex appeal and innate passion.

He is sure that he has finally met a woman who is able to respond to his love ardor and appreciate love abilities.

Later, upon closer acquaintance, studying their compatibility, the Scorpio woman, the Aries man will understand that they have much more in common than passion and physical attraction.

The Scorpio woman and the Aries man will build their compatibility if they see that they complement each other perfectly. The Scorpio woman can give the Aries man what he is waiting for - caring, feminine affection, passion.

Thanks to the logical, masculine mindset, a woman will become a kind of intellectual center in the family. And where the husband wants to go to the breach, the wife will tell you roundabout, but more reliable ways.

In turn, Aries and Scorpio give a lot, first of all, a sense of reliability, he is exactly the man that a woman always dreams of, active, strong, purposeful, and even endowed with remarkable passion.

A pair of Scorpio girl and Aries man can look like anything in public. Sometimes it seems that everything is controlled by a man, sometimes it seems that the main wife in the family.

In fact, all this is a deception, none of them is the main one, the compatibility of the Scorpio woman and the Aries man is built exclusively on partnerships.

And as soon as they begin to compete who is stronger, Aries or Scorpio, the relationship is torn.

The first difficulties of compatibility between the Scorpio woman and the Aries man begin to experience when they do not realize themselves at work and in public life. Husband and wife begin to take revenge on each other, take out their dissatisfaction and aggression on partners.

When the Aries guy is nearby, the Scorpio girl questions compatibility because of her emotionality. It seems to her (and often this turns out to be true) that the guy is not able to understand and appreciate her feelings to the end.

She suffers from a lack of attention and begins to put pressure on Aries, which never leads to a positive result.

In order for Scorpio, Aries to maintain their compatibility of signs for many years, they must join forces. With mutual support, steam is capable of moving mountains, it is only necessary to direct the energy in one direction. Both husband and wife need to lead an active life, build a career, engage in public affairs, start their own business.

And when something does not work out, in no case do not blame your soulmate for this. Aries and Scorpio emotional compatibility is not very good, so it is better for a woman to have a girlfriend for spiritual conversations, and not be sad that her husband does not understand her.

And he needs to let his wife go free, loving woman Scorpio will never cheat on a man Aries, fidelity for this sign is not an empty phrase.

Aries woman and Scorpio man compatibility

If the Scorpio woman and the Aries man are considered a very compatible couple, then things are no less successful in the opposite distribution of the sexes.

Water and fire, they complement each other, a man is able to pacify the recalcitrant flame of a woman, and she, in turn, warms up the cold of water and melts mistrust.

When Aries and Scorpio meet, compatibility may not be noticed immediately, a man seems too cold to a woman, and a woman is very rebellious to a man. But already in the course of their acquaintance, they discover that everything is completely different and the questions of whether Aries and Scorpio are compatible disappear on their own.

A couple of Scorpio and Aries can live a long and happy life, the connection between them is simply mystical. These are two strong personalities, a warrior and his Amazon, who can turn the whole world upside down if they look in the same direction.

Both partners are very purposeful, only mutual distrust and misunderstanding can prevent them from achieving their goal. Here, the Aries woman needs to be careful and slightly reduce her habit of being always in the spotlight, it’s better not to cause her partner’s jealousy, this can end badly.

Aries and Scorpio compatibility is good, but it can also crack.

When does Aries, Scorpio compatibility of signs endanger? First of all, at the moment when a woman begins to fight for leadership. Aries is a strong sign and used to decide everything for themselves. But a Scorpio man can rarely tolerate this.

The second danger is jealousy, this flaw is inherent in both signs. And Aries and Scorpio can give each other enough reasons, a man's sexuality goes beyond all limits, and a woman is constantly ready to respond to compliments and provoke them.

How reliable Aries and Scorpio will find compatibility depends largely on the woman. She must understand that by making small concessions she can achieve a lot. Scorpios know how to love, they are able to be faithful, they are ready to give in if they put forward enough weighty arguments.

But in no case should their leadership be challenged, this can damage not only family relationships, even when the Aries woman and the Scorpio woman are friends, the latter tries to be the main pair.

It is very important to be sincere, Scorpio's intuition is highly developed and he will instantly figure out a lie.

Aries and Scorpio compatibility in bed

Scorpio girl and Aries guy, when they see each other for the first time, can ignite passion instantly.

A slightly different situation arises when an Aries woman and a Scorpio man meet, they need some time to understand that they cannot live without each other. Scorpio and Aries compatibility horoscope in bed are excellent.

It should be noted that astrologers consider them the sexiest signs of the zodiac. Only Aries is dominated by indefatigable energy, and Scorpio has an almost mystical passion.

Stormy reconciliations in bed? It's about them, Aries and Scorpio improve their compatibility with stunning sex, after which they forget about all quarrels and misunderstandings.

A man and a woman are drawn to each other like a magnet, but do not forget that everything in life becomes boring and passion too.

A married couple needs to bring a little variety to their marital bed, especially since both husband and wife have nothing against sexual experiments.

Aries and Scorpio Work Compatibility

If an Aries woman and a Scorpio woman, or two men of these signs, converge in one team, the team will have big things to do. Both employees will compete to prove that they are the best and fight for leadership.

A smart boss must direct their ardor in the right direction so that he really brings the expected result.

In partnerships, Aries and Scorpio can build their compatibility only when they are engaged in creativity or the development of new, interesting projects. Otherwise, everything will end in a dispute over who is in charge here.

Disputes over who is stronger, Aries or Scorpio, can also arise between superiors and subordinates. Both signs are smart enough to get their relationships right at work.

But still, Scorpio cannot always resist not to weave intrigues against the head of Aries, and he, in turn, often allows himself to be rude. If the leader is Scorpio, things will go better.

Despite the initial conflict of the elements of the signs - Water and Fire - there are positive aspects in their union. Everything related to business, cooperation, common business, work in a large team - here the compatibility of Scorpio and Leo can manifest itself very effectively. What can not be said about love, and even more so a family, where everything is far from being as favorable as we would like.

Nevertheless, the pair of "Patron and Advisor" is more business than family. Although, if we are talking about a family business, then the "patron" - Scorpio and "advisor" - Leo could successfully develop it together, being distracted by family issues only after hours. By the way, and as lovers, they can be very passionate, but only at first, while the love has not yet passed and everyone tries to show their best side, trying to please their partner.
In general, demonstrating oneself, wearing social masks and creating an image for society are very important for both Scorpio and Leo. important points in life. And in many ways, the images that both build are similar. In part, it is these positive images that attract them to each other during the first meeting. The duration of the relationship of this couple will depend on how ready everyone is to believe in the image of a partner, turning a blind eye to obvious discrepancies with him.

It may be very surprising for Leo that he, a recognized fiery leader, can easily be put in his place by Scorpio, who has just smiled broadly and shoots his eyes in his direction. And the way Scorpio unmistakably sees the weaknesses of Leo and his whole essence inspires Leo with respect for the person of his “patron”. Leo will feel even more respect for Scorpio, recognizing in him a better analyst and strategist than himself. And then it is the turn of Scorpio to see in Leo a worthy candidate for his inner circle or to reject him. And, if Scorpio feels that there is also depth and spirituality in Leo, and not just a desire to create an appearance and throw dust in everyone's eyes, then he will accept it.

A couple of Scorpio and Leo will achieve the best result at a time when they really need each other: when Scorpio is ready to give something to Leo, and Leo is ready to take Scorpio's lesson. When they face some kind of long and difficult task, where it is necessary to join forces and there is no time to argue over trifles. Or when their physical passion for each other is so strong that it is impossible to resist. In any of the cases or in all at once, they must understand that after realizing their goals, it is better for everyone to go on their own way.

The main conflicts in a pair of Scorpio and Leo?

The deceptive impression of favorable compatibility in business can lead the inexperienced in the relationship of Scorpio and Leo too far. First of all, everything will not be easy for Leo, who is accustomed only to recognition, triumph and positive. The constant presence of Scorpio nearby, as if holding the king of beasts on a strict leash, makes him no longer a king, but a looking victim. Leo, of course, would like to be the leader in his usual manner. But Scorpio will not allow him to advance further than the appearance of leadership. However, Scorpio, who is weaker in character, may give, but will soon realize that Leo disperses efforts more, cuts past the target from the shoulder, and his decisions are superficial and short-sighted, so it’s time to take control yourself.

Once catching Leo in a mistake and expressing unpleasant criticism, Scorpio will feel power over him, and in the same vein will develop manipulation further. The more confident Leo was in himself at the time of the meeting with Scorpio, the more he will try to resist. But, having fallen into the emotional traps of Scorpio, he will first become furious, but will quickly weaken. How many such couples had to meet, in the overwhelming majority of cases, Leo was the first to throw out the white flag. Scorpio, even despite the emotional discomfort experienced, often tries to stretch out the relationship for the latter.

Worst of all, Leo absolutely does not want to learn anything useful from Scorpio, who at least once pricked him and damaged his image. The lion immediately labels him as an enemy and enters into a fight with him. Moreover, no matter how positive the image of Leo, he can choose the most dirty methods of struggle.

It will be painful for Scorpio to learn about the rumors and gossip spread by Leo behind his back. It will be even more painful to see Leo flirting literally with everyone in a row or, which is really bad, to face some completely ridiculously revealed betrayal of Leo. Scorpio does not forgive such a blow to the very heart.

Scorpio woman and Leo man

The Scorpio woman is vulnerable, sensitive and impulsive. What at first aroused in her a violent passion for a strong Leo man will soon begin to offend her. This is the seeming insincerity of feelings, the inability to empathize, and most importantly, she does not feel like the only one for him.

Scorpio women know better than others that it is very easy to tame a Leo man with affection and flattery, forcing him to carry out any commands of his insidious trainer. But what is its purpose? It is easy to guess that such unions are characterized by scandalous partings, where jointly acquired property becomes the property of the Scorpio woman.

Scorpio man and Leo woman

The Scorpio man is usually endowed with intuition not less woman his own sign. And it’s good if she tells him that the Leo woman is too dangerous for him. He himself can fall in love with her to unconsciousness, but the more difficult it will be for him to survive her numerous explicit and imaginary connections, lack of sensual sphere and lack of emotional development of these relations.

If we have a Scorpio man more sophisticated in conquering the hearts of the opposite sex, then he is unlikely to move beyond the physical side of the relationship with the Leo woman. But he should foresee that she will not get rid of him soon, trying to keep him near her by force and perseverance.