How to talk to a girl on the phone. Why do women like to talk on the phone for a long time Signs of a man falling in love, the behavior of a man in love

Quality conversation is the most important thing for a successful relationship. Even in this age of messaging and media, 87% of teens are still talking to their significant other on the phone. Some effort to arrange a good conversation on the phone can show the girl that you really care about her. Whether you're calling a girl you're in a serious relationship with or someone you've just met, use our tips to get her crazy about you.


Part 1

Choose a time and place to call

    Find out her schedule. Set a time to chat via messages, or call when you think your girlfriend will be free. Don't put her in an uncomfortable position and don't force her to choose between you and friends or family. Call after a theater club, soccer practice, her coffee shop, or family dinner.

    • Text her a few hours before you want to talk to her: Do you have time to chat today? or Can I call you at 7? Easily adapt and determine a mutually convenient time.
    • Don't take it personally if she doesn't have time to talk to you. She just might be busy. Suggest an alternative time: How about tomorrow night? or Good luck with the session! Can we talk over the weekend?
  1. Call from a quiet private place. Girls will be more open and honest with you if they know that no one will hear your conversation. Do not call if you are having fun with other people, and do not use the speakerphone without her permission.

    Give her all your attention. She gives you her time, and you should do the same. Most young people think that many things distract from the conversation. Let her know that talking to her is the most important thing in the world. Don't text, chat online, watch TV, or talk to other people when you're with your girlfriend.

    Part 2

    Starting small talk
    1. Greet her cheerfully. Emotions tend to be passed on to others. If you are friendly and want to communicate, she will most likely reciprocate. When she picks up the phone, greet her in a way that will start a conversation and show that you are ready to listen to her. Choose phrases depending on how close you are:

      • Hello! How is my girl doing?
      • Hello Beautiful! How was your day?
      • I've been looking forward to hearing your voice all day! What were you doing?
      • If you've been dating for a while, you can say: Just calling to say I love you!
      • If you're just starting out in a relationship, leave her a more casual message: I just wanted to know how you're doing! I missed you!
      • Let her know best time so that she calls you back so that she does not take you by surprise: I'll be home at 7 after soccer practice. Maybe we can talk then?
    2. A casual conversation is good for warming up. Humans are social animals and are programmed to seek out conversations with others. Casual conversation creates a sense of connection as people can learn a lot about each other. Even superficial conversation can mean a lot in a new relationship. Choose light topics in which she will feel relaxed:

      • Tell me how your day went.
      • Ask her about her favorite sports team.
      • Talk about events at school.
      • Discuss a TV show or movie you both saw.

    Part 3

    Keep up the conversation
    1. Let the conversation flow naturally. If there is a spark between you, a casual conversation will develop into a deeper conversation. Let the conversation move from cute banter to more personal topics. Let each other open up and get to know each other better:

      • I am also learning to play the guitar! Why, of all the instruments in the world, did you choose the guitar?
      • Do you get your license in three months? Where would you go if you had a car?
      • Holidays are in two weeks! Where are you going to rest?
    2. Be emotionally open. She will be as honest and open as you are. Most people do not express their true feelings because they are afraid of rejection, not because they are not interested. If you tell her how much she means to you, she won't be afraid to do the same.

      • When I see you, my world lights up!
      • You are the most beautiful girl in the town!
      • I think you understand me better than anyone else.
    3. Ask questions that require open-ended answers. Structural questions are a great option, as your girlfriend will be able to tell you a lot, give you backstory, and express feelings. Do not stop the conversation with questions that she will answer in monosyllables.

      Be a good listener. Conversation is a two-way process, so listening is just as important as speaking. Don't interrupt your girlfriend and don't talk along with her. Pay attention to what she says and wait until she is done to ask questions. Encourage her to share more with you.

      • What happened next?
      • How did you feel after that?
      • Why do you like milkshakes in this particular place?
    4. Avoid topics that interrupt the conversation. You should be honest with your girlfriend, but you don't want to offend or embarrass her. Measure her enthusiasm throughout the conversation. If a girl likes a topic, develop it further. If she calms down and becomes uncertain, she says I dont know, maybe or Maybe, take the conversation in a more interesting direction.

      • Figure out topics to avoid as you get closer to your girlfriend. You should make your conversations positive. By bringing up bad memories (her parents' divorce, ex-boyfriend, her late grandmother), you don't get close to her. Let her know that she can tell you everything, but do not cause unpleasant emotions on purpose.
      • Too much pressure on a girl can scare her away. Try not to sound too obsessed or needy. Do not comment on her body in a too far-reaching manner, she will not appreciate it.
    5. Make plans for the future. Making plans together, whether for a night out or for life, promotes intimacy in a couple. Discuss where you would live and where you would like to travel if you could travel, what kind of dog you would get, or what your dream home looks like. Have fun and use your imagination. Have a light conversation, flirt a little: there is no need to develop a clear guide to your life. Tell your girlfriend that you are looking forward to the moment when you can share your life adventures with her.

    Part 4


      End the conversation before you lose your fire. It's always better to say goodbye when you still have something to say to each other. You will be looking forward to the next conversation. Suggest topics for conversation during the next call.

    1. Tell the girl that you enjoyed talking. Let her know she's special and you appreciate the time you spend with her. She'll want to call you if she knows you're happy to hear from her.

      • I look forward to my next conversation with you! Call me anytime.
      • I'll be thinking about your sweet voice all night.
      • Don't get lost!
      • I'll write to you tomorrow morning!
    2. Make her smile when you say goodbye. Say something nice before hanging up. Tell a joke, call her a nickname she likes, or give her a compliment.

      • So long, beauty!
      • Good night, darling!
      • Goodbye kiss goodnight!
    • Don't go out of your way to impress her. Don't sound arrogant or insecure.
    • Don't talk about other girls to make her jealous. She will understand everything.
    • Speak confidently, calmly, and flirt a little.
    • Make sure you have enough minutes on your phone before calling. You don't want the connection to cut off at the most important part of your conversation, or for her to think you've hung up.
    • Make sure your conversation doesn't get boring. This is not a call to your grandmother.
    • Don't lose your temper and don't get into fights over the phone. She won't like drama.
    • Respect her family and culture.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies, the results of which revealed that the average male telephone conversation is 8 times shorter than a female one. And this scientists have not yet figured out between whom and with whom the conversation is going on. After all, a woman is able to talk 20 times longer than her husband with his friend. By the way, married women chat on the phone more often and longer than unmarried people. There are two reasons for such a woman's love for telephone conversations: psychological and domestic.

The psychological tendency of women to telephone conversations

Women need constant communication. An average man can be silent for weeks without harm to health, and if a woman is deprived of the constant opportunity to share her thoughts and experiences, this will certainly affect her well-being and mood. The reason for this conversational addiction is in the special structure of the female brain. In order for a woman to think about a situation, she must certainly discuss it. For the speech apparatus of a woman is a kind of catalyst for analytical processes. Men, on the other hand, are able to think silently, they do not feel the need for many hours of chatter.

But why the telephone? The fact is that when communicating directly with the interlocutor, you have to fully delve into the conversation. Involuntarily, with direct contact, the facial expressions of the interlocutor, his behavior, reaction are striking, and observing all this makes it impossible to plunge into one's own thoughts. And talking on the phone occupies only the speech centers and hearing organs, while thoughts at this time can go anywhere, especially if you discuss your favorite actors or passions in popular TV shows.

The household reason for women's love for telephone chatter

Among the married representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, there are much more lovers to occupy the telephone line for hours, because wives have several times more household chores than bachelors. And due to the fact that, as already mentioned, women cannot do without communication at all, they have to combine the discussion of the latest news with household chores like ironing, sewing or cooking pies. In addition, doing boring cleaning and other dreary household chores is many times easier when you can get distracted by phone conversations.

It turns out that women spend a lot of time talking on the phone not out of boredom, but rather because of psychological necessity. And it’s better for the wife to discuss her favorite series with her friends in parallel with preparing dinner than if, instead of creating a culinary masterpiece, she goes to visit her friend, leaving her husband and children hungry.

Dial a phone number in a dream and get stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will remain in the cold, as your entourage weaves all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it is difficult for you to turn the disk or you do not get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and leave no trace.

To dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in phone number and you get a nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given Nobel Prize or sent to jail.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Phone

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular ones this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the phone is an indispensable attribute of our life, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone, it means that confidential information will soon be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not Starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about the person around whom these gossips curl.

Interpretation of dreams from

From letters to Samprosvetbulletin: “Communication with a man on the phone is a kind of nightmare for me. I meet men on a dating site, while we correspond, everything goes fine until the first phone call. I am an inquisitive person, I know a lot and I have something to talk about. And, as a rule, conversations with men are really interesting for me. But often men after a conversation write to me that I good man, but it is important for them that the voice of a woman is pleasant to them. Everyone tells me that I have a very pleasant voice in my life, maybe the phone distorts or am I too worried? - writes S.L.

“... I have a small marriage agency, and I would like to suggest you a topic for an article. Communication with men always raises many questions. In our country, men choose women according to questionnaires, and if the choice is mutual, they want to call right away. It used to be that men abruptly lost interest in a girl after the first telephone conversation. We held classes on telephone etiquette, even rehearsed what to talk about with a man. But maybe we missed something. What mistakes women should pay attention to when talking on the phone? Elena writes.

Many women do not realize how the sound of a woman's voice can affect a man. I conduct various surveys among men. The topic of one of the surveys was talking to a woman on the phone. I asked what is the most unpleasant thing for men in a telephone conversation with a woman, what can ruin a good impression of her. Most men put the sound of the voice, its volume, tone in the first place. Women, while discussing with me communication with men on the phone, focused on the substantive part of the conversation.

Communicating with a man on the phone, women forget that not only words are important, but also the tone of voice, its intonation and make three common mistakes:

Mistake 1. Have you noticed that when you are nervous, you go to high notes and your voice sounds a little squeaky? This change in voice betrays your uncertainty and nervousness. At this point, the interlocutor, for sure, will feel uncomfortable with you. The same thing happens when you communicate with a man on the phone and experience excitement. Perhaps you are carried away by the conversation and do not notice that you have already switched to high notes. But rest assured, the man has already noticed. Try to control the tone of your voice, lower it a little, then the voice will sound more confident and attractive.

Mistake 2. Have you noticed that when you try to convince someone of something, you start talking too quickly, swallowing words? You completely seize the initiative of the conversation, without giving the interlocutor a word to insert. Fast speech does not help create a warm, relaxing atmosphere between people, turning the dialogue into a monologue, and a man will feel “out of his element” in a conversation with you. Slow down your speech. If you speak slowly, carefully pronouncing the words, you will be a more attractive conversationalist and give the impression of a confident and attentive person.

Mistake 3. Have you noticed that you start talking louder from excitement? A loud voice makes the conversation less confidential and creates a distance between the interlocutors. A man will involuntarily move the handset away from his ear, thereby moving away from you, as it were. When you speak more quietly, you create an atmosphere of intimacy and the man involuntarily presses his ear closer to the receiver, mentally following your voice.

When talking to a man on the phone, pay attention to these three common mistakes women make. Watch intonation, create a trusting atmosphere and a sense of closeness, attract and seduce with your voice.

Good luck and see you soon on the pages of Samprosvetbulletin!

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Signs of a man falling in love, behavior of a man in love

Is there a man in your environment who is attractive to you, but you cannot understand how he treats you? He himself is silent about his feelings (at least he has not yet spoken to you on this topic), and you want to know if he is in love with you or is simply well disposed towards you. How to identify the signs of a man's love? What do psychologists say about this? Learn about it from the article.

Signs of a man falling in love

Signs of a man falling in love

Below are the most sure signs of a man's love, read and remember.

His look

One of the surest signs of a man's love is his "special" look at you. He looks at you much more often, tries to catch your eye with his eyes and does not look away for longer than usual. He really likes to maintain eye contact with you. If he is not indifferent to you, support him, do not take your eyes off to the side. Even the most self-confident man experiences a certain timidity towards the object of love, doubts that you share his feelings. Your open and encouraging return look will support him and give confidence.

Facial expressions and gestures

His posture and gestures will tell you much more than his words. Especially if he is alone with you. The fact that he is extremely pleased with your company is that he does not cross his arms and legs when talking. His knees are directed straight at you and the whole body is turned in your direction. His gestures are smoother and more careful than when talking to other people. By the way, you yourself can arrange it even more towards yourself by taking a symmetrical pose. Only not directly in front of him, but a little to the side, at a slight angle to him. And he will definitely try to “imperceptibly”, as he himself will seem to touch you. Light, imperceptible touches on your arm, elbow, back - 100% sign heightened attention to you from his side. And he will do it at the subconscious level, instinctively, trying to show his respect. Support him by also touching him from time to time (the more often, the better!) to him. But it was by touching, and not by wrapping in a strong hug! And the initiative in this matter must necessarily remain on his side.

He listens to you very carefully.

Is a man ready to listen to you with any appeal to him? Does he enjoy talking to you about any topic? Is he interested in your opinion on various issues? His conversation with you can last forever? Congratulations! He really fell in love with you! Make him happy by becoming the same attentive companion for him.

Tip: if a man is not too sure of your reciprocal feelings for him, he can either “swallow” the tongue, keeping his opinion to himself, or vice versa, he may be seized by “verbal diarrhea” and he will speak incessantly. To prevent this from happening, find a topic for conversation that is pleasant and interesting for the two of you. Then the conversation will proceed harmoniously and without awkward pauses.

Genuine interest in your hobbies

What other signs of a man's love for you are there? He was never interested in yoga assanas until he found out that yoga is your hobby. Having learned about this, he begins to ask you in detail about all the subtleties and nuances of your hobbies, listens to your answers in the most attentive way and can even sign up for a section himself in order to attend classes together. Go towards him - ask about his hobbies and keep him company, if possible, for example, on fishing. It is not necessary to put worms on a hook, but to ask him by the river about the features of biting crucian carp in summer period will be very useful and will bring you together much better than a simple date in a cafe!

A man wants to hear and see you as often as possible

A sure sign of a man's love for you is his desire to meet with you as often as possible, to hear your voice on the phone, to communicate by SMS. And he calls not for any reason, but just like that. Find out about your mood, about plans for the evening or weekend, or just talk. Did you meet today, agreed on a new date after parting in a couple of days, and in the evening he is already calling you? Do not be surprised - he is very pleased to hear your voice again, he is ready to listen to it 24 hours a day! He can repeat in a conversation what he already told you a little earlier, and this is normal - a person in love is often forgotten in communication with his beloved. Reward him by thanking him for the compliments he showers you with. Go to meet him and ask for an “extraordinary” date with him by asking for something (well, for example, ask him to help you figure out the development of some household appliance you just bought, or ask him to show you the most beautiful on his sight of a place in your city)

He meets your friends or even your parents

A man in love with you will probably ask you to introduce him to your friends. And if he does not ask, do it yourself and watch him. If he glances with interest at your pretty girlfriends or even flirts with them, alas, he is not in love with you. But if he does not leave you a single step, looks exclusively at you, then this is a sign of love. And if he is really in love, there will come a moment when he will introduce you to his friends already.

Tip: in no case do not criticize anyone from his environment, even if he does it himself. No ridicule and sidelong glances towards his friends. On the contrary, try to be equal with everyone, smile openly, do not complex, and you will surely remain in their memory as one of the most pleasant young ladies with whom your man introduced them. And do not insist on a new meeting with his friends yourself, wait until he offers it. By this you will show that you respect his freedom, that you are only interested in him, and not in his surroundings.

Summing up

We have sorted out the most characteristics love of a man. There are, of course, exceptions, some nuances, but now you know the main ones.

Let's go through them briefly again and add the missed ones.

A man in love:

Looks into your eyes, often imperceptibly touches you - tries to look more slender (at you he draws in his stomach, straightens his back, straightens his shoulders) - when talking to you, tries to move closer, the toes of his shoes are directed at you - looks after you, makes compliments - attaches great importance to appearance(skin care, hair care, clothes and shoes) - get to know your friends and parents, introduce you to yours - in a conversation with you he does not use “I”, “you”, but “WE” - he is generous with gifts and invitations - he calls with or without cause - strive to spend as much time as possible next to you - while talking with you, often straightens her hair, tilts her head towards you - touches your things on the table while talking with you

Have you noticed some of these signs (or maybe even all?!) in a man? Congratulations! He is really in love with you! Develop relationships, build a joint future together! By the way, about the future. See how compatible you are with him for serious family relationships. You can find out what astrologers have to say about this here.

And in conclusion, as always, a piece of humor:

If a friend says that your current man is no better than the previous one, then you should change both the man and the girlfriend ..

A man in love: what are the signs. Psychology

By what signs can you understand that in front of you is a man in love? After all, the psychology of the stronger sex for the female half of humanity is a dark forest.

Therefore, the above question is asked once by every woman.

So why are men so secretive that women are forced to guess whether they love or not?

We all come from childhood

The first sign of a man's love is his compliments to you

Today there is a popular theory that all problems come from childhood. And there seems to be some truth in that.

One has only to look at how mothers raise their sons. From childhood, they are taught that they need to solve their problems on their own, because if you complain, they will consider you a whiner, if you are afraid, you will be branded as a coward.

So our boys get used not to cry, even when it hurts, not to be afraid, even when it's scary, and to solve their problems silently. From childhood, they get used to hiding their emotions in themselves, because society inspires them that not emotional and courageous are synonyms.

But reverse side Such upbringing is the fact that the strong sex also keeps pleasant emotions to itself, simply because they are not used to, or do not know how to openly express their feelings.

It turns out that, having fallen in love, a young man faces a difficult choice - to openly declare love to the whole world, which means declaring his own vulnerability, or to love silently, which is called mean male love.

Women's behavior in such a situation is radically different. Girls are brought up differently. They are constantly told that they are extremely emotional and sensitive beings. As a result, the weak half of humanity is accustomed to openly express their feelings, and expects the same from men. And the answer is silence.

So how to be?

Do not guess on daisies!

A man in love. signs

A man in love tries to constantly look at his object of passion

Psychology, as a science, studies the causes of certain actions. And this means that, knowing about the actions of an individual, one can judge the motives that drive him. Therefore, all that is required is to observe the object of female passion more closely.

So, what are the signs that distinguish a man in love from an unloved one? Psychology proposes to analyze in the following areas:

As a man in love says

It usually starts with compliments. Today, only the lazy one does not know that a woman loves with her ears. And many take advantage of this, misleading gullible young ladies.

But a man in love does not say compliments for any benefit. It's all about his perception. Love, as you know, is blind. A man idealizes a woman who is attractive to him, and eulogies flow by themselves.

But verbal communication between the sexes is not limited to praise. Men in love tend to seek any communication with the lady they like. This includes phone calls and text messages. A man in love strives to study his beloved. Finds out her thoughts, desires, asks her for advice. He enjoys the very process of conversation, even if the semantic load in the dialogue is minimal.

Talk about a joint future can be singled out as a separate item. The fact that a man thinks about this topic, and moreover, is not afraid to say it publicly, speaks volumes. Even more revealing is the use of the pronoun "we".

This suggests that the man has ceased to perceive himself separately from his beloved.

How does a man in love behave? Signs of falling in love

A man in love seeks to constantly touch his woman

The psychology of men is such that action for them is a synonym for existence. They are not used to doing nothing. And if a man only speaks, but does nothing, it is hardly a matter of love. Rather, on the contrary, with the help of sweet speeches, he may be trying to manipulate a woman.

So what actions of the stronger sex can be interpreted in your favor?

  • One of the main signs of a man's love, psychologists call his look.

It has long been known that we receive up to 80% of information through vision. And when a man gets the opportunity to look at the girl he likes, he goes into this process. This is so natural to his subconscious that he does not even notice that he does not take his eyes off her. But it is usually quite noticeable to others. This becomes especially noticeable in a large company - when there are a lot of people around, but the man continues to consider only the one that he loves.

It is important that his gaze does not just wander over the female figure, because this speaks volumes, but not about love. It is important that it is eye to eye.

  • A man in love is jealous. And although not always openly, but you will definitely notice how his face and behavior will change if someone encroaches on the object of his passion.

His reaction to such a situation will be indicative. It is important to remember that the proverb “Beats means loves” has nothing to do with love or jealousy. A man in love, albeit a jealous one, can control his actions in relation to his beloved woman, no matter what they say.

  • Another important indicator of love is touch. Everything is simple here - when we are hugged, we feel secure, and a man subconsciously seeks to protect his beloved.

Later, the desire to protect from everyone and everything develops into care. A man who is in love with you will not remain indifferent in a crisis situation, but on the contrary, will do everything to make your life easier.

In addition, care can manifest itself in the desire to please, to anticipate all your desires.

A man in love will introduce you to his parents
  • An important criterion is his desire to introduce you to his parents. If he is ready to let you into his family, then you mean something to him.

As a rule, he strives to ensure that his chosen one likes his mother. This is a pretty revealing fact. So if a man prepares you to meet your mother like a war, this does not mean that his mother is a warrior. It's just very important to him that you find a common language.

  • A man in love is ready to let you into his bachelor lair, and even clean up there by your arrival. And if a man cooks food for you, you can be sure that he is in love with you.
  • Also, one of the indicators of love will be the frequency of meetings.

If suddenly a man will "accidentally" be on your way, do not be surprised.

Non-verbal signs of love

One of the signs of a man's love is his jealousy.

Often a man in love shows signs non-verbally. Psychology has analyzed these manifestations of sympathy. So by what gestures can you understand that a man likes you?

  • If in your presence a man constantly touches his face, corrects something, tries to stand straight, in general, preens as best he can - you know - all this is just to please. So he sends a message that your opinion about him and his appearance is important to him.
  • If, when talking with you, a man tilts his head in your direction, or touches your things - this is how he unconsciously tries to reduce the distance between you, even if he just touches the keys forgotten on the table.

If you are mentally ready to put a tick next to each of the listed items, it means that you are not at all indifferent to someone. But how to understand that this is not just sympathy, but a real feeling? The most important criterion will be his desire to change and his willingness to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the two of you.

Find out right now the real reasons why a husband does not want intimacy with his wife.

Recognize love by voice?

If the voice of your partner who is talking to someone on the phone sounds unusual, you should listen. You may be hearing the sounds of love right now. Women can do that too. Why do we speak in a “different voice” with those we are in love with?

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When we talk to a lover, we change the tone of our voice, and so do both men and women. Psychologists at Albright College, Pennsylvania, found this out.1 They invited 24 young lovers, both men and women, to participate in their study. To participate in the experiment, it was necessary that love relationship were at an early stage. In the lab, psychologists asked each participant to call first their lover (or sweetheart), and then a friend (of the same gender as the caller) to briefly ask how things are and what the interlocutor is doing now. The difference in the content of the conversations was minimal, which was later confirmed by 80 independent "judges". Before suggesting dialogues for listening, they cut out the empty end of the conversation from them. At the same time, the “judges” heard only the voice of the participants in the experiment, but not their interlocutors.

In most cases, the judges understood what they were talking about. But, most importantly, in the first seconds they determined who the participant in the experiment was talking to, not using the meaning of the spoken phrases for this, but focusing only on the change in tone. Two seconds and the phrase How are you? it turned out to be enough to guess with a probability exceeding random, with whom the participant of the experiment is talking. The voice during a conversation with a lover was perceived by the judges as especially pleasant.

The difficulty lies in the fact that lovers want to look and sound as sexy as possible, but perceive it as sexy. different tone vote. Someone is more attracted to low, languid intonations, and someone is high and sonorous.

The researchers and their colleagues then studied the sonogram of the conversations. So they discovered that lovers tune in to each other: in women, the tone of voice becomes deeper, and in men it is higher. Thus, sympathy is expressed on the sonogram as a desire to be as similar as possible. The lovers seem to be trying to tell each other and the whole world: "we are together, everyone should know that we are in love."

Voice changes, although quite different, are not unique to couples at the beginning of a relationship. Having already spent quite a lot of time together, the partners become prone to "lisping" (talking in a childish manner, using high notes). Scientists note that this style of communication is an indicator of closeness and strong affection.

However, in the voice of lovers, independent judges also heard stress, anxiety and uncertainty. Researchers attribute this to previous painful relationship experiences and the belief that love hurts. Because of this, the fear of rejection haunts us from the very beginning of a relationship.

And how will our telephone conversations sound after many years of married life? And do we want to know?

1 S. Farley, S. Hughes, J. LaFayette “People will know we are in love: Evidence of differences between vocal samples directed towards lovers and friends”, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2013, vol. 37, no. 3.

How to talk on the phone with a woman

Most men do not like to talk on the phone: some do not know how to communicate without visual contact with the interlocutor, others cannot keep up the conversation, others are afraid to say something superfluous. And they all tell us women that talking on the phone is a waste of time. Why is it necessary to be able to communicate with women on the phone? What topics can be discussed, and which ones are better left untouched, and how to win her heart with a call?

My phone rang! Who is speaking? Elephant!

Psychologists say that 10 seconds of talking on the phone is enough for a person to form an image of the interlocutor. Trust or, conversely, distrust develops instantly. From the intonation, pauses, voice, and, of course, the words will depend on what impression you get about you. So, for example, people with a low voice, clear diction, that is, excellent oratory skills, are perceived as responsible, serious persons. But the owners of high voices, hastily muttering, are usually associated with uncollected and incomprehensible people.

A telephone conversation is halfway between art and life. This is not a conversation with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him. André Maurois
The very first conversation

The first communication on the phone should be a short conversation in which you clearly and intelligibly express your thoughts. Feel confident, because the first call is also exciting for a girl. Communication should end at the moment when you realize that you have said all the smartest things, that is, the question you called on has already been asked, and the answer has been received.

Further, the woman has a desire to talk a little on vague topics. This is what needs to be prevented. Why? Firstly, so she will look forward to meeting even more. Secondly, even without talking about the weather, she will discuss every word of yours with her friends more than once in the evening. Thirdly, it doesn’t matter at all that you are ready to chat with her all day on the phone today, because you have a day off. The main thing is to give the impression of a person who lives a full life, busy men are more interested in women than those who have too much free time. "That's agreed! It was nice to chat. And now I have things to do! See you!" And while you were saying this short and simple phrase, you have already been appreciated.

The most recent conversation

Your call should always have a specific purpose. To say that you dialed the number just to hear her voice is to make the conversation empty and meaningless. It will end quickly, because the girl will most likely be confused. Therefore, if you really want to say about the charm of her voice, say it after an invitation to an evening meeting.

It's a question of time

After the first date, you need to call in a couple of days. The main thing here is not to rush to remind yourself the next day, but you can’t overdo it until four, either. A woman needs to maintain a state of interest. The second or third day after the meeting is ideal for a call. When you get through, don't start listing the places you've been or what kind of socks you were wearing that day. Just say thank you for a great evening without mentioning the possibility of a new meeting. Let the lady be in anticipation of the next call, which can be made either the next day, or in one.

The call time must be appropriate. If you decide to arrange a date for a day off, it is better to take care of this in advance, for example, on Wednesday or Thursday. She will have the opportunity to think over her outfit and refuse to meet other people. And, after all, you don't want her to think that you invited her last, when all the other women have already refused. Also, if you decide to call working time, it is better to choose lunch hours so that she does not have the awkwardness of talking in front of colleagues. And in the evening, call until 8-9 o'clock. At least at the beginning of dating.

What to talk about, and what - keep quiet!

Sometimes there are girls who, in order to continue communication, say: “Well, tell me something!”. Remember, you are not a clown, you should not entertain anyone. If you both have nothing to say to each other at the moment, do not pull the rubber and end the conversation. But if you have something to say, and your tongue won't let her say a dry "bye", your hand won't let you firmly press the red "end call" button, relax and chat with her. Eliminate complaints about work, stories about failure at a football match, your fears, about losing a large amount of money or a tragedy in your personal life. This is all for friends in a pub or a personal analyst. Talk to a woman about herself, her beloved, nothing is so exciting and interesting for the interlocutor. Ask her how she spent the day, whether she was abroad, where she wants to relax in the summer, and how great it is that spring has come. Women often like to brag to their girlfriends about how many hours she chatted with the interlocutor, and that if it weren’t for the dead telephone receiver, she would definitely chirp sweetly for a couple of hours. For some reason, many men are afraid of the final dialogue "No, you're the first / first hang up." Let her do it, not every girl likes to listen to short beeps on the phone. Come up with a good reason, like your cat will starve to death if you don't feed it, or your phone's battery is running low, you need to finish work. End the conversation on a positive note, such as a compliment.
Conversation with… an answering machine

Why men are afraid to leave messages on the answering machine is not clear. It just needs to be done right! Introduce yourself at the beginning of the conversation and say which number you need to call back, all of a sudden she accidentally lost it. Brevity is the sister of talent, no intimate details, because her relatives can hear it if she does not live alone. A woman will not disregard your audio recording. You can't even imagine how much we love such messages! Especially when after the phrase “leave your message after the beep”, you say “what a pity that the owner of such a wonderful voice is not at home, but ...” Men, leave messages more often, I urge!