How to enter a phone number correctly. How to spell a phone number correctly: formats

A well-written phone number helps your client or friend get through without hassle. If you are not indifferent to how a person will look for you, pay attention to this issue. The recording of telephone numbers has changed for more than a hundred years since the invention of the telephone, as did the numbers themselves (for example, until 1968, telephone numbers in the USSR were recorded with letters).

Briefly about recording Russian numbers

Let's go deeper. Where to start number? +7 or 8

The entry of Russian (and, by the way, Kazakh and Abkhaz) numbers begins with the country code: +7 . Russia and Kazakhstan inherited the seven from the USSR (did you know that the international code of the USSR was +7 ?). And the eight is the long-distance exit code adopted within the USSR, which we still use on landline phones. For international calls from landlines, we dial 8 10 . The rules for accessing an international line are different in all countries:

That is, when writing down the number through the eight, you will have to explain to the foreigner that, firstly, he needs to call Russia (and not Vietnam or South Korea, whose phones start with an eight), and secondly, that he does not need to dial the eight at all, but instead of it he needs to dial the seven.

You will also not be able to call home from abroad by dialing a number through the eight. That's why in my address book I start numbers with the country code.

It is interesting that in Belarus (and some other countries of the former Soviet Union) the principle of access to intercity that existed in the USSR has also been preserved. That is, the owner of the Belarusian online store, who indicated the number through the eight, will make life difficult for his potential customers from Russia. They simply won't be able to get through if they don't pay attention that the store is located in another country. How to be? Start number with country code:

Where to put brackets in a phone number?

Sometimes registration sites require you to provide your phone number in international format. This may be necessary when filling out documents. What is the international phone number format?


  • You can use the standard for recording telephone numbers adopted in Russia. First enter your country code. The code of Russia and Kazakhstan is 7, the code of Ukraine is 380, the code of the Republic of Belarus is 375. The country code is written with a “+” sign and, for a call from mobile phone, so it is collected. To make an international call from a landline, dial 8-10-country code.
  • Then write your city code or area code if you live in a small town. For mobile phones, enter the code mobile operator. The code is written with a space, without brackets and hyphens. You can look up the telephone codes in the telephone directory or on the Internet at reference sites.
  • Next, write down your phone number, separating with a hyphen two digits from the end: XXX-XX-XX, or XX-XX-XX, or X-XX-XX, or XX-XX. The whole number, for example, for Kostroma will look like this: +7 4942 XX-XX-XX.
  • There is no exact standard for recording telephone numbers in the world. In other countries, the phone number format may differ. Spaces can be used instead of hyphens: XXX XX XX. In France, periods can be used as a separator: +33.ХХХХХХХХ. In the United States, this form of recording is accepted: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX. The code of the city or region is separated by parentheses, and the intrazone number is divided into two parts. For example, in this format you need to specify your phone number when registering on the Microsoft website.
  • By entering your phone number for registration on a foreign site, you may receive a message that the number is written incorrectly. In this case, when writing, be guided by the pattern that is usually given.
  • Instruction

    You can use the standard for recording telephone numbers adopted in Russia. First enter your code. The code of Russia and Kazakhstan is 7, the code of Ukraine is 380, the code of the Republic of Belarus is 375. The country code is written with a “+” sign and, for a call from a mobile phone, it is dialed. To make an international call from a landline, dial 8-10-country code.

    Then write your city code or area code if you live in a small town. For mobile, enter the code of the mobile operator. The code is written with a space, without brackets and hyphens. You can look up the telephone codes in the telephone directory or on the Internet at reference sites.

    There is no exact standard for recording telephone numbers in the world. In other countries, the phone number format may differ. Spaces can be used instead of hyphens: XXX XX XX. In France, periods can be used as a separator: +33.ХХХХХХХХ. In the United States, this form of recording is accepted: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX. The code of the city or region is separated by parentheses, and the intrazone number is divided into two parts. For example, in this format you need to specify your phone number when registering on the Microsoft website.

    By entering your phone number for registration on a foreign site, you may receive a message that the number is written incorrectly. In this case, when writing, be guided by the pattern that is usually given.

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    • international phone

    There are several ways to call another country: use a landline phone, a phone card, a mobile phone, or, for example, Skype. Consider the option of how to dial an international number for a resident of Russia from a landline phone.


    Dial "10" - international service entry index.

    Here is how, for example, you can call from Russia to Finland in the city of Joensuu. The code for Finland is 358, the area code for Joensuu is 13.

    So, we dial: 8-10-358-13-city phone number in Joensuu.


    It takes a few seconds to establish a connection. The duration of the conversation starts to be recorded automatically from the moment your subscriber answers.

    Useful advice

    In some countries, there is no area code, therefore, immediately after the country code, immediately dial the subscriber's number.


    • Phone cards, website
    • Cellular number dialing rule for calling from Ukraine to Russia

    If you can't find the right software for your phone, or just have a few ideas for developing a new one, you can write a mobile app yourself. You can also create games.

    You will need

    • - Nokia SDK or J2SE and J2ME Wireless Toolkit.


    Download the software you need to write applications to your computer. You can use any programs that are convenient for you to use. You will need a compiler that creates archives for mobile applications, emulators for testing, a text editor, or any other program that will be convenient for writing code.

    Your best bet is to use the J2SE compiler and the J2ME Wireless Toolkit. There are also special programs that combine this functionality in one installer, for example, Nokia SDK. To create a project, it is best to immediately select the program that you will use in the future, because you get used to one. It will be difficult to rebuild to another in the absence of the necessary functionality in it.

    Create a new project in your editor, give it a name and other necessary attributes. Write software code for a mobile device, testing it alternately with different phone emulators to check for bugs.

    After you edit the program code, after checking, pack it into jar and jad archives, then save the file to HDD your computer. Copy the installation file to your phone, if necessary, also use it to check the functionality of the software you have written for mobile devices.

    If you want the software you write to be available for download on the Internet, host it on a specific portal. You can either provide it for free use or assign a certain amount for downloads, however, in the second case, you will have to choose a special resource that supports this function.

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    Useful advice

    When writing code, also use special editors, it is much more convenient than a regular notepad.

    The telephone has long become a familiar and mass means of communication. With the advent of mobile devices, there are new rules for dialing telephone numbers that you need to know in order to successfully make calls.

    You should dial the area code if you are calling a home phone located in another city. It doesn't matter if you're calling from a cell phone or a home phone. To find out the telephone code of a particular city you need, use the telephone directory or enter the appropriate query into the search bar of your browser.

    In addition, in some cases, dialing the area code is necessary to call any of the emergency services. It depends on the dialing rules of this kind entered by your network operator. For example, to call the ambulance service from a phone connected to the MTS network, you need to dial the following number: 8 (international prefix) - area code - 03 (ambulance phone) - 111.

    You do not need to dial the area code if you are calling from your home to a mobile phone of a subscriber located anywhere in the world. Also, you will not need an area code even if you make a call from your home phone to the same home phone located within your city.

    If you have any difficulty dialing phone numbers, contact the help desk operator of the network that serves you. Remember that you cannot call another city on your home phone without dialing the city telephone code.

    A good assistant program for finding the necessary phone numbers and codes of different cities is the 2GIS telephone directory. It has a detailed telephone database for different cities of Russia and many additional functions (various maps, contacts of organizations, etc.). 2GIS can be downloaded and installed on a computer or mobile phone, it supports Android, Windows Mobile and Symbian platforms. The guide can also be used online.


    • Russian city codes

    How to correctly enter a phone number in international format?

      For Ukraine, the phone number in the international format is dialed in the following format: +380 (country code), then the operator code mobile communications(068, 097, 098, 067 - Kyivstar, 093, 063 - Life, 066, 050, 095, 099 - MTS), and then we dial the subscriber's seven-digit phone number.

      For an international call, first dial + (for example, Russia has the code 7, Ukraine - 380, it turns out: Russia +7, Ukraine +380), then the country code where we are calling and then the number that you were given. Specify the code of the area where you are calling.

    • phone number in international format

      • phone number in international format to call cellular telephone looks like this - + the year of the country (for Russia 7, for Ukraine 380, etc.) and then dial the phone number (without the eight).
      • the phone number in international format for calls to landlines is as follows - 8 country code 8 area code, and then dial the subscriber's phone. After dialing 8, you must wait for a beep.
    • To get it right enter number in international format for Ukraine, the following rules must be followed.

      • First, I will set the code of Ukraine. He alone is +380
      • This is followed by the code of the mobile operator (it is different, depending on the mobile network you use, for example, 29, 30, etc.)
      • Now follows the subscriber number, consisting of seven digits

      There should be no more than twelve digits in total. The number is accepted only mobile, not landline. I remember that there were problems with Kyivstar before. A confirmation from VKontakte in the form of SMS came, but the SMS was chopped off, incomplete. Perhaps this has already been fixed.

      For Ukraine:

      380 - code of Ukraine,

      two digits - mobile operator code,

      seven digits - subscriber number.

      There must be twelve digits in total, the number must be mobile, landline numbers are not accepted. And yet - for some reason, the confirmation code from VKontakte does not come to Kyivstar subscribers, or rather SMS comes, but it is cut off, the most important thing is not in it.

      In order to record phone number in international format:

      first indicate the country code, for Belarus it will be 375 . Next, indicate the two digit code of the mobile operator, for example, 29 , and then the phone number itself - 7 digits. Thus, it should turn out: 37529xxxxxxx.

      This is an instruction for recording a mobile phone in international format.

      First, I will set the code of Ukraine, then, respectively, two digits of the operator code, for example, let it be thirty, and then enter the phone number, each state or country has its own code, this is easiest to check via the Internet on the website of the mobile operator.

      How to correctly enter a phone number in international format? Very simple. First, dial the country code, then dial the area code, then the phone number itself (this is if you are calling from a landline). From mobile: country code, mobile operator code, number.

      Many of us have come across this issue, it's just that someone hasn't remembered it for a long time. You will find the code of your country in the telephone directory, first put +, then the country code (for the USA 1, for Kazakhstan, as well as Russia - 7), then the code of the mobile operator and then your phone number. There is no exact standard for international phone records, and therefore, if you register on a foreign site, and they tell you that the number is incorrect, focus on the example from the site.

      If you are calling from a landline, you first need to dial the country code, then enter the area code, and then the city phone number itself. If you call a mobile, then instead of the area code, the code of the mobile operator.