What causes a runny nose. What is a runny nose and why does it occur? All cold drops are safe

From the author: I welcome all readers of our magazine. Today I propose to consider the question that many beginners in site building ask: “What is the difference between a portal and a site?” And this is not the portal through which they get into another space.

Perhaps the very first thing I would like to say is that any portal is a site, but not every site is a portal. I would even say that there are very few portals compared to other types of web resources.

And the thing is that creating and launching such a project is much more difficult, it takes much more time and costs much more. The most famous examples of such resources are Yandex and Google.

There are so many separate services on these sites that even trying everything is not so easy, not to mention how hard it is to develop all this. For an example, go to home page Yandex, click there “More” - “All Yandex services”.

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You will see an impressive list of what the company offers. There are so many things here, I have never even launched half of the services, not like everything is there. Yandex is a typical example of a horizontal portal, and there are also vertical ones. This means that the site is not tied to any particular topic.

In fact, Yandex services are used by millions of people. For example, by mail or Disk, where you can save important data for yourself. The vertical portal focuses on a certain topic and gathers around itself only those people who are close to this topic.

An example is Habrahabr. The resource is aimed only at people who are close to information technology and Internet business. The project is both a blog, a news resource, a site with vacancies, and a questionnaire.

Each portal is unique

Let's take, for example, blogs or news sites. I can go to 10-20 such resources. Everywhere there will be different news, different articles, different design, but the general skeleton is the same - just a place to publish some materials and, possibly, some communication between users. And nothing more. There may be some additional functionality, of course. Possibly a survey or something else, but that's about it.

Portals are very different in this regard, because each of them is unique in its own way. Not only does such a project have a unique design, it also has a unique functionality. After all, you will not find the same service as Yandex.Metrica, or maybe you have seen exact analogue Google Adsense? Of course, in addition to the metrics, there is Google Analytics and counters of third-party services, and in addition to adsense, Yandex has its own contextual advertising service - Direct.

Yes, but in terms of functionality, these services do not repeat each other exactly, do they? They are very different from each other, although in some ways they are similar. But not as much as other sites are similar to each other, where often only some little things differ (besides design).

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Rice. 2. Another example is Yahoo.

Another portal can be just a collection of many types of sites. All in one, so to speak. For example, if the site has a forum, chat, blog, independent communities, the ability to add other people as friends, buy some kind of currency that operates within this project, this is a portal. Of course, it doesn’t have to have any of the above, and it doesn’t have to have all of it.

Main difference

This difference lies in the complexity of the implementation of such projects. Today, even beginners in site building after 6-12 months of training can easily create their own blogs, news sites, and even online stores and a forum. There are enough ready-made tools and engines, and the most advanced ones can even write their own small engine.

But can a person make a portal himself? In general, this is possible, but for this he must be a professional in the field of website building, and it will also take him a very long time. This is if we talk about development from scratch. And of course, we are not talking about the fact that he will create his own Yandex. Hundreds of professionals were used to develop projects of this magnitude. Most likely, it will be a narrow-topic site.

And if you go right now to the site of some large web studio, you can feel the difference between the cost of developing a regular blog and a portal. The difference in cost will be 10-50 times.

Social networks

Another example of horizontal portals - social networks. Obviously, there should be many opportunities on such a resource. Take, for example, Vkontakte. Here you can create your own page, listen to music, watch videos, send private messages to other people and much, much more. To describe the possibilities of this social. networks, you can spend a lot of time, there is an intra-site currency (votes). And for many people, the site has become a source of income (group administration, advertising placement and settings, etc.).

It is immediately clear that this is nothing but a huge highly visited portal. In general, I think the above examples will be enough for you to clearly understand the difference between a simple site and a portal.

It will be very difficult for you to find a blog or forum that has more than 100 thousand visitors per day. For portals, this is a common thing, because they bring together people of various interests.

We see that today more than 19 million people have already visited Odnoklassniki. And this screenshot was taken by me at 15:00 Moscow time. As you can see, the audience of portals is huge.

In any case, it all starts with learning PHP and MySQL. Having mastered these technologies well enough, it will be much easier for you to understand how such web resources function from the inside, as well as yourself! (perhaps) one day to take part in the development of such a project. Therefore, without wasting time, start studying the base, for example, so that one day with my own hands create something great.

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is a broader topic. Creating a large resource on a narrow topic is simply unprofitable, since the costs may not pay off. Portals are made only when it is necessary to touch several directions at once. For example, you can make a website about recipes for cereals, or you can make a portal in which I will collect ways to cook all possible dishes.


The second point follows from the first point - the volume of content. Regular sites usually don't have that many articles. In portals, the number of pages can be several thousand. Moreover, the wider and more complex the topic, the more content you can get in the end. For example, resources that collect advice for women can publish several articles a day for several years and still not cover all possible issues.

Also in portals, unlike regular sites, the content is diverse. For example, videos, infographics, posts by users themselves, etc. can be used there. Ordinary sites, as a rule, publish only articles, since there is simply no need for other materials.

In addition, portals are distinguished by a large number of authors. Often, each of them is assigned to some section on the portal. Since the resource is large, it needs constant updating. One person can hardly cope with such a volume of work (unlike the same regular site).

Additional modules, attendance

You can often find additional modules in portals: forums, photo galleries, blogs, reviews, etc. In ordinary sites, most often there are only a couple of them (or not at all). This is due to the fact that it is very important for the portal to have a stable community, and for this it is necessary to activate the audience.

Portals are easier to navigate (especially if all pages are interconnected). This type of Internet resources will most often occupy the leading positions for popular queries. For example, "Wikipedia" just takes a huge layer of first places in search results only due to volume.

Attendance is another indicator that distinguishes portals. A typical related site can rarely compete on this criterion. The reasons are the same - the volume of content. Due to the fact that there are more articles on the portal, users often find the site in search engines.

Although, all these indicators are conditional. There is no clear separation between portals and regular sites. At least at the moment.

There is no single definition for web portals. With regard to this term, only exemplary distinguishing features and features can be named, according to which the site is assigned the portal level. In the most general sense, a web portal is a global and massive site, within which smaller virtual projects are collected, working as a whole.

The cost of the web portal.

Based on the scale, it is easy to guess that the cost of the portal is very different from the prices for ordinary ordinary web projects. To turn a simple resource into a portal, a webmaster will have to invest a lot of money and do a huge amount of work.

Types of Internet portals, their features.

1 . Customized (individualized) portals

The amount of information presented within the framework of the portals is colossal. In order to restore at least some order in the scattered and almost unstructured materials, a system of filters was implemented on large sites, individual ( customized) settings for users . Accordingly, such Internet portals were called customized.

Over time, the data arrays continued to grow, and the filters could no longer provide the necessary sorting and selection of publications. Even in small topic niches, users would start to see so many articles that it was impossible to sort through them. In a similar way, the search did not save either, because its results occupied dozens and dozens of search results pages.

2. vertical portals

To optimize the operation of web portals, the so-called "vertical" working algorithms were introduced, which led to the emergence of "vertical portals" (strictly structured projects).

The essence of all these measures was to protect the requested information within the boundaries of a specific thematic niche. Thanks to innovations, working with vertical web portals has become easier and more productive, since the user received data exclusively on the requested topic. If such a structure was combined with the customization of the issuance, the best effect was achieved.

3 . Horizontal portals

Along with the advent of vertical portals, "horizontal" projects also stood out. All those old global projects that did not introduce structural innovations were classified as horizontal sites. That is, horizontal portals existed before, but only at this stage were brought under the new terminology.

An Internet portal with a horizontal structure, if it had the proper amount of information and developed, became extremely inconvenient to use, but still attracted the target audience. Often, such sites won only due to:

- massiveness, obtained over many years of work;
– the uniqueness of the available data;
- pre-acquired prestige.

four . Corporate portals

Platforms of this kind became relevant after the largest commercial companies entered the Network. If the firm had an extensive dealer network, maintained a large staff and provided a wide range of products or services, its website could turn into a corporate portal.

The corporate site contained a complete list of information relating to the activities of the organization. Moreover, within the framework of such projects, live communication could be carried out between employees, between customers, between partners, dealers, administrators, why specifically installed additional tools like forums, chats, blogs, personal pages, internal messaging services.

Portal development.

Since the web portal is called so because it contains large amounts of information and includes additional functions, it can be developed indefinitely. The development of the portal is an endless and systematic procedure, which is limited only by budgetary funds.

If the owner of the Internet portal is ready to invest or reinvest money in the expansion of the project, the site continues to develop and grow. Partial help here is also provided by users who voluntarily fill the web resource with new publications, new

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Runny nose- this is inflammatory process covering the nasal mucosa. This disease most often accompanies other ailments. This is usually a sign of another disease. Rhinitis- this is common occurrence with acute respiratory viral diseases, such as parainfluenza, flu , measles , adenovirus... With such combinations, doctors call a runny nose rhinitis, which in Greek means " nasal inflammation".
Patients prefer to call this disease a runny nose. The first and second names, although they are very similar and even synonymous with each other, are nevertheless somewhat different. Yes, the name rhinitis” implies the mechanism for the appearance of the symptom, then the name “ runny nose"speaks of signs of inflammation, for example, the expiration of mucus. In this material, there will be no particular distinction between these two terms.

AT in large numbers cases of rhinitis allergic manifestation and develops when a provoking agent enters the tissue. So, there are two types of rhinitis: allergic and infectious. You can read about why and how these two types of disease occur in this article. It must be said that a minimum of information about how rhinitis develops will help people who do not have medical education, not only competently approach the treatment of this disease, but also prevent its occurrence.

What are the causes of rhinitis?

For any reason, causing the appearance rhinitis, this is necessarily a sign of an inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa. Allergic and infectious types of diseases differ from each other not by the mechanism of occurrence, but only by the cause that caused them. There are some specific factors in the structure of the respiratory system that contribute to the development of this inflammatory process. Following are some of them:

1. The nose is the most important place through which atmospheric air enters the body. For human health, it is necessary that breathing is carried out through the nose. Eastern sages had a saying that inhaling air through the mouth is the same as eating food through the nose.

2. The nasal mucosa is constantly “tested for strength” by a variety of aggressive factors, such as pathogenic microflora, icy air, aggressive substances, dust, pollen and other allergens. Thus, it is here that all these agents are rendered harmless. Dust particles settle here, the air acquires the necessary temperature and humidity for entry into the bronchi and lungs. Due to the abundance of small capillaries in the nasal mucosa, a runny nose develops. This mechanism will be discussed in more detail below.

So, the nasal mucosa is constantly under the influence of quite aggressive factors. Therefore, a runny nose is a fairly common occurrence.

Infectious runny nose

Infectious rhinitis ranks first among the signs infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory organs. In addition to rhinitis, with such diseases, there are necessarily a number of symptoms characteristic of infectious diseases. Often, along with rhinitis, migraine-like pain is observed, body temperature increases, and lethargy develops. Runny nose in this case is caused by the action of pathogens on the nasal mucosa. As it was said, this organ is the “first front line” in protecting the body from a variety of damaging factors. In this regard, a huge number of microorganisms constantly enter here. The vast majority of these microorganisms cannot cause disease, but there are some that can be the cause of the development of the disease. In the case of an infectious rhinitis, an increase in the number of harmful microbes on the nasal mucosa causes a violation of its condition and the death of the upper cells. This phenomenon is the explanation for the symptoms of rhinitis: itching in the nose, the appearance of mucus from the nose, "clogging" of the nose, a violation of the timbre of the voice, and much more.

It must be said that the appearance of mucus from the nose is the response of the blood vessels of the mucosa to the inflammatory process. The appearance of mucus is an attempt by the body to evacuate harmful agents from the nose. It must be said that by appearance and the amount of mucus can be judged by which microorganisms the process was provoked. In the case when the mucus is transparent and liquid, most often this is a viral origin of the disease, but if the mucus is yellow, then the cause of the disease is bacteria.
Speaking about the infectious form of the disease, it must be said that this is often the first sign colds. In this connection, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, treatment should be started immediately. Then the process can be stopped in time.

allergic rhinitis

The main signs of an allergic form of the disease are the same outflow of mucus and "clogging" of the nose. The process of development of this disease is completely different from that of the infectious form. Push to start allergic rhinitis is the interaction of the nasal cavity and any allergen. Together with microorganisms, a huge number of these substances enter the nose: this is the hair of cats and dogs, and pollen, and household dust, and much more. If the human body is prone to allergies, then such contacts provoke a violent reaction. In the place where there was contact, the inflammatory process begins. The appearance of an abundance of mucus in this case indicates the "desire" of the body to quickly wash out all allergens from the nasal cavity. Often, this form of rhinitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation, and respiratory failure. It is these factors that indicate the allergic origin of the disease. Suspicion of this form of rhinitis is a reason to visit an allergist's consultation.

A related disease is neurovegetative rhinitis. Both varieties belong to the vasomotor group. In this disease, the symptoms appear due to the instability of the nervous regulation of the state of the blood arteries.