Earthworm - interesting facts. Interesting facts about annelids, earthworms, flatworms Post roundworms interesting facts

1. Some types of flatworms, including Pseudobiceros hancockanus, very unusually conduct a mating ritual - representatives of this species arrange the so-called fencing with penises.

They are all hermaphrodites, and therefore, during the fight, they try to pierce the skin of their opponent, inject a little sperm and become the father of future offspring.

2. By digestion flatworms are able to "learn". A group of scientists have made an unusual discovery regarding the abilities of flatworms. It turns out if planar worms first teach them to go through the maze, then grind them into a puree and let other worms eat it, then they will be able to go through this maze the first time.

3. Heterogeneous species of worms - schistosomes inseparable throughout life.

The female lives in the pocket of the male all her life.

4. Almost all types of flatworms can turn inside out.

5. And here's another Interesting Facts about flatworms. For example, flatworms are truly almost immortal. If you cut off a very small piece from the worm, approximately 1/100 of the whole worm, it is still able to recover to the whole organism.

6. On the skin of some planarians living in fresh water, scientists found nettle cells, which are very similar to stinging cells found in coelenterates. It turns out that these cells really belonged to coelenterates, which subsequently ate the ciliary worms. Stinging cells are not digested by worms. They get into their skin and serve to perform a protective function and attack.

These include the liver fluke, bovine tapeworm, wide tapeworm. They can live without oxygen - they can receive all the necessary substances from their owner.

You will learn more about flatworms from the video "Flatworms"

Description of the informative video about flatworms:

Biology Lessons Online. Flatworms have a three-layer structure, they consist of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

The body of flatworms has bilateral symmetry, it is flattened in the dorsal-abdominal direction and has a leaf-like shape. The function of the movement of the flatworm is played by the skin-muscular sac, which consists of the epithelium, annular, longitudinal and dorsal-abdominal muscles.

The space inside the skin-muscle sac is filled with parenchyma, which performs a supporting function, a distribution function (transport of gases and nutrients), an excretory function (transport of metabolic products to the excretory organs) and a storage function (glycogen reserves).

The excretory system consists of stellate cells - protonephridia, excretory tubules and excretory pores. Nervous system flatworms consists of two head nodes, two nerve chains and many jumpers between them.

The female reproductive system is represented by the ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vitelline glands, the male reproductive system is represented by the testes, the vas deferens and the ejaculatory canal. At the same time, both male and female reproductive systems are present in the same individual, that is, flatworms are hermaphrodites. Cross fertilization.

Earthworms are truly contemporaries of dinosaurs. They appeared 120 million years ago, while the human race is only 250,000 years old. In ancient times, it was customary to call almost every creature a "worm", if it turned out to be legless; be it a caterpillar, a larva or a snake. So in Anglo-German folklore, dragons were called worms.

The well-known Charles Darwin, more than 100 years ago, studied earthworms for 39 years. One of the slimiest creatures in the world is the earthworm.

There are about 2,700 varieties of earthworms.

Australian variety Megascolides australis - can reach more than 3 meters in length. Also, these large earthworms are also known for the fact that when they are buried in the ground, they make gurgling sounds.

The nemertine marine worms Lineus longissimus are the longest worms. Evidence of this is a specimen 55 meters long, which was found on the coast of Scotland in 1864.

The African earthworm Microchaetus rappi, despite growing to almost 7 meters, weighs only 1.5 kg.

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The New Zealand worm Spenceriella gigantea, whose length is 1.5 meters maximum. This species does not have a gigantic size, but with its help you can read a book in the dark, as it glows.

Long considered extinct, the North American palus worm, Driloleirus americanus, has the ability to burrow to a depth of 5 m. It is pale pink in color and smells like lilies.

In 2005, Norwegian scientists proved that hooked worms feel absolutely no pain or discomfort.

Worms can become a source of human immortality, since scientists recently discovered the pha-4 gene in worms, a variety of Nematodes, that slows down the aging of the human body.

To survive after heavy rains, worms crawl out of the ground.

In the soil, the number of earthworms can reach up to 400 individuals per square meter. Two earthworms can clean and process up to 1kg. soil per day.

Worms are "hermaphrodites", which allows them to breed both with a partner and on their own.

If an earthworm is cut in half, it will survive and regenerate itself. Since he has a certain number of sets of vital organs. If you cut the worm with a center shift, then only a large part will remain alive. Well, if you cut the worm into several pieces, it will die.

Acanthocephalus worms cause a disease called acanthocephalosis, are they dangerous. Prevention and treatment of the disease, methods of infection and detection of helminths of this group in humans are key issues that will be discussed further. Acanthocephalosis - rare, but very dangerous diseases human body. Prickly-headed worms, which are frequent inhabitants in the body of animals, and rare in humans, provoke such diseases. In another way, these helminths are also called acanthocephalans.

It is extremely rare for a person to become the final owner of these helminths. But if this happens, then the consequences for the human intestine and the whole organism as a whole are significant.

Humans can mainly be carriers of acanthogo eggs, an intermediate in life cycle acanthons. The same role is played by crayfish, molluscs.

The final carriers of adult worms are fish, mammals, and occasionally people.

For humans, the consequences of infection with worms are very unpleasant and painful, but not at all fatal. Availability in human body the rake will not go unnoticed. Spiny-headed worms cause intoxication, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Frequent gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Unexplained bouts of nausea, vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Fever

Ways of infection

Eating the meat of such animals is not dangerous if the meat has undergone sufficient heat treatment. The danger is meat used in the form of barbecue, dried, salted. To avoid contamination, be sure to thermally process the product.

Types of acanthocephalans dangerous to humans

Such manifestations cause discomfort, painful conditions of a person, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is extremely important to seek the help of specialists in a timely manner. Since the disease becomes chronic.


In medicine, does not yet exist medicinal product, designed specifically for the destruction of this type of helminths. Since they are not yet sufficiently studied, through rather rare cases of human infection with acanthocephalans.

They are cured with conventional anthelmintic drugs. It is only necessary to seek help from specialists, and strictly observe the necessary dosage of the drug, and all additional prescriptions of the doctor.

To avoid infection with acanthocephalans, you must:

With early detection and correct complex treatment, there comes a complete recovery of the human body.

Tablets from worms for humans

  • What pills to choose?
  • How do worm medications work?
  • Most effective medicines from worms
  • Universal means - broad-spectrum tablets
  • Medicines for worms for children
  • Tablets against worms during pregnancy
  • Tablets for the prevention of worms

What pills to choose?

It's easy to do if you know the most effective drugs from worms different types:

  • For the treatment of roundworms, Nemazol, Vormil, Decaris, Mebex, Piperazine, Helmintox, Vanquin are prescribed.
  • Tablets such as Nemozol, Fenastal, Meparkin will help get rid of tapeworms.
  • Bitionol, Chloxil, Perchlorethylene are effective against flukes.

How do worm medications work?

To minimize the risk of side effects, it is important to strictly observe the dosage of the medication indicated in the instructions.

There are contraindications that prohibit the use medical preparations under certain conditions. These include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • lactation period.
  • The presence of infectious and viral diseases.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In order not to harm your own body during anthelmintic therapy, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment. He will help you choose the most effective and safe medicines.

The most effective medicines for worms

  • Vormil - anthelmintic tablets with the active ingredient Albendazole. With their help, ascariasis, giardiasis, ankylostomiasis, necatoriasis, enterobiasis, neurocysticercosis and mixed helminthic invasions are treated. You need to take the medicine with food. The tablet is thoroughly chewed and washed down with water. Recommended dosage:

- with necatoriasis, ascariasis, hookworm and enterobiasis - 1 tablet 1 time per day, drink from 3 to 5 days;

- with strongyloidiasis, teniosis, hymenolepiosis ─ 1 tablet is taken 1 time per day, the course of treatment is 3 days;

- with mixed invasion ─ 1 tablet is drunk twice a day, the course of treatment lasts 3 days.

Contraindications - the period of pregnancy, lactation. Side effects- Allergies, nausea, dizziness.

Price - from 200 rubles.

  • Vermox tablets active ingredient mebendazole. Effective for cleansing the body of pinworms, whipworms, roundworms and other roundworms.

How to use the medicine:

- with trichinosis, you need to drink 2-4 tablets three times a day for 3 days, from the 4th to the 19th day of treatment, the number of tablets taken three times a day increases to 4-5;

- with ascariasis, trichuriasis, teniasis, helminthiasis mixed type 2 tablets per day are prescribed for 3 days;

- with enterobiasis, 1 tablet is taken once.

Contraindications - Crohn's disease, pregnancy, ulcers, liver failure. Side effects - possible nausea, allergies, headaches.

- children from 6 months to 2 years old - 125 ml of tablets or 2.5 ml of suspension;

- 2-6 years - 250 mg tablets or 5 ml suspension;

- 6-12 years old - 500 mg tablets or 10 ml suspension;

- after 12 years - 750 mg tablets or 15 ml suspension.

The medicine is taken with meals 1 time per day. Tablets need to be chewed.

Contraindications - intolerance to the components of the drug, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy. Side effects - dizziness, nausea.

it inexpensive drugs. The price of tablets is from 29 rubles. for 3 capsules, the cost for 15 ml of suspension is from 60 rubles.

  • Nemozol is a medicine with the active ingredient Albendazole, which helps to cure ascariasis, trichinosis, strongyloidiasis, echinococcosis, enterobiasis, hookworm, skin syndrome (“migratory larvae”). The drug is available in the form of tablets or suspension. Reception method:

- Tablets are drunk with meals 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and can be 1-10 days.

- Suspension is taken with meals 1 time per day for 3 days.

Contraindications - reduced level leukocytes, diseases of the liver, eyes, pregnancy, lactation. Side effects - insomnia, confusion, nausea, vision problems, stomatitis.

Price - from 170 rubles. for 1 tablet and from 200 rubles. for 20 ml of suspension.

  • Helmintox is an anthelmintic drug with the active ingredient Pirantel, which is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. Effective in the treatment of enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm. Destroys adults, as well as larvae. The recommended dose is 12.5 mg suspension or 125 mg tablets per 1 kg of body weight once.

Contraindications - myasthenia gravis, pregnancy, liver failure. Side effects - diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, urticaria, asthenia, dizziness. Price - from 127 rubles. for 15 ml.

  • Decaris - anthelmintic tablets with the active substance Levamisole. With their help, treatment is carried out for ascaris, hookworm, pinworms, some cataracts, whipworm, intestinal acne. Method of application - adults drink 150 g of tablets once at bedtime. Recommended dose for children: 3-6 years old - 50 mg tablets, 6-10 years old - 75 mg, 10-14 years old - 100 mg.

Contraindications - age up to 3 years, hepatic and kidney failure, pregnancy, agranulocytosis. Side effects - headache, nausea, allergies, insomnia, fever, uterine bleeding.

Cost - from 90 rubles. Learn more about Decaris.

  • Albendazole is an anthelmintic drug with the active substance Albendazole. These are popular tablets because they destroy different types of worms: giardia, roundworm, pork tapeworm and bovine tapeworm. Learn more about Albendazole.

- with helminthiasis, it is enough to take 400 mg of tablets once, the dose for children is 60 mg of the drug per 10 kg of weight;

- with cysticercosis of the brain - 800 mg tablets per day for 8-30 days, for children 15 mg per 1 kg of weight;

- with ascariasis, enterobiasis, ankylostomidosis, the dose for adults is 400 mg, for children - 200 mg once;

- with giardiasis, adults need to take 400 mg tablets, and children 200 mg for 3 days.

Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, age up to 2 years. Side effects - abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, urticaria, hypertension.

Price - from 170 rubles. for 400 mg.

Other drugs for worms that are effective for humans are called Medamin, Biltricid, Troychatka Evalar.

Universal means - broad-spectrum tablets

Use to destroy them different drugs not worth it, because every medicine has a pronounced toxic effect. It is better to resort to taking universal medicines. These include:

  • Azinox - tablets effective against many types of worms. Their active component Praziquantel destroys cestodes and trimatodes. The dose and course of treatment is prescribed depending on the specific type of invasion. It varies from 10 to 50 mg of drug per 1 kg of human weight.

Contraindications - cysticercosis of the liver, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 4 years. Side effects - allergic reactions, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness. Price - from 105 rubles.

  • Cysticide - tablets effective against trematodes, paragonimosis, schistosomatosis, cestodosis, cysticercosis. Active substance This drug is Praziquantel. The course of treatment and the dose of the drug depends on the type of invasion.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity, cysticercosis of the eye, pregnancy. Side effects - nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, allergies, increased sweating, weakness. Price - from 250 rubles.

  • Biltricid is a universal anthelmintic tablet with the active ingredient Praziquantel. Effective against different types of worms, in particular, from flukes, tapeworms. The recommended dose of the drug depends on the type of invasion and is 40-75 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The duration of treatment is 1-2 days.

Contraindications - cysticercosis of the eye, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components. Side effects - asthenia, drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea.

Also, Dekaris, Pirantel, and also Vormil, Nemozol, described earlier, have universal anthelmintic properties.

Medicines for worms for children

Many drugs against worms act on the body too actively, so their choice should be approached selectively, especially when it comes to drugs for the treatment of children. The instructions for each medication indicate at what age it can be used. Consider which pills are best suited for treating children:

  • From 6 months - "Piperazine", "Helmintoks", "Nemocide", "Zentel", "Aldazol".
  • From 1 year - "Pirantel", "Praziquantel".
  • From 2 years old - Albendazole, Niclosamide.
  • From 3 years - "Vormil", "Levamisol".
  • From 6 years - "Diethylcarbamazine".

For children under 4 years old, it is better to give not tablets, but suspensions.

The dose of each drug is calculated individually, depending on the type of invasion and the weight of the child.

In addition to pills for the treatment of children, it is worth using folk remedies. Babies can make enemas from garlic broth, inject garlic cloves into the anus.

In the process of treating helminthic invasion in children, the main thing is to carefully consider the choice of medicine. It should not harm the baby's body.

Tablets against worms during pregnancy

The name of the only pills that can be taken during pregnancy is Piperazine. His active substance Piperazine adipate acts against roundworms. A course of treatment:

  • with ascaris twice a day for 2 days, 1.5-2 g of tablets;
  • with pinworms twice a day for 5 days, 1.5-2 g of tablets.

Contraindications - diseases of the central nervous system. Possible side effects- tremor of the limbs, nausea, dizziness.

Pregnant women should not self-medicate. Medical therapy admissible only as directed by the doctor, if after the examination he decides that the medicines will do more good than harm.

Tablets for the prevention of worms

On the one hand, these medicines are quite toxic, but on the other hand, if you take prophylactic pills twice a year, this will help to avoid invasion, which entails enormous health problems.

A particularly prophylactic course with anthelmintic drugs is recommended:

In the process of pharmacological therapy, it is important to choose pills that will help get rid of helminthic invasion and at the same time do not harm the body. Before taking the drug, you must carefully study the instructions, Special attention referring to the sections "contraindications" and "side effects".