Dermoid cyst on the eyelid: causes and treatment. Dermoid cyst on the eyelid Seam after removal of the dermoid cyst of the upper eyelid

A dermoid cyst on the eyelid is a benign formation that looks like a capsule up to several centimeters in diameter, which is located under the skin.

Top Ichilov clinic doctors have learned to successfully fight this disease using modern methods treatments and precision medical equipment. The clinic uses low-traumatic endoscopic surgery methods, and in some cases laser cyst removal.

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Cyst treatment: the latest technologies Top Ichilov

Removal of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid should be carried out with jewelry accuracy. First, the tissue remaining after the operation can lead to the recurrence of the cyst or lead to an inflammatory reaction. Secondly, the impact should be minimal so that after the operation there are no scars and other cosmetic defects. In clinics in Russia and Ukraine, an operation to remove a cyst usually takes long time. In this case, it often becomes necessary to carry out repeated operations. Treatment of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid in Israel is carried out using modern medical equipment, therefore, in most cases, surgeons from the Top Ichilov center manage to complete the operation in 10-20 minutes.

As a rule, the dermoid cyst on the eyelid is small (on the order of a few millimeters) and is located on the inner or outer edge of the orbit. Conservative methods of cyst treatment are not used in world medical practice, therefore, in Top Ichilov, a dermoid cyst is removed surgically:

  • If there is inflammation and suppuration of the cyst, the surgeon opens it, the contents of the cyst are removed, and the cavity is drained;
  • After the inflammatory processes have stopped, the cyst walls are excised within healthy tissues;
  • In the case of small cysts, postoperative sutures are not applied;
  • The operation is carried out under local anesthesia, at the end of it, a tight bandage is applied to the patient's eye.

Treatment of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid in Israel is an opportunity to significantly reduce the time of postoperative rehabilitation even in the most severe cases, because such operations in Israeli clinics are performed with minimal trauma to the patient. Complete healing of eyelid tissues occurs within 3-5 days. In addition to traditional surgical instruments, the Top Ichilov clinic widely uses modern high-energy lasers, which make it possible to carry out practically bloodless operations and prevent the appearance of scars on the eyelid.

The main cause of a dermoid cyst is a violation of embryonic development. Dermoids are formed as a result of the fusion of the skin or the overgrowth of the embryonic cavities. The cyst is located under the skin, does not cause concern to the patient and is usually discovered incidentally - when medical examination. Treatment of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid in Israel allows you to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and at a very reasonable price.

Timely and accurate diagnosis of cysts

As a rule, a cyst on the eyelid is removed solely for cosmetic reasons. However, there is a possibility that she could be reborn as malignant tumor. That is why the doctors of the Top Ichilov clinic pay great attention to timely diagnosis this disease.

To diagnose a dermoid cyst on the eyelid, the following research methods are used:

  • Computer diagnostics and MRI;
  • radiography;
  • Study of tumor markers.

Turning to the Top Ichilov clinic, you can count on a qualified medical care and speedy recovery.

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Dermoid cyst on the eyelid (treatment review)

Treatment of dermoid cyst of the eyelid in Israel. Tatyana from Dnepropetrovsk talks about her son's treatment for a dermoid cyst of the eyelid.

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A dermoid cyst in a child is a congenital benign pathology. The disease develops as a result of a failure in the intrauterine development of the fetus. Consists of the epidermis sebaceous glands, particles of the dermis and hair follicles. The cyst can grow to a very impressive size, which will disrupt the normal functioning of the organs.

The tumor can be localized on different parts of the body: near inside eye sockets of the child, on the neck in the lower part, on the head (hairy area), superciliary arch and bridge of the nose.

The appearance of a dermoid is associated with a failure in the intrauterine development of the embryo. During the formation of skin layers, part of the ectoderm is detached from other areas and an incorrect fusion of dermal tissues occurs. The cause of cysts can be hormonal disruptions, but these are extremely rare cases.

Some scientists believe that dermoids may also appear as a result of a genetic predisposition on the maternal side.

A dermoid cyst in a child manifests itself from birth. Due to the small size, it is possible to see the neoplasm not immediately, but only after the expiration of time. Great discomfort is caused by the visual presence of a tumor, which can reach the size of a walnut.. On examination, the dermoid has the following characteristics:

  • Dense texture when probing;
  • Painless palpation;
  • Rounded or flat shape;
  • Skin covering over the cyst without redness and swelling;
  • There is no adhesion to the skin.

Dermoid can form anywhere:

  • Eyes;
  • neck area;
  • Superciliary arch;
  • On the head of a child;
  • Bridge of the nose;
  • behind the ear;
  • Coccyx;
  • The scent of a child.

If a child has a dense increase, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician.


A small dermoid is completely asymptomatic. Complication of the disease is very dangerous for the life and health of the baby. In different parts of the body, the tumor causes various symptoms. To general characteristics can be attributed:

  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Inflammation, redness of the skin;
  • Nausea;
  • Nagging pain.


Removal of the neoplasm takes place only surgically and depends on the place of formation, size, health status and age of the patient. The operation takes place only after the child reaches the age of five, when the body is able to endure general and local anesthesia.

Dermoid removal is a mandatory procedure. Slowness can lead to a violation of the functionality of organs and irreversible consequences.

Dermoid cyst of the eye

Congenital pathology of the eye occurs in children quite often. It consists of an ampulla-like extension that is filled with mucus. The tumor appears mainly before the age of five years, but grows rather slowly.

Large tumors can move the eyeball forward or to the side, resulting in limited eye movement.

Eye cyst symptoms:

  • Edema upper eyelid, manifested without pain and inflammation;
  • Dropping of the upper eyelid. The skin of the eyelid is stretched, but the color is not changed;
  • Under the wall of the eye, you can feel a motionless formation with an elastic texture that does not cause pain;
  • When enlarged, the dermoid of the eye can irritate the vessels, which stimulates the tumor.
  • which can lead to visual impairment.

Diagnosis: Computed tomography or x-rays can make an accurate diagnosis. The dermoid of the eye thins the bony edge of the orbit, which becomes visible during examination.

Removal of a dermoid cyst of the eye in a child is possible only by a surgical method.

Depending on the location of the cyst, the surgeon will select the appropriate technique for removing the tumor:

  • Osteoplastic orbitotomy (the cyst is located at the top of the orbit or in the inner space of the eye);
  • Revision of the temporal fossa area;
  • Subperiosteal access to the tumor (cyst of the anterior upper part eyeball).

Dermoid cyst of the neck

A neck cyst is a hollow tumor formation containing a liquid or mushy mass. It is located in the neck area: on the side or middle and is asymptomatic. Lateral dermoid is detected immediately after the birth of the baby. The median may be an accidental finding by parents or a healthcare professional.

A cyst of the neck can fester, degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Symptoms of complications of the disease:

  • skin deformation;
  • Difficulty in swallowing;
  • Harsh breathing.

Removal of the cyst is possible only by surgery. The puncture in this case is ineffective, fluid accumulates again in the cyst cavity.

Dermoid cyst on head

The dermoid on the head of a child consists of connective tissue and is the most common type of cyst. Symptoms appear only after an increase in the neoplasm. Complications of a tumor on the head can cause discomfort and swelling. The danger lies in the asymptomatic course, the possibility of suppuration and development into a malignant pathology.


  • Ultrasound procedure;
  • CT scan;
  • General research;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Removal of a cyst on the head of a child occurs only surgically.

Superciliary dermoid

The eyebrow dermoid reaches a size of up to five centimeters and increases with the growth of the child. This tumor rarely becomes malignant, however, it requires immediate medical intervention. AT adolescence the tumor begins to grow intensively, which is especially characteristic of boys. To the touch, the neoplasm is absolutely painless, and the occurrence of pain signals inflammation.

If a child has an inflammatory or infectious process in the body, a complication of the disease occurs: fistula, suppuration, facial deformity.

Complication symptoms:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Nausea;
  • Weakness;
  • Dizziness.

Complete removal of the superciliary cyst is possible only up to the age of six. The operation after six, will lead to a regular accumulation of the substance in the cavity of the dermoid. Removal of education must be carried out in a timely manner. Not only visual skin disorders are formed, but also changes in the brain or nasopharynx.

  • Interesting to read:

Dermoid cyst behind the ear

At the birth of a baby, the neoplasm can not be seen immediately due to its small size. The tumor only grows over time. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid possible consequences:

  • Inflammation and suppuration;
  • Removal of the dermoid may be incomplete due to strong growth in the tissue;
  • Deterioration of the patient's condition during surgical intervention.

The inflamed dermoid is removed only after anti-inflammatory therapy. A planned operation takes place with a slow spread of the tumor.

  • Important information:

The duration of the operation depends on the severity of the disease. The doctor opens the dermoid and cleans out the contents. The walls of the capsule are removed to prevent the re-growth of the dermoid.

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Symptoms and course of the disease

In most cases, the placement of dermoids falls directly on the upper outer and upper inner regions, they are a certain round formation, of a fairly dense consistency. A feature of this formation will be that it can be motionless or motionless, has a different size (the size of the formation can be the size of a small pea or a large bean). In all cases of dermoid formation, the skin above them will not be changed.

In the case of the formation of epibulbar dermoids, they can be bilateral and one-sided, multiple or single, located in the limbus or on the surface of the conjunctiva of the eyeball, also on the cornea. Such formations, quite often, may have a certain corneal-scleral localization.

In the rarest cases, with severe this disease, dermoid can cover the entire surface of the cornea. Epibulbar dermoids are comparatively small formations characterized by light color may be oval or round in shape. These formations have a fairly dense consistency, are prominent, and have clear boundaries. The surface of such formations is completely smooth, slightly dry, covered with thin hairs.

A disease such as eyelid dermoid is characterized by a benign course, and only in very rare cases can malignancy of these formations occur. A feature of the dermoids of the eyelids is a rather unhurried growth, with all this, in almost all cases, the growth of the formation stops exactly when the eye itself stops growing. In very rare cases, there may be an observation of progressive and very slow growth of the formation.

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Treatment of the disease

The dermoid of the eyelid, most often, is determined in the early childhood. During the examination, the formation looks like a relatively small ball located directly under the skin and during the examination there are no unpleasant painful sensations.

This disease requires treatment, since the eyelid dermoid has not only a cosmetic defect, but is also a potential focus of various diseases and serious inflammatory processes. At any moment, an increase in education can occur, the process of suppuration or degeneration of the dermoid of the eyelid into malignancy. To date, the treatment of eyelid dermoids is carried out only surgically, since there is a need for the complete removal of such a formation. If there are certain indications, it is also possible to remove this formation in combination with keratoplasty or conjunctival plasty.

A very favorable prognosis is made for life. Depending on the localization of the formation, there will also be an impact on the state of the function of vision. In the case of the formation of a dermoid of the cornea or limbus, a sharp decrease in the level of visual acuity may occur, there is also a possibility of the beginning of the process of clouding of the affected cornea, the development of abnormal astigmatism or amblyopia is possible.

Treatment should be carried out only by an experienced surgeon, taking into account the course of the disease and the growth of the most benign tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dermoid cyst on the eyelid is detected in patients in early age. On examination, the cyst on the eyelid resembles a ball that is under the skin and does not cause pain on examination. However, this disease is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a potential focus of various inflammatory processes and diseases. At any moment, the dermoid cyst can increase dramatically, fester or degenerate into malignant neoplasm. For the treatment of this disease, the method of surgical intervention is used.

Eyelid dermoid must be differentiated from mucoceles and cerebral herniations.

A dermoid cyst, or dermoid, is a neoplasm in the form of a cyst with a wall of connective tissue. The surface of this type of neoplasm is rough on the inside and smooth on the outside. Its inner layer has a similar structure to the skin and includes the cuticle, stratified epithelium, sweat and sebaceous glands, fatty inclusions and hair.

A dermoid cyst can be located on the eyelid, on the temporal region, on the upper or inner edge of the orbit, on the scalp, on the bottom oral cavity, the lower part of the neck, as well as in the area of ​​​​the handle of the sternum.

A dermoid cyst on the eyelid of a child begins to form even during fetal development, and it is not always noticeable at birth. A dermoid cyst is an organoid teratoma, a fibroepithelial formation that consists of connective tissue. From the outside, it is surrounded by an oval capsule. The size of the dermoid can vary from a large pea to a walnut. Inside it there is a single or multi-chamber cavity, which is filled with a sebaceous mass with an admixture of keratinized particles of skin and hair. Dermoid cysts are divided into soft and dense depending on their content.

Symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid

Clinical manifestations of the dermoid, as in the case of other benign neoplasms may not show up for a long time. In the neonatal period, a dermoid cyst can be seen as a slightly elongated or rounded "ball" located under the skin. Symptoms of a dermoid can manifest itself during its increase, inflammation, suppuration, or with pressure on nearby organs.

Dermoid cyst in children has the following characteristics:

  • in most cases it is rounded;
  • has a dense and elastic structure;
  • not soldered to the skin;
  • not painful on palpation;
  • the skin over the cyst is unchanged (the usual shade, there is no rash, ulceration, etc.);
  • when localized on the skull, it may have a depressed appearance;
  • The size of the cyst usually does not increase for a long time.

The severity of the symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid depends on its size, location and age of the child. The manifestation of symptoms usually occurs when suppuration or inflammation occurs. With the dermoid of the eyeball or eyelid, the clarity of vision may be impaired.

Small dermoids do not affect general state health of the child and do not provoke violations internal organs. This is a common cosmetic defect that interferes with the child and his parents. Despite the good quality of the neoplasm, it must be removed, since in 1-2% of cases there is a risk of its degeneration.


Dermoids are detected during a general examination of the child. In this case, in addition to the physical examination, diagnostic procedures to determine the presence of a connection between the cyst and other tissues.

Appoint computed tomography, which visualizes in detail the image of any components of the body: muscles, organs, adipose tissue, bones, etc. Magnetic resonance imaging is used to obtain a detailed image of organs and structures.


Treatment of dermoid cysts is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. In this case, the cyst shell is completely removed. In children under the age of 7 years, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and at an older age, using local anesthesia.

In most cases, the removal is carried out through a small puncture. The operation lasts no more than 15 minutes, after it there are no traces and scars. After a few hours, the child will be able to go home, and after a couple of days he will completely forget about the operation.

Moscow clinics

Below we give the TOP-3 ophthalmological clinics in Moscow, where they treat a dermoid cyst of the eyelid.

  • Moscow Eye Clinic
  • Clinic of Dr. Shilova T.Yu.
  • MNTK named after S.N. Fedorova
  • All eye clinics in Moscow >>>

    Dermoid cyst on the eyelid: causes and treatment

    A dermoid cyst, or dermoid, is a neoplasm in the form of a cyst with a wall of connective tissue. The surface of this type of neoplasm is rough on the inside and smooth on the outside. Its inner layer has a similar structure to the skin and includes the cuticle, stratified epithelium, sweat and sebaceous glands, fatty inclusions and hair.

    The dermoid cyst can be located on, on the temporal region, the upper or inner edge, the scalp, the bottom of the mouth, the lower part of the neck, and also in the area of ​​​​the sternum handle.

    A dermoid cyst on the eyelid of a child begins to form even during fetal development, and it is not always noticeable at birth. A dermoid cyst is an organoid teratoma, a fibroepithelial formation that consists of connective tissue. From the outside, it is surrounded by an oval capsule. The size of the dermoid can vary from a large pea to a walnut. Inside it there is a single or multi-chamber cavity, which is filled with a sebaceous mass with an admixture of keratinized particles of skin and hair. Dermoid cysts are divided into soft and dense depending on their content.

    Symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid

    Clinical manifestations of the dermoid, as in the case of other benign neoplasms, may not manifest themselves for a long time. In the neonatal period, a dermoid cyst can be seen as a slightly elongated or rounded "ball" located under the skin. Symptoms of a dermoid can manifest itself during its increase, inflammation, suppuration, or with pressure on nearby organs.

    Dermoid cyst in children has the following characteristics:

    • in most cases it is rounded;
    • has a dense and elastic structure;
    • not soldered to the skin;
    • not painful on palpation;
    • the skin over the cyst is unchanged (the usual shade, there is no rash, ulceration, etc.);
    • when localized on the skull, it may have a depressed appearance;
    • The size of the cyst usually does not increase for a long time.

    The severity of the symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid depends on its size, location and age of the child. The manifestation of symptoms usually occurs when suppuration or inflammation occurs. With the dermoid of the eyeball or eyelid, the clarity of vision may be impaired.

    Small dermoids do not affect the general health of the child and do not provoke violations of the internal organs. This is a common cosmetic defect that interferes with the child and his parents. Despite the good quality of the neoplasm, it must be removed, since in 1-2% of cases there is a risk of its degeneration.


    Dermoids are detected during a general examination of the child. In this case, in addition to the physical examination, diagnostic procedures are carried out to determine the presence of a connection between the cyst and other tissues.

    Computed tomography is prescribed, which visualizes in detail the image of any components of the body: muscles, organs, adipose tissues, bones, etc. Magnetic resonance imaging is used to obtain a detailed image of organs and structures.


    Treatment of dermoid cysts is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. In this case, the cyst shell is completely removed. In children under the age of 7 years, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in older children, using local anesthesia.

    In most cases, the removal is carried out through a small puncture. The operation lasts no more than 15 minutes, after it there are no traces and scars. After a few hours, the child will be able to go home, and after a couple of days he will completely forget about the operation.

    Moscow clinics

    Below we give ophthalmological clinics in Moscow, where a dermoid cyst of the eyelid is treated.