The Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan was killed. The mysterious death of a deputy minister in Tatarstan: did she know too much? Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

The main tasks of the ministry

Participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of public health protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, legal regulation in the field of public health and pharmaceutical activities, organization of the system preventive measures, medical care population, conducting medical rehabilitation, protecting the health of mother and child, providing specialized types of medical care.

Mission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan

  • encourage a healthy lifestyle and reduce morbidity;
  • provide residents of the republic with equal access to quality health care services in accordance with their needs;
  • to achieve the quality of medical care;
  • efficient use of allocated funds and resources.

The Ministry performs the following main functions

  • healthcare management, including:
  • industry programming for the long-term stage, for the planned year;
  • management of medical and preventive activities of the healthcare system of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • management of specialized medical care;
  • regulation of relations arising in the sphere of circulation medicines within the limits of the powers granted.


Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

By the Decree of the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, Farrakhov, Airat Zakievich, has been appointed Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, since 2006 and has been heading the Kazan Health Department since 2006. Airat Farrakhov was born on February 17, 1968 in Tatarstan in the city of Agryz in the family of a doctor and teacher. In 1993 he graduated with honors from the Kazan State medical University. In 1993-1995 passed clinical residency in surgery at the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 1995-1997 worked there as a doctor endoscopic surgery, abdominal surgery. In 1996, he completed training under the Presidential Program for Management Personnel Training (financial management). From 1997 to 2002 - assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases of KSMU. In 2000 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 2002 he was appointed deputy. chief physician for surgery of the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 2003 - Deputy. chief physician for the medical part of the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2005, Airat Farrakhov became the winner of an international competition for a healthcare reform project in the CIS (he trained in the USA under the program "Hospital Management, Healthcare Management"). He is the author and leader of a number of republican projects in the field of healthcare: international cooperation between the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan and the largest clinic in Western Europe in Nuremberg (Germany), infection monitoring of the clinic (a field of healthcare economics, optimization of clinic costs and drug therapy), cell therapy, etc.


Vafin Adel Yunusovich First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Zalaldinov Rinat Sagitovich Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Golubeva Rufina Konstantinovna Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Yarkaeva Farida Fatykhovna Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Departments and departments of the ministry

  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Licensing Authority
  • Department of Standardization of Medical Services
  • Department of organization of high-tech medical care

Kazan Educational Center for High Medical Technologies

In February 2008, with the support of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Health and the active participation of the leading medical corporation Johnson & Johnson, the Kazan Educational Center for High Medical Technologies was established. This is an innovative educational project designed to set new standards in the postgraduate training of doctors for effective use and introduction of high medical technologies.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Deputy Minister of Health of Tatarstan Elena Shishmareva, who was placed under house arrest less than a week ago, was found dead in her own house. Shishmareva, as well as her friend, Elena Fakhrutdinova, a teacher at Kazan University, was a defendant in a criminal case of fraud and abuse of power.

Refresher courses, to which employees of Kazan hospitals were sent, acted on the principle of "if you don't want it, we'll force it." At the same time, medical institutions, according to the investigation, were blackmailed by not issuing funding for the purchase of medicines.

The February 3 meeting of the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan shed light on the circumstances of the case. The investigation claims that Elena Shishmareva and Elena Fakhrutdinova for several years they appropriated money that was transferred for conducting advanced training courses for employees of medical institutions of the republic. In total, from 2015 to 2017, Elena Shishmareva, on behalf of the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan, concluded 374 such contracts.

The courses, according to the investigation, were voluntary-compulsory: if the head refused to send his employees to classes, Shishmareva simply did not sign papers on the allocation of funds to this medical institution, including for the purchase of medicines. As the investigator explained at the trial, 42 thousand rubles had to be transferred for training. Accordingly, several hundred thousand were received from each institution per year.

Sole proprietor Elena Fakhrutdinova (Doctor of Science, Head of the Department of Human Resource Management at Kazan University) acted as a counterparty in this scheme. Of the 8.7 million rubles - this is the total amount for which contracts were concluded - more than 5 million were transferred to Fakhrutdinova's personal accounts.

The courses were held at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IPK Progress). The director of this institution, during interrogation, explained the following: “The amount of hours allocated for courses was too large, and employees went to classes without much desire, and lectures were overpriced”.

The witness in the case tells: accountants had to sit out on courses for 80-100 hours of study, despite the fact that they did not receive the information necessary for work. State employees were simply forcibly seated at their desks in order to somehow justify the transfer of money.

“They studied those topics that are not needed in the work”, - an employee of one of the medical institutions of Tatarstan reports.

“The volume was large, many went to study without desire, many did not need it at all,” confirms the director of the IPK Vyacheslav Solovyov. - ... Fakhrutdinova told me not to worry, she has extensive connections, and the incoming money for education is extrabudgetary. And while her friend works as a deputy minister, we will be provided with orders.”

The investigation into the case affected not only the Institute for Advanced Studies, but also the republican Ministry of Health itself - searches were carried out there with the seizure of documents. As a result, the investigator asked to take Elena Shishmareva, as one of the two main defendants in the case of embezzlement of budget funds, into custody. But the court chose a milder measure of restraint, sending the Deputy Minister of Health under house arrest until April 1. A few days later, 52-year-old Elena Shishmareva passed away.

“She was found dead at home, I can confirm this fact. I don't know if the note was found or not, but I think the answer is obvious here."- commented on the incident, the Minister of Health Adele Vafin. According to him, the death of Elena Shishmareva is a tragedy. “We have lost a highly qualified specialist, a very experienced specialist”- said the head of the Ministry of Health of the Republic.

The preliminary version of Shishmareva's death is suicide. According to local media, the doctors did not have time to save her life.

In December 2017, Deputy Head of the Department of the Office of the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan for Anti-Corruption Policy Ivan Gushchin stated that the Ministry of Health is one of the most corrupt in the republic.

Elena Shishmareva worked in the healthcare system for three decades: she was the first deputy executive director for economic issues of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the head of the planning and economic department of the State Unitary Enterprise Tattekhmedfarm, and the deputy executive director of the Republican Health Insurance Fund. In May 2011, she took the post of Deputy Minister, her area of ​​​​responsibility was the economic bloc. The courses in question were attended mainly by employees of the accounting and economic departments of medical institutions.

The criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft by fraud" and under Part 1 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Exceeding official powers" in relation to unidentified persons. The Deputy Minister categorically denied her involvement in illegal actions and claimed that she was ready to cooperate with the investigation. This was also voiced at the hearing on February 3, when the court chose the measure of restraint. Elena Shishmareva then said: “My actions are strictly recorded in the documents, I am the most interested person to explain to the investigation all my actions and decisions. I'm ready to cooperate".

The second defendant in the case, 46-year-old teacher Elena Fakhrutdinova, was placed under house arrest until April 1.

Literally in a few hours, this case went from the category of standard corruption scandals to the category of criminal cases that raise a lot of questions. Under mysterious circumstances, on the eve of the interrogation, the main suspect dies, who did not even have time to charge him. And at the same time, a few days before his death, this suspect publicly declares that he will cooperate with the investigation.

The body of Elena Shishmareva, Deputy Minister of Health of Tatarstan, was discovered by her son. Exactly one week earlier, UBEP officers, with operational support, conducted searches in her house and office. The official was suspected of fraud for 5 million rubles. The criminal scheme was based on mandatory-compulsory advanced training courses, due to which the medical institutions of the republic, if their specialists were not sent there, could lose a significant part of their funding, including for the purchase of medicines. Despite the fact that the official did not admit her guilt in the crime, on February 3 the court sent her under house arrest. And on the 7th, she was supposed to appear for interrogation to the investigator. But she didn't show up. Her mobile phone was also not available.

They found the body of Elena Shishmareva in the bathhouse of a country house in the village of Stolbishchi, in which she lived alone with her son. Eight knife wounds in the neck, cut carotid artery, a bloody kitchen knife ... The preliminary version of death is suicide. No suicide note, though. Only the words of relatives that recently Elena Shishmareva was in a depressed state, and two days before the incident she asked for forgiveness from her son for the "current situation."

The house of Elena Shishmareva in the village of Stolbishchi, where her body was found. Photo - Evening Kazan

Now, in connection with the death of a high-ranking official, the investigative committee is conducting a pre-investigation check. The version of violent death is still rejected. The main argument is that no traces of other people were found during the examination of the scene of the incident: the investigation team is sure that at the time of the suicide (this is approximately 12-13 pm) Shishmareva was at home alone. However, such a “non-feminine” way of leaving life has already generated enough a large number of questions. The main one is why the arrested official, in the presence of a huge number of painless methods of suicide, chose a knife to settle accounts with life? Those who knew her unanimously say that she was a calm, balanced, reasonable person, and such a wild death is simply uncharacteristic of her temperament. More like a murder disguised as a suicide.

At least, according to relatives who spoke with forensic experts at the crime scene, even during the initial examination, there were several dubious moments in the version of suicide. One of these - the body was found at the bench in the bathhouse, and a pool of blood - at the shelf, at a distance of more than a meter from the body. The knife that had been stabbed was also lying away from the body. And the number of strokes (eight!) at first glance looks strange. Although experts say that in forensic practice there have been cases of such suicides. Allegedly, after one or two blows, suicides lose their sense of self-preservation, they stop thinking and continue to cut themselves until they hit a vital organ or bleed to death.

Although from the outside, this explanation looks like a weak attempt to justify an implausible situation - because otherwise, you will have to admit that a person who, as they say, "knew too much" was killed under the nose of the investigation. And the fact that Elena Shishmareva knew a lot, no one doubts. “I am the most interested person to explain to the investigation all my actions and decisions. I am ready to cooperate,” she said at the court on choosing a measure of restraint. Now they say that the episode of fraud with advanced training courses for the investigation could become the starting point for unwinding a whole tangle of corruption cases in the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan. And the deputy minister had complete information about all the financial flows of the department under her control. And one question comes to the fore in this light - is Shishmareva's death connected with the fact that the investigation put too much pressure on her in the hope of obtaining this information and testimony against the leadership, or was Shishmareva's readiness to open all the cards to the investigation unprofitable for someone. And only depending on this answer it will be possible to say whether there was a murder or suicide on February 7 this year in the village of Stolbishchi.


52-year-old Elena Shishmareva is an economist by education, she graduated from the Kazan Financial and Economic Institute in 1987 and immediately began working as a senior accountant in the centralized accounting department of the Republican clinical hospital, and in 1994 she became the chief accountant of the RKB. In 2003, Shishmareva headed the planning and economic department of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattekhmedfarm", in 2005 she moved to the position of the first deputy executive director for economic issues of the State Unitary Enterprise "Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund". In May 2011, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the ministry, she oversaw the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens and the program "Development of healthcare in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2020". Among her merits in the Ministry of Health include an increase in salaries for medical workers and participation in the Friendly Polyclinic project.

The fraud scheme that cost Elena Shishmareva first her career and then her life looked like this. According to the republican Investigative Committee, in 2015-2017, as deputy head of the Ministry of Health, the official, exceeding her authority and acting out of selfish interests, literally forced the heads of subordinate medical institutions to conclude contracts with the Progress organization - to send their accountants and economists and pay for their studies in a short time. The choice of this particular organization to provide training services was not accidental - in fact, the company was headed by a friend of the Deputy Minister, Elena Fakhrutdinova. For three years, "for friendship" 374 contracts were concluded for 8 million 721 thousand rubles. On average, the tuition fee for only one specialist cost medical institution about 42 thousand rubles (obviously overpriced). A significant part of these funds (probable difference between the real and overestimated value) - 5 million 159 thousand rubles - went, according to the Sledkom and UEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, under fictitious contracts already to the accounts of IP Fakhrutdinova for further cashing out. At the same time, all accounts of Fakhrutdinova have not yet been identified. Reference:

Elena Fakhrutdinova, 46 years old. Since 2007, he has been an individual entrepreneur, providing services in the construction business and intermediary services at the Progress Institute for Advanced Studies (IPC) - he concludes contracts for the provision of services for the methodological support of the educational process. In the scientific community, she is better known as Dr. economic sciences, Professor, Department of Human Resources Management, Institute of Management and Finance, Kazan Federal University. He has diplomas in economics and law, the total scientific and pedagogical experience is 23 years.

It should be noted that for Elena Fakhrutdinova these courses were not the first experience of state contracts with the Republican Ministry of Health. In 2016, her IP acted as a supplier of the republican bureau of forensic examination. At that time, services were provided for preparing and conducting theoretical classes for employees on the topic “Economic analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise”, as well as for conducting theoretical and practical classes for bureau employees on the specifics of accounting in state (municipal) institutions. The total price of the two contracts according to the results of the auction amounted to 82.2 thousand rubles and did not cause any questions at that time. Unlike the situation with Progress.

The employees and heads of the educational organization themselves confirmed that they were initially embarrassed that the amount of training provided by the Ministry of Health at their base was too large. Chief accountants had to study for 100 or more hours, simple accountants - for 80 hours. On the one hand, such advanced training was necessary - for several years now, Russia has had a federal standard for accountants and a legislative requirement until 2020 for all employees in this profession to confirm their qualifications, and for their employers - to pay for training or compensate for the corresponding costs of the employee. But it was precisely for this training that people went, as they say, under duress. The reluctance to improve their knowledge was explained simply - the topics for training often had nothing to do with real work - for example, at their workplace, employees were engaged in payroll, and lectures were held on the material side. Nevertheless, there was never a shortage of “students” at the educational center of the ANO “Institute for Advanced Studies “Progress” - the interests of the company were directly lobbied by Elena Shishmareva. It was the responsibility of the Deputy Minister to draw up budgets allocated to medical institutions of Tatarstan. Taking advantage of her official position, she very quickly brought to the leadership of all medical and preventive institutions of the republic a causal relationship - who wants to get her signature on documents for the purchase of medicines and inventory items necessary for the operation of hospitals without delay, and, accordingly, subsequent budget financing , he regularly sends his accountants to paid courses. Moreover, on a prepaid basis. And who does not send, he does not receive her signature even for the allocation of the necessary limit of medicines. Thus, the hospitals of the republic were put in and regularly transferred considerable funds to improve the skills of their accounting departments.

It is quite logical that dissatisfaction with the meaningless high-paying courses in the end should have splashed out. Attempts by representatives medical institutions Republic to find out in the Ministry of Health and the leadership of the Institute for Advanced Studies when this budgetary extortion will end, did not lead to anything. And an anonymous message at the end of last year was received by the investigating authorities. After a series of inspections, the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Tatarstan on February 1 of this year opened a criminal case against unidentified employees of the Ministry of Health of the republic, suspected of fraud on an especially large scale and abuse of authority, searches were carried out in the ministry. The State has been recognized as the victim in the case. As part of the case, Deputy Minister of Health of Tatarstan Elena Shishmareva was interrogated on the same day. After interrogation, the investigation detained her as a suspect. But before they had time to charge her, they were going to impute to the official the theft of almost five million rubles from subordinate medical institutions.

Sources claim that the chat in the Telegram messenger let the Deputy Minister down. The closed chat was called "Corporate Health Care", it consisted of chief accountants of republican hospitals.

Moreover, the community was used not only for communication and exchange of experience. Periodically, Shishmareva published in a closed group the same message with the following content: “Dear colleagues! On the basis of a government decree, advanced training courses are held among employees of economic departments and accountants of medical institutions. Further in the text of the message, the conditions for participation in the seminar were indicated: the institution must send two or three employees to one of the private educational centers. And the cost of the seminar. The courses were conducted by two organizations - LLC "Publishing House "World of Science" and ANO "Institute for Advanced Studies" Progress ". According to the service "Contour.Focus", IPK "Progress" and "World of Science" are registered at the same address: Kazan, st. Vishnevsky, 24. The director of both organizations is Vyacheslav Solovyov, the owner is Elena Korochkina. In 2017, the organization's total revenue amounted to 10.3 million rubles. According to the interlocutor, UBEP operatives conducted searches in these firms as well. Interestingly, in the history of the work of both companies there is not a single state contract, at least published (government customers have the right to make purchases up to 100 thousand rubles from a single supplier without publication). At the same time, IPK Progress tried to participate in tenders twice - in 2015 in the procurement for training for employees of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Tatarstan for 184 thousand rubles and in 2017 in the competition for the provision of educational services for short-term advanced training from the Kazan Federal State Institution "Center for Ensuring activities of the Treasury of Russia" in the amount of 30.1 thousand rubles. But contracts were signed with other organizations. Korochkina is also a 100% founder of PRO100PROFI LLC (specialization - additional education children and adults) with a revenue of less than a million and Profstandart LLC, which ended last year with a loss of 7 thousand rubles. During the audit, the UBEP employees found that Progress, Mir Nauka and IP Fakhrutdinova are affiliated with the Deputy Minister, although it is still unknown how exactly this is proved. There is an assumption that it was through Fakhrutdinova's firm that all contracts for seminars were concluded and payments were made. Fakhrutdinova herself has already stated that she did not personally manage the activities of Progress, acting only as a counterparty in this scheme.

As a result, according to the investigation, the money from the budget went to pay for the training of specialists and subsequently settled on the accounts of IP Fakhrutdinova. Thus, for three years of work in tandem of two Elenas - Shishmareva and Fakhrutdinova - 5.1 million rubles were withdrawn from the budget. It is possible that not only Shishmareva, but also a number of other employees of the ministry had a hand in this scheme in the Ministry of Health. The investigation is just beginning to work on this criminal case. Naturally, the unexpected death of one of the main defendants can significantly delay. By the way, immediately after the death of Elena Shishmareva, information appeared that her immediate superior, the Minister of Health of Tatarstan, Adel Vafin. But later the press service of the President of the Republic denied this news. However, not everyone believes this refutation. In mid-January of this year, a similar one was around the resignation of Tatarstan Minister Artem Zdunov. Then it was reported that Zdunov would leave to work in Dagestan as a prime minister. The press service of the Ministry of Economy initially denied this fact, but almost three weeks later Zdunov resigned and took over as prime minister of Dagestan.

Sources believe that the episode with the study of accountants is far from the last in the case of the Tatarstan Ministry of Health. At the end of last year, auditors of the Kazan Kremlin, prosecutors and the UEBiPK opera worked in the department. The revealed conflicts of interest and the participation of companies friendly to the leadership of the ministry in state orders have not yet been publicly reported. But in January of this year, the media leaked about one interesting tender with a single supplier. Under a government contract signed with the Volga Federal University, for more than 10.14 million rubles, he organized an educational internship for the management personnel of the republic on the topic “Managing the health care system on the example of the Republic of Singapore”. The customer is the "daughter" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic - GAOU additional vocational education"Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan", and among the participants of the internship is the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan. The basis for signing the contract was the agreement of the parties and the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated January 12, 2018. On the official website of the department and in the database of the NPA of the region this document missing. Of the total amount of the contract, more than 1.88 million rubles were provided for the flight to Singapore and back for 19 members of the delegation. It is worth adding that such highly paid internships at the expense of the budget for the republic are the norm. In September 2017, Tatarstan was already adopting someone else's experience in the field of medicine. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a procurement for organization services international conference“World quality standard: from idea to implementation. The Mayo Clinic Experience. For these purposes, more than 7 million rubles were spent from the regional budget. In December 2017, Ivan Gushchin, deputy head of the administration of the head of the Republic of Tatarstan on anti-corruption policy, said that the Ministry of Health is one of the most corrupt in the republic. Some chief physicians are heads of medical organizations, creating a conflict of interest, and employees of the personnel department of the ministry “do not even bother to conduct an appropriate check.” About among doctors and health workers in 2017, 45% of Tatarstan residents reported, and 10.7% said that it is necessary to “thank” the medical staff for everything. And at the end of January of this year, another scandal erupted in the medical field of Tatarstan - against employees of the republican ambulance in connection with mass theft in this service.

Funeral service

In connection with all of the above, the question again arises: what kind of information of interest to the investigation could the deceased Elena Shishmareva have, the person through whom all financial flows went Republican Ministry of Health?

And who ultimately benefited from the fact that she would no longer testify?