Biological year chart. Everyone has their own new year

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 15th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today will come true soon and very auspiciously.

Today is the 21st lunar day. The dreams that I had on the night of today are very accurate.

Today is Sunday. Day of the Sun. Sunday, talks about what can warm our hearts, bring happiness, make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and boundless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities, or, conversely, obscure joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting acquaintances with unusual abilities. Perhaps with a colorful sunny dream strong love will come to you or you will reveal a talent in yourself that you did not suspect. beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But a stingy Sunday dream warns of the approach of a bleak, empty period and calls for the search for positive aspects in any troubles. A mean Sunday dream can also speak of a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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RUBBER - Miller's Dream Book

If you saw an elastic band in a dream, you should prepare for various troubles in business.

If you see that you are stretching it, this means that you will try to organize a big business that you cannot handle, unless you take this dream as a warning.

RUBBER - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see chewing gum in a dream - this dream encourages you to be more confident in the negotiations that you will soon have to conduct.

You see in a dream a thin elastic band on someone’s finger, on a hand, on a bundle of money - your affairs will not rush in the direction you would like, you will soon find yourself in adverse circumstances. There may be conflicts with family because of trifles, but you are quick-witted, and conflicts will be quickly resolved.

In a dream, it’s as if you are stretching a thin rubber band - a dream suggests that you are not quite able to assess your strengths. The big deal that you swung at is not up to you.

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Each of us ages in our own way: some faster, some slower. Scientists from Duke University, who have been observing a group of volunteers over the years, have found that people differ from each other in the speed of the aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Each of us ages in our own way: some faster, some slower. Scientists from Duke University, who have been observing a group of volunteers over the years, have found that people differ from each other in the speed of the aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Scientists have proven that the actual age by date of birth does not correspond to how old your body is, that is, to biological age. Biological age of a person- This is an assessment of the state of the body, taking into account the flow of all metabolic processes in it. In other words, the biological age of a person is calculated depending on how the metabolic processes in the body function.

Indicators of a person's biological age may be higher or lower than the actual one. It all depends on the lifestyle you lead. People who eat a balanced diet, do not have bad habits, and play sports can have a biological age indicator of 30 years, while their actual age may exceed 55 years. The same rule works in reverse.

Do not be upset if your biological age exceeds the actual. Remember, its indicator can be adjusted for the better by referring to a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to consider the following: the parameter of biological age depends on the state of the organism at a particular point in time. The indicator for any person at the end of a hard working week will be different from the indicator after a vacation.

Moreover, scientists have shown that The aging process of the body can be slowed down and even reversed! What does it depend on and how to restore youth to your body?

Our body wears out when not favorable conditions: hard work, sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, constant stress, lack of sleep, bad habits, lack of sports, frequent walks and so on. Thus, by changing your diet and lifestyle in general, you can cheat time in the truest sense of the word.

Interesting: over the past few years in Russia, the biological age of people has increased by an average of 15 years compared to the actual date of birth.

But how to find out your biological age yourself, you ask? Easily! Experts recommend a simple test for this. Below are a few tasks, by completing which, you can conditionally understand, what is your biological age:

1. Measure your pulse, record the result, and then do 30 squats at a fast pace. Measure the pulse again, write down the difference. If the pulse increased by:

  • 0-10 units - you are 20 years old;

    10-20 units - 30 years;

    20-30 units - 40 years;

    30-40 units - 50 years;

    more than 40 units - 60 years and older.

2. Pinch yourself with your thumb and forefinger on the skin on the back of the hand, hold the pinch for 5 seconds, then release the skin and fix how many seconds your skin turns white (when you pinch, the blood vessels under the skin are blocked, the blood stops circulating in the usual way) in the initial state:

    in 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;

    for 8 - about 40 years;

    for 10 - about 50 years;

    for 15 - about 60 years.

3. Put your hands behind your back and clasp them in a "lock" at the level of the shoulder blades. If you:

    did it with ease - you are 20 years old;

    just touched with fingers - 30 years;

    could not touch - 40 years;

    could not put their hands behind their backs - 60 years.

4. Reaction speed test: Have someone hold a 50 cm school ruler vertically, zero down. At the same time, your own hand should be 10 cm lower. Your assistant, unexpectedly for you, should release the ruler, and you should try to grab it with your index and thumb. The result is measured in centimeters:

    if you hold the ruler at around 20 cm - 20 years;

    25 cm - 30 years;

    35 cm - 40 years;

    45 cm - 60 years.

If the test results did not please you, but upset you, we strongly advise you to pay due attention to your lifestyle:

1. Exercise, because even 30 minutes of physical activity a day will help the body to be in good shape, prevent aging of the skin and the body as a whole.

2. Drink more pure water . Read about the rate of water consumption in our article.

3. Review your diet. Avoid fatty, fried foods. Increase the volume of fresh vegetables and fruits. In general, switch to a balanced diet, because it is not in vain that they say: we are what we eat! To connect with an individual consultant who will create a training and nutrition plan for you, follow the link.

Take the test again after a couple of months. Most likely, your actual age will give way to biological in terms of indicators. Remember that the listed tests determine your biological age approximately, experts will help you to find out your biological age reliably.

December 8, 2016, 17:49 2016-12-08

Divide the year into 12 months. So, if you were born on March 8, the first biological month is from March 8 to April 7, the second - from April 8 to May 7, and finally the last, 12th - from February 8 to March 7.

After analyzing several biological years, you will find that each bio-month has its own characteristic face and its emotional coloring is repeated from year to year.

The content of events, of course, will be different every year, but your impression of the month will remain strikingly similar. Some bio-months fly by like birds, easy and fun, others stretch like rubber, tedious and hard. It all depends on the annual rhythm of our life.

The second and twelfth bio-months are our critical periods. Biorhythms at this time are most unbalanced. It is useful for the body to reduce physical and mental stress at this time.

Of course, each person is unique, so deviations in the individual curve in both directions are possible, but not more than 15 days.

In the 19th century, when most people died, as they say, “at their time”, the peaks of deaths occurred in the 2nd and 12th biological months. Now, due to the advances in medicine, the picture is somewhat fuzzy, but even today the peak of heart attacks, for example, falls on the 2nd biological month. During these periods, our body is most weak, prone to infections, nervous breakdowns, in these months he needs help.

But as? “If you want to help, don't interfere!” Do not load your 2nd and 12th biological months with unnecessary physical and mental work, and the body will cope with the difficult time on its own. And how wisely everything came up with nature! Before each “failure” of life activity there is a “slide”. On it, we sort of pick up speed in order to slip through the “pits” of the 2nd and 12th months by inertia.

In fact, statistics show that the safest month for cores is the 1st after the birthday. This means that it is important to take advantage of your “good” periods, and these are the 1st, 9th, 10th months. Intermediate hills and pits of the annual biorhythm are not so noticeable, usually the wheel of our life goes through them easily, and only when the axle starts to creak, they make themselves felt.

Imagine for a moment that for some reason, illness, for example, you cut off a tubercle of the first biological month. Then you will slide into the energy pit of the second month at a very low speed and you will have to get out of this pit, as they say, with all four limbs. The same applies to the 9th and 10th months - before the pit on the 12th.

So, save your energy slides! The biological year is superimposed on the astronomical (aka astrological) year, starting from the moment of the vernal equinox. It introduces seasonal corrections related to the rhythm of daylight hours and fluctuations in air temperature. In the spring, people's immunity decreases, mental crises develop, physical activity is activated (children grow faster). At the same time, the ability to learn, attentiveness, and thoroughness are deteriorating. Sexual activity often increases, sometimes leading to recklessness.

Those whose critical month of the bioyear falls in the spring experience these spring influences with heightened sensitivity.
In autumn, a person becomes more balanced, gravitates towards the improvement of life, more inclined to spiritual than to physical work. And bursts of creative activity often occur in autumn (remember the “Boldino autumn” by A. S. Pushkin).

The astronomical year also has two critical months - February (spring-summer restructuring of the body) and August (transition to the autumn-winter season). It is easy to see that people whose second or twelfth biological months fall in February and August should be especially attentive to their body at this time.

And just before your birthday, you secluded yourself in a corner, took a mental look at the past bio-year and grieve: you didn’t like it. The question arises: is it possible to improve the coming, next bio-year? The astrologer says yes! Let us roughly compare the human organism to a piano on which time plays out the suite of life. Of course, piano to piano is different. But a lot depends on the tuning of the piano. Is it possible to adjust the coming bio-year and our body using the law of analogies? Recall that the rhythms of a shorter period of time reproduce their pattern in a longer period of time.

So the rhythms of the day are reproduced in the rhythms of the lunar month. In a day, the Earth makes a complete rotation around its axis, that is, the entire circle of the Zodiac passes over our head. The same result, the passage of a full zodiacal circle, the Moon reaches in 27.3 days. According to the laws of arithmetic, if the right parts of two equalities are equal, then the left parts are also equal. Therefore, rhythmically one Earth day is equal to one lunar month. Let's introduce coarsening and replace the lunar month with a calendar one - the error will be small. Then, if we count from the zero point, one Earth day is like a calendar month. And the zero point is the moment of our birth: from it the countdown of the rhythms of our existence in the external environment begins.

Consequently, the 12 months of our bio-year will depend on how we live the first 12 days, starting from the day of birth. So let's live these 12 days as best we can! Pay Special attention on the second and twelfth days corresponding to critical bio-months.

Want to check out this recipe? Start a diary and, starting from the day you were born, note in it the emotional impression of each day spent: good or bad, boring or fun, joyful or sad, nervous or calm. If you later compare your entries for 12 days with the bioyear starting from them, you will notice a clear analogy: a day is a month. If, suppose, on the 3rd day you had a strong argument with someone, then you should know: the 3rd bio-month will turn out to be nervous for you. It is not necessary, of course, that you will quarrel all this month, but each of its events will sensitively bite your nerves. If on the 8th day you feel unwell, try to unload your 8th bio month: then you will not feel well. And if on the 5th day you are very lucky, on the 5th bio-month you can safely plan an important event and even an adventure - it will burn out!

Naturally, we chose the numbers of days quite arbitrarily - for illustration purposes only. Due to the simplification we have adopted, the accuracy of day-month coincidences decreases towards the end of the bioyear, starting approximately from the 8th biomonth. Therefore, for example, you cannot harmonize your five-year plan right away, having lived harmoniously two months after your birthday. Each bio-year must be adjusted separately. Let us now look at the rhythm of the biological year from a new point of view. What days do you need to live especially carefully? The second and twelfth after birth - they model our critical months of the biological year. We also need to keep the slide of the first and 9-10th days preceding the critical periods in order to get through these energy pits at a good speed by taking the acceleration.

What do we do on our birthday? This is where Satan lies in wait for us. Suppose we drank too much on our birthday and are gloomy all the first day. After all, we did a terrible thing - we cut off the energy hill of the first biological month! Now in the second, critical month, we will slide at low speed and painfully crawl out of the pit of the second biological month. Who will crawl out, and who will not.

Analyzing the causes of death, the astrologer always asks: what did a person do on his birthday? .. So, drink, but understand the measure, especially on your birthday! Most The best way to harmonize your future biological year is to take a ticket to a holiday home, a boarding house or just relax in the country for 12 days after your birthday ...

So, using simple methods of comparing and adjusting our biological rhythms, each of us is able to harmonize our daily lives.

The analogy day - month is especially useful when caring for a newborn: his biorhythms are just being tuned, and he needs maternal affection most acutely on the second and twelfth days of life.

An even more precise adjustment of the bioyear is made according to the “lunar month - solar year” scheme. Having traced the emotional situation 27-28 days after the birthday, one can visualize the entire bio-year. In this case, each calendar month will cover 27.32:12=2.3 days. By the first month of a newborn, you can estimate the first year of his life. And the most general idea can be drawn up according to the scheme “the first day after birth - the first year”, that is, according to the first 12 days of life, it is possible, with an error of plus or minus six months, to assess the well-being and development of the child during the first 12 years of his life. True, even here it will not be possible to draw up a schedule of a person’s entire life for the first 90 days - the analogy is too inaccurate.

How to count days? If you were born in the morning, your birthday counts as the first day. If in the evening or on the following night, the count starts from the next day. Those born in the middle of the day will have to spend a two-year research work and experimentally determine whether to consider the birthday as the first day.

Biological age is an objective assessment of the state of our body. The difference between it and the calendar (passport) age of a person can be from 5 to 10-15 years.

It has been repeatedly noted that peers can look different, radically differing in the degree of development and aging of the body. The division of concepts into biological and passport age was required in order to more correctly approach the assessment of the state of the human body.

The number of years lived according to the biological calendar is determined by the degree of wear and tear of the whole organism and its individual systems. What affects this indicator, why do we age prematurely?

Factors that change the biological age of a person

Age-related changes that occur outside: gray hair, age spots, wrinkles are perfectly visible in the mirror, and the condition internal organs not so obvious. It can be judged by some manifestations: constant fatigue, weakness, frequent illnesses. These signs are noticed not only by the elderly, among the young by chronological definition there are more and more biologically aged people.

What factors influence the rate of aging of the body? Physicians provide the following data:

  • Lifestyle (level of physical activity, self-care, bad habits, the amount of stress, etc.) - 50%.
  • Ecological situation - 20%.
  • Genetic features - 20%.
  • Standard of living, medical care - 10%.

The influence of conditions and lifestyle is especially noticeable in the mature calendar age. People living in favorable conditions, having a decent social status and positive heredity, look much younger than their peers.

The complex of factors included in the concept healthy lifestyle life, affects the rate of aging of the human body, slows down the process of wear and tear of the body. The mental attitude plays a decisive role in slowing down the biological clock. There must be a firm intention to regularly spend time and money on the fight against aging.

What are the criteria for determining biological age?

To what extent chronological age differs from biological age, there is no definite answer. human bodies as individual as individuals. Calendar age allows you to separate time periods in children and adults and obtain comparative criteria for analysis.

In the process of monitoring, average statistical biological indicators for each group are taken.

All periods from childhood to adult are divided according to the following chronology:

Anthropological (change in the shape and structure of a person) and psychological indicators are used as factors that determine biological age. The analysis takes into account gender, nationality, individual characteristics.

Among the main criteria:

  • maturity - the degree of formation of secondary sexual characteristics (the appearance of hair in various parts of the body, breaking voices in boys, development of mammary glands in girls);
  • skeletal maturity- a universal criterion for any age, the bone structure and the degree of ossification of the skeleton are examined by radiography;
  • dental maturity- the method is based on the calculation of the appeared teeth and the level of their erasure; dental analysis does not take into account caries and other dental diseases;
  • heredity- genetic predisposition received from parents;
  • intelligence level;
  • anthroposcopic features- allow you to determine the age of visually or by touch, draws attention to the loss of skin elasticity, the appearance age spots and keratinization.

To give a correct assessment of the biological age of a person, it is necessary to use a combination of several indicators. Quantity individual characteristics increases with age, so in children it is possible to establish the age with an accuracy of several months, and in the elderly the discrepancy is about 15 years.

Relationship between biological and psychological age

If chronological age is the period from the moment of birth to the day of research, expressed in time units (years, months), then psychological age is a certain level of personality development. It includes intelligence social adaptation, emotion management.

The connection between emotional and biological development is beyond doubt, because it was not in vain that the saying appeared that a person is as old as he feels. Correcting psychological condition, a person significantly affects the state of health.

The psychological mood makes older people active and cheerful, it also turns young people into dull old people complaining of fatigue. By changing the psychological state, you can "younger" for a dozen years.

How to determine your biological age

To find out the number of biological years lived, you can use one of the simple techniques to help you do it at home. Several available test exercises for coordination and reaction, a stopwatch, the presence of an assistant, an objective assessment of the results - that's all you need.

The more exercises you do, the more accurate your biological age is:

The amount of energy and vitality of the body are not determined by passport data. We cannot stop the flow of time, but slowing down the biological clock is a completely doable task.

Optimism and positive thinking, moderate exercise stress, balanced nutrition - these simple recommendations will extend the active phase of life.

I always feel bad in August. And since September, autumn depression generally begins: a bad mood, constant irritability, migraines. It gets to the point that in October I begin to think about the meaning of life, about the insignificance of my existence, about suicide.

It's just the end of my biological year...

A person's birthday is the end point of one biological year and the beginning of the next. The whole year is divided into biological periods. It's like in nature: spring - rebirth, summer - flourishing, autumn - maturity, winter - decline.

So here the first one and a half to two months after the date of birth comes the rebirth of man. During such a period, a person is usually in a state of trance. He does not understand who he is and what he is, everything is interesting to him and as if new. He often smiles to himself, immersed in his thoughts.

When the heyday comes (3 to 6 months), a person is at the point of his highest activity, tries to redo everything that has been started, conceives many new things. He does not feel tired, he forgets about hunger, about rest, sleep. He is always in a good mood.

maturity time (7th - 9th months)- a kind of relief. There is no longer such a desire to redo everything that has been started and planned, a thorough introspection begins, a feeling of peace, satisfaction, awareness of reality appears. It is at this time that everything that is done is considered and subsequently completed. Most people during this period consider themselves happy.

10th to 12th month begins a period of decline. At first, people begin to get tired quickly, frequent mood changes are noticeable, everything around begins to annoy. Later, there is a desire to change something in your life, or in appearance. A person begins to think about the meaning of his own life and about life in general. There is a feeling of uselessness, some longing. I want rest, tranquility, more often I want to be in nature. This condition is getting worse every day.

Nevertheless, in someone these periods are manifested very clearly, while someone practically does not notice them. And if one person, at the end of his biological year, declares that he no longer has the strength to move, then the second one says: “I think it’s time for me to go on vacation.”

In general, it is very interesting to observe the movement of the biological year in the lives of the people around me. It seems like a whole book could be written about it. And yet, knowing your biological periods, you can properly plan any important things.
It is best to get a new job or start any business project in the period of maturity. It's reliable. And by no means during the period of decline! But it is better to plan something in the heyday, when a huge number of different ideas ripen in the brain.

It is curious that the day of our wedding fell on the period of the highest point of my maturity, and I am well aware of this act, all its seriousness, importance and responsibility. And my husband had a rebirth during this period. So he still says: “I don’t understand what happened. As if he fell asleep single, and woke up married!

Try to plan your vacation either during the period of rebirth or during the period of decline. Just remember that at first you will hardly remember anything about him later. Everything that happens will seem unreal, a hazy dream. And in the last try, so that you are less strained and annoyed by others.

Yesterday I cried because of the rain. Probably, she was crying because the summer, which I love very much, was over. And this morning I went to work in breeches and a T-shirt, squinted from the bright awakening sun and did not at all feel that it was autumn outside. And in the working diary she wrote “August 7th” ...

It's just the end of my biological year...