The circulatory system of echinoderms is closed or open. What circulatory system is usually called a closed one? An excerpt characterizing the closed circulatory system

It is from the biology course that we remember the closed and open circulatory system. But it is to her that living beings owe the coordinated movement of blood through the body, which thereby ensures a full-fledged life activity. Delivery of heat and useful substances to all organs human body, without which existence is impossible, is also the merit of normally circulating blood. Without it, there would be no metabolic processes affecting the metabolic rate.

open circulatory system

This type of circulation is characteristic of protozoan invertebrates, echinoderms, arthropods, and brachiopods, as well as hemichordates.

In them, the delivery of oxygen and vital elements is carried out using diffuse currents. Some living beings have ways for the passage of blood. This is how the rather primitive-looking vessels arise, interrupted by slit-like spaces, which are called sinuses or lacunae.

A distinctive feature of an open circulatory system is the too low speed of movement in relation to a large volume of blood. It slowly, under low pressure, moves between the tissues, and then, through the open ends of the venous vessels, it again gathers to the heart. Slow hemolymph circulation leads to passive breathing and poor oxygen supply to the body.

In arthropods, an open circulatory system is designed to transport nutrients to the organs, as well as remove waste products. The movement of blood is provided by contractions of the heart, which is located in the posterior portion of the aorta (spinal vessel). It, in turn, branches into arteries, the blood from which pours out onto the washed internal organs and open cavities. This system of blood flow is believed to be imperfect, unlike that of mammals and birds.

Closed circulatory system

This type of blood flow may consist of one or two circles - large and small. Circulating through them, the blood can periodically change its composition and become either venous or arterial.

In this system, metabolism occurs only through vascular walls, and the blood contained in them does not come into contact with the tissues of the body. This type is typical for humans, other vertebrates, some other groups of animals and annelids. In the former, blood flow occurs due to a well-developed muscular heart. Its reductions are carried out automatically, but regulation is also possible by the central nervous system.

Benefits of a Closed Blood System

This type is characterized by rather high pressure. Unlike an open circulatory system, the speed of blood movement through the vessels is much faster here. At the same time, the time of one revolution for all organisms is different - for someone it takes twenty minutes, and for someone the blood makes a revolution in sixteen seconds.

There are several factors that promote blood circulation throughout the body. These include the pressure in the vessels and the difference between them, movements made during breathing, contractions of the muscles of the skeleton.


It is one of the main characteristics of the heart. With this phenomenon, the periodic expansion of the arteries coincides with the contraction of the heart muscle. The pulse rate depends on a large number reasons: emotional and physical exercise, body temperature, excess kilograms. According to generally accepted standards, the frequency of the pulsation of an adult should not exceed eighty beats per minute.

In the event that any deviations were revealed during the measurement, this is an occasion to think about the presence of heart disease and pay a visit to a specialist. And the opinion of incompetent relatives and neighbors in this case must be ignored.

Just organized animals such as coelenterates and flatworms, there are no specialized systems for internal transport and distribution of substances. These animals are characterized by a high ratio of body surface area to its volume, and gas exchange through the outer integument fully meets their needs, especially since the intensity of metabolism at this evolutionary stage is low. The distances that substances travel inside the body are also small, so they can easily move with the help of diffusion or with the current of the cytoplasm.

As the size increases and complexity of animal organization the amount of substances entering the body and subject to removal from it increases. The distances that these substances must overcome inside the body also increase, and therefore there is a need for more efficient way their transportation. In this way, their transfer with a liquid current, or transfer by a volumetric flow mechanism, becomes. There are two circulatory systems that ensure the transport of substances between different parts of the body, namely the circulatory (cardiovascular) and lymphatic. These systems are called vascular because blood or lymph passes at least part of its path inside specialized tubular structures - vessels.

General features of the circulatory system

Function of the circulatory system- maintaining a fast volumetric flow of substances between body parts at distances too large for transport by the diffusion mechanism. Upon reaching their destination, the substances must be able to penetrate through the walls of the vessels into the corresponding organs or tissues. Similarly, substances produced by these organs or tissues must also enter the circulatory system. In other words, specialized exchange systems are associated with the system of transport of substances by the volumetric flow mechanism.

Any circulatory system consists of three main components:
1) circulating fluid (blood);
2) a contractile organ that functions as a pump and pumps fluid throughout the body; this role is played either by specialized vessels or by the heart;
3) tubes or vessels through which fluid moves.

Two types of circulatory systems are known in animals - open (lacunar) and closed.

OPEN CIRCULATION SYSTEM(in most arthropods, in some cephalopods, etc.). The heart pushes blood into the aorta, which branches into several arteries. They open in the cavity between the internal organs, collectively called the hemocoel. Thus, the blood does not remain permanently in the vessels, hence the very name of the system - open. Blood slowly moves along the hemocoel at low pressure, washing around the surrounding tissues, and gradually collects back into the heart directly through holes in it or open veins at the ends. The distribution of blood to different parts of the body is poorly regulated.

CLOSED CIRCULATION SYSTEM(in echinoderms, most of the cephalopods, annelids, vertebrates, including humans). Circulatory system This type is characterized by the following features.
1. Blood remains inside the heart and blood vessels and does not come into direct contact with body tissues.
2. Blood flows quickly and flows to all parts of the body and back to the heart at a relatively high pressure.
3. The distribution of blood to different organs is regulated depending on their needs.
4. The entry of substances into the system and their exit from it is carried out only through the walls of the vessels.

Blood vessels called differently depending on their structure and function. The vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries. Arteries branch into smaller arterioles, which, in turn, branch many times, form a dense network of microscopic capillaries that penetrates almost all tissues of the body. This is where the exchange of substances between the blood and other tissues takes place.

Connecting within an organ or tissue, capillaries form venules from which the path of blood to the heart begins; merging with each other, venules form ever larger veins. Ultimately, all the blood returns through the main veins to the heart. The structure of vessels of each of these types is discussed in detail in the article.

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is an area of ​​essential knowledge related to health.

Humans are 60% liquid. It is found in all organs, even in those that at first glance seem dry - nail plates and. Neither, nor, nor even are possible without the participation of lymph and tissue fluid.

circulatory system

Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals. Blood can perform its various functions only when it is in constant motion.

Blood circulation occurs along two main paths, called circles, connected in a sequential chain: small and big circle circulation.

In a small circle, blood circulates through the lungs: from the right ventricle it enters the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen and returns to the left atrium.

Then the blood enters the left ventricle and is sent through the systemic circulation to all organs of the body. From there, the blood carries carbon dioxide and decay products through the veins to the right atrium.

Closed circulatory system

A closed circulatory system is a circulatory system in which there are veins, arteries and capillaries (in which the exchange of substances between blood and tissues takes place), and blood flows exclusively through the vessels.

A closed system differs from an open circulatory system by the presence of a well-developed four-chambered, three-chambered, or two-chambered heart.

The movement of blood in a closed circulatory system is provided by the constant contraction of the heart. Blood vessels in a closed circulatory system are located throughout the body. In an open one, there is only one open blood path.

Human circulatory system

Colorless cells that look like amoebas are called leukocytes. They are protectors, as they fight against harmful microorganisms. The smallest platelets are called platelets.

Their main task is to prevent blood loss in case of damage to blood vessels, so that any cut does not become a mortal threat to humans. Erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets are called blood cells.

Blood cells float in plasma - a light yellow liquid, which is 90% composed of. Plasma also contains proteins, various salts, enzymes, hormones, and glucose.

The blood in our body moves through a system of large and small vessels. The total length of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 100,000 km.

main organ of the circulatory system

The main organ of the human circulatory system is the heart. It consists of two atria and two ventricles. Arteries leave the heart, through which it pushes blood. Blood returns to the heart through the veins.

With the slightest injury, blood begins to flow from the damaged vessels. Blood clotting is provided by platelets. They accumulate at the site of injury and secrete a substance that promotes blood clotting and the formation of a blood clot (clot).

  • For a more accurate diagnosis of diseases, blood tests are done. One of them is clinical. It shows the quantity and quality of blood cells.
  • Since blood enriched with oxygen moves through the arteries, the arterial membrane, unlike the venous one, is more powerful and has a muscular layer. This allows it to withstand high pressure.
  • One drop of blood contains more than 250 million erythrocytes, 375 thousand leukocytes and 16 million platelets.
  • The contractions of the heart ensure the movement of blood through the vessels to all organs and tissues. At rest, the heart beats 60-80 times per minute, which means that about 3 billion contractions occur in a lifetime.

Now you know everything about the human circulatory system that an educated person should know. Of course, if your specialization is medicine, then you can tell much more about this topic.

circulatory system, a set of organs and structures of animals and humans involved in blood circulation. In the course of evolution, the circulatory system was formed (independently in different groups of animals) from slit-like cavities in the parenchyma, which filled the primary body cavity in lower multicellular organisms (for example, flatworms). Distinguish between open and closed circulatory system. The first is formed by various vessels, which are interrupted by cavities deprived of their own walls - lacunae or sinuses; at the same time, the blood, called in this case hemolymph, comes into direct contact with all tissues of the body (including those of brachiopods, echinoderms, arthropods, hemichordates, and tunicates). In a closed circulatory system, blood circulates in vessels that have their own walls.

In primitive worms, the movement of blood is provided by contractions of the muscles of the body wall (the so-called skin-muscle sac); in other groups, in various vessels equipped with muscular walls, pulsating areas ("hearts") are differentiated. On the basis of one of these areas, the most highly organized animals form a special pulsating organ - the heart. In different groups of invertebrates, it develops on the dorsal side of the body, in vertebrates - on the ventral side. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries, and those that carry blood to the heart are called veins. In a closed circulatory system, large arteries are successively divided into smaller and smaller ones, up to thin arterioles, which break up into capillaries that form an extensive network in various tissues. From it, blood enters thin venules; connecting with each other, they gradually form larger veins. Blood is called arterial if it is enriched with O 2 in the respiratory organs, depleted in oxygen after passing through the capillary networks of other organs - venous.

Nemerteans have the simplest type of closed circulatory system (2 or 3 longitudinal blood vessels are connected to each other by bridges). In many of them, the blood circulation is not ordered: the blood moves through the vessels back and forth with contractions of the muscles of the body. In the so-called hoplonemertins, the walls of the vessels acquired contractility; blood flows forward through the median dorsal vessel, and back through the two lateral vessels. In the closed circulatory system of annelids, the dorsal and abdominal longitudinal vessels are connected by vascular arches that run in septa between body segments. Arteries depart from them to the lateral appendages of the body (parapodia) and gills; the movement of blood is provided by the pulsation of the walls of some vessels; blood flows forward through the dorsal vessel, back through the abdominal vessel.

Arthropods, brachiopods and mollusks develop a heart. In the course of evolution, the circulatory system in arthropods loses its closedness: the hemolymph from the arteries enters the system of lacunae and sinuses and returns to the heart through holes in its walls (ostia), equipped with valves that prevent its reverse movement. This is most pronounced in insects, which is associated with the increased development of their tracheal system, which transports O 2 and CO 2. In mollusks, all transitions from an open to an almost closed (cephalopod) circulatory system are observed, there is an increase in the function of the heart; it has atria, into which, in some groups, veins flow, collecting hemolymph from the peripheral sinuses. In cephalopods, a circulatory system is formed, including capillary networks, and the heart is supplemented by pulsating vessels at the bases of the gills (the so-called gill hearts).

The circulatory system reaches considerable perfection during the evolution of chordates. In non-cranial (lancelets), the role of the heart is performed by a pulsating longitudinal vessel passing under the pharynx - the abdominal aorta. Branchial arteries depart from it, located in the partitions between the gill slits. Enriched with O 2 blood enters the dorsal aorta and arteries extending from it to various organs. To the head end of the body, blood enters from the anterior branchial arteries through the carotid arteries. From the capillary networks, blood is collected into veins, the most important of which are the longitudinal paired anterior (from the head end of the body) and posterior (from the area behind the pharynx) cardinal veins that flow into the Cuvier ducts (through which blood enters the abdominal aorta). The hepatic vein also flows there, carrying blood from the capillary network of the portal system of the liver. In vertebrates, the heart is formed from the posterior part of the abdominal aorta, which in cyclostomes and fish includes the venous sinus, atrium, ventricle, and arterial cone. In cyclostomes, the circulatory system is not yet closed: the gills are surrounded by paragill sinuses. All other vertebrates have a closed circulatory system; it is complemented by an open lymphatic system. In most fish, arterial blood from the gills enters the carotid arteries and dorsal aorta, while the heart receives venous blood from the capillary networks of the head and body organs.

Ancient lobe-finned fish developed additional respiratory organs - lungs, which allow breathing atmospheric air with a deficiency of O 2 dissolved in water. An additional small (pulmonary) circulation appears: the lungs receive venous blood through the pulmonary arteries (originated from the posterior pair of branchial arteries) and return saturated O 2 arterial blood through the pulmonary veins into the isolated left atrium. The left side of the heart becomes arterial, while the right side still receives venous blood from the rest of the body. A system of internal partitions and valves is formed in the heart, distributing blood in such a way that arterial blood from the left atrium (from the lungs) enters mainly into the carotid arteries and goes to the head (the brain is most sensitive to oxygen deficiency), and venous blood - from the right atrium to gills and lungs.

Terrestrial vertebrates have undergone further rearrangements of the circulatory system. The heart of amphibians is divided into the venous sinus, which flows into the right atrium, left atrium, common ventricle and conus arteriosus. The loss of the gills led to the reduction of the abdominal aorta; gill arteries are included carotid arteries, aortic arches and pulmonary arteries, starting from the arterial cone. The aortic arches form the dorsal aorta. In the venous system, the posterior cardinal veins are reduced, functionally replaced by the unpaired posterior vena cava. The anterior cardinal veins are called the superior (internal) jugular veins, and the Cuvier ducts are called the anterior vena cava. In amphibians, an important additional respiratory organ is skin, arterial blood from which enters through the vena cava into the venous sinus and then into the right atrium, and arterial blood from the lungs through pulmonary veins- in the left atrium. Arterial blood from both respiratory organs mixes with venous blood in common ventricle hearts.

In reptiles, with the improvement of the lung ventilation mechanism, the need for skin respiration disappeared. In most of them, the venous sinus and arterial cone were reduced; the heart consists of two atria and a ventricle, in which there is an internal, usually incomplete (with the exception of crocodiles) septum, which makes it possible to partially separate the flows of arterial and venous blood coming from the left and right atria and redistribute them in accordance with physiological needs. Reptiles retain 2 aortic arches, from which the right one receives arterial blood, and the left one - mixed; venous blood enters the pulmonary artery.

In birds and mammals, the complete separation of the ventricle of the heart resulted in the formation of four chambers: the left and right atria and the ventricles. The only surviving aortic arch (right in birds, left in mammals and humans) starts from the left ventricle, passes into the carotid and subclavian arteries and into the dorsal aorta. From the right ventricle begins the general pulmonary artery. The portal system of the kidneys, which was present in most primitive vertebrates (except cyclostomes), is reduced. All these changes in the circulatory system contributed to a significant increase in the overall level of metabolism in birds and mammals.

Lit .: Tatarinov L.P. Evolution of the apparatus for dividing blood currents in the heart of vertebrates // Zoological Journal. 1960. T. 39. Issue. eight; Beklemishev VN Fundamentals of comparative anatomy of invertebrates. 3rd ed. M., 1964. T. 2; Romer A., ​​Parsons T. Vertebrate Anatomy. M., 1992. T. 2.

It is from the biology course that we remember the closed and open circulatory system. But it is precisely to her that living beings owe the coordinated movement of blood through the body, which thereby ensures a full-fledged life activity. The delivery of heat and useful substances to all organs of the human body, without which existence is impossible, is also a merit of normally circulating blood. Without it, there would be no metabolic processes affecting the metabolic rate.

open circulatory system

This type of circulation is characteristic of protozoan invertebrates, echinoderms, arthropods, and brachiopods, as well as hemichordates.

In them, the delivery of oxygen and vital elements is carried out using diffuse currents. Some living beings have ways for the passage of blood. This is how the rather primitive-looking vessels arise, interrupted by slit-like spaces, which are called sinuses or lacunae.

A distinctive feature of an open circulatory system is the too low speed of movement in relation to a large volume of blood. It slowly, under low pressure, moves between the tissues, and then, through the open ends of the venous vessels, it again gathers to the heart. Slow hemolymph circulation leads to passive breathing and poor oxygen supply to the body.

In arthropods, an open circulatory system is designed to transport nutrients to the organs, as well as remove waste products. The movement of blood is provided by contractions of the heart, which is located in the posterior portion of the aorta (spinal vessel). It, in turn, branches into arteries, the blood from which flows into the internal organs washed and open cavities. This system of blood flow is believed to be imperfect, unlike that of mammals and birds.

Closed circulatory system

This type of blood flow can consist of one or two circles - large and small. Circulating through them, the blood can periodically change its composition and become either venous or arterial.

In this system, metabolism passes only through the vascular walls, and the blood enclosed in them does not come into contact with body tissues. This type is typical for humans, other vertebrates, some other groups of animals and annelids. In the former, blood flow occurs due to a well-developed muscular heart. Its contractions are carried out automatically, but regulation by the central nervous system is also possible.

Benefits of a Closed Blood System

This type is characterized by rather high pressure. Unlike an open circulatory system, the speed of blood movement through the vessels is much faster here. At the same time, the time of one revolution for all organisms is different - for someone it takes twenty minutes, and for someone the blood makes a revolution in sixteen seconds.

There are several factors that promote blood circulation throughout the body. These include the pressure in the vessels and the difference between them, movements made during breathing, contractions of the muscles of the skeleton.


It is one of the main characteristics of the heart. With this phenomenon, the periodic expansion of the arteries coincides with the contraction of the heart muscle. The pulse rate depends on a large number of reasons: emotional and physical stress, body temperature, excess kilograms. According to generally accepted standards, the frequency of the pulsation of an adult should not exceed eighty beats per minute.

In the event that any deviations were revealed during the measurement, this is an occasion to think about the presence of heart disease and pay a visit to a specialist. And the opinion of incompetent relatives and neighbors in this case must be ignored.