How to make hygienic lipstick. Budget cosmetic bag: how to replace expensive cosmetics? Keep the smell of perfume longer

Zhanna Stepanova | June 8, 2015 | 1914

Zhanna Stepanova 06/8/2015 1914

During the crisis, you have to save on everything, including cosmetics. Favorite and sometimes quite expensive cosmetic products can be easily replaced with more budgetary, but no less effective ones.

Beauticians unanimously repeat: the skin needs to be cleansed, toned, moisturized, nourished and protected. But about the means by which all these procedures are carried out, their views usually differ. Every beauty specialist has their own opinion about the “most effective and miracle-working” cream, mask or scrub.

The result of using all these miraculous remedies does not always justify our expectations, but their cost very often goes off scale and makes us laugh nervously.

However, for most expensive cosmetic products, you can find a decent and fairly budget alternative.

How to replace eye cream?

In fact, eye cream is just a marketing coup; in terms of its composition, it does not differ much from face creams.

Home cosmetics are no less effective in the fight against age wrinkles

And yet, if the absence of this cosmetic product in your arsenal upsets you, you can safely replace it with vitamin oil. Preparing it is very simple: you need to pour 1 tbsp into a small glass jar. l. extra virgin olive oil and add 3 drops to it oil solution vitamins A and E. Shake the bottle well.

Apply the product to the delicate skin of the eyelids should be 2 times a day. After half an hour after application, be sure to get wet with a napkin.

To prevent wrinkles on the skin around the eyes, you can also use wheat germ oil, grape or apricot kernels, rose hips.

In extreme cases, instead of an eye cream, you can use a 1% hydrocortisone ointment purchased at a pharmacy. However, it should not be abused.

You can also prepare a moisturizing eye cream from natural honey, glycerin and edible gelatin. Take a teaspoon of each ingredient and pour 70-80 g of boiled or carbonated water over them, mix. Steam the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, mix again and beat well. Let cool and use as an eye cream. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

How to replace tonic?

Plain mineral water without gas - a great alternative to tonics and lotions for facial skin. If such a replacement seems too extravagant to you, but there is still a desire to save on cosmetics, just give preference to more budget cosmetics. Their composition is in no way inferior to expensive and advertised products.

So that the tonic does not run out longer, it can be diluted with the same mineral water without gas.

How to replace a body scrub?

A body scrub bought in a store is money thrown away. Sleepy coffee is more beneficial for the skin, which exfoliates dead particles just as well.

Coffee grounds are a great scrub

To enhance the effect, coffee can be mixed with honey or sour cream. After scrubbing with a home remedy, the skin will be soft and moisturized. Yes, and the usual washcloth should not be neglected.

How to replace anti-cellulite body cream?

The best home remedy against cellulite - olive oil mixed with 5 drops of any citrus essential oil.

This natural product can be rubbed into problem areas during a massage. If you don’t want to do a massage, you can wrap the problem areas with cling film for half an hour after applying the oil, and then wash off the composition with warm water.

How to replace masks for hair and face?

With masks for hair and face, everything is also simple.

To give hair healthy looking you can make masks from yogurt, eggs, bread.

To make the skin of the face look rested and healthy, you can use a moisturizing and cleansing mask of honey, kefir and oatmeal, taken in equal proportions.

How to replace lip balm and hygienic lipstick?

Instead of expensive hygienic lipstick, you can safely use the simplest baby cream. The effect will surprise you.

Favorite gloss can be replaced with olive oil

An alternative to lip gloss is olive oil. Of course, it does not last very long on the lips, but it gives an attractive matte sheen.

If your favorite lipstick is about to run out, and buying a new one is not included in the immediate plans, you can mix the rest of the product with the same baby cream. Moisturized and pleasantly shaded lips will be provided to you.

Buying cosmetics on the principle of "the more expensive the better" is not worth it. Often, homemade beauty products and cosmetics from more budget brands are great for solving a particular cosmetic problem, and their purchase has little effect on the thickness of the wallet.

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The harmless little things for moisturizing the lips, which everyone uses in the cold season, are not so simple! Let's take a look at their composition.

1. The problem is that most of the hygienic lipsticks are based on a petroleum product - petroleum jelly. If you regularly use such funds, then, willy-nilly, you will constantly swallow some part of the vaseline. You can not put something on the lips so that it does not enter the digestive tract. According to various sources, for 10 or more years of using Vaseline-based protective products for lips, a person eats from 3 to 5 kg of this oil product! Undoubted harm to health and a sharp increase in the risk of cancer. And cancer leads to 25-26% of deaths of the entire population of the Earth.
2. Despite the fact that Vaseline is unhealthy, it has one advantage. Due to the fact that Vaseline is able to attract (as if to absorb) moisture from the surrounding air, it became possible to use it in hygienic lipsticks and lip balms.
It was believed that if the lips dry, it is necessary to make sure that the moisture itself falls on their surface. This would give the possibility of constant replenishment. But the problem is that as soon as a person with Vaseline-covered lips enters an area with drier air, the Vaseline begins to suck moisture out not from the air, but from the very surface of the lips. That is, the body loses even more moisture, and the lips dry even more.

20 beauty hacks or don't throw away your old lipstick

What we really miss is magazine advice. Such simple, life advice. Not about how to determine your color type or create a wardrobe capsule. And about how to make lip gloss from Vaseline, and eyebrow pencil from shoe polish. Our moms really did it. And we - enthusiastically read all these horrors, having found on the mezzanine the filing of the "Worker" for the year 85.

Fortunately, modern woman There are also some hacks. Not as radical, of course, as in 1985, but, nevertheless, very useful. You can safely save them on your page - for future generations.

Reviving dried ink

If the mascara has become too thick, you can revive it with a few drops of saline or "Vizin". Although it is a bit of a pity, of course, that one cannot spit in any Dior as effectively as in Leningradskaya. If you miss, it won't be the same, it won't be the same at all.

Restoring loose powder

If the powder, shadow or blush is broken and crumbled, they can be restored. You need to collect the leftovers, grind them into powder, pour it back into the jar, add a few drops of alcohol, mix, wait two minutes and compress the resulting slurry with a coin. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, but by no means with cognac: the result is unpredictable, and in general - it's blasphemy, to translate cognac into such a thing!

Fixing broken lipstick

A broken stick of lipstick can be heated with a hair dryer and gently reattached. Alarm! Heated lipstick has the consistency of the freshest snot, so it is not only sticky, but also slippery. Therefore, be careful!

Dissolving thickened varnish

If the varnish does not open, you can hold the vial in hot water. And if it thickens, do not spoil it with acetone. From acetone, the varnish, of course, will become thinner, but on the nails it will look so-so. The best option is to heat the bottle with a hair dryer and paint until the varnish has cooled down. Even more best option- buy a new varnish.

To keep eyeliner from breaking

If your eyeliner breaks all the time, put it in the freezer. And if you already knew this advice, then take out all those pencils that have inexplicably disappeared somewhere. They're right there.

Keep the smell of perfume longer

If you spray perfume on wet hair, the smell will last longer. And if you dry your hair with a hairdryer after that, then you will hate this smell forever and ever. So first you dry it, and then, on almost dry ones, you sprinkle it. But not vice versa!

We shave our legs

Instead of shaving gel or foam, you can use hair balm. With it, the razor glides even better. At the same time, you can be sure that balms that promise enhanced hair growth are bullshit and deception of the consumer.

Dry nail polish faster

To make the nail polish dry faster, you can dip your fingers in cold water. Or dry your nails with a hairdryer, but only with a cold jet. The main thing is to manage to do all this without peeling off fresh varnish on a tap or wires. Here is how lucky.

The second life of unsuitable shampoo

Shampoo that did not suit you, you can wash brushes and sponges. As well as a toilet brush, a trash can and dog paws. Because, to be honest, you will never spend all this battery of “unsuitable bottles” on some kind of brushes.

Wavy hair fast

The most inexpensive way to get wavy hair is to braid three pigtails at night, and tuck the ends under the elastic bands. That's if you're going to attend the "Back to the Nineties" party. Then everyone flaunted a “corrugated” hairstyle with chewed tips. And if you want soft curls, make a bun at the top of your head for the night. On the top of the head, and not on the back of the head, otherwise you will have to sleep, just like the geisha slept - placing a special log of expensive wood under your neck. You probably don't even have birch.

Wipe off nail polish... with nail polish

If there is nothing to remove nail polish, it can be removed with nail polish. Apply on top and wash immediately. Attention! The method requires a firm arm growing out of the shoulder.

DIY eyebrow brush

An old mascara brush makes a great brow brush. And the eyebrow pencil can be replaced with brown shadows of a suitable shade. Beautiful thing - eyebrows. All endure.

Hairspray Eyebrow Gel

By the way, hairspray can be used instead of eyebrow gel. We're sorry, but we have one more thing to write (well, McDonald's says "Caution, it's hot!" on the pies). So. Don't spray nail polish in your eyes! Spray it on the old mascara brush from the previous paragraph.

If the varnish does not puff

If the hairspray doesn't sizzle even though there's clearly more in the bottle, hold the atomizer under running water and then use the tip of a toothpick to poke through the hole. Atomizer, Lord, they will come up with the same. In short, rinse the pipe from which it splashes.

How to wear barefoot shoes

Shoes are now fashionable to wear on bare feet. But perfect shoes, as you know, are rare. And in imperfect ones, you rub calluses, because the leg crawls back and forth. To avoid this, lubricate your feet with deodorant. And if you are in the country and slip inside worn-out galoshes - dig up a potato, cut it and grease your feet with it. You can do the same at home, of course. But somehow economically unprofitable. Where to put it then, that potato? The cat won't eat, no.

How to open a jar without damaging your manicure

To open a can of beer and not damage your manicure, use a plastic card. In addition, you can casually stir up the performance in such a way. If the beer is Krusovice, and the card is a discount card from a perfume shop, then this is postmodernism. And if the beer is Zhigulevskoe, and the card is a platinum credit card, then decadence is straight.

How to dilute foundation

If texture foundation too dense and heavy, dilute it with any moisturizer. And if the color of the foundation is too pale, you can add a bronzer to it. But only liquid. Dry is too insidious - then a lump will definitely come across in the cream, which will turn you into Chingachgook on the warpath.

Cleaning silver with Coca-Cola

A darkened silver ring can be cleaned with Coca-Cola. Cola is generally an indispensable product, it is necessary to have it in the house. In case the kettle is covered with scale or the toilet bowl is covered with plaque. Or if you ran out of wine after 23:00. Because who drinks pure whiskey after wine?

Quick dry bathroom mirror

The mirror in the shower fogs up just when you urgently need to look into it and put on makeup. Because all those who overslept for work are splashing under boiling water. Either they are freezing from lack of sleep, or it is an act of self-flagellation. Do not freak out, but just dry the mirror with a hairdryer and look into it for health.
The most important life hack If you put on beauty to have a cultural drink with your friends, and then found yourself in your own bed, in tears, with a bottle of wine in one hand and a phone in the other - do not despair. Put your phone on airplane mode immediately. The SMS message cannot leave during your "flight". And your ex won't read it.

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

Handmade hygienic lipstick at home, always needed, regardless of the time of year, because whether it's a fierce winter, or it's a hot summer, our lips are attacked by the external environment and weather conditions. Lips are a very delicate and sensitive part of our face that needs extra protection.

To evoke positive emotions in men, our lips must be flawless. After all, chapped and chapped lips do not just spoil appearance, but cause physical discomfort, and sometimes pain. Lack of vitamins in the spring time or low temperatures in winter - all this can negatively affect the condition of the lips.

In order to return the lips to a blooming appearance and health, we need hygienic lipstick. Very often, children need such lipstick, as they are very fond of biting and licking their lips. It is noteworthy that men can also use hygienic lipstick, which will not affect their male “authority” in any way, because it is used exclusively for medicinal purposes.

The easiest way, of course, is to buy ready-made products in the store, but will you be sure of its effectiveness and safety. Firstly, it is very difficult to trace the date of manufacture, and, accordingly, the “freshness” of this hygiene product. And secondly, you should pay attention Special attention into constituent components. Ingredients such as silicone and camphor oil, menthol, paraffinum liquidum, saccharin, paraffin or petroleum jelly can not only do no good, but also harm such sensitive lip skin. All this "chemistry" is absent in hygienic lipstick made by oneself at home.

Recipe Ingredients

After reading any recipe for making hygienic lipstick at home, you can be sure of its simplicity and accessibility. All ingredients are available for sale at the nearest pharmacy. So, we need:

  • 2 grams of beeswax;
  • 1 gram of cocoa butter;
  • 1 gram of sweet almond oil;
  • 3.5 grams of castor oil;
  • 1-2 drops of coloring and flavoring (optional).

Some components can be replaced. For example, beeswax can be replaced with palm or candelilla, but they are extremely rare on sale. Also instead of almond oil you can use any other oil, the properties are close to almond. Castor oil replace with avocado or peach oil, or a mixture thereof.

How to prepare hygienic lipstick at home?

To prepare a hygiene product at home, you will need only 10-15 minutes of personal time. Let's get started:

The technology for preparing hygienic lipstick in recipes is always the same and consists in mixing different phases into a single composition. Therapeutic and aesthetic properties are completely dependent on the components used.