Year of the dog, month of fish. Characteristics of a fish woman born in the year of the dog

Many perceive his behavior as weakness, but this is far from the case. This is a very strong person, resistant to most of life's problems. But at the same time, he prefers to take a passive position, both in the work team and in his personal life.

Pisces Man, Year of the Dog: Characteristics

These men have many positive qualities. And these qualities are necessary for them, because they must constantly overcome difficulties and obstacles. Fate may be unfavorable for them at a young age, but in adulthood, everything becomes more balanced. You cannot trample on your ideals, even if it seems profitable. Sincerity and purity of thought can lead to positive results.

Society Man

He will try to help everyone with his sincere advice. However, building a personal relationship with him is not easy. He is looking for something reliable and stable, so intrigues and short novels do not attract him.

In love and personal life

The characterization of the Pisces-Dog man in a personal and intimate way is also encouraging. With love in his heart, he acts as a very reliable and faithful spouse. Despite the seeming softness, he makes very significant demands on his partner. He can often be sarcastic and overly critical. But such behavior on the part of the Pisces-Dog man should be avoided, showing his most beloved feminine qualities - affection, attention and love.

Emotionality and lovemaking

He is incredibly emotional. He loves to make love, because only in this way can he tell about his feelings and special attitude. When he can lure a woman, excite her and indulge in long caresses, he becomes truly happy.

It is impossible not to notice his special sensitivity, thanks to which he can easily anticipate the mood of his partner. He always tries to get along with her and give her maximum pleasure. But when he sees fit, he begins to follow his own needs and needs. Based on the characteristics of the Pisces-Dog male, compatibility with the Boar, Tiger and Rabbit is most successful for him. Sometimes he can have serious mood swings, when a man suddenly becomes indifferent and withdrawn, but you can get used to this, it's not so scary.

Possible difficulties

But, despite all his loyalty, it can be difficult to live with him under the same roof, especially if you have been together for a long time. He is emotional and does not want to hide his resentment on any issue. However, for this it will need to be brought. He has a lot of patience, but he also has limitations. It is impossible not to note his special vulnerability, so any word that he hears about himself can be very painful.


Gifted with numerous talents, male Pisces-Dogs can make a career in almost any field. To do this, it is enough for them to apply their diligence, which they have in full. Due to their qualities, the wallet of these men is never empty, as they do not pursue profit, but simply do their job.

It is best for these people to have some one goal in life, so as not to return to the issue of understanding their desires, with which they may experience some difficulties. You should not be distracted by trifles, as this can lead to a loss of the flow of success. Pisces men in the year of the Dog should learn from any situation. You cannot stop in life.

Man of Doubt

If we try to characterize the Pisces-Dog man, we will find that they doubt everything: they do not believe in facts, only in their own feelings. The combination of these two signs produces a surprisingly sensitive, delicate and vulnerable person. According to the combined horoscope, men with this combination of signs are responsible, compassionate to others, they are ready to help everyone around them. He is wise, insightful, able to give the right advice and, most importantly, a devoted and obligatory person. They cannot refuse any help, but they are no less persistent in protecting their interests.


Soft, gullible Pisces-Dog men give the impression of harmless people. Although they can stand up for themselves: they have a special inner strength. Do not resort to rudeness, do not weave intrigues, but simply try to convey your idea to them. The main feature of the combination of these signs is outstanding diplomacy. Such a person easily reconciles the belligerents. He not only makes convincing arguments, but he does it very tactfully. Thanks to his intuitive instinct, Pisces-Dog perfectly understands the feelings of others. People are drawn to this sensitive person, you can rely on him, because he is attentive and caring towards others.

These charming and tactful men are the real favorites of society: people love their polite manners. Respect the opinions of others, because people often sacrifice themselves for their well-being. Do not demand anything in return, but simply rejoice in someone else's happiness. Impartial, honest men deserve respect, and often get it. Although there are dishonest people who are trying to establish themselves at the expense of others. However, the kind-hearted Pisces-Dog men are not so simple and naive if this is a matter of principle for them. They are quite capable of fighting back, although at the same time they will feel embarrassed and awkward due to the need to raise their voice.

Life for others

Good-natured people with this placement of signs try not to cause unnecessary problems to others. They hide their experiences, but this does not improve their lives. They are prone to doubts: they delve into all the details, pay attention to the little things. Dogs-Pisces are constantly unsure of everything and are shy. They will remain silent or pretend that everything is in order, but they do not admit their weaknesses. They open only to close people, who are not so many in their environment. They expect participation and understanding, but most often they themselves act as a comforter. Responsive and kind people: they cannot refuse help, despite their own problems.

Compatibility in marriage, friendship, work

Usually men are in the shadow of more self-confident people. This also applies to the compatibility of the Pisces-Dog man, a domineering, bright and proactive woman would suit them best. The same principle applies in friendship and work.

Gentle, vulnerable and loyal to the people around them, these men do not like to be imposed, and therefore rarely make the first move. They look at the future life partner for a long time, trying to understand how reliable he is. Shy guys are in no hurry to confess their deep and sincere feelings. But once they have made their choice, they will stay with their soul mate in good faith for the rest of their lives. These men are in a serious relationship.

Most horoscopes agree that these men are often quite good family men. In addition, they do not tolerate loneliness at all. Nature endowed them with amazing sensitivity and kindness. Under certain conditions, a huge pedagogical talent can suddenly open up in them. There is harmony and peace in their family because they avoid conflict by all possible ways. They cannot tolerate disagreements among those close to them, and may even sacrifice their own comfort and reputation in order to settle the conflict at any cost.

In addition, they are good workers, they love to work and do not aspire to high positions, and they are even embarrassed of any awards, because they believe that they do not need anything like that. At work, they behave modestly, are not afraid to be in the shadow of more lively employees, with whom they have just the best compatibility. They are receptive, subject to doubts and feelings and are well aware of this, and therefore do not consider themselves good leaders. These quiet workers are diplomatic, patient, and attentive to superiors, employees, and colleagues. In turn, they need support, otherwise it will be difficult for them to achieve good results in anything, especially in the profession - the lack of ambition and motivation affects.

These young people, despite their modesty and unambitiousness, are excellent at organizing work, but are in no hurry to go to leadership positions. They can succeed in many different professions: pedagogy, psychology, medicine, architecture. It may surprise some that, despite their shyness and inclination to solitude, Pisces-Dog men (whose characteristics confirm this) often choose intellectual and creative professions. They feel the need to share their experience with people, and they are good at it.


These are very delicate, loyal and caring men who are suitable for self-confident, bright and strong-willed women. Any careerist dreams of such a husband. In him, she will find not only an understanding keeper of the hearth, but also a sensitive psychologist, comrade-in-arms, and assistant.

They have high efficiency, no problems with discipline and subordination. This is the ideal subordinate - quiet, modest, not loving to lead, but considering submission as his natural life duty. Real ambitious bosses see this and willingly give them a promotion, because it is always better to have obedient, rather than talented and ambitious subordinates next to them. The surrounding people love these men for the same reason.

People who celebrate their birthday under the sign of Pisces and those born in the year of the Dog are characterized by low self-esteem and anxiety. They are suspicious and full of doubts, but endowed with sensitive intuition. They know how to make friends and value relationships, do not skimp on good deeds and wise advice. They are wonderful colleagues and reliable partners. Our article is devoted to the characteristics of men born under these signs.

Character traits

Pisces men this year are characterized by curiosity and a flexible mind. The representative of this sign of the water element is a connoisseur of everything beautiful and is distinguished by creative inclinations. Zodiac Pisces of the year Dogs show friendliness to others, strive for new acquaintances and are keenly interested in what is happening in the world.

Also, their interests include smart books and serious programs on the topic of the day. Thanks to this development, they easily solve any problems. If Pisces expresses their opinion, it is extremely tactful. These are diplomats who respect opponents and do not welcome conflicts.

Pisces-Dogs are important to every person in past and present life. They know how to understand their feelings and understand the emotions of others like no one else. Therefore, sensitive Pisces are always ready to help and direct someone in the right direction. A person of such a combination of qualities will not refuse to help anyone.

The Pisces guy, born in the year of the Dog, has a complaisant character. It is endowed with a mass of advantages, it is very problematic to find disadvantages in it. But with age, such a man begins to doubt that his own kindness and desire are good for him.

Here you just need to understand that kindness is like charity, it is inappropriate to wait for change. It is necessary to prioritize your own principles and defend your position. The zodiac man of the year of the Dog under the sign of Pisces is very calm and hardy, purposeful and hardworking. In life, this person is an absolute romantic and a dreamer with their inherent tendency to idealize what is happening and want more. But halfway to this desired, he can slow down and reverse.

The Pisces-Dog man tends to be compassionate. Sensitive to others, the guy of this sign will never leave the offended, becoming the guardian of his interests. If you got such a person as a friend, you can always count on sympathy and support from him.

Finance and work

But with practicality, things are worse. Guys born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Dog do not know how to manage money competently at all. These people live dreams in their invisible world of illusions. Although they are distinguished by diligence and endurance, they are weak in assessing reality. It is difficult for them to draw the right conclusions and make the right decision in certain life situations.

But the Pisces man has a rare gift - to be able to be happy. Precisely to be, and not to try or seem. Happiness notices even in small things and for this he does not need wealth and privileges.

He attracts like a magnet with serenity, talent, compassion and kindness. But by nature - a driven person. Do not expect from him a call to go forward or leading roles. Pisces move into the future at the behest of Fate and thanks to their parents. Or those who are nearby and are distinguished by excitement and determination.

It so happens that the success of the Pisces man is more dependent on the circumstances. Or from the determination of those who are nearby. The problem is that his inner and outer worlds argue and often overlap.

The dreamer, sometimes, does not understand which world is closer to the soul and where it is more comfortable. Pisces-Dog needs a real shoulder for support and a hand to point the right way. To realize the potential and faith in success.


If a woman can inspire confidence in such a man, he will act more decisively and will do everything for his partner and family. The non-standard thinking of Pisces gives him every chance to reach the very heights. If it is not stimulated in a timely manner, it will continue its serene existence. But probably alone. And, most likely, not because of a break with a misunderstood ex, but because few partners want to count pennies with him.

In principle, if, nevertheless, someone agrees to live with a Pisces man in a hut, then he will provide her with paradise, as in the well-known saying. To prove himself in love, he does not need a fat wallet. Such a guy knows how to love and fall in love with himself.

Not loving, this sign simply cannot live. In his younger years, he is distinguished by a change of partners and the fact that he does not become attached to a certain favorite for a long time. All relationships are short term. A representative of a water sign needs to feel delight and feed their emotional state with it. The man of the Pisces zodiac sign is not looking for passionate love, but tries to give it himself, counts on reciprocity and is a desperate romantic.

Dog Man's speeches are envelopingly sweet, like chocolate icing on a cake. It is difficult for girls to resist such charm and eloquence. And it is common for him to want to see an ideal woman next to him and reward her behind her eyes with non-existent pluses.


The Pisces man will never remain silent about his emotions. But such a man treats marriage with increased exactingness and seriousness. She will look for a potential wife carefully and slowly, until her heart tells her that she is already there.

As a family man, this man is balanced, attentive and patient. Surrounds loved ones with care, and they adore their father for the attention and interest in their lives. Making a family a comfortable life is what a caring man wants. And this one will gently and fairly educate his descendants. And the new generation with his last name in the documents will feel all the vibes emanating from him.

For a look at the love of a man born under the sign of Pisces, see below.

Goodwill, gentleness and dreaminess are the brightest qualities of your character. You can find a common language with everyone, willingly help close people and friends, adore children and even as an adult believe in mystical coincidences and real miracles. Do not like to be aggressive even where there is a need for it - you like it when all events go on as usual. Try to never quarrel with anyone, love nature, express yourself in creativity or love.

Pisces-Dog Woman in Love

You are dreamy, love to romanticize events and see hidden meanings in them. It is important for you to feel the care and tenderness of a loved one, you hate conflicts and try to achieve complete understanding. Thanks to such qualities, you easily achieve reciprocal love, but you are truly happy only with a subtle, kind and understanding partner.

Pisces-Dog Woman Married

You can endure a lot from your loved one, as you dream of a family and often agree to the option that is available to you. Surround your partner with care and love, rarely go into conflict, but do not tolerate deceit and injustice in relationships.

Pisces-Dog Woman in bed

You do not immediately show feelings, you need some time to open up to your partner. In bed, you are gentle, but do not like to experiment and try something exotic or unusual. It is important for you to always understand your partner and love him truly. Often fall in love and wishful thinking.

Pisces-Dog Woman in a career

It is extremely rare to strive for a career and big money - it is important for you to be creative and do something that you are really interested in. You try to stay away from competition, scandals and intrigues, but your charm can become an obstacle in your career, as many will assume that you get what you want without much work and effort. Beware of envy and don't confuse friendships with workers.

Pisces Woman in the Year of the Wooden Dog (1934, 1994, 2054)

Activity and energy help you achieve your goals, but in some cases you go too far and behave aggressively. Therefore, others are a little afraid of you, although they value you for your professional merits, honesty and decency. For you, family and your favorite business are equally important, and romances on the side can inspire melancholy.

Pisces Woman in the Year of the Fire Dog (1946, 2006, 2066)

You have a heightened sense of justice and truth. In combination with leadership qualities, this character makes it easy to make a career and achieve heights in power structures. At the same time, you are quick-tempered, categorical in dealing with others and do not forgive them dishonest behavior and the slightest trick. In family life, they are demanding, domineering, but you will always protect those who are dear.

Pisces Woman in the Year of the Earth Dog (1958, 2018, 2078)

You tend to have a heightened desire for justice and honesty, you value order and beauty around you most of all, and do not like change. You prefer to work, honestly do what you do, often trying to protect all the weak and offended. In the family you play a leading role, do not like to obey. But others often suffer from your categoricalness and desire in everything and always get to the bottom of the truth.

Pisces Woman in the Year of the Metal Dog (1910, 1970, 2030)

No matter how the circumstances around you, in any case, you can easily achieve your goal. You are not characterized by slowness, you do not need advice and tips, firmly following in the chosen direction. In people, appreciate kindness, responsibility and decency, for you love and family are more important than career heights and big money.

with the help of zodiac signs you can find out

what traits this man has!

Since ancient times, Chinese astrologers have considered the Dog to be a very compliant and tactful animal. Therefore, Pisces-Dogs are inquisitive, creative and friendly people. Both men and women of these two signs are very fond of nature and draw their vitality from it. Although they doubt to the last, they can perfectly organize other people and make financial profits. People around them often turn to them for advice and respect their ability to foresee the outcome of a case.

Pisces-Dogs are polite, loyal to everyone, both for relatives and colleagues, and for unfamiliar people. They like to keep abreast of events and world news, so they read a lot, watch useful, broadening their horizons, television programs. They cope with any work tasks only thanks to their well-read and quick thinking. Of course, Pisces-Dogs are people of high intelligence and great sincerity, a lot of attention is riveted to them, they enjoy great authority among their entire environment.

Both women and men Pisces-Dogs are careful in their statements, they cherish and respect the feelings of others. These are faithful, devoted friends, with whom it is reliable and calm, they can be trusted in everything and not be afraid of condemnation. These people hold on tightly to their partner, they devotedly love and respect their family. Children of Pisces-Dogs grow up as free and creative individuals in a comfortable family atmosphere.

The weakness of these people is pickiness, they get hung up on trifles and cannot go further. Pisces-Dogs often give the environment all the care and attention, while forgetting about themselves.

Both men and women who combine the signs of the Dog and Pisces are deep, thoughtful individuals who care about every person in their lives. They easily manage the controversial feelings of people and direct them in the right direction.

Pisces-Dog will always selflessly come to the aid of anyone. They are excellent diplomats and negotiators.

Pisces-Dog women are reverent and attentive to their promises, never breaking them. They are honest and fair, it causes respect and love of acquaintances, relatives and colleagues.

Pisces-Dog men avoid disputes and conflicts, they prefer peaceful negotiations. Pisces-Dogs value their partner, they are wonderful lovers, but indulge in passion, only feeling completely confident for the future of the relationship. These people have great potential in bed, but what they need most is comfort and a sense of support.

man fish dog
Both Pisces and Dogs are insecure, doubting people. And in double concentration, these are anxious and suspicious people. The dog symbolizes dexterity and intelligence, and Pisces are slow and often dissatisfied with themselves. The combination of Dog and Pisces gives rise to a person with low self-esteem. However, nature endows these people with intuition and flair, so they are often good advisers and lead other people to success in life.

Pisces-Dog Man

The characteristic and compatibility of the Pisces-Dog man is one of the most original.

Such a person is very responsive and gentle, he does not tolerate scandals and quarrels, therefore, in order to avoid them, he often agrees with other people's opinions.

The gentle and benevolent behavior of the Pisces-Dog man in society is often perceived as a weakness of character, but this is far from the case. In fact, representatives of this combination of signs are very strong personalities who are able to independently cope with all the difficulties and troubles that occur in their lives. The characteristic of the Pisces-Dog man gave these natures a rich inner world and varied talents. In addition, they are incredibly sensitive and vulnerable, which is very unusual for this symbiosis of signs. It is these qualities that help them see through people, understanding at a glance who is who. They easily find an approach to the interlocutor, taking into account his mood and character. Pisces-Dogs are a real consolation for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

It is only their presence that has a healing effect on all who are disappointed or upset. Despite the changeable mood of men of this type, they will withstand all obstacles and reach the end. However, they still feel most comfortable in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. The sign of Pisces in their horoscope clearly expresses the desire for harmony. Numerous positive qualities help Pisces-Dog men to cope with many life difficulties. In youth, fate may show disfavor towards them, but with due perseverance towards maturity, everything becomes more harmonious. By nature, representatives of this sign are hardworking, restrained and hardy.

They accept life as a romantic journey in which they themselves are directly involved. They happily accept everything that happens to them, so life for the Pisces-Dog is always full of bright colors. Meanwhile, the owners of this zodiac combination cannot boast of self-confidence. They try to appear unshakable, but inside themselves they often feel awkward and embarrassed. Pisces-Dog always follows his principles and keeps his promises, so there are always many friends and like-minded people around him. Despite some insecurity and shyness, they are not afraid to honestly and openly express personal opinion for any question. Hypocrisy and arrogance are the qualities that the Pisces-Dog man does not tolerate in the people around him.

The life of such a man is permeated through and through love relationship that give him food for emotion. Without feelings, the life of a Pisces-Dog seems boring and monotonous. It is important for him to love and, most importantly, to be loved. The romanticism of this man is fascinated, so the partner rarely wants to change something in relations with him. It is worth noting that Pisces-Dog men are not only gallant and romantic gentlemen, but also the most devoted partners. They are attracted by the prospect of creating a family, they are not interested in fleeting love affairs. Pisces-Dog male compatibility is ideal with a woman who holds the same views. It is in the family that a representative of this combination of signs is able to find true happiness and harmony with himself. Outside of that, he feels left out and alone.

A woman whose soul is also full of nobility and generosity will be able to win the vulnerable and noble heart of the Pisces-Dog. Since representatives of this type are introverts, you should not rush to get close to him right away - he may not like it. When the time comes, the man himself will reveal his soul and this will mean that he trusts his chosen one. In a relationship with a Pisces-Dog, it is important for a woman to remain sincere and sensitive, because he immediately feels false and will never forgive this.

People of this type are indispensable in such areas as politics, diplomacy and science. They are able to establish business contacts, find like-minded people and negotiate with partners. The sociability of the Pisces-Dog man allows him to feel comfortable in a team, and diligence and responsibility help in solving various kinds of problems. If desired, representatives of this sign can achieve the best results, but most often they are satisfied with modest achievements that are useful to society.

Pisces-Dog Man
The purpose of the Pisces-Dog man in a career. Strong weaknesses of the character of the Pisces-Dog.

Pisces Dog Man

The Pisces-Dog man is gentle, responsive and friendly. He loves communication and tries to build a trusting and warm relationship with everyone. He does not like scandals and quarrels, therefore, in order to avoid them, he can easily give in to others. Many perceive this behavior as a weakness, but this is far from the case. This is a very strong personality who alone can cope with all the hardships in his life.

These men have numerous positive qualities. And these qualities are necessary for them, as they have to constantly overcome difficulties and difficulties. Fate may be unfavorable to them at a young age, and by the mature period everything becomes balanced. You can not trample on your own ideals, even if it seems beneficial. Sincerity and purity of thoughts can lead them to positive results.

By nature, these are hardworking, hardy and seasoned men. Thanks to these three qualities, they manage to achieve their goals. They perceive life as a romantic journey in which they are directly involved. They love everything that happens to them so much that life is always colored with bright colors. Loyalty to themselves and principles makes them unshakable.

Since, in love, he acts as an affectionate, attentive and incredibly devoted partner. He will always be on the side of his beloved, protecting her from various attacks. Despite the seeming softness, he puts forward quite significant requirements for his partner. He can often be sarcastic and overly critical. But this can be easily avoided by using the right approach - this is affection, attention and love.

He is incredibly emotional. He likes to make love, because this is the only way he can tell about his feelings and special attitude. Unlike other men, he likes the preparatory process more, when he can lure a woman, excite her and indulge in long caresses. Here he does not prefer to take over his partner, completely following her instructions and relying on her experience.

It is impossible not to note his special sensitivity, thanks to which he can easily predict the mood of his partner. He always tries to fit in with her and give her maximum pleasure. But at the same time, he does not forget about himself, also following his needs and requirements. He can sometimes have major mood swings where he can suddenly become cold and unavailable, but that takes some getting used to.

Having married, he is ready to devote all his time to his wife, even forgetting about his hobbies, career, and so on. This is a very sensitive and attentive partner, for whom the family becomes the most important thing in life. He is an excellent host who can manage all his household chores well. Not bad, he establishes communication with all his new relatives, maintaining good relations with them.

But, despite all its softness, getting along with him under the same roof will not be such an easy task. He is emotional and unwilling to hide his indignation on any issue. However, for this it will need to be brought. He has great patience, but it also has its limits. It is impossible not to note his special vulnerability, so he can perceive any uttered word or remark addressed to him quite painfully.

Gifted with numerous talents, they can make a career in almost any field. To do this, it is enough for them to apply their industriousness, which they possess to the full. They are also wise enough to make the right decisions in achieving their goals. This type of man always receives the maximum financial privileges from life, since they do not really pursue profit, but simply do their job.

These men are encouraged to find their main calling and follow it. You can not be distracted by trifles, as this can lead to the loss of the thread of success. They should perceive their life as a series of events that give them experience. You can't stop, you have to keep moving. For them, even the slightest stop leads to degradation in all respects. It is worth becoming a constant engine for your spiritual development, which in reality gives them only joy.

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces born in the year of the dog is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Russian actress Olga Arntgolts. Soviet and Russian actor Vladimir Govorukhin. American actress Sharon Stone. French writer Victor Hugo. Russian actor Vitaly Abdulov.

Pisces born in the year of the Dog become less self-centered, they care about the problems of the world and society, this is a very empathetic sign. Such people have good creative thinking and a friendly character, they skillfully cope with the organization of any business and events.

Dog-Pisces-man is fair, balanced, pleasant in communication. This is a reliable friend and colleague who will always come to the rescue, be able to insure in a difficult moment and give sensible advice. This is a completely non-conflict person who in every possible way avoids sharp corners and tries to reconcile the warring. In personal relationships, the Dog-Pisces-man is at first insecure and somewhat shy, but in the future he becomes more active, and it is difficult for him to refuse relationships. Such a man quickly becomes attached, by nature he is monogamous and is very worried about the breakup.

Dog-Pisces-woman is calm, feminine, pleasant in communication. Thanks to the ability to listen and give advice, such a lady is always surrounded by friends. At work, she is not the brightest employee who does not seek to pick a star from the sky and is ready to be content with what she has. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Dog-Pisces-woman is very shy, but at the same time incredibly feminine. Strong men always have a desire to take custody of this small and defenseless princess. In a relationship, such a lady is faithful and stable, she is ready to completely dissolve in the family and her husband.

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Dog-Pisces are fair people who know how to express their attitude and opinion in a tactful manner. Thanks to their diplomacy, they easily reconcile those who argue, they know how to make convincing arguments. Dog-Pisces should worry less about trifles, become more confident in their abilities, and then the whole world will be in their palm.

Pisces in the Year of the Dog (Dog-Pisces)

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered an extremely loyal symbol.

People in the Dog-Pisces combination are friendly and creative. They are fast thinking and care about nature.

These are cheerful people who know how to organize any event. They love to please. They are helpful and polite.

They have a natural compassion in their nature. They need a person who can understand their desire to help and will participate in this. They find it difficult to say NO.

They are not very confident, but you can’t call them shy either. They achieve their goals not due to pressure or a loud demeanor. They are fond of reading and use it as a way to expand their knowledge. They love everything new, especially if it can teach them something or give them important information. They like to discuss current events.

With his friends and loved ones always reliable and loyal. Respect their feelings. If someone betrayed them, it will be very difficult to regain their trust. In the long run, they will be deeply devoted to their loved one.

These people give a lot great importance fidelity and loyalty. How parents become excellent teachers who raise very bright children.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can worry too much about small things or be very serious. They give advice and support, but they may forget their own needs. Check another combination

Horoscope combination: Dog-Pisces

  • Horoscope combination: Dog-Pisces
  • How to draw a puddle
  • How to evaluate your appearance

Pisces Dog: General Interpretation

They are good organizers and have a creative mind. In general, they have a friendly and open character.

Pisces born in the year of the Dog become more open. They are not as much fixated on their person as the rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign. These Pisces still live in their own world, beyond the understanding of others, but at the same time they are able to sincerely empathize with people.

These people are born diplomats, with an innate sense of tact. They are able to convey their point of view to others and at the same time not offend anyone.

They need to try not to worry about the little things and learn to be more confident in themselves.

This man rarely goes to open confrontation. He is balanced and fair. In a team, he often acts as a peacemaker, able to competently reconcile the warring parties.

By nature, he is shy and modest. It is difficult for him to meet women, however, if he begins to trust someone, he becomes confident and active.

This man is set for a serious relationship and is very hard going through parting. In marriage, he will remain faithful to his woman.

This woman doesn't like being noticed. She does not belong to those ladies who are used to shining and catching the admiring glances of others. Even a naturally beautiful Pisces Dog will still feel insecure.

At work, she also does not like to exhibit, so she often becomes a victim of injustice on the part of her superiors: they promote anyone, but not her.

This woman lacks the qualities of a fighter. She needs a strong man who will become a reliable support for her. She is ready to devote her life to her family. It's easy to be around her. She is selflessly loyal, stable, and committed to a serious relationship.

Famous people born under these signs: Mikhail Zhvanetsky (writer, satirist), Nikolai Berdyaev (philosopher), Vladimir Govorukhin (actor), Sharon Stone (actress), Victor Hugo (writer), Amerigo Vespucci (traveler), Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut ).

fish born in the year of the dog

All Dogs constantly doubt themselves, and the Pisces-Dog combination only enhances this quality. However, they are endowed with the gift of foresight and are able to give good advice. Representatives of the sign have a quick and creative thinking, friendly character. Cheerful people have a flair for organizing any business. It is very polite and helpful people who like to please others.

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Pisces-Dogs sympathize with other people. And in love, they need a partner who can understand this desire and be useful to him. Moreover, it is quite difficult to refuse them in a relationship. They are not very shy, but they are insecure people. They will always be devoted to their other half. Representatives of the sign attach great importance to loyalty and fidelity. They make good teachers who can raise bright children.

This person is able to achieve what he wants with the help of a loud demeanor or pressure. He likes to constantly replenish his knowledge, for this, most often, books are used. He is attracted to everything new that can teach something. For this reason, he likes talking about different events. For his friends and colleagues, the Dog-Pisces will become a reliable partner and friend who respects their feelings.

The Dog-Pisces has a heightened sense of justice, but they realize it only in a mild form. They can help anyone who asks. However, they do not know tired. Through diplomacy, they can reconcile adversaries by giving convincing arguments and finding an approach to each of them. A strong feature of the representatives of the sign can be called the ability to understand others and find the best compromise solution. Their weakness lies in excessive worry about trifles or in constant seriousness. Dogs-Pisces often give advice, while forgetting about themselves.

Pisces - Dog: Characteristic

Pisces Man - Dog

Pisces-Dog is a decisive, pleasant and fair man. He is always ready to lend a friendly shoulder and come to the rescue in difficult times.

If a Pisces-Dog man falls in love, it is already difficult for him to give up the relationship. By nature, he is monogamous, who is very worried about breakups.

Pisces Woman - Dog

Pisces Dog is a good-natured, feminine and calm woman. She knows how to listen and give right advice. Such a lady loves to be always in a cheerful company. At work, she is always content with what she has and does not strive to occupy a high position.

Pisces-Dog are tactful people who know how to correctly express their opinion. Thanks to diplomacy, they manage to resolve any conflict situations. Such people need to stop worrying about trifles and become more self-confident.

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Pisces, born in the year of the Dog

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relations with the people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth assigns a person one of the twelve levels for self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Pisces is the fifth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature impulsive, intuitive and emotional.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Pisces is " statistician, lawyer, judge". A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively calculate the flows of information, taking into account negative and positive extreme criteria. Fish live by the principle: " There are no barriers in life". They continuously process large amounts of information, in various statistical directions, exhausting their senses to the point of laziness. Pisces from the right or left positions influence people in relationships and work, competing they win with suddenness and cruel insensitivity. With each new amount of information, Pisces tend to change their outlook on life. They accept new information for their development, but because of the benefits, they easily abandon their previous positions and agreements. The sign of the Pisces zodiac, if necessary, possible or forced, resorts to violence. Pisces are slippery people in their words, manipulating other people's quotes and opinions.

Eastern sign year of the Dog – 1910, 1922, 1934,1946,1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054.

The Year of the Dog forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships on the fourth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Dog are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention to their current processes of thinking and imagining. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Dog has to participate in work processes in which interacting people are engaged in " accounting activities". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dog, in order to extract something interesting or useful, more related to finances. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in the presence of a person born in the year of the Dog, show increased intuition and emotional mood in behavior. Interacting people with a person born in the year of the Dog lead relationships according to the principle of the zodiac sign Cancer: “ You are everything! ».

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Pisces, born in the year of the Dog.

This combination of signs is manifested in a person by intuitive abilities and hidden irony, in relations with financially interested people. This person is emotional due to weak inner self-control. Pisces manipulate words, creating fuss in communication, in this way influencing the mood of the people around them. Pisces are prone to leadership in a pack, and sometimes lead a lone wolf policy. The Year of the Dog, through the possibilities of interacting people, forms the conditions for financial calculations and relationships in circumstances. The sign of the Pisces Zodiac, born in the year of the Dog, is in the circumstances in which he has to compete with people with a pack instinct. This person overcomes the irony of the people around him, impulsively showing it himself. Interacting people tend to obey this person by virtue of his status, experience, professional abilities and financial earnings.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" and " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

Pisces born in the year of the Dog

Both Pisces and Dogs are insecure, doubting people. And in double concentration, these are anxious and suspicious people. The dog symbolizes dexterity and intelligence, and Pisces are slow and often dissatisfied with themselves. The combination of Dog and Pisces gives rise to a person with low self-esteem. However, nature endows these people with intuition and flair, so they are often good advisers and lead other people to success in life.

Since ancient times, Chinese astrologers have considered the Dog to be a very compliant and tactful animal. Therefore, Pisces-Dogs are inquisitive, creative and friendly people. Both men and women of these two signs are very fond of nature and draw their vitality from it. Although they doubt to the last, they can perfectly organize other people and make financial profits. People around them often turn to them for advice and respect their ability to foresee the outcome of a case.

Pisces-Dogs are polite, loyal to everyone, both for relatives and colleagues, and for unfamiliar people. They like to keep abreast of events and world news, so they read a lot, watch useful, broadening their horizons, television programs. They cope with any work tasks only thanks to their well-read and quick thinking. Of course, Pisces-Dogs are people of high intelligence and great sincerity, a lot of attention is riveted to them, they enjoy great authority among their entire environment.

Both women and men Pisces-Dogs are careful in their statements, they cherish and respect the feelings of others. These are faithful, devoted friends, with whom it is reliable and calm, they can be trusted in everything and not be afraid of condemnation. These people hold on tightly to their partner, they devotedly love and respect their family. Children of Pisces-Dogs grow up as free and creative individuals in a comfortable family atmosphere.

The weakness of these people is pickiness, they get hung up on trifles and cannot go further. Pisces-Dogs often give the environment all the care and attention, while forgetting about themselves.

Both men and women who combine the signs of the Dog and Pisces are deep, thoughtful individuals who care about every person in their lives. They easily manage the controversial feelings of people and direct them in the right direction.

Pisces-Dog will always selflessly come to the aid of anyone. They are excellent diplomats and negotiators.

Pisces-Dog women are reverent and attentive to their promises, never breaking them. They are honest and fair, it causes respect and love of acquaintances, relatives and colleagues.

Pisces-Dog men avoid disputes and conflicts, they prefer peaceful negotiations. Pisces-Dogs value their partner, they are wonderful lovers, but indulge in passion, only feeling completely confident for the future of the relationship. These people have great potential in bed, but what they need most is comfort and a sense of support.

Pisces Dog

Pisces Dog. Pisces horoscope, born in the year of the Dog.

This Dog is deeply feeling. She understands people, knows how they live and what they want from this life. It is not so easy for people of this type to live in a modern society of total consumption and the eternal race for "happiness", expressed in sums with many zeros.

Not that the Pisces Dog is completely defenseless, no, she is very practical and quite dexterous in any matter of interest to her. Just feelings often distract the Dog-Pisces from reflection and real activity.

Dog-Pisces willingly helps people, seeks justice and always finds the possibility of a compromise - in any situation and with any people! She is very trusting, and therefore gives the impression of "easy prey", but it is almost impossible to deceive her. It's just that she can consciously give up her desires and plans if someone needs her patronage or protection. Someone may perceive her behavior as a concession.

The sensitivity and understanding of the Dog-Pisces is perceived by many as a weakness and this is a big mistake! The Pisces Dog is a very strong person, because this Dog can afford to live a free and full life at the same time. She values ​​her independence and allows her loved ones to be who they are.

In love, the Pisces Dog is very devoted, but if she is not understood or appreciated, she will leave. Both men and women of this combination of signs are quite demanding of a partner, they can be critical and caustic, emotional. The family life of the Dog-Pisces is not always easy.

Read only for those who are a fish dog: kna horoscope every day

Sign features.

Pisces is a water sign and is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. The character of a person is slightly mysterious, the fish has a subtle intuition, which is often better developed than logic. This sign is subject to soul-searching, mental anxieties, struggle with oneself. But at the same time - fish are generous, hospitable, they have a good memory and ability to science, they love coziness and comfort.

Pisces born in the year of the dog become sensitive, understanding. Such people are capable of loyalty, kindness and understanding to others. They are truthful and responsive. They make real, loyal friends or executive partners that you can rely on. They often act as conciliators, balancing other signs.

Adolescents (“puppies-fish”) are self-confident, prone to frequent mood swings. They should be brought up gently.

In order to find contact with such a person, you need to find common interests with him, since reading, dreamy Pisces-Dogs often have a broad outlook. You can also ask such a person for a favor, because of its properties, the Fish-Dog always comes to the aid of its neighbor.

In choosing a profession, such fish should turn their attention to work related to imagination, art. Vacancies in the advertising field, literary, musical activities are well suited.

dog fish man

The Pisces-Dog man is loyal, calm, does not conflict with others for no reason. But, even if he enters into a dispute, he tries to solve it not by brute force, but by the opponent’s peaceful convictions. With such a person it is easy to start relationships, both business and friendly. In love, such a man is devoted and faithful, although sometimes he is demanding of his companion.

Dog Pisces Woman

The Pisces-Dog woman is attentive to others, responsive, slightly dreamy. She is sensual, maybe shy, but emotional. She never tolerates betrayal, like a man fish-dog - she is demanding of a partner, sometimes even critical.

Features of the compatibility of the fish-dog with other signs.

Pisces-Dog-horoscope says that such people create harmonious relationships with Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio. They are drawn to the sign of Aries, but due to the difference in characters, the union of these people may not be strong. Pisces-Dogs are also interested in those born under the sign of Leo, but the relationship of these people may also not be strong due to the impulsiveness of Leo.

Marriage unions with Sagittarius are not recommended. In terms of physical attraction, these two signs will do just fine, but problems may arise on the mental level. With Virgos, Pisces-Dogs also cannot create a lasting marriage, only mutual sympathy and friendship is possible, nothing more. The same can be said about the sign of Libra. Harmonious relations rarely develop between Dog-Pisces with Aquarius and Pisces.

Characteristics of Pisces by year of birth

(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Pisces born in the year of the Rat are rather shy and silent. A person with this combination of signs cannot take criticism well, he may be offended by the slightest trifle or suddenly burst into tears.

The Rat man needs a strong family, to which he is ready to devote a lot of time. But even in work, the sign is able to achieve great success thanks to the flexible thinking of the Rat and the creative approach of the Pisces. A woman most often finds her happiness in the family or helping other people.

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

People born in the year of the Ox and under the sign of Pisces have a gentle nature with a clear penchant for art. This zodiac sign misses out on many opportunities because of their shyness.

The Ox man is a responsible and hardworking person who resolves all conflicts peacefully. The female representative tries to hide her weakness behind external confidence, but in the circle of close people she takes off her “armor” and becomes sweet and defenseless.

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

The sign of Pisces in combination with the year of the Tiger gives the world sociable and active people. They clearly separate work and family, performing their duties perfectly. Their disadvantage can be called laziness and a weak level of self-organization.

The Tiger man according to the eastern horoscope and Pisces according to the Zodiac sign hides his emotions well, loves to travel and easily solves problems. A woman with this combination of signs often changes her mood, but good acting skills help to hide a storm of passions.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Fish, born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), is distinguished by independence, originality of thinking and good nature. The sign is responsible for its duties, it is attracted by mental work, it is not afraid of stress and problems. In his personal life, the Cat (Rabbit) is characterized by gullibility and honesty.

A man accurately calculates all the risks, skillfully manipulates people, so he comes out of any trouble with honor and profit for himself. The Pisces Rabbit woman quickly becomes attached to people and loves to help them, but does not forget about her interests.

Year of the Dragon

(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Dragon and Pisces, according to the sign of the zodiac, knows how to manage their emotions, with unfamiliar people they keep a little aloof, not trusting them. People with this combination of signs are full of various ideas and plans, their mind is in constant work..

The Dragon man needs family support and care, he is ambitious, cautious and touchy. The Pisces woman is characterized by prudence in relationships and a non-standard outlook on life.

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The combination of the signs Pisces and the Snake makes a person kind, cheerful and compassionate. The snake makes a brilliant impression on people with its appearance, interesting conversation and a sharp mind.

The Snake man is characterized by prudence, perseverance and diplomacy.

The Pisces woman, born in the year of the Snake, is used to telling the truth in her eyes, she attracts friends and admirers. The disadvantage of the Snake of this zodiac sign can be called jealousy and vindictiveness.

Year of the Horse

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The combination of the signs of Pisces and the Horse enhances a person's sense of responsibility, gives optimism and self-control. Those born this year are in particular need of a loving and reliable life partner. They are characterized by hospitality, daydreaming and rejection of help from outsiders. Their shortcomings include selfishness and inability to decide life goals. If Pisces Horse plunges too deeply into the illusory world, then a collision with reality can cause her great stress.

Year of the Goat (Sheep)

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

In the year of the Goat (Sheep), peace-loving, sincere and practical Pisces are born according to the sign of the Zodiac. They are very attached to the family and are ready for anything for its well-being. The goat loves noisy companies and leisure. People with this combination of signs have a creative approach, charm and the ability to plan. They stubbornly go to their dream, so sooner or later they get what they want. Their disadvantage is the softness of character.

Year of the Monkey

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Pisces, born in the year of the Monkey, have a sharp mind and ingenuity. This zodiac sign appreciates personal freedom, does not like restrictions in any form. Monkeys achieve professional success through adaptability, intuition and hard work.. The Pisces man, born in the year of the Monkey, is stingy with emotions, which helps in work, but often interferes with family happiness. Monkey women with this combination of signs will become good mothers, but not the best wives: their feelings are too superficial.

Year of the Rooster

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Pisces, born in the year of the Rooster, lives in uncertainty about their abilities and strengths. But material wealth can make people with this combination of signs bold and decisive. It is common for the Rooster to communicate a lot and benefit friends and relatives. He hides his personal life and feelings, is easily offended and is absent-minded. The behavior of those born in the year of the Rooster seems illogical to many, but they go their own way and most often succeed.

Year of the Dog

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Pisces by the sign of the Zodiac, who were born in the year of the Dog, are characterized by strong self-doubt and suspiciousness. But for other people, the sign can become a good adviser and organizer. Fish Dog is interested in everything around, therefore, thanks to her innate abilities, she has a broad outlook and excellent knowledge of life.

Both a woman and a man with this combination of signs can be petty and picky. At the same time, they try to protect the feelings of others, pay a lot of attention to solving other people's problems to the detriment of their own interests.