Why does the girl's left eyebrow itch. Why does the left eyebrow itch on the days of the week

Contrary to popular belief, belief in omens is not always a sign of ignorance. This psychological phenomenon is evidence of conditioned reflexes deeply rooted in the subconscious, developed by the collective experience of our ancestors. The most persistent are the signs and signals relating to the closest natural object to a person - his own body. Questions about why the left eyebrow itches, on what basis the interpretation of this sign is based, are discussed below.

In ancient times, almost all religious cults paid much attention to the hair on the head, including eyebrows. Some elements have also migrated to modern sacraments - for example, the custom of cutting locks of hair at baptism or taking a monastic vow.

AT Ancient Egypt complete shaving of hair and eyebrows was practiced as part of mourning ceremonies. It was considered obligatory to remove the eyebrows if a cat died in the house - according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the protector of the entrance to the afterlife. According to one version, this was done in order to “hide” from the forces of death in front of the temporarily open entrance.

According to the ideas of many peoples, eyebrows carried information about the vitality, power, nobility, and physical health of a person. Therefore, any sensations in the eyebrow area were given special importance. Especially if it was on the left side.

The left side of the body has traditionally been associated with dark forces, lies, devilry. This idea was very persistent - even at the beginning of the enlightened 20th century, left-handers were treated as bearers of sin and they tried to "retrain" them. It is not surprising that all signs relating to the left side of the body do not bode well.

There is no unambiguous interpretation of the appearance of itching in the left eyebrow. However, the whole set of related signs can be classified as follows:

To more accurately understand why itching appeared in the area of ​​​​the left eyebrow, interpreters use additional signs.

The left side of the body has long been considered "feminine". Interestingly, this esoteric notion is supported by the findings modern science. Women usually have more developed right hemisphere, which controls the left half of the body, and in men - the left, which is responsible for the right side.

This fact allows the interpreter to make adjustments to the interpretation of signs, depending on gender:

  • If a man's left eyebrow itches, he should expect trouble from women. It is difficult to be specific in this case. This may be some kind of gossip launched behind his back, an intrigue that leads to problems at work or in his personal life. Another option is a conflict with your wife or girlfriend. The third is a burdensome love affair with unpleasant consequences.
  • If a woman’s left eyebrow itches, she herself can become a source of problems. However, women in the complex will accept two positive ones. The first promises a meeting and light chatting with a friend. The second relates to pregnant women: an itching in the left eyebrow of a woman “in demolition” means that she is expecting a girl.

It is worth noting that bad omens associated with the left eyebrow are not a harbinger of disaster, but an occasion to be a little more careful in dealing with people and remember the old saying: "Silence is golden."

Depending on the time of day at which the left eyebrow itches, the sign becomes more or less important. This is based on ancient mythological ideas about the struggle between light and dark principles.

The embodiment of goodness and light in all cults was the sun. It was believed that it has the greatest power at sunrise, and from noon to sunset it gradually gives way to the power of darkness. Therefore, any bad omens from morning to afternoon can be safely ignored. If the eyebrow itches in the evening, the likelihood of trouble increases.

See also: itchy left hand

Interpretation of signs depending on the day of the week

For professional interpretation, the day of the week will be of particular importance.

Seven days are like seven colors of the rainbow or seven notes, and each sounds in its own way, giving signs and symbols its own shade:

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon. This planet focuses energy on the bodily, sensual, emotional. Therefore, a sign with a left eyebrow will have more to do with the sexual sphere or health.
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars. If the left eyebrow itches on this day, there is the highest likelihood of developing any conflict between a man and a woman.
  • Mercury rules on Wednesday. This is the planet of businessmen, intellectuals and gossips. Itching in the left eyebrow on Wednesday may portend a collision with fraud, theft, financial losses due to risky transactions, damage to reputation as a result of the spread of false rumors. At best, this sign promises empty talk.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. In cosmic mythology, Jupiter (Zeus) is one of the incarnations of the Sun. The influence of this planet weakens the power of bad omens, so most often they can be ignored.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus. This feminine planet eliminates the risk of trouble for women but increases it for men. If on Friday the left eyebrow itches in a woman, she will have a meeting with her friends. Men should be more attentive to their partners - conflicts on love grounds are possible.
  • Saturn rules on Saturday. This planet enhances the influence of fate, law, discipline, so if a person is in trouble through his own fault, they cannot be avoided. If the left eyebrow itches on Saturday, it makes sense to retire and think about your life. Saturn is also associated with older relatives, so the omen can promise some kind of difficult conversation with them.
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun. As on Thursday, on this day you can not pay attention to bad signs - the heavenly body will take away all troubles.

Thus, for the correct interpretation of signs, three nuances must be taken into account: the gender of the person, the time of day and the day of the week. Together, they will give a more or less correct idea of ​​what to expect. The main thing at the same time is not to get too carried away and not create a negative program for yourself.

What other signs are associated with the left eyebrow?

If the itching of the left eyebrow is accompanied by another sign - redness and a feeling of heat in the cheeks or ears - most likely, this indicates precisely trouble due to someone's gossip. In this case, the same left eyebrow will help to find out who is spreading rumors.

For the experiment, you can guess the name of the alleged gossip, moisten your index finger right hand saliva and run it along the left eyebrow in the direction against hair growth. If a hair remains on the finger, then the hidden name is correct.

However, it should be borne in mind that riddles, especially on the left side, can also deceive. Therefore, it is not necessary to blindly trust the information obtained in this way.

What does it mean medically?

Itching in the eyebrow area can be caused by the following diseases:

  • secondary syphilis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • favus (scab);
  • diabetes;
  • hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Persistent, severe itching, especially accompanied by redness, rashes, hair loss from the eyebrows, in no case should be attributed to signs, evil eye or damage. Timely access to a doctor will help to start treatment on time and avoid serious complications.

The human body reacts to any influence from the outside - both on the physical and mental levels. Eyebrows symbolize our protection from the outside world. They serve as a kind of human energy barrier. Therefore, so many signs and superstitions are associated with eyebrows.

When your eyebrows itch, it means that someone is interested in you, thinks or talks about you. In what vein you are remembered and what exactly they say about you depends on which side of the eyebrow itched.

The left side usually signals upcoming negative events. So what does it mean when the eyebrow on the left itches? You are remembered with an unkind word, they scold you and weave intrigues against you. Take this signal from your body as a warning and it will help you avoid many negative consequences signs.

When the left eyebrow itches, this is a very unfavorable sign.

The sign has several basic meanings:

  • gossip, slander, slander behind your back;
  • intrigues and selfish intent of your secret enemies;
  • meeting with an unpleasant person, an unpleasant conversation;
  • feelings, tears, bad mood.
Women need to be more attentive to their new acquaintances, you can meet a person who will bring you a lot of problems and disappointments. Don't trust strangers.

A girl who is expecting a baby, an itchy left eyebrow predicts that she will have a daughter.

For men, an itchy left eyebrow threatens with empty chores, misunderstandings with management, and a long unplanned business trip. Be also prepared for big expenses and financial losses.

For lovers, such a sign portends sadness and longing for their soulmate.

If the left eyebrow itches while talking with someone, then you should be wary. With this person, you may soon quarrel. Be more restrained in your expressions and be more attentive to the interlocutor.

The left eyebrow itches on the days of the week

The meaning of the signs, why the left eyebrow itches, can be more accurately determined by the day of the week on which the eyebrow was combed.

On Monday the left eyebrow itches, foreshadowing gossip and gossip behind your back. Moreover, you can gossip both yourself and about you.

On Tuesday- you quarrel with someone close to you. Problems with superiors at work are also not ruled out. On this day, the sign is associated with the sphere of human relationships.

On Wednesday this sign affects the emotional sphere of life. Itching of the left eyebrow on this day portends nervous breakdown, anger, tantrum. It is also worth paying more attention to the paperwork if you have some kind of paper work. You run the risk of making a mistake that will entail a lot of unpleasant troubles.

On Thursday itching of the left eyebrow warns you against risk and rash acts. Luck is not on your side, so refrain from making important decisions for now. For business people, this can also portend a long business trip, which now seems completely out of place for you.

On Friday omens come true more often. If on this day your left eyebrow itches, then you will be in complete bad luck. Everything will fall out of hand, everything will not go according to plan. Empty chores and worries await you. If you plan to visit crowded places today, then you have every chance of meeting a very unpleasant person. Talking to him will greatly spoil your mood.

On Saturday meaning will take directly related to family relationships. Scratching the left eyebrow may indicate conflicts and disagreements with close relatives. It can also mean the arrival of uninvited guests.

On Sunday- you run the risk of being embroiled in a dubious case. If on this day of the week your left eyebrow itches, try not to make mistakes and do not get involved in adventures.

Pimple on the left eyebrow: the meaning of signs

The left side of the body rarely signals something good. And a pimple on the left eyebrow is a clear confirmation of this.

The sign says that on your way you will meet an extremely unpleasant person - a liar and a hypocrite. Be careful about what you tell and to whom. Your words can turn against you.

If a pimple popped up on the left eyebrow, then soon you will hear curses addressed to you. If you recently offended someone, then it is better to make amends and make peace in order to prevent the conflict from escalating. You should postpone making important decisions, because your plans may fail.

Pimple jumped over the left eyebrow - you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation. A pimple under the left eyebrow also promises you profit.

Left eyebrow twitching

Most often people associate eyebrow twitching with nervous tic. This unpleasant phenomenon can occur due to excessive overwork and stress. Rest and positive emotions will help to correct the situation.

And what do the signs and beliefs of our ancestors say about this? If the left eyebrow twitches, then good news and favorable events await you ahead. Luck accompanies you everywhere and everywhere.
For women and men, the sign is interpreted differently.

Women whose eyebrow twitches on the left can safely proceed to the implementation of their plans. Your efforts will be crowned with success. You should also take a closer look at your surroundings - a very promising man will soon appear next to you.

For a man, a twitching eyebrow promises a meeting with friends and a pleasant conversation in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Now you know what to expect from this sign, and you can prevent all the possible difficulties that it promises you. Don't set yourself up for negativity. A sign is not an inevitability, but only a warning.

Eyebrows can tell a lot about a person's character. In folk signs, itching of the eyebrows is interpreted in different ways. Even a simple desire to scratch the right or left eyebrow can warn against bad things or be a harbinger of happiness. Why do eyebrows itch? Signs say that to change. The interpretation of signs is influenced by which eyebrow itches, and on what day of the week.

Eyebrows itch for change

Itchy left eyebrow

Reasons why the left eyebrow itches:

  • someone spreads not very pleasant rumors about you;
  • big problems will soon appear;
  • trouble awaits at work;
  • meeting with a bad person;
  • a single man will be able to find a soul mate;
  • for pregnant women, this promises the birth of a girl.

Interpretation by days of the week

If the left eyebrow itches on Monday, then someone spreads gossip or rumors about you. This can lead to problems, they can arise because of an unpleasant woman.

It itches on Tuesday - promises bad news at work or school.

If it itches on Wednesday, then the debt, which has long been forgotten, will be repaid.

If a lonely man’s eyebrow itches on Thursday, this means that he will soon meet his soul mate. And for girls who dream of replenishment in the family, itching of the left eyebrow means an early pregnancy.

It itches on Friday - soon there will be a meeting with a not very pleasant person or with someone who can break your heart, upset.

Saturday or Sunday - to the move, which will bring disappointment and grief. Often these days the eyebrow itches to tears.

Itchy right eyebrow

The sign says if it itches right eyebrow, wait for happiness. The desire to scratch this part of the body leads to happy and fun events:

  • there will be a meeting with good people;
  • a promotion is expected at work;
  • surprises in personal life;
  • meeting with the second half;
  • pregnant women can expect the birth of a boy.

Interpretation by days of the week

If on Monday, expect a meeting with old friends or acquaintances, it will be especially pleasant and will bring many good moments.

A person whose right eyebrow itches on Tuesday has many good friends, they often remember him with a good word.

Itching on Wednesday and Thursday promises possible increase at work, bonus or salary increase. People with modest budgets will be lucky and have big financial gains.

On Friday and Saturday itching of the right eyebrow - expect pleasant surprises in your personal life.

Itching on Sunday in people without a soulmate - soon they will meet their future love.

Itchy eyebrows on Wednesday or Thursday - to improve the financial situation

Simultaneous itching

If both eyebrows itch, you should expect guests. The sign warns that if good guests come, then itching appears only on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Meeting nice people will bring many good memories. The best meetings with these guests will take place on Wednesday or Friday. If both eyebrows itch in a pregnant woman, then she can expect the birth of twins or twins. If they itch on Thursday, then the upcoming meetings, projects will be successful and the profit will not keep you waiting.

If the guests are not particularly pleasant, then itching will appear on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will be two guests in this case. With unwanted guests, meetings can end in a big quarrel or scandal.

Itching between eyebrows

Itching in this small area of ​​​​the face can also tell a lot of things. This is a harbinger of happy events.

  • If on Monday it itches between the eyebrows, expect unexpected financial profits, but you need to be careful not to waste this money, it is better to postpone it.
  • On Tuesday, itching promises a pleasant meeting. If there is a meeting with a person of the opposite sex, then he will become your chosen one.
  • On Wednesday, itching does not bode well. You have to be careful with people of the opposite sex. They can be deceptive and set up at work.
  • Itching on Thursday does not mean anything, you can relax and calmly go about your business.
  • Friday is rest day. Expects a meeting with friends who will help to relax and distract from problems. It is advisable to let go of all the negativity, then success is guaranteed.
  • Saturday and Sunday itching can mean a trip. It will pass without any problems and bad memories, it will only remind you of a good time.

It itches between the eyebrows on Friday - to meet friends


The desire to scratch a certain part of the body in a person may appear on different reasons and talk about upcoming events. You can find out what good or bad events await you soon. Correct interpretation will help you choose a solution and avoid many mistakes.

Eyebrows are the most expressive part of the face, capable of transforming or spoiling the appearance, showing the emotions of its owner. By the shape of the eyebrows, you can determine the character of a person, and therefore, how and which of them itches - what awaits him. Of course, the latter is considered superstition, but, they say, signs come true for those who believe in them. Just believe in the good - and let the desire to scratch your eyebrows bring only good!

"Left" signs or why the eyebrow on the left itches

The ancient Slavs considered the left side of the body unfavorable. There is even a belief that it is on the left shoulder of a person that an evil force (Satan) “settles”, constantly provoking him to bad deeds. To the right is the power of good (angel), which also constantly keeps a person from evil. Various signs associated with the left side of the body promise trouble and trouble.

Pain, itching, numbness and other sensations on the left are more often interpreted as predictors of negative changes in life or health. This belief also concerns the desire to scratch the left eyebrow. It, as a rule, speaks of threatening grief, problems and tears that an ill-wisher will “provide”, be it a personal enemy or a random stranger. The signs of different peoples about an itchy left eyebrow predict events such as:

  • a meeting with a bad (deceitful, hypocritical, two-faced) person, which will turn into something bad;
  • a meeting with a woman, after which a long streak of failures in life will begin;
  • an unexpected unpleasant, unnecessary guest (it can be an old friend or a distant relative), to whom no one will be happy;
  • for a pregnant woman, the birth of a girl, which, of course, is not a bad omen, just for some it turns out to be an unexpected replacement for the promised ultrasound of a male baby;
  • unexpected and distant business trip, journey.

The desire to scratch the left eyebrow also arises to gossip behind the back, bad gossip, slander. In some interpretations, this feeling will accept sadness and longing from a love relationship.

If the left brow ridge is combed while communicating with someone, this can be considered as a warning about a possible conflict. It is worth choosing words more carefully, expressing emotions at this very moment.

"Right" signs or why the eyebrow on the right itches

The angel on the right shoulder promises that what is happening with the right side of the body promises good. Itching of the right eyebrow happens to:

  • a joyful event (if the right eye also itches, the event will be especially happy);
  • desired meeting with a good man, be it a friend, loved one or relative;
  • meeting a man (no matter who it is - she will bring good events and experiences);
  • the unexpected arrival of welcome guests (relatives, friends), which will cause joy and fun.

It is interesting to explain the desire to scratch the right eyebrow for business people and businessmen. The sign promises them praise from superiors or respect for a new business partner, the benefits of new deals, profit from a new project, or an increase in income (salary).
An itchy right eyebrow in pregnant women promises the birth of a boy.

The same feeling in unmarried / unmarried people is a sign of an imminent meeting of the second half, the possibility of marriage with her.

There is also an interpretation of the itching of the right eyebrow according to its specific location. After all, most often itches not the entire eyebrow at once, but some part of it.

Thus, itching in the area of ​​​​the end of the eyebrow (its tail near the temple) indicates imminent painstaking work, which will require full concentration. The result will please with a decent pay.

The right eyebrow itches in the middle - this is to great surprise. The side is right, which means that a good, kind, positive event will be the cause of surprise.

The itching of the right eyebrow arch at the very beginning (near the bridge of the nose) speaks of the favor of fortune at the moment. You can safely start a new business, go on a long journey, buy a lottery ticket or declare your love.

It itches between the eyebrows for a meeting with a married couple, pleasant communication with her. It may also itch shortly before receiving gratitude for something.

The desire to scratch under the eyebrow promises financial losses - you should wait with the conclusion of new contracts, the purchase of large things, in general, any expenses, including the opportunity to lend money.

There are more options for interpreting the itchy eyebrow on the right. This is an unexpected profit from where they did not expect, good judgments behind their backs, praise of virtues behind their eyes. Simply put, if the right eyebrow itches, someone somewhere and someone does not get tired of praising you, talking about your virtues.

Double "winning" or why both eyebrows itch at once

It happens that itching bothers both eyebrows at once. Such a sign promises a good event regarding profit: promotion, bonus, big win, etc. But this is only in a situation where it is the eyebrows that itch, and not under them. In the latter version, the itch threatens monetary losses for those whose wealth can be called high and, conversely, profit for those who are among citizens with an average and low income.

Pregnant itchy eyebrows speak of the birth of twins. It is believed that the sooner after conception both eyebrows begin to itch, the more likely the sign.

For ladies planning a pregnancy, itching in the eyebrows promises an early conception.

Scratching your right and left eyebrows at the same time, look around, perhaps right now a person is passing by you, who is destined to become your life partner.

Why itching over the eyebrow

The desire to scratch over the right eyebrow promises a test of self-esteem, grief from an offensive word from someone close. Unrestrained emotions can lead to serious conflict. Those who do not want this will have to endure resentment, hold back anger, so as not to spoil the relationship they value, due to carelessly, accidentally spoken words.

Itching over the left eyebrow warns that you will be the provocateur of a quarrel. Again, be careful when communicating.

Sign by day of the week

There is an option to explain the itching of the eyebrows on a certain day of the week.

Left eyebrow

  1. On Monday, the eyebrow itches to gossip and gossip, as they say, behind the eyes.
  2. On Tuesday, the eyebrow itches for trouble with the authorities, higher management.
  3. On Wednesday, the eyebrow itches to difficulties with paperwork, it is worth postponing this matter.
  4. On Thursday, the desire to scratch an eyebrow arises for a business trip, an unwanted and painful journey.
  5. On Friday, the eyebrow arch itches for a meeting with an unpleasant person, a conversation with which can spoil the mood for a long time.
  6. On Saturday, itching in the eyebrow happens to hard forced labor.
  7. On Sunday, the same feeling promises the occurrence of unpleasant troubles.

Right eyebrow

  1. On Monday, the eyebrow itches to a pleasant surprise from colleagues, partners, bosses - those who associate you with professional activities.
  2. On Tuesday, the eyebrow itches for an undesirable event, a surprise.
  3. On Wednesday, the same feeling promises positive, fun, a reason for a great mood. There is a high probability of realization of signs by the evening.
  4. On Thursday, the eyebrow arch itches for a pleasant pastime, a gift, a surprise.
  5. On Friday, the desire to scratch an eyebrow arises for a meeting with a pleasant person, the likelihood of starting a love or successful business relationship.
  6. On Saturday, the eyebrow itches for a pleasant pastime with the family, new acquisitions for the home.
  7. On Sunday, itching arises for good luck in a career, unexpected luck at work.

How to protect yourself from the realization of negativity

Where there are bad omens, there are ways to protect yourself from their negative impact. Many people know how to do this after spilled salt or, say, a meeting with a black cat. But what if the sign promises trouble from meeting with an ill-wisher? And here, too, everything is simple!

If it is suspected that communication is taking place with unkind person or you already feel the negative coming from him, you can create a so-called protective "energy circle" - just cross your legs and arms. This is not difficult to do both sitting and standing. It is even easier to create protection by docking the index finger with the thumb, forming a ring. To strengthen the protective effect of such a "ring" will help to place the joined fingers in the middle of the palm, closing the latter into a fist. Changing hands "ring in a fist" two or three times also enhances the protective effect of the ritual.

For a long time there has been a belief about the protective power of a red thread tied around the wrist. It is believed that evil will not happen, even if the sign promises it, if you wear such a thread all the time.

beyond superstition

As mentioned above, eyebrows are an important part of the face. Their role is to protect the eyes from the sweat flowing from the forehead, the retention of dust and dirt that settles on the face on the street. For women, eyebrows are much more important. Their “decorative” role makes the representatives of the weaker sex perform various manipulations with their eyebrows: dye, pluck, change shape and even pierce for piercing.

All this taken together provokes the occurrence of various troubles with this area of ​​​​the face. This and skin diseases, and allergic reactions, and tattooing, leading to itching of the eyebrows. It can be provoked by stress, bad ecology and even malnutrition. That is why, before believing in signs, it is worth determining the cause of the itching.

Understanding itchy eyebrows just like that or because of an illness is simple. In the first case (of a psychological nature), itching occurs suddenly, does not deliver discomfort, does not respond to the process of scratching with redness, peeling or swelling of the eyebrows. In the second, all of the above can manifest itself both before scratching and immediately after, the itching continues all the time, delivers unpleasant, sometimes even painful sensations.

You can believe in signs and superstitions or not, but it is worth trusting that expectations and thoughts can be realized. Let them be kind and positive, no matter what the sign predicts - and everything will be fine!

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the signals of our body. Over time, as a result of long-term observations, the ancestors noticed the connection between subsequent events and these signals.

Consider why the right eyebrow itches, as well as the upcoming changes in life associated with this sign. Usually such a sign predicts something in personal life and is not related to the weather, customs.

In order to understand why the eyebrows itch, it is important to take into account the day of the week on which the itching bothered. The feeling that this part of the body itches, from the point of view of folk signs, is associated with a person’s energy, personal life and well-being.

Why does my right eyebrow itch

If suddenly and for no apparent reason it itched on the right, then changes in life are already close. To determine what the right eyebrow itches for, let's go back to folk omens, which are usually associated with positive and violent emotions and portend meetings with good people.

This itchy part of the body warns of life changes that will no longer come as a surprise to you. If the right eyebrow itches, then:

  1. A pleasant meeting and sincere conversation with your old friend is supposed, if itching is on the right side, and a friend - when on the left.
  2. For a girl or woman, this sign is a harbinger of a meeting with interesting man with whom a long-term relationship can be established.
  3. For men, you should expect a variety of unexpected events in life, which can be not only positive.
  4. If itching does not bring discomfort, then someone praises and admires you, remembers a pleasant pastime in a common company with good words.
  5. This sign warns of a positive visit: soon old friends or relatives will come to visit you.
  6. For a pregnant woman, this is considered a sign that the newborn baby will be a boy.
  7. Itching over the right eyebrow - expect financial profit from a completely unexpected side, under it - a small loss, especially for people with considerable income.

In any case, when the right eyebrow itches, there is no reason for alarm and fear - this is a good sign.

If you feel that your left eyebrow is itching, you should be prepared for difficulties in life and negative emotions. Compared to the itching of the right, you should not expect good signs.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the left side of a person is in charge of evil forces that whisper in the ear about dashing and unworthy deeds. Therefore, the signs associated with the day when the left eyebrow itches are generally unfavorable for financial affairs, travel and personal life.

If your left eyebrow suddenly starts to itch, beware of the consequences:

  1. You can expect bad news at work or from relatives, regrets and tears.
  2. Meeting people who have deceitful intentions. Such a person can be a fraudulent stranger who wants to deceive you, and a good friend from whom you do not expect meanness or setup.
  3. An itchy left eyebrow often means that someone is discussing you behind your back, and these are unkind words. They can blame and reproach you, which is often accompanied by a feeling of burning ears and cheeks.
  4. For pregnant women, this signal means that the birth of a girl should be expected.
  5. Itching from the top of the eyebrow is a sign of negative emotions: anger, resentment, betrayal; on the left side - to tears and disappointment.

If the left eyebrow is combed, you need to be prepared for difficult situations that can happen in your life.

It should be borne in mind that the sign has different meanings depending on the day of the week.


If the right eyebrow itches on this day - expect a pleasant change in professional field: a surprise from a colleague, an award or praise from management. If the left one itches, expect difficult, problematic tasks at work.


On the second day of the week, the signs testify to relationships: if it tickles on the right - to cheerful meetings and acquaintance with a good person, and on the left - conflicts with relatives and people close to you.


Wednesday evening is rich in emotions. If the itchy signal is on the left side - expect bad news and negative emotions, on the right - good mood and positive on your weekdays.


In the second half of the week, on Thursday, depending on the eyebrow that itches, you should expect good luck and success in your endeavors or life problems and failures. When the right eyebrow - feel free to take on new things and rely on your luck. While the left is a signal that it is better not to make important decisions, they will fail.


The last day of the working week is considered the day when signs come true. Therefore, if the right eyebrow itches, be sure that a successful and wonderful day is possible, your Guardian Angel will help in all endeavors. If the left haunts you, the evil eye and damage from strangers. Spend this day at home with your family.


Saturday should be devoted to the family of the family, if it itches on the right - it will be an auspicious day for family meetings and walks, leave work and worries. On the other hand, it is a sign that you need to be careful in disputes with relatives and make compromises to maintain peace and warm relations.


On this day, you should not worry about signs and their meanings. Wherever there is a feeling of itching - they will not come true. You need to tune in to the positive and gather strength for the coming week in order to start it with a good mood and emotions.

If it itches between the eyebrows, serious health problems await. This sign may not apply specifically to you, but to close relatives or friends. You should not worry too much, you need to hope for the best and push away troubles with good thoughts.

But this is only one of the options, others believe that itching between the eyebrows is good news. Pleasant, friendly conversations, meetings and guests from afar will be waiting for you.

When should you think about saving financial position especially if there is a lot of wealth. If your income is low, you don't have to worry.

Why does the left and right eyebrow itch

When two eyebrows itch at once, it is usually considered a good sign. Often this is a messenger of financial well-being, which can manifest itself in different ways:

  • premium for Good work, on the occasion of luck winning the lottery;
  • an unexpected find of money on the street, however, you need to remember that money thrown on the street may have a conspiracy or damage.

For pregnant women, this may mean that there is a chance of having twins or twins.

If it itches under the eyebrows - get ready for financial losses, it is better not to lend money on this day.

Folk omens can be treated differently, especially when you pay attention to such a trifle as itchy eyebrows. But in any case, you need to be prepared for various life situations that won't surprise you if you know what to expect. Plus, not all signs necessarily come true. The signal from itchy eyebrows is only a warning, the event itself can bypass you, however, it is better to be careful.

Write in the comments that you promised signs for the near future!