Who is paranoid in your own words. anxiety depression aggression

mental disorder, manifested by excessive suspicion, a tendency to see malicious intent in a random coincidence of events and build conspiracy theories. At the same time, the patient retains the adequacy of perception and the logic of thinking in areas that do not concern his painful ideas. Paranoia can be observed in the form of a paranoid personality disorder, develop in some mental illnesses and degenerative brain lesions. Short-term paranoia can occur with certain psychoactive substances. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and history. Treatment - pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy.

General information

Paranoia is a kind of mental disorder, accompanied by the formation of overvalued and delusional ideas while maintaining the ability for normal logical thinking in areas that are not related to the subject of delirium or overvalued ideas. Patients with paranoia normally enter into productive social contacts and are perceived by others as mentally healthy people (sometimes with some “oddities”), which leads to a late appeal for medical help.

Often, patients first come to the attention of doctors only after a serious deterioration in their social situation and the emergence of severe conflicts with other people. If a person with paranoia has sufficient authority in the family or at work, his relatives, colleagues and subordinates may trust the delusional system and share the views of the patient (induced delusions), which makes it even more difficult to identify the disorder. Diagnosis and treatment of paranoia is carried out by specialists in the field psychiatry.

Reasons for paranoia

The reason for the development of paranoia is certain metabolic disorders in the brain, combined with the initial personality traits developed since childhood stereotypes for interpreting certain situations, habitual ways of responding to stress and adverse life circumstances. Patients suffering from paranoia have a hard time with failure from an early age. They are prone to overestimated self-esteem, often show dissatisfaction, do not know how to forgive, react too militantly to any issues related or supposedly related to the rights of the individual, distort facts, interpreting the neutral and friendly actions of others as hostile.

With paranoia, there is a complex transformation of one's own aggressive impulses and the attribution of these impulses to others, only in a different form, changed beyond recognition. Defense mechanisms such as projection, reactive formation, and denial are involved in the process. For example, a paranoid person feels love for another person, but feels the need to deny it. “I love him” turns into a reactive formation “I hate him” and, due to projection, enters consciousness in the form “he hates me”.

All of the above causes constant conflicts with other people. A kind of vicious circle arises - a patient suffering from paranoia, by his behavior provokes others to aggressive actions, and subsequently considers this aggression as a fact confirming his picture of the world. A patient with paranoia develops a stable system of ideas: “People are really hostile, you need to be constantly on the alert, you need to protect yourself, including revealing their “black plans” until they have managed to translate their plans into reality.”

The more hatred, contempt, and other similar feelings "sees" the patient with paranoia in the world around him, the more he "defends himself from enemies" and the more unfavorable the atmosphere in which he exists becomes. With age, paranoia worsens, the patient becomes vindictive, jealous and suspicious. At paranoid personality disorder stabilization often occurs at this stage.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, paranoia is treated on an outpatient basis or in conditions psychiatric hospital. The main treatment for paranoia is. Patients are prescribed neuroleptics with an anti-delusional effect. If necessary, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used. It should be noted that in most cases, patients with paranoia are extremely reluctant to agree to therapeutic measures, because they believe that in this way relatives are trying to control their behavior.

The prognosis in most cases is relatively unfavorable. Usually paranoia is lifelong pathological condition. With paranoid personality disorder, a long-term stabilization of the state is possible, however, with age, character traits become sharper, as aging overvalued ideas become more pronounced. With secondary paranoia due to brain damage, the patient's condition depends on the course of the underlying disease. Paranoia in chronic alcoholism is usually persistent. Paranoia, caused by a single or short-term use of psychoactive substances, proceeds most favorably - in this case, pathological manifestations, as a rule, quickly disappear.

  • Various neuroses, depressions develop, phobias appear.

    Paranoia can also visit a person - a mental disorder, one of the most complex and mysterious. What is paranoia and how does it manifest itself, is a sick person dangerous for others - let's take an excursion into the secrets of the human psyche.

    Paranoia is one of the most mysterious mental disorders.

    paranoia what is it

    Paranoid disorder is a particular disorder of thinking and perception of reality. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of delusional, overvalued ideas for the patient. But at the same time, a person suffering from paranoia retains clarity of logical reasoning in those areas that are not captured by delusional ideas.

    A paranoid person is a person who can be perceived by others as quite healthy and adequate. People notice "some oddities" in behavior, but do not attach any importance to this. Paranoids maintain social contacts and develop them productively.

    This feature of the manifestation of paranoid disease is dangerous for the patient himself. After all, paranoids usually come to the attention of doctors only after a sharp deterioration in their condition, when the pathology develops into a severe degree.

    Difficulties in identifying the disease occur, and if the patient occupies a certain position in society, he is respected among relatives. Subordinates and relatives listen to the paranoid and share, support his sick views and ideas.

    Signs of Paranoid Personality Disorder

    People around understand that something is wrong with a person when a certain inadequacy slips in his behavior, accompanied by severe conflicts. When the disorder has already developed into an irreversible stage.

    How paranoia develops

    The disease is characterized by slow, gradual development. Light suspicion that appears in the early stages of the disease gradually develops into a permanent phobia. To understand who a paranoid is, imagine an eternally suspicious person, gloomy and incredulous. The patient sees hidden malicious intent in everything, he perceives those around him as potential enemies.

    Paranoia is rich in its manifestations. But the development of all types of the disease goes through two main stages:

    Self-hypnosis. These are the initial stages of the development of pathology, when the symptoms are not yet noticeable to others. Paranoia is just beginning to progress in the mind of the individual.

    Symptoms of the disorder

    The development of a crazy idea and the patient's complete concentration on it. The second stage is very long. In the process of development, the paranoid becomes more and more irritable and suspicious. At this stage, it is no longer possible to cope with the disorder on your own. Now the disease develops as follows:

    1. Any negative event, an accident, warms up the paranoid rudiments in the patient, intensifying the disease.
    2. The paranoid creates in his own subconscious certain "conspiracy theories" that he sees everywhere.
    3. A sick person begins to be very critical of everything, seeing everywhere confirmation that intrigues are being woven against him.
    4. Gradually, the paranoid personality becomes more and more immersed in inner world moving away from reality. Man now exists and realizes himself only among his own illusory delirium.
    5. Delusions of grandeur develop. The paranoid feels that someone is following him, suspicion increases, which takes on painful forms.

    When a person is in such a state, it is almost impossible to “reach out” to him. He does not perceive reasonable conjectures that contradict his sick perception. The development of the disease takes a long time. At first, when the symptoms do not yet appear, patients with paranoia calmly get along in society, communicate, go to work.

    Features of a person suffering from paranoia

    Paranoid ideas have not yet become public knowledge. Quietly dormant in the depths of the subconscious, they fit perfectly into the daily routine of the patient and further convince him of the veracity of illusions. The disease slowly develops. Now crazy ideas can result in an attack of paranoia.

    The main symptoms of the disorder

    Productive treatment of paranoia can take place only in the first stages of the disease. A progressive, long-term disorder that is difficult to correct. The first signs of pathology are almost invisible, but still, they are. The following symptoms of paranoia can serve as wake-up calls:

    • awakening in speech, deeds megalomania;
    • the appearance of hallucinations (visual or auditory);
    • development of irritability, sometimes reaching open sudden hostility;
    • increased jealousy, it becomes stronger and often provokes conflicts in the family;
    • the formation of pronounced resentment, even harmless jokes can become causes of conflict;
    • a decrease in attention to oneself, carelessness in clothes begins to appear more and more often, a drop in self-criticism;
    • frequent reduction of the conversation to any one idea, talking about which, the patient comes into heightened excitement.

    What is dangerous pathology

    Speaking about what paranoia means, the definition of the disease can be given based on many other types of mental illness. Indeed, against the background of the paranoid syndrome, other dangerous disorders develop. More often paranoia provokes the development of:

    • neuroses;
    • hallucinations;
    • panic attacks;
    • serious depressions;
    • antisocial disorders.

    Anhedonia, one of the most difficult and mysterious mental illnesses, becomes a faithful companion of paranoia. Anhedonia is characterized by the inability of the individual to emotional manifestations.

    Anhedonia is characterized by the development of an apathetic state. A person completely loses interest in life, is not able to enjoy any action.

    The end result of the syndrome is the appearance of severe depression and suicidal thoughts. In order to prevent the manifestation of dangerous tendencies, you should know what exactly causes the development of the syndrome.

    Reasons for paranoia

    The exact factors provoking paranoid disorder, doctors have not established. In the process long studies the relationship between the development of the disease and the violation of the protein metabolism of brain cells was revealed. The prerequisites for this imbalance have not yet been identified, experts tend to heredity factors and the occurrence of negative situational problems.

    Hierarchy of paranoid disorder

    The main causes of this serious mental disorder include the following factors:

    1. Heredity.
    2. Severe traumatic brain injury.
    3. Prolonged stressful situation.
    4. Drug/alcohol addiction.
    5. Diseases that impair brain function.
    6. Psychological trauma received in childhood.
    7. Forced isolation, depriving a person of habitual communication.

    Age. Conducted medical studies have proven that paranoia is an age-related disease. A direct relationship between the development of the disease and the age of the patient was revealed.

    If the paranoia that occurs in young people develops for a long time, then in the older generation the disease rapidly passes into a severe phase.

    More often, paranoid disorder in old age occurs against the background of already existing chronic diseases and mental disorders. It:

    • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's diseases.

    Senile paranoia (involutionary) progresses rapidly, leading a person to complete insanity. Involutional paranoia significantly shortens the life of the patient.

    Signs of paranoid disorder

    Taking medication. The cause of paranoid disorder can also be a long, uncontrolled intake of certain medications. Paranoia provokes the use of:

    Personal characteristics. Paranoia "loves" people who are distinguished by congenital suspiciousness and weakness of character, emotional, sensitive. Such people from childhood painfully experience even small failures. They are paranoid tendencies are inborn.

    Future paranoids tend to overestimate their own personality. They are completely incapable of forgiveness. These are maximalists with a heightened sense of self-worth.

    People at risk

    Considering the causes leading to the development of a paranoid disorder, one can single out a separate group of people who are predisposed to the disease. It:

    1. Men over 30.
    2. Elderly people (age 55+).
    3. Victims of physical abuse.
    4. Possessing a predisposing to paranoia character.
    5. Suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.
    6. Having relatives suffering from any mental illness.

    Types of paranoid disorder

    The main feature of paranoia is the presence of some delusional, obsessive idea. The paranoid gets hung up on completely different, sometimes even unexpected things. In this regard, doctors divide the disease into several varieties:

    1. Persecutory (fear of persecution). The condition is accompanied by delirium.
    2. Paranoia of lust (against the background love relationship). The disease is manifested by delirium of an erotic / love orientation.
    3. Alcoholic (pathology develops against the background of alcoholism). Such a state is characterized by manifestations of an extreme degree of jealousy and persecution.
    4. Hypochondriacal (fear of illness). The paranoid is convinced that he has an incurable disease. The disorder of this type is accompanied by hallucinations, delusions.
    5. Paranoia of conscience. The disease manifests itself in an overly strict attitude towards one's own personality. The patient blames himself for all sins and suffers even for the slightest mistaken offense.
    6. Involutionary. More often, paranoia of this type is formed in women on the eve of menopause. The disorder develops in acute form accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.
    7. Expansive (creativity). The individual imagines himself to be a super-great artist, poet, thinker, musician. Not receiving recognition, the patient shows an aggressive, embittered form of behavior.
    8. Sensitive. Sensitive paranoia is caused by physical damage to the brain. The disease is manifested by the desire of the paranoid to create a conflict, to quarrel. The quarrel is accompanied by a noisy showdown, reaching a fight.

    Treatment options for paranoid disorder

    Paranoia in the advanced phase, already established, is very difficult to treat. What should people do when faced with the manifestation of a disorder in a loved one? Find an experienced psychiatrist.

    The doctor must be able to enter into the confidence of the sick person. It is very difficult to do this with a paranoid obsession (especially stalking obsessions).

    When carrying out psycho-corrective measures, the psychiatrist will work with the patient on the following tasks:

    • return of joy to life;
    • stopping excessive suspicion;
    • restoration of a healthy life position;
    • acceptance of people around them for who they are;
    • the ability to find pluses even in stressful minutes of life;
    • inhibition in the patient the development of a distorted perception of reality.

    Physicians combine the psychotherapeutic course of therapy with the simultaneous administration of medications. With paranoia, a course of neuroleptics, tranquilizers and antidepressants is prescribed, which relieve anxiety and stop delirium attacks.

    Methods for treating paranoia

    Unfortunately, involutional forms of paranoid disorders are not amenable to even long-term treatment. They will continue to progress in older people. Alcoholic disorders are also difficult to treat.

    Disease prognosis

    In the vast majority of cases, the prognosis of paranoid disorder (especially with a long course of the disease) is unfavorable. Paranoia is a pathological, lifelong condition. During therapy, the patient's condition can improve significantly. Stabilization of the disorder lasts for a long time, but with age the disease returns.

    The results of therapy largely depend on the joint work of the doctor, patient and relatives. Independent work is also required with the following conditions:

    • full, regular rest;
    • constant physical activity;
    • well-designed diet;
    • avoidance of stressful, exciting situations;
    • refusal of harmful addictions (alcohol, smoking).

    Remember the main thing: the diagnosis of paranoia is not a sentence. modern medicine is developing rapidly, new, effective drugs are being discovered. Incurable a couple of decades ago, many mental disorders are now successfully treated. Not far off is the moment when paranoia will also be successfully treated at any stage of the development of the disease.

    Paranoids - who are they?

    As they say, the hippopotamus poor eyesight, but with his body weight, this should disturb others.

    Paranoid is a special type of personality - closed, suspicious, humorless, irritable. They can be very active, often high spirits, accurate, conscientious, responsible, and have a heightened sense of justice. They tend to get stuck, big ideas and plans are often of little interest to them, and insignificant ones can obscure the whole world. They have a narrow outlook, but they are straightforward, specific and can be inconsistent.

    From youth, paranoids are distinguished by a tendency to an abundance of one-sided and logically incorrect conclusions. Everything that happens around him is endowed with a special meaning and directed at him. Everything related to his person is of particular importance, and they are deeply indifferent to everything else.

    Everything that happens is evaluated as a confirmation of his overvalued ideas, and everything that contradicts is directly ignored to reinforce confidence in his own rightness.

    The true paranoid knows that if everything is good, then everything is well disguised. (Author unknown)

    In psychiatry, paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by systematic delusions, megalomania and persecution, overestimation of one's own judgments, a tendency to be suspicious and revealing, conflict and litigious struggle, interpretative activity and the construction of speculative systems. (Leybin V. Dictionary-reference book on psychoanalysis, 2010).

    Freud wrote in a letter to his doctor and his friend W. Fliess: “Like hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder or hallucinations, chronic paranoia in its classic form is a pathological method of defense.” He saw the purpose and meaning of paranoia "in the abolition of an idea incompatible with the Self by projecting its content into the outside world." And in the future, Freud repeatedly returned to the topic of this disease and looked for the mechanisms of its occurrence.

    In his work "On Narcissism" (1914), Z. Freud attributed paranoia to a narcissistic disease. In paranoia, the libido released as a result of a person's failure in the struggle of life "does not stop at the objects of fantasy, but returns to the ego." At the same time, he attributed to paranoia such painful phenomena as delusions of grandeur and delusions of observation.

    In other works, such as "On Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia, and Homosexuality" (1922) and "A Report on a Case of Paranoia Contradictory to psychoanalytic theory» (1915) Z. Freud makes attempts to study the relationship between paranoia and homosexuality. In his opinion, "paranoia naturally occurs as a result of an attempt to resist too strong homosexual urges."

    According to Z. Freud, often such a disease can arise due to an insult inflicted by the Self, due to the impossibility of obtaining satisfaction in the sphere of the ideal-I created by a person, sublimation and its destruction. Known collective types of paranoia - all sorts of intrigues - anti-Semites, Zionists, communists, democrats, terrorists, aliens, sectarians, as well as swine, bird and other "flu" and fan associations. In fairness, it should be noted that we mean by fanatics people who are obsessed with an idea and devote their whole lives to it. This idea does not require logical justification, it is about blind faith. And although it may seem that they do not push themselves to the fore, they play the role of gray cardinals and puppeteers, and are usually callous and even cruel to the people around them.

    The paranoid all the time opposes himself to others, always on the alert for a threat from the outside and at any moment is ready to fight back. Most often, they fear encroachment on their sexual partners, their rights and property. Surrounding people seem to constantly want to humiliate them, treat them negatively and plot against them.

    There are such personalities, when communicating with whom one gets the impression that all around them insidious enemies! FROM early age and until old age, these manifestations change little. The most common property of paranoids, according to P. Gannushkin, is the tendency to form overvalued ideas that subjugate the entire personality and already this idea begins to control them. At the core of the paranoid personality lies the habit of perceiving one's "bad" qualities as the negative qualities of others through projection. Such alienated characteristics are felt as a threat from outside. Such a projection may be accompanied by a consciousness of one's own greatness. Such people themselves practically do not reach a psychoanalyst, because they are convinced that everything is in order with them, but everything is not in order with others.

    Moreover, they unconsciously fear that if the therapist gets to know them better, he will be shocked by their sins and will reject or punish them for their crimes. They constantly repel this humiliation by turning any sense of their own badness into a threat from outside. Unconsciously paranoid people expect to be exposed and project their own fear into a constant, exhausting effort to recognize in the behavior of others "really" evil intentions towards them.

    Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not being hunted.
    The feeling of shame, as well as guilt, is not familiar to them. Using denial and projection, they direct their efforts to shame and humiliate others.

    “When our usual defenses against mental pain fail, we don’t think, we act. Instead of being aware, we feel guilty, anxious or angry, we overeat, we overdrink, we may get into a car accident, have an argument with a neighbor, or a loved one, to catch a cold in inclement weather!

    "Irony is a more or less polite way of asserting one's superiority while hiding indignation. Or resentment."

    Who are the paranoids?

    Paranoid personality disorder (paranoid psychopathy) is an anomaly of character, manifested by the formation of superstitious ideas that have a huge impact on human behavior. People who suffer from this disorder are called paranoid.

    Sensitive - these people are weak, passive, distinguished by touchiness and secrecy.

    From childhood, expansive paranoid personalities are deceitful, vengeful, constantly complaining about others, noticing the smallest flaws in others, but they do not recognize any flaws in themselves. Expansive psychopaths are prone to conflicts, among them - pathological jealous, quarrelsome. Such people are convinced that only they know a particular specialty, they understand everything perfectly. They are distinguished by a constantly elevated mood, they are mobile, fussy, do not know what fatigue is.

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    Paranoia (other Greek παράνοια "madness") - a mental disorder; Currently, most of the domestic psychiatric schools are considered in the syndromological aspect as paranoid symptom formation in the form of the formation of a systematized interpretive delirium within the framework of various mental nosologies (see paranoid syndrome). K. Kahlbaum (1863) was first singled out as an independent mental illness with a predominant disorder of rational activity. In a number of Western psychiatric schools paranoia retains its nosological independence.


    This mental disorder is characterized by long periods of unreasonable distrust of others, as well as increased susceptibility. Although this disorder is not classified as a psychosis, people affected by it often have great difficulty in relationships. They, as a rule, are very critical of others, however, they do not accept criticism in their address.

    A mental disorder characterized by suspicion and a well-founded system of overvalued ideas, which, when overexpressed, become delusional. This system usually does not change; it would be perfectly logical if the original pathological ideas were correct. Since paranoid patients most often degrade only in the final stages of the disease (they often manage to give the appearance of reality to their delusional thinking by getting involved in lawsuits or other litigious activities), they rarely find themselves in psychiatric hospitals. Patients with paranoia do not have the frivolous behavior, emotional instability, grotesque hallucinations, and unusual ideas noted in other psychopathological conditions. Many of them are able to support, at least superficially, the economic and social adaptation. It is only when their motives come into conflict with the public welfare that it becomes obvious that hospitalization is necessary. On the other hand, there are cases of paranoia when the patient expresses strange ideas: for example, one patient claimed to be married to God.

    Paranoia must be distinguished from other delusional disorders called paranoid; they are often associated with organic pathology (cerebral atherosclerosis, senile psychoses) or with functional psychoses, in particular schizophrenia. Delusions in paranoid disorders are variable and not as logically worked out as in paranoia. In addition, it may be accompanied by hallucinations, changes in emotional states and socially unacceptable behavior.

    Theories on the origin of paranoia

    History is rife with paranoids. Several theories have been put forward to explain the mechanism of paranoia. One of them is the theory of Z. Freud, which suggests that the basis of paranoia is fixation, or delay, at a certain stage of the child's sexual development. We are talking about the stage of homoerotica - the period when boys play with boys, and girls - with girls (between approximately 4 and 11 years). When a boy who has been fixated at the homoerotic stage reaches adult freedom, an unsatisfied attraction to little boys weighs over him, and he is forced either to become involved in homosexual activity, or, subject to social pressure, seek compensation in such forms of behavior as alcoholism or male aggression. This behavior becomes a kind of cover for unconscious desires for homoerotic contacts.

    If paranoia arises as a compromise, then the delusions of persecution turn out to be a projection of an internal fantasy desire: the problems associated with homosexuality, as it were, are not contained in the person himself, but are imposed on him from the outside. Indeed, paranoid men are usually "chased" by men or male organizations, and paranoid women by females. Sexual adaptation, including marriage, is most often absent. Patients with paranoia who enter into marriage to meet the requirements of heterosexuality have poor adaptation to family life or home discord. The paranoid individual, no matter what socioeconomic class he belongs to, forever dedicates himself to aggressiveness, fighting imaginary enemies, and displaying markedly masculine behavior bordering on heroism. The cycle never comes to an end: as soon as one enemy is defeated, another even more dangerous appears.


    Treatment for paranoia remains unsatisfactory. The main reason is that people with paranoia rarely seek help. As a result, research based on observation and treatment is not possible. There are currently no specific treatments for these conditions in medicine.

    see also

    Literature and references

    • Freud Z. Obsession, paranoia and perversion (German)
    • Lacan J. De la psychose paranoiaque dans ses rapports avec la personnalité. Paris: Seuil, 1980
    • Melman C. Les paranoias. Seminar 1999-2001. Paris: A.L.I., 2003
    • de Oliveira L.E.P. (dir.) Schreber et la paranoia: le meurtre d'âme. Paris: l'Harmattan, 1996
    • Psychoanalytic Notes on an Autobiographical Description of a Case of Paranoia (Schreber's Case) Z.Freud. 1911 - Psychoanalysis
    • Dissociative, somatoform and paranoid disorders. A textbook on psychiatry by R. Shader on the site about psychiatry and psychopathy

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    See what "Paranoid" is in other dictionaries:

    PARANOIC - PARANOIC, paranoid, husband. (honey.). A patient suffering from paranoia. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    PARANOIC - PARANOIC, ah, husband. A person with paranoia. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov

    PARANOIC - a patient with disturbed activity of the sphere of feelings and misconceptions. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    paranoid - noun, number of synonyms: 3 sick (138) psychotype (15) personality type (11) ... Synonym dictionary

    Paranoid - m. One who suffers from paranoia. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000 … Contemporary dictionary Russian language Efremova

    paranoid - paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid, paranoid (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

    paranoid - paran oik, but ... Russian spelling dictionary

    paranoid - (2 m); pl. parano / iki, R. parano / iki ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    paranoid - Paranoia belan chirlәүche ... Tatar teleneң anlatmaly suzlege

    paranoid - a; m. A person suffering from paranoia ... Encyclopedic Dictionary


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    Who is paranoid?

    Do not rush to attribute yourself to paranoia if it seems to you that you are being followed or something insidious is being planned against you. These are indeed signs of paranoia, but it is too early to make a final diagnosis. In general, there are millions of people in the world who are unaware of their mental disorder, and there are very few of those who know about their paranoia. healthy people it is difficult to find on our planet, at least almost everyone has some kind of mental disorder or individual symptoms.

    So, who is paranoid and how to recognize him? A paranoid is a mentally unhealthy person who tends to be overly suspicious, in all accidents to see the intrigues of enemies, the paranoid constantly builds the most complex conspiracy theories against himself. Paranoia is characterized by brain damage, often it develops in old age when degenerative processes appear (for example, paranoia can develop against the background of atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's diseases, etc.).

    The term "paranoia" was introduced back in 1863 by Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum. long time paranoia was considered an independent mental disorder.

    First of all, a paranoid person always has his overvalued ideas, which eventually turn into delusions of grandeur or persecutory delusions (this is the same kind of delusion when the patient always imagines surveillance, when he sees threats from everywhere, when it seems to him that everyone around is up to something against him).

    Overvalued ideas encourage the paranoid to build complex conspiracy theories against himself - those around such ideas usually do not penetrate to the core, which causes constant conflicts, whether domestic, when the paranoid accuses his wife of primitiveness, or quite serious correspondence with judicial and other instances. Moreover, the paranoid must first consult on an exciting issue with specialists.

    Paranoid is distinguished from other people by a heightened distrust of others, resentment, suspicion, unhealthy jealousy, a tendency to see intrigues of ill-wishers in random events, the inability to forgive and accept criticism.

    Almost everyone can be called paranoid in part normal person, because we all once made mistakes and now we try to be more careful. Each person can really be deceived, hence distrust, everyone may have ill-wishers, but this should not lead to distrust of everyone, everything should be in moderation, then people will not have a reason to attribute you to being paranoid.

    Together with the article "Who is the paranoid?" are reading.

    Paranoid (paranoid) - one of the psychotypes, a characteristic personality pattern, sometimes character accentuation.

    Paranoid is a projectile of great penetrating power. Energetic, never doubting his rightness and the wrongness of all those who hesitate, he rushes like a tank, and resistance only strengthens his pressure. AT ordinary life- this is just a purposeful and self-confident person who knows what he needs. If he has an "overvalued idea", everything obeys this, and he goes straight ahead, sweeping away everything in his path and not paying attention to trifles and details - for example, to people.

    He does not like to chat and philosophize for a long time, he is a man of action, although if he needs to convince you of something, he will not spare either his or your time for this. If you are in the same business with him, you can rely on him: he is reliable, firmly holds the program and fulfills the agreements. However, if you have left the sphere of his interests, do not rely on past friendship and feelings of affection: you have remained in his past, and he is not inclined to remember the past.

    The paranoid is not sentimental, and appealing to his feelings is like playing the flute in front of a rushing herd of buffalo: possible, but useless. As a person "on his own mind", he is rather distrustful and often sees the bad in people. Oddly enough, in this he is most often right. .

    He seems to enjoy pushing a little, and his usual lifestyle is wrestling. Of course, he always fights for the best and for justice, and almost always this turns out to be the protection of his interests: apparently, because he personifies all the best for himself. He calls it "I respect myself", others call it "delusions of grandeur".

    It is difficult with him in the family - he is always at work, next to his relatives (and children) is demanding, it is not easy to discuss anything with him - he knows the solution right away and is categorical in his judgments. He is easily provoked to objections, replies to taunts with rudeness and, most importantly, is very difficult in jealousy.

    All the best and all the worst in life we ​​owe to the paranoid .

    What to do?

    If you are paranoid, then do not listen to those who call you names, and value yourself: among all character accentuations, you are the most decent type. However, to enhance your strengths, pay attention to the exercises for "" ("Smile", "Peace be with you", "Transfer of initiative", "Evaluation of oneself", "Pleasant conversation", "Cloud in pants", "Approval" , "Thunderstorm Canceled", "Sage").

    You will become calmer and softer if you switch to vegetarianism and interest yourself in Eastern philosophical teachings - such as the philosophy of yoga, Zen and others.

    It will be useful if you write beautifully on a sheet and hang self-hypnosis slogans on your wall in front of your eyes:

    "A business is for a person, not a person for a business"
    "You can't make those far away happy by making those near you unhappy"
    "In the eternal pursuit of future success, life passes by us, not lived by us..."

    This is not always true, but it is useful to reflect on these things. In the same direction - try to read the Dhammapada daily as a prayer. Yes, and relax the muscles of the jaws, they are constantly compressed.

    What else? Give up laziness, contemplation, worries and dreams, get down to business. Whatever you do (read, talk, wonder, go crazy), sum up: what is the bottom line? Product, result? What exactly did it bring into your life? Can this be felt somehow?

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Often in films and news, people are shown who reveal some kind of secret conspiracies against themselves or all of humanity.

    Others believe that they are being watched, so they build a whole plan of action on how to protect themselves, take cover. This is how paranoia manifests itself, which can also be found among people from your social circle.

    Therefore, it is worth understanding the signs in order to find out about the problem in time and not succumbing to the tricks of the paranoid, in time to help him contact a specialist.

    Paranoia - what is it and what are its symptoms

    Paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by impaired thinking, in which people suspect everyone around them of a negative plan against them.

    Like any disease, it manifests itself differently in everyone. In most cases, paranoids are characterized by obsessive idea of ​​persecution. It seems that someone (the police, a work colleague, a neighbor in the stairwell) is watching him.

    To this is often added delirium of damage- a person thinks that they want to harm him (poison, kill, talk behind his back).

    Since there is always a fear of persecution, the patient is in constant tension and active attention, so as not to miss the alarming "signs" from others. Therefore, there are often hallucinations. Usually auditory. It is heard as if whispering about him through the wall and making plans.

    Due to the increase in suspicion, hostility towards acquaintances rises. A person becomes aggressive, unfriendly, embittered at the whole world, anxious. Insomnia also develops: it is difficult to fall asleep, it can be undermined in the middle of the night. Characterized by frequent increase in pressure, sweating.

    on the basis of jealousy This is another common form of mental disorder. A person thinks that his partner is constantly cheating or flirting with someone.

    This type of paranoid checks the partner's phone: calls and correspondence. He can stop by at work and see if his passion is there. He also firmly believes in his fantasies and can unleash a scandal on the basis of an invented crazy story.

    This concentration of attention on the thoughts that people are up to something or have already done something, does not allow to think adequately and objectively, therefore everything is violated.

    A person becomes forgetful, during a conversation the logical connection between sentences is broken. Often paranoia develops like a brain injury, so it is clear why the entire work of this organ suffers.

    Favorite phrases of the paranoid

    A paranoid is a person who can be suspect mental illness by these phrases:

    1. Always alert and watching what is happening around.
    2. If they treat me well, then they probably want something from me, or they try to cover up their actions.
    3. Wherever you go, envious people are waiting.
    4. I do not speak openly about what I think, so that people cannot use these words against me.
    5. There is no time to relax.
    6. Nobody knows how it will all end.
    7. I often suspect that someone intends to cause harm.
    8. I want to punish those who offended me.
    9. I don’t see the point and reason to trust people, because they will always deceive or set you up.
    10. In everything I look for confirmation of my thoughts.
    11. These people need to be brought to clean water.
    12. Alone again.

    Reasons for the development of paranoia

    One of the reasons why paranoia can develop is dysfunction brain.

    May develop with a defect in protein metabolism that affects well-coordinated work neurons. Actually, various violations in nervous system can also affect the psyche.

    In the elderly diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's may develop. With them, attention, thinking, emotional background. There are changes in the personality itself: people become angry and suspicious.

    Often such paranoia is characteristic precisely in the form of delirium of damage. They think that "everyone wants to get rid of old people."

    If one of the relatives had similar symptoms, then they could be inherited.

    Also common cause disease appears. For example, the child was frightened that around evil people which may cause harm. They should not be trusted, and it is better to avoid them. Or from mom and dad, the child heard that neighbors and friends envy their family.

    Perhaps, already at an older age, a person was inflicted a serious psychological trauma. Close people deceived, framed, or just got caught by an unfriendly team. After that, the injured person begins to treat everything with fear.

    In this case, low self-esteem, or depressive disorder could provoke the development of paranoia.

    When for some reason it was necessary to be in long-term isolation from society (for example, a serious illness), then after entering the society there may not be a quick adaptation. Therefore, a person can be afraid and afraid of others.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    If you notice that a friend has the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor: a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. They will conduct a conversation and testing, which will make it clear what kind of violation the patient has. After that, individual treatment is prescribed.

    Therapy is directed at the underlying cause. For example, if it's a breach in the brain, then the therapist will deal with the treatment, prescribing pharmacological preparations.

    Medicines are also used if the patient is delusional or hallucinating. In such cases, neuroleptics are given. Or tranquilizers, if a person behaves very restlessly.

    With psychological trauma the psychotherapist tries together with the client to find the situation that negatively affected the person's calmness. The specialist explains that people around do not wish evil.

    The psychologist is trying to show with facts that there is no "universal conspiracy." And also uses different techniques to raise self-confidence, self-esteem of the client in particular.

    How to deal with a paranoid

    It is not always possible to convince the paranoid that he needs to go to the doctor.

    It can scare that they want to close him in the ward, “feed him with pills”. Or this is a person who is completely distant to you, on whom you have no influence. So it's worth knowing rules on how to behave with him.

    1. All rules and norms of courtesy must be observed.
    2. When talking, refer to evidence, laws.
    3. Be very open and clear about your intentions and goals.
    4. If there is any misunderstanding, please clarify immediately.
    5. Sometimes it's good to make the paranoid feel more important about himself, so that he feels his power of control and is sure of it.
    6. It is better to bypass, as many guesses about the conspiracy will come to the surface.
    7. Don't talk negatively about this person behind their back, as they will find out anyway.
    8. If the employer suffers from paranoia, then it is better to leave for another job. Because he will always suspect you of something. Or there is an option to stay, but to become a faithful quiet servant.

    Paranoia, as a rule, is a serious violation in the human psyche, therefore, with such people it is worth behave carefully so as not to further consolidate his suspicion in the people around him.

    If possible, you need to persuade him to contact a specialist and at the same time it is necessary to explain that you advise this only because you sincerely worry about the health and well-being of this person.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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