How to arrange a table according to Feng Shui. The correct location of the desktop according to feng shui


(material prepared by V.G. Pustueva)

Let's take a closer look at the chair and table at which your child is doing homework. From how thoughtfully and correctly you furnished the "office" of the first grader, his performance will directly depend.

Of course, it is not always possible to allocate a separate room for the preparation of lessons for the child. Accordingly, in this case, it is important to visually separate the so-called “playing” zone from the “working” zone so that nothing distracts the first grader from classes. To do this, you can use a movable partition - a screen, a rack, and suspended fabric blinds will do. You can also visually divide the space by wallpapering a neutral color in the "work" area compared to the rest of the room.

making out workplace child, remember that the atmosphere created should be conducive to work (toys, TV, etc. are best placed in another part of the room).

Everything inside the resulting workspace should be useful, but not distracting (for example, a developed daily routine hanging on the wall, lesson schedules, geographical maps, etc.). On a free wall, you can make a shelf or pockets in which the child can put some important little things that should always be at hand.

In general, it is important not to overload the corner with serious things, but at the same time you need to clearly and definitely separate it from the play area.

Now let's talk about the TABLE

Unfortunately, many children already sat incorrectly before school and acquired a violation of posture. However, not only the posture of your child will depend on the dimensions and model of the desktop, but also his vision and, no less important, the desire to learn.

There are some pretty hard and fast rules that apply to any desk designed to work.

Depth of the working surface - not less than 60-80 cm, width - not less than 120-160 cm, for free placement of legs - not less than 50 cm in width and not less than 45 cm in depth. The height of the tabletop depends entirely on the height of the child: a baby with a height of 100 to 120 cm is enough for 45-48 cm.

You can check the "correctness" of the table right in the store: the edge of the table when landing should be at chest level (so that the child can lean on his elbows), the legs should be at right angles, and the knees should in no case support the table from below. The legs of the entire foot should be on the floor, and in no case hang!

By the way, if you do not want to change the desktop in your student's office every 2-3 years, it is better to give preference to a convertible model.

Choose the right CHAIR

With a child height of 100-120 cm, the height of the seat above the floor should be 32 cm, and the depth 27 cm. The chair should be with a solid base, i.e. not on wheels. Teach your child to sit up straight without bending low over the table. Sitting bent over pinches muscles cervical, which means that the nutrition of the vessels of the brain is disturbed, hence the lack of nutrition of the vessels of the fundus, spasms eye muscles, and as a result - myopia. The distance from the eyes to the book (notebook) should be at least 30 cm. And the distance between the chest and the desk is controlled using the child's own fist, which is freely placed between the edge of the table and the child's chest.


It is better to position the desk so that the light falls on the left. It is not recommended to place a table parallel to the window, as the light falling directly blinds the child, especially on bright sunny days. The glass of the windows in the room should be clean, and the curtains should not be thick. It is better to free the window sill next to the table from tall plants. All this will provide good illumination of the workplace.

A table lamp is needed on the desk. The light from it should fall on the left, and the power of the bulb should be at least 75 watts. The lampshade is obligatory, it gives uniform illumination, and the child does not see the luminous thread.

However, remember: the light of a single table lamp is categorically contraindicated for children! If the rest of the space of the children's room is drowning in twilight, the created contrast can cause rapid fatigue of the child's vision, and after a certain time, a decrease in visual acuity.

In order for the child not to get tired during work, light sources must be combined. For example, a directed stream of light to the work area is provided by thermal lamps (conventional or halogen incandescent lamps), and compact fluorescent lamps can be used to create general lighting. You can use a combination of wall sconces or an indirect light cornice and a separate light directly above the work area.

And do not forget to make sure that the first grader's office has a convenient storage system for stationery, books, notebooks and other things. To do this, you can use wardrobes, niches, mobile containers, even a screen with many pockets of different sizes. It is important that shelves and niches are placed within the reach of the child, and then your child will learn to keep order from childhood.

The child's body is especially susceptible to the effects of various factors. environment Therefore, children's rooms need to be equipped especially carefully. When buying furniture for the nursery, designing the interior of the room, choosing wallpaper, you need to remember that any flaw (inappropriate chair or aggressive color) can affect the child's psyche and even worsen his health.

Student workplace requirements

The desk should be in the most lit spot in the room; this place is near the window (however, we do not forget that the approach to the window should be free);

The light should fall on the working surface of the table from the left side: in the daytime - this is the light from the window, in the evening - the light from the table lamp; a table lamp is installed in the far left corner of the table; if the child is left-handed, the light on the working surface of the table should fall on the right, and in this case the table lamp is installed in the far right corner of the desk;

A writing desk can be either one-pedestal or two-pedestal, the number of drawers does not matter;

The table should be high enough so that the child sitting at it does not stoop to keep his back straight;

There should not be any unnecessary items on the surface of the table; it is known that children love various cute trinkets, and if the mother does not follow the order very carefully, her child’s table can simply become overgrown with such trinkets; extra items take up space (and in the end it is not enough for textbooks and notebooks, and the child writes and draws, hanging his elbows off the table), distract the student's attention (the child, without finishing the sentence, without reading the paragraph, takes his favorite toy and starts playing) , interfere with wiping dust off the table;

It is especially important that there are no objects on the table with a smooth, shiny surface that can reflect light; otherwise, the light reflected from the lamp will blind, tire the organ of vision; when buying a table for a child, you should opt for a table with a matte top - unlike a lacquered tabletop, it almost does not reflect light from a table lamp or from a window;

You can put organic glass on the countertop, which is not very reflective; under this glass you can put a class schedule, a calendar;

If the child has a computer, then the latter, of course, should be placed on a special side table; in the event that there is no special table, the monitor, speakers and keyboard can also be installed on the desk; the system unit of a vertical shape (tower-tower type) is best placed on the side of the table on some suitable stand.

feng shui workplace- this is not just a table for work, but also a source of new thoughts that are born here and begin to be embodied in the real world.

Each of us has periods when we give up and don’t feel like doing anything, and a person’s ability to work largely depends on his attitude towards the result. Good atmosphere, family relations, general state health also have an impact on how efficient the workflow will be.

feng shui desktop designed to change a person's worldview, assure him of his abilities and give impetus. Developing this technique, the founders of Feng Shui took care of comfort and tranquility. It is in such conditions that it is possible to concentrate the thought process on one thing as much as possible, without being distracted by external factors.

Eastern sages were the first to understand about importance feng shui in living quarters. But if the doctrine has an impact on the domestic environment, then it will be appropriate in the workplace, that is, in offices and offices, factories and studios, garages and restaurants.

Probably, many have noticed that in the offices you can often see innocent trinkets of this type, such as figurines, figurines or models of the oriental style. All these directions have become popular in our country.

Those who have tested the Feng Shui of the desktop claim that they found huge reserves in themselves. Such people became successful in their work, deservedly received awards and praise from their superiors, were respected colleagues and partners. They want to work, and they get real pleasure from it.

Take advantage of this teaching. After all, most likely, you are also tired of forcing yourself to get up in the morning, hardly open your eyes and, with undisguised anger, get ready for a hated job. You will be surprised when you join the labor movement. You will love, and sincerely love, your desk, your office and your duties.

The goal of any job is to make good money. The feng shui of the workplace will bring curious and pleasant changes into your life. Your financial position will improve instantly.

Feng Shui workplace: design rules

In order to transform your workplace, you don’t need to read a lot of dusty books, you don’t need to ask teachers of Eastern teachings for advice, you don’t need to surf the Internet at night. It is enough to allocate a couple of hours of your time, and life will forever acquire a completely different meaning.

  • The first and foremost rule of all Feng Shui is cleanliness and order. The same applies to the desktop. You have probably noticed that when the table is clean, there are only things and objects that are needed at the moment, the work is in full swing. All decisions come easily and fall on paper freely. There is complete confidence in the correctness of all actions. Therefore, conduct a daily small audit at the workplace. It is better to immediately get rid of the trash, so it will not accumulate and will not bring trouble and inconvenience.
  • The next step is boxes. Don't make it a habit to fill them up with damaged erasers or scribbled ballpoint pens. Indeed, with such objects you only give freedom to bad energy, it freely reigns in all corners of your office. With unnecessary, and even more broken things, we bring rift and trouble into our lives.
  • Never huddle in a minimum size space. The place where you work should be large and spacious. What do you think, if a thought is born and abruptly enters a crowded and uncomfortable, dirty and cluttered room, what happens to it next? She tries to fight her way to the door to continue on her way, but at every turn she is intercepted and brought back to her place. This is how your thinking is affected by a sloppy and impractical desktop. Even if there is a computer on it, try to make it take up minimal space.
  • Don't try to decorate your table with fancy new fashions. The feng shui of the desktop is simplicity, complete absence decor and ornaments. During labor, the mind must be cold-blooded and pure.
  • Wood and products from it are assistants in the work. This is the element that strains all mental activity and causes every neuron to be included in the process. But metal products should not be used as jewelry.

Work Table and Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is used to define the appropriate areas in a room. The table can also be divided into main sectors. Worth coming to this issue responsibly, because professional success directly depends on the correct activation of a particular section of the workplace.

Divide the table space into a central part, a right side and a left side. So, let's proceed to the direct determination of the value of each zone.

Table center

This is the place that has the strongest influence on work success. It helps to cope with difficulties. It can be divided into three sections:

  1. Area of ​​career growth and prospects.
  2. A zone of scale for further plans and successes.
  3. Glory zone.

The first two are directly in front of you and require complete freedom. This means that you do not need to fill them with papers or folders.

Excess fullness will become an obstacle to promoting prospects and success. In this zone, it is appropriate to put a laptop or monitor from a computer.

The far central zone is the zone that is responsible for your rewards. Here you can place a figurine that depicts some kind of reward. For example, for professionals who are engaged in cinematography, such an award as an Oscar is suitable.

Left side of the table

This site contains zones that are responsible for important areas of human life. It:

  1. Zone of wealth and material well-being.
  2. Health zone.
  3. Knowledge Zone.

In order for the work to bring not only joy, but also a good income, you need to take care of the design of the upper left corner. Desktop feng shui says that wealth loves red colors. Therefore, use objects of this color. A red piggy bank toy will do.

If you like plants, then you can use a money tree here. Decorate it with red ribbons and small coins (you can use an artificial money tree).

Just below the previous sector is the area responsible for your overall health and well-being.

Folders with projects under development, current affairs must be added here. So you will gain strength to work on them, and activate mental and physical activity.

The bottom left dot is the Knowledge Zone. What does knowledge represent? Of course, scientific reference books and dictionaries. In your work, most likely, there are some instructions and rules. Put them right here. So, if you need them, you can always use them, and you will also activate the zone responsible for the success of your mind and thinking.

Right side of the table

If we analyze the right part of the table, then, moving from top to bottom, the following zones are located:

  1. Zone of Creativity.
  2. Zone of the Family and relations between relatives.
  3. A zone of help and mutual assistance.

You surely have your most successful work, which was appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. That's it in the zone of creativity and her place. She will encourage you to work in the same spirit. One or two folders will be enough.

The family serves as support in all endeavors, so the presence of relatives and friends is simply necessary at work.

Of course, your family members will not accompany you to every meeting or report submission, but a photo with them is quite suitable for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The last right zone is responsible for help and support. So that you always come across only honest partners, place a telephone set here.

All famous and famous people adhere to these recommendations. The leaders of the most famous companies of the world scale carefully develop the interior of both the entire working room and each table separately. And they get what they want in the shortest possible time.

And in conclusion, I prepared a video in which the Feng Shui master Natalia Pravdina talks about how how to activate feng shui zones on the desktop to attract money, fortune and fame.

Just click on Play.

Feng Shui desktop for wealth (video)

That's all the rules feng shui for desktop. Nothing complicated. If you do it right, you can help yourself a lot. You will become much more successful, and your financial situation will pleasantly surprise you with its changes for the better. Colleagues will turn to you for advice, as your progress will cause true delight among those around you.

Live Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,specially for the site ""


There is no such person who would not agree with the statement that work should bring only pleasure, and a career should constantly move up, not stagnate in one place. To achieve the above, try to design your workplace according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. It is worth remembering that the location, as well as the design of the workplace, will affect not only financial well-being, but also career success. Nevertheless, this whole combination will have a huge impact on the mood and well-being of the worker.

Equipping the workplace according to the laws of Feng Shui, it is necessary to place it as close as possible to the main entrance to the room. The ideal room should be rectangular or square. If the room does not have four corners, then the shortage can be compensated for by a mirror in the place of the intended corner.

No less important for professional success is the color scheme of the office. Among unwanted colors, black and white combination is distinguished. The ideal color scheme is:

  • golden;
  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • light orange;
  • pale green;
  • warm red tones.

The required lighting, which should not be too bright or harsh, also helps to attract the creative energy of Qi.

Excess is also not welcome. sunlight. Favorable is dim or diffused lighting with a source directly above the working person or on the left side of him.

A properly designed workplace, according to the laws of Feng Shui, cannot contain any dirt and trash. In the room, all items must be kept in perfect cleanliness. If the room has shelves or cabinets for documents, you must definitely get rid of everything unnecessary.

Places of honor are recommended to be assigned to those attributes or objects that are directly related to the position or profession held, but only in favorable places for this. For example, a laptop, a personal computer and a telephone must be located in the success zone.

Placement of the workplace

It is impossible to properly design an office according to Feng Shui without properly designing the workplace itself. In particular, the correct arrangement of the table will allow you to avoid a lot of trouble.

  • it is impossible for the desktop to be located in a southerly direction - this will provoke constant stress and overstrain;
  • oriented table to the east will help novice businessmen;
  • the northwest is always favorable to leaders;
  • the western direction stabilizes business;
  • southeast - will attract flows of creative energy.

The location of the table under the hinged structures, which are shelves, beams and air conditioning or ventilation systems, will attract bad luck and illness.

Do not sit with your back to a window or doorway. This arrangement promotes betrayal and deprives a person of any support. In the event that another location is not possible, the negative impact of the window is mitigated by closing it with thick curtains, and in relation to the doors, a mirror is installed on the table so that all incoming people are reflected in it.

You should never place your workplace directly opposite the entrance doors to the office. It is better to move it diagonally, but in such a way that those who enter can see the person working at the table.

In pursuit of the goal of arranging your workplace in accordance with the laws of Feng Shui, you should make sure that the desktop can be freely approached from all directions. This location will help expand prospects and opportunities. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there should be some free space around it.

A table located close to a wall or placed in a corner, as well as between cabinets, can bring a lot of difficulties.

If there is a high partition or wall directly in front of the table, it is necessary to hang an image with open space on it or an image of a calm lake, a flowering meadow, which will significantly reduce all restrictions.

Any corner of office furniture directed at the desktop is also undesirable. In this position, a person will begin to absorb the maximum amount of negative energy. To neutralize this negative flow, a houseplant located opposite this corner will help.

The location of an aquarium, shelves or open cabinets behind him will also negatively affect a person.

In turn, a blank wall behind the back is considered an excellent location. She provides excellent support from influential people and is considered a wonderful support in life. You can enhance the effect by hanging a picture on it, which depicts a sloping mountain.

If you want to decorate your workplace according to Feng Shui, you need to place something blue or gray in the center of the table. Even a mouse pad. Compliance given condition will contribute to the influx of creative energy and a more complete use of their abilities.

Desirable is the presence in the left corner of the table green houseplant in a red pot, but warm in color to get rid of the negative energy emitted by the sharp corners of the desktop or other office furniture. Among other things, living plants tend to absorb the negative energies of anxiety and stress.

An excellent solution would be to have a glass or two with drinking water on the desktop. clean water, which should be located as close as possible to the worker.

Water, located on the right side, activates the ingenuity and creative powers of a person, and on the left side, it contributes to the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. It is worth noting that the water in the glasses should always be fresh. Otherwise, it will begin to accumulate negative energies in itself, which, in turn, will be absorbed by a person completely unnoticed by him.

If the workplace is located in such a way that a person sits in a crowded office with his back to other people, it is necessary to hang one of the available things - a scarf, sweater or jacket - to protect against the effects of negative energy on the back of the chair.

If a person sits facing the doors, then one should try to keep them always closed, since half-open or open doors suck out creative energy in the literal sense of the word.

Every time I suggest clients put up a study table for a child facing a wall or window or with my back to the door, I immediately expect a question from the books I have read: “But with your back to the door and facing the wall it is forbidden!" Do you think that I don't know what they write in books or tell in elementary courses? :)

Yes, you can't. But sometimes you can :)

Since you always have to answer this question very often, it's easier to write an article for everyone to clarify this. And even more so in the light of exams, admission to colleges or schools.

Consider the issue from all sides.

1. What are we guided by when we decide where to put the table?

The fact is that when we decide how to put the table, we are guided by Not only the “face/back to the door” condition, but also by many factors. Inside our head is triggered multistage analysis, which is expressed in the fact that we poke a finger with the words: "Put the table here." But there is a lot of work going on inside.

Here are just some of the general factors we consider:

1. Favorable location

2. Favorable direction regarding the entire room, room, human personality, based on formulas and calculations.

3. Following qi flow layouts.

4. Following qi flow(energy) by room, apartment relatively surrounding landscape.

In apartments, it is very often impossible to follow all the points at the same time. You have to choose what is more important in given specific conditions. Moreover, in each of this paragraph there are at least 2 more subparagraphs . For example, to choose all this regarding san he or san yuan? After all, they often do not intersect ...

Of course, we are always guided by the rule " form is more important than formula". However, in real life, everything is not clear

2. Desk for boss or student? There is a difference.

The fact is that there is a difference between the conditions for placing tables in the office for e.g.

— director, sales manager, chief accountant or lawyer

- and a student-student (no matter what age) at home.

As well as between causes desire to have a desktop at home. For example, consider the following situations:

- you work at home, receive clients (for example, do a manicure), receive close clients in an informal setting;

- You just browsing the internet to view traffic jams, play toys, reply to friends' emails;

you are a child/adult and you study at the table;

- you are a child / adult, and there is a table for you, but there is no way to seat you at the table, anyway will do homework/work lying/sitting on the floor by laying out textbooks on a sofa or bed (believe me, there are many);

- you need a table just to have a table. And suddenly you need...

- you need a table for prestige. The boss is at work, so he should be in the office at home, even if you don’t need to work at home ...

Or other situations. Believe me, it's very important to know why do you need a table. This also depends on his position.

Sometimes a table is just needed to have it, and you ask for a good place for it. Most often we have just one good place in the room. And we give in this case bed preference. This is more important.

But here if you work from home then of course we will do our best to "dig" at least something good in the formed situation.


For example, if you are looking for a place for a table in an office or in a house / apartment for receiving people, for work or to emphasize your status, then of course it is necessary that the table be placed facing incoming. Otherwise, it would be strange, imagine, somehow you come to to CEO firms, and he sits behind you ...

Or go to the company, and the reception is placed with its back to you ... Strange, you must agree. This is how to answer: "Get out of here, everyone got me." Therefore there is a term "leader's position"

No matter how good the Stars are, for such a situation, the “position of the boss” will always be on the1st place in formula list, which we use to select a location.

P.S. The position of the chief - this is the position of the table, sitting at which we "control" the entrance, we see the incoming. Best of all - the far opposite part from the entrance.


What is important for the student? Study well. He does not need to receive guests or clients. Therefore, in this case, I give preference (for apartments) to the Stars and sometimes, if possible, combine this with san he (bazhai, 72 dragons, yin-yang relative to the environment, Academician's Star). But this will not necessarily be connected with the "position of the boss." It's not that important here.

3. Apartment or private house? There is a difference.

There is a difference where we do feng shui.

  • In an apartment (or house, office), where we cannot, suppose (but sometimes it is possible), change access doors, move walls, doors.
  • Or in a private house/building, which is already initially built according to the recommendations of feng shui.

The fact is that in apartments(and especially small ones), we essentially have no choice. Most often, we choose not from what is good and even better, but from what is “acceptable” in given conditions. This is something that is better than the rest of the positions, but not the best that is possible in this house.

And since more often than not, what happens is more important to us Here and now(it is important that now the debts are paid off, so that a new project is moving forward now, so that now you can study well or pass exams), then I always make a choice towards the san yuan system, in which the most important thing time. Whereas in San He there are no such temporal characteristics (or rather, they are there, but not in periods, but in some years). But this is another story, the topic of personal preferences, we will not delve into it :).

However when we design a house and choose a plot, then we take into account, if possible, both san yuan and san he. And then it is possible to plan in advance so that the position is the “leader”, and that the “here and now” helps, and that the movement of energies is in line with the landscape. No problem.

In apartments - we do something from what is given to us. A series:

“I blinded him from what was. And then, what happened, I fell in love with it.

At home, we do what we need.

It's like being a boss or a subordinate. In the apartment - we are subordinates. There are bosses in the house.

Feel the difference?

Thus, it is possible to place the table facing the wall, opposite the door or with its back to the door, when we do not see the entrance.

But only if when due to reasons our analysis of the situation.

If you do not study feng shui professionally, but still somehow want to help your family without inviting a consultant, of course, consider these rules, follow the visible flow of qi.

But when you start learning feng shui, you will see that you can fully follow when you create your own follow-up(sorry for the tautology) to combine both forms and formulas (everything is important).

Learn how to build an auspicious home with Feng Shui in mind

« « and Master class «

Each component of our living space has an impact on us and on the events in our lives. The workspace where we spend most of our time is no exception. A harmonious atmosphere, which will be provided by the correct flow of favorable Qi energy, will energize and help in work, bring good health and satisfaction, dispel irritability and squabbles, promote fruitful interpersonal communications, recognition and promotion.

In order for the work to be productive, bring the desired results and opportunities for growth, it is very important to properly equip your workplace and, in particular, correctly position your desktop, which we will talk about in this article.

As you know, in Feng Shui, the principle of the dominant arrangement of priority furnishings in rooms is very common. It also exists in the office and is the most favorable for success in the service. The most favorable place for the desktop should meet the following principles:

  • desktop location relative to front door to the office is considered more important than the location in space in accordance with the cardinal points;
  • if possible, the table should be as far away from the door as possible;
  • a person sitting at a table should be able to view the entire room;
  • the door to the office should be clearly visible in order to control the entrance to the room;
  • the desktop should not stand opposite the entrance, but a little oblique from the door, then you will not be attacked by the energy going in a straight line, and you will be able to see everyone who enters the room.

Staying in a dominant position assumes an excellent view of the entire room and especially the front door to the office. This arrangement symbolizes the ability to control ongoing processes and, ultimately, success. The one who is with his back to the door is in a vulnerable position, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the location of the victim. It can also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back. Positioning sideways to the door is also considered unfortunate, although less vulnerable.

If it is impossible to place the desktop so as to see the door - that is, without changing the position of the body, or this position does not suit you, distracting from work, you should put a small mirror on it or, even better, hang a large mirror on the opposite wall, which will allow it is good to see the door and everyone entering the room. This tool is very effective and affordable.

Also it is important to be as far away from the door as possible- this symbolizes control over the situation in the working room and the presence of sufficient time to react to incoming people. Compliance with this condition leads to calmness, confidence, ingenuity and, as a result, a better quality of work performed.

Another recommendation regarding the desktop is maintaining freedom of access to it- this will have a positive effect on the workflow, expand your perspectives and opportunities, and on a subconscious level, give a sense of security. Sitting at a table facing a blank wall can lead to isolation. Do not move the desktop and one side to the wall. If there is not enough space in the room to provide free space on both sides of the table, it is desirable that the aisle be at least 50 cm wide on one side. Furniture or books should not be placed in this place, as this deprives its owner of the opportunity to use the aisle, weakening it energetically.

Also not recommended to sit too close back to the wall and put something behind the desktop. This is only acceptable if you work in a large office. It is desirable that there is a distance of at least 90-100 cm between you and the wall. If the chair touches the wall from time to time, this can cause frustration and causeless anger.

Desktop location back to a window or door creates a certain vulnerability according to feng shui, although this is not a negative factor. The positive effect of this arrangement is good lighting. If in this situation there is a feeling of anxiety, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere or bells on the ceiling at a distance of about one third of the height of the window. if the window is too large, it is recommended to hang curtains or blinds to visually reduce it.

Much more dangerous considered a situation where behind the seated person is a door. The use of the recommended bells and spheres as protection here is clearly not enough. In this situation, it is better to hang one of these funds above the chair at the desktop. In addition, to hide the door, you can hang a curtain, tapestry or put up a screen (the most dangerous is the outer door located behind the back).

Do not litter the office heavy and large furniture- it takes up a lot of space, and this prevents the free movement of both people and energy flows in it. This can be expressed as depression or fear. Remove any unused bulky items or replace them with smaller ones. This will solve the problem.

Success in business and business is a delicate thing, but as in any area of ​​life, we can provide ourselves with some support and attract favorable Qi energy to help, which will make the process more comfortable and open the doors to new opportunities and prospects.

With this article read