Why is the Internet very slow on the computer. Internet is slow

long opening sites, freezes, slow file download speeds, problems in online games, failures in Skype video communication - these and similar things have to be faced with a slow Internet connection.

In this regard, users often have a question: why is the Internet speed low? How can this problem be solved in some cases?

The reasons that may result in a drop in the speed of the Internet, we will consider according to the following plan:

I note that a slow computer that “slows down” and a slow Internet are two different things and are not directly related to each other.

1. Rush hours

Speed ​​reduction - natural process during peak hours, when a huge number of users connect to the provider's network. As a rule, this happens by 6-7 pm on weekdays.

This moment completely depends on the provider: the more users it has, the greater the load falls on the network equipment, therefore, the slower the Internet connection will be.

The situation is the same with the Wi-Fi zone in public places.

And if you go to a cafe specifically for web surfing, it is better to look for a sparsely populated place.

2. Equipment provider

The reason for the low speed of the Internet may be the depleted resource of the provider's network equipment. Even changing won't help. tariff plan to the more expensive one. After the equipment is replaced by the provider, the speed of the Internet, respectively, increases dramatically.

The reason may also be a failure in any part of the path from the Internet provider to the network card in the user's computer. The failure may be in the apartment, in the corridor on the stairs, in the basement of the house or in the attic, where the provider's equipment is located.

When someone cut a piece of cable in our apartment building (perhaps due to apartment renovation), the provider had to replace 80 meters of cable. But according to my subjective feelings, after that the Internet simply began to “fly”.

In both the first and second cases, little depends on the user. True, you can contact the provider with constant complaints.

But if several companies operate in the locality in the market for providing Internet access, why not get acquainted with the capabilities of other providers. You can return to the first one at any time if the Internet speed of other providers also does not satisfy.

3. Router

The router may be the reason for the low speed of the Internet. The router, regardless of the specific model and manufacturer, is in itself weak link in a chain of devices for high-speed data transmission in the network.

The situation is aggravated in the case of budget models of routers that have poor technical characteristics. Those are more capable of reducing the data transfer rate due to constant freezes.

When complaining about the slow speed of the Internet in the support service, the provider's employees first of all ask if the connection is through a router, and if so, then standard recommendation the router will turn off and then turn on after 5 minutes.

When the router is rebooted, the buffer is cleared of cached data that accumulates in the process of checking and assembling network packets.

Before buying a router, you should consult with the provider. Its experts will tell you which models are best proven in operation.

4. Number of Wi-Fi users

No matter how powerful the equipment that provides a Wi-Fi hotspot in a home or public place, it has a limit of connected devices.

And the closer the number of users to the limit value of possible clients of such equipment, the lower the Internet speed each of them can count on.

Routers do not always distribute the speed of the Internet connection evenly between all devices. It also happens that when one user downloads a large file from the Internet, the second one has to wait a long time even for an elementary opening of a web page.

So that no one at home is deprived of Internet speed, you can purchase a router with a traffic distribution function.

An alternative option is to set the file download speed limit in software file downloaders (download managers, torrent clients).

And, of course, password-protected access to Wi-Fi is required. For in apartment buildings, the Wi-Fi signal of the router is available to neighbors, as well as to all those who come to visit them.

5. Wi-Fi range

Each router is designed for a certain radius of providing a Wi-Fi zone.

In some cases, if the need for a larger range arose later than the purchase of a certain model of a router designed for a smaller radius, you can try to solve the problem using a wireless amplifier. This device is placed between the router and the computer device and serves to amplify the Wi-Fi signal.

Internet speed can be reduced by metal barriers and water containers placed between the router and a mobile or computer device that receives a Wi-Fi signal. There may be interference from the neighbors router, from overheating of your router, from a malfunction in the router software.

It is desirable to place the router on an uncluttered surface and higher.

You can try bringing your laptop as close to the router as possible to see if it improves internet speed.

6. Device processor

The Internet connection mostly depends on the network equipment, but sometimes the slow Internet speed can be caused by a weak processor of a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

On the one hand, the Internet is no longer a rarity with high speed. On the other hand, there are many devices for accessing the Internet with "light", budget processors: netbooks, etc. Such a processor, alas, sometimes cannot cope with a large data stream (for example, torrents).

If you want to check the load on your processor, press three keys at the same time: "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Del". In the window that appears after this, click on the option “Open Task Manager”.

Rice. 1 Check CPU usage in Windows Task Manager

If in a similar window, as in Fig. 1 You will see the download at 100%, then the reason for the low speed of the Internet is not in the provider, but exclusively in your computer and in those programs on it that it is so busy with.

7. Programs

The slowdown in Internet speed can be caused by the activity of applications on the computer that work with the network.

These are programs that run in the background. For example, in the "background" can be launched

  • skype,
  • webmoney,
  • other messengers,
  • software torrent clients,
  • programs for saving Internet traffic, for its analysis, etc.,
  • any applications that support data synchronization (Yandex.Disk, Cloud Mile ru),
  • browser extensions,
  • antivirus update,
  • windows update,
  • playing music from some site,
  • online toy launched
  • and you never know what else is running?

Unused applications should be closed, and best of all, removed from startup along with the start of the operating system.

Rarely used browser extensions can be left uninstalled, but disabled and activated only when necessary.

8. Malware

Viruses and spyware can be the cause of slow Internet speeds.

Malicious software (software) runs in the background and uses the Internet connection without the user's knowledge to send spam, download junk files to the user's computer, and sometimes it can even block access to the Internet.

Well, if the virus is only inside the computer and will not prevent the launch of anti-virus tools. Since if a virus gets inside the firmware of the router, you will have to do a factory reset and reconfigure it.

9. Internet provider tariff

There are such tariffs from providers that when the user reaches a certain threshold (which is probably specified in the contract with the provider), the Internet speed is sharply reduced. And so it can continue until the beginning of the next month, for example.

At the beginning of the month, the Internet speed will be high again, then, as soon as the allowable threshold has been crossed, the speed will sharply decrease again. Here you need to either change the tariff, or the provider, or “stretch your legs according to clothes”, that is, live with the tariff that is.

10. The site or server is overloaded

The speed of the Internet can drop sharply if you try to go to a site in your browser on which its owner has imposed a corresponding speed limit. Although the site may take a long time to load due to other problems on the site or on its .

If you and many, many more users simultaneously start downloading files from some server or site, then it may well happen that the server or site “falls”, becomes inaccessible.

11. Dust in the computer

The reason is rare, but everything happens in life. Sometimes an almost “new” computer manages to collect a huge layer of dust from animal hair, from using a laptop “on a pillow”, etc.

It is clear that such an amount of dust must be eliminated.

How to measure internet speed

There are many sites that are created specifically to measure your Internet speed. Below I offer you two options for this purpose: a special site and a Yandex service.

1. Site for measuring speed:

To start measuring, you need to go to the above site and then click on the "BEGIN TEST" button:

Rice. 2 A special program for measuring Internet speed speedtest.net
  • All programs are closed on the computer, all windows are closed, only one site is working to measure the speed of the Internet.
  • Measurements are best done not one, but several times and at different times of the day.

2. Internet meter from Yandex:

Rice. 3 We measure the speed using Yandex Internetometer

If you measure the speed of the Internet on your computer and compare it with the speed that is indicated in your contract with the provider, then it is important to pay attention not only to numbers, but also to units of measurement.

  1. Megabits per second - such units of measurement are indicated in the provider's tariff.
  2. Megabytes per second - this is how any program measures the speed.

There are 8 bits in one byte, so the difference between a megabyte and a megabit differs by 8 (eight) times. Keep this in mind before calling the provider and blaming him for the fact that your Internet speed is 8 times less than that specified in the contract.

And the last. In the contract with the provider you have the upper, maximum possible Internet speed, I would call it “ideal”. It can vary depending on the time of day, and often it is less than stated in the contract.

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Of course, it's getting smaller and smaller. less people with slow internet. Already even the expression "mobile Internet" is not associated with the expression "slow Internet". I'm not talking about the usual, wired Internet. New technologies in action… 4G, GPON… But not all mere mortals can use all these privileges. Today, I will give some tips on how to speed up your Internet connection.
1. The first solution is a little "stupid" but still. Do not regret a few hundred rubles and buy a good modem. When buying, choose a more or less good operator. Read everything under the "asterisks" when filling out the contract, and carefully choose the tariff itself. Go to several service providers mobile internet and compare rates. After the modem is purchased, carefully check all its settings.

2. Always update software using the Internet. Although, it is necessary to update all the software.
Don't forget the browser. Its updates also increase the connection speed. Surely, you've ever heard of such a thing as the "Turbo" mode. Using an example, you can see how to enable Turbo mode in the Opera browser.

3. But not only software or browser updates affect the speed of the Internet.
If your OS is overloaded with all sorts of rubbish, then it will also affect the speed of loading Internet pages. And, not for the better.

4. Nobody canceled viruses. Some viruses - reduce the speed of the Internet. There are other viruses - they generally block the Internet. But more about that, another time.
I think everyone understands that you need to have an antivirus (and a good one) and check your computer. A full scan - once a week, and a quick one - every day.

5. A lot of interesting things can be found in your browser settings :). Quite a lot can be removed from the pages. For example: pictures, sound or graphics. And don't forget to close unnecessary tabs. They eat traffic.

6. Select good browser. With the "Turbo" mode and other useful things. Internet Explorer 6 - in the trash!

7. Cache is pretty cool stuff. If you increase its size, then the sites that you visit often will load faster.

8. When uploading any files, it is better to upload them one by one. Don't install everything at once. With a slow Internet, the result can be disastrous.

9. There are special programs for optimizing the Internet. In this case, the Windows settings that are responsible for the TCP / IP protocol are changed. Quite good way, Honestly. 10% - 40% is not sickly, agree.

10. Use the OpenDNS service. Then, typos are corrected, and you do not end up on phishing sites. Due to the use of the cache, such a service executes requests faster.

11. If you are a PC owner on the most popular Windows 7, the QoS downgrade level will also help, because the number of files transferred is reduced. To lower this level, do the following:

Start - Run - gpedit.msc.

Then, go to "Reserved Bandwidth Limits" and change the value from 0% to 10%. You also need to check if the service is present in Network Connections. By checking the box "QoS Packet Scheduler", the automatic mode will be selected.

We all often use the Web: we download, watch, communicate, download, and so on. When the Internet does not work well, not everyone knows what to do. It is interesting to know the most common reasons due to which the communication speed not only suffers, but may even disappear altogether.

The high speed of the Internet connection is such a joy that has become available to "mere mortals" quite recently. To good man always gets used to it pretty quickly and therefore the slightest failure in convenience causes extremely negative emotions. Sooner or later, the moment comes when, against our will, the Internet slows down. What to do with this "happiness" and how to regain the joy of a quick connection? And everything is actually very simple.

Problems can be conditionally divided into two main categories: those that depend on you and those that you do not have a direct relationship with. Often, an unscrupulous provider basically does not admit his guilt in the drop in speed and blames the client for everything. As a result, debuggers are sent to you and, for a certain amount, the privilege of fast data transfer is restored to you. How fair is this? Let's try to figure it out.

You didn’t seem to change or do anything, but for some reason the Internet still slows down. What if you are not very computer savvy? First of all, check the system for viruses. It is possible that your antivirus database is outdated - update it and run a full scan of your computer. The second reason for the drop in speed can be the antivirus or firewall itself. Many antiviruses launch a firewall by default. It processes all incoming information in real time. Turn off the screen for a while and try to measure the speed. If you notice changes for the better, then you have a difficult choice: Internet speed vs. security. What is more important is up to you. Speed ​​is also greatly affected by network programs. One shakes, the other "chats", the third requests every minute, for example, wind speed. Turn it all off. Now check. Checked. The internet still sucks. What to do in this case? Not infrequently unlicensed assemblies - loners, beasts and others fail. Such systems are installed on many computers and often create unstable conditions due to which the Internet does not work well. What to do? Just reinstall the OS. Helps. Checked!

Special attention should be paid to the competent configuration of equipment, in particular, wireless. You don't need a lot of brains to hack your neighbor's Wi-Fi. Any student-enthusiast without unique abilities will "hook" on your access point. it won't save much from trouble, but filtering by MAC address is a direct road to peace.

You have checked everything, you have configured everything, but the problem is the same - the Internet slows down. What to do then? Worst of all, when the details of the computer are to blame for the “glitches”. This is a direct road to a specialized store. Therefore, check the health of your network card.

Often the reason for the loss of the Internet is a problem with a network or telephone cable. Unfortunately, the rules for its installation are rarely treated with due attention. As a result, it either frays or breaks. It does not interfere with checking the connectors on the line. Often they come out of the connectors in the splitter (when connecting ADSL).

That's how many there are possible causes, which remove all responsibility from the provider for the quality of communication. If you have checked all of the above, but the problem remains and the Internet is still slowing down, what should you do then? Feel free to call your ISP. Now he will need to figure out why you pay for one tariff, but get something completely incomprehensible. Good luck and high speed!

We live in an age when everyone has forgotten about carrier pigeons and messengers, and you can live comfortably without leaving your home at all. In an age when the word "teleportation" is no joke. I don’t know why, but it’s rather unfortunate that in the era of high technology, you have to watch how video slows down on the Internet.

Users complain that the Internet freezes at the most inopportune moment

On the other hand, there is nothing terrible and unusual in the fact that from time to time your computer or laptop becomes dull, and the Internet speed drops. Why is this happening and what can be done about it? Let's try to figure it out.

So, if your Internet slows down, then do not rush to call the support service, because, most likely, you are the main culprit. Why? So after all, only you decide: what your computer should do and store.

First, we need to determine what speed we have now. To help you, specialized services that will help you quickly find out the current speed of your Internet connection. After measuring, leave yourself a note with the data - this will be the control result. After diagnosing each problem, take speed measurements and compare with the control result to find out for sure what is the cause.

TOP reasons for internet slowdown:

  1. Viruses:

Oh, those interesting links "download without registration." Why does everyone's hands itch to touch them? Most often, when you enter such a site or download files from them, you acquire POTS (diseases acquired via the Internet). They hide all sorts of trojans, adware, and much more, which not only slows down video on the Internet, but also slows down the speed of the computer.

The solution is simple - get yourself a set of anti-virus programs to clean your computer , and also install a stationary antivirus with real-time protection. Contrary to popular belief, cacti on the monitor no longer save you from new viruses.

  1. Antiviruses:

Put - put, set up - forgot. Yes, since this is protection - it can greatly reduce speed. And the stronger the "armor" - the more the Internet slows down.

It's all about network screens. They check all the information in real time, thereby trying to protect you from POTS and visiting suspicious sites.

Measure the speed of your Internet connection with the antivirus turned on and off. If the reason is in it, then you should either think about a new "blacksmith", whose protection will not burden you, or about high speed and the risk of being infected.

  1. Other software:

Let's not forget about what we use ourselves, without thinking that the "background mode" is the very reason why the video on the Internet once again slows down.

The Internet was created to communicate quickly and conveniently, to transfer information. But why does your computer and Internet channel have to take on an excessive load? Applications that work in minimized mode - ICQ, [email protected], Skype, Viber, RaidCall, and other messengers and talkers - also use Internet channels, even if you do not use them, and they are minimized. Therefore, if you crave high speed Internet, then do not forget to free yourself from "unnecessary passengers".

Add-ons and all sorts of bars are the trouble of those people who do not know how to refuse installer programs. As a result - surprise, why do they see only half the screen. All these add-ons, for your information, can be easily disabled and removed in the Extensions and Add-ons sections.

  1. WiFi

If your devices connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then it would be useful to look into the router settings by adding all your devices to the list of MAC addresses and turning on the filter.

One of the common reasons why the Internet slows down is the multiple connection to the Wi-Fi network. Why not encrypt the channel if you really want all the traffic and speed to go only to you?

Builds, builds, builds. Happiness for a homegrown computer geek who, for a low price, will reinstall an operating system for you, ignorant of computer matters. At the same time, in the kit you get a whole set of incredibly "useful" programs. But in such assemblies, even more “background” operations take place behind your back. Various services, performing their tasks, "suck" to the Internet, and significantly reduce the data transfer rate.

There are two ways out of here: the first is to independently disable services, you can find ways on our website. And the second is the installation of a clean OS, followed by the independent installation of the necessary software, and why not?

  1. Hardware configuration

Not the last issue is the modernity of your computer. After all, Internet technologies work to improve the quality of the material, and, therefore, to reproduce. Therefore, when your video on the Internet slows down, think about it, but does your Pentium Blu-ray pull?

The main efforts fall on the video card and RAM, so do not forget to calculate the strength of your iron "beast".

  1. Hardware malfunctions

Well, the last thing that depends on you is the quality of care for the equipment. Do not be surprised that your video on the Internet slows down if your cat uses an Internet cable as dental floss. Why not remove all the wires under the baseboard?

When was the last time you serviced your computer? And when did you clean the modem with the router from dust? All these are good reasons for Internet problems to start pestering you.

A faulty network card is checked by simply connecting the cable to another computer / laptop.

Internet connection problems that have nothing to do with you:

They can be explained by the technical and preventive work of the provider, wire breaks, heavy network load due to the large number of connections, and much more that you cannot do anything on your own. Therefore, when all the points are checked and checked, feel free to call the provider and demand the restoration of the declared speed (which, by the way, is always higher than the real one).

What do we end up with?

Not always slow Internet can be blamed on the provider. For the most part, the problem starts with the user. We figured out and found out the reasons why the Internet speed may decrease, and now you share your successes with us or ask questions!

Modern technologies make it possible to develop speeds up to one gigabyte for household users. But a slow connection does not allow you to fully enjoy all the benefits of the information age.

The Internet can slow down for many reasons, ranging from viruses to line problems. With proper skill, the user himself can cope with most problems. But first you need to find them.


There are a number of prerequisites that allow you to determine the presence of virus software:

If you find any of the above during work, you need to check your computer for viruses. If you have an antivirus program, consider an alternative. Since the installed software module does not cope with the task.

Before scanning, you need to update the virus databases to the latest version. If you are interested in what programs can help in this situation, then the best curing utility is Cureit, developed by the dr.Web laboratory. It performs a deep scan and can eliminate the most dangerous viruses.

After the treatment is completed, the best solution is to change the anti-virus utility. One of the best free apps is Avast. It has a minimal load on the system and provides decent protection. As an alternative, consider Kaspersky Internet Security.

You also need to check the firewall and configure it to work with programs that have an Internet connection. Not only that, it is important to avoid questionable sites. They are the most likely to contain malware.

Video: Internet slows down? Changing DNS settings

Operating system

Sometimes the reason that the Internet is very slow is the operating system itself. For example, such a situation is possible when the system disk is full and the OS cannot quickly access the desired entry. It is enough to delete part of the data from the system disk to get rid of this defect.

The best option will delete old restore points and temporary files. Be sure to empty your trash. Remember, the storage space for data sent there is reserved on the system hard drive.

Additionally, you need to take care of cleaning the registry. For this, it is better to use CCleaner. It will carefully erase obsolete entries without harming the operating system.

If, after carrying out preventive maintenance, the download speed remains the same, perhaps the reason lies in the poor-quality assembly of the OS. Unlicensed versions of Windows often cannot work properly with the network.

For example, the computer does not receive an IP, ping disappears, or unstable drivers were installed at the very beginning. In this case, the only way out is to reinstall.

Antiviruses and firewalls

In some cases, difficulties arise due to the antivirus. This is due to the fact that the program checks the information when loading web pages. If the verification algorithm is too complicated, and the information packets are large, the download will take a long time.

Turn off the firewall for a while to test this hypothesis. If the flow of data reception has increased, then the matter is in the antivirus. The best option would be to change the setting of the security utility by lowering the security level. Or you can find an alternative program that will use less system resources.

Misconfigured wireless equipment

Most users prefer wireless routers to connect devices to the network. Incorrect settings can lead to unauthorized access and slow down when downloading through a router.

Therefore, you need to set data encryption and related settings. It does not hurt to change the access password to a more complex one. In combination, it is best to use numbers and letters.

Router Limitations

To set limits, connect all devices to the network. Then go to the settings and turn on the MAC address filter. In the appropriate fields, write down the data of the connected gadgets. Make a couple of test visits to the Internet.

If nothing has changed, connect the computer directly to the cable. If changes are detected, we can conclude that the reason is in the router itself: its characteristics are not enough to ensure comfortable surfing on the network.

  1. go to the official website of the manufacturer;
  2. download the updated firmware;
  3. install.

Some operators are creating unique firmware for the routers they sell. Try installing it too. Also keep in mind that on most products only the ability to connect to a network designed for 100 Mbit / s (Ethernet 100 Mbit / s) is written. This does not mean that the device will work at the same speed.

When choosing a router, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • static IP;
  • Dynamic IP;
  • PPtP;
  • L2TP;
  • PPPoE.

They indicate the real data transfer between WAN and LAN. These indicators are published on the pages of manufacturers or independent test laboratories. The last attempt to increase the speed of the router is to switch the device to bridge mode.

Video: speed up the Internet

Internet slows down after reinstalling Windows

Check if your laptop meets the system requirements new version installed OS. Test the network on other browsers. Make sure you are using latest version search engine. If it's not, do an update.

Do not write off the incorrect operation of the drivers installed in automatic mode. Go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and download the appropriate software. Then make a replacement.

Important! Sometimes, in order to achieve good network performance on a new OS, you need to increase the amount of RAM or make more radical modifications to the PC.

Network card malfunctions

A network card failure is hard to spot. The device can be normally detected by the system, respond to the connected cable, but this does not indicate its serviceability.

The best option would be to connect another PC and test the Internet on it. If everything is in order, reinstall the drivers on the first computer. Ideally, you need to install another network card and try to download data from some site.

Some cards have a Full Duplex feature. It is located in the Speed&Duplex or Connection Type sections. Set the download to within 10 Mbps. If the device is faulty, this will help stabilize the channel for a while until a replacement is made.

Cable defect in the apartment

With a broken cable, the system usually indicates that there is no network as such. Without specialized equipment, the break point can only be found manually. After detecting damage, it is necessary to twist the copper wires and insulate them.

Attention! If you decide to replace the cable yourself, consider not only the number of pairs, but also the presence of twisted pairs.

Otherwise, after replacement, the speed will be extremely low. It is logical to assume that you are interested in how to make the laid cable work stably?

There are a few simple rules to follow when laying wires in an apartment: