Esse cigarettes. Cigarettes ESSE Secret - "We reveal the secret of each cigarette" Esse with different flavors

Esse cigarettes appeared on the Russian market only in 2003 and immediately gained immense popularity. These thin sticks with a mild taste especially appealed to the beautiful half of the country's population.

New product

Smoking items and accessories were originally aimed at men. It is for them that manufacturers around the world are constantly developing new types of cigarettes, pipes and cigars. One of the South Korean companies decided to correct the situation and introduced Esse cigarettes to the market. Their appearance was accompanied by numerous advertisements in the media. Slogans such as "Luxury environment", "Everything is in your power" and "Esse. Create your image" were on everyone's lips. The product quickly sold out, and literally in two years its sales almost doubled. The fair sex Esse cigarettes were attracted primarily by their unusual packaging.

A thin pack, slightly increased in length, seemed simply weightless in the hands. Specialists have thought over its design very well. At first, the drawing was clear lines different colors depending on the type of product. A little later, the geometry of the image changed. The pack was as if shrouded in colored smoke, from which the letters of the name were composed.

Product appearance

Esse cigarettes even outwardly differ from the rest. They are noticeably longer and look better in a graceful female hand. And the drawing and inscriptions on the filter give a special effect. Confirmation that these cigarettes are intended specifically for women are the most underestimated basic controlled indicators. In them, the nicotine content is in the range from 2.5 to 6.5 milligrams, and nicotine - from 0.25 to 0.65 milligrams. Of course, it is difficult for a man to smoke such a cigarette. You may need a whole pack for this. But for a girl, a few puffs will be enough to feel a pleasant lightness and feel a delicate aroma. And the price of such cigarettes was also pleasantly pleased. At first, one pack had to pay only 32 rubles. It is very inexpensive compared to the prices of other products. trademarks. True, now the cost of goods has increased slightly. But this is more dependent on the dollar than on the manufacturer itself.

Opinions of smokers

Almost every woman who smokes has tried Esse cigarettes at least once. The reviews of most of them are positive. All of them note the pleasant taste of the product without the sensation of foreign impurities of a chemical nature. These cigarettes are easy to draw and give a fairly dense cloud of fragrant smoke. This once again emphasizes the good quality of the tobacco used. Customers note its good quality, moderate strength and normal stuffing. What else can you ask for from a cigarette? In addition, there have been many recent different types and varieties of this brand that every woman can find a suitable option for herself. For example, out of habit, many people choose light specimens like Esse Light Blue.

Here is the same picture. The product smokes pleasantly, does not practically dry the throat and does not taste bitter. Naturally, an interesting design is noted with spectacular holograms and embossed foil inside each pack. True, some argue that Esse cigarettes have noticeably lost their positions recently. Reviews about the quality of tobacco are beginning to be questionable and there are complaints about insufficient aroma. However, such opinions are extremely rare.

A large assortment

It seems that Esse cigarettes have recently appeared on our shelves. The types of this product at the very beginning were few.

Only four options: regular, Light, Field and Menthol. Of these, Esse in the red pack was considered the strongest and contained 6.5 milligrams of tar and 0.65 milligrams of nicotine in each cigarette. In principle, a good ratio. All products were produced in superslims format. Over time, completely new Esse cigarettes appeared, which were available to a mass audience in the form of:

Both of them belong to the light varieties. True, the second option has a nicotine and tar content one and a half times higher. But the story didn't end there either. Cigarettes with different flavors appeared on sale. The world-famous Esse (aura strawberry, apple) evokes unique sensations. Mysterious mixed taste and pleasant aroma These cigarettes remain in memory for a long time. Later, such interesting varieties as Soo and Ice appeared. They also found their buyer. Of particular interest and increased demand was the new Esse Slims Special Editor line, presented in Silver and Gold options.

Manufacturing company

When studying certain goods, it is their manufacturer that is of particular interest. Esse cigarettes in Russia are made in the Kaluga region. Here, the famous South Korean corporation Korea Tomorrow & Global Corporation (KT&G) built a powerful plant, which cost it almost one hundred thousand dollars. Modern equipment latest technology allows to produce large volumes of products of the highest quality. In addition, 8 branches operate on the territory of our country, located in Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Omsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don. They are the exclusive distributors of the Korean company. In the near future, the eastern giant is going to open similar centers in Tatarstan, Siberia and the North Caucasus. In addition to expanding the sphere of influence, Koreans continue to work on the creation of new species. They are tired of being limited only to the female audience. Varieties such as Golden Leaf and Black may well suit men.

The strict packaging design with a combination of white and black colors, as well as small silver inclusions has already been approved by customers.

Having appeared on the Russian market only in 2003, Esse cigarettes gained great popularity. They were especially appreciated by the female gender, since addiction to smoking is not only a male prerogative.

About the product

Smoking products were first created exclusively for the male. Most tobacco companies are trying for him, inventing new mixtures and developing various varieties. But one company South Korea decided to change everything and correct the situation that was created in the tobacco market. The appearance of Esse cigarettes became a sensation and gained its popularity due to numerous advertisements. Women were attracted by such slogans as “Your power” or “Luxury surroundings”. Users liked the product so much that in the two years of its existence, its sales doubled. The fair sex fell in love with these cigarettes thanks to the luxurious and feminine packaging.

A neat and thin pack, like a feather weightless in the hand. Specialists have been working on the design for a long time to create the version that we now see on store shelves.

Esse cigarettes are specially designed for the delicate female hand. The packaging is slightly longer than the classic options, which makes it even more attractive. A beautiful geometric pattern gives the effect of a stylish haze. In addition, low key indicators are a good confirmation that this product is created exclusively for women. It will be very difficult for a man to enjoy the taste of such a product. And a woman will be able to appreciate the delicate aroma and pleasant lightness.


KT&G, the creator ofEsse cigarettes and their typesfor the production of its products uses only the most the best varieties tobacco. They also have their own plantation where the best quality tobacco is grown.

This method helps the company to have a constant supply of high quality raw materials.

KT&G products are striking in their diversity and are known all over the world. Esse is considered one of its most successful brands. At first there were 4 types of products:

  • classic essays;
  • light;
  • field;
  • Menthol.

The more popular the brand became, the more its varieties began to appear. Products with various flavors and aromas began to appear, such as Gold ( gold), One (one), Life (life), Blue (blue) and others.

Species difference

The products are characterized by a large number various signs that distinguish the brand from others. These include:

  • form of cigarettes;
  • own composition;
  • design of packaging and cigarettes themselves.

The company always accurately indicates how much nicotine is contained in a pack. The design of the pack is made by applying pieces of shells with different colors. Then they are covered with a thin layer of varnish. The outer part and the inner foil have a holographic embossing. Cigarettes are longer than other analogues, and the Esse Golden Leaf is recognized as the thinnest cigarette in the world.

In order to determine how strong a cigarette is, you need to pay attention to the presence of nicotine and tar in it. Esse cigarettes have the most the minimum. Nicotine in them is from 0.25 to 0.65 mg.

Most popular types

  • Esse Cafe is a product specially created for coffee lovers. This species has a special filter that has a golden hue. Cigarettes have a light taste and leave a subtle and pleasant smell of coffee;
  • Esse Exchange - is a rather unusual product, the filters of such cigarettes have a capsule filled with a special substance that has an apple flavor. These cigarettes emit a menthol flavor. If the smoker does not want to use the capsule, then the taste of cigarettes will be classic. Thus, a smoker has two cigarettes in one and with the help of a capsule can drown out the tobacco smell, replacing it with menthol;
  • Esse Super Slims Classic - have a rich taste of tobacco. In this form, elite quality tobacco is used. Cigarettes belonging to the Slims category have a particularly thin shape and are distinguished by a pleasant and light aftertaste;
  • Esse Mini Black - refers to strong types of cigarettes for women. A rich and thick taste is obtained due to fine cutting of sheets, as well as a special drying method. Cigarettes have a tobacco smell, but it is practically not felt. The mini series has a compact size and can easily fit in a lady's handbag.

There are some types of brands that may also appeal to the male sex. Thanks to the wide variety of species, everyone can find something to their liking.

Despite the ongoing fight against smoking, the number of people with this addiction is not decreasing. And addiction to tobacco affects not only men, but also women. Everyone's preferences are different, but most of the weak half of humanity around the world choose Esse cigarettes for themselves. What is the reason for such interest and what is this product?

Manufacturing company

Esse cigarettes are produced by the well-known company KT & G (Korea Tomorrow & Global) from South Korea. It has been supplying its products to the world market since 1899. During this time, the company has established itself as a company that constantly updates the already rich range of products. From the general list, it is especially possible to single out Esse cigarettes, which are very popular all over the world.

Russian smokers have been able to evaluate their quality only since 2003, when the company entered into an agreement and began to supply its products to retail outlets in many domestic cities. Later, in October 2010, on the territory of our country in the village of Dobrino, Borovsky district, Kaluga region, a joint production was opened, the main products of which are Esse cigarettes. The goods began to go directly to Russian stores and, judging by the growing volume of sales, are in great demand. The increased interest in the new brand is due to several factors:

  • the shape of cigarettes;
  • composition of the tobacco mixture.

Korean specialists give each of them Special attention trying to meet the needs of customers as much as possible.

Rich assortment

Today, in every Russian store you can find the popular Esse cigarettes. Types of this fairly successful brand initially did not differ in variety. At first there were only four of them:

  1. Ordinary Essays.
  2. light.
  3. Menthol.
  4. field.

Over time, given the growing popularity of the brand, their number has constantly increased.

Products with a variety of flavors began to appear. Manufacturers were not afraid to experiment, presenting their original, and sometimes even very bold, solutions to the consumer's judgment. So, over time, the following appeared on sale among the Esse assortment:

  • Cafe (with coffee aroma);
  • Exchange (with a capsule in the filter);
  • Mini Black (strong);
  • Mini Menthol (with menthol flavor);
  • Mini Silver (medium nicotine);
  • Super Slims Field (light and thin);
  • Super Slims Classic (with a rich taste of elite tobacco);
  • Golden Leaf (with a bright taste and minimal strength);
  • Super Slims One (the lightest);
  • Super Slims Gold (medium strength).

Each of these products has acquired its own army of admirers and supporters.

Surprise Cigarettes

Among the products of the Korean brand, Esse cigarettes with a capsule are of great interest to customers. The manufacturer decided to add a "zest" to their products. This new development popularly referred to as a "button cigarette". Indeed, the way it is. The fact is that according to the technology, a special capsule is built into the filter.

Nothing happens with normal smoking. But one has only to crush the capsule with the pressure of the fingers, as the smoke is immediately saturated with a pleasant refreshing aroma. Each puff brings more and more pleasant sensations. Currently, the Esse cigarette line with a capsule filter is represented by two types that differ only in the nicotine content:

  • Exchange (0.3 milligrams);
  • Exchange W (0.4 milligrams).

These are the very first women's cigarettes, classified as super-thin, with such a "surprise". Customers really like their attractive appearance, as well as that unique feeling when the capsule bursts, making a characteristic click, and immediately the breath is saturated with a pleasant explosive freshness. Experts consider these cigarettes quite promising and are working to expand the range of their analogues.

Hello dear readers!

Lately, I've only been smoking push-button cigarettes. Well, it's very convenient. I wanted a taste without impurities - just do not click on the capsule. If you want a more pleasant taste - please press the button and voila.

The first button cigarettes I tried were Kent convertible. Then the menthol capsule led me to complete delight. Now you won’t surprise anyone with this, and manufacturers are trying their best to win the love of smokers.

Probably every brand already has cigarettes with buttons.

At essay there are already three types.

Pro Esse Exchange and Esse Exchange W I already wrote earlier.

It's the turn Essay Secret. They appeared relatively recently, besides, I haven’t smoked for six months, so everything is new to me.

They captivated me by the presence 5 different flavors in one pack and I love variety.

This is what it looks like package.

Lots and lots of nasty pictures and slogans. Not aesthetic.


KT&G Rus, made in Russia under the control of a Korean company.

Packed as standard 20 cigarettes.

They are super thin. Women's version.

Fully white colors. With filter.

In appearance, all cigarettes are exactly the same, white, with a purple circle painted at the base of the filter. In this place is capsule to be crushed. Press, light click, done.

And until you crush the capsule, you will not know what kind of taste you will get this time. So every cigarette is a surprise.

***What flavors did I discover?***

  • 1. Menthol.
  • 2. Coniferous (possibly eucalyptus). Tastes strongly woody.
  • 3. Grape.
  • 4. Tropical. Fruit gum type.
  • 5. Lemon-lime.

Most of all I liked tropical taste. If such cigarettes were sold in a separate pack, I would buy them. But so far they are only part of Esse Secret.

Concerning fortresses these cigarettes, then there is a big question, because there is no information on the content of nicotine / tar on the pack. I've looked around this way and that, but can't find it anywhere.

Cigarettes feel quite light, maybe 3-4 mg, no more.

Quality tobacco, like other varieties of Esse, on good level. Do not sour, do not bitter.

at the expense full-bodied taste smokes quickly and easily. However, not all button cigarettes have this quality. For example, Winston x-style duo turned out to be very difficult for me, I didn’t even finish the pack.

If we compare the cigarettes I tested with capsules, Esse will undoubtedly become the leader. And at the moment, this particular variety is Esse Secret, because they are soft, pleasant, and also because of the variety of tastes.

Minus is the price. 130 rub. But now there are no cheap cigarettes anymore. For me, as for a person who smokes no more than 5 cigarettes a day, this is still a lifting cost.

Thanks for reading the review.

Lana Snow❄️.