We get rid of trash and attract good luck to the house: how to properly throw away old things. Feng Shui to help you: how to get rid of things and attract good luck and love

Feng Shui is an ancient oriental science that will help create a favorable atmosphere in the house. This teaching states that certain things can negatively affect your mood and well-being. In order for luck and happiness to come into the house, you just need to throw out this rubbish. Let's list what you need to get rid of first.

broken items

Damaged things attract negative energy. This is especially true for cracked dishes. Even if this is your favorite cup, along the edge of which a crack has run, it is better to say goodbye to it and get a new, beautiful one. Chips on dishes are problems in the life of its owners. Feng Shui experts assure that before throwing away a memorabilia, you should thank it for the pleasant emotions that it brought. This method will free up space in the house for new emotions. But the use of cracked dishes will attract negative energy and negatively affect life.

Old clothes

It's time to tidy up your wardrobe. If you have a lot of things that are not used because they are out of fashion or out of size, throw them away. If you really feel sorry for it, donate it to a charitable foundation. The same applies to shoes. By clearing out old junk, you clear the energy in your home, allowing positive energy to take the place of negative energy. If you don't believe me, try it, it is quite possible that you will be offered a promotion soon.

This also applies to many old things. Especially if you've had a breakup. Get rid of the old mattress, which is permeated with the energy of the former partner, completely change the situation in the bedroom, remove things that remind you of the past. New bedding and bedspreads - an influx of energy,

artificial plants

Stay away from artificial flowers. It is no longer fashionable, not very beautiful, excess dust accumulates on them. This is not appreciated by connoisseurs of oriental wisdom. According to people familiar with feng shui, artificial flowers attract negative energy. It has a bad effect on health, mood and attitude towards life. Get rid of them, it is better to plant live plants in pots. You will immediately notice that life brings more interesting surprises, and troubles bypass you.

Remove mirrors from the bedroom

The bedroom is greatly harmed by mirrors, connoisseurs of oriental wisdom unanimously assure that they destroy love and steal energy. The most dangerous place is when the mirror hangs in front of the bedroom door. In this position, it sends all the positive energy that enters the room back. If you have already put mirrors in the bedroom, but you don’t want to transfer this piece of furniture, cover it with a cloth at night.

Monitor the position of the aquarium

Water in feng shui attached great importance. She is the carrier of elemental energy, which is responsible for increasing wealth. That is, an aquarium in the house is a useful thing, but there is a nuance - it adversely affects your relationship with your partner. In no case do not put it in the bedroom, and if it is in an adjacent room, close the door tightly at night.

Steel arms

It is strange that the edged weapons beloved by the Japanese are not at all quoted by Feng Shui experts. Souvenir swords in Russia are rarely decorated with interiors, but it should be remembered that such objects greatly harm the energy in your home. And this applies not only to weapons, but also to any sharp objects and corners. Arrange interior items by smoothing them. Sharp corners in large quantities provoke quarrels and can cause illness in the owners. If a pointed object points to a family bed, this can lead to complete discord in family life. It is best to buy furniture with rounded shapes.

Don't keep pictures of people in your bedroom

Photography in Eastern culture is given significant importance. And they should not be placed in the bedroom, because they can affect life, usually negatively. The most unfortunate solution is to place there images of lonely people or those who have already gone to another world.

Remove electronic equipment from the bed

Electronics attract negative energy, which disturbs sleep. Therefore, remove the computer and laptop from the bedroom, look for another place in the apartment for them. If there is a TV in this room, it is better to separate it in some way. Put up a screen or install a cabinet.

Don't keep the trash can in plain sight - hide it in the closet under the sink. From plants, select a money tree - this is good way attract money to the house. Decorate the living room in bright colors and get rid of all unnecessary things, it is through it that positive energy begins its way through the home. Do not put old junk there, throw it away, new things with a charge of positive energy will come in return - this is the law of Eastern philosophy. Keep an eye on the condition of the doors, they should not creak and open tightly. Keep the house clean - order attracts well-being.

Man is an amazing mammal that quickly acquires necessary and not very things, people, relationships.

Gradually, the “suitcase of unnecessary cargo”, which is a pity to throw away, becomes simply impossible to carry. It's time to poke around...

Free up space in computer folders, bookcases and wardrobes. Or maybe get rid of the cabinets themselves. Clear your phone of long-unneeded numbers and contacts. But you never know where and what it is time to put things in order according to Feng Shui.

The principle of what to keep, what to throw away is very simple. When picking up a thing, answer yourself the question “Will I still use (or wear) this?” And then the second question, clarifying: “And when exactly will I do this?” After an honest answer to the second question, throwing away the accumulated rubbish is much easier.

No, of course, there are Christmas decorations that are needed once a year, or tools that are needed when something breaks. Or family heirlooms, photographs, etc. But here are the things…

My mom's favorite phrase always when I wanted to throw something away was "Leave it on the rags" as a child amused me. But over time, I myself turned into a hoarder. The older we get, the more we grow into things, the more we become attached to them. The habit developed over the years to save everything - maybe someday it will come in handy - did not allow me to part with unnecessary rubbish.

I was faced with the fact that it is difficult to make such a general "takeaway" for the first time. We so often identify ourselves with things and fixate on the memories and feelings that this thing brings, that getting rid of rubbish may seem like getting rid of some part of yourself.

In order to somehow motivate myself for such a heroic deed, I have collected the information that I share with you. I hope that the selected quotes will help you, as they helped me, to strengthen your decision to get rid of unnecessary things ....

By the way, here are a few questions for you...

It seems economical to you to store things that you may someday need, but how much time do you spend looking for the necessary thing in piles of trash?
Do you re-buy what you already have because you can't find what you need?
And how much effort and time does it take to maintain Plyushkin's treasures in the slightest order?

1. If within 1-1.5 years the thing that you were looking for and with difficulty got, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.

2. Absolutely ruthlessly get rid of trash.

3. Do not leave dried flowers, dust on them.

4. Do not leave clothes hanging on the backs of chairs.

5. Don't leave dust on mirrors

6. Don't make changes in all rooms at once.

7. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.

8. Before hanging a new shirt in the closet, discard the oldest shirt.

9. Get rid of everything that does not fit in style, color and size.

10. Get rid of everything old and worn, with spots, holes

11. Black set of one fabric - trousers, long and short skirts, jacket.

12. Collecting unnecessary things just in case, we assume that this case will come, and we will have to walk, for example, in shabby pants. We set ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we are programming ourselves and loved ones for such a life when you will not be able to buy new things, and you will be forced to wear old, unfashionable ones, having previously patched them up.

13. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

14. Nothing new and valuable will come into our lives until there is free space in it.
You cannot create something new without completely getting rid of everything old.

15. The less things you leave, the sooner the wardrobe will be replenished with new ones.

16. By clinging to things that no longer serve you, you cling to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.

17. In order for a new thing to come into the house, it is necessary to free up space for it. As soon as you realize this, put things in order in the house and get rid of unnecessary things for the purchase there is both money and time.

18. Get rid of everything that pulls you back into the past.

20. The cost of a bouquet of flowers and a pair of tights is about the same, so why do we keep tights in a drawer for years? We will not keep a dried bouquet in a vase for so long!

21. Throw away those things that are frayed, worn out and nondescript in appearance.

22. Throw away shoes and bags of outdated models Nothing ruins an outfit like outdated shoes and bags.

23. Weed your wardrobe mercilessly just throw everything that does not bring joy. To make room for new changes, new relationships, new loves that will replace the old things.

24. Old things do not make it possible to acquire new things, they accumulate negative energy, which can affect your well-being and luck in general.

25. Broken electrical appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and amplifying the negative.

26. A burned out light bulb will make you spend more energy earning money, it can worsen your well-being and give rise to self-doubt.

27. Old, worn out things and especially broken and defective things create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in life and even negatively affect your health.

28. Old things keep stunted energy

29. First of all, the trash can should be happy with chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some defects.

30. Old, forgotten things represent pending cases, unresolved tasks.

31. An altered thing ends its days too soon in a dark wardrobe.

32. Things that are not worn and not used in everyday life die. Therefore, they carry information about death.

33. Any thing carries the psychic energy that a person put into it.

34. The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If a thing was shoved into a corner or pushed onto a mezzanine as unnecessary, then what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, dead zones formed around unnecessary objects. The space filled with such things condenses and begins to push a person out of his own apartment. A person can get sick, and very seriously. Because it loses its vitality - its energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things.

35. Looking at a portrait hanging on the wall, we inevitably transfer a part of consciousness there. Do we always have too much energy to scatter it?

36. Through holes in clothes, which are on pockets, socks, tights (which is under jeans in order to save money), energy potential leaks. You can't hide yourself from yourself

37. Spots are the materialization of unresolved problems

38. Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves.

39. A worn jacket, which is associated with the image of a loser. Take her to the dump

40. The smell of a blouse of pre-perestroika freshness, the aroma of unfulfilled hopes and disappointments. You probably noticed that the owners of apartments chaotically stuffed with old furniture and other junk are usually unhappy and unlucky in life. It is difficult to judge what is the cause and what is the effect in this case. Either because of poverty, there are no means to change the old for the new, or the energy of the second hand in a special way affects the fate of the owners.

41. But after all, every old thing is, in fact, unfulfilled dreams and plans.

42. We make room not for new things, but for new desires, undertakings and achievements. Agree, old magazines thrown into the trash are a small price to pay for a brighter future.

43. There is only one criterion in the selection of the unnecessary. If a thing is not useful within a year or two, it will never be needed again.

44. Old things should be thrown away ruthlessly.

45. Things tend to take over and accumulate the energy of the person using them. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true of upholstered furniture, which is used for sleeping. The maximum service life of a bed or sofa is 10 years.

46. ​​As soon as you want some changes in this life, get rid of unnecessary worries, troubles in the family and stagnation at work, as well as when your health worsens, immediately begin to free your home from negative emotions. The same can be done when everything in the house is just wonderful and there is not the slightest reason for any unrest. Just to strengthen your positive aura and maintain the appropriate harmony in the family and at work.

47. All things, when wearing which you experience physical discomfort, should be ruthlessly expelled.

48. Criteria how you feel in this clothing, a mirror, previously heard reviews.

49. By clearing space, we signal our readiness to change and accept abundance and happiness into our lives.

50. If you want positive changes in your life, then make room for them!

51. A thing that has not been touched by a person's hand, which is not remembered, gradually becomes a carrier of necrotic, dead information. Even living things that you bought with hope and pleasure, getting into such a company can die

52. Any thing has its own term and purpose. According to Feng Shui, your favorite thing gives you positive charges while absorbing negative ones. Having served its term, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can spoil the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.

53. In addition, the constant contemplation of old and decrepit things (if it is not collectible and restored to a shine antiques) forms in our minds the psychology of poverty. We get used to offending ourselves and being content with patched and shabby.

54. A thing should bring renewal and a desire to move forward!

55. The aura of things takes away a part of space from a person. Greed most of all punishes the owner himself: with the accumulated things, their negative energy is also transferred to him.

56. Things that we stop using accumulate negative energy.

57. If you accidentally found something that you didn’t remember the existence of an hour ago, you can safely throw it in the trash, even if you really need it, you won’t find it.

58. There is an enormous healing power in freeing the house from unnecessary things. By clearing at the external level, we make internal changes possible, releasing a huge amount of energy for this.

59. The effectiveness of clearing debris lies in the fact that while you put your outer world in order, corresponding changes occur on the inner level. Everything around you, and especially the objects around you at home, are a reflection of your inner state. When you remove "obstacles" in the space around you that interfere with the harmonious flow of energy, you thereby bring more harmony into your life, allowing new events to flow into it.

60. When your home is filled with things you love or use often, they energize you. And blockages, on the other hand, have a strong negative effect on you. If there are things in your house that cause you unpleasant associations, they pollute your space and psyche, and it does not matter if their functioning has expired. A similar situation occurs when your home is filled with furniture, figurines or other items that constantly remind you of relatives or friends with whom you have had or have a strained relationship. These associations will have the same draining effect on you.

61. Depressed people tend to store junk at the bottom. Remove everything superfluous from the floor, and this will raise your energy and give good spirits.

62. The presence of blockages keeps you in the past. When all the space in your house is cluttered, you simply don't have room for something new to appear in your life. Clearing rubble will allow you to move forward. You must free yourself from the past in order to create a better tomorrow.

63. Keeping old books that you no longer use does not allow you to create space in your life for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When there are too many books in the house, your thinking "stops". It is especially important not to accumulate such book piles in the area of ​​relationships (this symbolizes the replacement of human relationships). Books should be released when their time comes. Start sorting through the book pile with those books that you bought by accident and which you never used, as well as with such old books that have already begun to collapse in time. Ultimately, you should be left with a set of books that will reflect who you are today the way you want to be tomorrow.

64. Learn the basic feng shui rule: "Before something new comes, something old must go."

65. Let's look at our wallpaper, furniture and everything else. Pay attention to how many unnecessary things are in your house. Things constantly absorb information, it lasts long enough, and this is reflected in the psyche.

66. How important it is to have a REALLY favorite thing in your wardrobe. Favorite things give confidence! : favorite things - they sit on you somehow differently, and you behave somehow wrong in them, you feel super and this feeling is transmitted to everyone around you !!! I always complete my wardrobe in such a way that I feel good in any thing. After all, the mood easily rises when you put on your favorite skirt, it’s indescribable!
Let this really be the beginning of such a wardrobe for you! =)


68. Do not load your home with unnecessary items, regularly clean and ruthlessly get rid of everything old and unusable: do not accumulate in closets things that have long been out of fashion and out of use. You will see, by distributing your old clothes, you will clear the way for life-giving energy and thereby remove the "congestion" in your life - after all, Feng Shui teaches that everything is interconnected. By the way, according to some observations, rich houses often have much less things than poor ones. But is it really that amazing? No, and if you want to become richer, but don’t know where to start, make room for wealth in your life by removing all the excess that binds you hand and foot.

69. If you want to arrange your personal life, remove portraits of ideal beauties from the walls, with which some of the fair sex love to decorate their homes so much ... According to Feng Shui, many single ladies in your environment do not at all suggest a partnership, with which marriage and is. So it would be more correct to hang an image of a happy couple on the wall, and then, every time you glance at it, you will subconsciously attract partnership into your life. Suitable, no matter how trite it may sound, just a couple of hearts, kissing doves and other love symbols. Don't believe? And you try, suddenly something really happens, and life will change for the better?

70. Dust, rubbish, piles of unnecessary and forgotten things are sources of accumulation of negative energy that carry the informational charge of the lived, close us from the world and prevent new things and ideas from replacing them.

71. Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. Either they need to be repaired immediately, or immediately thrown away. And in no case should they be allowed to lie for a long time until the hands reach them. According to Feng Shui, this is unacceptable, because their negative energy of cumulative destruction involuntarily breaks the internal harmony of the house.

72. Love for trash is a thick hint that you are strongly attached to the past and it slows down the path to a brighter future. Having dealt with old shoes, you can change your hairstyle, job, apartment, etc. Or take a different look at what is. In any case, there will be more space in the corridor.

73. Blockages are the biggest evil imaginable!!! Sometimes only their elimination gives amazing results!!! But we must not just disassemble and rake, but do it purposefully. That is, when raking everything, have a clear mindset why you are doing this. In order for something new to come into our lives, we must get rid of the old. When removing all this, you need to say: "I'm sorting it all out to come into my life ..." Well, further down the list, what would you like ...

74. I think it worked for me. Indeed, new acquaintances began to appear after buying dolphins. Or is it just a coincidence.

75. Start with something. Let the positive energy flow into your home. And then Qi will work with you for one

76. Cleansing the house can be supported by washing floors, windows, cleaning cabinets from blockages and dust. Since like attracts like, dirty houses that are kept in disarray attract vibrations that disturb us. Even if your house is not kept perfectly clean, it is in order, and you know where everything is. While cleaning the house, imagine how you sweep out the sorrows and worries that have gathered in the house.

77. And "cleaned" things can be safely worn. Over time, they will become "their", loved ones. And even "lucky" - a kind of talismans. We willingly put on such clothes for exams, for important events. You can imagine one of the mechanisms of luck: once we were lucky, and our emotional charge remained on these things. When we put these clothes back on, they will recharge us with exactly THAT energy. Naturally, our mood will improve, tone will increase, we will be energetic, self-confident. And we will again be accompanied by success - "luck". The charge of the "talisman" will increase even more ... But it happens that your favorite things suddenly become alien, even hated. Here is what Anna K. wrote to me from Reutov, near Moscow: “After giving birth, amazing changes happened to me. I don’t recognize myself. I was a desperate girl, but turned into a coward. the most mysterious thing is that I can't wear my old clothes. No, I fit into them perfectly, but all my old clothes really turn me up. It's strange, because I'm not picky at all. ".

It is not difficult to explain this strange metamorphosis, given that a woman's energy changes several times during her life: at the time of puberty, during the first pregnancy, menopause ... And therefore there is nothing surprising in the strange feelings of a young mother. She just intuitively felt that her new life program came into conflict with the energy of her previously beloved clothes. The information of teenage recklessness and risk imprinted in clothes began to contrast sharply with the mission of the mother - the guardian.

In all that we have discussed today, there is still a lot of obscurity. But it can be said with certainty that some mysterious connection between our well-being and the clothes we wear really exists ...

78. If your house is not littered with rubbish, extraneous things, then you will get the opportunity to: a) keep your mind clean and tidy, b) allow new opportunities and things to enter your house.

79. And although you may be the only one who sees a cluttered basement or garage, the strength of the energy impact of the room does not decrease: you are the one who is being hit by all the blows. It is you who will be affected first of all by the qi of that room.

80. The more unnecessary things you collect, the movement of qi in an apartment or office becomes slower. So don't be surprised if your life plans don't work out and you feel like something is always getting in the way.

81. Any red thing that you use at work - a red-bound book, red pens or other stationery will provide positive impact. Red, pink and white objects symbolize love and eroticism.

82. You want a bigger home. First you must adapt yourself to such a dwelling, creating, as far as possible, a small paradise from your house. Maintain impeccable cleanliness there. Let him look as cute and pleasant as your means allow. Carefully prepare even the simplest food and set the table with the taste that you can only. Ennobling your dwelling place, you will rise above it, and from there in due time you will enter into best home and habitats that have been waiting for you all this time, and which you have adapted for yourself.

83. The house can and is a point of concentration of magic, strength and spirit.

84. The house is a mirror image of ourselves.

85. Our home is a symbolic representation of ourselves and in fact, in a deeper sense, a continuation of ourselves. At home, these are our models. Change this pattern and the energy will change. Tidying the crates changes this model.

86. To get rid of the negative past, get rid of objects in your home that carry the energy of the past into the present. The Zulus burn clothes they get into trouble in to get rid of the emotional imprint left on their clothes. In some cultures, the clothes of the woman in whom she gave birth are burned so that she and the child symbolically enter a new cycle of existence. If there are objects in the house that remind you of something bad or were given to you by a person you do not like, get rid of them.

87. Things in your home should evoke good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home. When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel when you buy will affect how you feel when the item is in your home. If you are buying something and the seller is rude and you feel annoyed, chances are you will never truly enjoy the item. If the mood when buying is good and joyful, then the associations with this item will be pleasant.

88. If possible, radically change the situation: rearrange the furniture, change the color scheme of the rooms, etc. Change everything beyond recognition.

89. Make the energy of your home become a real magnet that attracts love and happiness. If the energy of love has settled in your house; love will be attracted to you and outside. The energy field attracts only that which is similar in character and quality to itself. Especially focus your attention on the intention with which you will transform the energy of your home: what you would like to see in your home.

90. Things that litter the house take away the vital energy of the residents of the house. Think: old rubbish takes away your health, your vitality, and therefore the years of your life! So you are more expensive; own life or old rubbish?

91. There is always a temptation to put aside for later things that are obsolete or require repair, which have gone out of use in the process of everyday life. But it's like putting off happiness and harmony in your home until later. Some people continue to use cracked, chipped, or scratched crockery year after year, even though they have fine cutlery locked away in cupboards. Thus, they seem to inspire themselves: I do not deserve harmony in my daily life;

92. If your house is a mess when you leave it, then you tend to take with you into the outside world the idea that your feelings or your life are in the same mess. All this is in your subconscious, and although it seems to you that you behave completely independently of the situation at home, in your appearance, body language or demeanor, there will definitely be some aspect that betrays the real state of things. Other people will receive these “messages; (also mostly unconsciously) and react accordingly to your behavior, so harmony in the home leads to a more harmonious and hasty relationship with the outside world.

93. Never wear clothes with which you have negative memories, no matter how much it costs.

94. Iron things that wrinkle. And don't be lazy! It is better to stroke at one time than, cursing, ironing them all the time, being late for; (another date, etc.).

95. Lay things out that don't wrinkle. Sweaters; to sweaters, T-shirts; to the shirts.

96. Immediately after ironing, hang things on hangers (hangers, trempel). Do not overload the hangers, otherwise everything will soon be crumpled again.

97. Order of hanging: You can; skirts, then trousers, then blouses, then; jackets. Can; by style: business and classic, then; sports, then; for ceremonial occasions. Consider color division.

98. Came home undressed; immediately see what is dirty and what; no. Do not be too lazy to identify all clean things in their usual places, but dirty ones; put in the laundry.

99. In the evening, decide on clothes for tomorrow.

100. Old, unnecessary things, junk; These are the real energy eaters. If you do not dare to part with them, they, gradually accumulating, begin to simply eat your own energy, your vitality. Such plushies, cherishing every rusty nail, every old button, every piece of rope, look lifeless, apathetic, unable to enjoy life. This is not surprising: after all, they value their treasures so much that they give them all their strength, all their energy.

101. GOD DELIVER YOU to wear the things of a dead person; his suits, dresses, coats, boots. Thus, you will connect yourself with an energy channel with the afterlife, and your energy will leave through this channel.

102. Practical people always have such a warehouse; recyclables;, justifying its presence by saying that everything can come in handy someday. But, sorry, someday you will need a high-quality single coffin, do you really buy it in advance?

103. Most of us have developed a hamster instinct: hide everything you can in a mink. But the mink is not rubber. Gradually, things clog up all the pores of the house, so that you can’t turn around, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, gather dust and deteriorate in cramped quarters and various closets and closets, orphanly huddle under sofas and shelves. More than once, probably, you had a feeling of longing when you got into the room of a lonely ancient old woman. Do you know why? This is not only the old age of the landlady, but also the smell, the specific smell of hamster housing. Because in the closet of this old woman, mixed with new, clean clothes, were dresses that she once wore in her youth, and hats eaten by moths that went out of fashion half a century ago, in her sideboard stood a broken mug, neatly glued in places of chips, plates with broken edges and even pieces of half-eaten rolls. All of them carried information about decrepitude, about the readiness to crumble into dust at the first touch. That's why never regret throwing anything away.

104. Often we even get sick because we keep all sorts of junk at home.

I am not advocating to get rid of everything that is connected with the past, or that there is no need to prepare for the future. Not at all. Just in this way, you free up energy and space for what is needed here and now. Out of fear of being left without anything, you hold on to what you have and are afraid to open up to the wonderful gifts that fate sends.

So let's feng shui, expanding and freeing up space for light, air, life.

Let the energy flow freely through rooms, balconies, computers, telephones, structures, relationships, heads and hearts!

I will tell you more about how to do this in future posts. In the meantime, take a look at the general recommendations

The ancient Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, which today has become very popular all over the world, help not only to properly arrange furniture in the house or attract love into your life. His postulates relate to absolutely all spheres of human life, including clothing.

According to experts, a well-chosen outfit can bring you success in business, improve your financial condition and make you happy. However, torn and old things, according to Feng Shui, on the contrary, can act negatively. Let's figure out what harm leaky clothes can bring, as well as what to do with it, according to the rules of feng shui.

Torn and old things from the point of view of feng shui

Very often, women have a desire to repair or sew up old things that, it would seem, have served their purpose for a long time. Perhaps this piece of clothing is so expensive that a hand does not rise to throw it away. Or you are very economical, and you think that it is easier to “reincarnate” a torn thing than to spend money on acquiring a new one. Whatever your motives, they do not justify you before the teachings of Feng Shui.

Esotericism does not tolerate the presence of amulets of the past in the house, which poison a person's real life. Cracks on dishes, arrows on tights and holes in curtains, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, represent the faults in which positive energy dies. Instead, a negative one is born, which charges everything around with itself.

While your new dress makes you feel glamorous, torn tights dampen your beauty energy. Even new fashionable jeans with ripped knees can be a cause for failure, let alone old clothes. According to Feng Shui, if you sewed up and mended, made a hole in things invisible, it still does not disappear anywhere.

What to do with old things

1. To avoid failures that attract old, dirty and torn things, you need to part with them as soon as possible. “Unload” your wardrobe: use worthless clothes on rags or use for needlework, and send old, but quite decent outfits for sale or for charity. The same fate should befall your old shoes - this will help remove many negative events from your destiny.

2. If you still cannot refuse some things, but know that the rules of Feng Shui prohibit wearing darned or torn things that are worn directly on the body.

3. Do not use broken or cracked dishes, even if you managed to glue them together.

4. Those broken items that are dear to you as a family heirloom require an appropriate attitude - they need to be stored like a museum piece.

5. Do not keep sofas, chairs or armchairs with peeled or darned upholstery in the apartment. On such furniture, according to Feng Shui, it is absolutely impossible to sleep.

6. Dining table with scratches and cracks on the surface is also better to throw away. The tablecloth on it will not be able to protect you from negative energy.

7. The same applies to accessories, for example, a wallet in which a small hole has appeared must be thrown away. This is a very unreliable vault for your money.

Many women do not even think about how clothes affect a person. As it turned out, thanks to Feng Shui tips regarding your wardrobe, you can avoid failures and the influence of other negative factors. The energy of torn and old things, according to Feng Shui, has a bad effect on the fate of a person, and therefore they must be uncompromisingly disposed of.

An outfit, selected according to the principles of Feng Shui, is not uncommon in modern society. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to notice real fashionistas dressing as the ancient keepers of the energies “qi” and “sha” bequeathed in the crowd. And all because Feng Shui does not require any supernatural combinations in clothes, although it attracts success, good luck and positive emotions along some cosmic threads.

Guided by the recommendations of a professional feng shui specialist Svetlana Arkinyan, the reviewer, being familiar with the latest fashion trends in clothing, tried to identify the main feng shui trends for the world's first harmonious wardrobe in every sense.

Basic color scheme

An ancient Chinese proverb says, "You can't change your destiny, but by following the rules of the game, you can make your life much easier." One way to prove the truth of this wisdom, according to feng shui experts, is to right choice colors of their clothes, as well as the selection of a positively charged combination of shades in the outfit. It is believed that in this case a person is able to independently “program” the process of achieving his goals, as if attracting the forces of cosmic bodies to help.

The main colors that Feng Shui advises to use when shaping the wardrobe are: black, white, red, green and yellow. The remaining shades are "transitional" and carry a mixed energy. In most cases, the characteristics of colors refer to the most massive details of the outfit, for example, a dress, shirt, raincoat. Colors of accessories are usually taken into account separately.

Black color on a special account in the practice of feng shui. It symbolizes power and strength. However, do not rush to put on all the dark in anticipation of a promotion. If you really want to attract cosmic energy to your career goals, don't forget to add accessories to your black wardrobe. white color. The main goal of white accessories is to balance the stormy passion of black and provide an opportunity for energy "discharge". And although feng shui White color has a double meaning - the color of death and the color of calmness (blissful joy), in this case, the function of this shade is to complement and compensate for black.

Red- the color of passion and love. It is better not to neglect this color. This is especially true for young girls. best use red - prints, inserts, frills, lace. Use this color as a complement.

Green- the color of life and the awakening of nature. One of the most popular feng shui flowers. Its task is relaxation and peace, which it brings through the energy of the cosmos. Recommended combinations of green: with pink- for romantic adventures, with blue- for a stable life, with lilac for quick change. It is believed that the green color also promotes health, fortitude and patience. It is difficult to be offended, scolded and forced to be submissive at a person dressed in green.

Yellow- the color of leadership, happiness, pleasure and positive emotions. Clothing in yellow can bring not only good news, but also direct a person in the right direction, tell him the key to success.

Additional shades

Except of the above colors, feng shui suggests that in order to achieve "crossed" energy flows, which have a power much greater than a single energy wave, it is also necessary to use additional shades in clothes.

For example, blue- the color of knowledge, deep thoughts and thoughtfulness; Orange- the color of creativity and cheerful mood; violet– inspiration and dreams; grey- money, pleasant acquaintances; beige- intuition and good memory; burgundy- riddles and charms; gold- impregnability and pride.

Recommended color combinations: black + white, white + pink, gray + crimson, yellow + orange, blue + yellow. Red (if it acts as the main one), as well as gold, are not combined with any color.

The color that is least "loved" by feng shui is brown. This is the color of the earth, dirt, bad smell, sad thoughts. That is why there is no place for brown clothes in Feng Shui theory.
The maximum that can be allowed is brown men's shoes.

Fabric and texture

The fabric, its texture, as well as the prints, appliqués and stickers applied to it are one of the most “talking” elements of the wardrobe. These are a kind of hooks that, by their appearance, size and shape, attract the energies of different principles.

So, letters or inscriptions on clothing must be familiar to the person who wears it. Everything that is written on your jumper, shirt or T-shirt should certainly be read and understood by you. It is desirable that the letters are correct form and were readable, as strange symbols stretched across the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing can be misunderstood by cosmic forces.

Clothes in cage protects its owner from negative flows, dotted- attracts the energy of the sun, striped- allows you to tune in to a productive thought process, into squares exudes confidence and stability. And here are the clothes into triangles or five-, six- and so on squares - carries less positive energy flows, since it is believed that sharp geometric shapes seem to “cut” a person into small pieces, which is why energy cannot reach a person immediately and entirely.

Fabrics are the least preferred. With chaotic texture in the form of unfinished forms, curved lines, spirals. Such clothes are unlikely to bring good luck to the person who wears them, they are destabilizing, inorganic, useless. Clothes in flowers provokes lies and vulnerability, and clothes in lace- availability human body, perversity, cheapness.

Clothing with images of animals, especially predatory, is also quite dangerous. Its use can lead to a person losing control over himself. And although a number of sources indicate that images of fish can lead to wealth, and turtles to the resolution of problems, we hasten to reject these claims. According to ancient Chinese teachings, animals have always been considered carriers of alien, supracosmic energy, which is why their images on the “second body” of a person can lead to a mixture of flows of different bases, which is not so harmless.

The most preferred for Feng Shui are fabrics of organic origin - cotton, leather, linen, silk, cashmere. Synthetic fabrics are considered useless, lifeless, and therefore not attractive to energy waves.

Wardrobe elements

In Feng Shui, there are no forbidden wardrobe items - there are recommended and non-preferred ones. The first group includes things with smooth lines of style, voluminous and non-tight ("breathing"). To the second group - on the contrary, pointed forms, tight-fitting, shortened ("shot").

It is better not to wear several things at once, put on each other. For example, a T-shirt and a sweater or pants and a skirt. Such combinations negatively affect energy flows that cannot be attracted due to mixing styles. The exceptions in this case are well-established classic outfits, for example, three-piece suits or dresses and boleros.

It is desirable that women's shoes are not on very high heels, without wedges. It is believed that a person who artificially brings himself closer to the sun is vain and proud, and these characteristics were never encouraged in ancient Chinese teachings.

It is also recommended to avoid lace-up shoes, which, according to feng shui experts, "close" the heart chakras. Those who still have such shoes are invited not to tie the laces in a knot, but to leave them free, tucking them into their boots.

In principle, a person’s clothes should contain as few as possible various ropes, knots and fasteners, which only “distract” positive energy and represent places that are closed to its penetration. That is why feng shui frankly dislikes denim, and not so much for the mixed artificial color, but for the presence on modern fashionable jeans a large number scuffs, holes, locks, etc. All these elements are alien to Feng Shui, one of the main principles of which is the naturalness and regularity of forms.


Accessories are important in Feng Shui techniques. As noted above, in some cases, for example, with a black suit, it is recommended to wear white accessories (hairpins, belts, watches, hats).

However, be especially careful with body jewelry in the form of rings, bracelets and chains. The preferred material for such feng shui jewelry is silver, which does not carry such a repulsive and impregnable energy as gold. There must be an odd number of "ring" accessories on the human body. For example, two bracelets (including a watch) and a ring, or a chain with a pendant, a bracelet and a ring. It is recommended to wear oval-shaped pendants, without bulges. The saddest version of jewelry is with the image of another living being, a loved one or animal. Such an adornment necessarily brings permanent misfortunes, as it constantly mistakenly attracts someone else's energy to a person, thereby "crossing" both streams.

One of the most beloved feng shui decorations is leather and fur. Their softness, variability of forms and natural smell, according to experts, have a positive effect on human energy.

10 feng shui tips for clothing lovers

  1. Wear underwear so that it is not visible.
  2. Always remove store tags from clothing.
  3. Protect the strongest places with clothing - head, wrists, knees.
  4. Always clean your shoes.
  5. Get rid of old clothes with good thoughts, give them to those in need.
  6. Do not buy clothes in second-hand shops.
  7. Don't wear clothes that have bad memories associated with you.
  8. Do not wear other people's jewelry, especially rings.
  9. Don't experiment with color combinations.
  10. Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.

Many talismans are used, and rooms and things are arranged in accordance with their energy purpose. So the bedroom “charged” with love, in the truest sense of the word, is the dragon’s refuge - its image promises eternal passion. However, in addition to secret symbols, experts also have their own black list of items and objects that are strictly forbidden to be kept in the house, as they disrupt the harmonious flow of qi energy. Get rid of these obstacles - and you will be happy.

1. Broken/damaged items

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One way to show respect for a home is to remove all damaged objects from it. If objects carry a sacred sentimental meaning for you, try sewing them up or repairing them, returning their original shape. Adherents of spiritual Chinese practices insist that before throwing away a memorabilia, it must be thanked for the time that it brought you joy. Thus, you free up space for new feelings and a comfortable distribution of energy.

2. Sharp objects or dangerous corners

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Animal horns, candelabra or even swords - few people keep such things at home in our time, however, it will not be superfluous to recall that such items should be avoided in a prosperous family home. A bad sign is an excessive number of sharp corners in the interior, which indicates external and internal aggression. In such a house, people often get sick and regularly have conflicts that lead to emotional exhaustion. It's bad if the sharp corner points to your bed or workplace- Career and personal life may suffer. "Mitigate" this negative effect with the help of special overlays on the corners.

3. Water in the "corner of love"

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The far (upper) right section of your house (if you stand with your back to front door) is known as the "corner of love". If you want to achieve or maintain a sensual connection with a certain person, then placing a washing machine, an aquarium, a vase of flowers, a large mirror in this sector is a bad idea. If this happens, and the bathroom is located in this area, always keep its door tightly closed.

4. Obstacles to chi energy

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  • Staircase right in front of the front door;
  • A straight line that runs between the front and back door (if we are talking about a country house);
  • Beams on the roof of the bedroom;
  • A long hallway with a bedroom at the end.

If there is one or more of these interferences in the house, the negative effect should be mitigated with the help of mirrors, carpets and houseplants.

5. Heavy items in the bedroom

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Do not place heavy objects near the bed. In addition, you should not hang pictures of people in the bedroom. In the interior, it is desirable to use neutral or pastel colors (but not white), and no more than two shades. The list of taboos includes mirrors that you can look into while lying in bed. The best thing is a mirror in a closet or in another room. Ideally, the bed should have a high headboard - this ensures the safety of the home and encourages a pleasant and fulfilling rest.