Medicinal product: Sodium chloride. What ingredients in shampoos should be avoided? Dosage and administration

Salt is an inorganic compound, meaning it doesn't come from living matter. It's made when Na (sodium) and Cl (chloride) come together to form white, crystalline cubes.

Your body needs salt to function, but too little or too much salt can be harmful to your health.

While salt is frequently used for cooking, it can also be found as an ingredient in foods or cleansing solutions. In medical cases, your doctor or nurse will typically introduce sodium chloride as an injection. Read on to see why and how salt plays an important role in your body.

Despite the fact that many people use the words sodium and salt interchangeably, they are different. Sodium is a mineral and a nutrient that's naturally occurring. Unprocessed foods like fresh vegetables, legumes, and fruit can naturally have sodium. Baking soda has sodium too.

But about 75 to 90 percent of the sodium we get comes from salt already added to our foods. The is usually a combination of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride.

The most common use for salt is in food. Its uses include:

  • food seasoning
  • acting as a natural preservative
  • enhancing the natural colors of foods
  • curing, or preserving, meats
  • creating a brine for marinating foods

There's also a wide variety of household uses, such as:

  • cleaning pots and pans
  • preventing mold
  • removing stains and grease
  • salting roads in the winter to prevent ice

When your doctor prescribes a treatment with salt, they'll use the term sodium chloride. Sodium chloride mixed with water creates a saline solution, which has a number of different medical purposes.

Medical uses for a saline solution include:

IV dripsto treat dehydration and electrolyte imbalances; can be mixed with sugar
Saline flush injectionsto flush a catheter or IV after medication is administered
Nasal irrigation or nasal dropsto clear congestion and reduce post nasal drip and keep the nasal cavity moist
Cleaning woundsto wash and rinse the area for a clean environment
eyedropsto treat eye redness, tearing, and dryness
sodium chloride inhalationto help create mucus so you can cough it out

It’s important to consult a doctor and only use medical saline products (excluding over-the-counter products like contact solution) as prescribed. Different types of saline solutions will contain different ratios of sodium chloride to water. Saline that's used for different purposes may also have additional chemicals or compounds added in.

Although salt and sodium are different, salt is 40 percent sodium and we get most of our sodium intake from salt. Many companies and restaurants use salt to preserve, season, and flavor their food. Since one teaspoon of salt has about 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium, it's easy to go over the daily value.

Nutrient absorption and transportation

Sodium and chloride play an important role in your small intestine. Sodium helps your body absorb:

  • chloride
  • sugar
  • water
  • amino acids (building blocks of protein)

Chloride, when it's in the form of hydrochloric acid (hydrogen and chloride) is also a component of gastric juice. It helps your body digest and absorb nutrients.

Maintaining resting energy

Too much salt can lead to bigger health concerns like high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney disease. Lowering your salt intake while increasing how much potassium you get can help lower your risk for those conditions.

You should consult your doctor before adding more sodium chloride to your diet. Most people exceed the recommended amount, but people who drink excessive amounts of water, have persistent diarrhea, or participate in long endurance events may have sodium deficiency. In these cases, good oral hydration may help. In more severe cases, a healthcare professional may need to provide intravenous (IV) saline solution to restore hydration and electrolytes .

Preparation for rehydration and detoxification.

Pharmacological action Sodium chloride / sodium chloride

Sodium and chloride ions are the most important inorganic components of the extracellular fluid, maintaining the appropriate osmotic pressure of blood plasma and extracellular fluid. An isotonic solution replenishes the lack of fluid in the body during dehydration. Hypertonic sodium chloride solution, when administered intravenously, provides correction of the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid and blood plasma. At topical application in ophthalmology, sodium chloride has a decongestant effect.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Indications for use:

Isotonic solution: dehydration various genesis. To maintain blood plasma volume during and after surgery. As a solvent for various preparations.

Hypertonic solution: disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism: deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions; hypoosmolar dehydration of various origins (due to prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, burns; with gastric fistula, pulmonary hemorrhage, intestinal bleeding).

Eye drops and ointment: corneal irritation in inflammatory and allergic diseases(as part of combination therapy).

Dosage and method of application of the drug.

An isotonic solution of sodium chloride is administered intravenously, s / c and in enemas, and is also used to wash wounds, eyes, and the nasal mucosa. More often administered intravenously, depending on the clinical situation - up to 3 l / day.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is administered intravenously. A single dose for intravenous jet administration can be 10-30 ml. In conditions requiring immediate replenishment of sodium and chlorine ions, the drug is administered intravenously in a dose of 100 ml.

Topically and externally used depending on the dosage form used and the treatment regimen.

Side effects of Sodium chloride / sodium chloride:

Possible: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, thirst, lacrimation, sweating, fever, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, edema, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, anxiety, weakness, twitching and muscle hypertonicity.

For external and topical application adverse reactions have not been established to date.

Contraindications to the drug:

Hypernatremia, states of hyperhydration, the threat of pulmonary edema, brain.

Special instructions for use Sodium chloride / sodium chloride.

Use with caution large volumes of sodium chloride in patients with impaired renal excretory function, with hypokalemia. The introduction of large amounts of solution can lead to chloride acidosis, hyperhydration, increased excretion of potassium from the body.

Hypertonic saline is not used s / c and / m.

With prolonged use, it is necessary to control the concentration of electrolytes in plasma and daily diuresis.

The temperature of the infusion solution should be 38°C.

Sodium chloride in cosmetics - nothing more than the well-known inorganic salt (also called table salt). This substance is widely used in the composition of various cosmetics, but in general, sodium chloride has importance not only and not so much for our beauty, but for all biological species: this compound is found in most tissues and fluids of the human body.

The elements of sodium and chlorine - sodium chloride itself - play, by themselves and in combination, various and important roles in many physiological processes, including nutrient transport and detoxification, functions nervous system and maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. This component is no less often found in the composition of cosmetics, but still on the sidelines - as an auxiliary substance. Although this does not make sodium chloride less significant. Synonyms: Sodium Chloride, Rock Salt. Patented Formulas: SalSphere™ AquaSkin, Adinol OT64 , Aminogluten MG , Dead Sea Salt Powder, Fine Grain Bolivian Pink Salt, CalBlend® BSC, Miracare®, Crotein™.

The action of sodium chloride in cosmetics

In addition to the fact that table salt is widely used in homemade formulations cosmetics, mainly in the composition of scrubs, it is also common in the cosmetic industry. Cosmetics manufacturers use sodium chloride not only as an exfoliant, but also as a flavor enhancer, an agent to increase viscosity, and even a weak antiseptic (everyone knows the mild antimicrobial effect of sea water - it depends precisely on the concentration of salt).

Perhaps the most common role of sodium chloride in cosmetics is as a thickening agent. So, salt is commonly used to thicken the aqueous phase of shampoos, shower gels, and facial cleansers. Another task of the role of sodium chloride in the beauty industry is its use as an abrasive in scrubs and gommages.

Who is sodium chloride indicated for?

Sodium chloride as an active ingredient copes well with such tasks:

Sodium chloride is absolutely safe for external use. The United States Food and Drug Administration has given sodium chloride GRAS (substances generally recognized as safe) status.

Cosmetics containing sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is used primarily as a binding agent in skin care products and occasionally in personal care products (forms a hypertonic or isotonic solution depending on the concentration). Table salt is widely found in cosmetics and personal care products. In particular, sodium chloride is used in the formulations of mouthwashes, therapeutic foot baths. It is added to shampoos, face and body cleansers, bath products, styling products, as well as to decorative cosmetics formulas - foundation creams, foundations and powders.

Sources of sodium chloride

Sodium chloride, more commonly known as table salt, is a white, crystalline substance that is naturally mined. Sodium chloride occurs naturally in sea ​​water, and as a mineral halite (more commonly known as rock salt).

Halite is distributed in the natural environment in the form of cubic crystals, from colorless to white, light and dark blue, yellow and pink shades - this diversity has given rise to many varieties of salt: Celtic, Himalayan, etc. However, when choosing cosmetics, you should not focus on these epithets: you need to be aware that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy, because in any case, the skin will be affected by the same substances - sodium chloride. The same applies to the prefix "Dead Sea" in the name of cosmetics. Rock salt is purified before use with the help of various methods, while sea salt is considered more organic and physiological for humans.

Name: Sodium chloride International name: Sodium chloride active ingredient(INN): Sodium chloride Dosage form: powder for solution for injection, solution for infusion, solution for injection, solvent for preparation dosage forms for injection, nasal spray pharmachologic effect: Plasma substitute. It has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect. Replenishes Na+ deficiency in various pathological conditions. A 0.9% NaCl solution is isotonic to human plasma and therefore is rapidly eliminated from the vascular bed, only temporarily increasing the BCC (effectiveness in blood loss and shock is insufficient). Hypertonic solutions (3-5-10%) with external application contribute to the release of pus, exhibit antimicrobial activity, when administered intravenously, they increase diuresis and compensate for the deficiency of Na + and Cl-. Indications: 0.9% NaCl solution - large losses of extracellular fluid or its insufficient intake (toxic dyspepsia, cholera, diarrhea, "indomitable" vomiting, extensive burns with severe exudation, etc.), hypochloremia and hyponatremia with dehydration, intestinal obstruction, intoxication; washing wounds, eyes, mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, dissolving and diluting drugs and moisturizing the dressing. Hypertonic solution - pulmonary, gastric and intestinal bleeding, forced diuresis (auxiliary osmotic diuretic), dehydration, silver nitrate poisoning, purulent wounds (locally), constipation (rectal). Contraindications: Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular hyperhydration; circulatory disorders threatening swelling of the brain and lungs; cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute LV insufficiency, concomitant administration of corticosteroids in large doses. With caution. kidney failure, decompensated CHF, CRF (oligo-anuria). Side effects: Acidosis, hyperhydration, hypokalemia. Dosage and administration: In / in, drip; s / c, rectally, locally, externally. 0.9% NaCl solution: before the introduction, the solution is heated to 36-38 degrees C. The dose is determined depending on the loss of body fluid, Na + and Cl - and averages 1 l / day. With large fluid losses and severe intoxication, it is possible to administer up to 3 l / day. The rate of administration - 540 ml/h; if necessary, the rate of administration is increased. Children with a pronounced decrease in blood pressure against the background of dehydration (until laboratory parameters are determined) are administered 20-30 ml / kg. In the future, the dosing regimen is adjusted depending on laboratory parameters. With prolonged administration of large doses of 0.9% NaCl solution, it is necessary to monitor electrolytes in plasma and urine. 0.9% NaCl solution is used for washing wounds, eyes, nasal mucosa, moisturizing dressings. A hypertonic 10% solution is injected intravenously in a jet, in an amount of 20 ml; for gastric lavage - 2-5%, in enemas (100 ml) - 5% solution. Eye drops are prescribed 1-2 drops in the affected eye during the day. In enemas - 100 ml of a 5% solution to stimulate defecation with constipation or up to 3 l / day of a 0.9% solution. special instructions: It is possible to freeze the drug, provided that the container is sealed. Control of KOS and electrolytes. Interaction: When mixed with other drugs, it is necessary to visually control compatibility (however, invisible and therapeutic incompatibility is possible).
Before use medicinal product Sodium chloride you should consult your doctor. This manual is for informational purposes only and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor.

Other drugs of the group Rehydrator