How to complete missions in GTA sa. free fall mission in gta san andreas

Yo! I'll tell you what it means to live in a black quarter.

film "Don't Be a Menace to South Central"

Welcome to sunny San Andreas. Here, on the west coast, the most luxurious casinos side by side with impoverished ghettos, and gigantic skyscraper districts contrast with sleepy provincial towns. Fasten your seat belts, our plane is landing at the airport in Los Santos.

In this guide you will find:

  • a list of major innovations since Vice City;
  • role-playing elements - what they eat with;
  • description of all types of weapons in the game;
  • story about game characters;
  • a list of requirements for 100% completion and a list of prizes;
  • complete walkthrough of the game.

How to play?

First, let's take a quick walk through the main game concepts - old and new.


The player progresses through the story by completing tasks and missions on their own initiative or received from bosses.

Once you accept a quest, you cannot save until you complete or fail it, die, or get tied up by the police (which is the same as failure). In the event of death and arrest, all weapons are taken away from the hero, so it's easier to boot. If the task is overwhelmed in the usual way - they crashed the car, inadvertently killed the wrong person or did not fit in on time - you can try again. If the task involves a long trip, the game will offer you to skip it and immediately be in the right place.


Stopped any vehicle, pressed Enter, and CJ, with a comment befitting the occasion, gets into it, throwing out the driver. Passengers jump out on their own. Sometimes the victim rushes away, but very often the disgruntled driver himself throws the hesitant CJ out of his beloved car and takes off. You can avoid this trouble if you immediately tear the tires from the crime scene.

Theft and the behavior of shocked vehicle owners are a perpetual source of gags. One day, while returning home from a mission, I stole a motorcycle whose owner flew off during an accident. But he did not have time to drive far - the owner got up from the ground and ran up to Karl. However, instead of throwing CJ to the ground and regaining his motorcycle, he calmly sat down in the passenger seat. There he sat patiently all the way home. When I left the motorcycle, he waited for a while, made sure that I no longer needed his two-wheeled unit, got on it and calmly drove away.

The behavior of NPCs in general has changed a lot. If, for example, you hit a car, then the driver can not only go out with a shovel to figure it out, but chase you right behind the wheel and start crashing into your car with all the dope. During a responsible mission, this can become a big problem.

Did you know: the fastest cars in the game are Infernus, Hotring Racer, Banshee, Bullet and Turismo.


The police do not respond to traffic rules and accidents that you arrange. But the shooting, fights and thefts unnerve her. Crashing into a police car or motorcycle is a sure way to piss off law enforcement officers. If the NPC driver gives the patrol car a good kiss, the circus begins. The police jump out and open fire on the car and its owner. If the driver guesses to leave, the chase begins with flashing lights and sirens. As a rule, the fate of the owner of the car is a foregone conclusion: he will no longer be able to get away from the police. However, I once saw a pair of bikers in a Harley running from police SUVs across the desert until a patrol car jumped out of their way and threw the guys to the ground.

The degree of police interest in the modest person of CJ is determined by the number of stars on the screen.

  • One: commit a crime in front of the police. Hit the patrol car. Or just start hooligans - you can just put graffiti on the wall. Done - one star in your pocket. Police, motorcyclists and patrol cars are chasing you, but sluggishly. They shoot reluctantly, trying to simply twist or remove from the car (which is the same thing). Getting rid of the star is easy, any lane is at your service.
  • Two: if you continue to anger the police, more and more stars will be added. The fire opens immediately, the cars chase you much more energetically, the police on motorcycles can ruin your life well. But you can live.
  • Three: the police now simply respawn nearby. Danger can come from all sides: there was just an empty alley, if you turn away, a policeman runs. A helicopter appears with a machine gun and a swearing gun. Please note that Sweet already loves to quarrel with the police, and now the dialogues between him and the passengers of the helicopter will become simply killer. But the situation itself is not funny. Are you sure you don't want to visit the repaint shop?
  • Four: special purpose police officers in body armor - SWAT - will start jumping from the helicopter. They will start chasing you in their cars. There will be roadblocks on the roads. Once under heavy fire, the car catches fire and explodes in a matter of seconds. If you are in the air, then expect Hydra fighters (Harriers) and homing missiles to visit. Good luck.
  • Five: Did you call the FBI? Agents with submachine guns arrived in black SUVs. They are very aggressive on the road and will try to push your car to the side of the road.
  • Six: called the army? Namely - checkpoints with army trucks placed across the road, soldiers with M4 and tanks. Good luck - you won't need it.

If you have not annoyed the police too much (one or two stars), you can drive into a back alley and wait out the alarm. In a minute or two, they will stop looking for you. You can jump into the building and try to survive the storm there.

A visit to a repaint shop takes all the stars off. Wait a few seconds and you are white and fluffy again. Saving the game in any of your homes also saves you from the police. But remember that you cannot save during missions.

Yellow stars are generously scattered around San Andreas in secret places - these are symbols of “police bribes”, they reduce the number of stars by one. Knowing their location is very helpful.

Successful completion of the mission removes all stars. However, there are a few tasks to which this rule does not apply.

And (new!) dressing up at home or in a clothing store will also eliminate all the stars.

restricted areas

All games in the GTA series (except London, perhaps) have long been divided into several zones. First, the hero is kept in one, and only then, as the plot develops, are they allowed into others. So it was, so it will be. In GTA3 and Vice City, cities are separated by bridges. They are closed until "special order".

The developers did the same with San Andreas. Three cities with surrounding areas are separated by rivers and bays, and bridges are closed due to "damage" during the recent earthquake (in Vice City, bridges were closed due to the threat of a hurricane).

But here the developers have two difficulties: firstly, the hero can board the plane from the very beginning of the game. Of course, they won't let him into the airport without a flying license, but nothing prevents you from driving the car to the security guard's booth and jumping over the fence. And if you fly over the city for an hour and thereby pump the skill, then they will give you a license without talking and the airports will open.

Note: AT400 aircraft (analogous to Boeing) is waiting for you in a closed hangar at the San Fierro airport.

Secondly, Carl can swim. What prevents him from simply swimming or flying over the river? And the players tried. And they realized that.

It is difficult, very difficult to explore the area when four police stars are hanging on you and you cannot drop them. not at all- even the codes don't work. It is very inconvenient to fly over a forbidden area if you have fighters with homing missiles on your tail.

If in Vice City it was relatively easy to get to the second island, then no one has found the secret of getting into Las Venturas and San Fierro before the plot allows (except for one game “hole” in a single mission - I'll talk about it in the walkthrough). The developers are great. By the way, there is an explanation for the activity of the police: according to the plot, CJ is in Los Santos under house arrest.

But even if you open all three islands, there will be two restricted areas - a military base and an aircraft carrier. Flying over them and approaching them is not recommended. However, it is relatively easy to steal a Reno tank from a military base. It has changed a lot and now it looks not like a Lenin armored car, but like the famous Abrams. It looks handsome and stately, but you will most likely be disappointed - it explodes too easily.

Role system

Yes, visiting cafes and catering now really helps to restore health (along with “hearts”, preserving and using the labor of fallen women). But food is not only a symbol of emancipation. Without it, CJ can starve and die - in the most literal sense.

I explain: the hero has two special variable characteristics - muscles and fat. Muscles are pumped up in the gym, fat comes from food (from anything except salads, drinks and light snacks from vending machines). Muscles are for beauty. Of course, without them, CJ will not win three sparring matches, and some of his girlfriends like muscular guys, but they are not needed for anything else. Well, yes, they increase the impact force. But you will not fight in the game if you do not start playing the Shaolin monk consistently.

But fat is a very important characteristic. It is spent on active movements, running, cycling and is consumed very quickly. Now the main thing: if there is no fat, muscles will begin to be consumed. If they are not there, health will begin to decrease. And so - to a fatal outcome. Therefore, always keep your fat reserve at twenty-five percent. Muscles are optional. Some argue that the thick layer of fat acts like a kind of bulletproof vest, reducing bullet damage. I have not been able to verify this fact. But it sounds logical.

Muscle and fat are two characteristics that can both increase and decrease. Everyone else is just growing.

Endurance. Increases with physical activity. You can train in the gym. With increased stamina, CJ can sprint and swim longer.

Maximum health. Increases with physical activity. More health - easier in combat.

Lung volume. Increases when diving and collecting shells. Allows you to stay underwater longer. By the way, the only point in scuba diving is collecting shells.

Respect. Grows with the completion of story missions, the seizure of territories, in the fight against the police and rival gangs. Determines the number of bandits you can lead. Affects sex appeal.

Luck. It grows with the collection of horseshoes in the vicinity of Las Venturas. Determines the probability of winning in the casino.

sex appeal doesn't really matter if you're not serious about breaking virtual hearts. It is influenced by hairstyle, clothes, muscles, authority, tattoos, and the car you are sitting in (or out of).

Weapon possession. Grows with weapons. Each variety has its own skill. Increases accuracy. The highest level (Hitman) allows you to shoot some weapons in the Macedonian way.

Mastery of technology. Each variety has its own skill. Ownership of a motorcycle determines the likelihood of falling in an accident. A car with increasing skill is better controlled. A pilot skill of 20% opens airports.

Note: the hero can answer “yes” or “no” (Y and N keys). You will need to answer several times according to the plot. On the question “do you want crack?” you can determine that you have a drug dealer in front of you, and kill him and rob him. Girls working on the evening streets will not get into your car if you do not answer yes to their leading question.

gang wars

He will tell us how to recapture quarters from Ballaz and Vagos correctly. Dmitry Sigal (Cash).

Hi all. AT GTA: San Andreas rule applies: murder is the most easy way solve the problem of. Everyone follows him: men, women, old men and old women. Imagine my surprise when the granny, who was barely moving her legs, pulled out a police shotgun from her bosom and started shooting at me (I allegedly pushed her). Weapons are carried not only by some civilians, but also by members of groups. The gangs are at war with each other because of the territories from which they collect tribute.

According to the story, in one of the missions you will be told how to capture quarters.

  • The first step is to find yourself a good weapon. Fans of shotguns, pistols and melee weapons, I'll ask you to come out. The main thing for the successful capture of the quarter is not to let the enemies get close. Otherwise, if you survive, you will lose at least armor, and most likely you will have only a quarter of your life left. And you won't get far with it. The shotgun is good only at close range (no more than ten meters). It can be left as a last resort if enemies corner you.

And this city will be ours.

Of the pistols for shooting at long distances, only the Desert Eagle is suitable. He is able to kill anyone with one shot, but it is extremely difficult to get cartridges for him. So we also put the pistols in a distant pocket. It’s better not to remember about batons, bats, chainsaws, knives and other piercing-hollowing weapons at all - they are absolutely useless. Your choice is assault rifles and SMGs.

  • Then you need to buy or find body armor. Without armor, you will be blown to pieces in the very first seconds of the battle.
  • The next thing you should do is find some brave guys and take them with you to the showdown. Initially, you can only take four people. But as your authority (respect) grows, so will the number of people who will follow you into battle.

Unfortunately, your gang members are incredibly stupid: they can get stuck somewhere or just fall behind. Their only plus is that they shoot well. Your teammates will be much more effective if they have machine guns in their hands. In the end, after their death, you will get a decent weapon. In order to call a member of the gang with you to capture someone else's territory, you need to aim at him and press the "gather" key - by default G. After he joins your group, the "strength" scale of the group will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.

Your associates will dutifully follow you and snarl at members of the enemy gang passing or passing by. On occasion, they can also protect from a couple of policemen. If the team is behind, press the “gather” key. Carl will call them and they will try to catch up with him. After a successful (or unsuccessful) assault on enemy territory, when your would-be soldiers getting in the way are no longer needed, press N. They will go about their business.

  • And here you are, all hung with ammunition, in new armor, walking along enemy streets with your comrades-in-arms and looking out for members of an unfriendly group. In order to start a war of quarters, you should find and kill a group of bandits, consisting of three or more people.
  • After the official start of the “war”, you will be given a couple of seconds to take a comfortable position for defense. You have to reflect three waves. The first is weak, consisting of poorly armed bandits (pistols, dracoliers). Together with them nearby, in the middle of the street, one “heart” will appear - a chance to heal. But it is unlikely that you will spend all the armor.

The second wave is much more dangerous, and enemies will most likely attack from two sides. No pistols. Now a serious weapon: machine guns, submachine guns. A new “heart” will appear in the quarter, and a bulletproof vest will appear at the opposite end of the same quarter.

The third wave is the most dangerous. They will attack from one side, but in a very large crowd. You can't do without an automatic. Enemies will be armed for the most part with machine guns. A car full of enemies will appear on the street - they will fire furiously at you. Fortunately, this car does not often drive directly along the street where you have taken up defense. And again in the quarter there will be a “heart” and a bulletproof vest.

Sometimes bandits suddenly lose their heads and run away from the quarter. There is no need to chase them, they will return on their own. If you move too far away from the captured streets, the war will end and you will lose the battle as a deserter.

The outcome of the battle depends on the correctly occupied firing point. Try to take positions behind the corners of houses so that it is convenient to shoot. You will have a much better chance of surviving if you can only be approached from two directions. Choose a place so that one building covers your back. And keep an eye on the situation. If enemies appear on both sides of the opening in which you are sitting, urgently change your position or move deeper into the quarter. Enemies will be able to pass through the opening only two at a time.

Do not climb on the roofs of houses and other hills - a useless exercise. There you can only sit out, and if you decide to get out, you will receive a hail of bullets from the entire crowd that has accumulated under you.

If a group of enemies is on the territory of the quarter you have already captured, then when they are killed, the war will not start. In such cases, you can cheat: stand on the territory of the area that you intend to take control of. Kill the enemies standing in your territory. It doesn't matter where the enemies you attack are standing. The war will begin where Karl stands.

And the last thing: after capturing all enemy quarters, they will not give you anything. Even congratulations will not be written. The only plus that the capture of enemy territories will bring you is security. Enemies will no longer try to return the conquered territories. Experience shows that the attack begins at the most inopportune moment - you have to drop everything and go to defend your native quarters until they retreat to the enemy gang. It's easy to do. It is enough to sneak up to the “battlefield” and carefully kill half a dozen enemies. The quarter is yours again.

But there is a trick: save. And there was no attack!


Remember that weapons are divided into several groups: hand-to-hand, heavy, machine guns, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns and ... gifts. Carl can only carry one barrel of each type.

Weapons for hand-to-hand combat

Apart from their own fists Carl Johnson, of all the above, only two items deserve attention: knife and dye. The knife will come in handy in stealth assassination missions a la Sam Fisher, when it is important to remain quiet and not raise the alarm. With spray paint, CJ paints over the graffiti of hostile gangs scattered around Los Santos. I classified it as a melee weapon only because a spray of paint can kill. If the paint runs out, you can always get a new can in Carl's house on the second floor.

An assault rifle is always better than a shovel, so only desperate amateurs will use the rest of the melee weapons in the game. Well what else can I say... brass knuckles lies under the bridge near Karl's house. Shovel- in the backyard of a neighbor's house.

baseball bats worn by passers-by and drivers. club the easiest way is to steal from a dead policeman or go to the police department for her. cue Carl can keep after a billiard game in any bar in the neighborhood (yes, even in the one near the house). golf club found in passers-by, drivers and lies at the foot of the antenna tower behind the giant inscription "VINEWOOD" in Mulholland. In the same place, behind the letter N, lies cane. It is considered a gift, but no one takes it. And rightly so - why do girls need a cane?

Pretty dumb katana will meet you in the story. She can be found in Los Santos behind a fence next to the El Corona Convenience Store. Ownerless chainsaw lying around a stone pier in the southwest of Los Santos in the ocean docks area.

Bouquet of flowers, more like a broom, give to girls. But no one is stopping you from beating someone to death with flowers. And you can find it in Los Santos, in the southeast of Glen Park.

Another original gift dildo- also suitable as a weapon. The reversible dildo can be found in the shower room of the Los Santos Police Department. Like this. Vibrator can only be found in the Las Venturas area, in the Bayside area, Tierra Robada - behind a construction dump. It's very close to the boating school.


Ordinary pistols carried in large numbers by the police. The pistol can always be purchased from the weapon shop. But it makes no sense to carry it with you. destructive force silenced pistol no less, and silence will come in handy in covert missions. Always use only it, despite the fact that by the end of the game, after Carl gets the flying pack, it will become available Desert Eagle- powerful, but with a small store.

Submachine guns

Tec-9- cheap and angry option. I like him more than Micro SMG: more store and less likely to have to reload. Both can be fired in Macedonian once Carl has reached the highest level of proficiency with this type of weapon.

SMG- the best weapon in the group, but has one big drawback: it does not allow you to shoot in Macedonian. But according to the characteristics it approaches the machines. Accurate aimed shooting - in my opinion, this is much better than working “under Max Payne”. Our choice before the AK 47 and M4 become available.

Submachine guns are the only type of weapon that can be used from a vehicle. Any of them can be bought in the store.


Ordinary shotgun- a useless thing. You can't even take one in each hand, like sawn-off shotgun. multiply charged combat shotgun, the only smart one in the game, will only appear in stores after the Don Peyote mission.


There is nothing better than a good machine in the game. It used to happen that you sit in the middle of the street, take aim - and only the heads of the bandits fly off.

AK-47- a good starter. He will meet for the first time in the story at the same time as the appearance of the Russian mafia on the stage. It will appear in the store after Karl distracts the attention of the Vietnamese bandits and saves the Chinese Wuzi. If you don't feel like waiting that long, check out the backyard of the convenience store in Los Santos near VINEWOOD.

Horn M4 holds almost twice as many rounds, and this is a decisive advantage. The best weapon in the game. It is dropped by soldiers from military bases. But it’s not so easy to get into the base, so try to lure the soldiers to you with a big brawl in the city. Or carefully search the western part of the Los Santos airport. M4 will appear in the store after the explosion of the crack factory in San Fierro.

Shotguns and rifles

Shotgun- thing absolutely useless. Appears in the store after stealing the harvester. Sniper rifle Get it as early as possible and keep it with you at all times. If you need it quickly, check out the roof of the television building in Vinewood. It will appear in the store after the storming of Pier 69 and the death of Ryder.

heavy weapons

Since there are many types of weapons, and you can only carry one, I always prefer to carry rocket launcher with homing missiles. It is very easy to find - just visit the San Fierro airport and search its eastern part, paying special attention to the tanks. Homing makes it much easier to complete missions in which you need to shoot down helicopters or blow up cars.

Of course, you can also use the usual rocket launcher- and it's not that hard to hit a car with his missiles. But to shoot down a helicopter is to send ten rockets “into milk”. The Rocket Launcher can be found in Los Santos, on the roof of one of the buildings west of Glen Park. You will recognize it by the antenna. The easiest way to get there is by plane, helicopter, or simply parachuting from a high skyscraper.

Flamethrower can be obtained in San Fierro. A completely ownerless copy lies on the deck of a transport ship at the docks. It works only up close, but it is very reliable. I set it on fire and forgot.

Multi-barreled machine gun tearing to pieces everything that moves. Perhaps that is why it is impossible to get it before Las Venturas opens, in principle. You will find it on one of the pillars of the Keanside Bridge.

Thrown weapons

grenades- simple, cheap, they can always be found in the store. They come in handy, however, rarely. Tear gas much more effective and safer - it does not affect Karl himself. But it's not available in the store either. Look for him outside the Opera House in downtown Los Santos, west of the roundabout.

Molotov cocktails it is better not to touch it unless you have completed the firefighter missions and have not acquired resistance to fire. But if you can't wait, check out Vinewood, namely, look around the area around the Sprank billboard.

Remote controlled explosive- original item. Firstly, it can be thrown, albeit not very far. Secondly, she sticks. To everything: to houses, cars and even passers-by. Sea of ​​fun! Appears in stores after stealing a combine. You can check out the neighborhood of the bookmaker in the city of Montgomery north of Los Santos.

Additional equipment


Lies at Cj's house on the second floor. It is used according to the plot, suitable as a spyglass. The snapshot is placed in the game folder. A mini-game is associated with the camera - searching and shooting beautiful landscapes.

Fire Extinguisher

It is used in story missions for its intended purpose.


Used several times in story missions. If you got your pilot's license by going to school or just flying yours in the skies over San Andreas, then every time you leave the plane, you will be able to open your parachute and make a soft landing. No parachute and no license? Jump from a low height, otherwise you will break.

If you didn’t get to the story missions, and you’re too lazy to surf the skies, you can always find parachutes on the highest skyscrapers.

Note: you can’t crash on water, so opening a parachute over a lake or river is not necessary. You can fall from several kilometers into the pool and not even get a scratch.

Thermal Imager (Thermal Goggles)

Found in the story mission. Very effective in the dark. It just does not occur in nature - only after the completion of missions. If you've already got your hands on the jetpack, try checking out Zero's shop in San Fierro.

Night Vision Goggles

Not as effective as a thermal imager, but it will do. It is very difficult to get it. Only after the casino robbery, at the very end of the game, they will appear on the first floor of Madd Dogg's mansion.

Jetpack (Jetpack)

A wonderful thing for those who want to travel and enjoy the views of San Andreas. Appears at your airfield after completing the Black Project mission. The flight height is limited, it will not work to climb to the highest places with it. But high flight speed, simple control (unlike helicopters) and the ability not to depend on the terrain - all these are very valuable qualities.

Unfortunately, developers are reluctant to allow them to be used. The Black Project is the last third of the game, and there are still a good twenty-five missions left after it. But you can’t put a satchel in the garage, and after any scripted scene, it disappears, so the plot will have to go through without it.



Carl Johnson (CJ)

Sister of Carl and Sina. She dislikes the latter for his dislike of the Mexicans, because her young man himself comes from Latin America. It will always appear on the horizon when it is necessary to aim well and give the brothers acceleration in the right direction.

Caesar Vialpando

Representative of the Los Aztecas gang. A very positive and honest person. Young man Kendl. They are all serious. He is fond of cars and racing, has many good connections in the underworld. She dreams of opening her own car dealership.

Big Smoke

An old and trusted member of the Grove Street Gang. Likes to philosophize and eat chicken. Will do anything for friends. Easy to communicate, but at the same time keeps all the shops in the area. Ambitious, which in the end can bring him to trouble.

The comic image of a loser rapper. And his rhymes are not the same, and everyone's ears wither from the music, and even on the radio he cannot really speak. What would he do without the help of Big Smoke and CJ? Washed floors in eateries.

Madd Dogg

The image of a good, proper gangsta rapper: talented, persistent, prone to drugs and alcohol. Lives in his own mansion in a prestigious area of ​​Los Santos. By the way, he is voiced by ... no, not Snoop Doggy Dogg at all, but Ice T, a rapper widely known in narrow circles.

Officer Tenpenny

Classic Black Quarter Cop. All standards and all templates. Rude and snide: “I hate your black skin. I hate your black pants. I hate black pepper too. And the black keys on the piano.” He dreams of eliminating crime in the city at any cost and at the same time not offending himself. One of the brightest and most controversial images in the game. He is voiced, by the way, by the notorious actor Samuel Jackson (“Star Wars”, “Die Hard 3”, “Kill Bill 2”).

Officer Pulaski

Tenpenny's pale-faced assistant. An arrogant racist and foul-mouthed, and this is interesting. He does not miss the opportunity to mock CJ, even on the edge of his own grave.


Do you want to know the truth about the government and its secrets? Ask Truth. An old piece of the sixties, an ancient hippie with shifted gears in some places, he cultivates his own garden and at the same time hatches sinister plans. The system is his enemy. To reveal the secret that the state structures hide from the people is no greater joy for him.

And when a place is suddenly discovered in San Andreas that is not marked on any map, Truth instantly stands up.

Mike Toreno

If Truth is an anarchist, then Mike Toreno is the exact opposite. He is an employee of one of the secret government organizations. In his competence - covert operations, secret deals and mysterious ciphers. In his spare time, he reads the textbook "Conspiracy Theory" and claims that he is constantly followed by three satellites, the Russian mafia and a Cuban double agent.


The Chinese Wu Zi Mu, or simply Wuzi, is an original and very lively character. A racing lover, a darling of fortune, and a big shot in the Triads. Scenes with his participation are perhaps the most original and fun in the game.

Mike Toreno

One hundred percent game

To officially pass one hundred percent of the game, you have to try. See for yourself. First of all, you need to go through story missions- 88 pieces. But this is only the beginning. Make sure you have completed all the "professional tasks":

  • We carried 50 passengers by taxi (maybe not right away).
  • Reached level 12 in the missions of the policeman, paramedic and firefighter.
  • Reached level 10 in Pimp Missions.
  • Finished level 2 in the tasks of the train driver.
  • Eight driver missions.
  • Five missions of a lackey at the hotel.
  • Seven career dump truck driver missions.
  • Three San Andreas courier missions: Roboi's Food Mart, Hippy Shopper and Burger Shot.
  • Have you won four street races? These are races in Los Santos, San Fierro, the cargo depot and the airport.
  • Have you completed nine races at Los Santos, six at San Fierro, four and six at Las Venturas?
  • Are the Los Santos bike races, the San Fierro motorcycle races, and the three Countryside races finished?
  • Have the four shooting competitions in the gun store passed?
  • Have you won four races in stadiums? One in San Fierro and Los Santos, two in Las Venturas.
  • Have all 100 graffiti in Los Santos been painted over? Were 50 oysters harvested underwater across the state? Have you filmed 50 views of San Fierro? Did they collect 50 horseshoes in the Las Venturas area?
  • Have you passed all four schools, have you learned to drive cars, planes, bicycles and boats?
  • Finally - have you bought all the available houses and businesses? Completed three Zero missions? Caesar's four missions? Six tasks casino "Four Dragons" (robbery "Caligula")?
  • Did the main fighter win in the three gyms (one in each city)?

If you have done all this, you have completed all one hundred percent of the game. As you can see, the list does not include seventy unique jumps, taking over all of Los Santos, robbing houses, reaching the maximum in all skills and characteristics, Big Smoke's courier missions, "a cup of coffee" with seven girls, arcade toys, triathlon and dancing. And thanks for that - there is enough work already.

And here is the list of prizes for 100% completion:

  • million in cash;
  • infinite ammo for all types of weapons;
  • increase in all role characteristics of the player;
  • a tank under the bridge next to Karl's house;
  • fighter "Hydra" on the roof of a neighboring house.

Is it worth it to try for all this - decide for yourself.

Los Santos

Carl Johnson spent five years in Liberty City. But after the news of his mother's death, he returned to his native Los Santos. As soon as he got off the plane, he immediately found himself in the clutches of police officers Tenpenny and Pulaski: “Why did you kill a cop five minutes ago? Here is the murder weapon. You are now on our hook. If you need it, we'll find it. In the meantime, walk!”

Carl is thrown from a police car in the Ballaz gang area. Get on your bike and head home before the guys in the purple bandanas get interested in Carl. However, you can steal a car and try to acquire weapons by crushing a couple of Ballas.

Note: easy millions can be won on horse races in the bookmakers of the cities of Montgomery and Los Santos. We bet on the deadest horse. If you win - we get twelve times the bet (it is not limited). If we lose, we reload. Three or four downloads is a win. Three wins and you are a millionaire. Hole in balance? Let's assume that CJ is just lucky as Tim Thaler.

big smoke

A deserted house is a mess. CJ remembers his family, brothers and sister: Sin, Brian and Kendl. Suddenly, an angry Big Smoke, the authority of the Grove Street Gang, bursts into the house. He mistook CJ for a banal burglar.

The first and one of the few missions in which you don't have to do anything at all. Carl and Smoke get into the car and drive to the cemetery.

Sweet and Kendl

Sister Kendl is happy to see Carl, but Sweet is slow to greet the prodigal brother. He believes that CJ, leaning east, betrayed the gang and family. Now brother Brian is dead, mother is dead, and the Grove Street gang is as weak as ever. Families are torn apart, many "brazas" are killed, the rest are sitting on crack, which is sold by Ballas. In addition, Kendl got herself a boyfriend, but not a decent black man, but - it's scary to think - a “Latinos” from the South American Los Aztecas gang!

Ballas really feel very at ease. They were so insolent that they had a "drive-by" right at the cemetery, blowing up Smoke's car. Luckily there are bikes nearby. The gang is loaded on them in full strength and breaks down to their native quarter.

If you already have a weapon, blow up the Ballaz car. If not, get on the bike and step on the pedals, trying to keep up with your own. Remember: to accelerate the bike, you need to quickly press the “forward” button several times. You can jump over a small obstacle like a curb with the help of a “hare jump”, on a bicycle the “Shot” key is responsible for it.

After reaching the house and saving, answer the phone call.


Ryder, a lover of burnt rags, offers CJ a ride to a local hairdresser and build a normal hairstyle. And this one is simply embarrassing to be shown on the streets. Choose your favorite haircut and listen to Ryder's comments.

Across the street from the barbershop is a pizzeria. It would be nice to go for a bite to eat. But our smoking room ruined everything by trying to rob the establishment. The salesman takes out a shotgun and opens fire. Get in the car and drive home under fire.

Tagging Up Turf

Enemy gangs draw graffiti on the walls, marking the territory. Who would respect Grove Street if the walls of their houses were painted over with such lewdness? Sweet will give you a jar of paint - you need to fix the situation. In total, there are a hundred graffiti in the city, and it is assumed that an inquisitive player will find them and paint them over (a jar can always be found in CJ's house on the second floor).

Sweet will show you some drawings - color them in. A confirmation should appear on the screen. Two bandits from Ballas are grazing near one of them. You have two options: paint them yourself (the jar works quite well as a gas weapon), but earn a wanted star, or quickly paint over the drawing, and then flee.

To eliminate the last, sixth, drawing, you will have to climb over the fence. We come close, press “Jump” twice.

After completing the mission, a police officer will call and inform you that CJ is forbidden to leave the city.

Cleaning The Hood

Drugs flooded the block. This nonsense can no longer be tolerated. Even old friends turned to drug dealers.

CJ will need a weapon - you can find a shovel behind Ryder's house. Kill the crack dealer, visit the stash and kill everyone there. Shovel or baseball bat.


Why don't the noble dons eat? No sooner said than done, the whole company goes to the fast food cafe "Cluckin' Bell" (Cluckin' Bell, a parody of all Western catering and especially the "Kentucky Freud Chicken"). As they say, "but I have a chicken!".

But before our heroes had time to get food in the car, Ballaz's car swept past. Purple bandits are driving towards their hometown with the clear intention of having a “drive-by”. Let's stop the villains before they get to our guys!

Your task is to catch up with the Ballas and stay close to them. Ryder and Sweet will open fire from the window. If the bandits reach CJ's house, the mission will fail. Theoretically, you can try to board the car and drive Ballas off the road if you have GTA driving skills. You can shoot from a submachine gun personally (keys "Look left" and "Look right"). Throughout the chase, Big Smoke hurriedly devours the chicken and comments on abrupt maneuvers in the spirit of: “Damn, I spilled sauce on my trousers again!”

When the Ballaz car catches fire, drive your own car to the side and finish off the surviving bandits.

After that, take your comrades home. Poor Ryder was left without food - she was killed by Big Smoke.

Save and visit the gym. Here, CJ can pump muscles, add stamina and learn a few punches. For endurance meet the simulator and treadmill. A bench for the press and dumbbells pump muscles. You can add a limited amount of muscle per day. Before you start pumping endurance, make sure that CJ has a supply of adipose tissue. If it is not there, the muscles will begin to be expended.

The boxing trainer will teach you new moves if you beat him in sparring. This is easy to do, but in order for CJ to be allowed to spar, you must have a good amount of muscle.

All these tricks are useless in the game, but necessary for one hundred percent completion.

Nines And AK's

What does a gang need to take over the streets again? Weapon! And Smoke has a friend who does just that. His name is Emmett, and he will show CJ where to press what at the gun.

This mission is educational. Learn to turn on the sight and hit the bottles placed against the wall. Remember the location on the map - here you will always find a free pistol.

After CJ takes Big Smoke home, Sweet will call and offer to go to the store. Stop walking around in this terrible T-shirt! It's time to get clothes that would immediately make it clear: Carl Johnson is from the Grove Street gang. Dress in green.


Basta! Stop Ballaz walking our streets. We will arrange a “drive-by” for them so that they do not relax. CJ is driving.

Get in the car and drive towards the crowd of purple bandits. Three cannons will open fire on them, and your task is to slowly drive past. The vehicle integrity indicator will tell you when it's time to leave the Ballaz and go to the repaint shop. If you stop, the car will become an easy target.

You can shoot yourself, but I do not advise doing this, so as not to be distracted from the road. There will be three groups of Ballas in total, and in the end the police will be interested in you. So a visit to the workshop is still unavoidable.

sweet's girl

Sweet and his girlfriend were ambushed. If you don't make it in time, they will die. Ride to the ambush site and exterminate five bandits. After that, you will have to break away from the chase.

Cesar Vialpando

We're flying east. We are waiting for the snowy Liberty City.

Kendl's Hispanic boyfriend is Caesar Vialpando. He is interested in cars, racing, competitions and in general everything that has to do with four wheels. Kendl went to him for lowrider competitions (cars with a modified “bouncy” suspension). Who is he? Are his intentions serious?

To find out, Carl Johnson needs to sneak into the competition. Sweet's friend will provide CJ with a brand new car. If you want, you can stop by the mod garage and buy bells and whistles like nitro or alloy wheels.

Get comfortable with the controls. One button is responsible for the jump, the other just raises the car “on tiptoe”. But you need keys that raise the car in one specific direction: forward, backward, left or right. If they are not on the keyboard, go to the settings menu and customize them for yourself. Now you can go to the competition.

Make a bet, yes more, and let the strongest win. Your task is to hit the right keys in rhythm. If you lose, the mission will be overwhelmed: “Only Latin Americans can beautifully toss cars.” Won - get the gang’s respect: “You jump well for a black man,” and the location of Caesar himself.

A little later in the story, he will call you and offer to participate in street racing. So keep your lowrider in the garage.

High Stakes, Low Rider

That's street racing. Driving a lowrider is still a pleasure. In collisions, he instantly loses control and enters into an uncontrolled skid. Use the oncoming lane to get into first place, do not drive around corners and do not abuse the handbrake.

To win, you need to overtake all five cars of rivals.

Home Invasion

An old Vietnam veteran keeps a huge collection of weapons at home. Why does he need it? Let's figure it out.

Get into the truck and drive it to the colonel's house as quickly as possible. You have about seven minutes to get a few crates of weapons out of the house. This is the only stealth mission in the game that isn't swooped down. We'll have to hide, squat and follow the "noise level". Check out the interior of the house. Try not to touch the walls, especially if you have a box in your hands. Move around with stops. You can wake up the colonel only once, the second mission is considered a failure. In total, you need to take out three boxes, and then drive the truck to the garage.

If after that you feel in yourself a tendency to housekeeping, then you can always go “to work” personally. It is enough to get into a dark truck in the evening, break into the house and quietly take out household appliances.


And here are the police - Tenpenny and Pulaski - they broke into Ryder's house, unceremoniously tasted the brew in his saucepan and made an offer that cannot be refused. It is necessary to disrupt the operation of the Vagos gang for the extraction of weapons. What's the point of the police? And such that you can’t let one gang rise strongly above the others - and the cheap AK 47s that flooded the market after the fall of the Iron Curtain give an unfair advantage. The Grove Street Gang doesn't need strong Vagos either.

Get into Ryder's car and drive to the place of the deal. Vagos storm the train - exterminate them. Standing behind the concrete ledge of the wall, get rid of the Ballas who drove up to the noise. Suddenly, the train starts to move - jump on it and carefully start throwing boxes of weapons at Ryder's car. Hold down the "Shot" key - the box will fly further. If it hits the ground, it might explode and Ryder won't get better. Aim carefully.

Repaint the car at the nearest workshop and take Ryder home.

Robbing Uncle Sam

Ryder is a genius, although he smokes all sorts of dirty tricks. Who has the most weapons? Uncle Sam, of course. Why not rob the National Guard warehouses? Don't forget to pick up the body armor under the bridge next to your house.

To get into the protected area, throw CJ over the fence, quickly shoot the stunned soldiers and put a couple of bullets into the gate control panel. The rider will drive the car inside. Fight your way to the warehouse and open the door by shooting the panel. There are soldiers in the warehouse, and racks cover them. Be careful, dying at this stage of the mission is very easy.

As soon as all the guards are dead, get into a miniature autocar and quickly load the boxes into a pickup truck. Your partner at this time shoots back from the new defenders of the base. After loading four boxes, leave the warehouse and help Ryder by crushing a couple of soldiers. Don't worry about the autocar - it's bulletproof. When two more boxes from the street are in the pickup truck, get in and tear the tires to the garage. There will be a chase, but the soldiers are helpless on the road, and you will soon break away from them.

Say goodbye to Ryder. Your next meeting will not be so friendly.

OG Loc

Big Smoke gave the order: to pick up a guy named Jeffrey, who was released on parole from prison. He calls himself none other than Oji Locke. The guy wants to become a real rapper, a favorite of the public, popular and rich. And, in fact, he went to prison precisely in order to develop a “biography”.

But now, Jeffrey's first desire is to take revenge on a certain Freddie. First, Lock will try to hang noodles on CJ's ears - he allegedly stole his rhymes. But everything is much more prosaic: dexterous Freddie was sitting with Oji Lock in the same cell, and when he once bent down for soap... Let's help a man avenge his desecrated honor! Freddie tries to escape on a motorcycle. We sit on a motorcycle and rush in pursuit with a submachine gun at the ready.

The path to greatness is long and thorny, but we must work now. And we pick up a perky Geoffrey at the diner.

running dog

Simple mission. Big Smoke wants to contact a drug dealer, but the gangsters at the house are rude to him. They didn't attack him. The fat man jams one of them with a bat, and the other rushes to run. Catching up with him is your task. Jump over low walls and fences, use a sprint. When you catch up - start shooting.


Wrong Side Of The Tracks...

The task can be completed in two ways: the first is official, the second was found by players on the PlayStation 2.

Introductory: several Vagos bandits are cuckooing on the roof of the train - they must be exterminated. In this case, the train goes to the bridge, and you are limited in time. In your hands is a Sanchez mountain bike, in the passenger seat is Big Smoke with a submachine gun.

It is assumed that you will accompany the train, and Smoke will shoot the Vagos as targets (shooting targets). It is difficult to do this if you do not know one subtlety: you need to drive so that the bandits are on the line of fire - do not get close to the train, the wall of the car will close the bandits from you. The task is difficult, but passed without any frills.

The second way is to leave Smoke behind and overtake the train on the Sanchez and jump onto its roof as it exits the tunnel.

Just Business

Russian Mafia. She first appears in the series after GTA2. Big Smoke wants to deal with several bandits, and CJ will help him with this.

Do not let the fat man offend, destroy all the Russians in the atrium. Grab your armor and start exterminating the bandits on the street, and when Smoke sits on a motorcycle, open fire on his pursuers on cars and motorcycles. It will be fun, especially when a truck flies off the bridge into the drainage channel. Your task is to prevent your own motorcycle from exploding. Use barrels of flammable liquid wisely, kill shooters first.

Life's A Beach

Let's go back to Jeffrey, who is Oji Locke. Our ward washes toilets in a diner, but does not give up his dream of becoming an artist and even raps in front of a mirror. Visitors to the toilet are indignant and run out of the stalls with their ears curled into a tube.

Oji wants an advanced sound system for himself. Why shouldn't CJ steal her from the beach party?

Everything is very simple: you need to ingratiate yourself with a DJ girl, and for this you need to demonstrate your dancing talents. Answer the DJ's question "yes" (Y) twice and start moving your body. You have to hit the right keys in the right rhythm. For four thousand points you will be allowed to drive a van with concert equipment. Don't waste your time here. Get off the beach quickly to prevent the outraged partygoers from catching up with CJ.

Hide the stolen van in the garage.

Madd Dogg's Rhymes

Good iron is a good thing, but Auji Locke composes a completely mediocre rap. And he has no chance to break through with a sort of text ... unless he borrows talent from another rapper. For example, stealing a rhyme book from Madd Dogg, who lives in a luxurious mansion in the Mulholland area.

You will be explained in detail the principles of covert movement: you need to move in the shadows. If on the mini-map the point denoting CJ himself darkened, and Karl himself sighed sadly, you hid and you are not visible. To perform a silent kill, you need to sneak up on the guard with a knife, aim at him and strike.

You are supposed to sneak into the records warehouse, kill the guard there, take a pistol with a silencer from the body ... In fact, everything is much simpler: it is not necessary to hide in the corners like a frightened rat. Feel free to go out with a machine gun at the ready and kill all the guards. The book with rhymes lies in the studio.

However, if you quietly walk to the bar, you can see how the developers mocked Driv3r. The guard is playing a video game and comments: “He runs like he has diarrhea. Tanner, you suck!”

management issues

What? Madd Dogg's manager doesn't want to work with Augie Locke? How dare he! Let's kill him and his girlfriend, who happened to be nearby.

The task is difficult: you need to take possession of one of Madd Dogg's cars as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to stop it, fire at it, and when the driver jumps out, repair the car in the workshop. And the clock is ticking, and you have to manage before ten.

The second step: you must very carefully, without a single scratch, bring the car to two other cars and put them in a row between them. One hit is the end of the mission, as there is no time to get to the workshop and back.

If you still put the car as needed, you can exhale. Then it will be easier: as part of the motorcade we go to the awards ceremony and, as soon as the manager is in the car, we break down to the south, to the pier. The pursuers must be left behind as quickly as possible.

To the cursing of the manager and the squeal of his girlfriend, we dump the car into the water. This is not so easy to do: you need to disperse the car and have time to jump out of it at the very edge of the pier.

house party

Auji Lok quit his job at the diner and decided to throw a party before going to jail for violating parole rules.

But you don’t have to dance and glue young black women. While Lok is rapping in the house, everyone else jumped out into the yard, away from such music. Suddenly, one of the bandits pulls up on a bicycle and shouts that the Ballas are going to raid the block.

The task is to help your own destroy the attackers. First, Ballaz will go from the side of the barricade of cars. Then they will start shooting from the bridge and, finally, they will pour in two streams from the south and north, through narrow passages. Just sit still and shoot. If your bandits begin to loom in front of your nose, change your position by rolling.


Officer Tenpenny, hard as it may be to imagine, only wants the best for his native Los Santos. And good is when gangs kill each other themselves, without the help of the police. And even better - when the bandits help the police to do the dirty work of good or not quite will. And that is why Tenpenny organized the C.R.A.S.H. - a secret order. And CJ will have to work for him. Here are twenty bottles of combustible mixture, here is the bandit's house - act, black!

Make sure there are no Vagos left around, at least not alive. Throw bottles at five windows at home. The longer you hold the "Fire" key, the further the cocktail flies.

When the house is accepted, a girl will suddenly appear who has fallen into a deadly trap on the second floor. CJ needs to save her (strange, in previous missions he was not so scrupulous about girls in trouble).

Rise to the second floor, along the way picking up a fire extinguisher from the kitchen. Make your way to Denise through the fire and take her out of the house, eliminating all the flames on the way. This must be done quickly - the house is about to collapse. Take the girl home - now Denise is CJ's girlfriend. You can walk her, take her to bars and zoos, give flowers and vibrators, arrange a “drive-by” with her...

Answer the phone.

Gray Imports

The next task from Tenpenny is to disrupt the deal between the Russian mafia and Ballaz. Violet should not get AK 47. It's not fair, here.

The algorithm is simple: take the warehouses by the docks by storm. Several bandits on the street can be crushed. Trophy machines will greatly simplify the passage of the mission. When the Russian tries to escape, get on the motorcycle, chase the car in the canals and blow it up.


Someone from the Grove Street gang sang with Ballaz and now sells drugs to his own - the frustrated Sweet will inform CJ by phone about this. Go ahead, punish the traitor, but first you need to taxi to the weapons store, buy weapons and ammunition.

The Glen Park quarter will be the first one you win back from another gang. Don't forget to pick up armor and health. Try to take a position in which the Ballaz can only approach you from one side.

Is it worth continuing to capture quarters after completing the mission? No. They will still be taken away from you according to the plot.

Los Sepulcros

It would be nice to get revenge on Ballaz for the attack on the cemetery. Let's round up an authority named Kane while he mourns his fallen comrade-in-arms in the cemetery.

We are quickly hiring our guys. This is done simply: we take the bandit in the scope and press the group gathering button.

You have five minutes to get to the cemetery. After jumping over the fence, start shooting. Nothing complicated, but Kane must be killed first of all: he will immediately try to make legs, and he has a bulletproof vest.

The repaint shop will help to throw off the tail of the police.

Reuniting The Families

Sweet's next idea is to unite all families from Grove Street. To do this, he assigns everyone a shooter in one of the city's motels. But someone ratted it out, and the police surrounded the motel.

Ryder and Big Smoke are about to tear their claws, but CJ cannot leave his brother in trouble. Enter the motel and carefully fight your way to Sweet. Riot police (SWAT) are waiting for you in the corridors, rolling out of the rooms or descending from the roof. Cut off from their submachine gun.

Together with Sweet, CJ will jump out onto the roof. Above you is a machine gun. The police are firing from him, and Sweet's health is not infinite. Shoot the protruding parts of the body of four policemen and blow up the helicopter.

Smoke and Ryder will pick you up below. The race has begun again, and again you must shoot back. Police motorcycles, cars and a helicopter are chasing your car. As before, focus your fire on the arrows. (And again a scene from the Terminator, this time - the second.)

If the gun jams, you are on the right track. Look carefully at the poster through which the car falls.

It is interesting: some forums claim that after you kill four police officers in a helicopter, you can leave Sweet, start traveling around San Andreas. The police will not pay any attention to you (even if you go to a military base and an aircraft carrier), and the streets will be frighteningly deserted ... They are probably shamelessly lying.

The Green Sabre

The families of Grove Street are finally united. The time has come to organize a large-scale attack on Ballaz. The meeting is scheduled under a huge interchange bridge in the heart of the skyscraper district.

Suddenly Caesar calls CJ: “Listen to what I say. No, I won't tell. You won't believe. I'll show you better. Come here quickly!” “Sweet is waiting for me here, can’t you wait?” - "Not".

Dissatisfied with an untimely call, CJ goes to a meeting. Caesar sits in the car and points to the two Ballas leaving the warehouse. "So what?" - "Wait".

Following them out of the warehouse comes... Big Smoke. And behind him - Ryder and policeman Tenpenny. And the car is the same one that was seen at the scene of the murder of Karl's mother.

So who are the rats that sold the gang! Caesar opened CJ's eyes. But what about... Suite? He must be on his way to the ambush! “Caesar, immediately grab Kendl and lie down on the bottom. If you don't save her, I won't forgive you!"

Time is short, Retinue must be saved. You will have to shoot a lot and for a long time: Ballaz cars drive up from all sides. Sweet is wounded, and the police are right there: “Surrender, you are surrounded!”

Tenpenny and Pulaski brought CJ into the wilderness and dispelled all doubts: Big Smoke has been working for them for a long time and betrayed Sweet on their orders. Sweet is alive and recovering in the prison hospital. And he will recover if Carl does not do rash stupid things - for example, try to take revenge on Smoke or Tenpenny.

And CJ himself can still walk. True, it's not free. Kill a witness to the crime, take a picture of his corpse and bring the postcard to us - we'll put it in a frame.

Save and board the Sanchez. Welcome to Badlands. You have just opened the second city - San Fierro with its surroundings.

San Fierro


The weapon shop will help CJ acquire an arsenal. The witness hid in a small house on a high mountain and is guarded by several FBI agents. There are two options: either use a sniper rifle, or carefully sneak into the house so that the agents do not notice you. In no case do not shoot in the head - no one needs a portrait of a headless witness.

Go back to the city - optionally repaint the motorcycle. Answer the phone: Caesar's messenger is waiting for you at Dillimore's bar.

First date

“Messenger” - Catalina, our old friend, GTA3 character. She famously drives away the visitors of the bar and almost kills Karl, who has fallen under the hot hand. Some things in the world don't change. She refuses to give CJ his documents until he helps her complete four robberies. Objects have already been outlined: a gas station, a bookmaker's office, a liquor store and a bank.

tanker commander

It is useless to threaten the cashier sitting behind bulletproof glass with a shotgun. But you can steal a tank of gasoline, which, by the way, cost money even in 1992. Get into the truck, pick up the tank and move along the highway to the fence. The feeling of driving a huge truck, and even with a tank, is specific. Yes, there is also an angry owner of a gas station chasing you in a passenger car to the lamentations of the cashier: “Oh-wey, we are all going to die!”

The secret is to prevent the pursuers from catching up with the truck, and if they have already caught up, throw the car into a ditch with a perfect movement. Remember: when making sharp turns, the tanker can unhook and fly away on a tangent, and then you will have only a few seconds to quickly hitch it back.

If you want, complete several "transport" tasks from the same fence. Answer the phone of Truth, one of the funniest characters in the game.

body harvest

An old, semi-crazy hippie named Truth has a grudge against government conspiracies and grows some holly plants in his allotment. Policeman Tenpenny will introduce CJ to him - he obviously liked the driller.

Truth needs help: the old man is getting tired working his plantations. He would not refuse the combine, but here's the problem - the villagers from the sect of survivors nearby do not want to delve into his problems. And Karl is known as a master of theft.

Once you reach the farm in a durable car (preferably a truck), start making your way to the harvester. The last meters will have to be overcome on foot, so hurry up. They will shoot. Use sprint.

Leaving an unfriendly farm is not so easy: stone fences, unfriendly survivors and their tractors are everywhere. The combine moves slowly. Stop - you will die. Avoid building, but hay bales can be safely attacked in the style of "Just you wait!". Having got out on the road, drive away the agricultural machinery to the Pravda garage.

But Caesar himself called. Wants to meet at the appointed place.

King In Exile

Continuing to inform Carl about the real state of affairs, Caesar will inform him that Big Smoke is holding the entire drug trade in Los Santos. Twice a week he sends couriers to another city. Through his channels, Caesar receives information and calls Karl, and he decides whether to intercept them or not. If you intercept the courier and destroy him (or them), you can get some money. These are side missions and you don't have to complete them.

Let's get back to Catalina and the robberies.

First Base

Catalina's secret house is hidden somewhere in the mountains. You can always find a good car and a save point next to it.

Small Town Bank

We rob a bank. Point the gun at the employees and the guard and quickly move the sight from one to the other, not allowing them to give up. If at least one lowers them, the alarm will turn on. However, she will turn on. Shoot the guard.

Quickly smash the ATMs with a shotgun, take the money and go out into the backyard. The police surrounded the building, but somehow you still need to break through. Shoot all the cops in your line of sight to stop them from killing Catalina. Kill two motorcyclists and get on still hot saddles.

Now your task is to keep up with Catalina and in the meantime protect her from the police. Be very careful on the bridge, do not slow down, otherwise you will not jump over it. If you fall into the water, the mission will not fail, but still not pleasant enough.

In one of the small towns, the police will surround your Bonnie and put her off her motorcycle. Pick it up on the go and return to the house.

Answer the phone. Caesar went out to the street racers of San Fierro, and they are waiting for Carl. However, our Latin American has connections everywhere!

Gone Courting

God forbid Karl from the love of a woman like Catalina. After talking with her, CJ's fillet will hurt for a very long time. But our monochrome friend, one might say, got off lightly.

Local Liquor Store

No sooner had Karl and Catalina rushed into the wine and vodka department than a gang on ATVs outstripped them. “Oh no, they're taking our money!” One of the robbers managed to get off the iron horse, and our sweet couple rushes in pursuit.

Your task is to catch up with three ATVs and keep on their tail. Catalina will shoot. The classic chase, there will be no problems with it if you quickly get used to the controls.

There is no time frame in the mission, you will not be able to be late with all your desire, and it is very difficult to lag behind the bandits.

Made In Heaven

Another scene in which the developers introduce us to the harsh nature of this southern girl. Be patient, Carl, it won't be long.

Against All Odds

Bookmaker's office. The door to the safe is locked, but CJ has explosives. Blow up the door and the safe with money (when the charge is planted, a remote explosion button appears in the list of weapons). Get rid of four wanted stars in Dillimore's workshop. Return to the house.

It's time to steal a good, fast car. If you are too lazy to chase the Infernus around the cities, take the Catalina car.

Wu Zi Mu

Before the actual race, you will be introduced to the charming Chinese Wu Zi Mu from the Triad gang. For friends, he is Woozy. He will become your race rival.

There are four of you. Races - they are races, there is not much to talk about them. Try to break into first place as quickly as possible, best of all - at the very first checkpoints. There is a good opportunity to cut a few meters on a winding road in the forest, where a single bribe star hangs in the air.

Win - and Wuzi will become your new boss.


Before the second race, you will see a wonderful scene with Catalina and some silent character with bangs “like Elvis”. Now he is Catalina's new love:

Well, Carl, are you angry? Will you fight for me?

No, Catalina, I can accept rejection.

Catalina and a nameless boy go to Liberty City. Let's wish the guy good luck - he will need it when the girl betrays him during a bank robbery.

Win the race, listen to Catalina's parting words, claim your winnings - the rights to her garage in San Fierro - and answer Pravda's phone.

Are You Going To San Fierro?

Our hippie is in trouble. The police have come to his plantation and they will arrive very soon. Karl receives a flamethrower and a strict order to burn all hemp. You need to do this quickly and carefully - it's good that all the bushes are indicated on the mini-map. By the end of the burning work, CJ will thoroughly get better.

The police helicopter is hovering overhead. Shoot him down with the rocket launcher. Get in the driver's seat of Pravda's hippocoach and bring him to the San Fierro Garage.

It's time to settle down in the city and start your own business.

Wear Flowers In Your Hair

No shooting or chasing. Slowly comb the city, hire two silent mechanics and Zero.

If you buy Zero's Shop, several side missions will unlock.

air raid

The technical genius shop Zero offers a huge range of radio-controlled models - from airplanes, helicopters and sailboats to armored cars. Zero's eternal enemy is Berkeley's genius. After Zero beats Berkeley in a young talent competition, they have a quiet war. With the use of radio-controlled models - the situation obliges.

Berkeley decided to attack the store (now ours) using radio-controlled biplanes with hanging bombs. If he damages the antennas on the roof, he will get a serious advantage. Fortunately, CJ stood behind the machine gun - and he will not let the enemy through to the antennas.

Planes will fly from four directions. Pay special attention to the trees near the facade - whole links of “RK ​​Barons” will fly from there. The bullets fly very fast, so there is no need to lead. Keep an eye on the mini-map, spare no ammo. You need to hold out for three minutes.

Supply Lines...

Enraged, Berkeley came to Zero personally and hung him in a closet on a carnation. Our techie wants revenge. You have a radio-controlled biplane with a machine gun. The task is to kill five couriers on the streets of the city.

Some claim that this is the hardest mission in the game. I probably won't argue. The plane's fuel is limited, the distances are huge, the controls are stupid - and in addition, at the end of the mission, you have to return to the roof of the Zero store.

Fuel is consumed evenly, no matter how fast you fly.

Immediately gain full speed and take out the first courier as quickly as possible. Open fire on the van, but do not touch the courier himself when he jumps out. The fact is that it is more difficult to get into it than into a van, you have little time, and the courier will rush after the plane, making it easier for you. Do the same with the rest. Turn left to the second courier on a motorcycle. Then - to the right to the third target and to the north - to the remaining two couriers. I advise you to first deal with the one who went further, and then deal with the neighbor.

Return to the surviving "dismounted" couriers, land the plane on the ground (so the fuel will not be wasted) and shoot them without haste from a distance.

If you still have enough fuel to get back to the roof, good. If not, bad.

New Model Army

Final battle between Berkeley and Zero. Tanks, helicopters of the Goblin system and a small racing car participate, and all the action takes place on a huge diorama. Toy rivers flow among the miniature hills, and the approaches to the Berkeley base are guarded by models of the second Tigers.

If Zero's car reaches the Berkeley base in due time, he will leave the city forever. If Zero does not make it in time or tanks destroy him along the way, he will leave the city, and the mission, accordingly, will fail. You control a helicopter, which must solve problems on the way to Zero. There are three of them: tanks (three pieces), obstacles laid out by the Berkeley helicopter, and crossings (three pieces).

Immediately grab a bomb with an electromagnet and drop it on the nearest tank. Focus on the shadow. Be careful not to blow up your own helicopter. If this still happened, you have a spare. Destroy all three tanks and only after that use the planks to build “bridges” on Zero's path. Don't touch Berkeley's helicopter, but move the barrels out of Zero's way.

If you do everything quickly, clearly and on time, Berkeley will be put to shame. And the Zero shop will now bring you a small but stable income. In addition, in the back room of the store you can play with the biplane and find out how many Berkeley vans (it seems to be no longer in the city?) You can destroy in three minutes.


555 We Tip

A new challenge from Tenpenny: you need to frame one city leader by putting our hippie crop in his car and calling the police. Knocking, of course, is not good, but ...

When the footman comes down to the garage, gently tap him and change into his clothes. Go back to the hotel and wait for the blue Merit. Do not confuse it with other cars and do not let other lackeys take over the car.

Now - the most difficult. It is necessary to quickly and very carefully drive the car into your garage. On the way there, you can beat the car a little. If anything, the dents will be patched. But on the way back, the car should not get a single scratch, otherwise the victim will smell a catch. Put the car in the garage, go out to the hotel and enjoy the spectacle.

And the chain of side missions will open again. To complete them, you need to change into a lackey uniform and go to the hotel. The task is to park cars for a while. Five levels of two minutes each - and hitting cars is very undesirable. After the completion of the fifth level, the hotel will begin to generate income.


You probably already noticed a large-scale construction site behind the garage. The workers on it are not distinguished by delicacy, and they greatly angered Kendl with their frivolous comments. They need to be spooked. By the word “scare” the developers mean to destroy all temporary buildings and roll the foreman into concrete.

Do not sit at the tap - it is inconvenient to use it. Grab your bulldozer and quickly start demolishing one makeshift after another. It is enough to touch it with the edge of the dump. This is even better: sometimes there are barrels of gasoline in the “candeykas”, and it is undesirable to touch them. You can’t stop - the workers take Cj out of the cab and knock with shovels. In addition, a second bulldozer is driving around the construction site, and this is your main problem. You have three minutes for everything.

The foreman is sitting in the dry closet - push the booth into the pit, but be very careful not to dump your own bulldozer there, otherwise it will be second on top and it will be very difficult to get out of the pit. It remains only to sit in the concrete mixer, put it on the edge of the pit and see what happened.

Answer the phone. Hello school!

back to school

Carl Johnson expects three schools: driving, boating and cycling. To go further in the story, you must pass all the test tasks of the driving school, earning at least seventy percent of the ideal performance in each. Estimated time, accuracy and damage to the car. There are twelve tasks in total. The last is high-speed driving in the city, that is, ordinary races, only without rivals. Funicular rails will help to avoid some traffic problems.

If you complete each one for a gold medal (it's not that hard), you'll get the coolest car in the game, the Hotknife. For the silver and bronze medals, you will be given, respectively, "Bullet" and "Super Giti", not particularly outstanding cars.

Photo Opportunity

Caesar calls - he sat on the tail of the Ballaz car, and this makes it possible to find out who exactly sells drugs to the gang. Having reached the place, climb onto the roof of the house and prepare the camera. It is necessary to take accurate and accurate pictures of the faces of everyone who comes to the meeting. Only full face, shots in profile or from the back are not good.

The first is Ryder. The second is Mendes. The third car will appear on the right, and an unknown "gringo" with the face of a secret agent will get out of it. We don't know the fourth one either, but he looks like a classic pimp.

Come back with the shots taken.


The Chinese Wuzi will help to identify the pimp. His name is Jizzy, he's the biggest pimp in town and lives under a bridge like a troll.

It is necessary to ingratiate himself with him and complete several tasks. Get in the Pimpmobile. The first is to take the “worker” to the hotel. The second is to rid Jizzy of a competitor. The third is to protect the girl from clients.

The fourth mission is the most fun. A certain holy father put the girl in his limousine and is trying to set her on the right path in a very original way. CJ's task is to destroy the limousine and the car with bodyguards. Carl is supposed to do this by chasing the cars in his Pimpmobile and shooting them out of the window to the priest's hilarious comments.

It is difficult to do this - the limousine moves very quickly, and the Pimpmobile is ill-suited for chases. If all else fails, take a heat-seeking rocket launcher from the airfield and lie in wait for a limousine at the southeast corner of the “sharp-nosed” skyscraper.

You can keep the Pimpmobile. Save.

T-Bone Mendez

A simple task from Jizzy: you need to return all the loot from the van. On a high-speed motorcycle "Efsiar-900" it will be very easy to do this. Kill four motorcyclists and pick up the cargo.

Mike Toreno

In the back of the stolen van, Jizzy's man remained, the same "gringo" named Mike. He calls in a panic from his mobile, but the battery will run out in five minutes. You can't locate a mobile phone, you can only navigate by the sounds that Mike hears. Move as quickly as possible to the control points, trying to keep up with the van.

When you get to the airport, you can no longer navigate by sounds. You will have to search for Mike by signal strength - he will lead you to the eastern part of the airport. Get rid of motorcyclists and those who get out of the van. You can't shoot at the van itself - Mike is there.

When he is rescued, destroy the van and drive out of the airport. A workshop around the corner will help to remove the stars.


The last task from the pimp: it is necessary to protect the drug van that moves around the city. Rival gangs set up roadblocks on the roads. The task is to get on the Sanchez and clear the way for the van with the rocket launcher. What's strange is the police on the explosions special attention won't turn.

Be careful: snipers can sit in the windows of buildings along the street. Carefully remove them and save.

Snail Trail

Hello again, cops Tenpenny and Pulaski! A certain journalist in search of sensational revelations goes to meet with an informant. And Tenpenny doesn't need any revelations.

The task is very easy. Take a sniper rifle, get on any motorcycle and follow the train straight along the sleepers through all of San Andreas. When a journalist comes out in Los Santos and hails a taxi, follow him. Riding a motorcycle out of a station, it's very easy to slip and give yourself away. If the victim suddenly began to suspect something, immediately leave back underground.

The rest is a matter of technique. Get on your tail and when the taxi reaches the pier, quickly shoot both: the journalist and the informant.

Ice Cold Killa

Well, let's visit Jizzy one last time. The last one for him. The bodyguards at the entrance won't let you into the house. It's okay - leave the motorcycle at the entrance (this is important!), climb the scaffolding to the roof and jump into the open attic window.

The guards are dead, Jizzy tries to run. Get on a motorcycle and the pimp won't stand a chance.

Pier 69

It was time to arrange a bastard with a billaz Hiroshima and Nigersaki. And at the same time finish off Mendez and Ryder, who sold out to the enemy.

Climb up to the roof to Caesar, bypassing the building on the right. While the Chinese Woozies are storming the building, take a sniper rifle and start shooting Ballas. Do not confuse them: the Chinese are dressed in black. They will occupy the roof and will shell the street. And at this time you, with a machine gun at the ready, rush to the building, crush all resistance and kill Mendez. A pair of horns will go to him alone.

The rider, even though he smokes all sorts of rubbish, will briskly jump onto the parapet and throw himself into the water. You are supposed to follow him to two boats and chase around the entire bay. Catching up and shooting him in this way is extremely difficult. Some advise to do it easier: shoot a floating Ryder with headshots from a sniper rifle or blow up a boat with a shot from a rocket launcher.

Toreno's Last Flight

Mike Toreno (“gringo”) turned out to be an unreliable partner. It must be removed.

How to blow up a helicopter with Mike on board, and even with the police on the tail? With difficulties. First, you have to storm the landing pad. Secondly, it is difficult to quickly get into a helicopter that has risen into the air. We'll have to chase him to the end of the highway. Make your life easier by picking up a launcher with thermal missiles at the airport.

Mountain Cloud Boys

Woozie is a big deal in the Triads and runs a gang with the poetic name "Mountain Cloud Boys". And he took CJ with him to one of the showdowns. The Vietnamese started doing business in the area without the permission of "Mountain Cloud". We'll have to see how the Wuzi guys taught them a lesson.

After getting out of the car, Woozy suddenly starts looking for some coil of wire. He will never explain to CJ why he suddenly needed a wire.

Alas, the Vietnamese were stronger than Wuzi thought. They killed almost all of his bandits and returned to finish off the Chinese himself. The task is simple: kill the Vietnamese and prevent them from killing Wuzi. Get in the car, and Vusi will shoot the pursuers.

Ran Fa Li

Ran Fa Li, head of the Red Gecko Tongue Gang, is a man of few words. He expresses all his thoughts with an unfriendly grumbling, and his personal translator brings their meaning to those around him.

The Vietnamese gang that declared war on the Chinese is called Da Nang. The task is formulated simply: pick up from the airport and deliver a car with a load to the destination. Da-Nang will immediately launch attacks and try to block the roads with their black vans. If you feel confident behind the wheel, just go around them. If not, you can stop, get out of the car and personally destroy all life around. Throw motorcyclists into a ditch. If the police are interested in you, you know what to do.


The Da-Nang have tracked down Woozy's house and plan to attack his car as soon as he goes about his business. CJ proposes to serve as a bait: he will sit in an SUV with tinted windows and divert the attention of the Vietnamese to himself.

You have two tasks. The first is to survive. The second is to prevent the Vietnamese from understanding that there is no one in the car but you. And for this it is necessary, firstly, not to let motorcyclists close to the car, and secondly, not to let them break the window.

There are two options for behavior. The first is to simply drive through the countryside, trying to get ahead of Da Nang. The second is to stop quickly, let the motorcyclists go ahead and shoot them out of the window.

Amphibious Assault

Can CJ swim? Depends on whether you have developed his skill or not. If he has not touched the water with his foot since the beginning of the game, you simply cannot take this task. But you only have to dive a little and raise the skill twice, so that Wuzi entrusts you with a dangerous task - to swim up to the Vietnamese ship and leave a listening device there.

The most annoying part of the mission is its beginning. It is completely incomprehensible why you need to dive into grottoes filled with water. If Karl catches on a stone wall (and he will definitely catch on), he will get stuck in place, he will no longer be able to emerge and will die. Therefore, overcome two grottoes on dry land, climbing onto the rocks.

The developers suggest that you quietly make your way past two boats with guards, diving in a moment of danger. Naive! Take a machine gun, sit down on a rock, take aim and...

Steal one of the empty boats, bring it close to the side of the ship so as not to fall under the spotlight. Climb aboard, destroy all the guards with a pistol with a silencer and leave the bug in the agreed place. Come back. Still, it's good that the developers, although they offer covert options for passing, but do not insist on them.

The Da Nang Thang

A huge ship loaded with Vietnamese arrives on the shores of the United States. CJ is loaded onto a helicopter, which goes hunting. But do not think that you will be given plenty to shoot from a machine gun. The developers will deal with the rolled lips player with true black humor. The helicopter is shot down, CJ swims in the water, having lost all his weapons. That is, absolutely everything: say goodbye to all your machine guns, rifles, grenades and pistols. Knife in the teeth - and forward, on board. Well, or back to the shore, and there - to the nearest weapons shop. And what is also an option!

After that everything is very straight forward. Get trophy weapons in battle and move through the crates to the hold. Clear the hold and release the Vietnamese refugees from the cargo container. Get them on deck and then storm the bridge.

An elderly Vietnamese wanders along the bridge with a Japanese katana in his hands. He will throw you a second katana. You can arrange a showdown in the spirit of Kurosawa, or simply shoot a naive old man.

Ya Ka-Boom-Boom

All that stands in the way of freeing the city from drugs is a crack factory. Why not blow it up? CJ gets into a mined car.

Kill the guards at the gates of the factory, drive the car inside and shoot anyone who comes running at the noise. Now you need to act quickly: drive into the factory building, ignoring the workers, drive the car to the large cylinders against the wall and activate the bomb. You have exactly forty seconds to leave the building. Decide for yourself whether to meet the bandits who have come running with fire or rush to the exit.

When the factory explodes, deal with the surviving bandits. Come out to the gate - a car will drive into the territory of the factory. Do not damage it in any way! You will need it to evacuate. The gates are closed and you cannot open them. You will have to use the inclined ramp and “throw” the car over the wall. The main thing is not to crash into containers on the right and left. If you crashed your car, no problem. There is another one in the back of the factory.

Answer two phone calls. Congratulations, you have discovered Las Venturas and the surrounding deserts. But first, let's finish the tasks of San Fierro.

Zeroing In

Our technical genius Zero came up with a device for remote detection of cars. CJ's task is to follow the signals of the device to detect and steal a moving car. No hassle: follow from signal to signal, keeping up with the car.

test drive

What could be more fun than racing around town in two freshly stolen fancy cars? Instead of leading them to the garage, CJ and Caesar have fun slicing through the streets. Do not lag behind Caesar in any case. First, he will start teasing the funicular driver. Be very careful not to crash into it. Then you have to run away from police cars. Once Caesar turns on the nitro, do the same. And always keep a Latin American on the tail.

Custom Fast Track

The client placed an order for a rare car. Quite by chance, just such a one is being prepared for shipment on a ship and has already been loaded into a container. What, you ask, is San Andreas worse than Half-Life 2? And the crane is exactly the same!

Carefully operating the electromagnet, lower three containers from the ship to the pier. In the third, the desired car will be found. It remains only to protect Caesar from the guards who came running to the noise of a working crane.

On the way back, try not to scratch the car: the more scratches, the less money you get for the mission. However, who cares about these pennies!

After completing the mission, you will be able to sell stolen cars for import. The list of required cars hangs there on the board.

Puncture Wounds

The woman will run away, and you will return the car to the garage as soon as CJ repairs the tires. This is the last task, after it your garage will start to make a profit. And now to the desert!

Las Venturas


A mysterious voice in the handset told CJ that he should come to the agreed place if he wants to know more about the fate of his unlucky brother. Of course, Carl is not indifferent to Sweet in prison. A series of very difficult but interesting tasks begins.

At the specified ranch, a voice from the microphone will prompt Carl to show what kind of dough he is made of. “What am I, pudding?” - “Anger and hatred - that's what makes you stand out from the rest!” Racing again - this time we'll get on the "Monster", an SUV with huge wheels. It is necessary to drive off-road through all the checkpoints and keep within six and a half minutes. On these wheels, it makes absolutely no difference whether you are driving on the road or over the hills. But stones must be avoided - they can easily overturn the car. Get comfortable with the controls: instead of a handbrake, the “Monster” has a turn with all four wheels.


This time, Carl is met at the ranch by an old acquaintance - mafia Mike Toreno, whom we rescued from the van, and then “killed” by shooting down the helicopter. It turns out that Toreno is not a bandit at all, but a secret government agent. And he does not hold evil against Karl at all. Government agents also sometimes need the help of ordinary black guys like CJ. For example, in cases like stealing a huge truck.

You will perform the task together with Caesar. The matter is complicated: just like that, the truck cannot be stopped. It is necessary to ride a motorcycle in front of the driver's door for a few seconds so that Caesar can jump onto the truck. Fortunately, there will be no problems bringing it to the garage.


As long as Karl works for an agent, Sweet is safe, even though he is in neighboring cells with a white racist and serial killer. No, the guards are responsible for him with their heads. And Carl's task is to take this buggy and go to a secret place to meet a helicopter there and ensure the safe delivery of the contraband cargo.

If you do not want to complete the task several times in a row, go to the San Fierro airport and replenish the supply of homing missiles.

At the appointed place, transfer to the Sanchez and climb to the top of the mountain El Castillo Del Diablo. Alas, a rival agency attacked the helicopter with smuggling. Protect him from five black helicopters. With thermal rocket heads, this will be very simple. Of course, if you don't drop the helicopter on CJ's head.

The contraband will be dropped at the aircraft graveyard near the town of Verdant Meadows. Pick it up and return.

Verdant Meadows

After a hilarious dialogue about Gorbachev and Russian interrogation techniques, head back to Meadows and buy an abandoned aircraft graveyard with your hard earned money.

Learning To Fly

The really difficult tasks begin, because now you have to fly a little. Namely, to pass a series of tests to obtain a pilot's certificate. Along the way, you'll discover all the airports if you haven't already.

Take off, landing - easy tasks. Much worse is the circular flight of the airfield. Getting to these control points is very difficult when the plane reacts to the slightest movement of the joystick and to the buttons, like... like I don’t know. Choose a counter-clockwise flyby, it's a little easier. The next task is the same circle and landing.

With a helicopter, an avid GTA fan should have fewer problems. Takeoff, landing, firing at stationary and moving targets (use first-person view).

The dead loop and the barrel are completely childish tasks.

Finally, you will have to make a protracted parachute jump. Absolutely wonderful thing, despite the ugly clouds. It is not even clear why parachuting is already modeled in action games, but not in flight simulators. Press the "forward" key to speed up the fall. When the airfield appears, wait a few seconds, open the parachute and carefully direct CJ to the center of the target. The back button slows down the fall and speeds up the forward movement. Adjust the direction with the left and right buttons.

Save and answer Woozy's call. If you want, take part in the next street races.


"Are they flying?" - "That's right, Mr. Baron!"

Mike Toreno loves to surprise. And now he waylaid CJ. The task is to drop the load at the specified point. The problem is that you need to fly in low-level mode so that you are not spotted by the radar. Fighting the Harriers in an unarmed plane is not the best way to successfully complete a mission.

If you are familiar with the controls, there should be no big problems with movement. What matters is not the absolute height, but the height above the ground. That is, you can take it up over the hill, and go down over the lowland. Beware of tall pine trees, they can suddenly pop up right in front of the plane.

You have exactly ten minutes to drop the cargo by flying over the checkpoint and return. Time is more than enough.


A simple and very spectacular mission. Agents of a rival organization have landed at an abandoned airfield and are loading crates of mines onto a huge plane. If the cargo reaches its destination, war in the Middle East cannot be avoided.

The plane picks up speed. Get on a motorcycle and catch up with him - you need to climb onto the ramp. Pay no attention to the agents. Watch out, barrels are flying out of the plane; if the motorcycle touches at least one, the mission will be overwhelmed, you will not catch up with the plane taking off.

Once you're inside, relax. Nothing complicated. Just move forward in the fuselage, killing agents along the way. Try not to get in the way of the rolling barrels, but even if you get knocked down, there's nothing wrong with that. Do not use firearms - the mines are guaranteed to explode after the nth shot. The last agent has a parachute. There is nothing more for you to do on this plane.

And don't forget to open your parachute near the ground.


Black Project

And here is our old friend Pravda - with a full set of his habits. He suspects that at Military Base 69 in an unnamed location, the government is hiding secret experiments from the public. And CJ is just the person who can lift the veil of secrecy.

We must infiltrate the base, find out everything about the Black Project and leave before half past five in the morning. There is no time for hide and seek - simply storm the base. Shoot all the searchlights, put on a thermal imager and destroy all the soldiers around the perimeter. You will get into the underground bunker through the ventilation system - just break a couple of bars.

Clear out the base with all the heavy weapons you have. Automatics are a good option. Soldiers will share (very reluctantly) M4 assault rifles with you. You can also use a multi-barreled machine gun. In the room with the relief map of San Andreas, turn off the rocket launchers and move into the laboratory. Time is precious!

The killed scientist will drop the access card to the doors to the laboratory. Go down the long narrow shaft, shooting soldiers along the way. At the very bottom, your goal is the “Black Project” - this is secret work on the creation of a personal aircraft, a rocket pack.

Free as a bird, CJ flies out of the missile silo towards the dawn. The crowds of soldiers at the base won't do anything to him. Deliver the satchel to the airfield. Truth was right.

green goo

From Las Venturas, a mysterious military train set off to the west by rail. Not otherwise, the government is transporting something extraordinarily secret. The truth is right here. He himself cannot master the knapsack, so the task - to break the veil of secrecy and drag away the mysterious cargo - is again given to Carl Johnson.

Game physics has taken a huge step forward compared to Vice City. But landing on a moving train, taking off from it and conducting aimed fire is still inconvenient. You can try to ambush and shoot a few soldiers from the ground, but then you still have to use the satchel.

Break the boxes on the platforms - in the third one you will find the secret cargo. It's a jar of mysterious green slime. The truth will be absolutely delighted, he will drag the jar away and will not even tell CJ what it was. But he will leave you a jetpack, and you can always find him at the airfield.

And the airfield from now on will become your property, bringing a small but stable profit.

Fender Ketchup

Woozy runs a small business in Las Venturas. He owns the Chinese casino "Four Dragons". Unfortunately, the Italian mafia that holds the city is not particularly pleased with the new competitors. The acts of sabotage began. Which of the three Italian families is engaged in wrecking?

One of the saboteurs was caught, and now CJ must extract a confession from him. The guy was tied to the hood of the car. To scare him, you have to drive very fast in the oncoming lane of the main street of the city. Don't remember the hood: the "client" will die and the mission will be overwhelmed.

As soon as the “fear meter” goes off scale, the guy confesses everything. The Sindacco family opposed the Triads.

Explosive Situation

The Sindaccos own the grandiose casino "Palace of Caligula". The best way to annoy them - to rob him. But before you seriously plan something, you need to get explosives. Fortunately, there is a quarry near the city where ore is mined in an open way. It's very easy to get there, and if you're flying in a jetpack, it's even easier.

Belazobrazny dump truck will help to roll boxes with explosives on planks. Pick up all four sets of explosives while the evil workers run towards you with shovels. Get rid of the workers, get on the Sanchez and start climbing out of the quarry along the inclined chutes. You can't just jump out or fly out. Like it or not, you have to go through all the checkpoints. It is possible that you will have to try several times. But no one limits you in time. Give the explosives to the Woozy man.

After completing the mission, a series of side quests in the career will open. If you complete all seven tasks, the quarry will begin to bring a small profit.

You've Had Your Chips

Counterfeit chips appeared in the casino, threatening to ruin the institution. Surely this is the business of the Sindacco family. Time to visit their underground factory.

A task of medium difficulty. The problem is that in the scene the hero himself, without your participation, will go to the factory and find himself under gunpoint from several sides. If you immediately jump out into the light of day, eliminate the two bandits at the car and hide around the corner, it will be much more convenient to clear the room.

True, some argue that if you very carefully go around the courtyard along the wall and sneak up to the entrance on the right, the scene will not work and you can shoot all the guards with a pistol with a silencer with complete impunity.

A rocket launcher will help to destroy the units for the production of fake chips. A car with a new batch of bandits will drive up to the entrance to the room. An evil camper with a shotgun is sitting on the containers near the exit - be careful.

Return to the casino.

Don Peyote

And again the Truth taught. He went with his friends to the desert in search of tonals and naguals. To be more precise - for a session of eating cacti. Everything went well: they met with the inner light and talked with the lizard king. But Pravda himself woke up an hour ago in a Japanese bath, and all his acquaintances were gone, and who would go looking for them now? Of course, CJ.

Get into a four-seat car. You will find both warriors in the desert, moreover, the assemblage point of both has fundamentally shifted. They will ask you to take them to a friend named Rosie at the casino. But first you need to visit the snake farm and talk with the villagers about the fate of the rest of the group. The conversation will be short, but very informative.

Return to Las Venturas. Rosie is Ken Rosenberg, an old friend of ours. He is the casino manager. Ken is still the same fearful Jew and constantly complains about his unlucky life. And he is also your chance to ingratiate himself with the mafia.

Unfortunately, he will never tell us under what circumstances he broke up with Tommy Vercetti and left Vice City. It's a pity.

Architectural Espionage

Robbery of the casino "Palace of Caligula" - a side task. You can choose not to do it at all or leave it for later. But if you still decide to repeat the glorious feat of Ocean and his eleven friends - act!

To take the first task from Woozy, go to the Four Dragons and turn right. Our Chinese hid in some kind of closet ... in principle, not such a bad place for conspirators.

CJ needs to get a camera (Las Venturas is full of tourists, so this is not a problem), get into the City Planning building, take a close-up picture of the casino scheme and get out alive.

In some ways, this task resembles a series of games about a bald clone at number 47, Hitman. With a camera in your hands, impudently go into the building, answer the girl at the counter in the affirmative and go up to the top floor. To distract the guard from the schemes hanging on the wall, you will have to break the ventilation device. The rooms filled with smoke, a general evacuation was announced. Calmly take a picture of the scheme (necessarily close-up!) And get your biggest guns - you have to get out through the corpses of policemen.

Hurry to Four Dragons, four stars are no joke.

Key To Her Heart

The second step is to get a casino access card. Follow the croupier very carefully so that she does not notice the danger. It will take you to a specific store. You'll find her around the corner in the fitting room.

Buy a latex suit and take the croupier home. Stop the car here and watch her house. To the right, a very characteristic bald man is walking down the street with a huge pink dildo. He must die. Enter the house; from now on, the croupier is your new girlfriend.

But you don't have the casino access card yet. There are two ways to get it. The first is to get an invitation for a “cup of coffee”. This means that you have to look after the girl for many days, take her to different places, give flowers and all kinds of devices. It's a long and difficult road. There is an easier way - to shoot the scoundrel and pick up a card in her house.

Dam And Blast

Darkness is a friend of robbers. That is why CJ was sent to mine the dam. Board the Douglas and fly to the drop point. There, jump with a parachute to land at a given point.

Take a knife, carefully kill two guards - there will be no difficulties with this, especially if you have a pistol with a silencer. Inside, stealthily "take off" two more on the lower level and two more on the upper one. Noise can not be raised, although no one bothers you to try to use a sniper rifle. In theory.

Place bombs under all generators. The police drove up and cut off all the ways for Karl to retreat. Except one. With a cry of "Ma-a-at!" CJ jumps from the dam into the water. Mission completed. You have one police star hanging on you. How exactly to get to the casino - by helicopter or plane - decide for yourself.

Cop Wheels

A task of medium difficulty. We need to get four police motorcycles in twelve minutes and load them onto a carrier circling along the highway. Of course, the police will not like this turn of events, and they will actively protest.

It will be easy to steal the first motorcycle: the cop stares at the drunken cowboy and only has time to be surprised at the agility of the hijacker. We immediately remove the star with a bribe under the bridge. The loader just needs to pass by.

The second motorcycle must be quickly hit by a car so that the cop does not sit on it and rush in pursuit of the bikers. Around the corner are sloping boards, they will help you jump over the fence and go out onto the highway. Where is our loader?

The third will be easy to steal: the two policemen are too engrossed in the conversation to react in time.

The latter will have to be hit by a car, and you will get two stars for it at once. Load motorcycles with barrels. Mission completed.

Up, Up And Away

"Local people, we ourselves are not kind..."

Difficult task: you have to steal a cargo helicopter from a military base, then use it to steal an armored truck and unload it at a given point in your airport.

It is assumed that you will penetrate the territory of the base, using the gates that have opened, and take the base by storm. But you can do it easier.

Grab your jetpack, jump down to the airstrip right next to the helicopter and take out two soldiers quickly. You can do this from a nearby rooftop, so you can fully use the potential of a sniper rifle. Another soldier is on duty on the roof below, by the machine gun. Try to steal a helicopter - nothing works. First you need to go down from the landing site to the roof and use a machine gun to repel the attack of two Hunter helicopters.

After that, calmly grab the helicopter and fly to a given point. It is easy to pick up an armored car with a magnet, it is more difficult to drag it to the airfield. He swings and swings the helicopter, sometimes to the point of complete uncontrollability.

To carefully unload the armored van to the desired point, put it on the ground and drag it by helicopter to the place. Carefully land the helicopter near the hangar. It seems they did it.

We have a casino map, a repainted van, four motorcycles, an access card, and a booby dam. Forward, for the money? Yes, but first let's finish the casino-related story missions.

Intensive Care

Johnny Sindacco, that guy that CJ scared half to death, still does not come out of a coma. But it so happens that CJ and Ken Rosenberg have to pick him up from the hospital before the guys from the Forelli family get to him.

Johnny is not in the hospital - the Forellis have already taken him away. Get into the Patriot or any heavy vehicle and start tracking down the three ambulances. You can check which one Johnny is in by hitting the bumper with a good punch.

After finding the car with Johnny, kill the mafioso pseudo-doctors and deliver the unfortunate man to the slaughterhouse. The mafia will try to lead you astray, but for the "Patriot" car strikes are like mosquito bites.

The Meat Business

CJ offers Ken to show everyone who is the boss here. Cheered Rosenberg agrees, and together they go to the slaughterhouse.

Who would have thought that just at that moment Johnny would wake up, recognize Carl and betray both before a heart attack. There is nothing to do, take out the machine. Witnesses are not allowed. Ken must stay alive.

Theoretically, there is nothing difficult in the task. Shoot the first wave of attackers. Let Ken put out the fire, sit in the doorway and aim for the heads. Ken can be put in a freezer, where he will be safe, but for obvious reasons he will not be able to sit for a long time.

Clean up all the carnage, get into the car and calmly drive to the casino.

Fish In A Barrel

Congratulations, you are now co-owner of the Four Dragons Casino along with Ran Fa Li and Wuzi.

Ken calls, he's in a panic. An angry Salvatore Leone came, seized the casino and threatened to kill him. We need a peacemaker. It is desirable that it be a Negro in green clothes.

free fall

After a short skit with Maria, CJ enters. He reminds Salvatore Leone that he worked in Liberty City with his son. And now he, too, is not averse to providing a couple of services to the Salvatore family. A lucky coincidence - several assassins from the Forelli family fly to Las Venturas by plane. They must not land alive.

The task is quite difficult. It is necessary to sit on the "Dodo" at the airport and fly towards the jet "Shamal" with the mafia.

Karl needs to transfer from the Dodo to the Shamal, and for this it is necessary to bring the planes very carefully to each other so that one plane is over the tail of the other. Given the handling issues and the fact that the Shamal flies much faster than the Dodo, chances are you will try several times.

This option worked for me: climb until the Shamal is far below. Then take advantage of the height and trade it for speed. When the mafia plane flies under you, turn around and start descending. Gently move the aircraft towards the tail of the Shamal. You have very little time: if the mafia plane is over the city, the mission will fail.

But if you do everything right, CJ will jump from one plane to another. The jump is so unrealistic and “cranberry” that it hurts your teeth. It feels like CJ has a propeller hidden somewhere, like Carlson, and that's why he keeps up with the jetliner.

The rest is a matter of technique. With aimed fire from a pistol, kill all four mafiosi with armored foreheads and the pilot. Land the plane at the airport.


Those annoying cops again. Government agencies have collected a dossier on them, which must be obtained by all means. Fools, as if something prevented the FBI from making a copy.

There are many different ways to complete this quest. I use one of the simplest. Sneak up on the helicopters and scare off the agent. When he runs towards the helicopter and takes off, shoot down the helicopter. Or you can take the second one, find a multi-storey parking building in Las Venturas and lie in wait for the helicopter there.

You can sneak up on the agent from the side of the rock and kill him on the way to the helicopter. There are many options.

High Noon

Personally, policeman Pulaski is very unsympathetic to me. And you? In any case, you have the opportunity to deal with him. On a hot afternoon.

Tenpenny invites CJ to meet in the abandoned town of Las Brujas and hand over the dossier there. Very soon it turns out that it was Officer Hernandez (hit on the head with a shovel) who worked against Tenpenny. He leaves with a folder, and Pulaski remains to guard CJ, who is digging a grave. For two.

But it turns out that Hernandez is not killed, but only stunned. At the cost of his life, he gives CJ the opportunity to escape. Frightened, Pulaski rushes to his car. Get in the Bandito and don't let him get away. Shoot from the window, try to overturn the car.

Sooner or later, Pulaski will jump out and open fire with a pistol. Don't waste your time here: M4 or a sniper rifle will calm the harmful cop forever.

Madd Dogg

Former rapper turned psychopath and alcoholic Madd Dogg is threatening to commit suicide. Carl Johnson has something to do with his downfall, so it's his sacred duty to save the drunkard.

Grab a truck with cardboard boxes and put it on the sidewalk under the windows of the casino. Dogg roams back and forth on the roof while you carefully move the truck. Without removing the bruised rapper from the truck, take him to a roadside mental hospital. Don't hit the truck - Dogg could die.

Saint Mark's Bistro

Delighted by the success of CJ, Salvatore gives him a more responsible task - to personally go to Liberty City and storm the bistro of Forelli himself. Carl agrees, but on the condition that he will take a group of professionals with him. Cold-blooded Ken Rosenberg, stern musician Messer and accurate producer Paul. On the street, he lets all three go home and goes to work alone.

Everything is quite simple. Board the Shamal and fly to Liberty City. You will not be allowed to walk around the city, you will immediately find yourself in a bistro at gunpoint. Hide behind the tub, destroy everything alive and throw grenades at the area under the stairs. Forelli is waiting for you below, a very durable comrade who will take several horns to kill. Take a goodbye view of the snow-covered Liberty City and return home.

Answer calls.

Breaking The Bank At Caligula's

Well, it's time to get to work. Enter the casino, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. You have exactly four minutes to let the others inside. Use the access card on the personnel door, go down to the room with backup generators and throw a grenade with deadly tear gas into the ventilation shaft. The star of the police will blink and immediately disappear. Use the card on the door on the floor below. When Zero knocks out the dam generators and all of Las Venturas is plunged into darkness, put on a night vision device. Use the autocar to lift the garage door.

Everything is inside. Now you have exactly seven minutes to get to the money and run away.

Protect the group on the way to the money vault - a lot of guards with submachine guns will meet you in the hallway. Zero is alarmed: someone is trying to turn on the backup generators. Blow them up with the help of remote charges that lie near the door.

Return to the team and enter the vault. Another batch of mafia guards arrived; protect your people and exit through the service exit. When everyone successfully gets into the truck with the money, get into the service elevator. Suddenly, the light will turn on again and you will have to fight the mafia. Jump out on the roof, grab a parachute and jump into the street. It remains only to steal a car and return to your airfield. One hundred thousand - frankly sparsely. But who knew that the mafia was doing so badly in the city?

After the Zero who framed the whole group gets what he deserves, answer the phone. On the line - Salvatore Leone.

A Home In The Hills

Madd Dogg has recovered, got a new manager and is not averse to returning to Los Santos. But he sold his luxurious mansion to a drug lord named Big Poppa. Drunk was. Well, what to do, help the rapper.

After jumping from the plane, go down with a group of Chinese special forces to the roof of the mansion. Take a good position and shoot the bandits climbing the wall. As soon as you find yourself inside, immediately pour decorative bushes with lead - bandits are hiding behind them. Throw grenades at the rooms on the sides of the corridor. Don't forget to pick up armor.

The Chinese will remain guarding the entrance (and thank God), and you will go through the mansion for the second time, destroying everything unfriendly. Big Poppa, at the sight of the formidable CJ, rushes to run. Catch up with him and kill him by throwing the car off a cliff or shooting it out of the window.

Dogg's captured mansion is now one of your save points. As an application - a gym, armor and several slot machines.

vertical bird

Hello again, Secret Agent Mike Toreno! His next mission is very difficult, especially if you do not immediately figure out what's what. I will try to describe its passage in a simpler way.

There are four spy ships to destroy. To do this, you need to steal the "Hydra" ("Harrier") from an aircraft carrier.

On the boat, swim up to the edge of the side, jump into the water and slowly, slowly climb on board along the inclined ramp. After that, quietly and imperceptibly... take out a machine gun and capture an aircraft carrier with a dashing Schwarzenegger. It is guarded by five soldiers.

The second stage - get on the Hydra, but not the one on the edge of the deck (it can spontaneously fall overboard), but the one in the middle. Yes, this plane can take off vertically. But there is bad news: you can understand exactly how the gas jet is directed - backward or downward - only by the appearance of the aircraft. No indicator on the screen. Take a close look at these four nozzles. Adjust them so that they look straight down and take off. After gaining altitude, transfer the aircraft to normal flight mode.

It is very easy to deal with several Hydras that have flown in to punish the hijacker. Switch to the “first person” mode, catch planes in the scope, aim and fire dozens of rockets. If they fire a lone missile at you, drop dozens of traps.

The next stage is the destruction of ships. Everything is exactly the same: they took aim, waited until the sight turned red, launched a dozen missiles. I did not dare to transfer the plane back to vertical flight mode and destroyed ships with combat turns and exits to the target. Let it be long and tedious, but safe.

The last stage of the mission is the return, but, of course, not to the aircraft carrier, but to the airfield. If you managed to drive the recalcitrant Hydra into the hangar on the tenth attempt, you can safely congratulate yourself.

Yes, the mission was difficult, but now you will always find the Hydra at the airfield, and some excellent heavy guns at Mike Toreno's ranch.

home coming

And again Mike. He came to the studio of the mansion, affectionately took the phone away from Carl and said:

CJ, do one more little task for me. And I will disappear from your life forever.

I don’t want something, - the gun aimed at Mike’s forehead expresses the entire degree of CJ’s indignation.

Calm down, stop acting like a fool. It's a surprise. Answer the call.

CJ's phone rings. On line - Suite:

I don't understand anything. They just let me out and didn't even say anything.

Embarrassed, CJ turns to Mike:

And what is that little errand you were talking about?

I just wanted you to get your brother out of jail. Get out.

It's time to return Suite and CJ home. Karl is trying to tell his brother what he did, what heights he reached, what things he did and what mansions he acquired ... But Sweet quickly lowers him from heaven to earth. The main thing is the native quarter. And it's not all thank God. We go back to Grove Street.

During the absence of our heroes, everything has changed a lot. Drug addicts plunder CJ's house, and Ballaz bandits roam everywhere.

Well, gangster wars again. Kill three Ballas, start a war and retake the quarter.

Cut Throat Business

Oji Locke has risen a lot, and now he is already being shown on TV. But Madd Dogg suddenly recognizes his rhymes. It's not hard to guess what he's going to do with Lok after this discovery. What about CJ? But nothing ... He will help. Why not help a good rapper?

Get in the car and move to the appointed place. And again the chase - this time the original hovercraft went into action. It is physically impossible to catch up with Lok, so the main thing is not to fall behind.

At the final point, Lok will transfer to a miniature kart. Well, what to do ... and CJ with a grunt gets into the same one. And again, the main thing is not to lag behind.

Surprisingly, after all, Oji Locke will survive. Madd Dogg will take the rhyme book from him and let him go.

Beat Down On B Dup

"Who's there?"

Bee Dap is the main drug dealer in this part of town. He must die. After a funny dialogue with a hallucinating drug addict, CJ will find out where Dap moved from his old apartment.

To get to it, you need to endure the classic battle for the quarter and eliminate the guards at the house. Unprotected, Bee Dap surrenders.

Grove 4 Life

Sweet has taken seriously the return of the Grove Street gang and personally sets the brains of a slightly arrogant CJ. To strengthen the position of the gang and bring back the good old days, Sweet, along with Carl, go to capture two territories.

Actually, that's all.

Remember, I said above that you should not try to win back territories ahead of time? The time has come. You won't be able to finish storyline before you capture thirty-five percent of the entire city. I strongly advise doing this before taking on the next mission. It is important. If you do not, then complicate the passage of the rest of the game at times.


Officer Tenpenny was acquitted at trial for lack of direct evidence. But Tenpenny annoyed so many residents of the city that the entire Los Santos rebelled in a single outburst of indignation.

The streets were in chaos. Passers-by blow up cars, fight with the police and each other, loot. Fire smoke everywhere. Even the old women are dragging televisions stolen from shops along the street. The streets are swarming with police, but that doesn't help much.

Now you understand why I advised you to go to the capture of the city before the uprising? It's not so convenient to start gang wars when any girl in a miniskirt can get a gun from somewhere and fire at CJ. There are few cars, and the ones that do threaten to explode and kill Carl if he doesn't make a move in time. The police are on the streets all the time. Taking a quarter is doubly hard if you have two police stars hanging on you.

Los Desperados

While Sweet is building barricades and creating self-defense units, Caesar rushes in. He is in a panic: his quarters are on fire, and Vagos are in charge there. CJ, at the suggestion of Sweet, goes to the aid of his Latin American friend.

Find any four-seater car (this is not so easy to do on the streets of a rebellious city), put Caesar and two of your bandits in it. You will be met by people from Los Aztecas. Together you are strength.

The first stage of the operation is the assault on a residential area. Vagos jump out of the houses in batches.

The second stage is a fight in a narrow alley. Vagos climb over the fence, press from the front and rear. There is no way you can save your own from an ambush in the garage.

The third and final stage is the fight on the open street. First of all, remove the guy with the rocket launcher from the roof. Then deal with the flamethrower, and then - as you have to.

Answer the phone (assuming you've captured a third of the city). Sweet found out where Big Smoke lives. Why don't two noble dons visit a third?

I strongly advise you to go through all the tasks of the firefighter before proceeding to the final battle. Karl's fire resistance will make it easier to complete the mission by an order of magnitude.

End Of The Line

We storm Big Smoke's house. We will organize a breach in the wall with the help of a blue SWAT armored car. We crush the defenders in the corridor. We go in the door to the first floor... and away we go!

The house has three floors, and they all need to be cleared to get to Smoke. Double doors can be opened with shots. Don't forget to pick up armor on each floor. Remember that in large halls you can work real miracles with a sniper rifle, and in narrow corridors - with a machine gun. You will see a red barrel, and a bandit is nearby - feel free to shoot at it.

On the third floor, you will be met by guys with shotguns and two strippers guarding the armor. Admire the monument to Big Smoke and move further along the corridors.

And here is the boss himself. He looked up from the video game with difficulty. The time has come to avenge the betrayal. Insert one horn after another into it. Aim for the head - body armor on Smoke is visible to the naked eye. Quickly exterminate the bandits who came running to the aid and open fire on the fat man again. As soon as the light goes out, jump under the stairs - there is a thermal imager.

Before his death, Big Smoke will kindly inform CJ why he has become so bad. ambition. It was they who brought him to the dark side of the Force.

Officer Tenpenny, the second bad guy, enters the scene with a shotgun, collects the deceased's money, and attempts to shoot CJ. But nothing works out for him, and Tenpenny escapes, setting fire to the building.

Why did I advise Karl to get fire resistance? Because extinguishing a fire on three floors, shooting back and all this in seven minutes is incredibly difficult. In a night vision device it is very difficult to understand whether the fire is extinguished or not yet, and without it nothing can be disassembled at all. If CJ lights up, then write wasted. No, trying to complete the task without completed firefighter missions is pure suicide.

Tenpenny and several police trainees have taken over a firetruck and are trying to escape. But Sweet managed to catch a sliding ladder in a jump and now swings his legs in the air.

Get in the car and keep up. Do not be afraid of Molotov cocktails that are thrown in your direction - they are here only for beauty and will not cause harm to the car.

When one of the police trainees gets out on the stairs and starts stomping on Sweet's fingers, focus: you need to catch up with the fire truck very quickly and catch your brother. Sweet gets behind the wheel, and your task is to shoot at all cars and motorcycles chasing you. Don't let the Tenpenny cops shoot back. Be patient and persistent. The fire truck will lose control and fall off the bridge. The dying Tenpenny is surprised: how is it, because he wanted good for this city! The uprising stopped, because the hero of the occasion died quite by accident in a car accident.

CJ, Sweet, Kendl and Caesar go into the sunset. And that means you've completed the game. Congratulations. The article is over. But the adventures in the land of the state of San Andreas are just beginning.

1 2 3 4 5 All

1. "Death Row" ($0).
We need to get Lance out of trouble - he is kept by Diaz in one of the barracks in the landfill. Before the mission, you need to stock up on weapons (preferably one that you can run with). You also need to get a fast enough car, but not very gentle (for example, Cuban Hermes or Sentinel XS). After the start of the mission, we rush at full speed to the dump (it is necessary at the same time not to let the Lance health indicator fall), trying not to hit the car on the road. The entrance to the dump is blocked by a wheelbarrow, because of which they shoot at you. At speed, we crash into it, and we go straight to Lance. Together with him on foot, we carefully move towards the exit, shooting everyone in our path. At the exit, we sit down together in a wheelbarrow, which we rammed, and go to the hospital. At the same time, Diaz's people on Porsches will hang over you (and not childishly). To get rid of the pursuit, the easiest way is to go to the west coast, and drive along it north to the marker on the map.

After completing Colonel Cortez (“C” on the map), our help will again be needed. Also, Lance will be waiting for you to take revenge on Diaz (“D” on the map).

Option for the passage of the mission from Alexander:
For this mission, I bought a high-rise building in the left northern part, almost at the very top, if on the map (I apologize for the lack of knowledge in terms of names), climbing onto it, we take a helicopter (but we don’t need it) turn around 130 degrees to the right, fly, but not high, at the rate there will be a building of something like a television center, there is a smaller helicopter on it (very good maneuverability) we take it and fly to Malibu for a mission, after leaving the club we calmly sit in a turntable and fly directly to the target, having flown over the "ocean" we take 10 degrees to the left, we fly ... we fly up to the outskirts and look down to the right among a pile of cars and wheels, the place is just right, we sit down, get out, run to the west, when there is nowhere to run, i.e. in front of the sea we turn to the right and there is a passage between the junkyard of wheels and cars, then I think it’s clear: we run to Lance, then it’s a matter of technology, we pick it up slowly, we return to the turntable (we’ll have to spend a little ammo) we take off and go straight to the hospital !!! We sit down directly at the indicated place, while the "bandits" are still on the way, where can they compete with a helicopter ... ;-)

Mission option from NEED:
Before arriving in Malibu, you need to take transport quickly. For me the best choice the PCJ 600 motorcycle became. We drive up to Malibu on it, it’s better to park near the steps of the club with the direction to the bridge and immediately take a sniper rifle in our hands, it will be useful to us in the future. After talking with Paul, we jump on the motorcycle and go to the landfill. And when we drive, we skip the first bridge and turn right past the police station to the second bridge, so we get a direct road to Little Havana. After the last turn, we stop and remove the three bandits guarding the entrance from the sniper rifle, switch to Ingram or Uzi, get on the motorcycle and drive to the dump. We jump off the motorcycle, kill the bandits, breaking through to Lens (if there is time, we collect money. I had enough time for money and weapons). We shoot the one on the excavator with a sniper and run further with a machine gun. As soon as you have reached Lens, you can take a break and shoot the unfinished bandits. We put Lens in the car and drive, but not to the exit from the landfill, but, if you look at the map, then to the lower left corner of the landfill, where there is an exit to the pier. We escort Lance along the pier and further along the coast to the stadium (up the map), but we don’t go out onto the road, but wait behind the pool. When the last pursuit car explodes (only one pursuit car reached the stadium), you can take Lens to the hospital by car or walk, fortunately not far.

Yuriy's option for completing the mission:
From Malibu we get to the place where Lance is being held (at the same time, if we stop the chatter, Lance will have more health when leaving Malibu), we kill everyone (sniper, M4). Then we break away from Lance with a quick run (we run in circles around the dump). When Lance comes off (and is marked on the map with a yellow spot), we calmly leave the landfill, "catch" a wheelbarrow - the evil uncles do not appear and calmly follow the helicopter (you can take it from your building in the far north if you haven't bought it yet - it's time to think about this before the mission). We arrive by helicopter, pick up Lance - and go to the hospital. You can still mock the bandits - land on the building next to the hospital, and when they drive up - shoot them with your favorite sniper or throw grenades.

Option for passing the mission from troeznic:
Even before the mission, we take a racing motorcycle, and when the time has passed, we reach the "destination", but not to the gate itself, but jump off the motorcycle right in front of them. The motorcycle goes further by inertia and, if the trajectory is calculated correctly, kills one bandit. Then we take the M4 and do not need any sniper) and, without hurrying, we bring down everyone else. Then we run with Lance to the exit, take a wheelbarrow, but we don’t go to the hospital, but to the peri-street, well, where else is this bridge, on the right. And there, by choice - you can fill them up from around the corner or from the roof. After a while the path becomes clear and we go to the hospital.

2. "Rub Out" ($50,000).
Together with Lance we go to Diaz's mansion to deal with the owner.

After completing the mission, this entire huge mansion becomes your property! Also, missions for yourself (“V” on the map) and for Love Fist (skull icon on the map) will become available.

3. Shakedown ($2,000)
It's time to show who's boss in the city. To begin with, let's look at the North Point Mall and break a couple of windows there. Hurry, you only have 5 minutes to do everything.

After completing this mission, all buildings that were previously unavailable for purchase will now be available for purchase.

4. Bar Brawl ($4,000)
One of the bars refuses to pay you, you need to go and find out what's wrong there. First you need to kill two guards. The easiest way is to just move them. After talking with the owner of the bar, the timer starts for 5 minutes and we need to kill the others. The easiest way to shoot them with a sniper rifle or throw grenades. After that, two thugs get on motorcycles and start to run away. We go after them and clean them up.

5. Copland ($10,000)
First, we go with Lance to the indicated place. Your task is to change into a police uniform. To do this, you need to lure two policemen to the indicated garage at the same time (while you and Lance must also be in the garage). The easiest way to do this is to score two police wanted stars and run close to the garage until two policemen run after you. After changing clothes, we take a police car parked right next to the same garage on the right behind the fence, and go to the North Point Mall to plant a bomb. After the explosion, you will immediately be given five stars wanted by the police and you will need to return to your mansion. To make our return incredibly easier, before changing clothes, we take a helicopter on the roof of our mansion and place it near the exit from the North Point Mall, while not forgetting to leave the helicopter doors open (so that it does not disappear). It is better to put the helicopter somewhere in a deserted place so that the police do not run up to you during takeoff.

After completing the mission, your mansion will begin to generate income of $5,000 daily. Cop clothing will also be available.

Fragman mission option:
I think that the helicopter takes a long time to take off, and with five stars it’s hard to find a deserted place. Yes, and in the air you can’t jump out of it if they knock it down. Therefore, after the explosion, I propose to take a star at the southern exit (this will get rid of the FBI) ​​and sit in a wheelbarrow standing next to it. It is better to run at the same time so that Lance does not have time for you. You can leave in the car. Nothing will happen to Lance without you, but it’s dangerous to drive with him (you may not have time to get out of the car if you get hit, and it’s easier to shoot him). We go to the nearest Pay "N Spray. Even if your car is destroyed, it's not very far to run there, everyone can handle it. There is a Faggio bike in the place near the garbage can. If you couldn't save the car, you can always sit on it and repaint. After of this, we calmly return for Lance and go home.

A frequent question about how to pass GTA San Andreas arises on various resources on the network. Developers in 2004 did not think about the possibilities of simplifying the gameplay. Projects of that time made me sweat over part of the missions for three hours or more. In the cult game from Rockstar Games, there will be a dozen such moments.

Broken keyboards, mice, mutilated fingers with monitors - such consequences were not uncommon after futile attempts to get through a difficult moment. You can read about them with all the tips in the article. The material is especially recommended for users who are going through the story for the first time.

car stunts

It is impossible to miss the missions of the main plot in GTA San Andreas, and therefore the player will have to go through them all. This will give you access to CJ's full history. On the way, one of the tasks will be to win an award with respect in a mission with lowriders. The player takes control of a provided car with a redesigned suspension.

Turns on the music and surrounded by the crowd main character must perform stunts in the form of rocking the car. Arrows will appear on the screen to press. Users are advised to turn up the volume to the full to get in time. You need to click on the arrows shown on the screen at the moment of their full entry into the circle. The number of plus points in the overall standings will be maximum with such a scheme.

You should first check the location of the keys. In many versions, this mission responds to the Num Lock (8,4,2,6) numeric keypad. For convenience, it is recommended to reassign the buttons if the check confirmed this fact.

Air development

Even in an experienced player, at the mention of passing a flight school in GTA San Andreas, a nervous tick begins. The main character must go through ten difficult tasks to be able to buy an airfield for 80 thousand dollars. It is being tested.

Passage levels vary from bronze to gold, this is noted when passing new missions. Depending on them, the best vehicle model will appear at the main character's airfield. Each mission out of ten is very difficult. According to user feedback, the real difficulties arise in the third and fourth stages. First, players will be asked to fly a circle in the air, the choice of direction is available clockwise or counterclockwise. The main advice here will be the constant descent of gas, the speed does not go into the overall standings. The main thing for the user is to fly through all the checkpoints.

Passing the flight school

The Q and E keys will help in places where you need to maneuver. The fourth trial is the reverse of the third. In the task described above, it was necessary to take off and fly a circle, then the main character appears in the air. After flying the entire distance, it is necessary to land the aircraft at the indicated point. The main thing is not to forget to release the landing gear when landing with the "+" key. The tasks are interesting, they do not have a separate guide, and success depends only on the player's personal skills.

Driving skills

It was possible to go through schools in GTA San Andreas for those players who spent a lot of time driving and driving vehicles. On a par with flight tests, users put a driving school in terms of complexity. To complete it, you have to complete 12 missions. The first tasks involve easy actions like creating a 360-degree circle with a machine on the spot.

To do this, just hold down the keys forward, backward and select the side of the turn. The next task is to turn 180 degrees without leaving the track. Properly enter the turn on the outskirts of the colored cones will help the handbrake (button "space"). The third mission involves driving a distance in a police car with a punctured right rear wheel. The player must not hook even one cone. Drivers will have to take into account in turns that the rear will drift further to the right. This is where the main danger lies.

In terms of difficulty, the fourth task should be noted. Players need to drive five small circles in 40 seconds. The main difficulty lies in entering turns without losing speed. To do this, you need to shift to the outer radius of the road, and when turning, align to the inner ring. In a standard situation, this means moving to the right, then moving to the left.

real war

Each task in GTA San Andreas involves getting a reputation with money. Zero's third mission is no exception. The guy is waging a personal fictional war against a certain Berkeley. He will set the task of getting into the enemy base, the player will become an assistant in this war. He is given toy helicopters "Goblins" under control. Zero will drive down a winding road in a radio-controlled car.

Carl's task is to create a safe path for his partner. On the road, the enemy scatters barrels, with the help of a magnet the helicopter removes them. You need to drop to the side, past the main path. The car Zero "Bandit" will not be able to independently resist the "Tigers" - miniature military equipment. The player must take bombs at the base and drop them to detonate them.

The beginning of the mission "Zero"

It is difficult to aim in the air, it is recommended to fly up to the closest distance to the target. The third task of the protagonist is to close the gaps with boards. Improvised bridges are created in a similar way. The user flies to the base, magnetizes the boards, and closes the gap for the "Bandit" with them. The main secret of the job is speed. Karl should not wait for a partner, he should fly forward, explore the area, eliminating threats.

Acrobatic stunts in the air

The "Free Fall" task can make you change your mind about downloading GTA San Andreas to any user on your PC. The mission is to perform an air maneuver. The player will have to take the old slow helicopter up at the indicated point, wait for the private plane flying below and jump right on it. In the task, the main role is played by calculation with the right actions.

First of all, the user must raise the helicopter at a distance when the mark near the minimap is in the middle of the scale. The turn of a personal flying vehicle should begin at the moment when the target in the form of a private flight appears on the horizon. If you try to make a maneuver after the notification, the mission is considered a failure. The player will not have time to do the necessary actions, the private plane is moving at great speed. When the target appears on the horizon, the player must turn towards the red marker.

Next, a screensaver will begin with penetration into the cabin of the aircraft. Inside, the player will have to deal with the guards, reaching the cabin. The pilots must be eliminated, Karl sits at the helm. The last test will be the landing of the aircraft at the specified airport. The task is carried out clearly according to the instructions, otherwise the user will fail.

Completion of the story

The above tasks can not be compared in complexity with the last story mission. After arriving at the point, the player steals an armored personnel carrier to continue moving. You will have to go through the walls of the building. The traitor Big Smoke disappeared on the fourth floor, it is necessary to get there with skirmishes, there are several dozen opponents. Climbing up the building, carefully watch the side rooms.

Enemies are hiding in each of them, reinforcements will arrive in time for the special forces. On the second floor in the laboratory, the owners of two pistols and the arrows on the upper platform will become dangerous opponents. Shooting at enemies is not always the right decision. Opponents are quickly removed by shooting at the fuel canister located near them. Small rooms on the third floor need to be explored for health replenishment. Above, a battle with a former comrade will follow.

You need to shoot at open parts of the body, not forgetting about the constantly arriving guards. The next screensaver will be with the participation of the cop Tenpenny. For the final completion, the player must catch up with the enemy, fighting off the pursuit. Attention deserves the moment with the fire truck. If you slow down to select a distance, the mission starts from the checkpoint.

In the previous parts of the game, there were additional missions that paid for. These were city services, such as police, ambulance, fire and taxis. Added pimp, robbery and train missions.

Mission for Ambulance

Necessary transport

This mission appeared in GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City. But it was very difficult to fulfill this mission, since the car was not stable, it always strove to roll over or crush the patient. The brakes were not the best. In this version, this mission has become much easier to complete, because the car now has acceptable characteristics. The ambulance is not easy to make now somersault, it can be damaged much longer than its predecessor.

The mission will fail if
- The ambulance will fall into the water.
- The ambulance will roll over onto the roof.
- You will kill the patient (or you will explode).
- You will be arrested.
- You will get out of the car.
- Your time is up.

Mission Accomplishment
Level 01: Save 1 Human
Level 02: Save 2 People
Level 03: Save 3 Humans
Level 04: Save 4 People
Level 05: Save 5 People
Level 06: Save 6 People
Level 07: Save 7 People
Level 08: Save 8 People
Level 09: Save 9 People
Level 10: Save 10 Humans
Level 11: Save 11 Humans
Level 12: Save 12 People

You must complete 12 Ambulance missions to complete this side mission. Upon completion, you will save 78 people, however, if you fail or cancel the mission, the number of rescued will increase. You will spend from 30 minutes to 1 hour of real time to complete the entire mission. I recommend that you play this mission in Angel Pine.

After completing level 12, your health indicator will increase by 2 times. This will be a very good help in the showdown between the gangs or the police.

firefighter mission

Necessary transport

Nothing has changed since the appearance of this mission in GTA: 3. The whole same task is to come to the place of the fire, direct the fire hose at the cars, extinguish them. Citizens jump out of them and start running around with a wild cry. But these "victims" of the fire can run into such a hole that you can't go there, but you can't get it with a jet either. Once in Vice City, my martyr ran onto the roof of the printing house, since the fire hose, you can barely lift it, extinguished it. By the way, now the cars do not move as in the previous parts, but stand peacefully and burn.

The mission will fail if
- The fire truck will sink in the water.
- The fire engine will roll over onto the roof.
- You will not put out the "victim" of the fire.
- You can't put out a burning car.
- You will be arrested
- You will leave the fire department.
- Your time is up.

Mission Accomplishment
Level 01: Extinguish 1 Car
Level 02: Extinguish 1 Car + 1 Human
Level 03: Extinguish 1 Car + 2 Humans
Level 04: Extinguish 1 Car + 3 Humans
Level 05: Extinguish 1 Car + 4 Humans
Level 06: Extinguish 2 Cars + 4 Humans
Level 07: Extinguish 2 Cars + 5 Humans
Level 08: Extinguish 2 Cars + 6 Humans
Level 09: Extinguish 2 Cars + 7 Humans
Level 10: Extinguish 2 Cars + 8 Humans
Level 11: Extinguish 3 Cars + 8 Humans
Level 12: Extinguish 3 Cars + 9 Humans

You must complete 12 Fireman missions to complete this side mission. Upon completion, you will put out 78 fires, however, if you fail or cancel the mission, the number of fires put out will increase. You will spend from 30 minutes to 1 hour of real time to complete the entire mission. I recommend that you play this mission in Angel Pine.

Once you complete 12 missions, you will become incombustible. Fire will become a friend for you and, having scattered Molotov cocktails in front of you, you, like the devil, will pass through it, and fear will settle in the souls of your enemies. Plus, you'll be well paid for the job.

Police mission

Necessary transport
Police (LS)
Police (SF)
Police (LV)
FBI Truck
FBI rancher

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that GTA is a game where crimes occur every second. You, as a respectable citizen, want to help the authorities. Take any transport described above ... and forward to clean the streets from evil spirits in the face of criminals. By the way, before completing this mission, you can meet Barbara (Carl's next girl), bring her relationship to 100% and you will have a police uniform. We dressed, now in a quiet place we jam the gaping police patrol, we take away the baton. I'll tell you a little secret that if you attack a policeman with fists and do not let him hit you back, then after killing him, you will only have one star, and not two if you shoot him. Come on, the state is calling. Yes, for the future, do not forget to surround Ammunition to replenish your arsenal. Another little secret, you will not have to constantly repaint or take bribes from the police if you only remove villains, and not mere mortals, with sniper accuracy. In Vice City, I have never earned a single star by completing this mission!!!

The mission will fail if
- You will be arrested.
- You will get out of the car and not drive after 60 seconds. *
- Your time is up.
- You will die.
* You can get out of the car to change it, or pick up the weapons of the killed criminals or take their money.

Mission Accomplishment
Level 01: Kill 1 Outlaw (1 Car)
Level 02: Kill 2 Outlaws (1 Car)
Level 03: Kill 3 Criminals (1 Car)
Level 04: Kill 4 Criminals (1 Car)
Level 05: Kill 5 Criminals (2 Cars)
Level 06: Kill 6 Criminals (2 Cars)
Level 07: Kill 7 Criminals (2 Cars)
Level 08: Kill 8 Criminals (2 Cars)
Level 09: Kill 9 Criminals (3 Cars)
Level 10: Kill 10 Outlaws (3 Cars)
Level 11: Kill 11 Outlaws (3 Cars)
Level 12: Kill 12 Outlaws (3 Cars)

Finishing level 12 to complete this mission. We send exactly 78 criminals to the next world (to serve them right, for reference, you killed them for a reason, they still shoot at you). It will take from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes to clean the state with an "enema" and clean out all unnecessary criminal elements. Although this is the minimum time frame, since each of us goes through this mission in different ways, and besides, not everyone is a sniper these days!!!

After you sent the last one to that world, then the grateful government will increase your bulletproof vest to 150 units. This will come in handy in later missions.

taxi mission

Necessary transport

One of the oldest in the game. After all, its beginning was in the distant GTA: 3. Previously, in order to complete it, you had to deliver 100 pedostrians to different points. But it was in such small cities, such as Liberty City or Vice City, but San Andreas is not a city, but a huge state with 3 cities. Pedostrians in SA are impudent and may ask you to take you, say, from Los Santos to San Fierro to some wasteland, and in a very short time. The developers took pity and now, in order to complete this rather tedious (although you can explore the surroundings) mission, you need to breed exactly half as many people, namely 50 people. By the way, who told you that for every 5 people brought up, the bonus was canceled??? No, you will be paid for every 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Very good money. Captain take me to Las Venturas, to the strip club...

The mission will fail if
- The taxi will sink.
- The taxi will roll over onto its roof.
- You will be arrested.
- You will leave the car.
- Your time is up.

Let's take the half-drunk peds home. There are only 50 pieces, and in the easy passage, I made the task a little easier for you, and you will pass it a little faster.

All dear comrade, you have completed it ... now about the reward. All taxis now have a hydraulic system and nitro tanks.

Pimp Mission

Necessary transport

One of the new missions of the game. She is quite unusual and quite cool. I don't think any of you were a pimp. Here, you are given a chance to do this "difficult" work. Everything is simple here, we take the specified car, turn on the mission and go straight to the blue marker for the girl (s). This mission is not difficult, the same as a taxi, we just take the girls and deliver them to clients. There are 10 missions in total. However, you have yet to get out of your car to bang a few customers who pester your concubines and don't want to pay...

The mission will fail if
- One of your girls will be killed.
- You will be arrested.
- You will be killed.
- Your time is up.

Mission Accomplishment
Level 01: Collect 1 Girl from her Client.
Level 02: Pick up 2 Girls from their Clients.
Level 03: Collect 1 Girl from her Client.
Level 04: Pick up 2 Girls from their Clients.
Level 05: Collect 1 Girl from her Client.
Level 06: Pick up 2 Girls from their Clients.
Level 07: Collect 1 Girl from her Client.
Level 08: Pick up 2 Girls from their Clients.
Level 09: Collect 1 Girl from her Client.
Level 10: Pick up 2 Girls from their Clients.

You must complete 10 missions.

Remember that you paid money to prostitutes for the fact that they raise not only your health, but also HIS, bringing pleasure. At the end of this mission, if a girl of easy virtue gets into your car, she will pay you to do with her what she has been dreaming of for so long!!! I think the hint is more than clear and needs no explanation.

Train Mission

Necessary transport
Brown Streak*
Freight *
* The mission can only be activated after you unlock Las Venturas in the storyline.

New additional mission. You will now work as a machinist. You will need to go around the entire state twice, passing 5 railway stations.

The mission will fail if
- The train will derail.
- Your time is up.
- you will leave the train

Mission Accomplishment:
Level 01: Pass all 5 stations.
Level 02: Pass all 5 stations.

You must visit 5 stations scattered throughout the state. In the first level, for each station you will be given a maximum of $150, and in the second level a maximum of $300. The most real danger is when the train can derail. To do this, I recommend that you do not accelerate on the train beyond the mark of 50 mph. The most optimal ride is at an average speed of 48 mph. Remember to slow down on sharp turns. The maximum speed of this train is 58 m/h. It was I who managed to disperse him, and then the train derailed.

You will receive 50.000$.

thief mission
You can look separately on our portal. .

*This mission was written before this side mission guide was ready for release.

PROFIT: + Respect

big smoke

PROFIT: + Respect

PROFIT: + Respect


Tagging up Turf

PROFIT: + Respect | $200

Cleaning the Hood

PROFIT: + Respect


PROFIT: + Respect | $200

Nines and AK's

PROFIT: + Respect


PROFIT: + Respect | $500

Sweet's Girl

PROFIT: + Respect


PROFIT: + Respect

Los Sepulcros

PROFIT: + Respect


Cesar Vialpando

PROFIT: $2000

High Stakes, Low Rider

PROFIT: $1000


Home Invasion

PROFIT: + Respect


PROFIT: + Respect

Robbing Uncle Sam

PROFIT: + Respect


OG Loc

PROFIT: + Respect

running dog

PROFIT: + Respect

Wrong side of the tracks

PROFIT: + Respect

Just Business

PROFIT: + Respect


Life's a Beach

PROFIT: + Respect

Madd Dogg's Rhymes

PROFIT: + Respect

Management Issues

PROFIT: + Respect

house party

PROFIT: + Respect


Burning Desire


Gray Imports



Reuniting the Families

PROFIT: + Respect

The Green Sabre

PROFIT: + Respect

country side



PROFIT: Passed

First Date

PROFIT: Passed

King in Exile

PROFIT: Passed

First Base

PROFIT: Passed

Gone Courting

PROFIT: Passed

Made in Heaven

PROFIT: Passed

Wu Zi Mu

PROFIT: 5.000 $

Farewell my love...

PROFIT: Passed


tanker commander

PROFIT: 5.000 $

Against All Odds

PROFIT: 2.000 $

Local Liquor Store

PROFIT: 1.000 $

Small Town Bank

PROFIT: 1.000 $


body harvest

PROFIT: + Respect

Are you going to San Fierro?

PROFIT: + Respect

San Fierro


Wear Flowers in your Hair

PROFIT: Passed

555 WE TIP

PROFIT: Passed


PROFIT: Passed


Photo Opportunity

PROFIT: + Respect

T-Bone Mendez

Mike Toreno


Snail Trail

PROFIT: Passed

Ice Cold Killa

Pier 69

Toreno's Last Flight

Yay Ka Boom Boom


air raid

PROFIT: $7000

Supply Lines

PROFIT: $5000

New Model Army

PROFIT: $5000


Mountain Cloud Boys

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

Ran Fa Li

Amphibious Assault

The Da Nang Tang

PROFIT: + Respect | $15,000


Zeroing In

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

test drive

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

Custom Fast Track

Puncture Wounds

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000



PROFIT: $7000


PROFIT: $1000

Verdant Meadows

PROFIT: + Respect

PROFIT: $15,000


PROFIT: $20,000


Black Project

PROFIT: Passed

green goo

PROFIT: $20,000

Las Venturas


Fender Ketchup

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

Explosive Situation

PROFIT: + Respect | $7000

You"ve had your chips

PROFIT: + Respect | $10,000

Don Peyote

PROFIT: + Respect

Intensive Care

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

The Meat Business

PROFIT: + Respect | $8000

Fish in a Barrel

PROFIT: Passed


PROFIT: + Respect

free fall

PROFIT: + Respect | $15,000

Saint Mark's Bistro


Architectural Espionage

PROFIT: + Respect

Key to her heart

PROFIT: + Respect

Dam and Blast

PROFIT: + Respect

Cop Wheels

PROFIT: + Respect

Up, Up and Away!

PROFIT: + Respect



PROFIT: Passed

High Noon

PROFIT: Passed

Return to Los Santos


A Home in the Hills

PROFIT: + Respect

Big Poppa


vertical bird

home coming

PROFIT: + Respect

Cut Throat Business

PROFIT: + Respect


Beat down on B Dup

PROFIT: + Respect

Grove 4 Life

PROFIT: + Respect | $10,000



PROFIT: Passed

Los Desperados

PROFIT: + Respect

end of the line

PROFIT: + Respect

All story missions grand theft Auto: San Andreas, completed successfully. Watch the credits. And enjoy the fact that you finally completed the entire story part. But I guess you haven't completed everything yet, so complete all optional missions. And 100% completion in your pocket! PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You are thrown out by corrupt policemen in the territory of Ballas. Your task is to get on the bike, which is marked with a blue marker, and rush to the house, which will be marked on the radar. The default control is W (Gas), and if you press it many times, it will accelerate.

big smoke

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: After Karl arrives, go home. He will enter his house, then there will be a scene in which Big Smoke pounces on Carl. He didn't recognize his brother. Then, recognizing him, Big will tell about what happened in the absence of Karl. As you know, Carl's mother died. He and Big Smog will go to the cemetery to visit the grave. Looking ahead, I will say that you will return to the cemetery. After Sweet, Carl's brother scolds him, they go to the car, but then a car with Ballas will fly out from around the corner and they will blow up the car in which they arrived. Opposite are 4 parked bikes for CJ, Big Smoke, Ryder and Sweet "s. Feel free to jump on it and go ahead for the brothers. You will be chased by Voodoo with Ballas that shoot at you. Your task is to get to your Ganton area. The mission is completed.

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: The mission is the simplest. You just need to get into the car to Ryder and go to the indicated place. This place will be a hairdresser. Come in and sit in a chair. Be sure to do your own hair. When you get out, Ryder will say that it would be nice to have some refreshment and that's fate, they stopped in front of the diner. We boldly step there and stand on the marker. Use the arrows to select what we want to order and buy. Once you have bought. Ryder will enter the Pizzeria and point a gun at the sellers, demanding money. They will answer him, they say, not now. Then Ryder will argue about something with CJ. Taking advantage of the fact that Ryder has lost his vigilance, the seller, like a real American, will get from under the counter, a painfully familiar Shotgun and start firing. You abruptly run to the exit and in one fell swoop dive into the driver's seat ... gas to the floor. Behind you will have several holes in the car. We're going home like we always do.


Tagging up Turf

PROFIT: + Respect | $200

PASSING: We go to our dear brother. We get into the car and drive to the first tag that needs to be painted over. Sweet will color the first tag. In total, you need to paint over 6 tags for the mission. Well, are you ready? Let's go and paint. Just do not forget about the cops and bandits, the former want to take you for hooliganism, because painting on houses is a crime, and the latter just like that, they don’t like you. All Comrades!! We're going home.

Cleaning the Hood

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Clear your area of ​​drugs. First, you and Ryder "om go to one pepper to sort things out. After a short conversation, you go to a red marker, this is a drug dealer who needs to be killed. He is armed only with a bat. Feel free to send him to the underworld and, together with your fellow traveler, head to his house.First you will see a cool sight.Ballas drugged to death, in the background a prostitute gives a blowjob to her master.The owner and a few brothers will go at you with bats.I think you forgot to take a bat from the deceased dealer, a bat? few dregs of society.We can kill half-dead drug addicts.So that there are no witnesses, and we go home.


PROFIT: + Respect | $200

PASSING: Get in the car and drive to Cluckin "Bell. Take a meal. I advise you to watch the cutscene to the end. Then rush for the Ballas and your slightly overeaten company will start shooting at their car. The task is to kill everyone in the car. Killed, go to the gym, he will unlock after this mission.

Nines and AK's

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: If you remember True Crime, then this mission is similar to pumping weapons. But here you will have to shoot at the bottles, and the last test will be a shot at the gas tank of the car. Mission completed.


PROFIT: + Respect | $500

PASSING: Load into Greenwood, and go to kill the Ballas. You shouldn't leave the car. During the mission, the Car Health gauge (Damage) appears. Therefore, we must be careful. My advice, if it is possible to crush them on the move. After you put them all down, the cops will appear behind you, who will not leave you until you repaint. Repaint, take the bros to Ganton (your house), then take Big Smoka to his house.

Sweet's Girl

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You go into Sweet's house, but he is not at home. Get out, and he calls you and asks you to help him, as he protects his girlfriend from rotten gangs. Without wasting precious seconds (Sweet's life indicator appears in the mission " a) fly to the call site. Immediately crush several bandits at once, and finish those who survived. Drive the car to the red marker. Sweet and his girlfriend will run out of the house. Take Sweet "a to his house. Let's go further ...


PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: This mission will take place later, but to finish with Sweet "om, I will describe it now. Sweet will call you to Ammunition. You will buy weapons. My set is: SMG, 9mm, Shotgun and grenades. Then proceed to Glen Park and grab Territory for OGF You will be presented with instructions on how to capture the territory Survive 3 raids of Mamai (Ballas) You do not need to teach you how to kill them After the territory comes under your control, you will be able to receive money for each of the conquered territories .

Los Sepulcros

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: This mission will be at the very end. You will need to hire 2 members of your gang. Controls: RMB (Right mouse button) + G (Follow you) or H (Order to stay put). When hired, quickly get behind the wheel and go to Los Santo Cemetery. Your goal is to remove everyone who will be in the cemetery in the most merciless way. As soon as you remove everyone, you will have three stars, go repaint. Paint is nearby. All quietly and peacefully we reach the house.


Cesar Vialpando

PROFIT: $2000

PASSING: Sweet will send you to check on your sister's boyfriend Kendi, Cesar "a. You will go to Loco Low Co (tuning center). There you will be given a normal clunker that you can tune. Then you will arrive at the place where the whole local party is gathered. The meaning of the mission Lowrider, jump on a car with hydraulic suspension to the beat of the music, earning points.Controls, if you have not changed it, are Num 8 - Up, Num 2 - Down, Num 4 - Left, Num 6 - Right. plus or Caps Lock "om or H, this will complicate the passage of this mission for yourself. Just press the buttons at the moment when the arrow indicating the direction enters the circle. Mission accomplished. We did everything, and now the main thing. Take away the Remington car after the mission, it will be very useful to you in the next mission. By the way, you can go through this mission more than once, since everything goes for money there. There will be a man standing there, drive up to him after completing the mandatory mission, talk ...

High Stakes, Low Rider

PROFIT: $1000

PASSING: This is a race on machines with hydraulic suspension. As I advised you to take the Remington after completing the previous mission and drive it into the garage. This is the best car in both speed and handling to make this mission easier. Follow the checkpoints and finish no lower than the first place. * Caesar, very nice and friendly guy.


Home Invasion

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You will go to rob houses for the first time. Sit down with Ryder "om in Boxville and go to the house of an old sick old man who is obsessed with weapons, a la Phil Cassidy from Vice City. The goal is to carry 3 boxes of weapons. You have time to do before dawn. Attention: Housework you should move either on your haunches (C - crouch + W), or on foot (Left Alt + W), so as not to make noise. If the owner wakes up, the mission will be failed. As soon as you dive, take good to the garage. Now you can any houses with 20 :00 - 6:00 This mission will only be available if you are in a Boxville car.


PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: It is necessary to take away ammunition from Ballas. Take the guys and drive to the meeting. After laying down the guards peacefully, wait for Ballasam reinforcements. Finish them and get on the train, then it will start its movement. You need to throw 10 boxes into the car to Ryder "y for a limited amount of time. When you leave, you will have 3 stars. There is only one way, to repaint and go home.

Robbing Uncle Sam

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Get into the truck to Ryder "y and go to Ocean Docks. Jump over the fence, lay down all the guards. Before you open the gate, open the warehouse, shoot the guards there, and only then, open the gate. On the Loader, load 6 boxes and let's tear. When you load. Pay attention to the life indicator Ryder "a. Constantly help him shoot back. As soon as you leave the gate, two Hummers (Patriots) will rush after you in pursuit. They will shoot and ram at you. During the chase, survive!!!


OG Loc

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: OG Loc has just been released, you need to meet him. Then OG will ask you to take him to one pepper named Freddy. When you arrive at the place, after the scene, we jump on the motorcycle and forward for the fugitive Fred. Just keep up with him. Eventually, he will stop and you will kill him. All the end of the mission.

running dog

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You and Big Smok "om will drive up to two Vagos. You will quarrel and CJ will chase the impudent. The goal of the mission, as always, is to remove him by any means.

Wrong side of the tracks

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: A simple mission. Take Smoka to the red marker. There will be a train. 4 Vagos will jump on him from the roof. When the train starts moving, you will board the Sanchez and start chasing. We need to get all four out before the train leaves for Las Venturas. ATTENTION: There will be oncoming trains on the tracks. All completed.

Just Business

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Please note that before completing this mission, you should have full armor and health, as well as a well-stocked arsenal. This mission is difficult and requires the utmost care and precision from you. You and Big Smok "om will come to the place in Downtown. In general, a showdown with the Russian Mafia awaits you. Entering the building, immediately start shooting and protecting Big" a. Put everyone and everything. Take the armor that is there. Have taken? Go to street (we bring down the street), calmly finish off the rest of the Russians and then look at the scene, as you fly out on a motorcycle. A very long and dreary chase will begin for you. All the time shoot at the motorcyclists who will chase you. You will still be pursued by Parker. He's Armored, so don't try to shoot him. By the way, not only Russians on motorcycles will follow you, but also in cars, and if you kill the driver, then the scoundrel sitting in the front seat will take the wheel. May the Lord keep you in this Mission!!!


Life's a Beach

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: This kid is the most fun, as it seemed to me. He dreams of becoming a star. Come to work with him. In a conversation, he will say, they say, talk to a local DJ. You immediately go to the beach (Santa Maria Beach), talk to the DJ and a mini-game begins. Remember that mission where you had to shake the car to the beat of the music. It's the same here, you just have to move to the beat of the music. They danced. We got into a truck with a DJ and took him to his studio. Mission completed.

Madd Dogg's Rhymes

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Your goal is an audio cassette, which is located in Madd Dogg's mansion. You need to sneak into the house unnoticed. You will only have a knife left. Quietly and silently remove the guards. cassette and blow to the customer.Give it to him and go about your business, the mission is passed.

Management Issues

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Manager Madd Gogg "a found out that the theft of the record was planned by OG. Your task is to remove your comrade as always. Find the car marked with a red marker. Kill him, only carefully he is armed. Take the car, and so that there is not one on it scratches. If, however, something is remembered, you will have to go to repair it. Have time to park the car before 22:00, but you need to park exactly, as the cars in front and behind are the same. The lads will sit in the cars, and you will proceed to the ceremony this manager with his charming girlfriend will sit in your car, but you will have to drown them.

house party

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Before you arrange this feast, welcome to Ammunition to significantly replenish your ammunition. I also recommend buying armor. And go have fun. Party from 20:00 - 6:00. Yes, you will really have fun. Everything will be the way. But then, the problems start. One of your gang members will run up to you and tell you that there will be meat now. You are immediately on alert. Start crushing all your enemies. Mission completed.


Burning Desire


PASSING: Corrupt police officers will order you to remove one person. You must follow their orders. Take Molotov Cocktails, stock up on weapons and go to the place. We remove the guards, around the mansion and throw Molotov at 5 windows, so that everything is normal, you need to come close and throw it out the window. A fire will start, and the same pepper will fall out of the house. Without hesitation, we bang it. BUT then a girl screams from the window, who asks to save her. You, like a true gentleman, throw yourself into the fire. First, look into the kitchen, there is a fire extinguisher, break through to the girl. And then extinguish the fire slowly get out. This girl will be Denise. Your first girlfriend. Mission Passed.

Gray Imports


PASSING: This time you have to ruin the deal between Ballas and the Russian Mafia. What are we standing for? More weapons, armor and no one will say a word to you, how will you send guards to the forefathers in the blink of an eye. Do a major cleanup. Your goal is one Russian who must be removed at any cost. All finished.


Reuniting the Families

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Recruiting weapons, armor and health. From 9:00 - 17:00 we go to Sweet "y. We arrive at one hotel. Here the hotel courtyard turns into a battlefield. Around the police, S.W.A.T. there are large-scale firefights. You break into the hotel, run to the second floor (!) Attention, kill 2 special forces at once.And sprint to the first open room, as 3rd special forces will crawl out of one door.If you are hurt, run to the whore.She will kiss you and you will be full health again.Cleaning everyone and everything.Do not spare no one. Release Sweet "a. You will be on the roof. A helicopter with 4 commandos will be circling above you. Kill them to a vigorous hair dryer. Get off the roof. You will be in a car. You will be chased. Only the Police. Kill everyone, shoot at the wheels, drivers. Some cheeky cops will jump on your car. Finish them... savory intro...

The Green Sabre

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: As always, you will go to Sweet "y. Cesar will call you. He will say that Ryder and Big Smoke are collaborating with Ballas and corrupt cops. You will arrive. Sit in the car, Cesar will sit next to you, and you will see with your own eyes who is who. Then you will urgently need to go to the showdown site. CJ will call Sweet "y all the time. Your task is to come to the place and put all the Ballas. Sweet "a will be taken to the prison hospital, and you will be taken to Angel Pine.

country side



PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: Palasky wants one guy to go to the next world. You must take several photographs of his corpse as proof of his death. Palaski will supply you with an endless film camera. Grab a Rancher or Police Ranger and climb Mount Chilliad. You will see a house guarded by the FBI. Go around the house and shoot the wheels of a parked car. But before that, quietly and without noise, cut out all the guards, it is advisable to park your car exactly back to how you arrived, because. your victim will rush out of the house and get into the car, which will be parked next to the house. There is also a Sanchez parked there, but it is useless, since you need to kill the victim, not blow it up. When you chase after him, try to push him off the mountain so that he rolls over and crashes. When you kill him take a picture of him. All mission completed.

First Date

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: This is not even a mission, just like that. Drive to Dillimore at the question mark. There will be a scene in which Catalina (remember Catalina from GTA: 3) threatens the guys with a knife. You come, she talks to you, or rather yells as always. When you get out, she will say where is your car? You will sit down, and Catalina will tell you that she wants to steal everything in Red County that she can. More specifically: 1. Wine shop in Blueberry; 2. Bank in Palomino Creek; 3. Refueling in Dillimore; 4. Bookmaker in Montgomery. All of these missions are marked with a green $ sign. It's wise to play through the Tanker Commander mission first, as this is the closest. See below for all Catalina missions.

King in Exile

PROFIT: Passed

WALKING: Just a little scene in which Cesar and Kendy are in Angel Pine. Watch it, after the scene Catalina will call and ask to come. The path is not close. When you arrive, just stay there.

First Base

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: Oh, sorry, this stupid Catalina. When CJ comes and knocks on the door, no one opens it, he walks around and looks around. Suddenly Catalina pounces on him from behind with a cannon. Carl begs to be left alive. After very, very yelling from this "stupid bitch" (as Carl called her, before her appearance), she confesses her love to him. Go, rob the remaining points.

Gone Courting

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: One of the scenes with Catalina. Look it over and let's go point by point.

Made in Heaven

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: The last scene with Catalina. And, thank God, otherwise it really gets on your nerves. I'll get ahead of myself, then she will ring Karl and torment him with various complaints, sometimes she will just call and swear at him. Such is Catalina, a very nervous and quick-tempered character in the game.

Wu Zi Mu

PROFIT: 5.000 $

PASSING: To be honest, this mission is as simple as God's day. You will finally meet a very, very a good man, Wu Zi Mu. He is blind (although I doubt very much that he is blind, you will also suspect this, but a little later). He is a good character, comparable to Cortez from Vice City. Sorry, got distracted, the goal of the mission is to race through the crossed mission. In principle, you can start on any more or less racing car, but the Rancher is best suited for this race. It's all about the small thing, to win. I wish you good luck and once again I want to pay attention to Wu Zi Mu.

Farewell my love...

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: You will arrive at the badge of Cesar, and from there to the race. A real GTA fan and recognizes the painfully familiar protagonist from GTA: 3. His mannerisms, his movements, his slightly modified face under the SA. Ha, he will not be alone, but with Catalina. And you're still asking why she's not a litter? A race is a race. You will be given a ZR-350 car. Try to win and not roll over. All!


tanker commander

PROFIT: 5.000 $

PASSING: Robbery of gas station in Dillimore. We sit down in the truck, we cling to the tank. It is very easy to pick up, you drive up close to the tank with your back, it will automatically attach. And now we are driving, we are driving to a third-party gas station. Angry fuel owners will follow you. We arrive at the place and get money, as well as an icon where you can take missions on trucks.

Against All Odds

PROFIT: 2.000 $

PASSING: In this mission, we rob a bookmaker's office in Montgomery. We arrive, Catalina gives you mines, you mine the closed door (3-4 mines are enough to smash the door), move away and blow it up. Take the money and leave. But you will have 4 wanted stars. Fly into the nearest Pay N Spray, and then drive home to your beast.

Local Liquor Store

PROFIT: 1.000 $

PASSING: Well, what can I say? You are robbing an unfortunate liquor store in Blueberry. But you got ahead of yourself and three robbers took your money. They leave you on a Quadbike. You are behind them too. Catalina will shoot at them from behind. You can also shoot them. When you've killed them all, collect the briefcases with money and return home to Catalina.

Small Town Bank

PROFIT: 1.000 $

PASSING: A real bank robbery in Palomino Creek. Break into the bank, keep everyone at gunpoint. One of the peds will call the police. There will be a short cut-scene in which it will be cool to see how the police surround the bank. Destroy three ATMs. Two shots for each ATM, take the money and run after Catalina through the back door. Lay down all the policemen who will prevent your retreat. Kill cops without a twinge of conscience. Take Catalina home and tell her goodbye baby!!!


body harvest

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Return to Angel Pine to The Truth's badge. There will be Tempenny, one of the corrupt cops, and he will smoke weed. In general, he will carry nonsense alone. When he leaves, Truth will ask you to bring the Combiner. This is already a really difficult mission.Buy weapons and armor in Ammunition.Prefer shotguns and sniper rifles.When bought, grab it, preferably Sanchez and forward to "The Farm".Once you pass the bridge, then turn right and drive uphill. There you will see a country path to the left of the road, turn off. This is the fastest way to get to the farm. As soon as you find yourself on the farm, without getting off Sanchez "a, fly up the mountain, which is on the left, and all the time move along left fence. As soon as you get close to the field, try to kill everyone. Attention: All farmers are armed with sniper rifles!!! You need a combiner. Pull out the driver and at all times rush to the exit. Farmers will block the road for you, do not stop and ram everything that they have built, and for those who love meat, chop people with the knives of a combine harvester. You will never forget this juicy color of human blood, mixed with torn off arms and legs. MEAT!!! You will drive out, and a pickup truck will block your way across the road, and in front of it is a farmer with a sniper rifle, cut it. Remember how you came to the farm??? When you were driving, you met an abandoned farm, this is the Truth "a farm !!! Go to it, the way you drove before !!! All Mission Passed.

Are you going to San Fierro?

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Truth will ask you to burn marijuana. Grab a flamethrower and burn it. You have 5:30 until the police arrive. My advice, when you burn weed, then go parallel to this miracle garden, because CJ, while burning weed, catches a buzz, read, gets stoned. When you walk like this, this feeling is quite reduced at times. After that, go to Truth's van, he will give you a bazooka. Shoot down a police helicopter and get behind the wheel of the van. Carl is still stoned (remember, the mission for Phil Cassidy, when his arm was torn off, is almost the same here, but the camera shakes not so much ) goes to the San Fierro City Garage.

San Fierro


Wear Flowers in your Hair

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: The mission is simple. You will arrive at your garage, view the scene and get into the driver's seat in Truth's car. Start driving to the indicated points and gather people to work in your garage.

555 WE TIP

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: You will need to substitute one guy. Drive to the indicated place. There are parking attendants. Follow one of them and kill him in the parking lot. While no one sees you, change clothes and run out to the place where the valet stands. A blue merit will drive up to you, get into it and go to your garage with all your heart. There he will be given a "gift" in the form of a pack of drugs. I. Then we go back. For everything about everything you have 2:30. Moreover, the car must not be wrinkled, otherwise it will have to be repainted. All.


PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: Your sister was run over, you will take revenge. Behind the garage there is a construction site, where all the action of reckoning will take place =D. First, destroy 6 builders' cabins. As soon as you finish with a bulldozer, push the toilet into a hole, transfer to a concrete mixer and then enjoy the scene a la death alive. Oh, I almost forgot, beware of the builders. They are very dangerous, but where are they with shovels against your AK-47? After this mission, Jethro will call and say that a Driving School is available where you will meet Michelle...


Photo Opportunity

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Your goal is to take photos of some characters. Pick up Cesar "om, which is located in Red Country and in his car go to Angel Pine. Stop at the red marker in Angel Pine and climb onto the roof. You will have an endless film camera in your hands. Stand on the red marker and take pictures (! ) the faces of everyone who arrives at the arrow. Attention, the mission will fail if you crash Cesar's car or do not take a picture of the face of another person = D.

PROFIT: + Respect | $3000

PASSING: Woozie tells Karl and Cesar "y that he is their friend. Karl asks to explain who these people are in the photographs he took. Then Woozie's assistant appears (forgot that Wo is blind? = D), Su Xi Mu is Loco Syndicate, he says. The first guy (points to Mike Toreno), he doesn't know him. The second is T-Bone Mendez, and the third is Jizzy, the biggest pimp in the state. Woozy says that Jizzy runs a club that's under the Gant bridge. You should go there. Go to the red marker. Carl explains to Jizzy that he is ready to work for him. Jizzy needs you to do some things for him. You get into the car (Warning: it cannot be destroyed, otherwise the mission will fail) and move with the prostitute Drop her off and Jizzy will call you to deal with one guy, this guy will be a pimp, you will have to kill him, then call again and Jizzy will tell you to save another prostitute, but will appear indicator of her health. e to the specified point. The whole beating scene will take place under the bridge. There, the "holy" father will beat the girl. Deal with everyone, of course, with a fatal outcome for offenders. Again, you will receive a phone call from Jizzy, who will say that one old pepper persuaded one prostitute not to return to the street. Your goal is to drive up to the point and then, chasing a limousine and a jeep with guards, destroy both the old pepper and the guards. =D All mission completed. After the mission, Woozie will call and say that you can find him in Chinatown. After the call, the W icon will appear.

T-Bone Mendez

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: Jizzy is unhappy with T-Bone Mendez "om after one deal in which 3 people participated. In general, you need to take some fast car (for a successful mission) and drive to the Garver bridge. There is Boxville under the bridge. As soon as you drive up then 4 ghouls will take 4 bags of drugs and go in different directions.Your task is to catch the villains and then kill them in cold blood, and be sure to take all the packages.That's why I wrote about a fast car, you will need it.These thieves are armed and drive around San Fierro Also, please do not open fire in Chinatown if there are representatives of the Chinese diaspora nearby, because they will feed you lead from AK-47 =D!

Mike Toreno

PROFIT: + Respect | $7000

PASSING: At the Jizzy T-Bone club, Mike Toreno calls, but he's in trouble. Toreno was kidnapped by the Vietnamese. Drive first to Doherty for the construction site, then to Easter Basin, and then to Easter Bay Airport. There, destroy 6 Vietnamese, blow up this van. After that, you will receive 2 wanted stars, after you reach the red marker, you will have 3 stars. We drive to Pay n "Spray and then we go to the Jizzy club. Mission Completed.


PROFIT: + Respect | $9000

PASSING: Escort the van to one factory. First, we drive to a gas station in Easter Basin, next to a military base, we watch a scene in which T-Bone Mendez almost kills Carl, persistently asking for whom he works and the like. Then Mike Toreno comes up, he gets into the car, and you drive to the port of San Fierro. Take an RPG and a sniper rifle, get on a motorcycle and drive ahead of the van to the red marker, there is an obstacle. Kill everyone. Further to the next "Checkpoint" (Checkpoint :)) and clear the road. We do the same with the third "checkpoint" and with the fourth. The van moves slowly, so there will be no problems. Escort him to the destroyed factory. All Mission completed =D.

Snail Trail

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: It is necessary to kill the reporter who unearthed about Tempenni and Pulaski that they are engaged in dark deeds. We run to the construction site, there, in one of the pipes, there is a sniper rifle, we pick it up and run to the station, there will be a parked Sanchez nearby. Jump saddle the iron horse and forward behind the outgoing train, in which the journalist is sitting. Try not to go to the oncoming tracks, because you will be swept away by passing trains. You will reach the Market Station in Los Santos "e. The journalist will get off the train and an approach indicator will appear. Follow him at a distance so that he does not see you. After leaving the subway, he will take a taxi and go to the Santa Maria pier. As soon as he leaves , you will be given the order to destroy him and the guy with whom he met. All mission is over. We go to the airport and fly back to San Fierro.

Ice Cold Killa

PROFIT: + Respect | $12000

PASSING: The mission can be available from 6:00 - 20:00. Buy armor, weapons and forward to the Jizzy club. There you will see 2 limousines, one of them is black, take it and drive with it to the garage, as this is the only black limousine in the game. Then back to the club, there you will see a pimp car (Pimp car) and shoot all 4 tires with it. Next, we go to the guard at the entrance, talk to them and go to the roof. You will see a bridge support with scaffolding, and we climb them. We get to the roof of the club. Get down, talk to Jizzy, after the video, kill all the guards and chase Jizzy. Blow up his car and kill him himself. As soon as you kill him, a mobile phone will fall out of him, Cesar will immediately call and the mission will end there!

Pier 69

PROFIT: + Respect | $15,000

PASSING: Forward to the roof behind Cesar "om, he will give you a sniper rifle. After the video, kill everyone who will shoot the Triads. Then kill T-Bone Mendez" and jump into the water for Ryder "om (here this rat will end ). Get into the Speeder and chase the reptile. Along the way, you will exchange the last lines in the life of Ryder "a \u003d D! Kill him and Cesar will call you and ask if you are alive? Get to San Fierro. Mission completed!

Toreno's Last Flight

PROFIT: + Respect | $18,000

PASSING: Buy armor and head to the SFPD (San Fierro Police Department) helipad. A couple of missiles will be fired at you. Clear your way from all the villains and capture the RPG and AK-47 on the helipad. Jump off and get on the motorcycle. Drive at full speed behind the helicopter. It will fly exactly parallel to the highway. It flies very slowly. Pass him and drive forward a little, so that he disappears from view. Stop and switch to RPG. As soon as the helicopter shows up, catch it with a scope, and launch a few missiles. The mission is completed, but Toreno did not die, but more on that later.

Yay Ka Boom Boom

PROFIT: + Respect | $25,000

PASSING: After the scene, go to Downtown. There is one red fellow, he will mine the car, you drive it to an abandoned factory (See Mission Outrider). Before reaching the factory, park the car, go first deal with the guards, and then, when you clear the building, then go back for the car, activate the bomb on it (LMB or LCtrl) and get out of the building. It will bang so that July 4th will seem like a childish prank =D! When you leave back, the gates will close and "dissatisfied" citizens with trunks will climb out of all the cracks! Put everyone who dares to meow into consumption, get into the parked Voodoo, accelerate and soar on the roof, then we go to the red marker next to your garage. All Mission completed.


air raid

PROFIT: $7000

PASSING: First, buy an RC shop (see the Secrets map on our portal) for $30,000. Enter the store and exit. Zero will call you and tell you to come to him. Run home, save and go on a mission. It's a pretty fun mission. You are on the roof with a machine gun, type "Volcano" for 3 minutes to shoot RC planes that will attack the RC store. Zero will stand nearby with a fire extinguisher, for every fireman. As soon as you kill everyone, the mission will end!

Supply Lines

PROFIT: $5000

PASSING: Unhook poor Zero, who was hung by Berkley. You can take revenge on the villain by shooting his couriers on the RC Baron "y. The plane is running out of fuel, so be careful. Getting close to the target, press LCtrl, and the van will receive a fair portion of lead. As soon as you destroy the last courier. Land on the roof of the RC store and the whole mission finished.

New Model Army

PROFIT: $5000

PASSING: Toy battle. Mission time 8 minutes. It is necessary to pave the way to the enemy military base. Pull apart the barrels lying on the road, build crossing bridges, destroy enemy tanks with bombs. Play for health, and upon completion of the mission, the RC store will bring you $2,000 in income! Yes, I almost forgot, the racing car that Zero will drive has a damage indicator. Be vigilant and don't let it end!


Mountain Cloud Boys

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: Before this mission, we buy armor and weapons. Preferably AK-47, shotgun and UZI. Save and go to Woozie. Oh, get in the car with the "blind" and drive to the red marker. Get out and walk into a small courtyard. Then the peds start yelling and running from the yard. You follow Woozie. There will be an unpleasant picture ... a mountain of corpses of the Triads. As one man will explain, the Vietnamese came and ended everyone here. After this scene, the Vietnamese will arrive in a car, and a health indicator will immediately appear. Destroy the Vietnamese and move on, but in no case let Woozie overtake you. A couple of Sanchez "ovs will park around the corner, kill them all. Come out around the corner and crush the rest. Attention: There is a sniper on the roof. Shred all the Vietnamese and get into the car. As soon as you drive out, the chase will begin for you. But this is still not all, you need to destroy everyone who is sitting there. You need to break away from them, dodging around the city. The most optimal place where you can destroy everyone is the roof of "Otto's Autos" (Look at the Map of Secrets). You drive in there at speeds. Do this in order not to threaten Wuzi, otherwise he climbs where he doesn’t need to, spoiling everything for you. Sat in an ambush? Now calmly kill. When you kill everyone, take Wuzi and take him home. All mission completed.

Ran Fa Li

PROFIT: + Respect | $6000

PASSING: You need to drive the pickup to the port. Drive to the underground parking at Easter Bay Airport. Get in the pickup there. The car will have a damage indicator. As soon as you move, the Vietnamese will block the road for you. Get out of the car and put everyone down. Leave, crushing the comrades of Vietnam along the way. Leaving the airport, you will be followed by several armed peppers on Sanchezax. Advice immediately with overclocking crush them. Bring the pickup truck to the port and the mission will end there.

PROFIT: + Respect | $8000

PASSING: Do you like off-road? And you will have to act as a bait. Get in the Rancher and take the Angel Pine to the lumber factory. There you will drive into the red marker and the race will begin. The Vietnamese guys will follow you on Sanchez "ax. Concentrate on the road and drive along the checkpoints. In some places you can cut well. Yes, the car will have a damage indicator. Your ultimate goal is a gas station. The checkpoints will take you to the finish line. When you arrive, they will call you and this mission is completed.

Amphibious Assault

PROFIT: + Respect | $11,000

PASSING: To complete this mission, you need to pump your lungs (Lung Capacity). Swim underwater for a while. Then go to Woozie. Drive to Pier 69 and jump into the water. There, on a stone ridge, and forward like a man - an amphibian through underwater caves in search of a knife. Try to swim underwater so that the Vietnamese surface patrols do not spot you. And also try not to fall into the beams of the spotlight. Climb onto the ship and start killing the guards. It can be with a knife, or it can be with a barrel. As you wish. Take out everyone, plant a bug and swim back to Pier 69. As soon as you get out, the mission will end!

The Da Nang Tang

PROFIT: + Respect | $15,000

PASSING: The mission will begin as a shooter in a helicopter. Shoot everyone on the containers, then you will be shot down with an RPG. Swim to the ship, shoot everyone. And let's shoot people there by containers. Don't go down. The higher you are, the more helpless your enemies are. There will be a lot of people in the most unexpected places, so be on the lookout. You need to free some slaves. As soon as you save them, they will blow up the ship, and you will get out on the boats. Actually everything. After this mission, someone (the miraculously saved Mike Toreno) will call and offer to visit his ranch. You now have Las Venturas open.


Zeroing In

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: Missions for Cesar "a will be available only after passing the Driving School. As soon as you complete the last mission at the driving school, Jethro will call you and say that you can buy Wang Cars. You will buy it for $ 50,000! And that's actually the purpose of the mission. Zero developed one bug and put on the car of one lady.The car as you understand you need it.As soon as she calls the phone, she will leave a red trail.Ride after her, as soon as you catch up, turn her around with the P.I.T maneuver (you were taught this in the driving school.) And with her car, return to the garage. Mission Passed. After this mission, the last type of tuning centers, "Wheel Arch Angels", which specializes in tuning racing cars, will become available.

test drive

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: This is the coolest mission. Get in Cesar "y in the car and blow into "Otto" s Autos". After stealing a car, follow Cesar "om. The police will not catch up with you. The meaning is simple, drive and arrive at the garage, the main thing is to follow Cesar" om, and not be mistaken. That's all.

Custom Fast Track

PROFIT: + Respect | $10,000

PASSING: With a young man named Cesar, get into the car and drive to the port. There you climb onto the crane and in turn begin to drag containers from the ship to the ground, in which there are cars. You are looking for one fast car. Below is Cesar and says, this or not that car. Be careful not to nail it inadvertently. As soon as Cesar drives the car out of the container, the owner will arrive with two brothers. Urgently get out of the crane and kill them. After you deal with them, another car will arrive. Send those too to the next world. But that's not all! 2 more peppers will come running, and with a line from Kalash, stuff their mortal bodies with lead. After this mission, missions such as Export / Import will become available. Looks like this mission is complete!

Puncture Wounds

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: Watch how Cesar rages that he was pissed off by one bitch (literary expression). The point is to stop a car that doesn't want to stop. Get into the car, in which 3 police "hedgehogs" are packed (remember Vice City, where the cops threw after 3 stars). Get on the freeway and chase the lady. Overtake her and throw a hedgehog in front of her car. It will puncture the tires and stop. After a short cutscene, Carl will change all the wheels. And go to the garage. After this mission "Wang Cars" will bring $8000! We're done with San Fierro!


PROFIT: 1 - 5000 $ | 2 - 4000 $ | 3 - 3000 $ | 4 - 2000 $ | 5 - 1000$
PASSING: The usual race on Monster "e. Depending on what time you show, they will pay you so much. Say NO to the road! Say YES off-road. Be careful jumping over bumps, because it won't take long to fly off the cliff! That's all!

PROFIT: $7000

PASSING: You will need to capture the truck. Mike Toreno says that for this task you need to have an assistant and offers Cesar "a as your assistant. Get on the motorcycle, look at the map and follow the truck. When you see it, drive up to the left and stay for a few seconds next to driver's door. Cesar will jump on the truck and start punching the driver in the face. As soon as he throws it out, get in and drive the truck to your garage in Doherty. All mission completed.


PROFIT: $1000

PASSING: Get into the BF-Injection and drive to El Castillo del Diablo. There, take an RPG, get on a Bandito or whatever you like (Bandito, Sanchez, Quadbike) and ride up the mountain. Give a sign there. A helicopter will arrive, and then several more that need to be blown up. Destroy all helicopters with RPGs, get into your vehicle and chase after the cargo. By the way, while you shoot down the turntables, you will have 2 wanted stars. Okay, once you get to the cargo. Pick it up and drive back to El Castillo del Diablo. There in the garage, this mission will end!

Verdant Meadows

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You need to buy an abandoned airport for $ 80,000 (You must have the money before this moment) and pass all the tests of the flight school, otherwise there will be no missions !!! That's all. After this mission, Woozie will call and tell Carl to visit him at the "Casino Four Dragons" (there are missions for Woozie).

PROFIT: $15,000

PASSING: Mission for fans of the game, IL-2 Sturmovik. You need to fly very low, almost near the ground, so that the military radar does not detect you. Fly to Angel Pine, fly the red circle and back to the airfield, the same way and low. If the radar detects you, then a professional USAF squadron on Hydras will fly out to you (ahahahahaha) !!! Naturally, no one will accompany you, and several homing missiles will be fired at you and the matter is over. Arrive at the airfield, land the plane in the red marker and the whole mission will end successfully!


PROFIT: $20,000

PASSING: With this mission, many people are tormented. And the secret is simple. Let's go in order. You need to get on a plane that takes off, and barrels fly out of the cargo hold. As soon as all the scenes are over, immediately tear to the plane and attach yourself to its right engine (the one that is closer to the cargo hold ladder). You will fall into the "aerodynamic bag" (technically explain for a long time, but in simple terms, your drag disappears, therefore, you accelerate many times faster, and this is more than the maximum allowable speed than your vehicle can give out), pick up speed and enter the plane no problem. Yes, watch very carefully where the barrels fly! As soon as you find yourself in the plane, run ahead to the cockpit, not paying attention to either the barrels or the guards. As soon as you reach, you will have to immediately deal with all the guards. (!) There should be NO SHOOTING!!! Only fists and a knife! As you bang everyone, take a parachute, throw explosives on the remaining barrels, run back to the edge of the ladder. It is advisable to stand at the very end and press the button on the detonator. Jump, parachute and a beautiful sight. Do not rush to open the parachute immediately after the jump. Fly down for a long time =D, then open closer to the ground and land. Mission completed! Go, save!


Black Project

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: This is one of the exciting missions in the game!!! Please replenish your arsenal and armor before the mission!!! Truth will take you to the military base. You will have a sniper rifle and thermal vision goggles. As you will see around the perimeter, there are towers with searchlights. Learn how they work from afar and sneak up to the entrance to the control room to open the gate. It's hard, it's much easier to kill everyone to such and such a mother and break through the ventilation hole, climb in there. There further on the situation, but first turn off the air defense. Chop up all the guards and grab the Jetpack!!! Fly up, through the mine and fly to Truth "y. All Mission completed!

Hint from: you should not come to him with a huge indicator of fat, then he will say to lose weight and then come.

green goo

PROFIT: $20,000

PASSING: I hope you have full armor? You need to capture one "chemical" bomb. It lies in one of the boxes in the freight train. The train is guarded by soldiers; all the goods of the military are transported on it. Fly and kill everyone with Uzi. When you shoot all the boxes, you will find a bomb, take it and fly back to Truth "u! All Desert Missions" are completely completed. Las Venturas is waiting for you!!!

Las Venturas


Fender Ketchup

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: You need to interrogate one captive bandit. And you need to do it with your crazy ride. The "poor guy" is chained to the hood of your car =D!!! Driving at super high speed, sharp maneuvers, brake from 200 km/h to 0 km/h! Do what you want! You will have an indicator of how scared the bandit is. Then as soon as he talks, take him back to Woozie! He will probably be killed there. But you shouldn't worry about it, the mission is completed!

Explosive Situation

PROFIT: + Respect | $7000

PASSING: You will need a little skill on Sanchez "e. You have to get explosives from the quarry. As soon as you arrive at the place and enter the red marker, the timer will start running until the dynamite explodes. Immediately run down and you will see (this can be seen at the entrance) that below, a little further away from one of the rooms, there are two people. One of them is an armed guard, and the other in a black suit and a helmet on his head, there is a foreman. There is a fuse next to him. Kill the foreman, and at the same time the guard and the timer will disappear.You will have a lot of time to collect the dynamite.Once you deal with them.Get into the nearby multi-ton truck and start crushing the boxes of dynamite.Once crushed, get out and pick it up.When you take the last dynamite.The security will come and block you all the retreat paths. This is where your ability to stay on Sanchez "e will be needed. Get out of the quarry using checkpoints, shooting guards along the way. And then rush to the meeting and give the dynamite to safe hands.

You"ve had your chips

PROFIT: + Respect | $10,000

PASSING: Buy weapons, armor and forward to the factory. The factory produces left chips for the casino. Destroy all devices that make chips. Admiral is standing in front of the factory with two guards. Eat up behind Admiral "a and quietly remove the guards with one shot in the gas tank! I want to warn you that there is one guard (or, more simply, a bandit) at the factory armed with S.P.A.S. 12 (designation in Vice City) !!! Kill them all, and now the most blow up all the crafts and quickly get back to the second floor, because another Admiral will arrive with the bandits!!!

Don Peyote

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Take any four-door car and drive to the blue marker. There you will find two guys. They walked a lot, and now they have a waste. Don't let the guys die!!! Everyone get in the car and drive to Snake Farm. Along the way, stop when asked, for one will puke. Very cool scene =D. When you arrive at the farm, then immediately shoot 4 bandits. And do not let them get into the parked two cars (these cars, upon arrival at the farm, cannot be blown up or moved), otherwise you may fail the mission. Since these scoundrels are crushing you on the car. Then take your guys that you took with you to the Caligula casino and you will "meet" Ken Rosenberg ("Rozzie"). I'm afraid you hardly recognize him. He has grown old. In general, the mission ends here.

Intensive Care

PROFIT: + Respect | $5000

PASSING: Find Johnny Sindacco, who is in the hospital. Go to the hospital, and there the nurse will say that he was taken away a few minutes ago. 3 red dots appear on the radar. Search every ambulance. Shoot lightly at each of the cars. As soon as you take possession of the car with your dear patient. Urgently drive to the meat factory. You will be followed by 2 cars attacking you. Once you get there, the mission will end! By the way, that Johnny Sindacco you tortured in the mission "Fender Ketchup" ;)

The Meat Business

PROFIT: + Respect | $8000

PASSING: Karl will convince Ken that he is in charge. Get into any car and drive to "Sindacco Abatoir". There you will meet Johnny himself, Ken will ask how his health is. When Sindacco sees Karl, he will die from a heart attack. One of Sindacco's men will throw a Molotov Cocktail at you, and another will run at you with a saw. You will stop him with a well-aimed bullet in the skull. Ken will have a life indicator. Shoot all the villains and get out. Keep an eye on Rosenberg's health at all times. Once you get out, take Ken to the Casino. Mission completed. After this mission, the mission for "Maddogg"s" will become available!

Fish in a Barrel

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: A small scene. It was Woozie and Ran Fa Li who made a deal. Then after the scene, Ken will call and ask you to come, since Leone Salvatore (GTA: 3) has seized power in Caligula.


PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Drunk in the insole Maddogg, wants to commit suicide. A crowd had gathered below. Select Walton and drive strictly as shown in the screenshot (2)!! Forward and backward without turning. And just so that Maddogg was on par with your body. When he jumps. It should get into your body on the boxes. Now take him carefully to the hospital. Remember that road accidents reduce the chance of survival. All. Mission completed!

free fall

PROFIT: + Respect | $15,000

PASSING: The mission is quite difficult for those who do not know how to fly planes. Go to Las Venturas airport and pick up a Dodo there. Take off and align the course strictly according to the point indicated on the radar. Gain more altitude than the clouds and fly. As soon as the plane ("Shamal") flies under you, turn around sharply 180 degrees and your task is now to get into the red circle behind the plane to start the scene. You will find yourself in the cabin of the aircraft. Kill 4 mobsters and then the pilot. Now calmly bring the plane to the GDP (Running - Landing - Runway). The mission will fail if you don't hit the plane's red circle before it reaches Las Venturas.

Saint Mark's Bistro

PROFIT: + Respect | $20,000

PASS: Return to Liberty City (GTA: 3)!!! Drive to Las Venturas airport. Get in the Shamal and take off. Fly not too high. In the limit to the clouds, otherwise miss the point. You will see our dear, already forgotten Liberty City!!! It's winter there. "Saint Mark's Bistro" brings you a taxi. Kill everyone who is in the cafe. And then, when you go outside (to the backyard). After the shootout, kill Forelli. Return to Las Venturas airport. Mission completed! Afterwards, Sweet will call and will say that he will remain in prison for life, but Karl will say that he will be released soon. After Sweet's call, he will call Salvatore and praise him for the impeccable work done !!!


Architectural Espionage

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: I recommend to have pumped armor before the mission (Mission Vigilante), as well as the health and pumping of your favorite weapon. You will have to shoot here a lot and often. First you need to get a camera. Follow the red marker on the radar. Bang the photographer and take the camera from him. Then drive to the City Planning Department. Remove all weapons before entering (you must have empty hands). Come inside. Go straight to the girl, talk to her (twice click on "Y" is an affirmative answer) and go to the last floor. They will tell you not to take pictures. Go down 1 floor and break the old air conditioner. A fire starts and all employees are evacuated. Climb to the top floor and take pictures of the floor plan. As soon as you do this, you will automatically have 2 Wanted Stars. Everyone get ready to shoot. There will be a lot of police officers on the stairs, and they shoot accurately, the bastards. Crush everyone in the building. If you are injured, and there is no armor, and your health is also undermined, then run back to the second floor, where the air conditioner was broken. There are vending machines by the elevator, they sell food. Refresh yourself and exit to the first floor. And so, before leaving (provided that you have not completed the mission for ambulance), get some rest. Then run out and rush with all your might. For you will have 4 stars and a bunch of police. Find any transport and go to "Casino The Four Dragons", hand over the tape and the mission will be completed!!!

Key to her heart

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: This mission requires you to be patient. It can be passed quickly, and with bad consequences, or it can be long, but the end will be pleasant. You will meet the next and last girl in GTA:SA, Millie. This is a pretty perverted girl. Okay, now let's talk about the mission. Drive up to the Caligula Casino at the red marker. And then chase Millie. He will first come to the Sex Shop. Yes, you will have a distance indicator. If it fills up, Millie will get scared and the mission will fail! From the Sex Shop "a call her, Benny (he's a freak, you'll understand later), she will change clothes and leave the store. Run not after her, but to where she came from, change clothes and run outside. Get into the car and drive further for Millie , to her house. She will get out of the car. You now wait for this, Benny. He will be walking with a purple vibrator. Kill him and stand on the red marker. This is how you get to know Millie. So, you have two ways. The first is to to bring your relationship to 30% and she will give you a card from Caligula (actually, this is what you need. This is a long process, but then you can bring it to 100% with her. There is a second way, it's just to kill her, but then she no longer will appear!After killing her, you will get a call!Anyway you get to know Millie, the mission will be completed, but you need a card.Without this card, the mission "Breaking the Bank at Caligula"s" described below will not be available !!!

Dam and Blast

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Many suffer with this mission. Arrive at Las Venturas airport and board the plane. Take off and fly to the yellow dot on the radar. This dot represents a red circle. This circle is very high. That's the secret! Fly higher, as soon as you fly through this circle, you will be able to jump out with a parachute. Land at the indicated location. You have a knife. Kill the guards at the entrance with the stealth mode (sneak up from behind and a knife in the artery!). Get inside the dam, kill everyone and mine the generators, go outside and jump into the water! Mission completed!

Cop Wheels

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You need to steal 4 police motorcycles in 12 minutes and park them on a moving Packer. All motorcycles are marked with green marks on the radar. It is best to start with a motorcycle at the hospital (near Las Venturas airport). Look, you have to kill the policeman or get him off the motorcycle. The Packer is not going very fast. Drive the first motorcycle, after the cutscene immediately go down, catch the first car and hurry to the next motorcycle. 12 minutes is enough. As soon as you collect all the motorcycles, the mission will be completed! Up, Up and Away!

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: You need to improve your armor, health and arsenal. It will be good if you have a sniper rifle. It will make your task easier. Find any vehicle related to law enforcement. You will arrive at a military factory. Go inside and start. The military will attack and try to kill you! With a sniper rifle, kill those you can from afar. Then you have to go through one hangar. Kill everyone there and leave. On the helipad, clear the military and go upstairs. They will send 2 Huter "a to you from the machine gun that is standing nearby, blow them up. Get into the helicopter that is on the helipad and fly to another marker. I hope you know how to use a magnet? Yes. Then pick up the safety car with a magnet (a- for the Collector's) and fly to your airfield, unhook the car to the indicated marker and then land yourself!

Breaking the Bank at Caligula's

PROFIT: + Respect | $100,000



PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: After a small scene, go to your airfield, take the Jetpack and fly to the indicated point. Kill the guy and take his suitcase. The guy is guarded by FBI agents, kill them too. The goal is to pick up a suitcase with evidence. That's all.

High Noon

PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: The hour of reckoning has come. "Officer Pulaski should die"!!! =V. You will chase him with a Bandito. Shoot him periodically. He does not know how to ride and will soon either fly into the water or crash into something. Kill him, that's the main goal! Heh, a little more and the main villain of Tempenny will die, but it's not soon, but for now ...

Return to Los Santos


A Home in the Hills

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: It is necessary to free Maddogg's house from Vagos. You and Triad's are loaded into the plane and fly to the landing site. You parachute down to the Maddogg "a mansion. There, with the Woozie guys, you will protect the roof of the estate. Nobody promised you an easy life. Vagos" ov will, to put it mildly, WELL VERY MUCH !!! They fly from everywhere. You need to kill their boss known as Big Poppa. As soon as you survive the attack on the roof, take the armor that lies on the roof. Collect the surviving Triad "s and go inside the Maddogg" a manor !!! Do not go into the rooms, there are about 2 Vagos "a each. They run out into the corridor themselves. It is very useful to have grenades in your arsenal in the Nth quantity. Bring down everyone who has a pulse and their heart is beating !!! As you get to the end do not be afraid of the corridor and run down, throwing grenades at Vagos "ov, just don't get hurt yourself. It’s even easier if you have a solid supply of Molotov "a + Passing the mission for the Fireman. Endless Molotov, you can take it in the house of Karl himself, provided that you painted over 100 tags! As soon as you deal with these villains, then look for this Big Popp "u \u003d D, and try to kill him before he runs out of the house. Otherwise, you will have to chase him in a bad control machine, Winzor "e. Kill him! Mission completed! Now you have returned the Maddogg" a manor!


vertical bird

PROFIT: + Respect | $50,000

PASSING: It is necessary to capture a jet plane (Hydra). You and Toreno are driving towards the coast. Get into the boat, in which there will be a knife and a pistol with a silencer. And head to the aircraft carrier (a huge ship next to San Fierro). Swim around it from behind and infiltrate through the back of the ship. Quietly get out of the boat. Be careful, the ship is patrolled by soldiers who, when they meet you, will stuff you with lead without hesitation! And what did you think, after all, a military facility! Quietly with a knife, finish off the patrol, and deactivate the SAM (a la air defense), and you can safely steal the Hydra! As soon as you get off the deck, a US Air Force squadron will follow you! Deal with them so that later you can slowly deal with the spy ships. As soon as you destroy the last plane sent to destroy you, then catch on sight and send the spies on it to their last journey! Blow up all the targets and fly to your airfield, which is located nearby. Run your Hydra onto the marker and stomp to save. Mission Passed!

home coming

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Your brother Sweet "a is finally released from prison. Take the Auto and follow him to the police station. When Sweet, exhausted by imprisonment, is in your car, drive to your home. It would be nice if you stopped by for armor and weapons if you don't have it Now you need to clear your territory of drug dealers Kill them all, plus 3 Ballos to start a turf war Once you've secured your holdings Mission will be completed!

Cut Throat Business

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: The goal of the mission is to take away from OG LOC "a book of rhymes that you stole from Madd Dogg" a when you worked for OG Log "a. Actually, after the video, jump from Madd Dogg" om to BF Injection and drive to the location of the filming of the video clip Log " a. After watching the video, you immediately jump into the Vortex and just chase the escaping person on the same Vortex "e OG Log" a. Don’t drive too much, just keep your sight distance. You will go to the Santa-Maria pier. There you will change the Vortex to Kart and keep chasing Log "om. During the chase, do not pay attention to Madd Dogg "a. Your goal is OG Log. The pursued will surrender to you and throw out the book of rhymes. Mission completed!


Beat down on B Dup

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Stop Drugs! Your goal is to end the sale of drugs on the streets. Drug lord B Dup should be dead. After the video, grab Sweet "a and drive to B Dup" a's house! There, a stoned Hommie will say that he left for Glen Park. Stock up on weapons, armor and, having arrived at the place, conquer the territory. Watch the life of Sweet "a! He must not die. After you deal with three waves, your brothers will come to your aid, and together you will destroy the guards of B Dup" a! Then watch the video :) Mission completed!

Grove 4 Life

PROFIT: + Respect | $10,000

PASSING: Capture any two areas of Idlewood. Take Weapons, armor and health. Sit down with Sweet "om and go ahead to capture the districts. Two districts and the mission is completed!



PROFIT: Passed

PASSING: After the video, get into the car with Sweet "om and drive to your home! Attention, there will be chaos and panic on the streets! Go around standing cars! Take yourself and your brother safe and sound! Explosions, police, firefighters, ambulances, random shooting, looting The state of San Andreas is engulfed in riots Mission Complete!

Los Desperados

PROFIT: + Respect

PASSING: Bloody mission! I'm not saying that all vital indicators should be at the maximum, but you should take care of your ammunition yourself. Hire your two brothers. It is desirable if by this time you will have 100 tags painted over. Shading them gives after that more Molotov Cocktails, AK-47, Shotgun and TES-9 at your place. In addition, your gang will have an SMG, a Desert Eagle and a knife in their arsenal! If you find two guys with SMGs, it will be a good help! Drive to Unity Station where you will meet the three fathers of Varios Los Aztecas: Sunny, Gal and Hazer. Ready?! Now on to the brutal cleansing of the territory of Varios Los Aztecas from the damned Vagos!!! When finished, the mission will be completed!!!

end of the line

PROFIT: + Respect

PASS: Final Story Mission! At this point, you must complete the Missions of the Firefighter, Police, Medic. You must have weapons pumped to the maximum! In order for this mission to become available, you need to take possession of at least 35% of the territories! As soon as you do this, Sweet will call you and say that he knows where the traitor Big Smoke is! He's the only one who knows where Tempenny is! In general, you need to be as prepared as possible for this mission. Here you have to shoot a lot and destroy enemies! You will attack the Narco Lab! The only way to get there is to break through the wall. To do this, you will need a SWAT armored car, which you will see on the map. Shoot all who will shoot there. Grab the armored car and rush to the Narco lab. With acceleration, ram the wall and immediately let's move back. The SWAT armored car only appears in this mission. Therefore, I recommend driving it into any garage, and returning back to the Narco Lab. All!!! Crossing yourself and shouting Allah Akbar :) Clear your way to the top of the Penthouse Big Smok "a! Destroy everything that moves. There will be a lot of enemies. Whole hordes of Vagos" ov and other scumbags. And here you are at the cherished door. Behind you are mountains of corpses. Come inside! We watch the scene after which we begin to stuff Big Smoka with lead. Spare no bullets on this pig. Keep an eye on the bathtub too, Vagos will run out from there. Once you bring Big Smoka to his final end, he will be preparing to leave for that world. Watch the scene in which Tempenny appears, threatening you with S.P.A.S "om, he will force you to fill a suitcase with money after he takes the money. He will rush to his heels. He will blow up the generators and start a fire! That's why I asked you to go through the missions of the firefighter !!! , breaking through behind the corrupt cop back down, you will again send several dozen enraged Vagos to the forefathers! Run outside. Then Tempenny will get into the fire truck, and Sweet will rush to the stairs of the fire car. You jump into the car and chase Tempenny. Somewhere near the Stadium in Los Santos, you have to be on the tail of the fire truck, you have not forgotten that your brother is hanging out there on the stairs. So, keeping a minimum distance between the fire truck and yours, you will give Sweet "y a chance to jump into your car. Just don't overdo it or you'll have to start the mission all over again! When your brother jumps into your car, keep chasing Tempenny and here you are on the bridge, the cop is out of control, ... watch the amazing final scene!

All Story Missions Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, completed successfully. Watch the credits. And enjoy the fact that you finally completed the entire story part. But I guess you haven't completed everything yet, so complete all optional missions. And 100% completion in your pocket!