The strangest deaths in the world. The worst deaths in history: list, description and interesting facts

Vladimir Likhonos, a student at the Konotop Polytechnic Institute, died on Tuesday from an explosion of chewing gum.

According to the Blik newspaper, Vladimir lost half of his face from the explosion, and died almost immediately from pain shock and suffocation.

A saucer with citric acid was found on the table of the deceased, as well as a bag of chemical, four times the power of TNT.

Apparently, Vladimir wanted, as usual, to dip the gum into citric acid, but he made a mistake and dipped it into explosives. And as soon as this "chewing bomb" hit the mouth, an explosion thundered.

2. 2009 Sergei Tuganov - Death by Viagra.

Sergei Tuganov fainted and died after a 12-hour orgy.

Sergey made a $4,300 bet with two women that he could last the entire 12-hour sex marathon with both of them.

In order not to lose, the Moscow mechanic swallowed a lot of Viagra pills. However, just a minute after that fateful 12 hours, after he was declared the winner, the 28-year-old man had a heart attack, he fainted and died.

One of the women, who identified herself as Alina, told the Moscow police, “We called an ambulance, but it was too late, they couldn’t do anything.”

Well, at least he died happy.

3. 2009 Taylor Mitchell - death by coyotes

Taylor Mitchell - Canadian pop singer ball mauled by two coyotes. The incident occurred on October 27 on a popular hiking trail in Cape Breton Island National Park. Doctors who arrived at the scene after a call from eyewitnesses saw two coyotes attacking the girl. One of them was wounded, the second fled into the forest - park employees began to search for him, as a result of the search, the animal was shot dead.

Taylor Mitchell was taken to a hospital in Cheticamp, where she was flown by helicopter to Nova Scotia's provincial capital, Halifax. The doctors could not save the girl - early in the morning on October 28, she died.

It should be noted that coyotes are very cowardly animals and never attack people.

Taylor Mitchell, 18, released one album, For Your Consideration, which earned her a Canadian Folk Music Award nomination for Young Artist of the Year.

4. 2008 Gerald Mellin - death by rope, tree and machine

Gerald Mellin, a British businessman, committed suicide by putting his head in a noose and tying the other end of the rope to a tree. He then jumped into his Aston Martin DB7 and drove down the road to Swansea until he was decapitated by a rope. He allegedly took revenge in this way on his ex-wife for leaving him.

5. 2008 David Phyall - death due to eviction

David Phyall, 50, who lives in one of the houses to be demolished near Southampton, Hampshire, UK, cut off his own head with a chainsaw to protest the eviction.

6. 2008 Nordin Bin Montong - death by white tigers.

Nordin Bin Monthong, a Singapore Zoo cleaner, climbed over the fence of a white tiger enclosure for unknown reasons. The animals immediately attacked the zookeeper. A couple of minutes later, Monting's colleagues ran to help and were able to distract the animals, after which they pulled the victim out of the enclosure.

The man died from his injuries on the way to the hospital.

Police are still investigating the circumstances of Monting's death.

7. 2008 Isaiah Otieno - death by helicopter

This horrific incident took place in the quiet small Canadian town of Cranbrook, British Columbia. Isaiah Otieno, a 23-year-old student from Kenya, was crossing the road listening to loud music on headphones. At this time, a helicopter crashed right above him, which for some time tried to stay in the air, but then nevertheless lost control and crashed right on the unsuspecting Isaiah.

Can you imagine how loud the sound must be or how unobservant this deceased young (already forever) man was, so as not to hear and not notice the helicopter circling overhead and in distress?

8. 2008 Mike Warner - Anal Alcoholism

Texan Mike Warner died, so to speak, from "anal alcoholism." Unable to drink alcohol due to a sore throat, the man poured it into himself rectal way. Mike died from an overdose after pouring two 1.5-liter bottles of sherry into himself, thanks to which the level of alcohol in his blood exceeded the legal limit by six times.

9. 2008 Abigail Taylor - pool death

Abigail Taylor died at the age of 6, nine months after her internal organs were partly sucked in by the powerful swimming pool pump, on which she had the imprudence to sit down. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. Unfortunately, despite all the doctors' attempts to save the girl's life, she died from a rare type of cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

10. 2008 James Mason - death by wife

James Mason, 73, of Chardon, Ohio, died of heart failure after his wife actually killed him in a public swimming pool. Christina Newton-John was captured on a video camera. On the tape, she was seen dragging her husband by the arms and legs around the pool and preventing all his attempts to get out of the water. In total, James unsuccessfully tried to get out 43 times. Newton-John (who changed her last name due to her gender change) later “confessed” to the murder.

11. 2007. Jennifer Srange (Jennifer Strange) - Killer prize.

A resident of California died immediately after participating in a competition at a local radio station. She drank the most bottles of water for a game console. The mother of three children gave a toy to the children, after which she died from intoxication.

According to the BBC, California radio station KDND 107.9 offered its listeners a task: to drink as much as possible. mineral water. The winner was to get a Nintendo Wii game console. The competition was called "Hold Your Wee for a Wii", which roughly translates to "Hold your wee - get a Wee."

Before the start of the game, the daredevils who volunteered were advised not to risk their health and not to participate in the competition if they were not completely confident in their abilities. At the first stage of the competition, private traders had to drink a quarter liter of water every 15 minutes. Some contestants left the game after five bottles, the rest switched to larger containers. As a result, 28-year-old mother of three children Jennifer Strange won. How much liquid the participant of the competition drank was not reported. However, according to one of her rivals, he left after the fifth bottle of water, while Jennifer Strange still continued to drink water. After becoming the winner, she told the radio hosts about her household and claimed that she won the novelty from Nintendo just for them. After that, Strange took the prize and went home.

Meeting one of her colleagues on the way, she told him "that she felt really bad." “She was crying, complaining of a severe headache, and this is the last thing we heard about her,” says an eyewitness. On Friday, Strange was found dead at her ranch. Doctors determined death from "water intoxication" - the woman was poisoned by alcohol. Now this fact is under investigation.

12. 2007 Kevin Whitrick - Death on the Internet

Kevin Whitrick, 42, hanged himself. His suicide was broadcast on an internet chat via webcam.

13. 2007 couple in love - orgasm in flight

A naked couple (each 21 years old) in love fell off a roof while having sex in Columbia, South Carolina. Their bodies were discovered by a taxi driver.

14. 2007 Unknown woman - death by camel

An Australian woman was killed by her own pet camel at the family ranch near Mitchell, Queensland, police say.
The camel was given to a woman on her 60th birthday. Now he is only 10 months old, but he already weighs 152 kg. On Saturday, the camel knocked its owner to the ground and apparently attempted to have sexual intercourse. The woman died.

15. 2006 Russia - 20 liters of vodka.

In May 2006, the vodka drinking championship in Volgodonsk ended in the death of the winner. According to Reuters, the competition was arranged by the owner of a local grocery store. He “delivered” 10 liters of vodka to the participants of the championship. Six people took part in the competition. Five of them retired early. The leader lasted 40 minutes, having drunk one and a half liters of vodka during this time. Satisfied with the victory, the participant was taken home by taxi, where he died 20 minutes later. Silver and bronze medalists were in a coma. And the store manager was charged with murder.

16. 2006 Mariesa Weber - death behind the bookcase

One October day in 2006, thirty-eight-year-old Marisha Weber returned home after work, greeted her mother, and from that very moment no one saw her. The family assumed that she had been abducted and contacted the police, which was followed by eleven days of intense searching.

But after some time, the sister of the missing Marisha began to be annoyed by some strange unpleasant smell that spread throughout the house. He led the family to a bookcase from under which a piece of a leg was peeking out.

Her relatives suggest that Marisha tried to plug in a new TV, lost her balance and fell headfirst behind a bookcase. Because in her case it was a thin woman and the bookcase was very large, she had no chance of getting back out. “I slept in this house all those eleven days when we were looking for her. And she was in her bedroom,” said her unfortunate mother, Connie Webber.

17. 2005 Kenneth Pinyan - love for stallions

Kenneth Pignan is a porn actor who starred in an unusual genre - Zoo. He from Seattle died of peritonitis after anal intercourse with a stallion in Enumclaw, Washington. Pingyan had done this before, but this time he did not make another visit to the hospital, so as not to attract the attention of law enforcement. This case led to a ban on bestiality in the state of Washington.

18. 2003 Dr. Hitoshi Nikaidoh - death by elevator

Dr. Christopher Hitoshi Nikaidoh, a surgeon, was beheaded as he entered the elevator at St. Joseph Hospital in Houston, Texas on August 16, 2003. According to one of the witnesses, when Nikaydoh entered the elevator, the doors slammed shut, squeezing his head and the elevator slowly went upstairs. His body was found in front of the elevator doors on the first floor, and the top of his head, cut off just above mandible was found in an elevator. Further investigation revealed that this was the result of a fault in the elevator's electrical wiring. Surprisingly, a repairman was called to check the elevator the day before this incident, but for some reason he could not come.

19. 2002 Richard Sumner - the latest "masterpiece"
Richard Sumner, a British artist suffering from schizophrenia, disappeared and was found three years later. His skeleton was found handcuffed to a tree in the dense forest of Wales. The police during the investigation determined that the cause of death was suicide. Richard handcuffed himself and threw away the key.

20. 2001 Gregory Biggs - death by nurse

A truly nightmarish death befell homeless Gregory Biggs from Texas in 2001. On the way "home" he was hit by a drunk and also drugged Shant Joan Mallard (Chante Jawan Mallard). Gregory's body flew into the windshield, smashed and stuck there.

The driver, a former nurse, however, the tragedy did not bring to life and she simply, as if nothing had happened, drove home to the garage with the body of the unfortunate person sticking out in the windshield. Without bothering to call for help, she just went to have sex with her boyfriend. Later, she said that she apologized to the dying man several times, but it did not occur to her to help him. Given that the man's injuries were serious but not fatal, it is plausible enough that he died within hours. The dead body was found early in the morning by her friend, and the court sent Mallard herself for fifty years to places not so remote.

Does death have a plan?

Death from exhaustion at the screen. All its unusualness is in surprise.

2005 year. A 28-year-old Korean video game fan collapsed to the floor and died in an Internet bar after playing 50 hours non-stop.

From the claw of a lioness

2007 Oktay Makhmudov, 45, from Azerbaijan, climbed down a rope into a lion's cage at the Kiev Zoo and shouted to the numb visitors:

God save me if he exists!

A few seconds later, the lioness jumped on him and severed his artery, killing the intruder instantly.

The unusual death of a little girl

2008 Seven-year-old Abigail Taylor died after her internal organs were partially sucked in by a powerful swimming pool pump, which she had the imprudence to sit on. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. The baby died from cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

In 207 BC e. Greek philosopher Grisippus died of laughter watching his drunken donkey trying to eat figs.

121 BC, Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, was killed for a reward of gold the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder decapitated Guy, cleaned his skull of brains, and filled its cavity with molten lead. When the lead hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. The killer was rewarded with seventeen pounds of gold.

And you will accept death from the eagle and the tortoise

458 BC Aeschylus was killed... by an eagle! He threw a tortoise on Aeschylus's head, confusing the playwright's bald head with a stone.

The coals are hotter!

42 BC Portia Cato, wife of Marcus Brutus, died by swallowing hot coals after she learned of her husband's death.

1927 Isadora Duncan died of asphyxiation and a broken neck when her long scarf got caught in the wheel of the car she was chauffeured in. He did not immediately notice that Isadora's body was dragging behind the car (the driving was then terribly noisy). The screams of the crowd helped the driver wake up, but it was too late. Duncan's heart stopped.

The Unusual and Unsightly Death of Herod

4 BC King Herod fell ill with a fever, covered with a rash, fell ill with inflammation abdominal cavity. Herod's genitals rotted. Before his death, convulsions became more frequent and Herod found it difficult to breathe. During his death throes, many worms swarmed in Herod's body, as evidenced by the court healers.

The death of his grandson Herod Agrippa in 44 was surprisingly similar: abdominal pain, worms. This happened shortly after he imprisoned the Apostle Peter.

Crucified upside down

64 - 67 years. The Apostle Peter was crucified on an inverted cross, upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ.

Cruel death by shells

415 year. The world has too often been cruel to extraordinary women. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Hepatia was killed by a mob who skinned her alive with sharp shells. All that was left of the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake.

The king who drank himself to death

771 years. The King of Sweden, Adolf Fredrik, died of indigestion. He ate for dinner: crayfish, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, drank a lot of champagne. He ate all this with his usual dessert of 14 servings of sweet pie with hot milk. In Sweden they still call him - "the king who got drunk to death."

Death of an explorer

1928 Doctor Alexander Bogdanov died after one of his experiments, in which the blood of students with malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1911 Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey company, died of blood poisoning six years after suffering a leg injury when he kicked him in anger at having forgotten the code combination to the safe.

Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after he was poisoned with hydrocyanic acid, beaten, mutilated, and received several gunshot wounds to the head, lungs, and liver. Strange, but he died precisely from the fact that he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas, an English race car driver, was beheaded by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record last year. Despite the fact that he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record - 171 miles per hour!

1943 Critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.

Death is usually a rather sad and sad event. Many are very afraid of this event and try to delay the moment of death as long as possible. But for some people, this action occurs very unusually. It is these individuals who fall into the top of the most stupid and ridiculous deaths.

Death by animals

Even harmless rodents or domestic chickens can cause a real tragedy. So, the top most stupid deaths are opened by people who died in the process of contact with representatives of wildlife.

A bright personality from this category is a resident of Germany. He died at the age of sixty-three, and the reason for this was an ordinary mole. The rodent that settled on the site harassed its owner too much. The man tried with all his might to fight the annoying animal. In the end, he decided to apply the most radical method, which he could only come up with - the German placed metal rods around the perimeter of his site, connecting them to a power line. The result, of course, was positive, and the rodent ended up in the next world, but the man himself went there with him.

But if that man was guided by at least some kind of logic, then the next lover of experimentation, it seems, was completely devoid of common sense. Twenty-seven-year-old Steve Conner was at work at the zoo when he came up with the brilliant idea of ​​feeding an elephant laxatives. The dose fed to the animal was considerable, so it is not surprising that the man was simply crushed by elephant dung.

If someone says that there are few such “uniques” in the world, then one can argue with this. The most stupid death can overtake several people at the same time. A similar incident occurred in an Egyptian village, where six people died due to one chicken. And it all started with the fact that his owner, who was trying to get the poor bird out of the well, drowned. All his relatives rushed to help him. As a result, both of his brothers and sister, who could not swim, also went to another world. Local residents tried to save all of them, but as a result, there were two more drowned people. Rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy took out all the bodies from a deep well. By the way, that same ill-fated chicken survived.

Reasons for killing

The most stupid death can come at the hands of another person. What could provoke such a desperate step?

The murderer of forty-two-year-old Peter Stone was his little daughter. For some fault, dad sent his child to the nursery, leaving him without dinner. The girl did not agree with this state of affairs. She figured that if she didn't eat, no one else would eat either. A nimble child slipped more than seventy rat poison tablets into his father's coffee. Barely taking one sip, the man died on the spot. The court acquitted the girl, as it considered that at the age of eight she could not perform meaningful acts. But a few months later the situation repeated itself - the young individual tried to kill her mother in the same way.

Seventeen-year-old boy David Danil died during a meeting. To numerous harassment, his young lady answered quite briefly and clearly. The girl killed a fan with a double-barreled shotgun. That's how her father taught her to do it.

Quite rightly, the most stupid death overtook the twenty-seven-year-old Javier Halos. The reason for his falling into the afterlife was non-payment of rent. The owner of the apartment that the young man rented beat him to death with a toilet seat. He must have been very angry, because the tenant did not give him money for eight years.

Jealous lovers

The list of the most stupid deaths continues, it would seem, a completely inappropriate topic for this - love. It is she who pushes people to rash acts, which are sometimes committed in haste.

Some people are of the opinion that revenge is a dish best served cold. The famous American physicist Harold Simms killed his wife gradually. And the reason for this was her betrayal of her husband with a neighbor. The scientist thought out the retribution very carefully. For several months, he replaced his wife's favorite shadows with a uranium composite, which was very radioactive. The woman was so stupid that, despite the obvious signs of radiation sickness, she never went to the doctor. She developed ulcers on her skin, her head completely lost her hair, she lost her sight. Even the fact that her earlobe fell off did not make the traitor think about something. Three months later, Harold Simms' wife died.

The death of John Joe Winter's wife was very loud and memorable for the locals. Perhaps such a decision was influenced by the military activities of the killer. The man decided to deal with his unfaithful wife. He loaded the woman into her own car, in which he had previously laid more than seven hundred kilograms of explosives. The sound of the explosion was heard within a radius of fourteen kilometers. Now John himself and all people are reminded of this situation by a hole fifty-five meters deep and the absence of half a kilometer of the road.

Alcohol addiction

Every year, many people are sent to the next world thanks to their boundless love for alcoholic beverages. Some of them had no idea that the Darwin Award for the most stupid death would someday go to them.

A resident of Texas managed to die from an overdose in such an unusual way. Mike Warner was an avid drinker. But at one point, the poor man was overcome by a sore throat. The man could not speak, it was painful for him even to eat, there was no talk of drinking alcohol. But he decided not to give up and introduce alcohol by another method - rectally. Since the fifty-eight-year-old man gave himself enemas quite often, his wife did not even suspect anything. At one party, a man poured three liters of sherry into himself in this way. But since the alcohol content in the blood exceeded the permissible norm by six times, the unfortunate alcoholic died.

If there are entire drinking championships in the world, then it is not surprising that there are so many deaths from it. For example, in 2006 the owner of one of the stores in Volgodonsk decided to hold a drinking championship. Six local residents competed for a prize of ten liters of vodka. Only one made it to the end of the tournament. The man drank one and a half liters of combustible substance in forty minutes. The old woman with the scythe appeared instantly. Two more participants of the championship fell into a coma. The police opened a criminal case against the organizer of this action.

controversial points

For the most ridiculous deeds, the Darwin Award is given. The list of the most stupid deaths is continued by the dead, who wanted to prove something to others.

One of these stubborn personalities was the Briton Michael Toye. Convincing a friend that white spirit is a combustible substance, he set himself on fire, having previously doused himself with this liquid. He struggled with death for six days, after which he died from terrible burns.

Carried away by the bet, a resident of Valparaiso was hit by a train. The essence of the argument between the two friends was that it was necessary to walk along the rails as long as possible. They gathered at the appointed place at midnight. The driver did not notice the debaters, so he did not even try to slow down.

dangerous sport

In this area, it is not uncommon dangerous injuries and deaths, so the most stupid and ridiculous deaths also affected sports.

An example is professional equestrian Frank Hayes. During the next competition, the athlete had a heart attack. But nothing bothered the horse, and it did not stop. The horse came to the finish line first. This was the only time in horse racing that a dead athlete was the winner.

Died at the hands of his opponent Olympic champion Vladimir Smirnov. During the competition, the athlete's opponent pierced his eye. Due to the fact that the swordsman was injured in the brain, he died nine days later.

Extreme lover

There are people who are not afraid of anything in the world, including death. Many of these extreme sports went to the Darwin Award. The list of the most stupid deaths in this category is opened by Bobby Leach. This man was simply fearless. He was the second person in history to cross Niagara Falls. He just did it in a barrel. Bobby was a performer of many dangerous stunts. But he died not during their execution, but from a complication after a fracture. He just slipped on an orange peel.

Death on TV

The most stupid death in the world also touched the television spaces. During the live broadcast, Christine Chubbuck stated that she would demonstrate the broadcaster's policy of constantly showing blood and death. The reporter was the first person to shoot herself on live television.

Also, laughter did not prolong the life of Alex Mitchell. The man lived half a century and died very positively. He laughed at jokes from his favorite television series and died of a heart attack. After the death of her husband, his wife wrote a letter of thanks to the project leaders for making the last minutes of his life happy and cheerful.


The most stupid death can wait for its victim in completely unexpected places. This is not about plane crashes. You can also go to another world thanks to an ordinary toy. For example, a resident of Arizona, blinded by the sun, lost control of the plane, and he crashed into his head. The man died on the spot.

Failure lay in wait for the Belgian young man. Due to technical problems, the pilot of the Polish fighter was forced to eject. An out-of-control car crashed into the poor guy's house.

musical death

The most stupid death in the world overtook Jean-Baptiste Lully while beating the rhythm with a conductor's staff. He got carried away and injured his toe. The man refused medical care, as a result of which the neglected situation turned into gangrene. The next music he heard was a funeral march.


It can be concluded that the most unusual, mysterious and stupid deaths that have happened throughout history, most often were the cause of human negligence or unreason. Although there are still times when it seems that you can’t escape fate. After all, there are cases when centenarians died the day before their birthday. Or people who are said to be "born in a shirt" died from an absurd set of circumstances. In any case, you can never predict the exact moment. Everyone will definitely meet with an old woman with a scythe, and it is quite possible that this event will not be tragic.

Most people go into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically.

But sometimes the "old woman with a scythe" mercilessly mocks a person, having prepared for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that it is hard to believe in them. We present a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, from 270 BC to the present day.

In 270 BC, while trying to solve Liar's paradox (this is the so-called liar's paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.

In 207 B.C. e. the philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.

In 121 BC. for the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a gold reward was promised, the weight of which should be equal to the weight of the head of Gaius. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, decapitated Gracchus, removed his brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The killers received seventeen pounds of gold.

In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a footstool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But even this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a scarecrow, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, the remains of Valerian were buried.

In 668, the Roman emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constans II, was killed in a bathhouse by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophan the Confessor, a eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.

In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his scholarship, was mortally wounded by the collapsed roof of his own scientific laboratory.

In 1327, Edward II, the first English heir to the throne, took one of the most cruel and most unusual deaths. Deposed from the throne with the help of his own wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - he was stuck in anus hot iron.

In 1478 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, was executed in an unusual way. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke himself chose such a death. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - enough to drown.

In 1514, György Dozsa, the leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary, took one of the most martyrdoms. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his flesh.

In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a joust at the celebration of his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the opponent's spear, which hit exactly in the eye and hit the brain.

In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the uprising of the peasants, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and subjected to a cruel execution. They put a crown of red-hot iron on his head, and then quartered him.

In 1671, the cook of Louis XIV, whose name was Francois Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame that he did not receive the fish ordered to the king's table in time. The unfortunate cook's body was discovered when his assistant came to report that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name has become a symbol of the chef's professional honor.

In 1791 or 1793, the composer and guitarist František Kotzvara died of asphyxiation while having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable - it is difficult to inspire respect for such a dead person.

In 1834, the Scottish botanist David Douglas, who studied plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit-trap, where a bull chasing him fell after him. The animal, of course, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the bull's horns.

In 1850, President of the United States of America Zachary Taylor died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony - it was a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor's body was exhumed and the doctors did not find poison in it.

In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, "the king of detectives", died of gangrene. He bit his tongue after tripping on the pavement while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound caused death.

In 1899, French President Felix Faure died in his office from a stroke that happened to him when a 30-year-old beauty gave him a blowjob. Indeed, in everything you need to know the measure33;

In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was on the list of unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by a six-year-old injury - once Daniel could not remember the combination of his safe and kicked the iron cabinet in anger.

In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, who was considered a prophet and healer, a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was indeed the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned with potassium cyanide, shot at point-blank range, and then thrown into the hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from the fact that he suffocated under water.

In 1927, Parry Thomas, an English racing driver, died while trying to break his own record. He was beheaded by a chain that came off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - a car with an already dead racer reached a speed of 171 miles per hour.

In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of asphyxiation. When she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the wheel of the car and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman's neck.

In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and head of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, while working with causative agents of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment made on himself - infected blood was transfused to him. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.

In 1941, the American writer Sherwood Anderson, on a trip to South America with his wife, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. The developed peritonitis led to death - to carry out a complex surgical operation it was not possible.

In 1943, the American military bomber "Lady be Good" veered off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration and their mummified remains were found in 1960.

In 1943, the critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack after discussing too temperamentally the personality of Adolf Hitler.

In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he came up with a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases, they say - "death as the quintessence of life."

In 1960, during the performance of an aria from Verdi's opera, the famous singer Leonard Warren died of a stroke right on stage. Surprisingly, his last words were the words from an opera with such a symbolic name for the singer “The Power of Destiny”: “To die? Great honor33;".

In 1981, 25-year-old René Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish - the man killed her and ate. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.

In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died while filming The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, they were supposed to shoot at the hero, there was one combat cartridge among the blank cartridges.

In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effects, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy live.

In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell, who lived in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears, died. Once, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.

In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.

In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in the competition, the prize of which was the game console "Nintendo Wii". Under the terms of the competition, it was necessary to drink the most water, but it was not allowed to go to the toilet.

Some mysterious deaths neither doctors, nor police, nor private detectives can solve it. Here are ten fatal cases that still haunt the minds of lovers of secrets and conspiracy theories.

Tom Thomson

On July 8, 1917, the famous Canadian artist Tom Thomson went fishing in a canoe. Two hours later, the boat was washed ashore - empty. Two Thomson spinning rods were also missing. On board, they found only an intact bag of food and one of the two oars.

At first, his disappearance was not given a look - Tom was a creative person and could well go ashore somewhere on a remote island and admire nature all day long.

Three days later, a group of rangers was sent to search for him. On July 16, the body of a 40-year-old painter was found floating on the lake surface 115 meters from land. The examination showed that Tom's body was in the water on the 2nd day of his absence, but there was no water in the lungs. There were no visible signs of drowning, like dried foam around the nostrils.

A narrow 10-centimeter bruise flaunted on the temple of the deceased, and his ankle was wrapped 16 times with a fishing line that had stuck tightly into the skin. The coroner made a seemingly obvious conclusion - an accident. The artist got tangled in gear, slipped and hit his head.

Mark Robinson, a close friend of Thomson and one of the rangers involved in his search, stated that when he cut the line from the leg of the deceased, it did not look like it was accidentally twisted around the leg. He was sure that it was wrapped on purpose - tightly and neatly. Relatives also did not accept the version of accidental death, because Thomson was an experienced fisherman and simply could not get so stupidly entangled in the fishing line.

In addition to the theory of suicide, many other hypotheses were expressed: he could have been killed by runaway laborers or poachers whom Thomson happened to see, or by "enemy spies" hiding in the forest. There was even a version of a local tornado that did not stand up to criticism, which caught the artist by surprise. One way or another, from what Tom Thomson died is unknown to this day.

April 15, 1926 Member of the Australian Parliament Frederick Macdonald disappeared without a trace, leaving a suicide note. His colleague, parliamentarian Thomas John Lee, was suspected of his kidnapping and murder.

Lee, according to other senators, was a scoundrel. In 1925, having recently won a seat in Parliament, he offered MacDonald a bribe of $ 2,000 so that he would refuse to take part in the next election. Frederick "suicided" just before Lee's hearing.

A couple of years after MacDonald's disappearance, Lee's other opponent and MP, Hyman Goldstein, threw himself off a cliff into the sea. Shortly before his death, Goldstein invested in Lee's company, which was soon accused of fraud. Outraged, Goldstein organized a committee to investigate Lee's activities, but ... a couple of days before the first hearing, the body of an honest politician was caught by a fishing trawler.

But there was no direct evidence linking Lee to the two deaths, which looked like suicide, and the senator went unpunished. In 1946, he moved to London, where he again showed his animal nature: he strangled his girlfriend's lover and hid his body at a construction site. He was declared insane and placed in a prison hospital for the insane. After a year of imprisonment, he died, taking to the grave the secret of the death of Frederick MacDonald.

William Briggs

In 1930, someone named Alfred Rose tried to fake his death in order to collect insurance. He found a victim of suitable build, pounded the head with a hammer, put it in a car and set it on fire. Rose was exposed and sentenced to death by hanging. But who was his victim?

For a long time it was believed that the man killed by Rose was William Thomas Briggs, who disappeared at the same time as the arson of the ill-fated car. Plus, he was the size and build of a killer. It was not until 2014 that Briggs' relatives did a DNA test to put an end to this mysterious murder.

When the results returned from the examination, it turned out that the DNA of the relatives did not match the DNA of the person burned in the car. Thus, there were two riddles: where did Briggs disappear and who did burn out in Rose's car?

One of the most mysterious crimes of the past is the murder of Julia Wallace. Historians have called it "a case worthy of the Jack the Ripper mystery."

On January 20, 1931, someone who introduced himself as R.M. called the Liverpool Chess Club. Qualtra, and asked for Julia's husband, the insurer Herbert Wallace. "Tomorrow at 7:30 pm I'll be waiting for you at 25 East Manlove Gardens to get my daughter's insurance..

Delighted by the fallen client, Wallace drove home, and the next day he went to the appointed address. He was in for a surprise: there were three Menlove Gardens in the area: North ("North"), South ("South") and West ("West"). Even the locals have not heard of East Menlove Gardens.

Late in the evening, disappointed, he returned home. When his wife did not open the door for him, he tried to open it with a key, but in vain. The back door was also blocked. Calling the neighbors, he began to break the back door when it opened with ease, although it had been locked a couple of minutes ago.

In the living room, a terrifying sight met his eyes: the bloodied corpse of his wife lay on the floor in the living room.

During the inspection of the house by the police, curious facts surfaced. £4 had disappeared from the bookshelf, but the family's main savings, stored in a tin on a nearby shelf, were untouched. The criminal went into Julia's boudoir and threw her pillow into the fireplace and turned inside out two handbags and three hats that were stored in the closet, which, like the nightstand and dressing table, turned out to be locked. A fireplace poker, the alleged murder weapon, has gone missing from the living room.

The examination did not find any traces of forced entry on the keyhole of the front door, as well as on the back door lock. The investigation accused Wallace of killing his wife and sentenced him to death by hanging. But later, the court - for the first time in the history of Britain - considered that it was impossible to send a person into a noose without a single piece of evidence, and released Wallace to freedom. In 1932, he told the press that he knew the name of Julia's killer, but for some reason was afraid to divulge it.

Letitia Turo

On a Parisian evening in May 1937 at 6:27 pm, 29-year-old Italian Letizia Norriset Touro boarded the metro at the Porte de Charenton station. She was the only passenger in the first class carriage.

When the doors of the car opened at the next station a couple of minutes later, Turo was still the only passenger, but now she was dead. A dagger protruded from her neck.

The girl's death was mysterious, like her life. In the eyes of society, she was a simple widow, barely making ends meet working in a glue factory. At night, she disguised herself as an informer for the Paris police and spent time in seedy nightclubs in search of information.

She was also alleged to have an affair with prominent right-wing journalist Gabriel Gintet, who was smuggling arms for the influential terrorist group Comite secret d'action revolutionnaire (Secret Revolutionary Committee).

Its members called themselves Cagoule ("hoods") and wore hoods to hide their faces. The Hoods were financed by the pro-government elites in Paris. They accounted for at least seven murders, two terrorist attacks and the creation of an armed militia.

In 1937, two "hoods" got into the police, where they were interrogated with prejudice in the Turo case. Both admitted that the girl was killed by their killer. Later, one of the bandits changed his testimony. The second was beaten half to death by an unknown person and could no longer testify for health reasons.

Some conspiracy theorists say that Letizia Turo was killed because she learned the terrible secrets of Mussolini, because killing with a dagger in the neck was a favorite method of Italian killers.

Harry Oakes

Harry Oakes, the richest man in the Bahamas, was found dead on July 8, 1943. Someone beat him to death with a studded baseball bat, doused him with gasoline, and sprinkled him with pillow feathers. The killer tried to set fire to the corpse, but for some reason the flames did not start.

Oakes made his fortune in gold mines in Canada before fleeing to the Bahamas to avoid paying taxes.

The governor of the islands was a good friend of Oakes, so he hired two private detectives to get to the bottom of the truth. Soon, his son-in-law Alfred de Marini was accused of killing the businessman. Oakes hated his daughter's husband, believing that he was just waiting for his death in order to inherit the fortune and live happily ever after. In addition, Marini's fingerprint was found at the crime scene. A weighty motive - the young man was put on trial.

Later it turned out that the print was slipped by detectives who wanted to say goodbye to the complicated case as soon as possible. Marini was acquitted, and a new suspect appeared in the case, Oakes' business partner, Harold Christie.

Christy owed Oakes a substantial sum. There were witnesses who saw him leaving the house of the deceased at about the time when Oakes' body was supposed to catch fire. Christie himself claimed that he slept all night at his place. The police let him go home.

Lilly Linderstorm

Lilly Lindestorm, a 32-year-old divorcee from Stockholm, lived in a tiny apartment and made a living as a prostitute. On May 1, 1932, she discussed plans for the upcoming May holidays in the kitchen with 35-year-old Minnie Jenson, a neighbor and companion in misfortune.

Neighbors called Lilly “call-girl” (“call girl”), not only because of her profession, but also because she alone had a telephone installed in the whole house. The conversation between two friends was interrupted by a phone call. Lilly got a call from another client, and Minnie retreated to her room. Half an hour later, Lilly stopped by Minnie's to borrow condoms. When, a few hours later, Minnie decided to visit her friend again, no one opened the door. Deciding that the date continues, the woman left.

Three days passed before Minnie decided to call the police. Law enforcement officers broke down the door and saw a completely naked girl lying face down in a pillow. She was killed with three shots to the head. Lilly's clothes were neatly folded into a pile.

There was a completely crazy aspect to this already creepy story. There was a gravy boat stained with blood in the room. As shown forensic examination, with this gravy boat, the killer collected blood from Lilly's wound and drank.

The police interviewed 80 of Minnie's clients, but they were all beyond suspicion. The name of the Atlas vampire is still a mystery.

Mary Money

Late in the evening of September 24, 1905, the mangled remains of a young woman were found on the rails of a tunnel in the southeast of England. At first, the police considered the death a suicide, but further examination showed that she had first been strangled with a scarf. The body found by the railway superintendent was still warm - hardly half an hour had passed since the moment of death. The dead woman, Mary Money, was identified by her brother Robert.

The police tried to recover recent activities Mary. It turned out that around 19:00 she was talking with a friend, telling her that she was going for a walk and would be back soon.

There were two witnesses who saw Mary at the station that evening. There were also those who noticed her in the first class carriage in the company of a man. Another witness reported that he saw a man similar to the previous description get out of the first class carriage alone. The train passed through the same tunnel at 22:19. The body was found at 22:55.

The police naturally decided that Mary's lover threw her out of the car at full speed. But having checked all the male environment of the girl, they just shrugged - everyone had an irrefutable alibi.

Three relatives of Charles were suspected: his wife Florence, who was tired of the cruel perverse harassment of her husband, her former lover James Gully and the maid Miss Cox, who was about to be fired. A version was also put forward that Charles Bravo planned to poison his wife, but mistakenly drank the poison intended for her.

Günther Stoll

The mysterious death of German Gunther Stoll occurred on October 26, 1984. Him, still alive, but severely crippled, early morning found in a car, in a ditch near the highway. He died on the way to the hospital without regaining consciousness.

Stoll's wife recalled that on the eve of the murder, he told her: “Now he is in my hands!” After which he wrote this note, took it with him and left the house.

Per next years two noteworthy versions were expressed that could shed light on the mystery of "YOGTZE". This could be a reference to the TZE additive used in yogurt (Gunther was a food technologist). Or the word used was not the letter G, but the number 6 - YO6TZE, a radio signal used in Romania.
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