Determine the color of the child's eyes. The color of the eyes of the child according to the color of the eyes of the parents

For many future and already established parents, the color of the eyes of a child is very important - and its genetics determines. The vast majority of newborn babies have a cloudy blue hue of the cornea, which changes to a lighter or darker side over time. What does it depend on? First of all, the main role belongs to the genetic predisposition and place of residence of a person.

Every nation on Earth has a dominant color of hair, skin and eyes. For example: among the inhabitants of Latin America Brown eyes can be found in 80-85% of the population, Ukraine and Russia - 50% and 30%. The darker the skin of the parents, the more likely the crumbs to have brown and dark brown eyes.

Probability of eye color in a child

Most often, the color of the eyes of parents and children is the same, but there are exceptions. Such facts are explained by the different content of melanin - the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and iris. Light-eyed and fair-haired people have very little pigment, albinos do not have it at all. The red color of the eyes is the blood vessels that are not masked by the pigment. Why is the dark color of the iris more common? Genetics says that brown eyes are dominant, blue and gray are recessive. Therefore, for brown-eyed parents, the possible eye color of a child is brown, and for gray-eyed moms and dads, a baby with dark eyes cannot be born.

How to explain the fact that almost always the same? This is due to the activity of melanocyte cells. Little workers do not immediately begin to produce melanin. Gradually accumulating, the pigment colors the iris of the eyes in a genetically incorporated color. In some children, the turbidity begins to brighten, and by the age of six months the baby is looking at the world with bright blue eyes. In others, on the contrary, they darken. Be aware that a baby's eyes may darken over time. But never change the dark brown color to gray or blue. The exception is a violation in the work of melanocytes.

The child has different colored eyes

Such a violation of the pigment production process is rare, and should alert parents. - when one eye is colored more intensely than the second, it can be complete (the entire eye) or partial (part or sector of the iris). Sometimes a person lives all his life with a different eye color, feeling great, but there are cases when such a violation ends with a cataract. Therefore, parents who notice a violation of the color of the eyes of their child should immediately show it to an ophthalmologist.

When do babies change eye color?

In the first 3 months after birth, it makes no sense to expect a change in the color of the iris. Most often, the final changes occur during the first year of life. For some children - from 3 to 6 months, for others - from 9 to 12 months. The shade of the eyes may change slightly, acquiring the final color by 3 or 4 years.

How to find out the color of a child's eyes?

To determine the color of a child's eyes, genetic scientists have developed a special table that indicates the percentage of probabilities under given conditions.

However, no specialist can say with 99% certainty what shade of the iris a newborn baby will have. Moreover, in the case of a mutation or disruption of the melanocytes, genetics is powerless.

The expectation of a child excites and strains young parents. Many times they try to imagine what their miracle will look like when they are born. For some reason, it is generally accepted that brown-eyed parents must have a baby with brown radiant eyes, and, conversely, blue-eyed parents have only a baby with the same eyes shining in the sky.

The second outcome is quite likely, but when instead of the expected brown eye color of dark-eyed parents, a child with gray eyes is born into the world, dad may have a vague suspicion. Relatives also add: “Why doesn’t he look like you? »To avoid such incidents, a system was invented by which you can find out what factor determines the color of the eyes in newborns - a table of the most probable options, taking into account the original colors from dad and mom.

It may surprise inexperienced parents, but almost all children are born with dull gray, sometimes with a bluish tint. After some time, their color changes and by a certain age becomes permanent. For each child, this happens at an individual time for him, but the approximate range varies from 6 to 36-48 months. Throughout this time, the color of the eyes changes many times.

The colored area of ​​the eye, called the iris, begins its formation as early as 10-11 weeks of a baby's life in the mother's stomach. Its color in the future is initially determined by a combination of as many as 6 different genes. No one can predict with 100% certainty exactly how the maps of genes will fall. But genetic scientists keep statistics, according to which the hereditary characteristics of a parent with dark eyes dominate in the transmission. Maybe that's why dark-haired and brown-eyed children seem to be more resilient than gentle and defenseless blondes with light eyes. Although in fact it has been proven that the latter will have stronger immunity. Why aren't babies born with their permanent eye color right away? The reason is that in the iris of newborns there is still no coloring pigment - melanin. When its production gains strength, the color of the eyes will change. For the same reason, children's hair color changes as they grow up.

Often, even in a child who has passed this age line, the eye color does not match the mother's and father's. The thing is that hereditary traits pass to the child not only from parents, but also from long-dead relatives, among whom there could be people with different colors of eyes, skin and hair. That is why sometimes a mulatto baby is born to a white-skinned couple - the genes of an Indian great-grandfather simply affect, for example. There is nothing super unusual in the fact that the baby is unlike his parents with his eyes or anything else - they still have enough in common.

Most likely eye color

Since we are talking about a genetic predisposition to inheriting eye color, then, as already mentioned, there is a certain system by which you can roughly determine what it will be like in a child. Below is a table that shows the approximate probability in percent.

Eye color of the child's parentsThe baby will have green eyesThe baby will have blue eyesThe child will have brown eyes
Brown + brown19% chance6% chance75% chance
Green + green75% 25% Less than 1%
blue + blue1% 98-99% Less than 1%
Brown + green38% 12% 50%
Brown + blue0,5% 50% 50%
Blue + green50% 50% 0,5%

But what if your child's eyes are not colored at all according to the chart and generally have a completely unusual color that you did not expect? Then focus on the state of his health. So, if you have blue eyes and want a baby with the same color, aspire to marry a blue-eyed person. The same applies to other colors. But remember that the most beautiful and happy eyes are those newborn babies whose parents are together for love, and not because of the color of the eyes.


It happens that the native eye color of a child is hidden behind a veil of illness. For example, neonatal jaundice or hepatitis causes the white part of the eyeball to turn yellow, causing the iris to change and appear darker than usual. The general soreness of the body also makes the whites of the eyes less contrasting and obscures the brightness of their natural color. In medicine, there has long been a method for diagnosing diseases by the state of the iris. Physicians who practice this method are called iridologists. With many diseases and slagging of the body, the iris darkens or becomes cloudy, the clarity of the gaze changes, and, conversely, a clear gaze is an indicator of excellent health.

However, there is an incurable, but not always dangerous disease of the iris called heterochromia. With this pathology, melanin, which determines its color, is not produced, or is unevenly distributed inside the eye, leading to their dissimilarity. Heterochromia can affect the iris completely or only partially. Despite the fact that children with eyes of different colors look like they are from another planet, in today's world, where everyone strives to be different, this is more of a convenience than a disadvantage. But it's not always good. Sometimes a change and dissimilarity in the color of the iris requires examination for diseases.

As rare as heterochromia, albinism occurs - the complete absence of melanin in the iris. The eyes of albinos are always very light, almost transparent. The blood vessels that feed the eyeball give it a slightly red tint. If parents are confused by the color of the child's eyes, for their peace of mind, they should contact an ophthalmologist with their complaints.

The main thing is vision

It is unlikely that you are so concerned about the color of the eyes of your unborn child that you will be too upset if he does not match your dreams. It is much more important that the eyes of the crumbs be vigilant and help him in understanding the world around him. How does vision develop in newborns?

It is known that a baby who has just been born is not yet able to see objects and people in the way that we do. At first, the baby sees everything, as if through a thin transparent fabric. This is due to the fact that he is not yet able to concentrate his gaze at one point. Gradually, what appears to the child's gaze changes, becomes more and more outlined, so that he already begins to recognize familiar faces and things. Normally, such a clearing of the gaze occurs up to 2 months of life. But it will take a long time for the baby to reach the adult level, since in a year he sees only 50% of the capabilities of an adult without visual impairment.

You should not worry, because having reached the required age, the baby will acquire a clear, directed and sharp look. Only if you observe deviations from the accepted norm, consult a specialist. Good vision will give the child great opportunities in the future, and the color of the eyes does not interfere in any way, but does not help him to use them.

  1. According to statistics, every "pregnancy" from the second trimester increases the risk of developing an unpleasant disease.
  2. Half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids, the disease develops quickly and most often women already treat the consequences, and do not do prevention.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) are aged 31-40.
  4. Doctors recommend timely treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But there is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of the disease ...

Eye color is charming and captivating numerous researchers over the centuries, until science helped us better understand the nature of the origin of eye color, and most importantly, how it is inherited. When it comes to predicting the color of a baby's eyes, one thing is certain: the baby will be born with blue eyes. Almost always, the eyes of newborns have exactly blue color, which subsequently darkens as it is exposed to sunlight. By about three or four years of age, a child's eyes usually acquire their permanent, lifelong color, be it blue, green, brown, amber, grey, dark brown, or even dark red.

Chances of brown, blue or green eyes

Below is a simple chart that shows the percentage chances of a child's eye color depending on the color of their parents' eyes.

Are you wondering how the color of the baby's eyes is predicted? The whole trick is to understand how this color is inherited.

Inheritance of eye color from the point of view of science

The question of eye color and how it is passed from parent to offspring has been a topic of much debate among geneticists over the years. There is a well-established opinion that the color of the eyes of a child is inherited according to the laws of Mendel. According to this law, eye color is inherited in almost the same way as hair color: genes for dark color are dominant, i.e. the traits (or phenotypes) encoded by them take precedence over the traits encoded by the lighter color gene.

Parents with dark hair are more likely to have children with dark hair; offspring of fair-haired parents will be fair-haired; and the child of parents whose hair color is different will have hair whose color will be somewhere in the middle between the parents. Of course, there are exceptions, but there are also patterns of processes described by Darwin, Lamarck and Mendel a century ago. There are also rules describing code and inheritance for most genes.

The author hopes that future parents will use this article as some kind of help in determining the color of their baby's eyes. Whether or not you delve into the scientific theory behind predicting eye color in children, these tips are meant to be a great foundation for moms-to-be and dads to determine the color of their unborn baby's eyes.

Use it as an aid to coming up with an informed prediction based on long hours of research.

Some fun facts about eye color

You probably know that the most common eye color in the world is brown, but did you know that the rarest eye color is green? In fact, less than two percent of the world's population has green eyes. If we talk about countries separately, then Turkey has the highest percentage of citizens with green eyes, namely: 20%. There are also a certain number of countries, located mostly in Asia, South America and the Middle East, whose inhabitants have almost no green eyes.

Did you know that for the inhabitants of the Caucasus, the blue color of the eyes is the most characteristic, not counting amber, brown, gray and green? Also, more than 80% of Icelanders have either blue or green eyes.

A rare, but very noticeable phenomenon called heterochromia leads to the fact that a person's eyes have a completely different color. The American actress Mila Kunis, known for the series "That '70s Show" and "Family Guy", has one blue eye and the other green. Kate Bosworth, who played in the films "The Blue Wave" and "Superman Returns", has both blue eyes, but the lower part of the right eye contains a large blotch of brown. David Bowie, author of the hits "Ziggy Stardust" and "Labyrinth", is perhaps the most famous celebrity with mismatched eye colors. However, few people know that Bowie's eye color difference is the result of an injury he received while playing football as a teenager, and not heterochromia.

Translation specifically for the site

Many parents look forward to the arrival of their son or daughter. Almost always in their minds, future parents draw images of the baby: what color will the eyes and hair be, who will he look like, etc. And if in the last stages of ultrasound it is possible to clearly see what the baby's face will be like when it is born, then to determine what eyes the child will have by color, the apparatus has not yet been invented.

What will genetics tell?

Genetic scientists have long calculated the probability of what eye color a child will have, and entered their observations in the table below:

Everyone knows that the dominant eye color that prevails on the planet is brown. Therefore, if one of the parents is brown-eyed, then the probability of having a baby with brown eyes is very high. Even the owners of green eyes have a chance of having a brown-eyed one, although, of course, it is small.

The theory of dominant and recessive traits is very interesting. Each person contains a certain set of genes. Each of them contains information that, depending on the situation, can be suppressed or, conversely, dominated. According to this theory, you can find out what kind of eyes a child will have both in color and in the shape and even the length of the eyelashes. You can consider the dominant and recessive traits in more detail in the table:

It is also interesting to note that the recessive gene can show up unexpectedly in subsequent generations, which sometimes confuses some couples who have a baby with a different eye color.

How does eye color change?

It is not possible to determine what kind of eyes a child will have as soon as he is born. All babies are born with dark blue eyes. It is very rare to find a baby with darker eyes, almost black. This is typical for babies with dark skinwho have a large amount of melanin in the body. Starting from the sixth month of life, the eyes of the crumbs begin to change, and the color is established in some children in a year, and in others in two or three. Why this happens at different ages, until now, scientists have not given an official explanation.

It is very rare to find babies whose nature has awarded black-yellow or gray-brown-green. Both those and others are found in the world and are not an anomaly, but there are only a few people with such eyes.

In addition, I would like to note that the crumbs can change the color of the eyes in two cases: trauma and eye disease, which can affect the change in the color of the iris.

No one will give you a 100% answer to the question of what color the eyes of a child should be. With the help of genetics, it will only be possible to assume the likelihood of a baby being born with one color or another, and you can see what it will be like for sure by looking at it at two or three years old.

The color of the iris of the child with a high degree of probability can be recognized even during the mother's pregnancy. If you want to identify the color of the eyes of a child from the parents, a genetics table may be the best option - we will talk about it. It is worth remembering that such a definition of shades is not 100% reliable. Modern scientific research has shown that the tone of the irises is formed not by 2, as previously thought, but by 6 genes. However, today it is still not easy for parents to predict what color a child will have: there are quite a few varieties of its formation.

Child's eye color: table and main varieties

The teaching of genetics, which is part of the biology course, in addition to determining the type of face and other physical properties of the child, also considers the factors that affect the tone of the irises. This theory suggests several options for formation. There are two main genes that form the color of the eyes of a child from parents, a table of varieties of which will help predict the future shade - these are genes located on chromosomes 15 and 19.

genes for coloration

Gene 15 chromosome. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table should include the main tones and shades. The fifteenth gene creates a brown or blue color. The dominant tone here is brown. A brown-eyed woman and a blue-eyed (green-eyed) man will have brown-eyed children, and their grandchildren will have unpredictable coloration. Thus, two brown genes produce brown irises, blue plus brown also produces brown, and two blue genes produce both blue and green.

Gene 19 chromosome creates green or blue (gray, blue) colors. The green tone is dominant here, but if at least one brown 15th gene is present, then, regardless of the presence of the 19th gene, the iris will be brown. Two green 19th genes, as well as blue plus green, create a green tone, and two blue genes create a blue tone. To make it easier to understand how to determine the color of the eyes of an unborn child, the table should be viewed horizontally.

What color will the child's eyes be: table

Green tint that includes the eye color chart

In babies with green eyes, the iris usually has brown speckles or a predominance of swamp color. Completely green eyes in newborns are almost never observed. This tone, regardless of shade, is due to the low content of melanin. The presence of the pigment lipofuscin also affects the green color of the irises. This pigment converts the light source into various green tones. Lipofuscin is able to accumulate and, conversely, disappear from cells, which is why chameleon eyes are more common in green-eyed people.

Gray and blue color

The corresponding eye color of a child from parents, which is displayed in the table, is explained by the density of the shell: the tissues of the outer layers, the denser, the lighter the tone. The highest density of fibers is observed with light gray irises. Gray coloration, like blue, is more characteristic of Europeans. To reveal the color of the child's eyes, the table is considered the most in a visual way. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that at first a blue tint appeared, which arose about VIII millennia ago due to a gene mutation, and then, as a kind of blue tone, the eyes acquired a gray color.

Blue colour

This color is obtained as a result of the content of the corresponding pigment in the outer layers. The low density of the outer layer gives a light color, and vice versa. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table is the most convenient option. Moreover, there are no blue fibers in the iris - the light, falling on the surface, is scattered, and only part of the rays absorbs the inner layer filled with melanin. Thus, with the combination of all these factors, we observe the tone of the eyes of babies, in this case - the blue iris.

Child's brown eye color: table

These tones are considered the most common - this is due to the fact that a high number of melanin pigment is present in the iris. In addition, the gene containing information about brown or black color is dominant. To determine the tone will help the table of eye colors of the unborn child. In babies, black color is more often observed in Asian countries. With this coloring, ambient light is completely absorbed due to the high amount of pigment, and other shades are simply not visible. Brown-eyed children are more often born in Africa and South America.

According to statistics, in the world of green-eyed people there are the least: they are 2% of the total number of people. Green-eyed children are more often natives of Iceland and Turkey, and, as a rule, they are female. The minimum number of green-eyed people in Asia and South American states, and also in the Middle East. At the same time, blue eye color is widespread among Caucasians. Most of the world's population is brown-eyed. This is shown in the eye color table. Albino red irises can be classified as a separate category, the color of which is associated with an almost zero pigment content. A unique feature is considered to be a different shade of irises.

In addition to the table, to determine the color of the eyes, there is Mendel's law, according to which colors are inherited with the dominance of dark shades. Gregor Johann Mendel discovered this law over a hundred years ago. Born from people with different phenotypes, a child often takes on an average shade between both parents. Using the latest medical technology, doctors can perform operations to change the brown color of the iris to a blue tint, but such experiments do not affect the offspring.

According to scientists, there were no blue-eyed people for X millennia before. According to the researchers, everyone who has these irises descended from the same ancestor. To find out if the color of the eyes of the unborn child will become blue, the table will help.

In most light-eyed people, the tone of the irises can change with a change in mood and well-being. Such a change in color is also characteristic of a child: when the baby is sleepy, the eyes become cloudy, when upset, the color approaches a greenish tone, rejoices - to a blue tint, when hungry, the eyes darken.

To identify eye color in newborns, the table will help to do this with a high degree of certainty, but there is no need to attach any special importance to eye color. In addition to the above cases, a baby can be born with both yellow and purple irises (which is usually associated with albinism) - one way or another, eye tone is not considered fundamental in shaping the appearance of a child.

Many factors affect the color of the eyes of an unborn child. These include heredity, physiology, race. The hue of the pupils is laid naturally at the junction of the 1st and 2nd trimesters. However, in the vast majority of cases at birth, the shade of the iris in a child is blue. From the first months of life to 5 years, it can change. The exception is brown. At the same time, future parents can try to satisfy the interest, and determine the outcome, by understanding the existing patterns and becoming familiar with the genetic scheme.

What determines the color of a child's eyes?

An important role in this matter is played by the concentration of melanin and the density of stromal fibers.

The color of the iris is affected by the level of pigment content in the ecto- and mesodermal layers. Light shades such as grey, green and blue are indicative of low concentration. Brown is the result of a high level of melanin in the body. It needs exposure to light to produce it. Frequent cases of the birth of a child with blue eyes are explained by the fact that the pigment is not produced when the babies are still in the womb.

The second factor is the density of the adjunction of the fibers. If they are placed freely, there is a high probability of having a baby with brown eyes. Conversely, the baby has light gray, blue or green eyes if the fibers are close together. In addition, the shade of the pupils depends on geographical and ethnic factors. Natives of Europe often have a blue and gray-blue shell color. Indigenous peoples of North, East and Southeast Asia are dominated by brown and green shades of the iris. In babies with dark skin - brown or close to black.

genetic predisposition

The dominant gene in determining eye color is dark, while light is recessive.

Pupil color is determined by 2 genes. They are located on the 15th and 19th chromosomes. Each has 2 identical copies, one of which is given to the baby. Thus, a set of 2 genes comes out. The 15th chromosome stores blue and brown, and the 19th - green and blue. The latter also includes gray and blue. Often the color of the eyes of the child matches the parent. This explains the science of genetics. And the first law of heredity was deduced by a monk named Gregor Mendel. This pattern highlights the dark gene as dominant. If both parents have the same color type, then most likely the baby will inherit it. However, in the case when the father and mother of a different phenotype, the advantage is on the side of dark genes and the child will get brown eyes. In this case, the light gene is recessive.

It is important to understand that even after a generation, the principle of inheritance can be observed. Thus, the color of the eyes of a child can also be transmitted from the grandparents. In addition, the shade of the iris is influenced by genes that determine the tone of the hair and dermis. Light hair and pale skin are most often found in blue-eyed children. A child with green eyes has the same set of external characteristics. A person with dark skin and hair tends to have a brown tint. visual organs.

Iris Color Calculation Table

Every person on the planet is the owner of a unique shade of pupils. However, the science of genetics allows you to calculate the possible options with the maximum degree of accuracy. A combination of genes is passed from each parent to the child. This combination determines the color of the baby's visual organs. As a rule, if parents have brown and blue eyes, there is practically no chance of having a child with green eyes. The regularity of the birth of a baby with this eye color is amazing when mom and dad have brown eyes. Also in this version, a blue tint is possible. True, these are very rare cases. A blue-eyed child can be born even to parents with green eyes. A scheme has been developed that allows future mothers and fathers to predict the shade of the baby's iris. The test takes a matter of seconds.

The most interesting thing for future parents is to think, a girl or a boy will be born, whose nose the baby will have and what kind of eyes he will have - blue, like his mother, brown, like his grandfather, or maybe green, like his great-grandmother? It’s somehow simpler with sex, on ultrasound, if mom wants to, they will most likely tell who will be born, but what about eye color? After all, it’s so impatient to quickly imagine how the baby will be born! With appearance, everything is not so simple, but the "mirror of the soul" ... We can assume the color of the child's eyes. A table for determining the shade of the iris exists and will help with this.

Newborn's eyes

What will be the color of the eyes of the crumbs, is laid in the first trimester of pregnancy, more precisely towards its end, at the eleventh week. But almost without exception, babies are born with only occasionally dark-eyed newborns. This does not mean that the color will not change. By about a year, sometimes even by three or five, the eyes become what nature intended them to be, or, if you like, which genes predominate in the baby. The color of the eyes of a child changes just in time for this period of life, starting from 6-9 months. Only in brown-eyed people it will become constant in the first months. It happens that a baby is born with different colored eyes. This phenomenon occurs in about one percent of cases out of a hundred and is called heterochromia.

Melanin, which is responsible for the color of the eye and is released when light hits, is simply not produced in the mother's tummy. This explains why all newborns are the same. So, don't torture yourself trying to see the color of your little one's eyes. Be patient, you will soon see what kind of baby he is.

Eye color in a child and genetics

Many people remember how they said in biology classes that brown eyes dominate over the rest. This, of course, is true, but even if the eyes of both mothers and fathers are the same, there is still a small chance to give birth to a child with green eyes or with blue color iris. So jealousy aside, we turn on our brains and begin to figure out why, what and why. It's no secret that some couples break up just because brown-eyed parents have a light-eyed child.

Of course, relying on science, you can understand genetics. After all, it is she who gives the answer to the question of what eye color the child will have. It exists according to which eyes, like hair, are inherited according to the principle of the predominance of genes responsible for dark color. Gregor Mendel, a learned monk, discovered this law of inheritance more than a hundred years ago. For example, dark-colored parents and children, with a high degree of probability, will be the same, while light-colored ones will have the opposite. A child born from people of different phenotypes can be average in hair and eye color - between one and the other. Naturally, there are exceptions, but this is rare.

Determination of eye color

All of the above can be presented in the form of a table. From it, everyone will presumably determine the color of the baby's eyes.

How to determine the color of the eyes of an unborn child. Table
parent's eye colorbaby eye color
hazelgreen hazelgreen
++ 75% 18,75% 6,25%
+ + 50% 37,5% 12,5%
+ + 50% 0% 50%
++ 75% 25%
+ + 0% 50% 50%
++ 0% 1% 99%

It is not difficult to understand what the color of the child's eyes will be. The table according to which this can be done confirms Mendel's law, but the same exceptions to the rules remain in the form of a small percentage. How nature will dispose, no one knows.

By the way, the fact that the dark color is dominant at the gene level has led to the predominance of brown-eyed people all over the world. According to some reports, the light color of the eyes of a child in the future will not occur at all.

Blue-eyed people, according to scientists, did not exist at all ten thousand years ago. Everyone with this shade of the iris has one ancestor, according to the researchers.

It has fewer people than any other. Due to the fact that only every fiftieth inhabitant has this shade, at different times and among different peoples, according to tradition, they were either burned at the stake, then praised and treated with respect, endowing them with witchcraft abilities in both cases. And today brown-eyed people have to hear that they have an evil eye and they can jinx someone.

Among the various variations of the three main shades of the iris, it is very rare to find people with red eyes from blood vessels. Although they look unpleasant and even scary, they are not to blame for the fact that they were born albinos. Melanin, due to which the irises of the eyes differ in color, is practically absent in such people.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And one more interesting fact, someone paid attention to him, someone did not, but the eye color of most, if not all, light-eyed people changes depending on mood, well-being, color of clothing, in stressful situations.

The color of the eyes of a child is no exception. The table above will not tell you about this, and there are no specific rules here. Everything is individual. Basically, when the baby is hungry, the eyes darken. and naughty - become cloudy. If she cries, the color is closer to green, and when she is happy with everything, to blue. Maybe that's why they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Many parents of the unborn baby and their relatives are trying to determine the color of the child's eyes. The table created for this helps them, of course. But it is more important that the baby is born healthy. And it is much more interesting to watch how the baby will change and what his eyes, nose, hair will become, and not know in advance. The baby will grow up, and you will see if he is light-eyed or vice versa.

The eye color of a child is determined by genetics and nothing but her. This science allows, at least with a fraction of a percent, to learn a lot about your baby, how he will look, and even what diseases he will inherit. But exactly at 100%, unfortunately, moms and dads will not be able to find out whether the adored baby will look at you with blue, brown or green eyes.

Newborn baby eye color

All babies are born with blue eyes. And this is far from a myth, although there is a percentage of babies who are born with a dark iris. It all depends on the amount of melanin - a pigment that saturates our skin with a beautiful swarthy shade, and our eyes with a dark chocolate color. Babies, being born, have practically no melanin (there is a very small amount of pigment), so light skin color and blue eyes are the norm and standard. Although, if both parents are swarthy and all dark-eyed in the family, the child may be born with light brown eyes, since they have more pigment in the iris than light-eyed ones. Over time, melanin appears and accumulates more and more in the iris of the eyes, and they can change their color.

There are exceptions, for example, if the pigment is completely absent, the baby can be born with red eyes, like in albinos, because its capillaries are completely visible. Another exception is the disease of heterochromia, in which case the baby will be born with eyes of different colors, for example, one gray, the other green-brown.

When does a child's eye color change?

Thanks to genetic data, many babies change their eye color in favor of the one laid down by their parents (the dominant gene of one of the parents). Rather, it changes itself, at the age of about 9 months, sometimes earlier, but mostly later.

The exact and final eye color of a child can be seen at the age of two years. In some babies, the eyes may darken even at three or four years. There are cases that already in adulthood, at school, for example, children acquired a different eye color, from bright blue irises they turned into brown eyes. When enough melanin accumulates, then the eyes will determine the color.

In general, eye color is determined by genetics, but if we talk specifically about the shade itself, then the amount of melanin in the iris of the eye plays a role here, how much more or less it depends on the blue, green, or brown color the child will have.

What color will the child's eyes be?

Not necessarily the color of the eyes can change from gray to brown. Even if the parents are proud owners of dark brown eyes, the baby can inherit a light shade from distant relatives, such as great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother. Genetic tests, analyzes and tasks can, although not 100%, can reveal the secret of what eye color a child will have after birth.

It all depends on what color eyes the parents have. Their DNA contains dominant and recessive genes that are responsible for the color of the eyes and other things, and so, the gene for the dark shade of the iris is dominant, that is, the winner, it is stronger, which means that it will easily defeat the recessive, weak gene for light eyes, blue or light green.

There are exceptions when both parents are brown-eyed, but the child, on the contrary, has a light shade of eyes. There is nothing surprising in this, since genes are mixed for generations, and one gene may be lost, but found in your baby. For example, when a fair-skinned couple gives birth to a dark-skinned baby, and having done all the genetic analyzes, it becomes clear that in the family of the parents, several generations ago, there was, for example, a dark-skinned great-great-grandfather.

Baby blue eyes

It would seem, what is the difference between blue and blue eyes, by and large. But science and medicine think otherwise. Let's take a closer look, the eye has an outer (ectodermal) and an inner (endodermal) layer of the iris, the inner one is filled with melanin, to a greater or lesser extent. But the outer one, especially in infants, contains a tiny fraction of the pigment, and the smaller it is, as well as the lower the density of the ectodermal (outer) layer of the iris, the brighter and lighter color the child's eye.

But, do not be mistaken that the eye has blue fibers, it is not. When light falls on the stroma (layer of eye tissue, consisting of fibers and vessels) of the iris, it scatters, some rays are absorbed by the endodermal layer (inner, the one filled with melanin), and some are reflected, it all depends on the frequency of the rays (high-frequency and low frequency beams). Thus, we see a certain eye color in a baby, in this case - blue.

Gray or blue eyes in a child

The gray and blue color of the eyes of the crumbs is also due to the density of the outer shell of the iris. The denser the fibers are placed (the fibers of the outer layer have a lightish tint) of the ectodermal layer of the iris, the lighter they will have. Light grey eyes– the fiber density of the outer layer is very high.

Interestingly, blue and gray eyes are predominantly found in Europeans. Such, for today, a simple and unpretentious shade of eyes (meaning blue), appeared as a result of a mutation of our genes. It happened about 8 thousand years ago, before that there were no people with a similar blue tint. Therefore, we can say that the blue color of the eyes in a child is not uncommon.

Green eyes in a child

There are practically no completely green eyes in people, this is rare, because usually, babies have eyes with a green tint, marsh color or interspersed with brown dots, such eyes are also called “honey”. But, no matter what shade of green the eyes of the child are, this is due to the small amount of melanin pigment.

Also, the green color of the eyes of a child appears due to the presence in the outer layer of the iris of another pigment that has a brownish light shade, lipofuscin. Due to which, together with diffused light and the rays that absorb the inner pigmented layer of the iris, various shades of green are obtained, from light to dark, marsh.

Together with green eyes the child, judging by the genetic statistics, also gets the gene that determines the red hair color. And one more fact: there are much more green-eyed girls and women on the planet than men. It is also interesting that lipofuscin has the ability to both accumulate and disappear from cells, which is probably the reason why people have chameleon eyes only when their base eye color is green.

Brown and black eyes in a child

Brown eyes, since the gene carrying this hue information is dominant, are the most common. The world's most a large number of people with brown eyes. A large amount of melanin pigment in the iris of the baby's eye causes such a shade.

A few words about the black shade of the baby's eyes, not brown, but black. Is not a rare event, but is common among Asians. The fact is that the amount of pigment in the outer layer of the iris is very large, from birth in babies, the color of the eyes becomes very dark. Light, when it falls on the iris and stroma, is completely absorbed, so no other shades are visible.

Interestingly, the largest number of brown-eyed babies are born in countries with a hot climate, for example, in South America and Africa. It's all about genetics and such an interesting thing as evolution. Nature has given us a great chance to adapt to the weather and climatic conditions, since it is very sunny in warm countries, a person needs to be protected from burns and heat strokes, etc. Evolution kindly provided a large amount of melanin to the peoples living in the territories of hot countries, thereby protecting them from the scorching sun. But this is not in 100% of cases, there is always a chance that the color of the child's eyes will be the same as you have not even seen.

There are even yellow, purple eyes in babies. The purple hue is very rare, almost never occurs, such an interesting anomaly is due, almost always, to albinism. This also applies to red-eyed newborn children, through a discolored iris and because of total absence melanin, vessels and capillaries are enlightened. Therefore, it is difficult for people with albinism to look at the sun, it is painful and even dangerous.

It is interesting:

Eye color may change. Most often this happens: in extreme cold; when changing artificial light to daylight; when changing the color of clothes. Eyes of blue, gray and green shades are most susceptible to such fluctuations.

About 1% of people on the globe have a different color of the iris of the left

and right eye.

On average, 1 person in 20 thousand is born with a so-called albino.

The iris of the human eye is individual. It can be used to determine the identity, like a fingerprint.

The whites of the eyes help to better determine the inner mood and direction of the gaze of the interlocutor.

There are only 7 primary colors that the human eye can distinguish. This rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. In addition to the primary colors, a person can distinguish up to 100,000 shades.

You can't sneeze with your eyes open!

Future parents are always interested in what features the future baby will inherit, what eyes the child will have, who he will be more like. It is impossible to predict this with absolute certainty, because sometimes even brown-eyed mothers and fathers have blue-eyed children. However, geneticists argue that a certain pattern exists. Parents just need to brush up on their school knowledge of dominant and recessive genes and try to determine what eye color a child should expect.

Parents with brown eyes can have a blue-eyed baby

What factors determine the color of children's eyes?

What determines the color of the pupils of the child? Our iris is made up of many fibers adjacent to each other. The density of their fit determines the color of the eyes. In light-eyed people, the fibers are located close to each other. The back of the iris is absolutely dark in everyone.

  • In the body of blue-eyed men and women, a relatively small amount of melanin is produced. In owners of dark blue pupils, the fibers are loose.
  • The presence of a blue tint indicates that the fibers that make up the iris have a high density. They can be white or grayish in color. A similar density of fibers is observed in gray-eyed people.
  • If there is little melanin, then the iris becomes green. Green color It is formed by mixing a golden-brown lipoid pigment and melanin. Lipoid pigment is responsible for the predominance of yellow tint in owners of honey and amber eyes.
  • With a high content of melanin, your newborn baby's eyes will turn brown or black. In swarthy and black-haired people, the pupils literally absorb light.

From the biology course, we remember that the genes responsible for the dark color are dominant. There are exceptions to every rule: brown-eyed parents may well have a baby with bright eyes. Why is this happening? The fact is that a child can inherit the color of the iris from more distant relatives - grandparents. It is sometimes impossible to accurately predict the color of eyes, hair and skin. A special table will help you find out what eye color to expect in a child.

In newborn albinos, there is a congenital absence of melanin pigment at all. The latter gives color not only skin and hair, but also the iris and pigment membranes of the eyes.

The color of the eyes of your unborn child largely depends on his ethnicity and even the natural and geographical location of the region of residence. For example, native Europeans are born with gray-blue, blue and even purple eyes. In the representatives of the Mongoloid race, all children are born with brown or green eyes. Dark-skinned newborns most often have a dark shade of the iris. In African Americans, the eye color of a small child and the color of the eyes of his parents often match.

What eye color are most babies born with, and when does it change?

The eyes of a newly born baby are most often blue or blue. This color scheme occurs in 9 cases out of 10.

When the baby is born and opens its eyes, cells - melanocytes - begin to produce melanin. By the way, it is melanocytes that determine constitutional melanin pigmentation (skin tone). The number of these cells is determined by heredity.

In most babies, the eyes acquire their final shade only when they reach one year, and not immediately after birth. Green and honey shades can take up to five years to form.

Table for determining the color of the eyes of a child from parents

Almost always, the eyes of newborns are blue, but there are exceptions (more in the article:)

Do not rush to determine the color of the child's eyes by the color of the eyes of both parents, but use a special shade determination table developed on the basis of statistical data. It is likely that a dark-eyed couple will have a blue-eyed baby. If the parents have brown, green or blue eyes, then what will the baby have?

The green color of the eyes of a child is formed closer to the second year of life.
  1. 10 thousand years ago, all the inhabitants of the planet had brown eyes. Green, blue and gray shades are the result of mutational processes.
  2. In animals, the whites of the eyes are almost invisible, unlike humans. Thanks to this feature, it is clearly visible where the human pupil is looking.
  3. In Iceland, 80% of the locals have blue and green eyes.
  4. Green eyes are considered the rarest. Owners of green eyes are only 2% of the total population of the globe.
  5. It takes no more than 4 seconds for a person to make eye contact with a stranger.
  6. Turkey has the largest number of green-eyed people. According to statistics, they are about 20%.
  7. The iris of the human eye is as unique as fingerprints. The irises of 7 billion people are different, the probability of finding the same is zero.
  8. In Russia, most people have gray and blue eyes. One third of the population has brown eyes. In Belarus and Ukraine, half of the inhabitants have a dark shade of eyes. In Latin American countries, the number of brown-eyed residents has long exceeded the 80% mark.
  9. It is believed that dark-eyed men and women make friends faster than gray-eyed and blue-eyed.
  10. In light-eyed people, the iris constantly changes its shade. Color depends on the state of health and mood. In newly awakened newborns, the pupil becomes cloudy, in upset or offended ones it turns slightly green, in cheerful ones it acquires a bluish tint. If the baby is hungry, then the eyes become dark.
  11. A disease in which the pupils have different colors is called heterochromia.
  12. Eye color may change when exposed to low temperatures and blinding artificial lighting.
  13. Owners dark eyes it became possible to change the shade of the iris. The operation to change the color is to remove the top layer of the iris.