Amazing Facts About Mars You Didn't Know NASA hides the truth about Mars - the disaster happened recently !!! What is NATO hiding from humanity about Mars

Is there life on Mars, was there life on Mars - all this seems to be not just a controversial scientific issue, but also a US state secret. Bird Kiwi talks about numerous forgeries and silences, behind which, perhaps, a very simple answer is hidden.

Surprise from BBC

At the beginning of July 2012, the BBC One TV channel of the British state television aired the next episode dedicated to astronomy and space exploration.

One of the most notable features of this program is that since the very first episode of Sky at Night, which aired on April 24, 1957, it has been consistently hosted by the same main host, Sir Patrick Moore. So it's no surprise that Night Sky holds the title of the longest-running TV show with the same host in television history.

As for the July video, which is now in question, it was a kind of anthem in honor of the automatic Mars Rover Spirit rover. It talked about the undeniably outstanding qualities and achievements of the NASA robot, which far exceeded the expectations of its designers regarding reliability and durability. Along the way, the audience was also presented with the new Curiosity rover, sent to Mars in the very near future (the story about it ).

A frame from the BBC TV show The Sky at Night

The person present in the frame, who apparently told Moore about all these things, was for some reason presented in the announcements of the July program as “Dr. Chris North” (Dr. Chris North). However, in the subtitles of the video itself, he appears as Professor Steve Squyres from Cornell University. The second identification is guaranteed to be more accurate, since - unlike the unknown North - it is Squires who is well known as the scientist most closely associated with the daily operations of the twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity.

But in this case, Squires himself is not so much interesting as two large monitors behind him, showing the landscape of Mars. A remarkable feature that cannot be overlooked is that the colors in this landscape do not correspond at all to those ominous reddish-brown hues that are usually characteristic of all color photographs of Martian landscapes published in the media.

An enlarged fragment of a frame from the same video

It turns out that in the version of the images that the rover tracking team is working with, the Martian sky looks quite earthly blue, and the color of the Martian soil turns out to be much more natural (by our, of course, earthly standards).

In other words, whether the authors of the TV show wanted it or not, but thanks to their video filming, the long-standing debate about what the real color of Mars is and why for more than thirty years it has not been possible to get an answer to a seemingly simple , question.

How it started

The very first color photograph in the history of mankind, taken on the surface of Mars, was obtained in the summer of 1976 from the Viking Lander 1 descent module. And already on it, people saw the blue sky and the colors of the landscape, similar to those of the earth (photo on the left). But just hours later, NASA released an "updated" version of the same image (pictured right), which wowed the world with its orange skies and red soil.

Two versions of NASA's first color image from the surface of Mars (Viking Lander 1)

It was this image of the "red Mars" that then influenced almost all subsequent NASA images and was gradually imprinted into the mass consciousness and pop culture through feature films like Total Recall, Red Planet and Mission To Mars. But at the same time, from 1976 until today, there are many image specialists who are confident that the original colors of the very first picture were much closer to the truth.

"Remember everything"

"Red Planet"

"Mission to Mars"

Monochrome Odyssey

The next very noticeable round of oddities around the colors of Mars occurred a quarter of a century later. At the beginning of the millennium, NASA launched an exploratory expedition called "Mars Odyssey - 2001" (2001 Mars Odyssey). The Odyssey spacecraft, which had the task of becoming a new artificial satellite of Mars, carried on board an incredibly sophisticated, one-of-a-kind THEMIS digital imaging system.

Built on the well-known CCD technology, the THEMIS system camera was capable of sending both thermal infrared and "natural color" photographs of Mars back to Earth. All these images were planned to be taken from a distance of about 250 miles - that is, from the average height of the satellite's orbit above the surface of the planet.

According to the official mission document, the THEMIS camera was supposed to take pictures in the range of up to 5 spectral bands with an image resolution of about 20 meters per pixel. To study the morphology of the Martian surface and select a landing site for the future descent module, it was planned to take over fifteen thousand panchromatic (or, in other words, three thousand five-color) images of the area 20x20 kilometers in size.

Well, then things got weird. The Mars Odyssey spacecraft appeared near Mars on October 24, 2001. For the first four months after that, nothing happened except "slow deceleration for the economical exit of the ship into a given orbit." So the official "scientific mission" of the ship began only on February 18, 2002. But even after that - in fact, for a whole year that Mars Odyssey was in orbit of the planet - the NASA-THEMIS escort team did not present any of the three thousand five-color images that were announced in the Mars Odyssey mission plans to the world scientific and other interested public.

New high-quality pictures were actually published almost every day, and there were a lot of interesting things there. But even by the end of 2002, among all these two hundred and more "best photos" published, not one was a "natural" color image. But it was precisely this, as everyone was told before, that was the unique distinguishing feature of this particular mission ... The Odyssey ship operates in Mars orbit to this day, but no one expects true colors from its photographs.

fantastic shots

A similar embarrassment with color pictures played out in January 2004, when the Mars Rover Spirit robot rover arrived on the surface of the planet. Which, as many still remember, probably, immediately after unpacking the delivery module and exiting the platform, took her “fantastic color shot” against the backdrop of the Martian landscape. With what, in fact, the grandiose research mission of the rover began. However, a big problem with the color balance of the transmitted images was noticed almost immediately.

The first picture of the Spirit rover

Observant people immediately noticed the unusual appearance of the NASA logo applied to the platform of the delivery module. The usually deep blue color of the starry sky, which forms the background of the logo, looks like a dirty red spot in the image from Mars. And the frozen blue insulator foam surrounding the electric cables on the platform turned bright pink in the picture. It is clear that with such a distorted presentation of the well-known shades and colors of the landscape of a distant planet, the images from the Spirit cameras cannot be called natural.

In fact, it is well known that specifically for the correct adjustment of color balance, NASA scientists use the color calibration reference target available on the rovers, also known as the Sundial Target or "sundial". The essence of working with this target is quite simple - on the round dial there are four marks of basic reference colors, by adjusting to which you can get the most natural colors in the picture.

The trouble is, every time these "sundial" hits the frame, it becomes quite obvious that the public is being fed incorrectly color-calibrated photographs of the Martian surface. Here is what a typical example of this looks like - a panorama of Mars widely replicated and composed of many images, made by the same Spirit rover and having a “clock” just in the center at the bottom.

If we look at the enlarged image of the dial of this “clock” (on the right) and compare it with the reference image taken on Earth (on the left), it is easy to see what exactly the problem is. The blue color on Mars has turned to red, and the green has completely disappeared. What could mean green color in landscapes, probably no need to explain...

Blue color turns to red, but there is simply no green

So what's the deal?

The clarifications of NASA officials about the constant complaints about inadequate color reproduction in images from Mars sound something like this.

The root of the problem should be considered the features of the device of digital CCD-cameras (charge coupled device), used in the latest missions of both rover robots and satellite orbiters. Because all these cameras don't record color directly in the pictures they take. Instead, they shoot black and white photographs through many different filters, each of which only allows light to pass through a narrow range of wavelengths (or colors, otherwise), some of which are invisible to the eye.

To get a "natural" color shot, cameras must take three separate photos of the same scene, each through different primary color filters: red, green, and blue. When all three parts are stacked on top of each other, they can provide a true color composite image. But even then, the colors will need to be balanced so that they most closely match what the eye normally sees. That is, one must also take into account the effects of dust, changes in light levels, and some other variables.

PanCam - the "eyes" of the rovers

The cameras of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers have two "eyes", each of which is equipped with 8 color filters. At the same time, the left eye incorporates red, green, and blue color filters (they are required for natural color reproduction), and the right eye is focused entirely on the bands of the ultraviolet and infrared ranges invisible to the eye.

Because of these features, in a sense, we can say that increased attention NASA to the needs of the scientific community could stimulate the publication of incorrectly colored images of Mars. Planetary geologists rely on ultraviolet and infrared data to better identify rocks and minerals. But this is the main scientific goal of the mission of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers! In other words, NASA explains, mission leaders try to use these filters as often as possible. But whenever they add wavelengths that are invisible to the eye into a composite image, it will inevitably produce an image with false colors in the output.

Spirit rover

Thus, most of the red Martian images are the result of using filters with a band lying outside human vision.

The big problem with this official explanation is that nothing more than false color images of Mars seems to be presented to the public at all.

But what does Mars really look like? Finding the answer to this question, experts say, requires decoding NASA's imaging systems, isolating the information from the red, green and blue filters, with the final color correction in accordance with the exact parameters of these filters.

Fortunately, there are independent specialists in nature who are able to do all this quite professionally and in mass quantities upload more adequately processed NASA Martian images to the Web (much more similar, by the way, to the landscape from the monitor of Steve Squires from the BBC TV show). One of these experts is called Keith Laney, and with the results of his work .

Landscapes of Mars by Keith Laney

In order to make it clearer why none of these images of Mars are on the official NASA sites, you will need to go back 35 years again.

Ordered to destroy

The long and strange story about NASA and the real colors of Mars can be traced back to the first "true color image" taken by Viking Lander 1 just a day after it touched the surface of the planet on July 20, 1976.

As already mentioned, a few hours after this historic publication - the first color photograph from the surface of Mars - another, hastily corrected version of the same image appeared. Exactly a new version, "correcting initial engineering color issues" and became the canonical depiction of the Red Planet.

Only twenty years later, several people who were directly involved in this story told with details and names about what really happened then within the walls of JPL, the leading US scientific and technical center that creates equipment for NASA space research.

The main "witness" can be considered the son of one of the scientists who led the experiment of the complex "biological research" in the scientific program "Viking". This study was called the Labeled Release Experiment, and was led by Dr. Gilbert Levin (Gilbert Levin, by the way, is still confident that their experiment had already successfully detected signs of life on Mars). His son's name is Ron Levin, now he is also a scientist, only a physicist, and works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Well, in the summer of 1976, when a pair of Vikings landed on Mars, Ron was a student who had just graduated from school and helped his father in a scientific laboratory.

The following story is based on the direct recollections of Ron and Gil Levin, as reproduced in the popular science book Mars: The Living Planet, by B. Di Gregorio, G. Levin and P. Straat, Frog Ltd, Berkeley, 1997).

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the first color image from the surface of Mars began to appear on JPL's color video monitors. They were specially placed in many surrounding buildings - for JPL employees and members of the press, so that everyone could see the pictures of the Viking. Gil and Ron Levin sat in the main control room, where dozens of monitors and excited technicians waited for this historic, very first image to appear.

As the image on the monitor screens formed, the crowd of scientists, technicians and journalists reacted with noticeable enthusiasm to the scene that will remain absolutely unforgettable - Mars in color. The picture showed a landscape reminiscent of the earth: blue sky, brownish-red desert soil and gray stones covered with green spots ...

Jill Levin commented on what he saw to Patricia Straat (his fellow researcher in the experiment) and his son Ron: “Just look at this picture! Just like Arizona."

But two hours after the first color shot appeared on the monitors, a technician suddenly appeared and began to change the image from a light blue sky and an Arizona-like landscape to a uniform orange-red color in both the sky and the landscape. Ron Levine watched in disbelief as the technician moved from monitor to monitor and did color adjustments there. A minute later, Ron himself began to follow the technician and return the colors to their original form.

The conversation between Gil Levin and Patricia Straat, which was going on peacefully at that moment, was suddenly interrupted when they heard someone loud and angry swearing.

As it turned out, it was the director of the Viking project, James S. Martin, who personally scolded the young Ron Levine. Jill Levin immediately approached the place of disassembly with a question like “what is actually going on here?”. It turned out that Martin caught Ron changing all monitor colors back to their original settings. And he warned the young man that if he tried to do something like that again, he would be thrown out of the walls of the JPL forever. The director then ordered one of the TRW engineers who had assisted the biological team to follow Ron Levin around each of the color monitors and bring the red landscape back onto the screens.

A few months later, JPL Viking Imaging specifically sought out that JPL Viking Imaging technician to ask him point-blank why he was doing this. The technician replied that he received such instructions from the leadership of the Viking Imaging Team - they say, "the sky and the landscape of Mars should be red." So he went around all the monitors and tweaked them to do as he was told.

When the main author of Mars is a Living Planet, journalist Barry DiGregorio, conducted additional investigation in order to establish from whom exactly such orders came, in the end he was able to obtain official evidence from one of the direct participants in the Viking program, JPL employee Yuri Van der Woude (Jurrie J. Van der Woude).

In a letter to DiGregorio, Van der Voode wrote: “Both of us, Ron Wickelman (of IPL, i.e. JPL Image Processing Laboratories) and myself, were responsible for color quality control in Viking Lander photographs. And Dr. Thomas Mutch, head of the Viking Imaging Team, said he received a call from NASA Director James Fletcher asking us to destroy the Mars blue sky negative made from the original digital data.”

In other words, the decision to destroy official NASA data came from the very top and was obviously a political decision, not a “scientific” one.

In this regard, it's time to recall another extremely strange story that happened with the Martian photographs from the Vikings.

face and pyramid

After the successful landing of the Viking-1 module, the part of the ship remaining in orbit continued to take pictures of the landscapes of Mars - in order to choose the most suitable landing site for the Viking-2 twin ship that arrived next. And on one of these photographs, number 35A72, in the region of Sidonia, a very unusual object was discovered - a rock formation standing separately in the middle of the plain, surprisingly similar to a giant human face with its eyes fixed on the sky.

On the same day, July 25, at a NASA press briefing, the chief scientist of the Martian mission, Gerald A. Soffen, showed a photograph of the "face" to reporters with the comment "that's how strange the play of light and shadow is." A few hours later, Soffen assured him, the Viking took another shot of the same area in a different light, and there was no longer any resemblance to a face. After many years, it turns out that the words about the second “shot without a face” were deliberate and 100% lies. However, why a respectable NASA scientist decided to lie so rudely and hastily in public, no one has explained to this day (Soffen himself has long since died).

In the 1980s, computer engineers at NASA Goddard Space Center Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar became interested in an unusual mountain in Cydonia and decided to learn more about it. With access to the NASA archive, DiPietro and Molenaar initially tried to find a "re-image" of Jerry Soffen, but were completely unsuccessful. The researchers, however, continued to search and eventually found what they were looking for - another photograph of the same area, number 70A13. Taken 35 Martian days after the first, misregistered and placed in the wrong folder.

The very first and “hidden” photo of “Face”

It is quite obvious that in the "new" photo 70A13, taken at a different time of day and under different lighting, the features of the human face near the mountain remained just as distinctly expressed as in 35A72. In addition, near the "Face" DiPietro and Molenaar found in the images of Sidonia a number of objects with a very unusual shape for natural formations. In particular, a giant five-sided pyramid, later called D&M after its discoverers.

Pyramid D&M and features of its configuration

NASA officials do not comment on D&M, considering it to be the same natural rock formation as the "Face". But in some rather intricate way, the unusual shape of this pyramid turns out to be connected with the hypothesis of a non-trivial configuration of our Universe in the form of a Poincaré dodecahedral space, reminiscent of a soccer ball in structure. Clear signs of such a configuration, as is known, have recently been identified by astrophysicists in a map of the microwave cosmic background.

And, of course, there are a lot of associations with the Egyptian pyramids and - especially - the Great Sphinx ...

Does all of the above mean that the scientific world (or, more precisely, some part of it) has long known the answer to the seemingly rhetorical question "Is there life on Mars"? Perhaps we will know for sure when a research station of some other large country reaches the Red Planet. For example, Russia. In the meantime, it cannot be ruled out that someone simply really does not want to allow the disclosure of some secrets of Mars. And there is no doubt that they exist - and considerable ones.

Mars is currently the most studied planet in the solar system, and it is also surrounded by the densest cloud of conspiracy theories. Another suspicion against the official researchers of Mars was brought by a photograph with a strange structure on the surface of the Red Planet.

After all, NASA is believed to be hiding the true state of Martian affairs regarding the habitability of the planet.

After first looking at the image, ufologists thought it was some kind of ancient formation from Earth, but in fact, this structure is buried under the sands on the surface of Mars.

Ancient buildings on Mars.

Examining transmitted photographs by a Martian group of robotic explorers, ufologists in the crack discovered what they called the remains of an ancient Martian formation. Indeed, the find is extremely similar to the remains of ancient civilizations on Earth.

Judging by the straight line that forms the architecture and the circular diagram on the left wall, ufologists are talking about an artificial origin, but not a natural formation. In addition, the find contrasts sharply with the nearby geological structures, and this is obvious.

It seems that this is some kind of building, with a collapsed roof and building blocks that have gone into the wall, some adherents of the theory of the habitability of Mars in the past believe, even seeing the entrance to the tunnel system in the picture. Others see here some kind of "Gate" and a sphere, pointing to the size and shape, but in general, everyone sees in this artificially created forms.

In any case, the shape of the structure is very linear, and it is unlikely that its formation occurred as a result of natural geological circumstances. On the contrary, just the natural event of the appearance of a crack helped to reveal a mysterious relic buried under the dunes near the Martian mountain.

Perhaps this is exactly the expected evidence that will help to gain confidence in the existence of an ancient civilization on Mars, which lived and flourished here in the past. Now we know that in the past the planet had liquid water in abundance, which, together with the atmosphere of the past, provided a way and an opportunity to support life.

But even if NASA makes intriguing images from the Martian soil, an ancient settlement or an underground base on Mars publicly available, there is no accompanying necessary explanatory information, and yet it affects many aspects of our lives.

NASA knows about life on Mars.

Such discoveries, as conspiracy theories help us to understand, respond to main question why NASA wants to colonize the Red Planet, even to the detriment of our nearest neighbor, the Moon, where it would be much more convenient to test the technologies of the first settlements.

The finds contribute to conspiracy theory speculation: NASA has sufficiently studied the history of secrets and mysteries on the surface of Mars, which for them is no longer a mystery about the "seven seals". Currently, the agency is making every effort to be the first to get to Martian artifacts in order to possess and use those ancient alien technologies that they allegedly found on the planet.

Many believe that the space agency will never reveal significant information about what is really happening on Mars until it captures key positions with the help of a manned expedition. Therefore, only small groups of people, of course, working under the leadership of NASA, are now leading " ", thereby paving the way for future statements to the public.

In fact, it is completely incomprehensible how to relate to such statements, isn't it? It is quite possible that these are only bold hypotheses, or a matter of distrust of the government. On the other hand, it often happens in science that yesterday's hypotheses become tomorrow's correct theory.

Returning to Mars, one can notice something else, no less strange formations have already been found there, which are really very suspiciously similar to the walls of the protective perimeter. This find also did not have an explanatory comment, although the structure, like nothing else, can serve as a sign of intelligent activity on the Red Planet.

Do you still believe that we are being told the truth about Mars?

Then look at the discovered pyramids on Martian soil, which has intrigued many scientists and analysts, as well as shaken up conspiracy theorists. These are the latest images from rovers and satellites that push the mysteries of the Red Planet all the way to the Pleiades and Orion.

It seems that this is a very ancient Martian region, one might even say, a real valley of the pyramids of Mars, reminiscent of the terrestrial structures of Egypt. Could this site represent one of the former Martian settlements, or is it just another "wonderful coincidence" as NASA scientists convince us of this? It is difficult to answer this, although the oddity lies in the fact that the researchers generally bothered to accompany this with a comment.

As you know, many reproach NASA for delaying the announcement of important discoveries on Mars, apparently leaving themselves enough time to analyze all aspects of the incredible finds, including optimizing the public's reaction. Let's see how the recognition of discoveries actually happens.

Before NASA officially announced that liquid water was on Mars, and that the chances of finding traces of alien life on the planet's surface had increased, Mars data analysts had been talking about it for years.

The images that have been available since the start of the Martian mission showed different areas of the surface that looked like riverbeds or even dried up ponds. Some scientists have risked their reputation by claiming they saw a reflective material very similar to water, but before NASA made an official announcement, this was subject to a certain amount of skepticism, wasn't it?

It took a considerable amount of time before they officially recognized the presence of water, although information about the Martian oceans was known and accepted by many analysts long before that. Now, if they make new discoveries, it will take them several years to release this news to the public officially.

However, it must be taken into account that before the information appears officially, it can be filtered and processed to become much less impressive than it is in reality. In other words, NASA releases extremely dosed information, all really important discoveries remain under a veil of secrecy, away from the prying eyes of the public.

With this in mind, we could look differently at the monumental discovery - an ancient area with pyramids, created by the former Martian civilization. Judging by the straight line of the pyramids and the exact angles, it is likely that intelligent beings worked on the plateau, and not a natural phenomenon. Even if water and wind are present on the surface of the planet and are capable of forming many incredible structures, then it is unlikely that nature can create a whole plateau with pyramids.

According to optimistic ufology, pyramids and traces of the life of intelligent beings lie under a dense layer of sand covering the valley. The great pyramids of Mars stand as a reminder of the former greatness of an alien civilization, just as the earthly pyramids from the Giza plateau surprise.

We are interested not only in the question of the existence of an advanced alien race, but also in the possibility of its current life in the galaxy. More curious is another question, if the pyramids on Mars exist, then is there a general connection with the pyramids of the Earth?

One way or another, we are forced to rely on reports from official researchers, but this does not prevent us from uniting in an open society of like-minded people in search of hidden truth, does it?

Photos from the Red Planet are retouched before publication

Recently, the scientific director of the mission to Mars, American John Grotzinger, announced that the data obtained by the Curiosity rover will be included in the history books. Life has been discovered on the planet!

However, after some time, the sensation seemed to dissolve into everyday life: subsequent comments became boring before our eyes - the big word “life” was replaced with “organic molecules”, and then, having allegedly analyzed the data, NASA experts came to the conclusion that organics were brought with them by the rover and then discovered it myself. But could an authoritative scientist recklessly scatter unverified information? It turns out that there are many dark spots in the study of Mars, and in fact, since the first Martian expedition in 1975, NASA has been hushing up many facts about this mysterious planet, from the composition of the atmosphere to the structures of an ancient civilization ...

Photos from Mars tint

The name Red Planet was assigned to Mars after receiving the first images taken by the first spacecraft under the NASA Viking program. Pale red rocky deserts and hills and a dark orange sky - the image of Mars remained in the minds of people for a long time, which they began to reinforce with more and more new pictures, right up to the present day. On the official NASA website, images from Mars are either black and white or with a reddish tint. But is this really how Martian landscapes look like?

Vladimir Zhigalin, researcher:

“Somehow I drew attention to the pictures taken by one of the rovers. They were captured by the American flag on the body of the rover. For some reason, the white stripes of the flag in the picture were pinkish. I loaded this image into Photoshop and used the auto color feature. And what do you think - the program itself returned the original color to the photos! As a result, it turned out that the landscape is no different from the landscape of the earth's terrain - a grayish rocky ridge and a blue sky!

It turns out that either NASA images were taken on Earth and recolored, or the surface of Mars is actually far from red! But why create such an impression? Maybe in order to convince earthlings of the impossibility of life on Mars?

By the way, even now, 37 years after the start of the Martian expeditions, there are very few photographs of this planet presented to the public. Why? What is the American government hiding from us? After all, we do not have alternative, Soviet data on the state of the planet: the signal of the first Mars apparatus, delivered in 1971, disappeared after 20 seconds, and Mars-2 generally flew by. The first modern Russian rover is planned to be sent only in 2018.

Pyramids of Mexico reveal ancient knowledge

Despite the fact that there are too few photographs from Mars available to the public to make any assumptions about the presence or absence of life on the planet, even they turned out to be enough to make an unambiguous conclusion: there was a highly developed civilization on Mars.

Kirill Butusov, astrophysicist:

“There are some structures on Mars, settlements, roads, ruined buildings that look like observatories with domes. More than a dozen pyramids have also been found there. But they are larger than on Earth. Some are up to 500 meters high. In addition, they are located at perfectly right angles.

In the Acedalia region, corrugated pipes with a diameter of up to 300 meters and a length of up to 40 kilometers run in the gorges between the rocks. The ends of the pipes go underground or into the rock. These objects are called the country of tunnels, or Martian worms. But who built all this? And why were the buildings abandoned?

The researchers calculated that the ratio of the sizes of the pyramids of the Teotihuacan complex in Mexico fully corresponds to the proportions of the Earth and Mars. The ratio of the diameter of Mars to the diameter of the Earth is 0.532. And exactly the same proportion between the pyramid of the Earth and the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl! But how did the ancient pyramid builders have access to such accurate astronomical information? It is believed that the pyramids in Mexico were built by aliens from Mars after a cataclysm occurred on their planet and they had to look for a new home.

Kirill Butusov:

“From the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl there is a road to the pyramid of the Earth, that is, from Mars there is a road to the Earth!”

Mars was the home of the gods?

It's no secret that the ancient texts of the Sumerian kingdom, Egypt and India contain legends about the bloody war of the gods with the use of destructive weapons of unprecedented power. This war, as evidenced by books (for example, the Indian "Mahabharata"), took place in the sky.

And from time to time the gods visited the earthlings to teach them their heavenly wisdom. If this is not so, then how did the Sumerians know the structure of the solar system, along with all the planets?

Curiously, on the Sumerian map of the solar system there is an unknown planet Tiamat. Contemporaries associate it with Phaeton, a mythical planet that once orbited between Jupiter and Mars. Indirect evidence of this can serve as an asteroid belt just in this place. Perhaps these are fragments of the destroyed Phaeton? But why was it destroyed? Was this not the result of the "star wars" unleashed by the gods?

Alexander Portnov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences:

“There was a catastrophe on a cosmic scale on Mars, which deprived it of its atmosphere and thereby destroyed all the ecosystems of Mars. It destroyed the atmosphere, the rivers dried up, and the planet became a dead desert."

It is believed that the cause of the death of the ecosystem of Mars was a collision with fragments of Phaethon (if you look closely, Mars is a wounded ball, with many craters and scratches). Another large fragment probably fell to Earth, causing a giant tsunami and a worldwide flood that destroyed civilizations such as Atlantis and Hyperborea.

Paradise place

That Mars was once habitable for humans was confirmed last year by geochemists Itaya Halevi and John Euler. An analysis of the composition of the Alan Hills meteorite, which arrived from Mars 13 thousand years ago (the estimated time of the death of Atlantis!), And found in Antarctica in 1984, showed that at the time when it was part of the Red Planet, the average temperature on it was 18 degrees Celsius, and moreover - this piece of stone was in the aquatic environment ...

What actually happened thousands of years ago with Mars can only be assumed, but even now Russia, for example, is seriously thinking about the colonization of this planet. Moreover, there are ideas on how to revive a comfortable atmosphere and increase the temperature using the latest technologies. Then the plots of science fiction films will become a reality. Just like it happens all the time...

Since the first expeditions successfully landed on the Red Planet at the end of the 20th century, we have gradually managed to unravel many of the mysteries of Mars. Thanks to technical progress we are learning more and more about this exciting planet.

Here are the most Interesting Facts about the red planet, which will surely reveal something new to you.

Mars has two very different hemispheres

One of the most interesting characteristics Mars - strong differences between the surfaces of the northern and southern hemispheres.

The northern hemisphere is made up of low-lying plains that make the planet's topography look young, while the southern hemisphere is cratered, canyoned, and looks rough and ancient.

In addition, the surface in the southern part is thicker than in the north. These differences still cause a lot of controversy among specialists, and no one can explain the reason for such a difference in relief.

Snow on Mars will evaporate before it reaches the surface

If a person could stand on the equator of Mars, he would feel that the lower part of his body is in a hot climate, and the upper one in a cold one. While the feet are heated at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, the head is cool, because at such an altitude the temperature is 0 degrees. No wonder the snow doesn't stand a chance.

Mars looks reddish due to rusty dust in the atmosphere

The surface of Mars contains a lot of iron. These minerals oxidize or rust, forming dust that enters the atmosphere, giving the planet a reddish tint not only up close, but from afar.

Mars is a terrestrial planet

Just like the Earth, Venus and Mercury are the inner planets of the solar system.

Mars has a rocky surface and an iron core. Unlike the outer planets such as Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, which are composed of gases, the terrestrial planets have solid surfaces. They all have a similar structure - core, mantle and crust. However, the thickness of each layer varies from planet to planet.

The planet is riddled with deep craters

There are several large craters on the surface of the red planet, the largest of which is the North Pole, which occupies about 40% of the surface of the entire planet. Scientists believe that the crater could have formed as a result of a collision with a cosmic body the size of Pluto. This could have happened at an early stage in the formation of the solar system.

Very low pressure on the surface of Mars

If you decide to walk on Mars without a space suit, be prepared for the consequences. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is a hundred times lower than on Earth! Such pressure causes almost any liquid, consisting at least half of water, to intense boiling and evaporation. The same fate awaits the blood of a man who entered the atmosphere of Mars without a space suit.

There is water on Mars

Exploration missions to Mars focus on finding evidence of life on the red planet. The bulk of the search is aimed at tracking the presence of liquid water, which makes life possible on Earth. Today it is known that there is water on Mars, however, not quite in the form that is familiar to us. The Phoenix probe has detected a layer of ice hidden under a thin layer of soil in the polar region of Mars.

In the past, Mars may have had rivers and oceans

Scientists believe that liquid water flowed on the surface of Mars a long time ago, and its traces remained on the surface and in the soil.

In 2013, scientists reported that the Curiosity rover made a soil analysis, as a result of which there was actual evidence of the presence of water on Mars in the past.

This important discovery confirms the hypothesis that Mars was habitable in the past.

The Mariner Valleys are the longest and deepest canyon system in the solar system.

This system of canyons is able to plug the Grand Canyon into the belt without any problems. The Mariner Canyon is 4,000 kilometers long and four times the depth of the Grand Canyon.

Mars has a very thin atmosphere

You won't be able to breathe Martian air because carbon dioxide makes up 95.3% of the entire Martian atmosphere and oxygen only makes up 0.13 percent.

It never rains on Mars

The surface of Mars is either very hot or very cold, so liquid water cannot exist there. It turns into either ice or steam.

But it's snowing on Mars

True, it is not quite similar to our earthly one. This is another funny one amazing fact about Mars - snowflakes there are made of carbon dioxide, not water. Snowflakes are so tiny that we would perceive them as fog.

Giant sandstorms rage on Mars

A single sandstorm can cover an entire planet in dust and last for months.

Want to weigh less? Onward to Mars!

On the surface of Mars, you can jump three times higher than on Earth, unless you are wearing a heavy space suit, of course. The surface gravity of Mars is about 37% less than that of Earth.

No one knows for sure who discovered Mars

The discovery of Mars cannot be accurately attributed to one person or culture.

There are suggestions that the ancient Egyptians discovered it in 1570 BC. e. However, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus is also often credited as the discoverer of Mars, as he was the first to observe it through a telescope.

There are four seasons on Mars

Both Mars and Earth are tilted on their axis. The axial tilt of Mars almost exactly matches the tilt of the Earth's axis, so Mars also has winter, spring, summer and autumn, though each of the seasons of the red planet lasts twice as long.

A year on Mars is almost twice as long as Earth

A sunny day on the red planet lasts 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds, almost the same as on ours. A year on Mars, however, is almost twice as long, at 687 days.

Mars has two moons

Mars has two moons - Phobos and Deimos. Like our Moon, they are tidally locked and only show one side of Mars. These satellites are very small in size and may be asteroids.

The highest volcano on Mars is three times higher than Everest

Mars' highest volcano, named Olympus Mons, or Mount Olympus, is the tallest mountain in the entire solar system. It towers over the surrounding plains for 25 kilometers. The foot of the volcano could occupy the entire state of Arizona.

There are pieces of Mars on Earth

Despite the fact that not a single rover has returned from an expedition to the red planet, there are still pieces of Mars on Earth. How? Several meteorites found in Antarctica have broken off Mars, as the composition of the stones is fully consistent with the Martian soil and atmosphere.

Missions to Mars cost a lot of money

This fact in itself will not surprise anyone. Of course, sending an expensive spacecraft to a neighboring planet cannot be a cheap pleasure. However, look at the numbers. At the price level of the 1970s, the Viking mission cost the United States about a billion dollars.

The Curiosity rover, one of the last Martian science labs, has an almost unsustainable budget of $2.5 billion. This is the most expensive space mission to date.

Flight to Mars and back will take more than a year

If you are planning to become a member of an expedition to Mars, get ready for a long flight. It will take you about eight months to reach the surface of the red planet, and another eight to return home to Earth. This is not a transatlantic flight or a train ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Traveling to Mars (56 million kilometers) at the speed of a car or train would take almost a lifetime - 66 years.

It seems that very serious events are taking place on Mars, the echoes of which are sometimes recorded by astronomers. But this information is immediately diligently hidden from people, apparently so that there would not be “many sorrows” from “many knowledge” ...

Interest the mighty of the world this to our neighbor - the planet Mars - significantly exceeds even the interest in the Moon, although, from all points of view, the development of an undeservedly forgotten satellite would have given a much greater effect. Yes, and Venus could be a much more interesting object of research: it is closer, it is easier to fly to it (towards the Sun), it has a dense atmosphere (it is easier to “venerate”), and there are more mysteries there. But Mars beckons NASA, forcing money out of the pockets of taxpayers.

The history of the study of this planet is full of mysteries. So my father told me that, as a child, he saw a film about Mars in the planetarium, where they showed frames with canals, caps and seas. The polar caps were melting and shrinking before our eyes, the channels were turning green, and the wave of darkening was rolling up to the "seas".

Now it is rather difficult to find references to the Martian channels on the Internet, and even then only in the form of a scientific incident and delusion. Meanwhile, the famous researcher Felix Siegel wrote in 1951:

“In 1924, Trumpler at the Lick Observatory obtained a large series of beautiful photographs of Mars. About a hundred channels were clearly distinguished on the original negatives. The figure below is a photograph of Mars compiled by Trumpler. It captures many of the channels that were previously observed with the naked eye.

Rice. 1. Trumpler Robert Julius

The photographic plate spoke decisively in favor of Lovell and Schiaparelli. On the first photo map, everyone will be able to see the geometrically correct network of channels covering the surface of Mars. At one time, supporters of the illusory nature of channels considered the drawings of double channels obtained by Lovell and Schiaparelli to be one of their strongest arguments. They claimed that the defenders of the Martians were simply seeing double.

Fig.2. Schiaparelli.

In 1926, double channels were photographed for the first time on Mount Wilson's 60-inch reflector, and modern images of Mars show a lot of them. Mars was especially successfully photographed during the great opposition of 1939. In the pictures taken by Slipher, more than five hundred channels came out, and just in those places where they were previously distinguished simply by the eye. Moreover, the photographic plate recorded seasonal changes in the channels, in full accordance with Lovell's conclusions.

AT last years The channels of Mars have been observed at all major observatories in the world. Gradually, one after another, all those observatories where the channels were considered non-existent “saw the light…”

Fig.3. Map of Mars according to Flammarion and Antoniadi

Nowadays, talking about Martian canals is considered frivolous. Meanwhile, on the eve of the above conclusion, there was a long scientific dispute. Even at the end of the 19th century. Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli first announced the discovery of canals. Many scientists have tried to disprove it. But the American diplomat Lovell dedicated his entire life and sacrificed his career to establish the truth. In 1908, Lovell created a map of the Martian canal system and fully confirmed the discovery of his Italian colleague.

Rice. 4. Network of Martian channels according to Lovell.

However, if we look at a modern image of Mars, we will not see any channels there. Where did the channels go? Or are they an illusion?

Fig.5. Modern look Mars.

I have never been a supporter of making idiots out of our ancestors. If people have spent their whole lives researching and drawing some conclusions, then they probably had certain reasons for this. Perhaps they were wrong, but if one, two, three or more scientists were wrong, if they confirmed their mistakes with factual data, if there are material artifacts, then their voices should be heeded.

But, more interestingly, do you see that the planet is crossed by a huge rectilinear pothole? This is the Mariner Valley, the length is 4500 km, the width is up to 200, and the depth is up to 11 km!

Fig.6. Mariner Valley.

But the most important thing is that the Valley is almost straightforward, it is not just an ordinary geological formation, it is a trace of the impact of a cosmic body of colossal force.

Fig.6A. "Scratch" Mariner.

The path of this giant furrow is visible, traces of impacts from the irregularities of the rotating body, ruptures of the crust at the beginning of the impact.

Fig.7. Breaks in the Martian crust at the beginning of the Mariner Valley.

How could scientists in the 20th century. not notice such a large formation on a neighboring planet? Why wasn't it in the pictures? And was it even more recent? The fact is that for our science Mars in general is a planet of mysteries. This is how Graham Hancock and John Grisby see them in the book "Secrets of Mars"

“Fact 1. It has an elliptical, highly eccentric orbit that annually brings it close to the Sun and then takes it very far from it.

Fact 2. The rotation speed of the planet is much less than it should be.

Fact 3. It has almost no magnetic field.

Fact 4. For long periods, its axis of rotation writes wild “pretzels” in space, radically changing its angle of inclination to the Sun.

Fact 5. There is evidence that in the past, the Martian crust could, on several occasions, slide entirely around the inner layers of the planet, when its masses moved from the poles to the equatorial zones, and vice versa.

Fact 6. The vast majority of Martian impact craters, much more than they should be according to statistical probability, are crowded in the hemisphere south of the so-called "dividing line" (see Chapter 3).

Fact 7. The northern hemisphere is much less cratered and is a continuous basin 3 kilometers lower in height than the southern hemisphere.

Fact 8. The dividing line between north and south is physically marked on the surface of Mars by the slope of the mountainous southern hemisphere. This unique section runs around the entire planet in a huge uneven circle that crosses the equator at an angle of about 35 degrees.

Fact 9. A unique sign of Mars is the monstrous abyss of the Mariner Valley dug into its surface, 7 kilometers deep and 4 thousand kilometers long.

Fact 10. And last but not least: the deepest and widest craters in the solar system are Hellas, Isis and Argyrus, successfully “compensated” on the other side of Mars by the bulges of Elysius and Tharsis, from the eastern edge of which the Mariner Valley begins ... "

It would seem that close-up pictures of the planet's surface and, finally, the rover's travels through its deserts should have resolved all issues. But it was not there. New ones have been added to the old secrets, and even peppered with NASA's attempts to hide some details.

So the topic is being vigorously discussed on the network falsifications by American scientists the true color of the planet being studied. The public's attention was drawn to a photo showing an agency employee against the background of two monitors, where the colors of Mars are very similar to those on Earth: blue skies, gray and brown rocks.

Fig.8. NASA employee.

Independent researchers fished out photos of rovers in NASA laboratories and on Mars. The inscriptions, the colors of the American flag, and other surfaces of the device were strikingly different. I myself was not too lazy to check some photos with Photoshop. Alas, indeed the pictures were subjected color correction.

Fig.9. Color change.

The public also remembered the scandal at the very beginning of the research, when the first pictures from the Mariner were shown live. At first everyone saw quite earthy landscapes, blue skies, but NASA staff fussed, rushed to the instruments, and soon the familiar red motifs appeared on the screens.

I recently read an extensive article where the author, who wished to remain incognito, awkwardly tried to justify himself for the Americans. They say the images from Curiosity and Opportunity are specially color-corrected and in order to get as close as possible to the color range of our planet, so that geologists can better recognize the rocks and soils on Mars.

More nonsense could not be imagined. I noticed and wrote a long time ago that falsifiers from science very badly earn their money. Sometimes their fake is balancing on the verge of insanity. Only the very narrow-minded can accept it. So it is with geologists: how can they correctly identify rocks if their colors have been color-corrected?

With American flags and a brown instead of blue "NASA" sign, things are no better. It has been stated that everything on Mars is covered with a layer of red dust, which changes the tone. However, any student will say - no matter how much you sprinkle the blue letters with red powder, they will not turn brown.

The version that Opportunity photographs simultaneously with three cameras and three colors does not stand up to criticism, like an artist of the early 20th century. Prokudin - Gorsky. Such pictures will not allow you to get any detail, and why this return to the Stone Age?

There are also pictures that generally hit the Internet by accident and were immediately given. For example, these:

Fig.10. "Lid".

Fig.11. Animal on Mars.

But that's the trouble with modern times, that the technologies of the 21st century. allow information to spread almost instantly. And it is very difficult to clean objectionable facts from the Web. In a word, distrust of NASA prompted researchers (by no means scientists) to more thorough searches.

But back to channels. The latest data and these photos clearly indicate the presence in the past huge amount of water on Mars.

Fig.12. River on Mars.

At the same time, scientists have already recognized that this planet has undergone an indescribable disaster. Colossal water flows washed deep canyons, and in terms of volume these rivers filled reservoirs comparable to the Mediterranean Sea in a matter of hours.

Here is what Hanhock writes about this:

“The largest canal system in the Chrys Plain is up to 25 kilometers wide and over 2,000 kilometers long. It arose as a result of a sudden catastrophic flood, which not only formed sheer walls of channels, but also hollowed out "cave-like voids several hundred meters deep" and turned "tear-like" islands up to 100 kilometers long.

The flow rushed at an extraordinary speed, so that the "peak flow rate" of water reached millions of cubic meters per second. Even the dense atmosphere of the Earth cannot quickly enough give a similar flow of water from catchment areas of comparable sizes ... Only dam breaks gave flows that cause such significant macroerosion ... "

Channels found only underground. Covered with sand and soil, scientists recognized their existence, but attributed them, according to an old habit, millions of years ago.

Habits, techniques, the same ways - that's how we can determine the work of forgers. An event dated back millions of years no longer worries the reader so much. What was there and when? Does this concern us? And was it at all?

However, some facts are very difficult to hide. Why didn't astronomers notice the scar on the face of Mars, crossing the entire planet, just 50 years ago? Where did the channels that watched, photographed and even filmed hundreds of scientists disappeared? How are things in the springs on Mars, when the caps began to melt, and the streams of water spread through the channels at a speed of 40 km per day and made the waterways and seas darken?

Water, thank God, was found. It turns out that there is so much of it in one southern cap that it is possible to cover the entire planet with a layer of 11 m. They tried to forget about the channels. With the rest, along the way, something will come up.

Here it is appropriate to quote one more quotation from Siegel's book:

"On the night of December 9, 1951 one of the Japanese astronomers conducted regular observations of Mars. In the field of view of the telescope, slightly trembling from the movement of air, one could see the reddish disk of a neighboring planet. Its orange deserts seemed as unchanging and infinitely distant as the bluish-green patches of the Martian seas. Even the sparkling white polar cap of Mars, melting in summer and growing again in winter, did not change in any way over the long hours of observation.

Fig.13. Felix Siegel.

Suddenly the astronomer leaned closer to the eyepiece of the telescope. It seemed to him that in one of the Martian seas some kind of bright white dot . The phenomenon was so unexpected that the astronomer could not believe his eyes. However, the bright dot did not disappear. Two, three, four minutes passed, and a tiny white cloud appeared around the mysterious point, resembling clouds formed during strong explosions. After shining for five minutes, the bright dot disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, but the strange cloud continued to be visible for some time.

What happened on Mars? What reasons gave rise to an incomprehensible flash accidentally discovered by a Japanese astronomer?

But the described case is not the only one. In both 1937 and 1954, astronomers managed to spot two more such flares on Mars, the last of which lasted only about five seconds. The planet next to us lives its own mysterious and not yet fully understood life. From time to time, astronomers discover strange phenomena on Mars that are difficult to explain by ordinary natural processes.

More recently, about two years ago, on Mars, to the northeast of the famous Bolshoy Syrt Bay, unexpectedly a new dark area appeared. In terms of area, it makes up a fiftieth of the Martian surface, that is, the whole of Ukraine could easily fit on it. Although even before that, astronomers noted the appearance on Mars of new dark spots and changes in the old ones, however, the scale of the changes that occurred on Mars about two years ago significantly exceeds everything previously known ... "

I beg your pardon for the lengthy quotations, but letters cannot be omitted here either. Means, Did something happen on Mars? Or maybe it's happening now? Here it is worth recalling the strange fate of the first Soviet descent vehicles to Mars - Mars-2 and Mars-3. The first of them crashed during a soft landing (what can I say if he did not get in touch?), And the second stopped the signal after 14 seconds. Maybe the Martians made a fuss in time? What kind of war did they have there? What are the explosions? With our information system (read withholding information) it's not like a catastrophe, even if Mars disappears altogether, we may not know.

The Emergence of the Mariner Valley happened in our "historical-astronomical" time. There are many facts about the giant catastrophe that occurred in the solar system. This is the strange planet Venus, lying on its side, without a magnetic field, crust, and so on. This is also an amazing asteroid belt, about the formation of which we hear only the lowing of official science. This is the strange elongated and inclined orbit of Mars, its “pokotsannye” satellites Phobos and Deimos, groups of asteroids in its orbit, the so-called Trojans of Mars.

Fig.14. Mars before disaster

There is a theory by Y. Babikov, where he explains all these "pretzels" by the explosion of the planet Phaeton. Hence its debris, like an asteroid belt. Venus, according to this concept, is the core of a dead planet. And Mars also suffered a significant blow and was thrown out of the inner, relative to the Earth, orbit far beyond its limits. However, read in detail in his book "The Worldview or the Return of Prometheus", which is not so easy to find.

But all this can be attributed to thousands (not millions) of years.

However, the latest disaster on Mars seems to have happened very recently. The channels of canals and rivers have not yet been covered with sand and dust, there are still some figures on the surface that resemble people or household items. You can also see preserved plants.

Fig.15. Plants on Mars.

At the same time, processes similar to our planet take place on Mars. For example, he loses the vibe. The fact is that, starting from 1950, the solar system entered the arm of the galaxy, where the interstellar "vacuum", or rather the ether, is denser. If you look at our galaxy from the side, then these four arms of a denser ether are visible in the form of a swastika. (That's where this ancient symbol comes from). The atmosphere of the Earth, and of other planets, is formed due to the processes taking place in the depths of the mantle, under the crust ...

If it were not for the constant formation of gases in the bowels of our planet, the atmosphere would have been gone for a long time - it would have been blown away. But, starting from 1950, the process of blowing off the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets intensified. Scientists finally agreed that every second the Earth loses 3 kg. Air. I'm sure this figure is greatly underestimated. Hence the drop in atmospheric pressure on the planet is now up to 725 mm. Hg It is high time to forget about the notorious 760 mmHg. Therefore, many people suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure became the disease of the century.

During one revolution around the center of the galaxy (26 thousand years), our system crosses dense arms four times. It is possible that during these periods the pressure on the Earth drops very strongly. It turns out that this happens approximately every 6-6.5 thousand years. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps because of severe radioactive exposure, or poisonous fallout from the tail of a comet, but our ancestors were forced to hide from the elements underground. That is why we find so many underground cities, dungeons, passages and tunnels.

Discovered underground passages on Mars.

Fig.16. Underground passages.

They are covered with some kind of transparent structures, apparently to preserve the atmosphere under the domes. Martian architecture is closer to natural, biological than our purely technocratic. It is very likely that, having survived a terrible catastrophe or war, our neighbors hid underground. They are in no hurry to communicate with us. Yes, and why? Any contact with Humanity will result in war. We need to survive and defeat the era of greed, otherwise no one will want to deal with us.

Alexandra Lorenz