A man is a snake what he loves when. Snake Man: one step from love to hate

Years of birth according to the sign of the Snake - 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Snake Man - personality trait

The Snake Man is one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the eastern horoscope. He has natural wisdom, insight, fundamentality, high demands on himself and others. As a rule, a man born under is elegant and imposing. He knows how to show himself in the best light, even if he has serious physical disabilities. The Snake Man expresses his strength with exquisite manners and clothing. He enjoys wearing a diamond clip on his tie and a gold signet on his finger. He likes to appear in the company of a smart woman and in a smart car. And even in the way he lights a cigarette, the highest degree of superiority over others comes through.

There is always something attractive and mysterious in his manners, behavior and gestures. In society, he attracts attention with his original, sarcastic sense of humor, the ability to hold the attention of the interlocutor and intriguing mystery. This man does not like manifestations of base instincts, vulgarity. Therefore, he avoids communicating with scandalous, quarrelsome people, as well as noisy companies where abrupt, unexpected actions are possible. Men born in the year of the Snake, more than other signs of the eastern horoscope, are prone to isolation. If pressure is put on them, they will end the relationship. Their silence can confuse the interlocutor who does not understand that this is the nature of the Snake.

The Snake Man rarely listens to outside advice. He trusts his impressions and feelings more. And it is not surprising, because nature endowed him with amazing intuition. He is able to foresee many events, as well as to predict how this or that situation exfoliates. All this, combined with creative imagination, insight and intelligence, makes him well prepared for life's ups and downs.

The Snake Man is incredibly attractive to women. He has a certain charm, restrained, strong, self-confident, with a wonderful sense of humor. Usually attentive to the feelings of others, and never offend anyone with a bad word. Relations with him resemble a smooth surface of water, which is very difficult to disturb. In the depths of his soul, he painfully experiences failures and rejections, but outwardly he always remains calm and unperturbed.

The Snake Man hates surprises, including pleasant ones, and cannot stand chaos. Peaceful coexistence is its main goal. To provide himself with a kind of carefree life, he will check any situation for the possibility of conflict. If the Snake man feels tension, he will smooth things over or slip away. He wants to live without worries and fuss. Often people around him consider him a lazy person and a coward, due to the fact that he slips away before impending upheavals. However, this is not quite true. It’s just that the Snake man loves to relax in an armchair and philosophize about what is happening in the world.

The Snake man, as well as the woman born this year, loves to dominate the souls of people, but they do not achieve this in direct and open ways, but bind partners to themselves with the magic of voice, gestures, knowledge of their weaknesses, seeming participation in their inner life, in solving their problems, making their presence simply necessary. Therefore, the Snake is the most tenacious and affectionate sign of the eastern horoscope. This is either a mortal enemy or a friend to the grave.

Most Snakes, both men and women, are very mercenary. And before establishing contact with someone, they will definitely find out his financial situation. Getting a job, they will think over and discuss all possible options and will never agree to a small salary. And if the Snake has already decided to marry (or get married), then he (she) will not hesitate to find out to the smallest detail all the conditions for a future family life.

The Snake Man is powerless before failures. He absolutely does not know how to lose, does not tolerate insults, and in general lives on the principle of "an eye for an eye." He thinks a lot, but does not share his thoughts. He carefully observes, waits, calculates. Better not get in his way. He is vindictive and vengeful, and if anyone dares to strike at his reputation, he will retaliate at the first opportunity.
The vast majority of men born in the year of the Snake love nature and animals. They can watch birds for hours, enjoy climbing mountains, engage in amateur geology, fish and dive. In the field of sports, they are attracted to rugby and sailing, in which they give orders, indicate and command.

Snake Man of the Year - Career

The Snake man most often succeeds in life, makes a brilliant career, although he does not like to take risks and work up a sweat, because he is lazy. To achieve success, he is pushed by natural ambition and a passion for beautiful life. This man loves everything beautiful: things, music, books, clothes, home. He has his own idea of ​​​​a career and always makes his way to the upper strata of society. Most men of this sign are determined, intelligent, courageous and self-confident people who have a strong influence on others, and skillfully use this to achieve their goals. In the team he is valued for his responsibility and diligence. He is a great organizer with a creative streak. He is laconic, sentimental, pleasant, with a good sense of humor. True, he is very proud, and will never admit his mistakes. He is reliable as a comrade, but very difficult as a friend, as he can suddenly flare up, undeservedly offend, deceive. Often it even happens that he appropriates someone else's work, arranges the matter as if he had done the work himself. Therefore, if a Snake man needs you, then he will communicate with you without any remorse.

The Snake man also builds his professional life with the expectation of securing not only power, but also personal comfort. And in the process of achieving the goal, he is easily able to remove any obstacles by any means, to bribe, to be hypocritical, to arrange “traps” for his competitors. He can even start a dossier not only on the people around him, but also on his boss, and use it when the opportunity arises. The Snake Man is an excellent performer and mediator in "dark deeds", but he knows when to stop so as not to get hurt.

The Snake Man plans his every step, thinks over every word in order to achieve a clearly defined and defined goal. He is good at being evasive in both responses and actions. He can easily evade even when it seems that he has been cornered. The behavior of the male Snake is calm and natural, and emotions are stable, since it is this manner of holding that contributes to the full manifestation of their strengths. Thanks to an innate sense of inner harmony, he easily adapts and adapts. In addition, he has a very strong will. It is better not to get in the way of the male Snake, as his reaction will be quick, unexpected and unpredictable, moreover, unsafe. In a state of aggressiveness or anger, such a man does not feel pity either for himself or for the people around him. The male Snake remembers evil and resentment for a very long time and, on occasion, will definitely try to take revenge, and, most often, by proxy.

The head of the Snake man is full of ideas, his actions are thoughtful and cold-blooded. His organizational skills are truly limitless. If he wants, he can bring to the end the most difficult and intricate business. But, at the same time, he will not allow anyone to forget about his merits and will demand everything to the last penny.

As for money, the Snake man is quite tight-fisted. He does not like to lend and believes that charity is good only when it is well organized and someone else does it. All the money that this man earns, he spends on improving the conditions of his life and on pleasure. In money, as a rule, he is lucky, because he uses his amazing intuition and trusts her and his feelings, and not logic and objective facts.

Taking into account the mind and diplomatic abilities, the Snake man is able to achieve success in any activity and is even able to make an excellent career in politics. In the year of the Snake, such famous people as Franklin, Roosevelt, Kennedy were born.

Horoscope men Snake - love and family

The Snake Man loves to surround himself with antiques, Persian carpets, inlaid furniture and at the same time create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery. For him, creating an unusual environment for himself is a variant of self-expression, a manifestation of his hidden abilities. Classical music, soft pillows and fragrant candles - all this is necessary for a Snake man for a happy life and, of course, to impress on occasion. He does not like to travel, does not like hotels and hostels. He needs his own room, or at least his own table. His well-being, creative state and mood depend on this. Like all Snakes, the strong sex of this sign is characterized by laziness, and therefore exclude slippers from gifts for him.

The Snake Man is a typical Don Juan and a rake. He loves to flirt, seduce and often changes women one for another. He almost hypnotizes people, and winning someone's attention, including women's, does not require much effort from him. When he wants, he can seduce the ladies who are most resistant to his charm, because he is an excellent connoisseur of human characters and knows what women expect from him. He could charm a statue too. He is constantly improving in seduction and leads a rather wild life, so if you decide to connect your life with a male Snake, be prepared for anything. Loyalty for him is just an eight-letter word, which, moreover, is not included in his dictionary. His weakness is a beautiful woman, romantic music and candlelit dinners. For these reasons, Snake men fall into the traps that prudent women set for them. The situation can change radically if you manage to tame him - then he will calm down and settle down. The father snake is unmatched.

The Snake Man is passionate and emotional. Fully capable of being happy only in case of successful love relationship. A man in love with a Snake treats his woman like a queen and does not spare anything for her. Despite his stinginess, he arranges romantic dinners, gives expensive gifts and arranges pleasant surprises. It is worth noting that in return, the male Snake will require unlimited loyalty and devotion from his beloved. He is a terrible jealous and monstrous owner. He will not tolerate any of her friends and girlfriends, hobbies and hobbies. In general, everything that will take away from him the company of his beloved. He wants to be the sun of his companion, the center of her universe, and this is very difficult to endure. In addition, the eastern horoscope warns: abandoned male Snakes are sometimes very dangerous. It is difficult to get rid of them, because they know all your weaknesses and do everything not to be abandoned. With the same force with which they loved before, they will now hate, so you can expect anything.

Knowing their own worth, but ready to obey at any moment. He will never connect his life with the one who loves to command and dominate relationships. He prefers elegant women, with a good figure, soft and supple. He will like a sensible woman who walks firmly on the ground and has clear goals. At the same time, she must still love to cook, do housework, raise children and at the same time develop professionally. In family life, the snake man is very demanding. Yes, he provides his wife with good material wealth, but she must meet his requirements. And if a woman does not obey him, he will not show his dissatisfaction, but simply quietly "slip away." And if you yourself decide to get rid of this man, then behave like a log in bed, start dressing tastelessly, buying everything artificial, plastic, of dubious quality, and replace expensive perfumes with spicy ointments for sciatica.

As the eastern horoscope says, the Snake man is very charismatic, and this attracts others to him. He almost hypnotizes people, and winning someone's attention, including women's, does not require much effort from him.

When he wants, he can seduce the ladies who are most resistant to his charm, because he is an excellent connoisseur of human characters and knows what women expect from him. The characteristic of the Male Snake is that he is constantly improving in seduction, because he knows how to learn from his mistakes, which helps his excellent intelligence. He also has an excellent sense of humor, which guarantees him the sympathy and interest of both sexes. However, it never reveals itself to the end, always leaves a certain reserve and mystery, sets boundaries beyond which it does not allow anyone to go, which further fascinates beautiful ladies, excites their imagination.

Snake man in love

Is it worth it to fall in love with a Snake man? As a rule, this is a very smart, cultured, elegant person who can speak exquisite compliments, has a good sense of humor and innate wisdom. He does not tolerate a lonely life, this is a very emotional, passionate man, who fully blossoms only in the case of a successful love relationship. By their nature, the people of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are misers, but the enamored Snake-man for his woman will not regret anything and will treat her like a real queen. You can count on good gifts, romantic dinners, prestigious restaurants, interesting joint trips.

In exchange for his heart (and money), the Snake expects boundless loyalty and devotion, with which, by the way, he himself has problems. In love, the male Snake is a monstrous owner and jealous, he hardly tolerates his beloved's friends, her interests and hobbies, which threaten to take away his beloved's society from him. He wants to be the sun of the companion, the center of her Universe, and this is very difficult to endure.

Snake man in sex

The snake is a lover for refined and sophisticated persons. In love, the Serpent always remains a sweet tempter who knows how to lead women to the heights of pleasure. Let no one be deceived by his outward indifference and self-control. Behind the "cold" view lies a real volcano of passions. The great weakness of the Snake according to the eastern horoscope is sex. His personal, intimate life is varied and rich, sometimes on the verge of perversion. If you like him, then you can probably assume that you are gone. If you do not want to contact this charming reptile, you can only run, and quickly.

Horoscope: Snake man in a permanent relationship

Born, according to the eastern horoscope, in the year of the Snake, a person is creative, smart, this bright personality does not tolerate boredom and loves change. This, unfortunately, also applies to personal life, so if a man feels that he is tired of a monotonous relationship, he can look for new experiences outside of the existing relationship. Thus, a woman faces a difficult task - to provide him with continuous novelty and unusual experiences - of course, if she is interested in him staying with her.

As the Chinese horoscope warns, the Snake-man is very jealous and, despite the fact that he himself does not always know how to be faithful, he demands this unquestioningly in relation to himself. No matter how the circumstances develop, he will never be able to forgive betrayal. This is mainly due to the following: The male snake sees no reason to be around a woman who does not consider him the eighth wonder of the world, because in her place there will be at least a few other admirers for whom the light will converge on him.

The horoscope warns: abandoned male Snakes are sometimes very dangerous. It is difficult to get rid of them, because they know all your weaknesses and do everything not to be abandoned. With the same force with which they loved before, they will now hate, so you can expect anything.

What kind of woman will like the Snake-man?

Not seeking to command. He is scared away by ladies who like to dominate relationships. The snake is more likely to pay attention to a quiet and calm woman who knows her worth, but at the same time is ready to obey in a love affair.

Practical and reasonable. A man-woman likes the representatives of the weaker sex, who know what they want from this life, who have certain goals. A sensible woman, firmly stepping on the ground, will interest him faster than the most delightful dreamer. Romantic persons are unlikely to win his sympathy. In this respect, he is constant and rarely deviates from the rules.

Versatile. The snake prefers to meet with a woman who wants to build a cozy family nest with him, loves to cook, do housework, raise children and at the same time develop professionally.

How to subdue a male snake?

  • Be natural. The snake will not expect too many manifestations of spontaneity and a sharp change in image from you. You could even say that all this can scare him away. If you want to attract a Snake man and keep him, try to behave normally, but from time to time a little follies and pranks are acceptable. But in general, one should bet on harmony and tranquility in relationships - he loves them very much.
  • Be strict with yourself. As a great aesthete, the snake is only interested in beautiful women. The thesis that there are no ugly women, he simply neglects. By creating a beautiful image and wearing appropriate clothes, you can work wonders, winning the heart of a Snake-man. On the first date, he will carefully examine your appearance, and do not be fooled by the fact that this is just a man. He will notice no worse than your girlfriend the nuances of makeup that do not adorn you, a stain on a dress, etc.
  • Don't be greedy. If you give him something, it must be of good quality, because Snakes are very picky.
  • You shouldn't be too stiff. Women buttoned up are not interested in the Snake. In turn, hot nights, crazy caresses, sensitive and romantic confessions will quickly help you take each other into a sweet captivity.
  • Be sincere. The snake does not like surprises, which, however, does not mean that he ignores any changes. If you, wanting to conquer the Snake-man, want to surprise him with something, then by doing so you will only do yourself a disservice. It is better to talk about your desires with this partner, instead of immediately involving him in action, doing it spontaneously.
  • Talk to him. For this person, conversations with a partner are the basis of communication. It is important for him that you have many common interests. If you are looking for a person who is ready to listen to you, the Snake is the perfect partner. If you want to not only conquer, seduce the man of the year of the Snake, then know that in alliance with him, conversations are no less important than intimacy and caresses.

How to break up with a Snake man?

If he loved you and loves you with all his heart, then consider that you are faced with a tough nut to crack. It is not so easy to repel the Snake-man, but you can still try.

The charisma of the male Snake, like a magnet, attracts others to him. Making an impression on others that can be compared with a hypnotic one, in most cases he easily wins anyone's attention, including the opposite sex, without much strain. If he really wants to, he will be able to conquer even the most impregnable "fortresses", since he can be called a connoisseur of characters, who knows firsthand what women expect from him.

Most men of this sign incessantly
improve in seduction, as they tend to draw conclusions from past mistakes. Their high intelligence also helps them in this.

Another feature of the Snake man is a delightful sense of humor, which also increases his popularity in society and among ladies in particular. True, to their very essence, they prefer not to reveal themselves to others, retaining some intrigue. The halo of mystery and mystery that accompanies their person greatly excites the imagination of the fair sex.

Is the Snake man worth attention as an object of love? Quite. Usually, representatives of this sign are distinguished by a remarkable mind, culture, elegance and the ability to care, as well as to say ornate compliments. By nature, Snake men are not prone to loneliness, they have increased emotionality and passion, which are fully manifested when establishing a love relationship with objects that really appeal to them. And although by nature the Snakes are still misers, being in love, they do not regret anything for their ladies.
and treat them like princesses. With them, it is quite possible to hope for expensive presents, candlelit dinners, going to restaurants and traveling abroad.

Giving his soul and money to the chosen one, the male Snake in return expects to receive "dog" loyalty, despite the fact that in most cases he himself cannot guarantee loyalty. In love, they are possessive and jealous, who barely tolerate the friends of their beloved, as well as the presence of hobbies, because of which they leave them alone. They would like to turn into a kind of center of the universe of the faithful, and such a desire to suppress independence is not given to every woman.

The Snake Man in most cases becomes an ideal partner for a woman experienced in carnal pleasures. In love relationships, he acts as a tempter, able to lead a lady to the peak of pleasure. No matter how cold and indifferent he looks, behind his feigned detachment lies a dormant volcano of passions. If you believe the horoscope, then close relationships in the snake life are one of the greatest weaknesses and strengths at the same time. As a rule, the intimate life of a male Snake is so
diverse and saturated, that many might consider such a person prone to excesses. Persons who are lucky enough to like the Snake can be said that they have practically no choice. If they do not want to mess with such a "fiery" man, run away from him wherever your eyes look, and as soon as possible.

In addition to all of the above, the Snake man is characterized by creativity, a bright personality and a desire for change. This also applies to the sphere of his personal relationships. Feeling that the monotonous romance no longer gives him pleasure, the Snake man is quite capable of setting off in search of fresh emotions beyond the boundaries of his connection. As a conclusion, his beloved faces a difficult task - to constantly provide him with new impressions and fresh experiences, fanning the fire of passion, or let the relationship go.
on their own, if she is not sure if she needs them.

The Snake Man, who is not always faithful to his wife or girlfriend, demands her 100% from her partner. As a rule, he cannot forgive betrayal. Mainly due to the fact that he does not consider it necessary to be paired with a lady who does not agree to consider him the very “navel of the earth”. And since she does not appreciate the place, for which there is always a couple of beauties deifying him, he should be released as soon as possible.

Like representatives of other signs, Snake men are sometimes abandoned. True, these guys are not one of those who will grieve and go to their side. Not only is it not easy to get rid of them, because they know all the weaknesses of women and deftly manipulate them so as not to be “abandoned”. Male Snakes can also be truly dangerous for the madam who rejected them. Their love is quite capable of transforming into hatred and a desire for revenge, as a result, you can expect anything from them.

The snake man is the strangest and most unpredictable sign of the eastern horoscope. His life is shrouded in a veil of secrets, as is his personality. An animal can amaze and shock, demand a lot from others and from itself, but always remain self-confident.

Male snake personality trait

The snake man has a lot in common with the animal, which corresponds to the eastern horoscope. He sees people through and has a wonderful intellect. Nature endowed the guy with wisdom and exactingness. It always seems to the reptile that others should be the same as himself.

And it's extremely difficult to match. The snake man is well-mannered and knows how to behave in society. He is used to accepting himself as he is, even suffering from some shortcomings. The snake feels superior to others and always demonstrates this. He is surrounded by rich and confident people. He loves society, and society reciprocates.

It would seem that at first glance this man is very proud. But arrogant behavior does not repel people at all. Rather, on the contrary, people admire the rake. The snake attracts them with its personality, unique sense of humor and rich inner world. The sign never allows itself to sink low. Therefore, he avoids scandals and intrigues. People who weave intrigues will never win his favor.

The snake is not the easiest character. He does not like it when personal space is violated and pressure is put on him. He needs a private corner that no one but him will have access to. A man prefers to remain silent rather than speak in vain. He categorically applies to advice from the outside. He will not listen to others. But trust your own feelings.

His feelings are not wrong. The sign has great intuition. This sign knows exactly where failure awaits him and will not take risks. He also has a strong mind and a well-developed imagination.

Never loses his temper, even if the ocean is raging inside. This sign will not dare to offend a person and will always be kind to others. The main thing is not to disappoint with surprises that he simply cannot stand. At the sign, everything should go according to plan, and most importantly, peace reigns around. But this world is given to him for a reason, he makes great efforts and always predicts the situation in advance for the emergence of a conflict. In case of an unpleasant situation, it simply “creeps away”.

The slippery nature of the zodiac sign of the snake man> loves to control people. But he will not act openly. People themselves will do what the "king" tells them. After all, his voice seems so attractive and seductive!

It is better not to have such an enemy, but a friend should also be looked at carefully. Snakes do not like to have any kind of relationship with poor people. They won't take unprofitable jobs either. And if they suddenly decide to marry, then they will think everything over and calculate in advance.

This sign does not like being treated with disdain. They do not tolerate unpleasant words and revenge. They don’t attack first, but if they were offended, then they definitely won’t forget.

How to conquer a snake man

Many women are tormented by the question: how to win a man a snake? It is difficult to catch this reptile on a hook, so much so that the snake does not notice it at all.

To impress a man, you need to carefully prepare. For such a man, you need to be perfect in everything, not only do good makeup and put on a beautiful outfit. He notices and appreciates everything. He himself will look just like a needle and with a proudly raised head will examine you from head to toe.

The snake is well versed in fashion and will immediately notice if you are not at all versed in it. He smells bad taste from afar. But you should not get too carried away with your appearance either, it is better to choose a harmonious and moderately modest outfit.

Do not try to show a man that you only care about his wallet. This is his position. According to the horoscope, a man does not like to spend money on a snake. Therefore, if he invited you to a restaurant, save his nerves and order something not too expensive. Better show him that you know how to handle money properly and have good savings.

In a conversation with a man of this sign, you should not dwell on yourself. If you really have high intelligence, then the animal will notice this anyway. Moreover, with smart women, snakes usually prefer to build friendships rather than love ones. But from a woman who is ready to sacrifice her career for a man.

Take the risk of complimenting. They like light and free women who are not against free relationships. Snakes do not like touchy and will not wait long for you. You can lure a snake with a bed, if you, of course, need it. He is not afraid to build a family, rather he has even dreamed about it for a long time. The main thing is that this place should become a real refuge for him.

Do not put pressure on the animal and demand something from him, he will immediately run away. You can “feed” a guy with love, submission and delicious food.

Horoscope men snake career

The career of a snake male horoscope turns out to be beautiful. He does not like to take risks, but he always works to the last strength and shows excellent results. The desire to earn big money and personal qualities help to achieve goals: intelligence, courage, confidence, influence on others, purposefulness.

At work, a man is very appreciated. He can be trusted with any job. Especially he can perfectly organize everything. The snake will not talk much, but it will defuse the situation with humor. It’s definitely not necessary to just hope that the sign admits its mistakes. Moreover, he does not disdain to appropriate someone else's work.

The snake thinks for a long time and only then acts. The professions of a diplomat, organizer, politician and philosopher are suitable for him.

Snake man in love and family

A snake man in love can be a romantic and a wonderful lover. The snake is too keen on arranging its home. Likes old furniture and jewelry. His house must fully convey the atmosphere that reigns in his soul. If he himself does not say anything about himself, then everything that is hidden shows his house. These are small interior details, music and art objects.

The main goal of home improvement is not only the desire to make your nest comfortable for living. The snake loves to impress.

The snake does not often get out of its dwelling and does not spend its life traveling. They scare away his places in which he will have to stop. He loves to be the master of everything. The snake needs to feel like a king.

Feeling like the king of snakes loves in love affairs. He is often fond of women and has light affairs. The guy is not at all tormented by conscience when he changes one woman for another. Attracting the attention of the opposite sex is not at all difficult, they themselves rush to his neck.

Even if the lady resists, the snake has every chance to seduce her too. He is well versed in human characters and knows exactly what she needs. His life is full of adventure. And if you decide to link your fate with him, then first weigh everything and think carefully. A man will demand fidelity from you and be endlessly jealous, but he himself will not stop leading a wild life.

The word loyalty means nothing to him at all. A man does not stop marriage at all for going to the side. But if the snake has settled down, then he will become a wonderful husband and father.

A guy in love will be subdued by his passion. She will become queen for the sign, and he will try to drive her into his trap. Despite the stinginess, the snakes will still please their soul mate. But it will require unconditional loyalty and devotion.

The compatibility of the Snake man with women of other zodiac signs is quite low. Being a narcissistic type, it is difficult for him to choose a lady of the heart that would suit him. Very often, it takes a lot of time to find a soul mate. The Snake man knows very well what kind of woman he needs, so when he goes in search of love, he should trust his feelings.

Influence on the relationship of the control element

The behavior and interpersonal relationships of men born in the year of the Snake are largely influenced by the elements. AT Chinese horoscope distinguish 5 elements. They are determined by year of birth.

  1. The Wood Snake (1905, 1965, 2025) is a powerful, sociable man with whom there is always something to talk about. People in it are attracted by openness, responsiveness, willingness to look at the problem through the eyes of others. Like most of its brethren, the reptile loves to take care of itself and looks good. Often guys of this type work in the field of art.
  2. Metal Snake (1881, 1941, 2001) - a man born under this sign is very reserved. Such individuals often remain single for life. He has the ability to turn any situation to his advantage. He always thinks through everything to the smallest detail, almost never makes mistakes, but even if failure occurs, he still goes to the goal.
  3. Fire Snake (1857, 1917, 1977) is an energetic, active, purposeful guy who will never hide in the shadows. Has good oratory skills. He is straightforward and does not know how to hide his displeasure, if someone from his environment does not suit him, he becomes sharp, boorish. A passionate lover, able to please any woman, but not everyone can keep him around.
  4. The Water Serpent (1803, 1953, 2013) is a naive, gullible character, very intelligent, well-mannered. Such a representative has a strong character. In any business, he strives to be the first, he is strongly attached to the family. In relationships with women, caring and courteous. You should not make an enemy in the face of this man, otherwise, like any reptile, he can grab a sore spot at any moment.
  5. Earth Snake - a characteristic of this male character, describes him as assertive, wise and promising. With such a guy, any girl will feel like behind a stone wall. He is conscientious, executive, but sometimes can be too self-confident. In family life, this will be an ideal father and husband, because he is not inherent in making scandals, he knows how to gently bypass conflict situations, calming his partner.

Relationships with representatives of the Chinese horoscope

The compatibility horoscope of the Snake guy with other signs is rather contradictory. Relationships in couples are influenced by many factors, such as the position of the planets at the time of the birth of the child, the exact coordinates of the area, and time to milliseconds. Horoscopes only help to correct the line of one's behavior in relation to others, but are not a determining factor in relationships.

Rat Compatibility

The Snake man and the Rat girl are unlikely to be able to find a common language. This is a very unfortunate union. The characteristics of the signs indicate a certain similarity. They are both jealous, secretive.

Reptile and Rat marriages are rare. They don't even look at each other when they first meet. special attention. The situation is aggravated by the inability of the husband to restore harmony in family relations. With all his ability to get along with other people, he will be a dictator in his own house.

Marriage with the Bull

Compatibility horoscope predicts happy life paired with a female Bull. In this union, it is not customary to notice minor flaws. Both partners love their choice and are sure that this is once and for all life.

There is no place for unreasonable jealousy in their relationship. They actively develop their skills and talents together. People in this pair are driven by the desire to succeed, to earn capital, which they successfully do.

Marriage with a girl Tigress

The characteristic of this tandem speaks of great difficulties in the relationship between the signs. If people decide to save a marriage, they need to learn to understand each other's needs and show participation. It is difficult for a tigress to be in the suffocating embrace of her “python” all the time, which she holds in a stranglehold and does not want to let her breathe freely.

The husband wants to retire with his beloved, he does not want to put up with the freedom-loving bestial nature. In such a relationship, the guy will be constantly jealous, because the wife has the attractiveness of a cat and they always pay attention to her. Paired with an Earthly reptile, the union may be able to be maintained, but it is not worth starting a relationship with others.

Marriage with a girl Rabbit

The compatibility horoscope calls such an alliance quite promising. In the reptile-Rabbit tandem, partners on a subconscious level feel each other's mood. They achieve harmony through the desire for a secure social life.

In achieving harmony, the husband's ability to influence his partner plays a big role. He gently nudges her to the right decision. At the same time, the guy learns from his half to trust and not claim her personal freedom.

Tandem with a Dragon girl

In a relationship with the Dragon, it will be easy for a husband to find himself, his destiny, to develop hidden talents. They both feel great about the benefits, so the family business is a good idea for developing the skills of both partners. Their love has everything: passion, tenderness, and jealousy.

A lover is often jealous of a partner, but she even likes it, because Dragons love to bathe in attention. Sometimes a woman tries to deliberately play a game with her husband, luring him, causing purposeful jealousy. In general, partners are satisfied with everything.

Tandem with the girl Snake

The compatibility horoscope says that there can be the warmest relationship between a man and a woman born under the same sign, but they have no way to develop. Their energy level is the same and there is simply nowhere to grow. Often in such a couple, free relationships are welcome, and they live together only because of the benefits.

At the same time, it is possible that such a tandem will live happily together all their lives. If people are on the same wavelength, it is very easy for them to feel the desires and moods of each other. In this couple, sex comes first, often partners are connected only by this vital aspect.

Relationship with a Horse girl

The horoscope of their compatibility says that a happy marriage is hardly possible. The horse is too nimble, emotional, often acts intuitively, while the Serpent is used to rationalizing everything and weighing his decisions. When there is a quarrel in this family, dishes break and things fly from the windows.

At one point, calm and passionately loving partners can become irreconcilable enemies. It is very difficult for these signs to understand each other and lose ground. If a man begins to express his emotions more openly, he will be able to conquer the Horse.

Serpent Sheep

The compatibility characteristic of this marriage is not ideal, but it will be easier to get along with the Sheep than with the Horse. The disadvantage of this union is the dissatisfaction of spiritual needs. A sheep is a gentle, sensual and vulnerable nature, and the Snake tends to be a little sharp, sometimes aggressive.

Sometimes a man will feel awkward next to his soul mate. This may lead him to go in search of a woman with whom he will be comfortable. For the Goat, this relationship is fraught total loss himself, because the Serpent requires complete submission from the partner. Without that, the meek and calm nature of the girl closes in on herself. After a breakup, it will be very difficult for a girl to recover.

Relationship with Monkey

In this marriage, the Snake man is unlikely to find his happiness, although emotionally, the union is quite interesting. The beginning of a relationship is just a blind passion. The beautiful Snake will be able to win the Monkey girl with his beauty.

In the future, the man begins to be shocked by the non-standard thinking and actions of the Monkey. She is active, loves to be in public, and a man does not like it at all. The husband will constantly try to limit his wife in her creative impulses.

Marriage with a Rooster

The Rooster girl is bright, temperamental, loves to dress beautifully. This is able to attract the attention of any man, the Serpent is no exception. In addition to the appearance of a partner, a wife is attracted by her mind, foresight, and the desire to live in luxury.

This woman is able to combine a variety of qualities. She does an excellent job with household chores and can realize all the ideas of her husband. The only stumbling block in their relationship is the hot temper of the partner.

Tandem with a dog

A person born in the year of the Dog tends to idealize a partner. Such women are often unhappy in marriage because they have a penchant for self-sacrifice. However, until a girl understands that a partner can be completely trusted, she can cheat on him.

In many ways, relationships depend on how a man behaves. How will he treat his woman. Partners have all the prerequisites for joint spiritual development.

Serpent Pig

The snake often criticizes his partner. He does not like her complaisance in relations with others at all. Vulnerable Mumps does not understand at all why her husband is always unhappy.

This union is considered the most unfavorable. Marriage between a reptile and a Pig is much rarer than others. Perhaps fate itself protects them from mistakes. These people rarely arouse interest in each other when they meet, often they don’t even have anything to talk about.

Compatibility according to the European horoscope

Horoscope of compatibility with other signs of the zodiac:

  • marriage with Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn will be ideal - partners can perfectly complement each other and forgive minor flaws without focusing on them;
  • a tolerable life for the Serpent can be with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio;
  • it is better to try to avoid close relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo;
  • for friendship and business partnerships, people born under the signs of Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius are great.


To find out in detail about your compatibility with a person, you need to know not only your exact data by date of birth and place, but also the data of your half. Otherwise, such compatibility horoscopes are quite relative.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by years


Compatibility Horoscope - Capricorn

Do not be too upset if the horoscope says that your loved one is not suitable for you, the main thing is that you are happy together.