German web browsers. What browsers are available for the computer

Creating a new browser today is easier than ever - there is Chromium, which can be forked and added any functionality. Companies do this according to the same logic that toolbars were once created for - it's just an attempt to drive their brand into the user and force him to use other company products. But when it's done by independent developers, the product's purpose is to make its mark in a virtually static browser market. Don't think - I don't believe that you will switch to one of the indie browsers. But seeing what they offer is interesting, isn't it?

To pass or not?

When it seems that everything that is possible has already been said in some area, trying to do something differently is breathtaking: at first you think it’s wild and utopian, but as a result, you begin to look at market leaders in a new way. For the same reason, in the December issue of ][ we talked about such "weird" mobile operating systems as Tizen, Firefox OS or Maemo. Therefore, in my opinion, when talking about alternative browsers, it is incorrect to put the question squarely: to switch or not. No, you definitely won't. But you can try to repeat the functionality you are interested in in your favorite browser - for this, in each case, I tried to find the appropriate extensions.

The idea of ​​creating a browser that interacts closely with popular social networks has long haunted the minds of developers. There were many attempts to create such a harvester, but, perhaps, Rockmelt did a better job. No wonder they were able to get serious financial investments.

The project of the same name was launched in 2009 and immediately enlisted the support of one of the founders of Netscape. A year later, the first beta version, built on the Chromium source, was released for a short time She managed to collect a decent number of fans. The main feature of Rockmelt was unobtrusiveness. Integration with Facebook and Twitter was implemented as an additional functionality, not an annoying addition.

Rockmelt may have had a bright future, but in 2012 the developers abandoned the desktop version and focused on creating an iOS app. Despite the drastic changes, the mobile application was born quickly and turned out to be quite interesting.

So, we are offered a solution that is interesting primarily for the interface. Browser control centers around a single line of input. It is both an address bar and a navigator for various content groups. For example, you can choose a certain topic and immediately get a pack of thumbnails of new posts that correspond to it. The presence of additional gestures allows you to perform a number of operations (sharing, likes) with a single click or swipe.

Thus, together with the browser, we get a content generator. At the same time, we have the opportunity to quite easily influence the conditions for issuing materials. You just need to go to any site and click on the “Follow” pimp. The resource is added to the watch list (RSS feed is taken into account), and new materials will be added to the personal news feed.


  • Content generator. Plugin for Google Chrome Feedly;
  • New materials by category. Plugin for Google Chrome: StumbleUpon;
  • Interaction with social networks (publications, sharing, and so on). Plugin for Google Chrome: Buffer.

S.R.Ware Iron

Project audience: conspiracy theorists

The first releases of Google Chrome (like Chromium, by the way) made a lot of noise. Users paid attention not only to the interesting interface and speed of work, but also to a couple of points in the license agreement that deal a blow to privacy.

After that, a boom of articles on the topic “Big Brother is watching you” began, eventually forcing Google to reconsider its ambitions. Despite this, Chrome still has several features that somehow violate the user's personal space.

For example, everyone knows that immediately after installation, Google Chrome generates a unique identifier that is transmitted to the company's server. The "suggestions" feature works in a similar way. All data entered is sent to Google for the purpose of issuing search suggestions. Approximately in the same vein, there is a discussion about other nightmares: the background update service, sending error reports, and so on.

SRWare is ready to solve all the problems voiced. In fact, this is the same Google Chrome, but with the language cut off. It does not send any information to the Google server, but it also brings a few nice features:

  • offline installer;
  • built-in ad blocker;
  • the ability to change the User-Agent.

Verdict: The solution is primarily for conspiracy theorists. The browser has few additional functions, and all of them are implemented using the appropriate extensions. As a result, it turns out that all the benefits come down to providing an additional level of privacy.


Project audience: web developers, enthusiasts

Another project that grew out of a fork of Chromium, CoolNovo compares favorably with similar alternatives. Firstly, developers from the Middle Kingdom set ambitious goals for themselves, and do not just create another clone with a couple of additional extensions. Secondly, they position their solution as a full replacement for Google Chrome. The idea of ​​such a solution managed to win the hearts of users, and the browser itself received a number of awards.

One of the most interesting and useful features is IE Tab. My main activity is partly related to the development of web applications, and this implies the need to test whether the layout is displayed correctly in browsers using different rendering engines. IE Tab simplifies the process of testing in Internet Explorer. It eliminates the need to run a separate copy of IE, and allows you to change the engine used for rendering with one click.

Gesture control also deserves special attention. At one time, I used to use this functionality in Opera, and I must say that the implementation in CoolNovo is just as good.

About the inviolability of personal space, the developers adhere to the same views as the guys from the SRWare Iron project. All secret transfers of information to the company's servers are cut to the root.

Of the other most interesting features, it is worth noting:

  • instant translation of pages into other languages ​​(via Google Translate);
  • creating screenshots of a page or a selected area;
  • quick clearing of history;
  • a separate side bar for frequently used widgets and extensions;
  • ad blocker.

Verdict: CoolNovo has been a leader among alternative builds based on Chromium for a long time. Today, it continues to hold its ground and is still a good solution for users who want to get an upgraded browser out of the box. The only sad thing is that recently CoolNovo has become less frequently updated. If it goes on like this, then sooner or later a competitor in the face of Chrome will throw it out of the race.


  • Fast and flexible cleaning of history, cookies and other files of network activity. Plugin for Google Chrome Click&Clean Click&Clean ;
  • Link shortener. Plugin for Google Chrome URL Shortener;
  • Gesture control. Plugin for Google Chrome: CrxMouse or Gestures for Chrome;
  • Reading mode (without displaying pictures and extra layout elements). Plugin for Google Chrome: iReader or Clearly;
  • Button for quick subscription to RSS. Plugin for Google Chrome: RSS Subscription Extension ;
  • Super drag. Plugin for Google Chrome: Super Drag;
  • Interpreter. Plugin for Google Chrome: Google Translate.


Project audience: All inclusive lovers

Maxthon is one of those projects that have experienced a rebirth. He first saw the light at the beginning of the 2000s under the pseudonym MyIE. Then it was a convenient wrapper for the donkey IE and a number of useful functions. It had a built-in download manager, tabs instead of separate windows, and other goodies.

When the Firefox boom began, and subsequently Google Chrome, MyIE was forced to go into the shadows for a major overhaul. Total straightening brought it back with a new name, updated feature set and a completely different face.

Today, Maxthon is more like a powerful router than just a browser. As many as two engines are hosted under the hood of the rpg - WebKit and Trident (used in Internet Explorer). Moreover, unlike most similar solutions, Maxthon is able to independently determine the pages for which the use of Trident is more preferable (as a rule, these are old sites). I specifically took out one old project from the pantry, adapted for viewing in IE, and tried to look at it with Maxthon. Without thinking twice, the walker immediately switched the display to retro mode and rendered the page using Trident. In addition to working with two engines at the same time, Maxthon's biggest strengths are its own cloud and the availability of versions for mobile platforms (Android, iOS). Own cloud not only allows you to store various small information such as browsing history, a list of open pages and similar things, but it is also quite suitable for storing files.

For example, I was very pleased with the ability to save files from a web page with one click to the cloud. This function looks most advantageous when working on a mobile phone / tablet. The usefulness of Maxthon does not end there, but rather just begins. Among them:

  • gesture support;
  • the SuperDrop function, which simplifies interaction with the browser interface in the absence of a mouse;
  • ad blocker;
  • completely redesigned application interface (not just another Chrome clone);
  • simultaneous processing of search results from several search servers;
  • view pages in reading mode (without unnecessary information);
  • saving videos from YouTube;
  • mute the sound on any page;
  • simultaneous viewing of several tabs in one window;
  • download manager;
  • own extension store;
  • setting an arbitrary refresh time for open pages;
  • night surf mode. When this mode is activated, Maxthon darkens the bright background of the pages, thereby reducing eye strain;
  • improved performance and more.

Verdict: Maxthon will appeal to both casual users and hardcore geeks looking for new adventures. The presence of versions for mobile platforms and a full-fledged personal cloud are two key features that allow Maxthon to beat many competitors. Combine this with good performance, multiple wins in web standards compliance tests, and you have a near-perfect, but little-known browser.


  • Retromode (page rendering using the IE engine). Plugin for Google Chrome: IE Tab ;
  • Creation of screenshots. Plugin for Google Chrome: Webpage ScreenShot ;
  • Night mode. Plugin for Google Chrome: Hacker Vision or Turn Off the Lights for comfortable watching videos;
  • Password storage. Plugin for Google Chrome: LastPass;
  • Ad blocker. Plugin for Google Chrome: AdBlock;
  • Built-in notepad with the ability to store notes in the cloud. Plugin for Google Chrome: Memo Notepad;
  • Resource sniffer. Plugin for Google Chrome: Web Developer.

Project audience: lovers of fresh

Chromium is the father of many WebKit-based walkers. It forms the foundation of almost every new browser, and it is hardly possible to shake its dominant position.

So, you probably already know that it is on this project that all new items are tested before they get into Google Chrome. Support for new HTML5 features, fixing terrible bugs, new interface - all this is primarily received by Chromium users. Alas, you have to pay for the frequency of updates with stability. Major problems that do not allow you to work normally with the browser are rare, but aptly.

It is quite difficult to single out some original interface features or features, since they are more an implementation of new HTML5 features and are relevant for web developers, and not mere mortals.

Nevertheless, Chromium still has a number of differences that can interest a simple user. For example:

  • no error reporting;
  • the RLZ identifier is not transferred to the company's servers;
  • there is no Updater hanging in the background;
  • only open and free media formats are supported;
  • performance is very high.

Verdict: A special version of Google Chrome for enthusiasts and geeks. All the latest appears here, and the named user groups will definitely like it. Chromium is unlikely to be suitable for mere mortals, since this is a product primarily for testing. And there are few users eager to be the first to test, say, the Battery API.

Avant Browser

Project audience: web developers

The primary goal of Avant Browser developers is to provide users with an easy way to combine the work of engines within one application. It would seem that the task is not easy, but looking at Avant Browser, you are convinced of the opposite. The developers were not only able to bring together all the popular engines under one wrapper, but also came up with easy way switch between them. Changing the rendering engine is done in a couple of mouse clicks.

This is where the super-useful functions end, and remain typical for such solutions:

  • a simple cloud storage that can store RSS subscriptions, favorites, passwords and other information;
  • ad/pop-up blocker;
  • creating screenshots of pages;
  • simple implementation of gesture control;
  • creating aliases for pages, with which you can quickly go to frequently visited sites;
  • built-in RSS reader;
  • mail client.

Verdict: Avant Browser cannot be considered as a complete application for everyday use. This is more of a specialized solution that can serve web developers well, but not the average user. There are simply no other interesting features in Avant Browser.

Retained the status of the most common browser in the world - the Google product is installed on 59.66% of computers. This means that Chrome is installed by default on almost 6 out of 10 computers worldwide. Since Windows is the leading operating system for the desktop platform, it becomes clear that most users are replacing the standard Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browser with Google Chrome.

Microsoft Edge still lags far behind its competitors in terms of features and third party support. Besides, new system Microsoft Updates for Windows 10 means users have to wait up to 6 months to get new features and improvements.

Microsoft is often criticized for its aggressive marketing strategy for the Edge browser. At one time, Redmond even launched separate notifications that tried to convince users to try the company's new browser and ditch Chrome.

However, statistical figures show that this strategy did not work. Google Chrome is a very serious competitor with a large market share and regular updates.

The next major update to Microsoft Edge will be available this month with the release of the Windows 10 (1803) Spring Creators Update.


NetMarketShare data is confirmed by the statistics of another service - StatCounter . Here Chrome is also the undisputed leader with a total market share of 66.93%, while Firefox is the closest follower with a market share of 11.6%.

However, in the final table StatCounter Edge takes only 5th place with a market share of 4.18%, and 4th place went to Safari - Apple's browser audience is 5.37%.

In Russia, Google Chrome is installed on every second computer - its share is 55.37%. Yandex.Browser is also very popular - it is preferred by 15.16% of users. On the 3rd and 4th lines of the table are Firefox and Opera with 9.89% and 8.91%.


Browser (web-browser, graphical browser) is a program with which an Internet user can visit and view websites on computers and gadgets. In fact, it is a translator of CSS style markup, Java scripts and the HTML language, processes http requests from users, receives data from the server and gives them the requested pages. Simply put, a browser is a program through which you downloaded our site and are reading this article.

Today, there are several popular versions of browsers that differ to some extent from each other, which is why inexperienced webmasters encounter difficulties when laying out web resources. However, qualified webmasters know how to solve such problems, so almost every advanced site looks great on any browser.

But before we talk about the functions and versions of modern web browsers, let's briefly recall the history of their appearance.

The first browser that received a graphical interface for displaying not only texts, tables and lists, but also pictures was Mosaic, created in 1993 by NCSA for Windows. In principle, it can be considered a "pioneer" among all modern browsers. Then Mosaic was extremely popular, but 4 years after the creation, due to the loss of the market, the project was closed.

Leading NSCA employees went to work for Netscape, which began developing a new, more functional and modern graphical browser called Netscape Navigator. They wanted their browser to be simpler and easier to use, and more efficient in maintaining standards. And they managed to do it. It is worth noting that the Mosaic code served as the basis for creating the masterpiece Netscape at that time.

Such a success could not go unnoticed, and soon the company Microsoft, already well-known at that time, “hurried in advance”. They understood what was floating away from them big fish. However, soon the geniuses of Microsoft reworked the source code of the first browser, creating their own - Internet Explorer.

It was IE, being integrated with Windows and available to users completely free of charge, that pushed the market leaders into the background. It has become an integral part of the Windows update, and people have no choice. But no one was indignant, because few people knew about alternative options.

Thanks to the monopoly, Internet Explorer quickly captured 95% of the market and forced Netscape out of business, but only for a short time. Soon, a code called the Mozilla Public License appeared in the public domain, on the basis of which a completely new Mozilla Firefox browser was created, which has become one of the market leaders today. Due to the lack of competition, the Microsoft project did not develop in any way, since at first users did not know about better alternatives, which Mozilla Firefox became.

The same Opera appeared already in the distant 95 of the last century, but it was popular only in the CIS countries. And all because it appeared in free access on the foreign market already in 2005.

What functions does the browser perform?

In order for a computer or any other device, having connected to the Internet, to be able to download data from it, software designed for this is required, capable of requesting information, processing it and loading it on the screen. For this, a browser was created that opens web pages consisting of code. It receives the code from the server where the site is stored and processes it to give you a readable and watchable picture on the monitor.

To view the site's encoding, right-click on its page and select "View Code". The normal operation and loading of web resource pages largely depends on the correct source code.

Another convenient feature of browsers is the storage of user passwords for various sites, so that when you revisit and log into your account, you do not have to re-enter your login and password. If you have previously visited a site and forgot what it is called, the saved history of visiting Internet resources will help you find the source you need. But the history can be very large and it will be quite difficult to find a site among the abundance of visited pages.

To avoid such situations, browsers have the ability to create bookmarks that are displayed under the address bar. With their help, you can store the sites you need and quickly access them with one click of the mouse.

In addition to downloading and opening sites, browsers are designed to download files of various formats: movies, audio recordings, games, text documents, and the like. All modern browsers have the ability to download add-ons:

  1. Extensions. These are add-ons that, for example, block advertising banners on sites, check links for viruses, and so on.
  2. Informers. The same extensions, only they notify the user: about the weather, about new messages in the mail, etc.
  3. Topics. Change the visual design of background images and other browser elements.

Browsers do not affect the functioning of each other in any way, so they can be installed at least all at once on one device. However, the user must select a default application that will be the main one in the OS, and when clicking on the links, they will open through it.

7 popular browsers

The oldest of modern browsers, included in the Windows operating system. In the last century, it accounted for almost the entire market share. But the protracted and unconditional leadership led to a regression of the web browser, which was quickly taken advantage of by its competitors. IE 6 to 8 inclusive is a horror for webmasters. They do not meet any modern requirements for creating websites. The latest 11th version is available exclusively for Windows 7 and 8. Only Internet Explorer 9 deserves attention - a more or less stable, fast and well-protected version. Although it does not compare with other advanced counterparts.

One of the newest popular browsers. In 2015, with the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced its new and modern Edge browser. Unlike IE, it is constantly updated and has become the default browser for Windows 10, replacing the completely outdated Internet Explorer.

The current leader, developed by the most powerful company in the world - the Google search engine. The WebKit engine is used to display web resource pages. Chrome reached the top at an unthinkable pace, as it appeared only in 2008 - much later than its competitors. Now it occupies about 50% of the entire market. The browser pleases users with its speed, reliable protection, simple and stylish design.

It ranks third in popularity. However, it is the first browser to break Microsoft's monopoly in the 20th century. Unlike its counterparts, Mozilla is focused on using add-ons. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that when installing plugins, the browser becomes heavy and loads pages much longer.

5 Opera

One of the most popular Runet browsers, but noticeably lagging behind in the world market. Opera pleases with an abundance of interesting and unique features, such as built-in instant messengers and an email client, VPN, and many other features that are not inherent in competitors who had to come up with special add-ons. Web browser developers offer users cool mobile versions that are leaders in their field.

6. Yandex.Browser

Development from Yandex, appeared in 2012. The first versions of the application were frustrating with a number of shortcomings. However, in new versions they have been fixed, and now a modern multifunctional web browser is more than a worthy competitor to Chrome. Its main difference: speed of work (turbo mode), reading articles without loading graphics, built-in protected technology protect.

From the name you can guess that this is the brainchild of Apple. It is found in iOS and Mac OS. At the moment, this browser cannot be downloaded for Windows - Apple has removed this feature from its website.


We have listed the most popular modern browsers. But there are other smaller browsers on the market:

  • Chromium;
  • Nichrome;
  • Comodo Dragon;
  • [email protected];
  • CoolNovo (Chrome Plus);
  • S.R.Ware Iron.

Previously, Internet Explorer rested on its laurels, because Microsoft literally forced Windows users to use their browser, while there were worthy counterparts. However, the bright mind and interesting innovations of talented developers from various companies that make it easier for users to use the Internet have taken the upper hand, and today the monopoly's share in the world market is drastically reduced. To date, the most successful is Google Chrome, but competition breeds progress, and no one knows who tomorrow will be able to offer us a cooler browser.

Before proceeding directly to acquaintance with the heroes of the material, let us make a small lyrical digression and briefly talk about the criteria for evaluating domestic browsers, which we were guided by in the process of preparing the review. First of all, the compatibility of web browsers with various software platforms was at the forefront. The second important point that we paid attention to is functionality. Applications must fully meet the needs of ordinary Internet users and at the same time not cloud the brain with meaningless options. Another plus in the treasury of this or that solution was charged for the speed of work, the convenience of the interface and the competent arrangement of the program controls. Also, the emphasis was on the availability of security tools when working on the Web, support for modern web technologies and the number of users according to the statistical service, which allowed us to make a choice in favor of four main browsers with the “Made in Russia” nameplate.

The brainchild of the developers of the service and search platform of the same name, not so long ago, contrary to the media, additional funding from Rostelecom for the development of the project, including the browser.

For the first time, the Internet browser was introduced to a wide audience in September 2015. The features of the program are close integration with the search engine and online services of Sputnik, the Stalker system of protection against malicious content, the Adblocker blocker of intrusive and aggressive advertising built on the basis of Adblock Plus, support for multi-user operation and the presence of its own catalog of browser extensions (thanks to A single codebase also allows the use of plugins from the Google Chrome Web Store).

Interface changes in Sputnik compared to Chromium and Google Chrome are minimal. The differences lie only in a slightly different design of the tabs and the start (home) page with informational widgets and the ability to customize boring wallpapers - where would you be without them!

Sputnik is presented in versions for personal and corporate use and is available for Windows, Linux, Android, iOS platforms. Browser to the register of domestic software and certificates of conformity of the FSB of Russia (for corporate assemblies). In the future, it is planned to certify the browser in the FSTEC and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This will allow Sputnik users to work with restricted information up to the degree of secrecy “top secret”. Also, a product release for the macOS platform is expected soon, the release of which at the end of 2016, but did not take place.

"Yandex browser"

Developer: Yandex
Product website:

The most popular web browser in our quartet, according to, it ranks third in the Russian browser market with a share of 7.9% (for reference: Google Chrome holds the leading position with 56.9% of the Runet audience). First released to the online public in the fall of 2012 and is currently available for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS platforms.

The popularity of Yandex.Browser is due to the wide functionality of the web browser, including integration with Yandex online services, a personal Yandex.Zen recommendation feed, an ad blocker, a smart search bar, support for mouse gesture control, which speeds up site loading and a traffic-saving Turbo mode, a web page translator, a means of synchronizing user data between various devices, and other tools that simplify work on the global network. Distinctive feature browser is the ability to view documents in Microsoft Office formats and e-books, as well as installing add-ons from both your own extension catalog and from the Chrome Web Store and Opera Addons.

Yandex.Browser is based on the developments not only of the Open Source community, but also of the Norwegian company Opera Software, with which Yandex has long-standing technological cooperation

The strength of Yandex.Browser is its advanced security tools. The Protect technology used in the program provides protection against password theft, security when working in public WiFi networks, blocking dangerous and fraudulent sites, and also checks downloaded files for malicious code. According to the developers of Yandex, Protect is the first comprehensive browser protection technology that protects against most troubles: loss of user accounts due to a stolen password, infection of a computer on a malicious page, interference by outsiders when working on a wireless network.

In terms of the user interface, Yandex.Browser is still the same Google Chrome, but with some cosmetic changes that have affected the main menu and the program settings panel. Like Sputnik, it provides the ability to personalize and change background images, as well as a panel with widgets and tiles of favorite sites.

Yandex.Browser is included in the register of Russian software and is a solution recommended for use in Russian companies and government agencies. For such organizations, Yandex offers a corporate build of its web browser with support for domain group policies and the ability to be configured in accordance with the requirements and tasks of the enterprise.


Developer: Mail.Ru Group
Product website:

Perhaps the most criticized Internet browser in Runet, which has earned the dislike of users due to the aggressive policy of Mail.Ru Group in the struggle for a share in the browser market, which does not shy away from “dirty” ways to distribute its software through affiliate programs and other channels.

Amigo has only two versions - for operating Windows systems and Android. The browser itself is closely integrated with the online services of Mail.Ru Group and is the only web browser in our review that completely lacks the ability to select the default search - only, and no nails! This is the first curious feature of the program. The second important point is that the Amigo installer, secretly from the user, writes its executable file amigo.exe to Windows startup. This behavior does not color the browser at all and makes you wary of Mail.Ru Group products.

In terms of functional filling, Amigo is almost an exact copy of Chromium. Of the features of the browser, we note a customizable panel for quick access to social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World and Twitter, a built-in Unity player, night mode, a start page with information widgets and a smart feed that shows news based on the user's interests. Good words deserve the tab manager, which allows you to view a list of open pages and instantly return to recently closed tabs. Otherwise, nothing remarkable.

A browser for the Windows platform, "developed" by Rambler since 2011 and nee name "Nichrom". We put the word “developed” in quotation marks because this web browser has not changed a bit over the 7 years of its existence and, judging by the copyrights, the current Rambler / Browser is an assembly of Chromium 30.0 from - attention! — June 27, 2013. Can you imagine how many “holes” and vulnerabilities are in it? This is despite the fact that the Rambler company positions its product as "fast and safe."

You can, of course, assume that Rambler / Browser has some unique technologies and wonderful functions. But there is none of this: there is only a bookmarks bar stuffed with links to Rambler services and a preconfigured address bar that redirects the user's search queries to the Rambler search engine supervised by the company. All this indicates that the browser is compiled from Chromium sources on hastily solely for the sake of "to be." It is impossible to develop software products with such a philosophy.

Comparative testing of browser performance and support for modern web standards

To test the speed characteristics of Internet browsers, we used a bootable Windows To Go flash drive with a 64-bit build of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and evaluated the performance of the latest versions of browsers at the time of preparation of the material on two laptops - Lenovo IdeaPad G50-70 (Intel Core i7 processor up to 2.8 GHz, 8 GB RAM, HDD, AMD Radeon R5 M330 graphics card) and Sony VAIO VPC-Y11M1R/S (1.3 GHz Intel SU4100 processor, 8 GB RAM, SSD, Intel GMA integrated video X4500MHD). Performance benchmarks were Futuremark Peacekeeper , Octane 2.0 , MotionMark , JetStream , Basemark , and Speedometer 2.0 , which measure JavaScript interpreter speed, graphics processing speed, and execution time for tasks typical of most Internet users. To conduct comparative tests, in addition to Sputnik, Yandex.Browser, Amigo and Rambler / Browser, the Chrome 64 browser built on the basis of Chromium was used. For the purity of the experiment, all browsers were tested separately, the rest of the applications running in the system when performing benchmarks, they were unloaded from the computer's memory. The results of our testing can be judged from the graphs below.

As you can see, despite a single technological platform, browsers performed differently in comparative tests, and in the aggregate of all measurements, Google Chrome and Yandex Browser became the best, the speed of which, thanks to the optimized program code, is especially pronounced on old PCs. Sputnik and Amigo performed well in certain disciplines. As for the Rambler / Browser, it managed to be noted only in the Futuremark Peacekeeper benchmark and failed miserably all the others - the outdated web browser engine is to blame. Not everything is going smoothly with the development of Rambler and with full support for HTML5: in the test, the browser scored only 394 points out of 555 possible (for comparison: Google Chrome and Yandex Browser pass this test with a score of 520 points).

As a conclusion

You can argue for a long time and with enthusiasm about the various approaches to creating software, practiced by both Russian and foreign development companies. Some are writing software products from scratch, others are refining borrowed source codes that are used as a "springboard" and allow not to reinvent the wheel. Both approaches have the right to life, only one thing is to tritely re-paste nameplates and pass off someone else's product as your own (as in the case of Rambler / Browser), and quite another thing is to develop technologically turnkey solution and constantly bring something new and original to it, which, in fact, is what the Yandex.Browser team is doing. It is for this reason that we, like millions of other users, vote in favor of this browser. "Sputnik" is more focused on government organizations and the corporate sector, "Amigo" may appeal only to ardent admirers of online services Mail.Ru Group, ready to put up with the mediocre performance of a web browser. But we advise you to bypass Rambler / Browser a mile away - this is not the product for which it is worth risking the information security of a computer.