Is it worth it to buy ready-made computers. How to choose a computer, is it worth taking ready-made solutions or building it yourself? Replacement of components depending on the circumstances

Good day, dear readers of the it-territoriya blog. And in this post I will analyze the question, is it worth buying a gaming computer? In the question itself there is the word "gaming", respectively, the computer will be bought for games. You will either just play for your own pleasure, or also record a game passage and upload videos to the network, for example, on YouTube. So, if you are interested in the second option, then it is advisable to take a more powerful computer, this is due to the fact that the video recording program consumes some resources and the higher the game resolution, the more resources the software consumes. Thus, when you turn on video recording, the frame rate per second drops. I will explain this with my own example.

I have a personal assembly computer, something in it is old, something new, it is quite outdated itself, it occupies 1006th place. And I have a widescreen monitor (movies are played in full screen) and has a resolution of 2560 by 1080 pixels. So, at the moment I'm playing Gothic 3 (an RPG is very exciting with excellent graphics, despite the fact that it's over 10 years old) and decided to try to make a game video. From the software, I chose Mirillis Action! official trial. So, in Gothic, I have all the indicators set to the maximum and, of course, my maximum resolution is worth it. When I just play, the frame rate (fps) is around 30-40, the game is not ideal, that is, there are jambs with falling fps, but nevertheless, around 30-40 it is quite comfortable to play. So, when I turned on video recording, my fps dropped to 14-20, that is, you can’t play for pleasure anymore. I tested different programs, and I will say that bendicam or fraps consume even more resources. But I played the Soulstorm strategy at maximum settings, there is Mirillis Action! quite well recorded video, the game should be less demanding on the processor. And the bendicam, by the way, could not cope with the recording in Soulstorm, that is, it was a slide show, you can say.

By the way, all the characteristics of my computer:

  • Processor core 2 quad q6600 2.4 GHz 4 cores (I took a used one for ~ 1500 rubles).
  • MSI gtx 750ti 2 GB GDDR5 128 bit (brought a new one for ~9200 rubles).
  • 6 GB ddr2 (2 x 2 GB and 2 x 1 GB, I took it used, I don’t remember the price).
  • Seagate Barracuda 1 TB (I put games and almost everything else on it, I took a new one 2 years ago for ~ 3400 rubles).
  • SSD Silicon Power 60 GB (my first solid-state drive, on it and some software, one of the inexpensive ones, I took along with hdd, new ~ 2400 rubles).

I also played Mortal Kombat and other fresh fighting games, went without problems. This processor has been on sale since 2007, and now you read the reviews, they write that the 8-core AMD FX8300 is “no longer a cake”, which has been on sale since 2012. Come on guys, this is funny. Let's compare mine and this one in the processor ranking:

  • Core 2 quad q6600 - 1006th place, PassMark performance 2,973 | boo. ~1500 rubles
  • AMD FX8300 - 308th place, PassMark performance 7,669| new ~ 6-7 thousand rubles, 5.1 thousand from China to order, and used. they don’t sell it on Avito, I don’t take a couple of ads at an inflated price into account.

And if gamers-analysts write that the 8-core bulldozer is no longer relevant, then let's look at newer processors:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 1500X - 119th, PassMark Performance 10,956 | a new one costs 12 thousand rubles.
  • AMD Ryzen 5 1600X - 85th, PassMark Performance 13,045 | a new one costs 14.5-17 thousand rubles.
  • AMD Ryzen 7 1700 - 71st, PassMark Performance 13,788 | a new one costs ~ 21 thousand rubles.
  • Intel Core i5-7600 - 232nd, PassMark performance 8.91 | a new one costs 14.5-17 thousand rubles.
  • Intel Core i7-700K - 99th, PassMark performance 12,189 | a new one costs 23-24.5 thousand rubles.

What do we see. The FX8300 outperforms mine by ~2.5 times. The price in my opinion is optimal, that is, you can make an upgrade that will not be too expensive. Let's say average.

Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, they used to rule, of course, but compared to the new AMD Ryzen, they are more expensive in terms of price / performance ratio, noticeably more expensive.

AMD Ryzen processors, judging by the rating, they are not even bad and in my opinion it is optimal to take some AMD Ryzen 1600X. I'll explain why. The 1500X outperforms the FX8300 by ~1.42 times in performance, and the price is ~2 times higher. As for the 1600X model, it outperforms the FX8300 by ~1.7 times in performance, and the price is 2.3-2.5 times higher. That is, this option would be better. This is purely in my opinion, judging by the price and rating, I did not use this processor.

From this we can conclude that if you have a small budget, then the choice of the FX8300 model will be optimal, and if the budget is larger, then the choice falls on the Ryzen 1600X, which will be 1.7 times more powerful than an 8-core bulldozer, and it also has lower heat dissipation, that is, it will not warm up so much, although for example this indicator is not particularly important to me, it does not consume a huge amount of electricity, we have about 600-700 rubles for a two-story house for a family of three and there is all sorts of equipment in the house, in general, like an ordinary family . Therefore, who in the reviews indicates energy savings, this figure is extremely small to indicate it.

As you probably already understood, the processor and video card are important in a gaming computer. We figured out the processor, let's move on to the video card. My GTX 750 ti model from MSI is 2 GB. For a comfortable game, take a minimum with parameters like mine. But the variant with 4 GB of memory will be better. If I took for 9200 for 2 GB, now for this cost you can take 4 GB. But it is better to pay extra and take the 1050 ti model for 11.5-12 thousand rubles, it is more powerful. The overpayment will amount to several thousand rubles. For 16-17 thousand rubles, you can take the 1060 model, which is even more powerful, it’s already with someone whose budget allows it, although I only see models for 3 GB, but for 6 GB such a model costs from 21.5 thousand rubles. It will already be cool for a home computer.

If you do not have time or you do not know how to build a gaming computer for yourself, then you can provide this service at any computer store for a small fee. You can also go to the store with a friend who is a computer specialist, so I helped one person buy a system unit. He gave me 500 rubles for this and treated me to beer while I installed the system for him. And about the purchase, in one store prices for something may be higher, in another lower.

What conclusion do I draw from all this?

  • If you are a fan of modern games, then to get the maximum pleasure from the game, excellent graphics, with a sufficient budget on hand, of course, it is worth buying a gaming computer. No need to chase the most expensive graphics cards, a 6 GB GTX 1060 will already be very cool and a Ryzen 5 series processor. Install 12-16 GB of RAM.
  • With a not very large budget, I advise you to pay attention to the FX8300 processor and the GTX 1050 4 GB video card. RAM put 8-12 GB.
  • With a modest budget, you have 2 options, either take everything new, or partially used. You can take a 6-core new or used one. if you find an FX6300 (or FX6100) and a new GTX750 or GTX1050 or RX460 from AMD to it, the video card must be new.
  • Also, with a modest budget, you can assemble a system unit on an old s775 socket, like I have now. One of the powerful used. processors are Q9650 / Q9550 and others of the same Q9xxx series, followed by the eighth series and simpler like my Q6600. Boo. such processors from 1000 to 3000 rubles on average. For the Q9xxx series, it's not a pity to pay 2.5 thousand. It will not be bad at all, take a cooler with a pair of copper tubes to it. The video card, as indicated in the example above, the RX460 is the most inexpensive now costs 7,000 rubles, for 2 GB and a 128 bus, that is, similar to my GTX 750 ti. You will be able to keep within 10 thousand rubles used. processor + new cooler + new video card. Boo. I don’t recommend a cooler, especially a boxed cooler, and I don’t recommend a new boxed cooler, but take a video card only new, the stupid one pays twice than to fall for some kind of repaired video card, without a guarantee, or even completely non-working. In extreme cases, you can outbid a video card from a good friend who makes it, it is desirable that it still has a guarantee.

I hope I answered the frequently asked questions about which video card to choose for a gaming computer. This information is relevant at the end of 2017 and I think that for the whole of 2018 for sure. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer them.

Why thrifty people do not buy computers and accessories in stores (real life example)

In continuation and addition to my post, I decided to write this note.

As we all know, the prices for components in computer stores have become simply unrealistically expensive.

The most illustrative examples:

One of the most popular Core i5-4440 processors costs about 15 tr., but in the summer it cost no more than 7 tr.;

The popular gtx770 gaming video card cost about 9 tr, now it costs from 18 tr;

DDR3 memory modules cost 1500 rubles. apiece, now from 3 tr. and higher;

Popular CPU coolers Ice Hammer 4500, Zalman Flex/Optima/Performa cost up to 1500 rubles, now the price tag starts from 2 tr. minimum;

I will not write why it happened, who is to blame, and so on.

I will write about how to save money and not throw money away. Since, in my opinion, all this is called precisely " throw money away". Previously, it was possible to take a good gaming computer for 25-30 tr, but at the present moment it is impossible.

Therefore, knowledgeable people go to buy things from their hands. This, IMHO, is the only more or less real option for an economical mind. About how to do this, I will write further and in detail.

["A lot of bukaf" - do not enter for patients with strabismus. For readability, I will insert pictures of purchased pieces of iron.]

Since I understand computers and their price tags (this is a kind of hobby), people from time to time turn to me for advice on what, how and where to buy components with minimal investment.

Since this happens quite infrequently, I happily agree - for me it's like stretching the bones and putting my knowledge into practice.

And it's good that it rarely happens, because otherwise it would turn into a constant burden and routine, and, in the end, all this would long ago have sickened me.

For me, this is not making money, but a hobby, sports interest, an exciting search and solving a mathematical problem - how to assemble a more or less gaming system unit for minimal costs.

I will give an example from life - in mid-January, a friend came to me and asked for help with assembling a computer through a board. yakt and shops. He had about 30 tr., for which it was necessary to assemble the maximum gaming computer. Since our market for "secondary iron" is rather poor due to the specifics of our city (small population; a small percentage of residents know about the existence of a market for the sale of secondary raw materials of iron / components; little use of the Internet), I told him that in order to build a really good computer, you need waiting for about a month is, on average, the minimum time for which standing pieces of iron appear at a suitable price. Although, it’s as lucky as sometimes there is such a “throw-in” on the board that the overall average price tag for second-hand jelly is noticeably reduced.

At first I was looking at buying a whole system unit from my hands, with the aim of later selling some of the unsuitable pieces of iron - not always (or rather, almost never) the system unit being sold consists of optimal hardware - either the PSU is worthless, then the cooler is weak and / or noisy, then the motherboard is frankly gomno and etc.

After going through the options, talking with a lot of sellers, I did not find at that time a suitable option for the specified budget option.

A few days later I found a seller who sold PSU Chiftek 650 W(1500 rubles), motherboard gigabyte Z77(1500 rubles) plus 4 - gigabyte memory module(500 rubles). Went and bought. We agreed that the seller gives a day to check. I checked - the memory was broken, so they made a reverse exchange from memory the next day.

I also checked the mother and BP - they worked perfectly.

Yes, we also bought a very good Scythe cooler from him - a grand kama cross for 1000 rubles.

Then I remembered my acquaintances with whom I had long-standing ties - from whom I bought what, to whom I sold what. Thus, I immediately found a suitable processor Core i5-2500K(for 6 tr) - IMHO, the best Intel processor in the last 10 years.

In general, it is worth noting that all Core i5s are essentially about the same performance. I'm talking about three generations - that "Sunday Bridge" (1155), that "Evie Bridge" (1155), that "Haswell" (1150) - the gaming performance is excellent and sufficient for any games.

The main thing here is what is core i5- i.e. there is a cache memory of 6 MB, against 3 MB for all core i3.

The difference here depends purely on the clock frequency of the processor, but it is quite small, which is not worth the trouble for it. That is, we take junior core i5-4440 with a nominal frequency of 3100 MHz and, for example, senior core i5-4690 at 3500 MHz. The first costs 15 tr, and the second 18 tr.

The difference is noticeable 3 tr. And in the game crysis this difference is something like this 60 FPS at the first, against 66 fps for the second one. Your eyes do not even notice the difference, that is - again a waste of money. After all, the saved 3 tr. you could buy a good and quiet cooler or a good case for the system unit or something else useful.

Now about the best Intel processor - core i5-2500K. This processor is notable for the fact that it accelerates (because it comes with the letter To) and accelerates very well - up to 5 GHz and higher (especially for the latest revisions). At the maximum overclocking of 2500K, all other processors in terms of gaming performance are torn to shreds, including fresh, relative to it, hasvels. Almost all 2500K stably take the frequency of 4.5 GHz without much difficulty. And the current games, let me remind you, are still dependent on the frequency.

But the problem was in the Z87 motherboard - although it supported the overclocking of the above processor, it was not completely, because it did not have cooling radiators on mosfets. For those who do not know, I will explain - when overclocking the processor, the motherboard heats up, and in order to cool it, radiators are needed in those places where it heats up, namely on field-effect transistors. Good motherboards always have such radiators, but this particular one did not have it.

It's been about 10 days.

I notice that someone wants to exchange 8 GB of DDR3 Hynix RAM for a socket 1155 motherboard, just the one I mentioned above. Let's meet and agree on an exchange.

And the next day I have two 4 GB memory modules in my hands. But we bought this motherboard for 1500 rubles! It turns out that in fact we found a 4-gigabyte module for 750 rubles! Fuck - it's almost free! =)))

In addition, the hunixes run very well, but since there was no performance gain as such, it was decided not to overclock them. After the purchase, I checked the memory - unbeaten - excellent!

Therefore, the exchange is also a very good thing. Do not neglect this at the right moments.

So we have:

Chiftek PSU 650 W - working, and surprisingly quiet (1500 rubles);

Two 4 GB DDR3 memory modules, total 8 GB (1500 rubles);

Processor 1155 core i5-2500K (6000 rubles);

Cooler Scythe Grand Kama Cross (1000 r).

To put the pieces of iron in the case, the customer purchased a new case - Autograph 912 Sixth Element for 3500 r. in the store "Resistance". A magnificent case for your money - width 20 cm, height - 50 cm, depth - 55 cm. Eminent analogues of this size cost from 4500 rubles. and higher.

After a while I bought from a friend of the forum HDD WD for 500 GB for 1000 rubles. Not bad, very good, considering that such hard drives are sold from 1500 rubles. Hard also checked - there are no bads, although he worked well. But its plus is that it is server-based - and server ones live for a long time, if they don’t break right away.

About 5 more days passed and an advertisement appeared on the board for the sale of a semi-top motherboard from MSI for 3 tr. - I phoned and bought immediately, without haggling. This uterus was well suited for overclocking 2500K.

A dozen days later, the customer decided to buy an AMD Radeon 7970 video card for 10 tr, which I booked with a friend. I also checked it after purchase - everything works fine!

Total spent on assembling the game system unit:

1. Processor 2500K - 6 tr.

2. Cooler - 1 tr.

3. Mother MSI - 3 tr.

4. Memory 2x4 GB - 1.5 tr.

5. Hard - 1 tr.

6. Chiftek PSU 650 W - 1.5 tr.

7. Case - 3.5 tr. (new, from the store).

8. Video card 7970 - 10 tr.

In total = 27.5 tr.

Then the processor was overclocked to 4.5 GHz at a quite gentle voltage of 1.37 V.

The cooler is very quiet - it calmly copes with cooling the overclocked processor at minimum speed.

A good overclocking and functional mother.

8 GB of memory for x64 bit OS - enough for games and everything else.

Hard is the only negative - it turned out to be very noisy, but for its low price will do.

A PSU of a good firm and with a large margin of power - then it will be possible to replace the video card with a more powerful one and still the margin will remain.

New case - as befits a "new computer" :)

And a powerful video card 7970 - pulls all all the games.

Now assemble a similar one in terms of functionality, noise, gaming performance, reliability :))

The savings are there!

This is the choice of an economical person.

In conclusion, I want to express the hope that you, the readers, will study and participate in the aftermarket - if not as buyers, then at least as sellers.

Our market for used computer hardware is very small. If I participated more people- it would be beneficial for everyone - both buyers and even more so sellers.

If you have any old hardware, don't keep it at home, but sell it for a reasonable price. There will always be a buyer for working iron for an adequate price, especially in such a price-crisis time.

Finally - you should not be skeptical about the market of used pieces of iron. There is also a secondary housing market, for example, or car markets - where 90% of car owners buy and sell cars. The same is true for computers.

When you buy a car, you first evaluate it, then you come to see it with a specialist or a knowledgeable person. It also requires specialists who are well versed in the computer field. You won't buy a car just for appearance- "this body is beautiful - I'll take it."

Especially when these pieces of iron are already expensive.


In any major hardware store you will see long rows of ready-made system blocks - let's not argue, this is a great option if you need a computer today and you do not want to bother with the selection of parts yourself.

Why you should try to collect everything yourself

For those who know a little about components and are able to install them themselves, we give a number of reasons why custom assembly is worth the time.


First of all, the price issue, which plays a big role for many buyers.

Let's say in the store you have a ready-made average user computer with 6GB of RAM, a Core i3-3220 process, a GeForce video card and a 1TB hard drive. For all this you are asked for 20 thousand rubles.

Looking at the prices of components in the same store, you will see that you can assemble exactly the same computer for a much smaller amount - no more than 15 thousand, including the case for the system unit. True, after the purchase, you will have to spend a little time to connect all the details correctly, but this is a mere trifle.

Build exactly to your needs

By assembling your own computer, you will buy components based on your personal needs.

For a gaming machine, you will get a top-end graphics card that will provide you with at least 60 fps in the most demanding games.

To work in Photoshop or 3DMax, you'll need a powerful processor and plenty of RAM to load tools instantly.

If the purpose of buying a computer is mining, you will have to look for an adapted video card.

We do not overpay for obsolete rubbish

With this approach, it will be possible to save on unnecessary details such as a CD / DVD drive: most users do not need it for a long time, but it will definitely be included in the finished assembly. So why spend money on something you don't need?

What's in the window

The finished computers displayed in the window are often assembled from unclaimed parts that were lying around in the warehouse.

Deprecated Components

So, in system units you can still find the outdated dual-core Core i3-3220 processor and weak video cards like the GeForce GTX 650.

It's quite a budget option, on such a computer you will not be able to play or work normally in a graphics editor.

Components not balanced

The machine may be completely unbalanced: for example, a modern motherboard and an old model of DDR2 RAM. You should not expect stable operation from such a computer, over time you will still come to the decision to change some components.

What is the result

It is important to understand that assembling a computer is not for amateurs. You will need to find out in advance about the compatibility of parts and, if necessary, select the necessary analogues.

If you do not want to particularly understand the compatibility of components, then we recommend using the online designers available on the websites of many stores. For example:

Hi all! If you are a regular reader of my publications, then you probably often noticed that I constantly . And it seems that everyone should understand why, but many clients still do not understand why this should not be done. Today I will try to analyze this topic and all the nuances associated with it in as much detail as possible.

Arriving at absolutely any electronics store, you are guaranteed to see a huge variety of different, ready-made assemblies of personal computers on the shelves. An inexperienced user can peck at these exhibition solutions in order to save their time, and if a discount is also offered, then they involuntarily reach out to take a closer look at what kind of animal this is. And in most cases, the beast turns out to be not a beast at all, but a lame sheep, if we evaluate it by the final performance. Yes, one plus when buying a ready-made solution is still present - it is time saving. Many people are too lazy to understand the hardware, then assemble it, and even often, in order to save money, they will have to buy in different places, but that’s all - I’ll buy everything at once in one place, albeit a little more expensive. - not such a terrible thing, we have on the site detailed instructions how it's all done. That is why, gentlemen, be prudent, take a little time and you will be happy in the form of saved forever green and faithful, reliable and steel stallion.

I’ll make a reservation right away that further speech will in no way affect professional assemblies from various famous companies such as MSI, ASUS, Dell, and so on. At the epicenter of attention are assemblies from the stores themselves, in which you plan to purchase.

Why You Shouldn't Buy Ready-Made PC Builds

Replacement of components depending on the circumstances

You have probably noticed that the price tags of ready-made assemblies always have very little information regarding the filling. In general terms, it seems to be available, but details about the manufacturer and other important nuances are hushed up. For example, here is a photo of one of them.

That is, we have Athlon 2 x4, 4GB of RAM, GT 730 and 500GB of HDD. Looking at such a price, I immediately have questions: what manufacturer is the video card from, at what frequencies does it work, reference, reduced or overclocked? What is the capacity of the power supply? What's the motherboard? What is the manufacturer of the hard drive and RAM? And many others. The answer to the question why and why they do this is very simple. The thing is that the filling can very easily change depending on the availability of goods in stock, new arrivals, the relevance of iron, etc., etc. That is, if the store needs to get rid of a certain product as soon as possible, then this particular product will be delivered to this collection. All of you know very well that the same models of video cards can differ in power, albeit slightly, but still. They may differ in cooling, the amount of video memory, etc. So all these factors directly affect the price. In most cases, you will be offered the cheapest version of the video card, with poor cooling and lower frequencies, but when you buy a ready-made assembly, you will be charged as for a more expensive model.

And this applies not only to the video adapter, but to absolutely all components in the assembly. Here you have two almost identical assemblies for comparison.

So in most cases, you will pay for the second, and get the first. Only in the first, unlike the second, you will have a GT 730 without good additional cooling, and with only one heatsink, an uncertified power supply, a frankly poor hard drive and a cooler with worse cooling properties. All this in an ultra-budget build. The more expensive the assembly, the greater the difference.

Used parts

In such assemblies, you can safely supply components that have already been in use. Moreover, the less known and professional the store where you buy, the higher the chance of getting a non-fresh filling. It is unlikely that an ordinary user will be able to distinguish the new from the old, and stores use this. Not all of them, of course, but they do happen.

Irrelevant iron

In order to somehow sell goods that are not in demand, frankly obsolete iron is often thrust into assemblies. Very often you can see Athlon and fourth-generation Intel Core, GTX 760 Ti and GTX 950, which no one needs anymore.

Build balance

One of the biggest downsides in my opinion. The classic of the genre in this case is - a strong video card paired with a weak processor ora strong processor paired with a weak video card (or without it at all). Here is an example.

Who needs i5, even the fourth generation, with built-in video graphics - is unclear.

Potential upgrade

Often the possibility of a potential upgrade is not possible. I have already said that most often outdated hardware is installed, that is, if you have an obsolete processor, then it means that the socket is old, and the motherboard, respectively, too. If you want to buy a more powerful stone, then be prepared to change the motherboard as well. By the way, the board is generally a separate topic for conversation. By purchasing a ready-made assembly, you are guaranteed to get one of the most meager models on the market, which will have the least slots for RAM, the least USB ports, and probably the smallest possible form factor, the list goes on for a very long time. I saw with my own eyes how 4 sticks of two gigabytes were inserted into 4 slots for RAM. How and why? Ask the seller about it, I think you will hear a funny story about it, just don't forget the fork to remove noodles from your ears

The Mystery of Pricing

In most cases, ready-made assemblies provide case options with an already built-in power supply and built-in fans. However, if we calculate the cost of the cheapest power supply, the cheapest case and fan, we get approximately 2000+2000+200=4200. Once I asked a consultant why if we subtract the cost of all components and leave only the case, PSU and built-in fan, then we will get 2000 rubles, and not 4200 rubles, as I calculated above. To which I was told that it was a secret. Can you imagine the mystery! I will not talk about how I laughed for a long time, but I will only say that there is no secret. Where they get such blocks from is, of course, a mystery, but it is not difficult to guess that such a block is even worse than the cheapest block not from the most eminent manufacturer. Of course, no one will tell you that the entire system can fail due to such a block, so think again if the game is worth the candle.

In general, friends, if you want to purchase a ready-made assembly in a store, then for God's sake of all IT, I urge you to think again and abandon such an undertaking. Assembling and buying components separately is not such a difficult and tedious task as it might seem at first glance. If you do not know how to do this, then there is nothing to worry about, all of us once did not know how and learned from others. Live a century, learn a century, as they say. I'm sure that most of you have some funny stories about buying iron in the store. I will be glad to read them in the comments. That's all, see you soon!

Lately, it's not hard to see pristine desktops in offices at workplaces. Until recently, a few years ago, it was impossible to choose anything but a desktop when it came to choosing a powerful gaming machine. We needed a really fast processor, not to mention a video card. Needless to say, times are changing. The development of the Internet, mobile technologies and the emergence of online versions of various shooters and adventure games have led to the fact that today it is probably difficult to count the number of all these toys that you can play even with mobile phone. Give the modern consumer a decent browser in a lightweight, user-friendly package, and that's enough! Is it really?

Desktops are cheaper

Desktop computers are cheaper than laptops, both when you buy them new and when you buy them used. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that mobile components are more expensive.

Desktops are more powerful

Desktops are actually more powerful than laptops. And you should not even get into the jungle of mobile computer technology, because this is exactly the case when size matters. The main advantages of laptops - light weight, energy efficiency and low heat generation - turn against them when they are compared with desktops. It is worth noting that desktop computers are not only more powerful, their performance is also out of competition. Moreover, there is an upgrade option.


You can connect a ton of peripherals to your desktop computer. Let's say you have attached a mouse and an external keyboard. Can you still connect a USB headset? If you have a laptop, then maybe not. The lack of space makes itself felt. In contrast, desktops typically come with at least four USB 2.0 ports, and many have more. Plus, desktops have a thousand different connection options - such as eSATA, VGA, DVI, HDMI and audio inputs and outputs.


The screen diagonal of the desktop, of course, is larger. Studies have shown that a larger screen size improves user productivity. The difference between a 17.3-inch monitor and a 24-inch monitor is quite noticeable. Do you like the big screen? With a desktop, you can have one large or even many large monitors at the same time.

Desktop computers are easier to repair

Those who have contacted a service center to replace a “dead” video card know that the repair cost will be approximately $800. If you had the same problem on a desktop, then there is nothing easier than going to the store, buying a video card and installing it yourself. It will take 10 minutes. The price is 80 dollars. Moral of the story: If something is broken on the desktop, then, in most cases, you can fix it yourself. With a laptop, this trick will not work.