Tea rose petal drink recipe. Rose infusions and liqueurs - ethereal ecstasy

Rose petals make excellent homemade liqueurs that can decorate any festive table and surprise guests with non-standard dessert alcohol. The cooking technology is available even to novice cooks. We will look at two proven recipes.

Any variety of roses is suitable for liqueurs, but the most delicious drinks are obtained from tea petals. It is better to use bottled or spring water, chlorinated tap water quickly kills the light floral scent. Alcohol base - vodka, diluted alcohol or odorless moonshine.

Rose quick drink

The drink will be ready 4 days after the start of preparation.


  • tea rose - 40 buds;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%) - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • citric acid - 1 tablespoon.

1. Separate the petals from the buds, rinse them with running water, and then put them in a three-liter jar.

2. Pour the petals with hot water (60-70°C), add citric acid and stir.

3. Close the jar with a lid, leave for 2-3 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake once a day.

4. Strain the infusion through several layers of gauze without squeezing the pulp. Add sugar, stir, then bring to a boil.

5. Cool the liquid to room temperature, pour into a three-liter jar, pour in vodka, mix well.

6. Pour the finished homemade tea rose liquor into bottles for storage, close it hermetically and let stand for 1-2 days before use. It turns out a delicious aromatic drink of a beautiful pink color. Shelf life - 2-3 years.

Fragrant liqueur of rose petals

Prolonged infusion contributes to the appearance of a persistent floral smell in the liquor.


  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • tea rose petals - 150 grams;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon.

1. Grind the petals in a meat grinder and mix with sugar.

2. Transfer the resulting flower mass to a jar, add vodka and citric acid, then stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Close the lid tightly, put for 30-40 days in a dark place at room temperature.

4. Filter the pink liquor through gauze, pour into bottles and close tightly with corks. Store in refrigerator or basement. Shelf life - 2-3 years.

What could be better than a cup of aromatic tea if you need to cope with depression, confusion, confusion? Probably, only rose petal tea is a surprisingly gentle and romantic drink, which, moreover, has a number of useful properties.

Benefits of rose petals

Rose petal tea is not only very tasty and fragrant, but also very healthy. Even in ancient times, doctors knew that such tea refreshes, restores the ability to think, and puts the heart in order.

It is interesting! For quite a long time, rose petal tea was considered an "aristocratic" medicine, inaccessible to ordinary people.

Such a drink has an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral effect on the body. It is useful to drink it for colds, flu or other diseases. respiratory system. When coughing, it is used as an expectorant. And if you add honey to tea, you get a cure for stomatitis and various inflammatory processes.

Rose tea will be very useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract - an infusion of petals has the ability to soothe the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. In addition, the bright delicate aroma of tea uplifts the mood and helps to get rid of depression or blues.
As in other cases, medicinal properties rose petals are determined by their composition:

  • essential oils;
  • several sugars;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids (including citric and malic);
  • vitamins from group B, K, E, PP, C;
  • tannin, flavonoids.

Rose petal tea helps to get rid of toxins, normalizes the intestinal microflora, copes with insomnia. In the form of lotions, it helps to fight conjunctivitis.

What kind of rose can be brewed?

Chinese rose is well suited for brewing tea. A drink from it helps cleanse the blood, is the prevention of blood clots. It also copes well with a hangover syndrome, and it will be useful for men also because it increases potency. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gallbladder, normalizes arterial pressure. Another useful property of Chinese rose tea is the removal of excess fluid from the body, which helps to get rid of edema.

Conventionally, red hibiscus tea can also be called rose petal tea, because Sudanese rose, also known as hibiscus, is used to make it. Sudanese rose tea has a rich history - it was served at the table even by the ancient pharaohs. Like other rose teas, hibiscus has many health benefits.

Collection and storage of petals

To get a really healthy and tasty tea, it is better to collect the petals yourself. For this, roses growing in their own summer cottage are best suited, since in this case you can be 100% sure that no harmful chemicals were used when growing them.

Collect the petals in the morning, before the dew has gone. It is advisable to do this after the past rain, which will wash away dust and insects from them. Only fully bloomed flowers are suitable for collection, but wilted petals should be avoided.

Before that, the flowers are sorted out - wilted petals, stamens, debris, sepals are removed. Then the raw materials are transferred to a sieve and shaken to remove the crumbled pollen.

It is not necessary to wash the collected petals, this can damage them, moreover, there is a risk of washing out some of the useful elements from them. But if desired, such a procedure can be carried out. It is better to rinse the petals with a sieve or colander, and then lay them out on a paper towel. After that, they can be used immediately for brewing or laid out to dry.

Like others medicinal herbs, the petals should be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area, spread out in a not very thick layer. From time to time, raw materials should be turned and turned over to avoid rotting and mold.

If you dry the petals in an electric dryer, they will be slightly different from those that dried naturally - they will decrease in size, but they will retain their color. Because of this, dried raw materials can fall through the holes in the pallets, so it is better to line them with gauze or paper.

It is interesting! To give the flower petals a pleasant berry or fruity aroma, you can put strawberries or wild strawberries next to the petals to dry. In this case, the flowers will absorb the smell of berries.

Fresh petals can also be stored for some time, for example, if at one time it was not possible to collect the right amount for brewing tea. To do this, they are placed in a bag, tied tightly and put in the refrigerator. In this form, their shelf life is approximately 1-2 days.

Brewing methods

Rose petals can be brewed as an independent drink or flavored with tea leaves. Most often, pu-erh is subjected to this procedure, although you can mix a rose with any kind of tea.
To flavor your favorite tea with a rose, you need to mix dry tea leaves with dried rose petals and leave in a closed container for several days. During this time, the tea leaves will be saturated with a delicate aroma and you will get a delicious and delicate tea.

The easiest version of the infusion of rose petals:

  • pour 2 tbsp into a mug. petals. Can be used both fresh and dried;
  • pour warm water (not boiling water!). The water temperature should be within 70-80 degrees;
  • leave tea under a saucer for 5 minutes;
  • enjoy a fragrant drink.

You can not add either sugar or honey to such a drink, since it itself turns out to be quite sweet in taste. It has a rather distinct freshness with a sweet aftertaste and fruity notes.

Important! It is impossible to use petals from purchased rose bouquets for making tea - such flowers are grown using harsh chemicals that prolong flowering and kill pests. They will not add benefits to tea.

Tea for ulcers or gastritis

With various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can brew tea from rose petals as follows:

  • mix 10 g of chamomile, calendula, tea rose petals, horsetail and cudweed;
  • add 20 g of leaves of wormwood paniculata, St. John's wort, plantain, dill seeds, agrimony grass, rose hips;
  • and then another 70 g of yarrow.

The resulting collection will serve as a reserve for a long time. For brewing, take about 6 g of the mixture and pour it with 0.5 liters of boiling water, after which it is sent to a water bath for half an hour. Before use, tea should be filtered, and then drunk 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

For burns and wounds

An infusion of rose petals as part of the collection can be used in the form of lotions for the treatment of wounds and burns. To prepare the collection you need to mix:

  • rose petals, horsetail, verbena leaves, oak bark (10 g each);
  • sage leaves, chamomile flowers (5 g each).

The collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for no longer than half an hour. Strained infusion moisten the cloth and apply it to the affected areas.

Rose honey for tea

Such honey will give the tea a delicate aroma and help to cope with a sore throat or beriberi. For cooking, you will need 200 g of rose petals (tea rose or wild rose) and liquid honey.

Important! It is not necessary to rinse the petals so that water does not get into the honey.

Some of the petals are laid out in a bowl and poured with honey, after which, using a wooden spoon, they begin to crush and rub them until they decrease in size. After that, another portion of the petals is added. This continues until all the petals are mixed with honey.

Then the mixture is transferred to a pre-prepared (washed and sterilized) jar. It must be completely dry! Another spoonful of honey is added on top to cover the protruding petals. This honey should be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey can be added to any tea - put a spoonful of petals in a mug, pour tea, stir and let it brew for a couple of minutes. If the petals interfere, the drink can be strained.


There are not so many contraindications for rose petal tea. Since the rose is considered a potential allergen, tea with rose petals is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 3 years of age. And, of course, you can not use it with individual intolerance to the drink.

Rose tea is not only a romantic and fragrant drink, but also a source of good mood. And besides, it is very beneficial for health. Having prepared rose petals in the summer, you can pamper yourself all winter with a tonic and refreshing drink that will protect against colds and beriberi.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

When it comes to summer refreshing and really cooling drinks, northerners first of all come to mind. mint. In regions where it is warmer, it is added lavender, but I think that many southerners will not hesitate to answer: "Rose!" In my articles about the rose, I have already said that this plant has cooling properties: first of all, this is why it is widely used in the East for medicinal, cosmetic and even culinary purposes.

If someone has the opportunity to use organic rose petals, he can make not only "raw" or hot jam with them, but also pleasant summer drinks.

I am familiar with two technologies for preparing such a drink: simply with water and in the form of syrup (similar to how lavender syrup is prepared). In both cases, only fresh rose petals are used, because it is in them that the content of essential oil is higher. Moreover, both the time of collection and the type of rose matter (for more details, see the description of the rose on the links above).

It is difficult to get a pink or red drink from rose petals, most often an indicator is used for this (lemon juice or citric acid; the drink is also tinted - for example, with pomegranate or beet juice).

This shade can have a natural hot infusion of rose petals (sometimes it is lighter or darker). At the same time, the petals themselves become discolored (boiled out). That is why it is not recommended to wash them with hot water, but cool water is very possible!

For the same reason, I do not recommend taking a rose petal bath at home. Don't forget that the princesses who did this used to have servants. And the baths-pools were not like that. Yes, and procedures with petals were carried out, by the way, where there were quite a lot of roses! Translated into modern language, there is little pleasure from the petals in the bathroom: to smell the aroma, you need to take a huge amount of petals, and they stick to all parts of the body and even color everything. From hot water, the petals, firstly, will discolor. Secondly, because of this, the juice will be released, the water and the bath will turn purple. Pink juice is very well eaten into different surfaces. Will you clean the bath yourself or will you call the servants? :) For such purposes, it is better to use pink essential oil or attar, but they are expensive. Conclusion: of course, you decide :)

Rose petal drink (option without syrup).
In some regions of Azerbaijan, such a drink is called "ovshala". I think my comrades from Azerbaijan can tell you more about it, but I'll just tell you what I managed to find out.

Basic cooking technology: pour rose petals with hot water, add lemon juice or acid and leave for 8-10 hours to infuse. Then it is filtered and a sweetener is added. Often, rose water is added to such a drink (see Ch. 9, link above for it).

Here is the version from the book "Azerbaijan" (published in 2006; written by David C. King).

5 cups of water
petals of 3 roses
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice(? - suspicious proportion)
3 tbsp Sahara.

Boil water, add rose petals and lemon juice. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 6 hours or overnight. Then remove the petals, add sugar, serve chilled.

Two interesting recipes available at azerifood.com (link is active).

1. Tincture on rose leaves:
Tea rose petals - 1 kg
Citric acid - 2 tsp
Water for pouring petals - 2 liters

For every 3 cups of rose leaf tincture:
Water - 1.5 - 2 cups
Sugar - 4-6 tbsp. (taste)
pieces of ice

2. 1 glass of yarrow infusion
1 cup gulab (rose water)
0.4 cup tincture on rose leaves
about 1 liter of water
sugar to taste

Gulab sherbet. Syrup variant

An option that I adjusted to myself, looking for what I need in a variety of recipes :) In this option, I used quite a bit of lemon juice, but you can take more - especially if you intend to store the syrup for a while. It is prepared using the same technology as a regular pink drink, only the preparation of syrup is added.

I took equal proportions of fragrant red rose petals, sugar and water (for example, a glass of loosely packed petals, a glass of sugar, a glass of water) + a little beetroot juice for color. I have a glass of petals at the top of the photo, on the scales. At large petals, you can cut off the white tips so that they do not taste bitter. For cooking a large number 1:1:1 proportions of syrup are not always suitable, you need to think about this additionally.

She took so much water that she covered the petals, boiled, poured the petals, left to infuse. After a few hours I filtered it and set it aside. I boiled another part of the water, added sugar, boiled it down to a state of not very thick syrup. I added water from under the petals, a little juice of fresh beets for color, mixed, warmed up, removed from heat. Lemon juice can be added either before the infusion of the petals, or during the preparation of the syrup: for 1 glass of water - from 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. juice (or to taste and color; for adding lemon juice, see the story about lavender syrup).

The finished syrup is diluted with water in the desired proportion or added to other dishes where it is appropriate. Rose water or extract can be added for aroma and additional "rose" taste. Or lavender syrup :) I have last photo- rose syrup, diluted with water approximately 1:3.

Prepared for

Since ancient times, excellent wines and liqueurs have been prepared from rose petals and rose hips, which, as was already known then, improved digestion, healed and toned up.

Rose petals are recommended to be collected early morning at the time of dew or after rain, selecting only fresh blooming flowers. The collected material must be dried and used for its intended purpose, for example, in order to make rose liqueur.

If you adapt the recipe for rose petal liqueur to the conditions for making liquor, you can get a very delicate and aromatic drink, ideal for both ladies' gatherings and a romantic dinner for two.

Fill the container for infusing the liquor with petals, fill them with vodka and infuse until the liquid acquires a dark amber hue.

Drain the liquid from the bottle without squeezing the pulp, filter, mix with sugar, pour into sterile bottles and cork.

Rose petal liqueur on white wine

Try also making homemade rose liqueur from Bulgaria, where the rose is considered the national flower.

  • 2 liters of brandy (can be replaced with alcohol);
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 200 g of white wine;
  • 40 g rose petals.

Place the washed and dried rose petals in a glass container for infusion, pour over the alcohol base and infuse for up to 20 days.

After that, filter the liquid from the pulp, boil the syrup from white wine and sugar and mix it with the rose vodka obtained as a result of infusion. Mix thoroughly, bottle and seal for further storage in the cold.

Tea rose petal liqueur recipe for alcohol

To make tea rose liqueur, select only fresh petals, and use quality alcohol and water, as these aspects can spoil the aroma and taste. The final drink has a strength of 31-34 degrees, it is very fragrant, very feminine, and its color is similar to the color of the petals. If you want to get a sweeter liquor, feel free to double or even triple the amount of sugar.

  • 500 g of alcohol;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 65 g of water;
  • 50 g of tea rose petals;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Rinse the petals, dry and grind in a blender, mixing with sugar, citric acid and water. Put the finished mass on the bottom of the prepared jar, fill with vodka and, carefully mixing, close the lid. Keep in a dark corner at room temperature for up to 2 weeks, shaking every few days, then filter the future drink and squeeze out the pulp.

If necessary, sweeten, return to the previous container, close tightly and infuse for another 10 days.

After the stabilization of the taste is completed, filter the liquor, pour it into sterile bottles, cork and store in the cold for up to 5 years.

How to make rose petal liqueur with vodka

If you are planning to make rose petal liqueur with vodka, then avoid chlorinated water, which can completely change the flavor of the drink for the worse. Use spring water or, in extreme cases, from bottles. Citric acid in this case acts as a balancer - it gives a slight sourness and harmonizes the taste of the liquor.

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 g rose petals;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

Mix the petals with sugar in a meat grinder or with a blender until a smooth paste. Put the resulting mass in a glass container (approximately 5 liters), fill with water and vodka and stir until the sugar dissolves completely.

Close the container tightly and keep for 30 days in a warm and dark corner, shaking every few days. Then drain and filter the future drink, after squeezing the pulp, taste it for sweetness (and if necessary, add sugar) and mix with citric acid. Stir the liquor, pour into prepared bottles, cork and age at least 3 more days before serving. It is necessary to store in a dark test for up to 2 years.

dried rose petal liqueur recipe

If you want to experiment, you can try making a dried rose petal liqueur with Sauternes dessert wine, which will give the liqueur an incredible summer and fresh bouquet. Sauternes can be substituted for other, more expensive dessert wines, or you can simplify your task (and reduce costs) and take a simple wine, for example, Chateau Liot or Petit Guiraud. When ready, this wine-based rose liqueur is a great base for an Aperol Syringe cocktail.

  • 500 g Sauternes (about 15% alcohol);
  • 250 g of vodka or alcohol 40-50%;
  • 200-250 g of sugar syrup (1:1 sugar and water);
  • 25 g dried rose petals.

Pour the petals in a container prepared for infusion with wine, mix, close the jar tightly and keep for 5 days in a cool and dark place. Then filter the liquid through several layers of cloth, without squeezing the pulp, mix the future drink with sugar syrup cooked and cooled in advance and place it again in the previous container. Infuse for another 2.5 weeks before serving.

Experienced winemakers will be interested to know two options for how to enrich pink liquor with spices. The first, spicy and slightly salty, truly masculine, homemade rose liqueur with the addition of nutmeg and fennel.

  • 5 liters of moonshine;
  • 12 g salt;
  • 6 g of nutmeg;
  • 6 g lemon peel;
  • 6 g fennel;
  • 2 g white cinnamon.
  • For sugar syrup:
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 700 g sugar.

Grind spices and petals in a mortar or mill, pour moonshine and leave for 10 days. When finished, distill (distill) the resulting liquid.

Prepare sugar syrup, having boiled the mixture of components for it, cool it, mix it with the liquid obtained in the previous step and soak for another 3-5 days.

Spiced homemade rose petal liqueur

The second option for a spiced rose petal liqueur at home can be a recipe with zest and cinnamon. It is mostly preferred by women, probably due to the similarity of the fragrance to an expensive perfume.

  • 12 liters of moonshine;
  • 200 g dried rose petals;
  • 25 g cinnamon;
  • 25 g dried zest;
  • 25 g star anise.
  • For sugar syrup:
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 800 g sugar.

Grind spices and petals, fill with moonshine and leave for 7-10 days. When finished, distill (distill) the resulting liquid.

Prepare sugar syrup by boiling the mixture of components for it, cool it and mix with the liquid obtained in the previous step.

Done, you can bottle, cork and send for storage.

Rose petal liqueur on moonshine

An unusual homemade rose petal liquor will turn out if it is prepared with salt.

  • 12 liters of moonshine;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 130 g rose petals;
  • 20 g salt.

Pour the petals with salt for half an hour, and then pour moonshine and soak for 2 days.

Upon completion, distill (distill) the resulting liquid and mix it with sugar, after which you can pour the liquor, cork and send it to storage.

Every woman loves flowers and especially a rose. Although, in addition to beauty, this plant can bring us a lot of benefits. Moreover, this will apply not only to our health, but also to beauty. Therefore, below we will learn how to prepare a rose petal tincture for the face, its beneficial features and other types of tonics, masks from this flower.

Few people know that the rose has a tonic, refreshing and anti-inflammatory properties. Not to mention the miraculous possibilities of speedy healing. Although the most frequent use, of course, is in cosmetology, and not in healing the body. You can use them for taking baths, making various tonics and face creams.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to apply only fresh rose petals and preferably not purchased, but from a home garden. Only then will there be a guarantee that the plants were not pollinated with various mixtures of chemicals for long flowering. It is best if you prepare a tonic, oil or rose tincture. Although a face mask would be just as great a solution. Especially if you have problems caused by rashes and acne.


You can talk about the magnificent properties of this plant forever, because rose petals have been used since ancient times. Previously, people who were ill nervous disorders or diseases respiratory tract, could be cured with rose tinctures or incense based on it. It is worth noting that even complex infections that cause consumption or diseases of the heart and kidneys could be cured with rose petals. Women used to apply fresh flowers to their face to keep them young and moisturized. skin covering. could you cure the severe inflammatory processes, gastric disorders when inhaling rose oil or using it internally.

Rose petals are made up of:

  • essential oils;
  • Sahara;
  • resins;
  • a large number of vitamins B and C;
  • trace elements;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids.

For what and from what to apply?

Therefore, it can be used as a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, soothing and pain reliever. The range of diseases is as extensive as the composition, because you can use the petals even with tonsillitis, stomatitis, diseases of the gastric tract, purulent inflammation and problems with the skin of the face. Although it is also worth remembering allergic reaction on some components of the plant. Therefore, before using such a remedy, it is better to immediately check the reaction of your body and consult a doctor.

Use in cooking

In addition to the fact that the rose is used in medicine and cosmetology, it has found its place in the kitchen of many cooks and simple housewives. I must say that it is very rare, but you can even find a recipe for jam from petals or honey. They resemble a pleasant syrup that tastes just as great as it smells.

More rare are: vinegar or alcoholic drinks based on rose tincture. Although if you try them at least once, you will no longer be able to live without it. True, many note that these are more feminine drinks, because they are much weaker and sweeter than ordinary wines or cocktails. In everyday life, you can make tea with fresh petals. It is this drink that will allow you to always remain calm and fall asleep quickly.

Cooking fragrant tinctures at home

It is absolutely not necessary to buy tea rose tincture in a pharmacy or cosmetic stores. After all, you can cook it at home. After that, you can use it inside as a pleasant drink, and for the treatment of certain diseases, even mix it with other ingredients and make masks, tonics. You will need not so many components, the main of which, of course, is a tea rose, or rather its petals.


  • sugar 250 g;
  • water 150 ml;
  • if desired, vodka 1 liter;
  • rose petals 150 g.


To create a tincture from this plant, you will need to follow simple recipe which includes the following steps:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Put on fire and cook until syrup is formed.
  3. Add tea rose petals and simmer for another five minutes.
  4. Wait until the broth cools down.
  5. Add vodka and mix thoroughly.
  6. Pour the tincture into a jar, close the hole tightly, and leave in a dark place for two weeks.
  7. After that, open the container, pour the liquid into another container.


  • petals 150 g;
  • water 500 ml;
  • olive oil 2 tablespoons;
  • one ampoule of vitamin A.


From the ingredients listed above, you can easily prepare a wonderful nourishing facial tincture, which is also called rose water. After all, it is used mainly for rubbing the skin as a tonic.

You will need:

  1. Grind the tea rose in a blender or with a knife.
  2. Pour it into a thermos and pour boiling water into it.
  3. Leave until the liquid has cooled.
  4. Add oil and vitamin.
  5. Pour into another container and store in a cool and dark place.

It is important that you make sure that your skin and body can tolerate all the ingredients that you will use to prepare tinctures and creams for various recipes. Otherwise, you can not improve the condition, but only worsen it. And then only a doctor can help you. Everyone needs to cherish and appreciate the gifts of nature that allow us to remain as beautiful and young after a year. Only the rational use of plants and the implementation of prescriptions will achieve the desired result.

Video "How to prepare rose water for the face"

In the video below, you will learn about the method of preparing rose tincture or how it is otherwise called “pink tonic”, which is used to wipe the face.