Office in the apartment (18 photos): beautiful design and layout. How to equip an office in an apartment or house - in what style, how to zone it and other secrets

Often the working day of a modern person does not end even after he has arrived home. Many are forced to devote a few more hours of their personal time to work. There are other people who, by virtue of their profession, work from home - writers, scientists, translators, remote workers. And now there is a whole community of freelancers - people who look for and find work using the Internet, and often all of them. working activity takes place on the World Wide Web.

If a person lives alone, then no one and nothing prevents him from concentrating on work affairs and tasks. But what about those who have a family, children, older relatives living in the same apartment or the same house?

We all know that the silence in the apartment, necessary for many to concentrate, is complete only at a time when everyone is sleeping. Some people prefer to work at night and sleep during the day. But still, this is an extreme way of life, unsuitable for a person with normal biological rhythms.

This means that in the house you need to take a place where no one will disturb and distract the worker. I must say that not everyone can organize a full-fledged work process at home, since for most people a house is a place where tasks other than workers are solved, as well as a place of rest. All pictures from films where the hero makes brilliant discoveries, sitting among a bunch of people on the corner of the sofa with a laptop in his hands, are idle fictions.

Therefore, if you decide to work from home, you need to organize your workplace so that it is clear to everyone around you that you are at work. To do this, you need to allocate an office in the house, preferably in the form of a separate room with a door.

It is clear that in a small apartment it is difficult, but there are solutions for this option.

Home office - location and organization principles

Depending on the type and size of the available housing, as well as the well-being of the person or family as a whole, the office can be organized in different ways.

The cabinet can:

  • be a separate room in a large apartment or private house;
  • located in the smallest room of a small apartment;
  • be located on a balcony or loggia, in the attic or in the attic or even in the basement;
  • represent a separate working area of ​​​​a room.

If it is possible to allocate a separate room for an office in a large house (or apartment), then it is better to choose one that is located at a distance from the living room or nursery - so the noise will not bother you.

If you, by virtue of your profession, receive visitors in your office, it is better to place it near the entrance to the apartment.

If this a private house- then you can even additionally provide a separate entrance from the street.

If the apartment is small, then you don’t have to choose the location of the working room, a closed door will provide relative peace.

In order to equip an office on a balcony or loggia, as well as in a non-residential attic, you will need funds for warming and finishing the premises. And given the severity of our climate, then the installation of heating.

An office in the basement is not such a bad idea as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is that the basement is dry and warm, and the finish can be made from inexpensive materials. And, of course, it is necessary to solve the issue of full-fledged lighting of the working area.

If you have a small apartment and there is no way to allocate space for an office, then you will have to make it in one of the rooms - in the living room or bedroom. Here it is important to think carefully about the way to separate the working area from the rest of the room. To do this, you can use one of the options for zoning rooms. If the apartment has a spacious storage room, then you can comfortably and compactly sit right in it.

As for the principles of organizing the workspace, they can be different depending on the direction of the activity of the owner of the office and his tastes. Some designers offer to finish and furnish the office so that it is a "separate cozy little world." Others, on the contrary, recommend not to relax, since the home environment itself does not contribute to concentration.

The main principles of organizing the workspace at home from their point of view are as follows:

  • The principle of impersonality. In defiance of those who believe that the office should reflect the personality and tastes of its owner. Communication with employees and colleagues is practically absent here, so it makes no sense to show your individuality. The home environment already “decomposes discipline”, and the decoration of the office should stimulate thinking and working capacity. Therefore, it should be as simple as possible, without unnecessary and personal items.

  • The principle of discomfort. Do not think that this means working while sitting on a stool at a workbench. Just the office space should not be as cozy and relaxing as the rest of the house. Therefore, it should not contain anything superfluous - simple and comfortable furniture for work, a minimum of personal details, nothing distracting.
  • The principle of openness. This is especially important for those who working time stays at home year after year. In such a situation, a person begins to experience emotional hunger, it seems to him that he is removed from society. Therefore, the home office must, in one way or another, contact the outside world. For example, its window may face a busy street or the room may have access to a balcony. It is important that a person can open a window or move a curtain and see and even hear the sounds of life boiling around. In the office, you can put a small TV, turning on which in moments of relaxation, you can watch the latest news or a program about animals. All this allows you to relax and unwind without leaving your workspace.

Home office interior design is based on the following considerations:

  • general style design of an apartment or house;
  • appointment of a home office;
  • the number and location of openings - door and window;
  • the shape and size of the room;
  • individual features of the room.

There is general principles arrangement of furniture in the office. For example, the owner of the office should not sit with his back to the door. But this principle is good only if the office is a separate room. If this is just a corner or part of the room, then perhaps you simply won’t sit in a different way.

Therefore, it is worth relying on the principles of rational use of the available area of ​​the requirements for the functionality of the premises.

It should be borne in mind that the styles of office design for women and men are different:

  • The men's office is often decorated in a style close to English or classical. Usually its interior is distinguished by darker tones of decoration and furniture. Yes, and the furniture itself is more heavy, like the curtains.
  • Women's office is usually finished with lighter materials. Light furniture is also preferable, and curtains are lighter. In the women's office there may be more accessories and small things.

Rooms designed for creative people and for scientists or literary figures cannot be the same either. A creative person will certainly choose an unusual layout and furniture. The situation itself depends on the type of activity of the owner of the office. For example, a photographer will require a lot of cabinets to store their equipment, while an artist will need a place to store pictures and a lot of light. Furniture can have simple and concise forms, and anything can become a material for it - from chipboard to plastic or metal.

The work of a scientist or writer requires a separate place. In the office, it will be necessary to provide a large number of bookcases, and the style itself will be rather close to the classical one.

Now there are professions that do not involve the separation of work and leisure. An example is the profession of a programmer. An enthusiastic person who does not watch the time can fall asleep where he works. Therefore, in the interior of such a room, it would be quite appropriate to have a comfortable sofa, on which you can fall almost directly from the desktop, a table for eating, a small refrigerator and other “handy” little things.

The cabinet can be decorated in any style.

But the most commonly used are:

  • classic;
  • English;
  • Gothic;
  • empire;
  • country;
  • ethno;
  • high tech;
  • pop Art;
  • loft.

It is better if the design style of the cabinet matches the overall style space of the apartment. If the home office is located in a large house, then it can be decorated in any interior style.

If this is part of the room, then finishing in styles such as minimalism or hi-tech is more suitable.

This direction gives preference to modernity, ergonomics and manufacturability. In such an office there can be no expensive artsy furniture or decor.

Most modern cabinets are finished in this style. They organically look metal, glass and plastic. Shades are used more often warm light - pistachio, light orange. They go well with the black and white colors inherent in the interiors of this style. Walls are most often finished with glossy panels or painted.

The furniture has a simple laconic form, shelving and cabinets are most often made open or glass doors are used. In such an interior you will not particularly rest. Its simplicity will constantly remind you of the purpose of visiting the office - work.

Mini cabinet

The simplicity of design is also very good for organizing a mini-office - a corner for working in a small apartment.

It can be arranged in such places:

  • Free corner of the room. It is here that you can put a small corner table, suitable for placing a monitor or as a desk. On the adjacent walls, you can hang a couple of small shelves and hang a lamp.
  • Workplace in the closet. If the household has a large enough closet, then you can arrange a workplace right in it - put a table there and hang narrow shelves. In order to make room for the legs, you will have to dismantle the lower shelves.
  • On the windowsill. If the window sill is wide enough, then you can make a desktop out of it by attaching a narrow table to it that is suitable in height. During the day it will always be light here, and for work in the evening, a lamp on a bracket that is attached to the table is suitable.
  • Cabinet downstairs. In some apartments of the old layout, you can find a niche or storage room designed for storing unnecessary things. Using drywall, you can build in it the required number of shelves and even an impromptu cabinet. A small table with a chair at the end of the work can be hidden in the same niche. Lighting, of course, will be artificial, but with an abundance of modern fluorescent lamps, it will not be difficult to organize it.
  • If there is no space at all, then you can use a portable folding mini-office, which turns into a fairly convenient desktop in one motion. This, of course, is not an office, but you can work for a short time.

In a situation where it is decided to allocate a part of the living room or bedroom for an office, it would be nice to zone the space of the room with the help of finishing materials, decor items or additional structures. The study area can be distinguished by installing a thin plasterboard or glass partition, which practically does not change the size of the room.

If the apartment has high ceilings, then the cabinet area can be moved to the podium closer to the window. In the podium, you can also place boxes for storing things.

If the apartment is small, then the easiest way is to carry out zoning with the help of finishing materials - using wallpaper different color or a pattern, or with a floor covering laid in different directions.

In such a makeshift office, it is impossible to hide from extraneous distracting sounds, but for a person working from home while the rest of the family is at work or at school, the option is quite appropriate.

Thus, having a good imagination and a desire to equip the workplace, the opportunity for this can be found even in the smallest apartment. If you yourself do not come up with a suitable option, you can contact the designer, who will surely find a solution that suits everyone.

Photos of various design options for offices in the apartment - in our photo gallery:

We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fifth floor of a nine-storied building. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down.

We have a three-room flat which consists of a living-room, a bedroom, a study (which is also my room), a kitchen, a bath-room and a toilet. There are also two closets in our flat. Our flat has two balconies.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable one in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square dinner-table with six chairs round it. To the left of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano and a piano stool before it. To the right there is a little table with color TV set on it. Opposite the TV set there are two cozy armchairs. A sofa-bed and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. In front of the armchairs there is a small round table for newspapers and magazines. There is a thick carpet on the floor. Two water colors hung on the wall above the sofa bed. In the evening we usually draw the curtains across the windows, and a red lampshade gives a warm color to the room.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds, two dressing-tables and a wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small colors TV set. On the dressing table there is an alarm-clock and small lamp with green lamp-shade.

Our study is the smallest room in the flat, but in spice of it, it is very cozy. There isn't much furniture in it, but there are a lot of shelves full of books. It has a writing table, an armchair and a bookcase too. A small round table with cassette-recorder is standing in the right-hand corner of the study. Besides there is a small sofa near the wall opposite the bookcase. This room was my father's study, but as I grew older, it has become my room. And in my opinion it is the best room in our flat. My friends used to come to my place to have a chat or to play chess in the evening, and they say my room is very comfortable. I share my opinion.


We have a nice apartment in a new apartment building. Our apartment is located on the fifth floor of a nine-story building. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, hot and cold water, electricity, gas, elevator and garbage chute.

We have a three-room apartment which consists of a living room, a bedroom, an office (which is also my room), a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. There are also two built-in wardrobes in our apartment. Our apartment has two balconies.

The living room is the largest and most comfortable in the apartment. In the center of the room is a square dining table with six chairs around it. To the left of the dining table there is a wall-block, which consists of several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe, several shelves. On the opposite wall there is a piano and a piano with a chair. To his right is a small table with a color TV on it. Opposite the TV are two comfortable armchairs. Sofa bed and floor lamp in the left corner. In front of the chair there is a small round table for newspapers and magazines. There is a thick carpet on the floor. Two watercolors hang on the wall above the sofa bed. In the evening we usually lower the curtains on the windows and the red lampshade gives a warm color to the room.

The bedroom is smaller than the living room, and not as bright, because there is only one window in it. In this room: two beds, two dressing rooms, tables and a closet. There is a small color TV in the corner of the bedroom. The dressing table has an alarm clock and a small lamp with a green shade.

Our office is the smallest room in the apartment, but despite this, it is very cozy. It doesn't have much furniture, but it does have a lot of shelves full of books. There is a desk, an armchair and a bookcase too. A small round table with a VCR is in the right corner of the office. In addition, there is a small sofa against the wall opposite the bookcase. This room was my father's study, but as I got older it became my room. And, in my opinion, this is the best room in our apartment. My friends came to my house to chat or play chess in the evening and they say that my room is very comfortable. I share their opinion.

We have a nice apartment in a new apartment building. Our apartment is located on the fifth floor of a nine-story building. It has all the conveniences of a modem: central heating, hot and cold water, electricity, gas, an elevator and a garbage chute downstairs.

We have a three-room apartment which consists of a living room, a bedroom, an office (which is also my room), a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. There are also two built-in wardrobes in our apartment. Our apartment has two balconies.

The living room is the largest and most comfortable in the apartment. In the center of the room is a square dining table with six chairs around it. To the left of the dining table there is a wall-block, which consists of several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe, several shelves. On the opposite wall there is a piano and a piano stool. To his right is a small table with a color TV on it. Opposite the TV are two comfortable armchairs. Sofa bed and floor lamp in the left corner. In front of the chair there is a small round table for newspapers and magazines. There is a thick carpet on the floor. Two watercolors hung on the wall above the sofa bed. In the evening we usually lower the curtains on the windows, and the red lampshade gives a warm color to the room.

The bedroom is smaller than the living room and not as bright because it has only one window. In this room: two beds, two dressing tables and a wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small color TV set. The dressing table has an alarm clock and a small lamp with a green shade.

Our study is the smallest room in the apartment, but in spice it is very cozy. There is not much furniture in it, but there are many shelves full of books. There is a desk, an armchair and a bookcase too. A small round table with a VCR is in the right corner of the study. In addition, there is a small sofa against the wall opposite the bookcase. This room was my father's study, but as I got older it became my room. And in my opinion this is the best room in our apartment. My friends came to my house to have a chat or play chess in the evening and they say that my room is very comfortable. I share their opinion.

Working from home has many benefits. One of them is the opportunity to work in an environment that gives aesthetic pleasure and sets you in the right mood. In this article, we have collected tips and ideas for you on how to create a space in your apartment that awakens your creativity: organizing a workplace at home.

1. Creating a background

Neutral wall colors - beige, gray - are best suited for cabinet design. Such a choice will allow you to complement the interior with bright accessories without overloading the overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for working from home

Create a large surface to which you can attach motivating, inspiring or work-related pictures and leaflets. There are many options for this: magnetic wallpaper; paint that creates the surface of a chalk board; textile wall covering; cork layer on the wall. The materials placed on this surface will serve as "fuel" for your creative thinking.

3. Proper lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your work area is well lit. Firstly, it encourages active work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use both the usual table lamp and stylish LED strips and lamps.

4. "Revitalization" of the workplace

Art objects (including photographs) will help you create a workspace in which you will feel comfortable. By the way, art doesn't have to be expensive. As long as it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it is doing its job.

5. Storage space

Pick up furniture so that in your office there is a place for all things and trifles, because chaos can distract from work and interrupt the creative flow of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then you can buy inexpensive furniture in Kyiv at the Expertmebel furniture store.

6. Personalization of the workplace

Give your workplace your own personality, at least by placing your paperweight on the table, indoor plant or your favorite mug. And photos of happy moments from your life will always make you smile.

The desk is often placed by the window.

Desk located in the corner of the living room

Corner desks create more workspace

Chalk and magnetic boards - a practical idea for an office

Diary on the wall

Wall decorating with books

Workplace in industrial style

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED strips installed under wall cabinets

Muted colors

My Flat (1)

We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square-table with six chairs round it. To the right of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves.

At the opposite wall there is a piano and stool before it. Between the two large windows there is a little table with a color TV set on it. Near the TV set there are two cozy armchairs. A small round table, a sofa-bed and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. This small table is for newspapers and magazines. My father is used to having a rest sitting on this sofa-bed reading books, newspapers, magazines or watching TV.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp with a pink lamp-shade are on the table. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing-table with a big mirror.. In this room we have a built-in wardrobe with coat-hangers to-hang clothes on. There is a thick carpet on the floor and plain light-brown curtains on the window.

The third room is my study. It is not large but very cozy. There isn't much furniture in it, only the most necessary. It has a writing-table and an armchair before it. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. A small table with a radio is standing in the left-hand corner. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions. In my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat.

But the warmest place in our flat is the kitchen, I think - the place where the whole family gathers every evening not only to have supper together, but also to speak and rest. I like the English proverb: "My home is my castle" because my flat is, indeed, my castle.

My apartment (1)

We have a nice apartment in a new apartment building. Our apartment is on the fourth floor, it has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, an elevator and a garbage chute. The apartment has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall. The living room is the largest and most comfortable room in the apartment. In the center of the room is a square dining table and six chairs. To the right of the table is a furniture wall. It consists of several sections: sideboard, cabinet, several shelves.

At the opposite side is a piano with a chair. Between the two large windows is a small table with a color TV. Near the TV are two comfortable armchairs. In the left corner there is a small round table, a sofa and a floor lamp. This small table is designed for newspapers and magazines. Dad used to relax sitting on the couch, read books, newspapers, magazines or watch TV.

The bedroom is smaller than the living room and not as bright because it has only one window. This room has two beds and a nightstand between them. On the bedside table is an alarm clock and a small lamp with a pink shade. In the left corner is a dressing table with a large mirror. This room has a built-in wardrobe with clothes hangers. There is a thick carpet on the floor, and plain light brown curtains hang on the windows.

The third room is my office. It is small but very comfortable. There is little furniture in it, only the most necessary. There is a desk with an armchair. In the right corner - a bookcase with books, magazines, newspapers. A small table with a radio is in the left corner. Next to it is a sofa with cushions. In my opinion, this office is the best room in our apartment.

But the warmest place in our apartment is the kitchen, the place where the whole family gathers every evening, not only to have dinner together, but also to talk and relax. I like the English proverb: "My house is my castle" because my apartment is really my castle.


1. Have you a house or a flat?
2. How many rooms are there in your flat?
3. Has your flat all modern amenities? What are they?
4. What room is the largest in your flat?
5. What is there in the middle of the room?
6. Is there a piano in the living room?
7. What is there near the TV set?
8. How many windows are there in the bedroom?
9. What is on the bedside table?
10. What color curtains are there on the window?
11. What room is very cozy?
12. Is there much furniture in the study?
13. What is there in the right-hand corner of the study?
14. What is standing in the left-hand corner?


square - square
sideboard - sideboard
opposite - opposite
cozy - cozy
sofa bed
alarm-clock - alarm clock
mirror - mirror
dressing table
lamp-shade - lampshade
a built-in wardrobe - built-in wardrobe
coat-hanger - hanger
to hang (hung) - hang
study - cabinet
furniture - furniture
necessary pieces - necessary things
cushion - sofa cushion
standard lamp - floor lamp