An essay with a plan based on Sholokhov's story “The fate of a man. The theme of the House, the family in the story “The fate of a person The fate of a person is love for the family

Literature has been transformed a large number of talented and original poets and writers, among such wonderful people, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov deserves a special place, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. His unforgettable work entitled "The Destiny of Man" raises many issues that should be considered.

The main character of this book is Andrei Sokolov, who devoted his life to protecting the Motherland, human destinies from such a terrible phenomenon as fascism. During the fighting, the hero experienced a lot: he lost not only his comrades, friends, but also relatives, whom he loved with all his heart. How does it feel to realize that your home is no more, you will never hear the gentle voice of your wife, you will not see your two sons running around, you will not see how beautiful your daughter will become in the future? It hurts so much to accept the fact that you are alone. The war has taken its toll. What is justice? You sacrifice yourself, help others to survive, stand up for your homeland, and as a result you end up with nothing... With nothing. One explanation: this is war. And there's nothing you can do about it.

It is surprising that Andrei Sokolov did not lose himself in the abyss of despair, but, on the contrary, looked at life in a completely different way than before. He committed a moral act: he adopted a boy who, like the hero, was also left alone. And there is no one but him to help the younger generation. Therefore, the act of Andrei Sokolov makes you think about your life, reconsider all your actions and attitude towards people.

In the work, in addition to the problem of the horror of war, the problem of patriotism, the problem of morality, there is another most important one: the problem of the family, which is clearly raised in Sholokhov's book. For the protagonist, the family was above all, it was a kind of strong core, a stable support that you can rely on, that you can trust. He loved his beautiful wife with all his might, whom the war mercilessly took with him. But, not breaking down under the yoke of adversity, Andrei Sokolov found the strength to move on. His most responsible act is, precisely, the adoption of the boy Vanya. Together they created a strong family. Now there is an incentive to live and wake up every day with joy in my heart.

Thus, the book is excellent in its content. It touches on many issues, raises important questions that cannot fail to impress the reader. Sholokhov created a hero - a hard worker, whom he treated with care and understanding. He gave him hope, which gave new meaning to the life of the character. The author likes people like Andrei Sokolov, who, despite the difficulties and dangers, do not give up, do not break, but staunchly resist adversity, continuing to keep faith in the best in their souls!

Option 2 Feedback

Fate... There are so many mysteries in this word, from time to time I think about what fate is. It seems to me that fate can be called all those events that have happened or are happening to us. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t escape fate.” Each person has his own destiny and no one knows what turn in life awaits him. Someone in life turns out everything, and someone lived his life in vain. How life will go depends primarily on the person, on his actions and life goals.

Not so long ago I read a story that left a mark on my soul. Despite the simplicity of the description, it is filled with vitality.

This is the work "The Fate of Man" by Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhov was the author of works that are considered classics of literature, such as "Quiet Flows the Don" or "They fought for their homeland." But personally I was touched by the story "The fate of man."

From the title it may seem that we are talking about fate, but this is not so, the plot shows us a person, a person with a capital letter. Andrei Sokolov is the central character, he is an ordinary person who wants peace and hates war. However, there are many such people. He just lived, did not build any great plans, did not dream of being a hero. Andrei listened to his heart, was attached to his home, family and native land. But suddenly a disaster struck, disaster struck his native places, and Sokolov was forced to go to the defense of his homeland.

The main character showed himself to be a good, loyal, brave soldier. The war destroyed everything Andrew had. He was even taken prisoner, but no torture and torture could break the spirit of the Russian soldier, he managed to escape and return to his native line in order to continue fighting.

The house where I used to live main character, was completely destroyed with a bomb, at that time his wife and daughters were there. The only ray of light for Andrey was the hope that everything is fine with his son. But unfortunately, it was on the ninth of May, when everyone was happy, that Sokolov learned about the death of his son. A man is left completely alone with his grief, experiences, all that remains with him is remembering how they lived before and did not know grief until trouble came to their land.

But the black streak does not last forever, everything ends sooner or later. It so happened that Andrei found a little boy, Vanyushka, who was also left completely alone. Now the main character has a reason to live, and the boy has a reliable shoulder and support.

It is terrible to imagine how much suffering Andrey Sokolov endured on his life path, but he survived and showed how strong he is. Of course, it’s impossible to return his wife, children, home, but the man found his happiness, found his son, whom he will now raise as a real person.

Composition based on the work of Sholokhov The fate of man

When a person is born, his destiny is born along with him, which is destined from above. At the same moment, a special combination of planets occurs and a star is born, each person has his own star, and when a person is baptized, he has a guardian angel. Each of us eventually thinks about the question of the meaning of our existence and what will remain after it. Humanity is the only person who is aware that eventually death occurs. It evokes strong emotions and touches to the very depths of the soul.

I believe that each person has his own destiny, for example: to get married and live with this person all your life, this is destiny. And if they lived for a year and parted, it means that they were not created, for each other, and simply not destiny.

If you read the works of Sholokhov, we will see that the writer combines two themes: the theme of people and war. In the fate of a person, Mikhail Alexandrovich shows about those troubles and misfortunes that the Great Patriotic War brought. About the endurance of a person who was able to withstand all the suffering and did not break. This story of Sholokhov pierced all readers to the core. And people believed in the spiritual powers of the Russian people.

This vivid story is based on such moments as seeing off to the war, being in captivity, an attempt to escape, news about the family. From this one can write a huge book, but Mikhail Alexandrovich put everything in a small story. Events from the real life of one driver who returned from the war and told the author of this story were combined into this basis. The hero of this story is Andrei Sokolov, he had a chance to go through a lot of moments that are associated with the war. But he is a good fellow, he survived everything and he was able to survive, he is strong in spirit and character, and no matter what happens, he always goes forward, without losing hope for the best.

Despite all life's difficulties, the hero adopted a little boy, Vanechka. This suggests that the Russian people cannot be defeated, neither by force nor by spirit. Summing up this story, I want to say: no matter what happens, you can’t lose heart and go only forward. Finding meaning in life. Fate is all the events and situations that occur in a person's life. This is all - it has a big role in the life of the person himself, each action attracts something else, which ultimately turns out to be a chain of phenomena of a certain person. And it turns out that a person builds his own destiny.

Sample 4

Sholokhov's work "The Fate of a Man" is a story about a simple Russian man who endured the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. The protagonist, fighting bravely and, having defeated the enemy, loses all his relatives, but does not despair and finds the strength to live on.

The image of Andrei Sokolov embodies all the main features of the Russian soldier, such as courage, stamina and patience.

From the first pages of the story, we see how the writer describes the first spring after long hostilities, thereby preparing us for a meeting with our hero. The author clearly showed the tragedy of Sokolov's life. It is clearly seen that Sokolov was not easy from childhood. He fought bravely at the front during the Civil War, then started a family and was an exemplary husband and father. The attack of the German invaders on the homeland forced the hero to go to war again. Andrei Sokolov was wounded and even received a concussion. But that wasn't the worst thing for him. Tests continued ahead German captivity. For two whole years he had to endure the hardships and torments of the Nazis. He tried to escape, and even deals with the traitor. We see how the soldier retained his dignity in the episode with the camp commandant. Exhausted and exhausted by unbearable conditions, Sokolov struck the fascist with the manifestation of his fearless character.

Andrei nevertheless fled, and soon got back into line, continuing to fight with the Nazi invaders. Many times he was on the verge of life and death, but to the end he remained a man. Returning from the front, he learns that he has lost his family. This was a terrible blow for him. But even in this case, strong trials did not break Sokolov. He did not become embittered and did not lose his head in life. He directs all the warmth of his soul to the upbringing of the adopted boy Vanyushka. And most importantly, the main character, by making such a humane act, by adopting an orphan, shows us that he has not broken down, but continues to live on. The author wants to show with his work that his hero is not broken, and people like him cannot be broken. Having endured the most difficult trials, Sokolov continues to maintain a love for life. He remains a humane and kind person. And it is not without reason that Sholokhov gave such a name to the story. He wanted to show the true character of the Russian soldier on the image of Andrei Sokolov. It was these people who helped our Motherland resist the enemy in the Great Patriotic War. Composition What does it mean to be a “grateful son”?

Does everyone have the same understanding of the word gratitude? To give a blessing means to share something good for free, to be grateful for an act. All facets of character, both positive and negative, are laid in a person.

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  • (the essay is divided into pages)

    The theme of human destiny, which is formed under the influence of various historical events, has always been one of the most important in Russian literature. Tolstoy, and Turgenev, and Dostoevsky addressed her. The well-known writer, master of wide epic canvases M. A. Sholokhov did not bypass her. In his works, he reflected all the most important stages of history in the life of our country. The fate of his hero, a simple Russian man, the writer drew against the backdrop of military battles and peaceful battles, showing that not only history makes its own strict judgment, but also a person makes history, carrying its heavy burden on his shoulders.

    In 1956, Sholokhov, in an amazingly short time - just a few days - wrote his famous story "The Fate of a Man". However, the creative history of this work takes many years: between the accidental meeting of the author with a person, the prototype of Andrei Sokolov, and the appearance of the story, ten whole years pass. And all these years the persistent need to speak out and convey to people the confession he once heard has lived in the writer.

    "The Fate of a Man" is a story about great suffering and about the great stamina of a simple person, which embodied all the traits of the Russian character: patience, modesty, responsiveness, a sense of human dignity, merged with a sense of great patriotism, devotion to one's Fatherland.

    From the very beginning of the story, describing the signs of the first post-war spring, the author prepares us for a meeting with the main character Andrei Sokolov. Before us appears a man in a burnt, roughly darned padded jacket, whose eyes are "filled with inescapable mortal longing." Having found an interlocutor in the face of the author, he restrainedly and wearily, placing his large dark hands on his knees, hunched over, begins his confession about the past, in which he had to "sip goryushka up to the nostrils and above."

    The fate of Sokolov is full of such hard trials, such irreparable losses, that it seems impossible for a person to endure all this and not break down, not lose heart. But this simple soldier and worker, overcoming all physical and moral suffering, retains in himself a pure soul, wide open to goodness and light. His difficult fate reflects the fate of the entire generation.

    The same age as the century, Andrei participates in the civil war, in the ranks of the Red Army fights against the enemies of Soviet power. In the hungry twenties, he leaves his native Voronezh village and ends up in the Kuban. At this time, father, mother and sister die of hunger at home. Returns back to Voronezh, works as a carpenter, mechanic, driver. He meets a girl Irina, with whom he will create a wonderful family. He dreams about happy life with a "wife-girlfriend" and with children. But the war destroys all plans and hopes. Andrei, like millions of Soviet people, goes to the front.

    His path on the roads of a great war is difficult and tragic. And the milestones on this path are feats, accomplished mainly not on the battlefield, but in the conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In inhuman conditions, the hero proves his moral superiority over the enemy, his stamina and courage. Intolerant of cowardice, cruelty and cowardice, he cracks down on a traitor who tried to betray his platoon commander to the Germans.

    Deprived of the opportunity to fight the enemy with weapons, Sokolov demonstrates his superiority in a duel with the commandant of the camp, Muller, who turned out to be powerless in the face of the proud dignity and human greatness of the Russian soldier. The exhausted, emaciated, exhausted prisoner was ready to meet death with such courage and endurance that it strikes further the commandant who has lost his human appearance. "That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect worthy opponents," the German officer is forced to admit.

    But not only in a collision with the enemy, Sholokhov shows the manifestation of this heroic nature. A serious test for the hero is the loneliness that the war brought him. After all, Andrei Sokolov, a soldier who defended the independence of his homeland, who returned peace and tranquility to people, is losing everything he had in life: family, love, happiness. The harsh fate does not leave him even a haven on earth. It would seem that everything is over, but life "distorted" this man, but could not break him, kill the liar soul in him. Sokolov is alone, but he is not alone.

    “I have seen and still see my task as a writer to pay tribute to all that I have written and will write to this people-workers, people-heroes.” These words of M. Sholokhov, in my opinion, most accurately reflect the idea of ​​​​one of the best works of the writer, the story "The Fate of a Man." As in many other works, here Sholokhov turned to the problem of the national character, to the image of the tragic life path of a Russian person. Reading The Fate of a Man, you understand that the story was written in a “controversy” with the writers of the “lost generation”, who believed that a person cannot save his “living soul” in a war. Sholokhov was sure that it was possible.
    The most striking thing in the story is the combination of high tragedy and humanity. The war, the loss of a family, the loss of a son, the torments that had to be endured in German captivity - the tragic filling of the life of the protagonist Andrei Sokolov - did not kill the "man" in him. When you read the story and follow the hero, you realize that in his image, in his “traveling through the torments”, the fate of a whole generation is indicated. The story evokes not only sad, but also joyful feelings, because all the hardest blows of fate could not kill his soul. And probably, we can say that Sholokhov's story is about the hero's overcoming the tragedy of life thanks to the willpower and beauty of the human soul. The plot of the story is based on actual events. Sholokhov's hero has a real prototype, but Sholokhov never found out his name. The meeting of the writer with the hero took place in 1946, and the story appeared 10 years later. There is a historical explanation for this. Obviously, such a work could not have been written during Stalin's lifetime; its creation became possible only after the death of the "father of nations" and the XX Party Congress. Sholokhov called his work a story, but it is quite clear that in terms of the breadth of generalization and typification, this work can rather be attributed to the epic genre. For what is the “Destiny of a Man” if not a depiction of the fate of a people at a turning point? Andrey Sokolov represents all the people. His confession is the plot center of the story. What is the composition of the work? She's quite traditional. This is a story within a story. In addition, we can talk about two "plans" of the story: the voice of the hero and the voice of the author. Here the narrator becomes the listener, while Sokolov's story about himself takes center stage in The Fate of a Man. What do we learn about the hero? The story of Andrei Sokolov makes it possible to comprehend an individual human life as the life of a whole generation, even a whole nation. The protagonist was born in 1900 - a significant detail that tells the reader that he has a story in front of him, reflecting the fate of his contemporaries, "his life was ordinary." What does Andrey Sokolov do? By what B. Pasternak called “life-building”, the creation of simple human happiness: “So I lived for ten years and did not notice how they passed. Passed away as if in a dream. Therefore, the life ideal of the hero is as follows: “Irina bought two goats. What else do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order.
    His idea of ​​happiness is folk, close to any Russian person. And war breaks into this well-being, happiness. It is here that Sholokhov's hero changes the tone of the conversation. The writer “folds” the history of his hero’s military ordeals from a number of the brightest episodes: here Sokolov is carrying shells for artillerymen under the threat of death, here he rises, not wanting to die lying down, gives along with his boots the tow to the soldier who takes him prisoner, saves the lieutenant, killing him , who wanted to hand over the snub-nosed boy to the Germans, wins the duel with the camp commandant and, finally, escapes from captivity. It becomes quite clear that both in a duel with Muller and with a German who takes him prisoner, not only his human dignity saves the hero, but also his national dignity: “I was from his hands and took a glass and a snack, but as soon as I heard these words - I felt like I was on fire! I think to myself: “So that I, a Russian soldier, should start drinking for the victory of German weapons?! Is there anything you don't want, Herr Kommandant? It’s one hell for me to die, so go to hell with your vodka. It is probably important for the author to emphasize that Andrei Sokolov does not consider himself a hero. Moreover, in a number of episodes, Sholokhov notes that his hero cares more about others than about himself. So, for example, he worries about his family and writes home that “they say, everything is in order, we are fighting little by little,” but does not say a word about how difficult it is for him in the war, and even condemns those who “smear snot on paper “. He perfectly understands that “these unfortunate women and kids were not as sweet as ours in the rear.” Or when carrying artillery shells, he thinks (without a hint of pathos) not about his own safety, but about the fact that "his comrades may be dying there" - here it is, "the hidden warmth of patriotism." We see the same thing in the episode of the murder in the church. Kryzhnev wants to betray his commander. And when Sokolov realizes that "a thin, snub-nosed boy, and very pale in appearance" will not be able to cope with this "muzzy, fat gelding", he decides to "finish him himself."
    There is nothing immoral in this murder: popular morality allows it, because the murder was committed "for a just cause." Just before the scene of the murder, Sholokhov again reminds that Andrei Sokolov thinks about others, admiring the behavior of a military doctor: “This is what a real doctor means! He did his great work both in captivity and in the dark.” Paying tribute to the doctor, Sholokhov's hero does not understand that he is doing the same thing. The proximity of the episodes of the assassination of a traitor and the inconspicuous feat of a military doctor is a sign of the writer's skill. Thanks to this, we clearly see that two life positions collide on the pages of the story. The first can be expressed in the words of Sokolov: “It is sickening to smoke alone and to die.” The second - in the words of Kryzhnev: "Your own shirt is closer to the body." There is a clash between the idea of ​​national unity and the idea that destroys this unity. No less important is the episode with the commandant. It is the unconscious sense of self-worth that makes the hero do this and that. “... although I was dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their sop, I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” Therefore, in this context, the reaction of the commandant is normal. B. Vasilyeva "He was not on the lists." Just as Andrei Sokolov made the Germans see themselves as a man, so Nikolai Pluzhnikov, who in the final goes to the German soldiers, involuntarily makes them, shocked by his feat, salute him. What are the origins of courage Sokolov? First of all, in the memories of the family, children, about Irina: relatives helped him to survive. After all, he defended his family, home, homeland. It is no coincidence that the place of the destroyed family in the heart of Andrei Sokolov is occupied by little Vanyushka, thereby the hero seems to remove from feeling guilty before Irina for pushing her away, and before Vanyushka for being left without parents. The story of Sokolov becomes an accusation of the war, "crippled, distorted a person." there is a portrait of the protagonist of the story, drawn by Sholokhov at the beginning of the work: “big dark hands”, “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable longing”. Before us is a metaphor reinforced by hyperbole. The eyes are a reflection of the soul, and we understand that everything inside Sokolov seemed to have burned out. Here one cannot fail to recall the words of M. Lotman: “History passes through a person’s house, through his private life, fate. Not titles, orders or royal grace, but the “self-standing of a Man”. Turns him into a historical figure.

    Writers have thought about humanism at all times. In the 20th century, the humanistic theme was also heard in works dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.
    War is a tragedy. It brings destruction and sacrifice, separation and death. Millions of people were orphaned at that time.
    War is inhuman: after all, man kills man. He is required to be cruel and evil, to forget about moral laws and God's commandments.
    Is it possible at such a time to save yourself, your soul, everything that makes up humanity - love for people, the ability to do good, responsiveness and sensitivity?
    The answer to this question can be found in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man". The protagonist of the work is the driver Andrei Sokolov. It is in his actions that the humanistic theme is reflected.
    The ordinary soldier had to go through a lot. He was wounded three times, was taken prisoner (“whoever did not experience this in his own skin, you will not immediately enter into his soul so that it humanly dawns on him what this thing means”), all the horrors of concentration camps (“They beat him easily in order to so that someday yes kill to death, so that he chokes on his last blood and dies of beatings. Andrey's family died: “A heavy bomb hit right in my hut. Irina and her daughters were just at home ... they did not find a trace of them. The son, “the last joy and last hope” of the hero, is killed by a German sniper “accurately on the ninth of May, on Victory Day. “From such a blow, Andrei “darkened in his eyes, his heart sank into a ball and did not unclench in any way.”
    These severe troubles and hardships became a real test for Sholokhov's hero - a test of humanity. His eyes, which, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, although "as if sprinkled with ashes", but still they have neither vengeful misanthropy, nor a poisonous skeptical attitude to life, nor cynical indifference. Fate "distorted" Andrey, but could not break, kill the living soul in him.
    With his story, Sholokhov refutes the opinion of those who believe that fortitude, courage do not get along with tenderness, responsiveness, affection, kindness. On the contrary, the writer believes that only strong and adamant people are able to show humanity, as if this is a "sign" of this nature.
    Sholokhov specifically does not show the details of front-line life, camp ordeals, wanting to focus on depicting the “culminating” moments, when the character of the hero, his humanity, are manifested most strongly and vividly.
    So, Andrey Sokolov with honor withstands the "duel" with the lagerführer. The hero manages, even for a moment, to awaken something human in the Nazis: Muller, in recognition of his soldier's prowess (“May I, a Russian soldier, drink for the victory of German weapons ?!”) saves Andrey’s life and even presents “a small a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon." But the hero understood: the enemy is capable of any deceit and cruelty, and at that moment, when a shot in the back could have thundered, it flashed through his head: “He will light up between my shoulder blades now and I won’t inform the guys of these grubs.” In a moment of mortal danger, the hero thinks not about his own life, but about the fate of his comrades. Muller's gift was "divided without offense" ("equally for everyone"), although "everyone got a piece of bread the size of a matchbox ... well, bacon ... - just anoint your lips." And Sholokhov's hero performs such a generous act without hesitation. For him, this is not even the only correct, but the only possible solution.
    War is inhuman, so there are situations that require decisions on the verge of cruelty and humanism, on the verge of what is permitted and not permitted ... under normal conditions. Andrey Sokolov was subjected to such a test of moral principles, being forced to deal with Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon leader - "snub-nosed boy." Is it humane to kill a person? For Sholokhov, under the circumstances, the strangulation of Kryzhnev, a traitor guided by the principle “one’s own shirt is closer to the body,” has “humanistic legitimacy.” The writer is convinced that the spiritual responsiveness and tenderness, the ability for active (precisely active) love, shown by Andrei Sokolov when he encounters kind, just people who need his protection, is the moral basis of irreconcilability, contempt, courageous firmness (ability to to step over the moral law - to kill) in relation to cruelty and betrayal, lies and hypocrisy, and aloofness and cowardice.
    That is why, trying to convince the reader of the humanity of Andrei's act, Sholokhov creates the image of "Comrade Kryzhnev" as an exclusively negative one, trying to arouse contempt, hatred for the "faced", "fat gelding" traitor. And after the murder, Andrei “became unwell”, “terribly wanted to wash his hands”, but only because it seemed to him that he “strangled some creeping bastard”, and not a person.
    But the hero accomplishes both a truly humanistic and civic feat. He adopts a “little ragamuffin”, a little orphan: “It won’t happen that we disappear separately.” “Distorted”, “crippled by life” Andrey Sokolov does not try to motivate his decision to adopt Vanyushka philosophically, for him this step is not connected with the problem of moral duty. For the hero of the story, "protecting the child" is a natural manifestation of the soul, the desire that the boy's eyes remain clear, "like a sky", and the fragile soul is not disturbed.
    Andrey gives all his unspent love and care to his son: “Go, my dear, play near the water ... Just look, don’t get your feet wet!” With what tenderness he looks at his blue "little eyes". And “the heart departs”, and “it becomes joyful in the soul, which cannot be said in words!”
    Having adopted a boy who no one needs, but in whose soul there was hope for a "good share", Sokolov himself becomes the personification of the indestructible humanity of the world.
    Thus, in the story “The Fate of a Man”, the author showed that despite all the hardships of the war, personal losses, people did not harden their hearts, they are able to do good, strive for happiness, love.
    The story is written about the events of wartime, so the humanistic theme acquires a peculiar coloring and sound. The hero of the work is a Russian soldier, no different from millions of people of his generation. Sholokhov does not reward Andrei Sokolov with either an exceptional biography (“my life was ordinary”) or the qualities of an outstanding personality. Thus, the author emphasizes the greatness of the entire Russian people, capable of enduring any difficulties, not forgetting about mercy and humanism.

    The fate of Sholokhov's man is a work where the author reveals, using the example of the hero's life, the theme of a person's fate. In the work, the author showed the life of a hero who had to go through the years of the war.

    Sholokhov wrote his work quickly, and it was based on the story of one person, the prototype of the protagonist, who shared his life story. This story became his confession, about which the writer could not remain silent. So he gave the world a work where he spoke about the suffering he had experienced, about the invincibility of a simple soldier, in whose character true Russian traits are manifested. We will write on the topic of the fate of man, which will help students write their final work on literature.

    The fate of man short essay reasoning

    M. A. Sholokhov wrote the story in 1956. The work begins with the meeting of the author with the hero of the story, Sokolov. It was a man whose eyes, as if covered with ashes, were filled with mortal anguish. And Sokolov saw an interlocutor who wanted to pour out his soul and he told about his fate. At the same time, we see that the fate of the whole people was reflected in the fate of one hero.

    After reading the work, I would like to note that it was an ordinary hard worker. He had to live during the civil war, he survived the hungry twenties. After settling in Voronezh, he met his wife and dreamed of a family with many children. But, the war came and destroyed all his plans.

    Went to the front and Sokolov. However, he is captured by the Nazis. He had to take a sip of bitter fate, living behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. Listening to his story about the inhuman conditions in which the prisoners lived, we understand the cruelty of the enemy. Sokolov confesses in his confession and in the murder of a man. On the enemy, his. But it is difficult to call him his own, because he went to betrayal. Even Sokolov, exhausted by hunger, thinks first of all not about himself, but about his comrades, carrying food and sharing it in half with his comrades.

    Our hero managed to survive the captivity, he returned home. Only no one sees him. In place of his house is now a bomb crater. The war not only brought him severe trials of captivity, but also loneliness, pain, taking forever his wife, home, hope for happiness. Having defended the right to a free life, elections for the independence of the Motherland, our hero loses everything at once.

    It is striking that in spite of everything, this man is not broken, not bitter, his kind nature continued to live in him further. Yes, he cannot understand why fate is so cruel to him, why such torment, but the living soul still strives for life. And now fate, as if taking pity on him, sent a meeting with a little boy, from whom the war took away relatives and friends. Two loneliness met to reunite. Sokolov adopted the child, giving him all his warmth. And here we see the true manifestation of humanity.


    1. History of writing a work
    2. The plot of the work
    a) Misfortune and hardship
    b) Shattered hopes
    c) Light stripe
    3. Baby Vanyushka
    a) Hope for the future
    b) Stingy male tear

    "The Fate of a Man" is an insightful and insanely touching story by Mikhail Sholokhov. The plot of this work was described according to his own memories. The author, in 1946, while hunting, met a man who told him this story. Sholokhov decided to write a story about this.

    The author tells us not only the story of one particular person, he also shows us what the Second World War brought to the people, what people had to endure. Belief in the power of the Russian spirit accompanies the entire work.

    An unknown person frankly confesses to the author, a stranger. He shared, expressed everything that he had been hiding in his soul for so long. Andrei Sokolov had a very difficult time. He is called to the front, taken prisoner, where he is tortured almost to death and treated like dogs. Where the guard beat every second just out of boredom. Once he was almost killed because of the betrayal of a “comrade”, who conveyed to the Germans the cry of Andrei’s soul: “They need four cubic meters to work out, but for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough!”

    After captivity, he was sent to a German engineer major. When he was drunk, Sokolov stunned him and went to his own. He was taken to the hospital, treated and sent to see his family. But here's another grief, Sokolov received a letter with the news that back in 1942 a bomb had flown into his house. And okay, if not for the fact that the wife and daughters were in the house at that time. Poor Andrei looked at the pit where his hut once stood, where a happy family life remained. And now, only the pit remained, and hope for the son, because he is still alive and went to the front. Hope settled in the heart of Sokolov, and went out with the news of the death of his son. The last spark, the remaining drop of happiness disappeared at the funeral.

    What should he do now? Everything he cherished was lost, gone forever. All he has left are memories, happy and bitter, and an endless journey. The share brought him together with the same lonely and unhappy little boy, who, due to the hardships of the war, was left an orphan. And they both found their happiness: Sokolov found a new family, and Vanyushka - a father. A new bright streak began in their life.

    This touching work evokes in the reader a feeling of pity and sympathy. The episode with Vanyushka definitely pleases and touches him. Like a kid clung to his father and did not want to let go, how happy, but at the same time with tears in his eyes, he screamed that he had found his father. How he snored under his father’s arm: “I wake up, and he will take shelter under my arm, like a sparrow under a trap, snoring softly, and before I feel joyful in my soul, you can’t say it in words!”

    The author hopes that Sokolov will be able to raise the same strong, strong, courageous son: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive, and one will grow up near his father’s shoulder who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to this ”

    Characteristics of the main characters

    Andrei Sokolov is a strong-willed, courageous person. It is impossible to even imagine what kind of torment he managed to endure. He himself does not understand for what merits life has rewarded him so: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why was she executed like that?" Perhaps he even felt better when he shared his story.
    Sokolov was destined to survive a lot: war, famine, captivity, death of relatives. But Andrei was able to endure absolutely everything: “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, in order to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need called for it.”
    Even the Germans showed respect for the firmness of his character, and even left him his life. And bread with bacon - a reward for pride, he shared with all his comrades.
    When Sokolov happened to see little Vanyushka, who was insanely similar to him: a homeless, poor orphan, he, of course, sheltered the baby: “We must not disappear separately! I will take him to my children. After all, this tells that humanity and love almost disappeared from his heart.
    The author did not particularly focus on the appearance of this man: “A tall, round-shouldered man, coming close, said in a muffled bass: “Great, brother!”.

    Andrei Sokolov is one of the many soldiers who honestly fought for their homeland, not sparing themselves, their lives. This is an example of a courageous and strong Russian soldier.

    Vanyushka is a small, lonely, homeless, poor boy, about five or six years old. According to the boy, his mother died under a bomb on the train, and his father did not return from the front. The poor thing wore torn, dirty clothes and ate what he could find. He was very happy to meet Sokolov: “Dear dad! I knew! I knew you would find me!. For a long time, the father could not get the boy off his neck, he no longer wanted to lose his father.

    Two orphans met, and now the two of them are one family. And they can all stand together.

    mini essay

    "The Fate of a Man" by Mikhail Sholokhov is a touching, insightful work that tells about the plight of the military driver Andrei Sokolov. The image of Sokolov is an example of courage, endurance, perseverance, perseverance and willpower. Andrei heavily, with pain in his heart, recalled the misfortunes and losses experienced. He simply could not bear some moments, but continued to reproduce all this in memory. All events from Sokolov's story took place during the Second World War. And how many misfortunes immediately fell on his fate. The war radically changed his world. Happy in marriage, the father of three wonderful children instantly turned into an orphan, a widower, a prisoner. How he bitterly recalled parting with his wife and children, how he pushed Irina away, how he reproaches himself for this. Maybe this was the author's task: to show that everything can be experienced.

    The poor driver experiences misfortunes one after another. How many times has he looked death straight in the eye and turned away. First captured. Sokolov worked barely on his feet, he had to kill a man - a traitor. He recalled how, through the fault of the "comrade", he was again almost deprived of his life. How he proved to everyone what a Russian soldier is capable of. How he received food on a par with a dog, how he was able to escape, taking a German with him. How he received the news of the death of his wife and daughters, how he looked at the pit where his house once stood. How did he find out that his son was still alive, and how did he bury him. How hope was instilled in his heart, and extinguished, again and again ...

    How much suffering this courageous strong man endured, and nothing could break him. He nevertheless found his happiness, took his adopted son, and lived with him in a new way. Sokolov, of course, could not return the old days, his wife, children. But he made little Vanyushka happy by becoming his father, and he himself received peace of mind. This man courageously overcame all obstacles. What, if not this, tempers the strength of the spirit. That is why Andrei Sokolov is a courageous, persistent and strong person, no matter what obstacles he encounters on his way.

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