All human bodies are esoteric. Fundamentals of bioenergy

The paradox of the modern stage of the development of science is that the more scientists try to move away from the "remnants of the past", the more they approach them. The hypothesis that the physical body should not be considered the only component of a person has long been considered by the most respected researchers. Invisible to our eyes, the subtle bodies of a person, their forms and structure came to the attention of scientists as early as the middle of the 20th century.

What is the subtle body?

Subtle bodies mean systems controlled by energy centers - chakras . It is quite difficult to explain these rather abstract concepts in a few words to the unprepared. Some philosophies and Eastern religions consider subtle bodies to be conductors of a person in other worlds, where they are perceived in exactly the same way as the physical body in the reality around us.

Essences of the subtle world, the classification of which will be presented below, are divided by esotericists into 2 groups. Some of them are immortal and travel with us from one life to another. The second is mortal, like the physical body, which is subject to decay after its own death. The concept of subtle bodies should not be confused with the concept of the soul. According to esotericists, the soul is consciousness, the “I”, which persists after physical death.

7 subtle human bodies

Non-physical shells - essence of the subtle world, to lassification, left to us by ancient teachings, distinguishes 7 energy systems:

  1. etheric body(energy center - svadhisthana chakra ). It is considered the closest to the physical shell of all subtle bodies. Many people are able to see the ethereal component not only of living beings, but also of inanimate objects. The etheric body is responsible for the circulatory and genitourinary systems of the human material shell. It is responsible for the immune system and thermoregulation of the body. The shell itself needs protection. The ethereal component can be damaged by the wrong way of life and negative emotions. One of the simplest and available ways support the body are playing sports.

  2. astral body(energy center - Manipura chakra ). Responsible for our well-being in the astral world. If this body is not damaged or destroyed, a person is well protected from negative energy effects, better known as “damage”, “evil eye”, “curse”, etc. People who have a healthy astral shell are able to influence others. In addition, there are special teachings, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to travel in subtle world. However, if the traveler makes a mistake, he risks not returning to the physical world.
  3. mental body(energy center - Anahata chakra ). Thin invisible human body, their shape and structure must be studied in order to preserve their health. Each of our intangible substances requires its own nourishment. The mental body needs knowledge, the search for truth. For most people, mental activity ends after getting a profession. And someone stops studying after school. The mental essence of those who do not strive for any new knowledge gradually atrophies. Like any organ of the physical shell, it turns into a vestige. Having not received mental progress in this life, the soul is forced to return once again to the world that it has just left or to descend to a lower level of development.

  4. Karmic body(energy center - vishuddha chakra ). The expressions "bad karma" and "good karma" are familiar to many people. In fact, karma cannot be good or bad. This is the totality of our actions committed in past lives. The task of the new incarnation is not to receive punishment for "bad karma". The soul returns to correct mistakes.
  5. (energy center - Ajna chakra ). The subtle bodies of a person, their forms, purpose and structure cannot always be understood and explained. The buddhic body gets its development only when a person develops his extrasensory abilities. Both the process of improvement and its purpose are important. If you strive to become a clairvoyant only to earn money and fame, your actions will be considered selfish, and the buddhic essence will not receive the desired development.

  6. spiritual body(energy center - Chakra Sahasrara ). There are several ways to develop this body, the main of which are serving God, fighting evil on a subtle level, and spiritual teaching. This essence is revealed at the seventh, the highest level of human development on earth.

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  8. Absolute body(energy center - chakra Atman ). The body is developed in those who are called messiahs and great teachers, such as Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The shell is filled with absolute energy that comes from the Absolute (this is how God, the highest being, is sometimes called). The body can exceed the size of the physical shell.

The subtle bodies of a person, their forms and structure have not yet been fully studied by modern scientists. The equipment of the new millennium is not so perfect as to cognize the spiritual substance. Skeptics are used to believing only in what can be perceived by the senses. However, even people far from religion, mysticism and philosophy admit that there are worlds and dimensions invisible to us.

Practical guide for:

Hi all! Today I will talk about the subtle bodies of a person, their properties, as well as how they are felt. At least how I feel about them. Today I feel 4 bodies, sometimes 5. So, there are 7 subtle bodies of a person generally accepted for our understanding (in some sources 9).

The subtle bodies of a person are energy systems that are designed to maintain the full functioning of a person as a multidimensional model.

  1. Physical body

Of course, you can’t call it thin, but it is included in the general family of bodies of our existence in this world. It is it that helps us gain life experience and realize the plans of God. It is thanks to him that we learn to understand this world and interact with it.

Our mission is to keep you healthy physical body. Keeping the physical body in good shape helps us to better understand this world and get the maximum experience. In addition, we can and should become co-creators of God and help him. Do not ask like slaves, God forbid, but help him create in this world. A big mistake of many people involved in spiritual practices is the neglect of their physical body. The body must serve the soul, help it live in this world, and it must be healthy.

  1. etheric body

It carries the life force (prana) and repeats the form human body. Our endurance, the health of the physical body depends on the etheric body. Fatigue or drowsiness is also dependent on our ether.

Many do not know, but the etheric body of a person is in 2 projections. First, is located close to the physical body and repeats its shape (see image). When you bring the palm of your hand to your own or someone else's body, you will feel elasticity at a distance of 1-3 cm from the physical body. This is the etheric body.

But there is and another projection of the etheric body. It, depending on the strength and pumping up, can be several meters or even tens of meters. It is dense and feels good enough. The outer shell is easy to scale up and down. For a few meters, I move it quite easily. I feel it like a grayish haze. The outer ether no longer repeats the shape of the physical body, but looks like a cocoon, naturally increasing in nature and decreasing indoors.

The main task of the etheric body is to saturate the physical body with energy. After the death of the physical body, the etheric is destroyed on the 9th day.

  1. astral body

This is the body of emotions and desires, feelings and experiences. It has more fine structure compared to ethereal. The astral world is on a different frequency and passes through the physical and ethereal worlds. The astral body is shaped like an egg. The physical body depends on it very much. We can say that our physics is formed under the influence of the astral body.

That is why, in esotericism, so much time is devoted to astral corrections, without taking into account that the karmic influences the astral body, and incorrect actions with the astral can not only not help, but even aggravate the situation. Most often it is the latter that occurs.

After the death of the physical body, the astral disintegrates on the 40th day.

  1. mental body

It is the body of the mind and thoughts. It reflects our beliefs, and has a higher frequency structure than the astral. All religions are also in this body. It is in the mental dimension. The brain does not generate thoughts, it simply processes information from the mental dimension. It is accepted that the mental body disintegrates on the 90th day after the death of the physical.

The etheric, astral and mental bodies die together with the physical and constitute the lower triad of the human soul, which is not transmitted to the next incarnations.

  1. Causal (causal, karmic) body

This body forms the consciousness of the soul on the basis of actions, thoughts, emotions of a person. Here the experience of all incarnations, everything experienced and experienced is collected. The karmic body affects our thoughts and actions. It helps to know this world through logical thinking and reasoning.

Practical guide for:
development of the brain, sensitivity to energies, solving problems related to health, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods for changing fate.

All information and experience after the death of the physical body, the casual body passes on. This information forms desires and aspirations.

At times I manage to feel this body as a need for some action. Intuition is closely related to this projection.

  1. Buddhic (spiritual) body

This is the body of consciousness or the intuitive body. Here is information about world outlook, views, values. A person with a strong buddhic body is calm about difficult situations. life situations. He simply feels any situations from the inside, and understands the whole game of what is happening.

I really like being in this dimension, when nothing affects you and you feel harmony and freedom.

  1. Atmanic body

This is the higher "I" or the main goal of human life. If a person has a developed atmanic body, he feels the spark of God in himself. In other words, he feels a clear connection with the Creator.

There are also sunny and galactic body, but at this stage I see no reason to write about it. It is necessary to understand and feel the first 7 subtle bodies of a person. You can write a lot, but will it be true?


Often 7 thin bodies of a person are depicted with such a picture.

When I learned to feel subtle bodies in such a picture, I did not understand why I could not feel anything except the ether. Only then I realized that this is a conditional image. In fact, it's not like that. Each structure has its own dimension. And if we take, for example, the mental body (see the picture above), it is in 4th place, but not as drawn, but in 4th place in terms of increasing frequency. Those. the densest body is the physical, less dense and higher frequency - ethereal, even less dense and high frequency - astral, etc.

The mental body is not the same as in the picture in the form of an oval. It changes with thoughts and can be of any size, for example, with our planet or solar system.

The etheric body may be larger than the astral body, but in frequency it is in 2nd place after the physical.

It's enough for today. Think, general structure and the purpose of the subtle bodies of man is clear.

Good luck and be reasonable! Sincerely, .

Hello, my dear reader, welcome to the reality of yoga, and this reality includes much more than just the visible physical world perceived by the senses, the physical body with its ingenious life support system. The reality of yoga covers many levels of human existence, on which we have yet to become at least a little more conscious. It is for this great goal that we will talk today about the structure of the entire structure of human bodies, about the purpose of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies, about how they affect each other and what is needed for them all to be healthy, and we are happy.

Seven human bodies.

People often think that they are a body with arms, legs, head and all other visible and medically studied organs. However, in fact, any person, even if he does not realize it, has, in addition to the physical body, several others. Moreover, all these bodies are closely interconnected and strongly influence each other.

In classical yoga and esotericism, they consider seven bodies:

1) Physical body, with which we are all more or less familiar, which is actively studying modern science, and which allows the soul to manifest and act in the visible physical world.

2) Etheric body. Everything is energy, and even the physical body is simply the most (of all other bodies) condensed energy. The etheric body is less condensed and therefore it is not visible to the physical eyes, it is impossible to touch it with hands, in general it is not provable for the sense organs. Those who have developed more subtle vision are able to see auras, just the same etheric body and see. In principle, it is not so important to see it, it is important to understand that the physical body is a consequence of the ethereal one, and therefore if there are any disturbances and blocks in the etheric body, then the physical body will also get sick. The etheric body is often referred to as the energy body.

3) Astral body. All our emotions and feelings are possible only because we have an astral level of being and astral bodies. This is even more subtle than the ethereal layer of reality, which is also the largest in scale (compared to the physical) multi-layered world into which a person enters after the death of the physical body. The upper layers of the astral world are heaven, the lower layers are hell. Anyone who strives to perform at least a little, has nothing to be afraid of :)

Now the main thing is to understand and remember that each of our emotions, and even more so all our feelings (a longer and more stable manifestation), have a strong influence on the astral body, and this body is closely connected with the etheric body, and if the feelings are restless, angry, tense, pressing , constricting and limiting (positive feelings of joy and kindness expand the consciousness, it is pleasant to experience them, negative feelings, on the contrary, narrow and limit), then this will cause a blockage in the channels of the etheric body, resulting in a disease of the physical body.

4) Mental body. Body of thought. Any thought comes to a person precisely from the world of ideas - the mental world. It is also a layer of reality of the most incredible scale, even thinner than the astral one. Even after death, few people get to it, because after the astral world the majority are immediately born again in new bodies in the physical world. But at the same time, the mental plane always has a direct relation to each of us: some thoughts constantly come to us, all our emotional and sensual states are accompanied by a thought process, and the connection between thoughts and feelings is obvious!

Any feeling is this energy of a certain height, which naturally attracts a thought of the same frequency to the mind of a person. And allowing these thoughts to develop, a person can strengthen the feeling or, if he does not allow thoughts to develop, switches them to another topic, then he can completely switch to another wave of feelings. That's how they work. Even if at the moment, came to the fore negative emotion, accompanied by unkind thoughts, it will be very wise to assert, for example: "I am always calm and friendly". It’s good to try to feel exactly calm and benevolent (you can go back in your memories at some pleasant moment). In general, the faster a person gets himself out of negative state, the better it will be for all his bodies, including the physical. Exiting stress through alcohol or stronger intoxicants is frowned upon by real yogis.

5) Causal body. causal body.

Our thoughts, emotions and feelings in the past have become the causes of those actions, conditions, thoughts, feelings that are manifested in the present, at this moment, on this day. For everything in our life there is, generated by us. And the seeds of these causes are stored in the causal body. All the characteristics of a human personality: how kind a person is, how greedy, whether he was born in favorable conditions, is single or met a suitable spouse, whether he will have a job to his liking, whether he will be sick, whether he will have an accident or whether he will live a long time, healthy life- all this is determined by the reasons inherent in the causal body. Those causal relationships that have not yet manifested themselves, but are only waiting for their turn, are called samskaram- the seeds of karma. In many ways, yoga deals precisely with karma and the burning of samskaras, since the seed that is burned by the fire of meditation, the fire of higher awareness, will no longer be able to germinate. that's what it's designed for in the first place. To some extent, the causal body can be influenced by thoughts and feelings, but the number of seeds in it is so vast that those with stronger intuition realize that such work can only be done by the most effective method. The most serious reason that prevents you from realizing your true Divine nature is also largely stored in the causal body. A person forgot that he is the Higher Self, forgot his true one, and this is the reason why from incarnation to incarnation people are born with again and again repeated amnesia about it. That is, everything goes in a circle - the reason created in the past. Influences the present, projecting the same cause, which will further affect the future, where there will also be the same cause. People have been trapped in this trap for thousands of years. Bodies change, external conditions seem different, but in fact everything is about the same. Without serious yoga, one cannot get out of this vicious circle.

6) The body of the soul. Spiritual body. When the Boundless Existence, Boundless Consciousness, Boundless Bliss (Sat Chit Ananda, which we really are), decided to create this world, with all its layers and bodies, the first veil was the spiritual body, which allowed to separate from integrity, various souls . These souls, created in the image and likeness of Sat Chit Ananda, are perfect, pure, know their true nature, and everything is good with them (with us real ones) ...

That's when we realize ourselves as a soul, then everything is really good with us. It is from this level that the whole life looks like a fun game, carried out through the five lower bodies, and it is to this level of awareness that yogis strive to reach. Until a person has reached awareness at this level, he is a puppet of karma, samskaras, he is influenced by his immediate environment, mood, weather, ... and when he has reached ... He can influence everything. Saints and great yogis are those who have achieved.

7) Spirit Body. If the soul has played enough in the worlds created by the Creator, it may want to dissolve its last body, and then it will plunge into the Spirit, from which it was created. Perhaps there are some differences between this body and Sat Chit Ananda, even if so, it's like comparing the height of Elbrus and Everest, being at the foot. There is only one way to the top ... and this is exactly it. And the theory will not help to pass through it, all of the above bodies must be realized not theoretically, but from your own experience. .

The state of awareness at the level of the Spiritual body in yoga is called

In general, the gradation of bodies, their names and even the number, may differ slightly depending on the author, but the essence is everywhere the same as I described.

The conclusions are as follows:

  • The most important thing to do is to work on and quickly establish a connection with the body of the soul, realize yourself as souls and play on all planes consciously, leaving the shameful state of puppets of emotions, thoughts and actions of the past.
  • While there is no complete awareness of oneself as a soul, one must carefully monitor thoughts and feelings, according to - firmly with great determination to work on all habits that interfere

The easiest way to do this is through meditation.

My dear reader, meditate and be happy.

The experience of the physical body is available to an ordinary person, the experience of the subtle body is available to an ordinary yogi, the enlightened yogi gains the experience of the Divine. God is one in everything and everything resides in him, so the physical body of a person is permeated with subtle bodies, of which there are many, but for a simplified understanding, we conditionally divide them into 7-9 subtle bodies.

1. Physical body serves as an adaptation to existence in the conditions of a given planet and habitat. It serves as a tool and means of acquiring life experience, for performing the necessary actions in space when a person fulfills his personal, earthly and cosmic program on the physical plane. Physical the human body is a biological organism, which is the totality of all its constituent organs with different functions. These functions enable the soul to express itself on the physical plane, as part of a larger organism. The physical body is nourished by nine dominant chakras.

2. etheric body is the carrier and conductor of the vital force (Prana). Vital tone, endurance, resistance of the physical body to infections are determined by the energy level of the etheric body. Hunger, thirst, satiety, drowsiness, fatigue, cheerfulness are the influence and manifestation of the energies of the etheric body.

The etheric body has one main purpose: to revitalize and energize the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. This is a bundle of energy flows, lines of power and Light. Cosmic forces flow along these energy lines, just as blood flows through veins and arteries. Such a constant individual - human, planetary and solar - circulation of vital forces through the etheric bodies of forms is the basis of all manifested life and an expression of the essential indissolubility of universal life. The etheric body completely repeats the physical, sometimes it is called the etheric double of a person. It is believed that the etheric body also dies on the 9th day after the death of a person.

3. Astral body. The area of ​​vibrations of this body is convincingly manifested in the energies of passions, emotions, desires. The astral or desire body (sometimes also called the emotional body) is the result of the interaction between desire and the central self, the result of which is manifested as emotion. Right hemisphere coordinates the activity of the emotional body of a person, forming the energy of the emotional body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the left half of the body. After the death of the physical body, the astral body dies only on the 40th day. In the occult this is called the second death.

In the etheric and astral bodies, according to ancient and modern visionaries, ninety percent of the causes of physical illness and ill health of a person are hidden.

4. Mental body- this is the body of thoughts, logic and knowledge of a person in the process of knowing the World. There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms. Heraclitus told us that “the power of thinking is outside the body”, that is, that thinking is by no means based on the physiological functions of the protein bodily organization, although, as an information process that takes place in the body, it is associated with a function. The direct material structure, the functioning of which generates thought as an informational image, is the field formation of the biosystem. Complex thin bodies not only provides all the work of the body at the physiological and mental levels, not only serves as a repository of information, but is also a tool for thinking. The brain is a reading device that allows you to draw information from the human biofield system and the information field of the Universe. It only reflects the unfolding of a mental act that takes place in a different dimensional area: the brain does not think, because mental process removed from this body. Remember!!! The brain is not an organ of thought, feelings, consciousness and memory, but it is that which connects consciousness, feelings, thoughts and memory with real life, makes it listen to real needs and makes them capable of useful action.

The brain has nothing to do with consciousness. He perceives information from the sphere of consciousness and forms it into a sequence of influences on nerve centers, and they are on the muscles of one or another organ of the physical body. What we today call instinct is the basic set of functions of the human brain. The sphere of consciousness carries out all the intellectual and emotional processes in the human being. The processes of thinking and decision-making are carried out outside our brain, outside our physical body, they are carried out in a different dimension - in the sphere of consciousness, and our brain works out only the consequence of the thinking process - its result.

The human brain is a control system of the physical body and a channel of communication between the physical body and the human consciousness.

The left hemisphere coordinates the activity of the human mental body, forming the energy of the human mental body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the right half of the body. This body perishes after the death of a person on the 90th day.

Reviewed three subtle human bodies along with the physical body belong to our material world, are born and die together with man.

5. Causal body or causal (karmic). This is the body of our actions, ideas and perceptions, it is expressed in our intellect. It is this body that is our own “caretaker”, which is engaged in the “education” of a person in accordance with the requirements of the Higher powers.

Since the causal body is located in close proximity to the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, it has the full ability to control our thoughts, beliefs and real actions. And, noticing violations, take measures to correct our erroneous emotions or beliefs. The emotional (astral) and mental bodies, interacting with each other, form the energy of the next body - the causal or causal body.

6. Buddhic body or intuitive- the spiritual principle or the body of consciousness (soul), which expresses itself in the insight of a person.

This intuitive energy body concentrates the higher unconscious processes. It is also called the “body of values” of a person, a body that is the result of the interaction of the astral-mental body of a person with the astral-mental body of the area. It is not for nothing that many nations have a belief that a person must live and die where he was born. The buddhic body and the energy of the locality prescribe to a person the fulfillment of a certain task that is necessary for the given locality.

7. Atmanic body- the body of ideals, the divine principle, the spark of God or the body of the Spirit.

The Earth, due to its role in the solar system, the asymmetry of the structure, global climatic and tectonic processes, also has its own astral-mental charge. The interaction of this charge with the astral-mental field of a person forms the 7th body based on the interaction of all channels and extrameridial points.

This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there.

8. Solar body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the solar system. It is most fully studied by astrology and it is astrological patterns, with the exception of the influence of stars and constellations, that determine the interaction of human energy with planets. It is the planets, their influence at birth, their location in the sky, that form the energy of the eighth body, as well as the energy potentials of the corresponding human organs.

9. Galactic body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the Galaxy.

The eighth and ninth bodies have the highest structure of subtle bodies and human fields.

As already mentioned, matter manifests itself in a person in the energies of various vibration ranges: from a more “gross”, visible physical body to more “subtle” and completely “refined” vibrations of the invisible higher Triad of a person.

Each of the bodies has its own reserve of power - energy of a certain quality and level of "density", "subtlety" of vibrations. A person must be able to keep the physical and subtle bodies in harmony, in unity and purity. All subtle bodies permeate the physical body just as water soaks a sponge. Possessing their own reserve of strength (energy), they can function independently of the physical body and are not mechanically connected with it.

The average person does not function well subtle bodies only for the reason that we do not feed them properly. Eating only rough food, we litter and ruin all our bodies. Nutrition with subtle energies contributes to the growth of the functioning of not only subtle bodies, but the whole person as a whole. To achieve success on the path of spiritual growth, it is very important to eat only the food that helps to increase the vibrations of the entire body of a person.

A warning to all: keep your thoughts pure and remember that the intangible world of thought controls and governs the physical world.

It may be counterintuitive, but what we fear most is what happens most often. Do you know that the blackest witches for their children are their own mothers? In general, astral representations are higher in women than in men. If a child went out alone to take a walk in the yard, his mother begins to worry about him and be afraid: no harm would happen to him, because he is so defenseless, he doesn’t know life yet, he will get lost, get lost, disappear, he won’t return home, because my mother’s heart feels ! This is not felt by the heart, but a bad head creates a thought form for this situation. This situation, created by a mother who is worried about her child, destroys the true situation, and the mother's forecast comes true. Always be sure that everything is fine with your child - and everything will be fine.