Oleg Gazmanov adopted son Philip. The family of Oleg Gazmanov: biography and photos

It became interesting to me: what does Oleg Gazmanov's wife look like? I've seen her out of the corner of my eye before. She knew that she was beautiful with him and seemed to be much younger. Dyka, I think, I’ll look for her photos, people will want to look, and I will have the best collection on the site. But since I always dig deep, while looking for photos famous people, in parallel, I watch all sorts of interviews about them. Of course, in order to be able to write at least something useful and efficient in the article. And so, the further I watched all these interviews, the more interesting it became for me. It just dragged me on for at least two days, that's for sure. And what did I learn during this time about the large Gazmanov family?

Marina Gazmanova at the time of this writing (2018) was 49 years old, and she looks without any plastic surgery a maximum of 35, a minimum of 30. Beautiful, no words.

Oleg Gazmanov is 18 years older than his wife.

Oleg Gazmanov himself is not 60, as I thought, but already 67 !!! (in a couple of months). In excellent physical form guy! Still a dream man, at least for me - a 37-year-old aunt.

Marina met Oleg when she was 19 years old, he respectively turned 37 years old. Gazmanov began his singing career late. He came to Moscow at the age of 32. What am I for? His popularity was just beginning, he was, by the way, married for 13 years to the mother of his Rodion. And then he saw on tour in Voronezh, driving past in a car, a girl in a pink raincoat, and he saw her only from behind, and he had a wild desire to see, but what does the stranger look like from the front? Overtook, saw and measured. Turned out to be a beauty. Hit. I didn’t want anything serious, but it turned out that I deeply sunk into my soul.

They met and then parted. Difficult relationship. Oleg Gazmanov did not want to get a divorce, nevertheless, responsibility for his wife Irina and son Rodion was present. But the romantic turned out to be incorrigible, he could not tear Marina out of his heart. But all this uncertainty lasted a very long time. Marina was already tired of waiting, she was tired of existing on the bird's rights of a mistress, and she married Vladislav Mavrodi, the brother of that same Sergei Mavrodi from MMM, who shod half the country. She gave birth to a son Philip. And here Oleg Gazmanov had to wait - when did she divorce the unloved, and after the long-awaited divorce, for several more years she had to be persuaded to marry him.

What is interesting is that Marina's son, Philip, was born in 1997, in the same year Oleg Gazmanov officially files a divorce from his first wife, Irina. The second fact is also interesting: Philip is very similar to Oleg Gazmanov, who does not know that this son is adopted, believes that he is the most native. On the other hand, the network has a photo of Marina Gazmanova's parents and it is clearly visible that the boy looks like his grandmother. But anything can be, in any case, Oleg Gazmanov raised Philip as his own.

In this photo, the parents of Oleg Gazmanov. The similarity between grandfather and Philip is obvious!

And this is the mother of Gazmanov's wife.

Gazmanov's wife's father.

The marriage took place in 2003, by that time the couple was about to have a common daughter Marianne. Oleg Gazmanov was 53 years old, and Marina was 35.

Can you find Oleg Gazmanov in this photo?

A little more Philip Gazmanov.

In the photo, Oleg Gazmanov in his youth.

Marina Gazmanova is a very interesting woman, Oleg himself realizes that his wife is very beautiful. Marina would like to be flexible, but by nature she is a leader, like her husband. They have clashes from time to time, the spouses loudly and furiously sort things out, quarrel, but then violently reconcile. Well, the fact that Oleg Gazmanov constantly travels on tour inflames the passion for each other even more in this couple. Moreover, Marina admitted in one of her interviews that she loves role-playing games very much. And no matter how tired Oleg is, he always joins the game from the threshold. But you yourself look at the photos of Marina Gazmanova, she is so pretty that she will probably look sexy even at 70 and even 80 years old.

Oleg Gazmanov has always gravitated towards creativity, but he chose a far from creative path, he graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (KVIMU). After he served in the Navy, taught at the department, wrote dissertations, scientific papers, planned to become a professor. But then I decided that all this was boring and tedious, and besides, I ran into bureaucracy. He had serious and significant developments, but almost all of them unfolded and lay on the shelf.

Oleg Gazmanov went into creativity with his head. As a child, he went to a music school for three years in the violin class, but since he was too drilled there, he lost interest in the subject instantly and did everything in order to give up the whole thing. Then he became interested in acrobatics.

In the photo, Oleg Gazmanov with his first wife Irina, mother of Rodion.

So, our hero decided already closer to 30 years old that he wants to compose songs and perform them. Started singing at a local restaurant. Oleg Gazmanov has his own interesting approach to writing compositions. It comes from poetry, first poetry is born, then music, then performance and acrobatic stunts. In his homeland in Kaliningrad, he became a star, tickets to the club where he performed were not available. And so he decided to conquer Moscow. Through an incredible exchange, the chain was complex, several cities appeared in it - their own two-room apartment in Kaliningrad, he exchanged for a one-room apartment in Moscow and moved there with his wife Irina and son Rodion.

Why did you decide to leave Kaliningrad? They began to get drunk in a tavern, especially since everything was smoky there, and he himself began to smoke - as a result, the ligaments suffered, I realized that I needed to tear my claws. He graduated from the music school in the guitar class, because in those days, in order to become a musician and perform on the stage, you needed an appropriate education.

And the wanderings of Oleg Gazmanov began. He wore his songs to Alla Borisovna, Valery Leontiev, and some other celebrities. They willingly took it, noted that it was talentedly written, but did not pay Oleg anything. Nevertheless, a rumor in the local beau monde has already gone about Gazmanov, saying that there is such a composer who gives out hits one after another. Oleg Gazmanov realized that it was time to sing himself. But the voice is gone. And then his son Rodion rescued him. Someone suggested an idea: let Rodion sing songs. And so it went. I remember those times - dad and son, tenderness and admiration. Now, if you look at the photos of those years, you can see that Oleg Gazmanov would be an unsightly, short guy with a mop of the devil on his head. But his charisma was and is beyond. I liked the girls, I can say for sure! Yes, and son sweetie. Where is the wife of Oleg, the mother of the boy Rodion - is unknown. I thought that maybe she was somewhere, but Oleg Gazmanov, despite the presence of a son, looked like a free bird, and even a caring dad.

The grown-up Rodion said that although he was happy on stage, he had a hard time. I had to sing a lot, I didn’t always want to, my father, of course, forced me to. What was to be done? It was the only way not to swell from hunger. Things went on, the people accepted with a bang. Gradually, Oleg Gazmanov began to sing without his son, especially when Rodion grew up, his voice began to break, he could no longer take high notes. His parents decided to send yesterday's singer to study as a financier. He unlearned, began to earn money, but somewhere after 30 years he realized that life without music was boring for him. Started all over again. It was very difficult not to perform for so long, the voice changed, the style did not work out, the skills disappeared, stiffness appeared on the stage. Previously, I was not afraid of anything, lit it to the fullest. What can I say about the matured Rodion? I really want everything to work out for him, but his path will not be easy. He needs to develop his own style, learn how to master his voice. So far, what he gives out is moderately talented - but so far ... so far, all the same, I would listen to this only out of respect for his former childhood merits and the merits of his father. But I really want Rodion to break through as a result, especially since he writes many songs himself. There are beautiful compositions:"Losing" "Poles", "Pairs", "Gravity","Fact" . But here is the case when it takes time and work. Everything goes slowly, but it goes. Sometimes he sings in a way that catches. But so far it does not stand out on the stage. There is no individuality. If Oleg Gazmanov could always be with eyes closed identify by singing, then that's where and what Rodion sings, I would not have recognized. But Kristina Orbakaite succeeded, so Rodion has every chance! I'm sure of him, he has a stubborn character from his father!

Oleg Gazmanov has a lot of chips - these are light texts with a deep meaning, unique, although also often uncomplicated, but driving melodies, many songs have long become popular hits. One musician has so many hits! On the stage, Oleg Gazmanov clearly stands out. I don't like Russian pop music. This is true. Especially now, at 37 years old, I, if not a music lover, will immediately single out Zemfira and the Bi-2 group, the former Vladimir Kuzmin. I repeat - as not a music lover. Although I know that there are a lot of talented people, both young and mature. But here Oleg Gazmanov, even if I don’t listen to him on purpose, definitely arouses interest and respect in me, I consider his work worthy.

And here are the photos of Marianna Gazmanova - the daughter of Oleg and Marina Gazmanov.

Oleg and Rodion Gazmanov.

In a hat ... it’s probably funny to look at this photo right now :)))

In this photo, Oleg Gazmanov with all his children. Similar? Everyone is very beautiful and talented! Oleg Gazmanov himself was very freckled as a child! And he calls his daughter Ryzhik!

In this photo, Oleg Gazmanov with his first wife Irina.

With daughter Marianna and wife Marina.

In this photo, Oleg Gazmanov with his mother Zinaida.

When an incredible hype broke out in the country around the bankruptcy of the MMM company, Philip's mother took her son and left her husband.

Soon Marina married the famous singer and composer Oleg Gazmanov, who raised the boy as his own son. Philip also has a half-brother and a younger sister, Marianne. Although Oleg is a foster father, all acquaintances note that Gazmanov Jr. is very similar to him.

AT early childhood following the example of his father and older brother, Philip tried to study music and was in the capital's children's ensemble "Fidgets", in which others performed at that time. But the singer and musician did not work out of him. According to Philip, his father did not approve of his singing lessons. The artist noted that in the presence of hearing, the young man's voice data turned out to be very modest.

But Gazmanov Jr. fell in love with sports instantly. When Philip studied in Moscow, he went to the football section, and later, having entered a London private school, he became interested in rugby. But for this game, the guys need strong body. Therefore, Philip took care of himself: in addition to training with the team, the young man additionally worked hard in the gym four times a week.

Philip Gazmanov continues his studies in England, but already at the university, studying modern technologies business. In London, the young man lives in a student hostel that looks like an expensive hotel. But Philip Gazmanov tries not to stand out and not boast of opportunities among his peers.


A visit to the gym quickly yielded results: Philip Gazmanov, with a height of 180 cm, formed a pumped-up relief body. The young man began to post photos of his torso on social networks and attracted the attention of amorous visitors to Internet pages and professional modeling agencies.

Philip has not yet signed full-fledged contracts, as he does not want to interrupt his education, which he takes seriously. But he began cooperation with the St. Petersburg photographer Alexander Mavrin and the Mavrin Models agency.

Oleg Gazmanov supported both the experiments of his youngest son and his attitude to the modeling profession as a hobby for further biography. The singer knows that Philip is a serious and sensible guy, for whom education remains in the first place. And the demonstration of a beautiful body, according to Gazmanov Sr., can only contribute to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle among young people.

Personal life

To such a bright young man as Philip Gazmanov, the public with a light hand ascribes many novels with the daughters of other celebrities. For example, they said that the young man was dating, the daughter of a famous singer. But Philip is just friends with the girl, and from childhood.

Philip Gazmanov really has a girlfriend, whose name is Anna. She just recently graduated from a comprehensive school and entered a prestigious university. Philip has already introduced his beloved to family members, and online Instagram Romantic love comments appeared under a joint photo with Anna.

The girl works as a model. She is friends with Anna Sheridan, the beloved son of the singer -. According to Philip, he pays attention to girls from good families, where harmonious relationships reign. In this regard, the young man is picky.

In addition to sports, Gazmanov Jr. is very passionate about drawing. At one time, the young man worked part-time in a company that develops computer games, and even sold several drawings at auction. It is also worth noting that Philip does not smoke and does not drink alcohol at all. Even when a young man comes to Moscow for the holidays, and friends invite him to sit in a hookah bar, Philip remains the only "passive smoker" in the institution.

Of the musical preferences, a special place for Philip Gazmanov is occupied by the songs of his father, from which the young man singles out the musical compositions “Roads”, “Everyone chooses for himself” and “Soldiers”.

Philip Gazmanov now

Now Philip Gazmanov lives in two countries. Continuing his studies in England, the young man started several business projects in Russia. But the modeling business for Philip remains a profitable hobby. From fashion agencies to Gazmanov Jr. in large numbers there are tempting offers to participate in photography. But the young man still only works with Marvin Models.

In 2017, the young man celebrated his 20th birthday. In honor of the significant date, photos of his son and congratulatory comments appeared on Philip's mother's Instagram account.

In 2017, the TSUM hosted a party for the children of popular show business figures. Among the guests of the evening, in addition to Philip Gazmanov, were Sasha Strizhenova, Stesha Malikova, Grigory Vernik, Melanya Kondrakhina. A rap artist performed at the concert, to whose songs the youth began to dance.

At the gala event, the Tatler edition held a competition for the title of king and queen of the evening. There were three winners. Philip Gazmanov was recognized as the king of the evening, Liza Mamiashvili, daughter Olympic champion and President of the Wrestling Federation in Russia Mikhail Mamiashvili. Video blogger Sasha Spielberg received the title of Digital Queen.

In the same year, together with his older brother Rodion and his father, Philip visited the red carpet of the Heat music festival. Philip is trying to imitate Oleg Gazmanov in everything. Father and son spend together leisure: they go to the mountains and after a walk and a visit to the bath they arrange a hardening procedure. Pictures and videos dedicated to snow fun, the artist uploads in his own microblog. Some of them also appear on Philip's Instagram.

Philip and Oleg Gazmanov, "Heat"

Like Oleg Gazmanov, Philip considers himself a believer. But, being in London, according to young man, he does not observe posts, since at this moment he is a traveler.

In early 2018, Philip Gazmanov was robbed in a Moscow shopping center. The young man lost his wallet and passport. Gazmanov estimated the damage at 360 thousand rubles. Philip filed a complaint with the police.

Philip Gazmanov has not yet achieved great popularity, but the young man is taking his first steps as a fashion model. He was born in the family of Marina Muravyova and Vyacheslav Mavrodi, the younger brother of the scandalous businessman Sergei Mavrodi. When an incredible hype broke out in the country around the bankruptcy of the MMM company, Philip's mother took her son and left her husband.

Soon Marina married the famous singer and composer Oleg Gazmanov, who adopted and raised the boy as his own son. It is interesting that although Oleg is a foster father, all acquaintances note that Gazmanov Jr. is very similar to him. The correct facial features, athletic figures, hair color and manner of behaving give out in them completely native people.

Under the guidance of Gazmanov, the boy was actively involved in sports with early age, is good at martial arts and feels confident on any ski slope.

Philip is 20, now he is studying in London, studying the basics of doing business, where Radion Gazmanov once studied, goes in for sports and a little music, likes to draw, acts in various magazines as a model. Leads healthy lifestyle life.

Recently, Philip amazed netizens with a sculpted torso, pictures of which he posted on social network Instagram.

When asked by journalists how Oleg relates to his son's passion for modeling, the singer replies that he is very proud of him. “He has such a crazy figure, I am pleased that he takes an example from me. I'm proud that he does it. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, he's a great guy. Yes, he takes pictures, and thank God, let him continue to do this, ”Gazmanov Sr. once said.

Philip Gazmanov born into a family Marina Muravieva and Vyacheslav Mavrodi. He is a nephew Sergei Mavrodi. When the boy was five years old, Muravyova remarried the composer and singer Oleg Gazmanov, and Philip soon took his stepfather's surname.

As a child, Philip studied music and dance in the Fidget ensemble, but sports became his real passion. The young man played football, rugby, began to work out in the gym. After Gazmanov started a page on Instagram and started posting photos of his inflated body, he was noticed by model agents.

Gazmanov was educated at a private school in the UK. He is fluent in English.

Philip's friends are representatives of the "golden youth" of Moscow: Sasha Strizhenova, Stesha Malikova, Grigory Vernik, Alexandra Zhulina , Melanya Kondrakhina and etc.

The creative path of Philip Gazmanov

Unlike Rodion Gazmanov, who ended his career as a successful businessman in order to return to music, Philip is only engaged in modeling activities. He collaborates with the agency Marvin Models. In addition, the young man took a course in drawing, is engaged in graphics.