Slavic Reza Rod - Russian predictive system. Fortune telling on Slavic cuts of the genus

Reza Genus is included in the set “Slavic Rezas of the Family. Divination" used for divination. Here are the meanings of the Slavic Rez Rod - Rod. In each Reza of the Family, a sign-symbol is important that connects Man and God. The sign of God Rod is repeated both on maps and on other materials: wood and bone.

Reza number Rod in the "Slavic Cuts of the Rod" - 1

View of Reza Rod

Reza Rod in the form of a map

In the picture of the card at number 1, we see a portrait of Rod, the Almighty Creator. In the portrait, He is depicted as being passionate about his favorite pastime - creation. Here he creates wonderful and mysterious cats.

Find out more
about the Slavic Cuts of the Family!

Divination. Interpreter books explaining how to guess with the Slavic Rezes of the Family: “What do the Gods know? and “What do people know? ".

Magic. An interpreter book explaining how to enchant with the Slavic Rezes of the Kind: "Magic of the Slavic Rezes of the Kind".

God Rod is a gray-haired old man, he has lush white hair that falls over his shoulders, a thick beard and mustache, in which a kind smile is hidden. The hands are filled with the power of magic, these are the hands of the Master. It seems that the Creator Rod says: “So be it!”.

Reza sign Genus consists of four blades, there are no sharp corners here, everything turns gently. Notches or roundings are always visible at the ends of the blades. This says a lot: there is a certain completeness, orderliness, meaningfulness and purposefulness to the movement that is given by the sign. The symbol is solar and belongs to the group of Slavic swastika signs with perfect symmetry. It was on this basis that the ancient Slavs considered such signs to be the most powerful, possessing great power.

Reza of the God of the Kind in the form of a die (bone)

Get acquainted with the fortune-telling set “Slavic Rezas of the Family. Prediction "you can in the section" Slavic Cuts and Features".

Slavic Reza Rod in northern divination

Meaning: nothing is impossible!

The reason for the appearance of Reza in the scenario: in the life of the Questioner there is a strong light influence from a distant force. For the Questioner at this time, all paths are open!

Challenge (what needs to be done and what quality to show): it is easy to accept what life brings, the situation, circumstances - it is impossible to influence what is conceived by the Family.

Warning (do's and don'ts): resistance to the course of the situation in which the Questioner finds himself is undesirable.

Instruction (mandatory): look carefully at the rest of the layout to understand the opportunities that have opened up.

Advice (optional): Asking to work on yourself, listen to the voice inner man, your true "I", to come to an inner balance and a state of divine love.

Consolation (what circumstance should be kept in mind): if the plan does not come true, then you just need to wait. Everything conceived by Rod will sooner or later come to an end. It is not necessary to expect immediate fulfillment of ideas. In each case, opportunities are open to all four sides! And this means that any outcome of events will be correct!

It is even strange to think that four years ago Slavic were known only to some heirs of the northern clans! They carefully kept the grandmothers inherited from there! great-grandmothers! boards with signs of the Slavic Gods, almost forgetting their meanings. There were also sets made of bone, a traditional northern ornamental material. And so, thanks to the work of Olga Boyanova and the Severnaya Skazka publishing house, the Slavic ones became widely known. At this moment, more than 12,000 people, having the Slavic Rezas of the Family, get the opportunity to guess and communicate with the Native Gods. I’ll tell you what is now in the Northern Fairy Tale shop, and what is coming after.

Slavic Rezas of the Family: where to start studying?

The first thing that comes before the eyes of those who want to delve into this old northern oracle is the book “ What do the gods know? .

Here is its content:

The book "What do the Gods know?" contains a wonderful northern tale - the legend of the emergence of the Slavic Rez Rod, and of course, the very explanation of what kind of oracle it is, how to guess with it, and layouts that help to see the past, present, future. The explanations are very detailed, several sheets for each of the forty Res.

What are the Slavic Rezas of the Family?

These are forty traditional signs-symbols, with the help of which Gadal refers to the Slavic Gods. This is their material form. They can be on paper or wood, even carved from bone. This can be seen immediately, as soon as you see the offers in our shop.

But it is rather difficult to explain what the Slavic ones are as a divinatory system. It's easier to say what they are not! These are not tarot cards, despite the fact that they may look like a deck of cards. These are not runes (Slavic or Scandinavian), despite the fact that they may look like dice with signs applied to them. This is a completely original Slavic oracle, which directly addresses the Slavic Gods for knowledge about the past, present and future. And, of course, the meaning of the Slavic Rez Roda and the interpretation is completely different from the methods of divination listed above. It is to understand this that the book What Do the Gods Know? has been written. This is a self-taught interpreter, during the study of which it becomes clear how to question the native Gods and how to interpret the answers received.

Slavic Rezas of the Family: how to improve in divination?

The second in comprehension of northern divination. An amazing feature of the Slavic Rez Roda is their belonging to ritual Slavic divination. Fortune telling on them means to observe the ritual of divination. Here is an altar tablecloth, oriented to the cardinal points, and twisting the elements, and a wax candle, and water opened with a knife ... If you want to better understand Slavic divination, then you need a book " What do people know?. In addition, there are 54 (!) layouts in it, which are different versions of one original holistic layout. And it is also difficult to talk about this briefly, it is easier to read the entire book, 500 pages thick. And this is not all the secrets of the Slavic Rez Roda!

Slavic Rezas of the Family: is there magic in them?

There is, and what else! Ancient, northern, conspiratorial, with appeals to the elemental Gods, but to the lords of the Rule and Navi! Slavic - a powerful means of communication with native Gods, the triumph of our natural connection with them, the flowering of our arcane abilities.
Many secrets are revealed in the book" Magic of Slavic Rez Rod, all of them are quite accessible to those who, with pure thoughts, wish happiness for themselves, their loved ones and the whole world.
Everyone who performs magical rites with the help of the Slavic Rez Rod knows that this is the bright magic of goodness,

What Slavic Rezas of the Family are used for magic?

Much has already been said about the Slavic Rezach Roda. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is this. The oracle, on which the signs of the Gods connect the living with other worlds, and reminds us of our past, of our Ancestors and Gods - is already more than a fortune-telling. Slavic ones that help to communicate their aspirations to God's World and get an answer - are already more than a simple material object. In us, who use this tool for divination and magic, the knowledge of our kind wakes up - and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing that can and should happen to us.
Slavic were known only to some heirs of the northern clans! They carefully kept the grandmothers inherited from there! great-grandmothers! boards with signs of the Slavic Gods, almost forgetting their meanings. There were also sets made of bone, a traditional northern ornamental material. And so, through the work of Olga Boyanova and the publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale", the Slavic Rezas of the Family became widely known. At this moment, more than 12,000 people, having the Slavic Rezas of the Family, get the opportunity to guess and communicate with the Native Gods. I’ll tell you what is now in the Northern Fairy Tale shop, and what is coming after. ">



Consultation on Slavic CUT ROD


It is rather difficult to explain what the Slavic Rezas are as a divinatory system. It's easier to say what they are not! These are not tarot cards, despite the fact that they may look like a deck of cards. These are not runes (Slavic or Scandinavian), despite the fact that they may look like dice with signs applied to them. This is a completely original Slavic oracle, which directly addresses the Slavic Gods for knowledge about the past, present and future.


Natalya Khmarskaya, getting to know each other!

Vorozheya, high priest of Huna Ki West, working with Key West cards, drawing up signs of power, graduated from the New Oracle card school in Brussels, I am engaged in Vedic magic, cosmoenergy, professional aromacosmetologist.

I am the Witch and I invite you to enter the world of the Slavic Gods. People have always wanted to know in advance what to expect from life,
how will their fate and the fate of their children. Whether to wait with an open heart for happiness and joy, or vice versa, beware and stop in time ..
Opening the door to the future is always an exciting journey, shrouded in mystery and the unknown.
I am working with Rezami Roda, a unique mantic system of its kind, completely different from the currently existing systems of divination.
A mysterious, magical and at the same time very vital and simple system that not only predicts the future, but also helps to understand what is happening in the present. But the main uniqueness of Rez Rod is that they help change an unfavorable situation, tell people how to transform the undesirable into the desired. And therein lies their incredible strength.
Reza Rod is a direct connection with the pantheon of the Slavic Gods. As soon as you turn to them with a question, those Gods come to you who can answer it.
Work with Rezami Roda is carried out via Skype. You ask your question, I select a layout for it, then I do a ritual with an appeal to the Native Gods and together we plunge into the secret worlds of Rule, Reveal and Navi to get answers.
The journey lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. The questioner will need to prepare a pen and paper, where he will write down the answers of the Gods and then work with them, and therefore with the Gods, for another 9 days.
With the help of Rez Rod, you can solve any issues. But there are a number of questions that, before asking the Gods, you need to get permission from them.


Some of the tasks that are solved with the help of Rez Rod:

  • the fate of my kind;
  • how to fix the fate of my family;
  • how to help my family;
  • the discovery of a secret, how to act;
  • questions about the relationship of lovers and whether they are suitable for each other;
  • questions about the relationship of people living in marriage and what to do if life does not add up;
  • questions on business relationship. Will there be a profit, promotion up the post, a good deal, what to do, new job etc.
  • questions about health, the possible course of the disease, how to treat, the path of healing, pregnancy, what will happen in case of pregnancy, how much vitality, etc.

And this is not the limit .. Simply put, you can find out the answers to any vital questions.

Come to me for a consultation.
It will be very interesting!

Skype consultation duration: approx. 2 hours (120 minutes)
Cost of 1 consultation within two hours - 2800 r.
Prerequisites for a consultation:
The presence of the installed program "Skype", access to the Internet, a microphone, headphones or speakers, it is also necessary to ensure complete silence during the consultation.

One of the most interesting divination systems is the Slavic Rezas of the Family

The wisdom of centuries, ancestors, or simply the wisdom of one great sage-creator.

Are you interested in predictions? Want to know what will happen and why? Here is a great opportunity for you to master the most interesting practice of divination. It is designed for those who try various types of divination systems and are interested in Slavic divination magic.

You will have a bag or deck with 40 cards / mugs - Cuts, if you call it correctly. Fortune telling and the mantic system itself, pieced together from many sources. It is based on the ancient Slavic myth about how the need arose to reveal the Secret of Secrets to people and teach them to predict their future for them. And each cut is filled with magic, the special magic of the Family.

How do you see God answering you, what does his image tell you? Perhaps you felt some special reaction or even heard his words? Listen to your thoughts and trust yourself. And you will discover the past, present and future. That's what tradition says.

Attention! These are not Slavic runes according to Platov or other runologists. It's a completely different system.

Divination Step 1: Meet the Gods

First you need to get acquainted with all the Gods and cuts in the deck. Each cut is dedicated to one God. But all together these Gods are distributed by levels - the highest and the lowest, and by rank - senior and junior Gods. Each card looks the same - a back with no clues and the main side with the image of God. The handling of cards also has its own rules, which must be observed by those who turn to cuts for help.

You must address with full confidence that the Gods will be able to hear you. After all, appearing in the layout, Reza predicts the appearance of such a Future, which corresponds to the character of God and his actions, and Reza warns of the possible consequences in the life of the Questioner, which may appear after accepting such a Future. And each Reza offers a possible solution to the question that you asked the Gods.

And the next steps already depend on you and your opinion about the power of prediction.

Ask the Slavic Gods about the future today

Having studied the ancient Slavic divination system, we can lift the veil of the future, wandering so far in the distance. With the help of Slavic Res Roda, we will be able to ask questions and get accurate answers to them. For some, this will be a unique find in divination, and for others, it will be a saving opportunity, an adviser and even a friend!

What will be on the course.

Day 1.

  1. Dating, goal setting
  2. The first exercise to tune in to work, to the deck. Meditation.
  1. Acquaintance with the deck, structure, hierarchy, strength Res. Distinctive features in comparison with oracles and Tarot.
  1. Where to start contacting Reza. Correct wording of questions. The range of topics to which the Rezas respond
  1. How to clean the deck before the first divination, after work, in what cases to do it or not to do it. Fire cleaning technique, water cleaning technique.
  1. Theory. Three worlds: Nav, Yav, Rule. The main idea of ​​each Reza, its vector. The character and destiny of God. Part one. Gods of abstract levels + Gods-Creators.
  1. Change activities for recreation. Energy Exercise "Tree". Earth, Sky, Man.
  1. The study of res. Elder Gods. Character, fate, interpretation.
  1. Working with alpha state. Meditation in a "place of rest", create your own temple, in the inner space.
  1. Minor gods.
  2. Other Gods.
  3. End of the first day: Reza Days for tomorrow for each participant.

Second part of the workshop.

  1. Feedback, perhaps someone will share unusual dreams or signs that came after one day of energy work.
  2. Meditation, alpha state, resting place. Repeat, fix, see what has changed.
  3. Energy exercise "Neighbourhood".
  4. Study Res. Characters of the Gods. The reverse side, or why some Reza can be interpreted in two ways.
  5. Examples of simple layouts with practice. How to consider and interpret Reza (by strength, singly, all together)
  6. Are additional cards needed, how and when to formulate clarifying questions in the layout.
  7. Practice. Divide the group into pairs, give tasks: "Council of the Gods", "State of the questioner", "map of the day".
  8. Threefold layouts.
  9. Large layouts.
  10. Meditation "Unification of the worlds". Go to Nav for strength, to Rule for wisdom and find God the guide at the first stage, return to Yav. Gather all the Gods in your inner space.
  11. Exercise "Hall".
  1. General meditation in a circle, thanksgiving to the Gods.
  2. Feedback, questions and answers.

presenter - Slavyana (Anastasia Kuchina), tarologist, runologist, astrologer, specialist in esoteric psychology, professional dancer, author and host of unique integral women's trainings (psychology, energy, dance therapy). Practices Reiki healing and Slavic healing Ladki Zhiva. She practiced qigong for about 10 years, then switched to her native, but related method - Slavic Health. Teaching experience - 9 years, of which the last 6 actively advises on Tarot.

In the maternal lineage, my great-grandmother was an herbalist, and my mother was a healer. Currently, she studies and teaches Slavic practices, and the Reza Rod deck is one of her favorites in her work. He says this about himself: “The meeting with Rezami is one of the most important meetings in my life. I am happy that their wisdom is with us again, and that I can be involved in the transmission of the greatest knowledge of sorcery and sorcery!”

Course fee 8000r.

The continuation of the study of Rez Rod is the course Magic of Rez Rod.

Be sure to sign up for the course. The master comes from Penza. It is necessary to prepare handouts so that there is enough for everyone.

Registration for the course.

What is the Slavic Reza Rod? This is a fortune-telling system that our Slavic ancestors have resorted to for many centuries. It is highly accurate and gives truthful answers. It is a reliable tool of magic associated with the Gods and Goddesses that rule our lands. In fact, this is their material form, which helps to receive divine advice today.

Cuts are depicted on pieces of cardboard or paper, carved on wood or stones, etc. Images on paper and wooden tablets are most often used for divination. But in various magical rites and rituals, cuts are usually required, applied to a stone or salt bars.

Unknowingly, they can sometimes be confused with occult tarot cards or northern runes. This is because they resemble the first cuts in their paper execution, and the second ones when applied to wooden or stone tablets. But they cannot be attributed to either of these two directions. Rod's cuts have exclusively Slavic roots, they are much closer to us mentally, spiritually and magically.

Reza is a completely independent Oracle, which has its own characteristics, designations, symbols and interpretation. During fortune-telling, the questioner receives from the Gods not just an answer to his question or a prediction of future events. In addition, the Gods give advice on how to cope with difficult situations, indicate what you should pay attention to, both in yourself and in your environment. Rod's cuts help in love and friendship, in doing business, give answers to specific questions, make short-term and long-term forecasts.

This oracle is desirable to use for people with an already formed strong personality. They are not to be taken lightly. Only those who have already matured spiritually, know how to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, will be able not only to accept, but also to understand the answers of the Slavic Gods.

When a person resorts to such fortune-telling, he receives a forecast according to the initial conditions. As well as tips on how to turn the situation to your advantage or how to avoid trouble. And in order to build a future that will bring joy and happiness, it is important to be able to analyze your own actions and motives, have the courage to change them and work on yourself to get the desired result.

The Slavic cuts of the Sort are not just fortune-telling and prediction. These are food for thought, these are lessons to be learned and the right conclusions to be drawn from them.

This oracle consists of 40 characters. Of these, each corresponds to a specific God or Goddess from the Slavic pantheon. The numbered Rezas are divided into four levels of seniority: Creator Gods, Elder, Minor and Other Gods.

Outside this gradation, Reza No. 1 is “Rod” and No. 40 is “Skipper-Beast”. Rod is the progenitor of the Gods and the creator of the Universe, and the Beast is the creator of Chaos. The strength of the signs consistently decreases from Rod to the 39th sign, and on the 40th, on the Skipper-Beast, it is growing rapidly. In fact, numbers 1 and 40 are equivalent in strength.