Travel from a to z. Interesting facts about the "seven wonders of the world" Interesting facts about the natural wonders of the world

It is believed that everyone should visit some sights, no matter how much time, money and effort you have to spend on it. But do all the wonders of the world really deserve such fame, and will some of them disappoint you? The team of the British newspaper Independent - journalist Simon Calder, deputy editor-in-chief Laura Chubb and travel editor Nikola Trap visited 20 world-famous places and delivered their verdict. /

Simon's Verdict: YES

Visit the Great Pyramid of Giza on the southern outskirts of Cairo while tourism in Egypt is in decline. You can enjoy its beauty alone (and support the local economy at the same time). Do not forget that for almost four millennia, this oldest of the seven wonders of the world was the tallest building in the world. Considering the technology of the time, the pyramids are probably one of the major achievements in human history.

Laura's Verdict: YES

All the rave reviews you've ever heard about Petra are 100% true. And it's not just about that magical moment when you come out of a narrow gorge and see in front of you the pink mausoleum of El Khazne, carved into the rock. Petra is a whole city, and it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get around it in one day. Be sure to visit the monastery of El Deir - it is no less beautiful than El Khazneh. In addition, there are much fewer tourists, because they are deterred by the tiring climb up the mountain.

Nikola's verdict: Depends on the location

I visited the Badaling section, one of the most visited sections of the Great Wall of China, which is located near Beijing. The construction impresses with its monumentality, but the crowds of tourists, many of whom definitely wanted to take pictures with a foreigner, slightly spoiled the pleasure of the trip. If you are planning to visit this wonder of the world, choose a less popular place and leave at dawn so that there are fewer people around you.

Simon's Verdict: NO

It is much better to look at the highest mountain in the world from afar - surrounded by other Himalayan peaks, and not try to conquer it. Once in Nepal, be sure to go hiking, but enjoy the mountain scenery and the hospitality of the locals at an altitude where you do not need oxygen machines and climbing cats.

Laura's Verdict: YES

You definitely won't be disappointed. You can also get to Machu Picchu by train, but if you want to experience the full gamut of sensations, go on a four-day hike along the Inca Trail. At dawn last day you will find yourself at the Sun Gate, but most likely you will not see the sunrise - as a rule, at this time of day everything is hidden in fog.

Nikola's Verdict: YES

Spend at least a couple of days in the Grand Canyon - first go hiking along its rim, and then rafting on the rough Colorado River, which flows along the bottom of the canyon. You are guaranteed to get an unforgettable experience. For the night you can stay in one of the charming guest houses located in this national park. And stay away from the tourist-infested glass Skywalk Bridge.

Simon's Verdict: NO

Yellowstone is the world's first national park, which is also equal in area to half of Wales, but this does not make it a wonder of the world. Yes, there are impressive geysers there, but Geysir in Iceland, which gave the name to all the other hot springs on the planet, is at least no worse. The best national parks in the USA are Zion and Yosemite.

Laura's Verdict: YES

If you are going to the Galapagos, you will find fascinating walks in the company of strange and amazing animals that absolutely do not react to tourists opening their mouths and do not try to hide from their prying eyes. The stupid blue-footed boobies, the sinister-looking marine iguanas, and the listless giant tortoises especially sunk into my soul. Do not be stingy and go to the Galapagos Islands on a good cruise ship, and not on a cheap boat, then you will enjoy every minute spent in these places (usually such a trip takes several days).

Nikola's verdict: NO

Almost everyone driving from London to the South West of England gets stuck in a traffic jam near Stonehenge - because most drivers suddenly slow down and stare at a pile of stones. I can’t say that I am delighted with this sight, but my friend from Wiltshire assures that the cromlech in Avebury makes a much stronger impression (cromlech is an ancient structure, which is several oblong stones placed vertically in the ground, forming one or more , ed.).

Simon's Verdict: YES

The coral reef, about 2.5 thousand kilometers long, stretching along the east coast of Australia, is good because it is easy to get to without any risk (both for yourself and for the reef). This miracle of the planet allows you to enjoy the richness of colors and the variety of life forms that live here.

Laura's Verdict: YES

Just don't go there in January. At this time of the year there are fogs in Agra, and my trip in a taxi was like a trip to the afterlife (the fog was so thick that the cars were absolutely invisible). As a result, in the photograph taken by me at dawn at the Taj Mahal, only a huge gray spot is visible through which even the outline of the famous structure did not show through. But even in such conditions, I was mesmerized by its beauty, and on a sunny day, such a sight should be simply magnificent.

Laura's Verdict: YES

A trip to Antarctica is a trip to the end of the world. First you will need to get to Ushuaia in Argentina, the southernmost city in the world, then endure a two-day voyage through the ever-stormy Drake Passage (hygiene bags will be attached to the railings in the ship's corridors). But it's worth it: you will see the world, almost untouched by civilization. The grandiose landscapes of Antarctica seem to be drawn on a computer! However, loneliness does not threaten you: I saw killer whales, humpback whales, huge colonies of penguins and sea lions there. Finally, I visited the southernmost bar on the planet, which is located at the Akademik Vernadsky polar station.

Verdict: Simon: NO

If you ever find yourself in those places, it is undoubtedly worth driving to the picturesque waterfall, in the middle of which the border between the United States and Canada runs. However, South American waterfalls, which you have never heard of, are much steeper than the three cascades of Niagara. Not to mention that at night most of the water is taken by the power plant, and the spectacle becomes even sadder.

Nikola's Verdict: YES

We watched the sun rise over the iconic red rock, and ten minutes later my friend said to me: “OK, that was great.” And I couldn't get enough of how Uluru changes color at dawn, and the memories of a two-hour walk around the mountain will stay with me forever.

Laura's Verdict: YES

Be sure to go there to watch the sunrise. The silhouette of the temple complex, reflected in the surrounding ponds, is an unforgettable sight. However, do not limit yourself to visiting Angkor Wat - in addition to it, in the jungles of Cambodia there are still a lot of stunning temples covered with wonderful carvings. This is a great opportunity to turn into Indiana Jones for a few days and explore everything you can.

Laura's Verdict: NO

Since we are talking about incredible sensations - such that your breath catches and your heart jumps out of your chest, then the Colosseum will have to be crossed off this list. Is it worth visiting when in Rome? Of course. Will your life be wasted if you don't see him? Absolutely not.

Simon's Verdict: YES

A small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is a paradise for fans of extreme rock climbing, and for those who appreciate the serene lifestyle inherent in Latin Americans. In addition, Easter Island is home to eerie monuments left over from one of the strangest civilizations to have ever lived on our planet.

Nikola's Verdict: Probably

It's a bit of a scam on my part to write about Kilimanjaro as I'm just heading towards it at the moment. But everyone says it's incredible journey especially when you are at the very top.

Laura's Verdict: YES

You can admire the waterfalls from both sides of the border, but I advise you to choose Argentina. From walking trails through the rain forest, you will see the full power of the waterfalls, stretching for 3 km. Next to this mighty force of nature, you involuntarily feel like a grain of sand in a vast world.

Laura's Verdict: YES

Rio de Janeiro is arguably the most beautiful city in the world - and I don't just mean the beauties and bronze-bodied beauties that adorn the beaches of Copacabana. Surrounded on all sides by tropical mountains, jungles, beaches and the sea, the city is simply unrivaled. The narrow gauge train ride to the main attraction is the icing on the cake, as long as the weather is kind to you. Some of my friends were not so lucky, just like me at the Taj Mahal.

20 wonders of the world. Are they really that wonderful?

About the history of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

The oldest references to the seven wonders of the world are found in the writings of the ancient scientist and philosopher Herodotus. As early as 5000 BC, Herodotus described and tried to classify these wonderful objects. But, unfortunately, the work of Herodotus, in which he described in detail unusual architectural masterpieces ancient world, burned down in a fire in the Library of Alexandria, like many other unique manuscripts. Only separate records in the surviving manuscripts and fragments of structures related to the 7 wonders of the world, which were found as a result of archaeological excavations, have come down to us. You can also read about them in a short work by Philo of Byzantium, which is called "On the Seven Wonders of the World." On twelve pages the author described 7 objects of antiquity. But this work is based on information from heard stories of others, but the author himself has never seen them. In Europe, they learned about the 7 wonders of the world from the book Sketches for the History of Architecture. In it, the author, Fischer von Erlach, described in detail seven amazing objects of antiquity. And in Russia, Simeon of Polotsk told about the seven wonders of the world in his writings. In his notes, he points to some Byzantine source. The list of 7 wonders of the world of the ancient world includes: the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops in El Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the Pharos lighthouse, the Colossus of Rhodes.

1. Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops

The Egyptian pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) ranks first among the seven wonders of the world, and is the only one that has survived to this day. This still existing geographical feature is sometimes called the Great Pyramid of Giza. It serves as the tomb of the Egyptian ruler Cheops (Khufu). The pyramid was built near Giza, a suburb of Cairo. It took the combined efforts of 100,000 people to create this miracle. According to the calculations of archaeologists, the work lasted about twenty years. The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest pyramid in Egypt. Previously, its height was about 146 meters, and today it is approximately 138 m. The date of construction begins somewhere around 2600 BC, although this is inaccurate and disputed by many scientists. The construction of the pyramid of Cheops took more than two million blocks of limestone, each of which weighed about 2.5 tons. Initially, the height of the monument reached 147 meters (approximately like 5 nine-story buildings, installed one on top of the other). The pyramid was partially covered with sand, so its height decreased to 137 meters. Nevertheless, it can rightfully be considered the most grandiose monument to human vanity. The construction of the pyramid was completed in 2580 BC. Then more pyramids were built here for the grandson and son of Cheops, as well as pyramids for queens. But the Great Pyramid of Cheops is the largest of them. Today, this amazing building surprises with its size and incredible accuracy of engineering calculations. It seems that the ancient Egyptians perfectly knew the principle of the golden ratio, owned the secret of the number Pi and other scientific knowledge that were discovered much later. There is an assumption that these stone giants are space observatories. After all, the shape of the location of the pyramids exactly repeats the contours of the constellation "Orion". Others believe that earlier these buildings played the role of the most powerful energy generators. They were originally covered in limestone and shone in the sun like supernatural beacons. Inside the first wonder of the world - the pyramid of Cheops, you will find three chambers: underground, "Queen's Chamber" and "Pharaoh's Chamber". You can get inside the artificial mountain through a natural entrance, located at a height of about 15 meters (somewhere like a 5-story house) or through an artificial one, which was broken in 820.

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

In the list of seven wonders of the world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered the second miracle in a row. This truly legendary building was created in 605 BC. However, already in 562 BC. this architectural masterpiece was destroyed by a flood. Despite the well-established connection of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon with the name of the Assyrian queen - Semiramis, who lived around 800 BC, scientists consider this a delusion. In fact, the official version of the origin of this wonder of the world is as follows. Nebuchadnezzar II, fought against Assyria. In order to strengthen the army, an alliance was concluded with the Median king. After the destruction of the enemy, Nebuchadnezzar II decided to marry the daughter of the Median sovereign. But the dusty city of Babylon, standing, in fact, in the desert, could not be compared with the green and blooming Mussel. It is for this reason that the ambitious ruler decided to build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. By the way, the name of the queen was Amitis, so it would be more correct to call the second of the seven wonders of the world by this name. But the unforgettable Semiramis was entrenched in history, who was also an outstanding personality, although she lived two centuries earlier. But the king wanted not only to please Amitis, but also to create such a masterpiece that could glorify him. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a four-tiered pyramid, the tiers of which were both terraces and balconies. The tiers were held by powerful columns. Each of them was planted with unique plants (flowers, trees, grass and shrubs). Seeds and seedlings for gardens were brought from all over the world. Outwardly, the pyramid resembled a constantly flowering hill. A unique irrigation system was designed for the gardens. Around the clock, several hundred slaves turned wheels with buckets to supply plants with water. Surprisingly, but the unique building, included in the seven wonders of the world, was not a novelty at that time. It's just that Nebuchadnezzar II, under whom many architectural masterpieces were built, managed in an unusual way to realize the supply of water to his hanging gardens. This building consisted of four levels. Each of them had many cool rooms where the royal family walked during the heat of the day. The vaults of the building were supported by 25-meter columns at each level. The fortified terraces were covered with earth, the thickness of which was sufficient for trees to grow there. To prevent liquid from seeping into lower floors, the platforms of each tier, consisting of huge slabs, were covered with lead leaves and covered with asphalt. Water was pumped up by a specially designed mechanism that pumped it from the Euphrates River. The hundred-meter walls of Babylon and the crowns of trees towering above them instilled in everyone who saw this miracle of the world the idea of ​​​​the power and strength of the kingdom. And the proud Amitis, to whom, in fact, this grandiose building was dedicated, enjoyed the greenery of flowering plants stretching for many kilometers around. After the death of the ruler Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon for some time became the residence of Alexander the Great. After the death of the great commander, the city began to gradually fall into disrepair, the gardens of Babylon were also left without proper care. After some time, a nearby river overflowed its banks, which led to the erosion of the foundation of the building. By the way, if the Hanging Gardens of Babylon still existed then, in order to look at them, we would have to go to Iraq, since it was in this state that the ruins were found ancient city Mesopotamia - Babylon.

3.Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The Temple of Artemis of Ephesus is the third wonder of the world. The name itself hides the origin of the famous temple - this is the ancient Greek city of Ephesus. If it existed to this day, then you would have to go to Turkey, to the city of Selcuk, Izmir province, to see it with your own eyes. But we can only be content with photographs of reconstructions and engineering models of the temple of Artemis of Ephesus. And only the ruins of this ancient building, erected in the fifth century BC, can be seen personally. The temple was built in honor of the patroness of love relationships and the family hearth - the goddess Artemis. The money for the construction of the religious building was provided by the Lydian king Croesus, whose name became a symbol of wealth. The Temple of Artemis was destroyed in a fire set by Herostratus. This citizen of Ephesus wanted to become famous in this way. The impudent madman was sentenced to death, and his name should have been forgotten. However, we know the story of Herostratus, thanks to the writings of the ancient Greek historian Theopompus. On the site of the architectural structure, where one of the seven wonders of the world appeared, there were two temples. In the VI century BC. e., a unique cult center was built there. The temple was built from local building materials - marble and limestone, quarried in the nearby mountains. The dimensions of the third wonder of the world - the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, were as follows. Width - 52 meters, length - 105 meters, and height - 18 meters. The roof lay on 127 columns. There is information that at the opening of the temple of Artemis, the townspeople were indescribably delighted. This is not surprising, because the best sculptors, artists and masters of the ancient world worked on the decoration of this wonder of the world. The statue of Artemis of Ephesus consisted of gold and ivory. It seems that this object had an exclusively religious purpose. In fact, the temple was the largest economic, business and cultural Greek center in Ephesus. The interior of the temple was magnificent: beautiful statues and stunning paintings created by the best artists and architects of that time. By the beginning of the III century BC. At the behest of Alexander the Great, the Temple of Artemis was restored to its original appearance. But, unfortunately, the architectural masterpiece was not destined to survive to this day. In 263, the temple complex was partially plundered by the Goths, and later it was closed due to the persecution that absolutely all pagan cultures began to undergo. It is unlikely that we would have known anything about the place of former Greek glory if it were not for the titanic work of the English archaeologist John Wood . In 1869, he managed to find traces of one of the seven wonders of the world - the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. Despite many problems, and the swampy terrain at the excavation site, Wood managed to find the remains of the once majestic building. Unfortunately, little has been preserved, and today you can see a single, restored column proudly standing on the site of the Temple of Artemis.

4.Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Olympic Games, to which the Greeks paid so much attention, were usually held in honor of the pagan god Zeus. However, the temple of this mythical character did not exist! Only in 466-465 a unique building was built in Olympia, in which a grandiose statue of Zeus appeared after a while. A truly monumental structure was erected in honor of the God of Thunder. The temple of Zeus was built entirely of marble, including even the roof. Around the perimeter of the sanctuary there were 34 columns made of limestone. The walls of the temple were covered with picturesque bas-reliefs depicting the ancient Greek god, as well as the exploits of Hercules. But the list of 7 wonders of the world included not a temple complex, but a statue of Zeus. The ancient Greek sculptor Phidias worked on the realization of this masterpiece. The body of the god was created from ivory, a great variety of rare gems and about 200 kg of gold without the slightest admixture of ligature also took to decorate the statue. The eyes of the Thunderer seemed to be throwing lightning, and the head and shoulders shimmered with an unearthly light. The statue reached a height of 13 meters, reaching the ceiling of the temple. For 800 years after its creation, the statue of Zeus at Olympia was included in the list of 7 wonders of the world. It took ten years to build it. According to legend, lightning struck the center of the marble floor of the temple. This was regarded as an expression of approval from Zeus. An altar of copper was erected at the site of the blow. At the base of the statue was a slab, 6 meters wide and 1 m high, respectively. In general, according to various sources, the height of the monument was close to 17 meters, which is approximately equal to a 5-storey building. The ratio of the Olympic wonder of the world - the statue of Zeus and the building itself, in which it was installed, produced an amazing effect. It seemed that if the Thunderer wanted to get up, he would destroy the roof! In 391 AD The Romans banned the Olympic Games and closed all Greek temples. A few years later, the statue of Zeus was moved to Constantinople. In 462 AD the palace where the statue was located burned down. The temple at Olympia was destroyed by an earthquake. Mankind has lost one of its wonders - the statue of Zeus at Olympia. Despite this, she entered the seven wonders of the world, as an example of the extraordinary engineering, artistic and sculptural achievements of antiquity.

5.Mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. If you want to visit this historical area, go to the Turkish resort city of Bodrum. It was there that scientists discovered the ruins of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. In the 4th century BC, King Mausolus, together with his wife, Queen Artemisia, decided to perpetuate their memory following the example of the Egyptian pharaohs. For these purposes, a grandiose structure was erected, which became a wonder of the world. The ancient building is named after the ruler of Caria - Mausolus, since it was his tombstone . Actually, it was from that time that mausoleums became so widespread in ancient Rome. What became known for this architectural masterpiece? The ancient city of Halicarnassus was famous for its residences of nobles, theaters and green gardens. But the list of 7 wonders of the world did not include these architectural beauties, but the tomb of the cruel ruler Mausolus. To start building the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the best specialists of that time were invited: Satyr and Pythius, architects who arrived from great Greece, as well as outstanding sculptors named Timothy and Briaxides, Leochar and Skopas. By the way, the works of the last two also decorated the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, also included in the seven wonders of the world. Work on the construction of the mausoleum began before the ruler of Caria died, that is, in 359 BC. In fairness, it must be said that Queen Artemisia was responsible for the grandiose work. Already in 350 BC. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was presented to the people. The description of the construction by Pliny the Elder, as well as Vitruvius, has been preserved. In general, the building consisted of three tiers. The first played the role of a powerful plinth, built of brick with marble facing. Along the perimeter it was surrounded by statues with representatives of the Greek epic. The base was three-level, which made the mausoleum a symbol of power and durability. The second tier had the significance of a temple. It was surrounded by 36 columns that supported the upper part of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus - the pyramid. The pyramid itself consisted of 24 steps that led to the top. It was there that the main statue was placed: a chariot with King Mausolus and Queen Artemisia. The original idea was as follows: in the lower part of the mausoleum there was a direct tomb of the ruler of Caria and his wife, while in the middle there was a temple with a sculpture of Mausolus to worship the deceased king. Surprisingly, both statues of Mausolus and Artemisia have survived quite well to this day. The same goes for the chariot that was once on top of the fifth wonder of the world mausoleum at Halicarnassus. All these historical artifacts are kept in the British Museum. The total height of the building was 46 meters. This man-made masterpiece mixed several architectural trends. Traditional columns, as well as statues of horsemen and lions were used as decoration of the mausoleum. At the very top was a sculpture of King Mausolus, proudly seated in a horse-drawn chariot. The mausoleum stood for about 19 centuries, the reason for its destruction was a strong earthquake. And some fragments of the mausoleum went to the construction of the fortress of St. Peter.

6. Lighthouse of Alexandria

The sixth wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria (aka Faros Lighthouse). It was built in the 3rd century BC on the Mediterranean Sea. In Egypt, on the small island of Pharos, not far from Alexandria, there was a bay of great importance for merchant ships. It was for this reason that the need arose for the construction of the Faros Lighthouse. This object was supposed to help sea vessels safely overcome coastal reefs and avoid shipwreck. At night, flames reflected by the water surface were visible at a distance of more than 60 kilometers, allowing ships to safely pass the reefs. During the day, instead of light, a column of smoke was used, which was also visible extremely far away. The lighthouse of Alexandria towered 120 meters above sea level, its signals could be seen at a distance of up to 48 km. The upper part of the structure was decorated with a statue of Isis-Faria, who was revered as the patroness of navigators. To make the light flow as efficient as possible, the builders used an original system of curved mirrors. The Pharos lighthouse, like many other objects from the list of 7 wonders of the world, was destroyed in a rather trivial way. It was destroyed by a powerful earthquake that occurred in the middle of the 14th century. Some fragments of the Lighthouse of Alexandria were discovered by scientists at the bottom of the sea during research in 1996. During the reign of Ptolemy II in Egypt, it was decided to build the famous lighthouse. According to the plan, the implementation of the idea was supposed to take 20 years, but all residents saw the masterpiece much earlier. The main architect and builder of this structure is Sostratus of Cnidus. On the marble wall of the lighthouse, he carved his name, and then, applying thin plaster, wrote words glorifying Ptolemy. Naturally, after a short period of time, the plaster crumbled, and the name of an outstanding master entered the centuries. So, Sostratus completed the construction of the Pharos Lighthouse in 5 years, which, by the standards of antiquity, was generally an instant! The lighthouse of Alexandria consisted of three towers. The first, lowest, rectangular part of the monument served technical purposes. Workers and soldiers lived there, as well as tools and equipment necessary for maintaining the lighthouse. A second, octagonal tower rose above the first part. A ramp wound around it to carry fuel for the fire. The third tier was a majestic cylindrical building, equipped with a complex system of mirrors. It was here that a vital fire burned, spreading its light for many kilometers around. The height of the seventh wonder of the world, the Pharos lighthouse, ranged from 120 to 140 meters. At the very top was a statue of the god of the seas, Poseidon. Some travelers, describing the miracle that struck them, mentioned unusually arranged statues. The first pointed to the sun with her hand, throughout the day, and when the sun went down, the hand fell. The second statue sounded every hour day and night. The third constantly indicated the direction of the wind, playing the role of a weather vane. In the 12th century AD, ships stopped using the Alexandrian bay due to the fact that it had become extremely silty. This is what caused the outstanding building to fall into complete decline. Even later, in the XIV century, due to an earthquake, the wonder of the world of Alexandria Lighthouse was completely destroyed. A fortress was erected in its place, which changed its appearance more than once. Now this historical place is the base of the Egyptian fleet and, despite different offers, the authorities do not consider the idea of ​​restoring the lighthouse. Having stood for almost 1000 years, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was seriously damaged by an earthquake that occurred in 796 AD. When the Arabs came to Egypt (XIV century), they decided to restore the grandiose building, reaching only 30 meters from its original height. However, the reconstruction was not destined to be completed, and by the end of the 15th century, Kait-bey, a famous sultan, founded a fortress on the foundation of the lighthouse. By the way, it still exists.

7. Colossus of Rhodes

In Greece, on the shores of the Aegean Sea, is the ancient island of Rhodes. It was there, in 280 BC, that the seventh wonder of the world, the Colossus of Rhodes, was built. It all started with the fact that after the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great, Demetrius I attacked Rhodes. With him were about forty thousand warriors. Having surrounded the main port city, he kept the siege for more than a year. Then, despite the fact that much effort had been expended in establishing siege engines, Demetrius decided to retreat, abandoning all buildings. The inhabitants of Rhodes, shocked by this turn of events, sold all the things left by the invaders, deciding to erect a monument to the sun god Helios with the proceeds. According to legend, it was Helios who was the creator of the island. It was assumed that the height of the figure would be 18 meters, but later it was decided to make it 36 ​​meters. The statue in the form of a god-youth was cast in bronze; it is located on a marble pedestal. Construction was carried out on a hill created artificially. Stones were placed inside the figure, which was done to increase the stability of the structure. After 12 years of titanic work, the 36-meter wonder of the world, the Colossus of Rhodes, appeared before the eyes of the inhabitants of the city. The giant was made of clay and bronze, based on a metal frame. He stood right at the entrance to the harbor and was visible from the nearest islands. For the construction of this wonder of the world, about 13 tons of bronze and 8 tons of iron were spent. We can say with confidence that it was this Colossus that became the founder of a kind of fashion. By the end of the 2nd century BC. over a hundred giant monuments flaunted on the island of Rhodes. The fate of the Colossus of Rhodes was ruthless. Just 65 years later, around 225 B.C. There was an earthquake that destroyed it. The statue broke near its knees and fell to the ground. By the way, it was after this that the expression “Colossus on clay feet. The local oracle demanded not to restore the statue. For 900 years, every visitor to Rhodes could look at the statue of the defeated god. In 654 AD the Syrian prince, who captured the island, removed all the bronze plates from the statue and took them to Syria. To take out parts of the sculpture, it was necessary to equip a caravan consisting of 900 camels.

We can only hope that someday world technology will reach such a high level that they will be able to recreate the seven wonders of the world of the ancient world. And it will be truly a tribute to the memory of generations of talented architects of antiquity, who created unique masterpieces of architecture, which have no equal in the modern world.

But have you ever wondered why there are only seven wonders of the world? In this case, we recommend that you read the article "magic number 7" - and you will discover the secret meaning of this "lucky" number!

Surely, you have heard about the wonders of the world, but not everyone can name them all. Not only is far from everything that is on the lists survived to our times, but there are a lot of lists themselves.

However, we all know that the wonders of the world are truly colossal structures that baffle or delight even modern engineers. Now it is no longer a problem to build a building almost a kilometer high, like a skyscraper in Dubai.

There are a huge number of little-known facts about the wonders of the world, and we will now talk about some of them.

List of wonders

Many different lists have been compiled over the years, but the original is the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which is based on guidebooks used by Greek travelers.


All seven wonders were located in one place - in the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia, because then people could not yet travel great distances. These include: the Colossus of Rhodes, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

number seven

Seven in many cultures was considered a magical number, but among the Greeks it also meant perfection. Although some scientists believe that the seven was chosen because it reflects the knowledge of astronomy of that time. Ancient people knew five planets plus the Sun and the Moon.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

In fact, the existence of this wonder of the world is under a huge question. Not only do scientists agree that the process of irrigating such an object in Babylon seemed almost impossible, there is no mention of this miracle in ancient literature. Because many people think that this is just a beautiful fairy tale.

Great Pyramid of Giza

Also known as the Pyramid of Cheops. This is the only one of the ancient wonders of the world that still exists.

Second list

The second most popular list includes objects created in the Middle Ages. It includes: the Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, the Hagia Sophia, the catacombs of Kom el Shukafa, Stonehenge, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Porcelain Tower in Nanjing. Sometimes the Cairo Citadel, the Abbey of Cluny and the Taj Mahal are added to this list.

The emergence of lists

The fact is that the lists most likely appeared in the 19th-20th centuries, since the very concept of the Middle Ages took shape only in the Enlightenment.

7 wonders according to ASCE

It is quite expected that there are lists of modern wonders of the world. The most popular of these is a list compiled in 1994 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. It includes buildings such as the Eurotunnel, the CN Tower, the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Itaipu Dam, the Panama Canal, the Delta and Zuiderzee projects.

7 wonders from CNN

CNN went ahead and put together a list of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It looks like this: Polar Lights, Grand Canyon, Grand Barrier Reef, Rio de Janeiro Harbor, Mount Everest, Paricutin Volcano and Victoria Falls.

Poll from New7wonders of Nature

This is a project in which a huge number of people were interviewed, and based on their answers, another list of natural wonders was compiled. According to the results of the survey, it included: Iguazu Falls, Halong Bay, Jeju Islands, Puerto Princesa Underground River, Table Mountain, Komodo Island and the Amazon Rainforest.

7 wonders from CEDAM International

In 1989, diving organization CEDAM International published its own list of underwater wonders of the world. It includes the Palau reefs, the Belize Barrier Reef, the Great Barrier Reef, deep sea cracks, the Galapagos Islands, Lake Baikal, the Red Sea.

7 wonders from Deborah Cadbury

The famous book by the British writer Deborah Cadbury is called "The Seven Wonders of the Industrial World", and it contains a description of the most significant engineering achievements of the 19th-20th centuries. These include: the steamship Great Eastern, the Bell Rock Lighthouse, the Brooklyn Bridge, the London Sewer System, the First Transcontinental Railroad, the Panama Canal and the Hoover Dam.

7 wonders from Astronomy magazine

In 1999, the magazine Astronomy decided that the solar system also has its own miracles, and collected them in a separate list. It was decided to call Saturn's satellite Enceladus, the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, the asteroid belt, the surface of the Sun, the Earth's oceans, the rings of Saturn and Mount Olympus on Mars as miracles.

The eighth wonder of the world

For a long time, the French wrestler Andre the Giant was called the eighth wonder of the world for the fact that his height was 224 cm and his weight was 240 kg. The man had acromegaly, due to which his bones grew rapidly. He became the first wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Now try to understand all these lists. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that man and nature at one time did a good job and were able to build a lot of everything majestic and interesting. Honor and praise to them.

And what wonder of the world is the most majestic, what do you think? Tell me in the comments.

Seven Wonders of the World (or Seven Wonders of the Ancient World)- the famous list of the most famous sights of ancient culture. The choice of the number itself is consecrated by ancient ideas about its completeness, completeness and perfection, the number 7 was considered the sacred number of the god Apollo (Seven against Thebes, Seven Wise Men, etc.). Like collections of sayings of famous sages, collections of anecdotes, and stories of curiosities, writings about the Seven Wonders of the World were popular in antiquity and included descriptions of the grandest, most magnificent, or technically the most amazing buildings and monuments of art. That is why they were called miracles, while many genuine masterpieces of ancient architecture and art are missing from the list - the Acropolis in Athens with the creation of Phidias - the statue of Athena Parthenos, the famous statue of Aphrodite of Cnidus by Praxiteles, etc.

Mentions of the Seven Wonders appear in the writings of Greek authors, starting from the Hellenistic era. They should have been known already at school, scientists and poets wrote about them. In the text of one Egyptian papyrus, which was a kind of tutorial, the names of famous legislators, painters, sculptors, architects, inventors, mandatory for memorization, are mentioned, then - the largest islands, mountains and rivers, and, finally, the seven wonders of the world. The "selection" of miracles took place gradually, and one miracle replaced another.
The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus - V century BC. e .. All three miracles were located on the island of Samos: the Aqueduct in the form of a tunnel, the Dam in the port on the island, the Temple of the goddess Hera.
Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the IV century BC. Philo of Alexandria - Jewish philosopher, mathematician, mechanic, surveyor, in his work "Seven Wonders of the World" described the seven most important creations of mankind in architecture. Philo's work is just his personal opinion. He lived in Byzantium, and his view of the world was compressed to the limits of the Roman Empire. Therefore, all the objects listed by him are located in this territory. In the III century BC. e. appeared new list miracles. Historians consider a small poem written by Antipater from Sidon to be its source (there is also a version that it was written by Antipater from Thessalonica). The first mention of the Seven Wonders in Russia is found by Simeon of Polotsk, who was familiar with their description from some Byzantine source. In modern Europe, they became widely known after the publication of Fischer von Erlach's (1656-1723) Outline on the History of Architecture.
Miracle Time of creation Place Creators Destruction Cause Purpose of the structure

1. Pyramid of Cheops created 2550 BC e., place: Giza (Egypt), created: the Egyptians, the only one of the "miracles" that has survived to this day, the purpose of the building: Tomb of Pharaoh Cheops
2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon created 600 BC e. , place: Babylon (Iraq), created: Babylonians, cause of destruction: After the 1st century BC. e. earthquake, Were created for the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II.
3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia created 435 BC e., sculptor Phidias, place: Olympia (Greece), created: Greeks, cause of destruction: V-VI centuries. burned down in Constantinople during a fire at the Hippodrome in the 5th century. temple statue in the temple of Zeus at Olympia
4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus created 550 BC e. , place: Ephesus (Turkey), created: Lydians, Greeks, Persians, cause of destruction: 370 BC e. or 356 BC e. (Herostratus) or 262 AD e. (Goths), cause of destruction: the fire was built in honor of the goddess Artemis
5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus created 351 BC e. , place: Halicarnassus (in the southeast of Turkey), created: Carians, Persians, Greeks, cause of destruction: 1494 earthquake; preserved: foundations, architectural fragments; in the British Museum in London - statues of Mausolus and his wife Artemisia, reliefs, statues of lions were erected as a tombstone of the Carian ruler Mausolus by his wife - Queen Artemisia
6. Colossus of Rhodes created between 292 and 280. BC e. , place: Rhodes (Greece), created: Greeks, cause of destruction: 224 (or 226) BC e. the bronze case was dismantled in 654 AD. e. earthquake was erected by the sculptor Chares to commemorate the victory of Rhodes over Demetrius Poliorcetes (304 BC).
7. Lighthouse of Alexandria created in the 3rd century BC. e. , place: Alexandria (Egypt), created: Ptolemaic Dynasty, cause of destruction: 303 BC e. - 1480 AD e. (stood for 1500 years) The earthquake light of this lighthouse was very useful for shipping.

1. Lighthouse of Alexandria

In the III century BC. e. a lighthouse was built so that ships could safely pass the reefs on their way to the bay of Alexandria. At night they were helped in this by the reflection of the flames, and during the day by a column of smoke. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and it stood for 1500 years.
Built with the participation of many inhabitants of Museyon on the island. Pharos at the entrance to the harbor was erected in 280 BC by the architect Sostratus of Crete in 280 BC, the lighthouse of Alexandria (Farosky) - a three-tiered marble tower-ear 115-135 meters high (it is not known exactly, according to other sources 117m) under King Ptolemy Philadelphus. The collected light was reflected by bronze mirrors and was visible at a distance of 56 km (according to other sources 100 km).
The lower part was a tetrahedral prism 60 meters high with a square base, the side length of which was 30 meters. Various inventory was stored in the interior, and a flat roof, decorated with huge statues of Triton at the corners, served as the basis for the middle part. It was a 40-meter octagonal prism-tower lined with white marble. The upper (third) part of the lighthouse was built in the form of a cylindrical colonnade - 8 columns carried a dome crowned with a 7-meter bronze figure of the ruler of the seas Poseidon (or a statue of Zeus the Savior). To keep the flame going, it took a large number of fuel. The tree was brought along a spiral ramp on carts pulled by horses or mules. Behind the flames were bronze plates that cast light into the sea.
The lighthouse was partially destroyed on July 21, 365. By the 12th century, the Alexandrian bay was so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. The bronze plates that served as mirrors were probably melted down into coins. The lighthouse was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1375. A few years later, the Muslims used its ruins to build the military fortress of Qait Bay. The fortress was subsequently rebuilt more than once and still stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse. At present, only the base of the lighthouse remains, completely built into the medieval fortress. Now here is the base of the Egyptian fleet.

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC), in order to fight against the main enemy - Assyria, whose troops twice destroyed the capital of the state of Babylon, entered into a military alliance with Cyaxares, the king of Media. Having won, they divided the territory of Assyria among themselves. Their military alliance was confirmed by the marriage of Nebuchadnezzar II to the daughter of the Median king Amitis. Dusty and noisy Babylon, located on a bare sandy plain, did not please the queen, who grew up in the mountainous and green Media. To console her, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the erection of hanging gardens. In 331 BC Alexander the Great's troops captured Babylon.
The famous commander made the city the capital of his vast empire. It was here, in the shadow of the "hanging gardens", that he died. After the death of Alexander, Babylon gradually falls into decay. In the message of 50 BC, it is said about brick walls 112 meters long and 7 meters thick, above which stone columns in the form of pyramids rose, carrying wooden platforms with outlandish plants growing on them. In architectural terms, the Hanging Gardens were a pyramid, consisting of four tiers-platforms. They were supported by columns up to 25 meters high. The lower tier had the shape of an irregular quadrangle, largest side which was 42 m, the smallest - 34 m.
The place where the gardens were To prevent seepage of irrigation water, the surface of each platform was first covered with a layer of reeds mixed with asphalt, then with two layers of bricks, fastened with gypsum mortar, lead plates were laid on top of everything. Fertile land lay on them with a thick carpet, where seeds of various herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees were planted.
The pyramid looked like an ever-blooming green hill. Pipes were placed in the cavity of one of the columns, through which water from the Euphrates was constantly supplied by pumps to the upper tier of gardens, from where it, flowing down in streams and small waterfalls, irrigated the plants of the lower tiers. Powerful floods destroyed the brick foundation of the columns, the platforms collapsed to the ground. Thus perished one of the wonders of the world.
mausoleum in Halicarnassus

3. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus (Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Tomb of Mausolus)- a tombstone of the Carian ruler Mausolus (Μα?σωλος), built in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. by order of his wife Artemisia II in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey). The construction of the mausoleum began even before the death of Mausolus in 353 BC. and, according to the reports of ancient authors, was ruled by his wife Artemisia. To design the Mausoleum, she invited the Greek architects Satyr and Pytheas, and the most famous sculptors of that time - Leocharus, Skopas (whose works also adorned the second temple of Artemis of Ephesus), Briaxides and Timothy.

From the south and north, its length is 63 feet each, from the front and back sides it is narrower, the total length is 440 feet, it reaches a height of 25 cubits, and is surrounded by 36 columns. This coverage was called pteron. From the east the reliefs were made by Skopas, from the north by Briaxides, from the south by Timothy, from the west by Leohar. Before they even finished the work, the queen died. ...a pyramid rises above the pteron, equal in height to the lower part, narrowing in twenty-four steps into the sharp point of the meta. At the top is a marble quadriga, which was created by Pytheas. Together with her, the entire structure reaches a height of 140 feet - Pliny the Elder
The evidence of Vitruvius has been preserved about the location of the Mausoleum and the material (brick lined with Proconnesian marble). The architecture of the Mausoleum is unusual for the Greek architecture of that time: if the classical Hellenic temples are rectangular in plan and their height does not exceed the length of the facade, then the Mausoleum is almost square in plan, and its height significantly exceeded the side of the base.
The mausoleum was destroyed in the 13th century by several earthquakes. In 1522, the remains of the Mausoleum were dismantled by the Knights of St. John for the construction of the fortress of St. Peter. In 1846, the British Museum expedition led by Charles Thomas Newton explored the ruins. Based on the results of the research, several options for reconstructing the original appearance were drawn up, one of which was used as the basis for the Grant mausoleum in Manhattan. By the name of King Mausolus, such tombs began to be called mausoleums.

4. Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes, Greece)

Colossus of Rhodes - A huge bronze statue of the sun god Helios, which stood in a port city on Rhodes - an island in the Aegean Sea, in Greece.
After the collapse of the power of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I Soter gained a foothold in Rhodes. After his establishment in Egypt, he entered into an alliance with Rhodes, controlling trade in the eastern Mediterranean. In 305 BC e. the son of another Diadochus, Antigonus I One-Eyed, Demetrius I of Macedon, landed on Rhodes with 40,000 troops. After keeping the main city of the island under siege for a whole year, despite the construction of many siege weapons, he was forced to retreat due to the Ptolemaic fleet approaching Rhodes. The people of Rhodes decided to sell their abandoned siege weapons and build a statue of their revered sun god Helios to thank him for his intercession. Helios was not just a particularly revered deity on the island - according to legend, he was its creator: without a place dedicated to him, the sun god carried the island on his hands from the depths of the sea. For twelve years, the sculptor Chares, a student of Lysippus, worked on the creation of an almost 36-meter bronze giant. When work on the statue was completed in 278 BC. e., a tall and slender youth-god with a radiant crown on his head appeared to the eyes of the amazed Rhodians. He stood on a white marble pedestal, leaning slightly back, and peered tensely into the distance. The statue of the god stood right at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes and was visible from the nearest islands. The statue was made of clay, it had a metal frame at its base, and it was covered with bronze sheets on top. It took 500 talents of bronze and 300 talents of iron to make the grandiose monument (about 13 and about 8 tons, respectively).
To work on the image of the god directly at the site of its installation, Haret used an original technique: with the gradual elevation of the sculpture, the earthen hill around it also rose; the hill was subsequently torn down, and the statue in its entirety was revealed to the astonished inhabitants of the island.
However, the Colossus itself stood for a relatively short time - only fifty-six years. In 222 BC e. the statue was destroyed by an earthquake. As Strabo writes, "the statue lay on the ground, overthrown by an earthquake and broken at the knees." But even then, the Colossus was surprising for its size. Pliny the Elder mentions that only a few could grasp the statue's thumb with both hands. The fragments of the Colossus lay on the ground until they were finally sold by the Arabs, who captured Rhodes in 977, to a merchant who, as one of the chronicles tells, loaded 900 camels with them.

5. Pyramid of Cheops (Giza, Egypt, 29°58′45″ N 31°08′03″ E)

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) - called "Achete-Chufu" - "Revival of Khufu (Cheops)" - the largest of the Egyptian pyramids, the only one of the "Seven Wonders of the World" that has survived to this day. Construction, which lasted twenty years, began around 2560 BC. e. Dozens of Egyptian pyramids are known. On the Giza plateau, the largest of them are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure. The architect of the Great Pyramid is Hemiun, the vizier and nephew of Cheops. He also bore the title "Manager of all construction sites of the pharaoh." For more than three thousand years (before the construction of the cathedral in Lincoln, England, around 1300), the pyramid was the tallest building on Earth.

* Height (initial): 146.60 m (calculated)
* Altitude (today): ≈ 138.75 m
* Angle (tilt): 51° 50"
* Side face length (original): 230.33 m (calculated)
* Side face length (now): about 225 m
* The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230.454 m; north - 230.253 m; west - 230.357 m; east - 230.394 m.
* Base area (originally): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 ha)
* Area of ​​the pyramid: (originally) ≈ 85,500 m²
* Perimeter: 922 m.
* Total volume of the pyramid without deducting the cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58 million m³
* Total volume of the pyramid, after subtracting all known cavities (initially): 2.50 million m³
* Average size of observed stone blocks: 1.0 m in width, height and depth (but most are rectangular.)
* Average weight of stone blocks: 2.5 tons (from limestone, basalt and granite)
* Heaviest stone block: 15t
* Number of blocks: about 2.5 million.
* Estimated total weight of the pyramid: about 6.25 million tons

It is not possible to accurately determine the original parameters of the pyramid, since its edges and surfaces are currently mostly dismantled and destroyed. In the literature on Egyptology, scientists believed that the length of the sides could be from 230.33 to 230.37 m. Knowing the length of the side and the angle at the base, they calculated the height of the pyramid - from 146.59 to 146.60 m. The slope of the pyramid is 51 ° 50 " (sekedu in 5 1/2 palms, an ancient Egyptian unit of measurement of inclination), which is defined as the ratio of half the base to the height. Taking into account the fact that there are 7 palms in one cubit (qubit), it turns out that with such a chosen seked, the ratio of the base to the height equals 22/7, a well-known approximation of the number pi from antiquity, which, apparently, happened by chance, since other pyramids had different values ​​\u200b\u200bof the seced. was lined with white sandstone harder than the main blocks.The top of the pyramid was crowned with a gilded stone - a pyramidion.The lining shone on the Sun in a peach color, like "a shining miracle, to which the sun god Ra himself seemed to gave all his rays. In 1168 AD The Arabs sacked and burned Cairo. The inhabitants of Cairo removed the lining from the pyramid in order to build new houses.
The entrance to the pyramid is located at a height of 15.63 meters on the north side. The entrance is formed by stone slabs laid in the form of an arch. This entrance to the pyramid was sealed with a granite plug. Today, tourists enter the pyramid through a 17-meter gap, which was made in 820 by Caliph Abu Jafar al-Ma'mun. He hoped to find the pharaoh's untold treasures there, but found only a layer of dust half a cubit thick. Inside the pyramid of Cheops there are three burial chambers located one above the other.
1. Main entrance
2. The entrance made by Al-Ma'mun
3. Crossroads and traffic jam
4. Descending corridor
5 Unfinished Underground Chamber
6. Ascending corridor 7. Queen's chamber with outgoing "air ducts"
8. Horizontal tunnel
9. Large gallery
10 Pharaoh's Chamber
11. Prechamber
12. Al-Mamun tunnel made "bypassing"

6. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus (Coast of Asia Minor, now Selchuk, Turkey)

It was built by the architect Cheirocrates in 550 BC. e. in the city of Ephesus in honor of the goddess of hunting and fertility was erected. When the huge white marble building completed by the construction opened before the eyes of the townspeople, it aroused surprise and admiration. Unfortunately, we do not know how exactly the temple was decorated. It is only known that the best masters of the Greek world took part in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the temple, and the statue of the goddess Artemis was made of gold and ivory.
The Temple of Artemis was used for more than just religious ceremonies. It was both the financial and business center of Ephesus. The temple was completely independent of the city authorities and was controlled by a college of priests. The width of the Temple of Artemis was 51 meters, the length was 105 meters, the height of the columns was 18 meters (if the segments are round, then the width and length = diameter, that is, the same). The roof of the temple was supported by 127 columns installed in eight rows. According to legend, each of these columns was a gift from one of the 127 Greek kings.
According to legend, in 356 BC. e. year BC, on the night when the future Alexander the Great was born in Pella, the capital of Macedonia, a certain vain citizen of Ephesus named Herostrat set fire to great temple wishing to become famous in this way. By the beginning of the III century. BC e. The temple was completely restored to its original form. Money for the construction of a new Wonder of the World was allocated by Alexander the Great himself. The architect Alexandra Deinocrates, who supervised the work, retained his previous plan, only raised the building to a higher stepped base.
Inside, the temple was decorated with wonderful statues by Praxiteles and Scopas, but even more magnificent were the paintings of this temple. So, in gratitude to Alexander the Great (who sponsored the project), the Ephesians ordered his portrait for the temple to the artist Apelles, who depicted the commander with a lightning bolt in his hand, like Zeus. When the customers came to accept the canvas, they were so amazed at the perfection of the picture and the optical effect (it seemed that a hand with lightning protrudes from the canvas) that they paid the author twenty-five gold talents - perhaps, over the next three centuries, none of the artists managed to receive such a fee. for one picture.
Christian times have arrived. The legend claims that the Ephesians expelled the Apostle Paul and his supporters from their city. And God's punishment was immediate: in 263, the sanctuary of Artemis was plundered by the Goths. When Ephesus fell under the rule of Christian Byzantium, the next stage of its death began. During the time of Emperor Theodosius I, when in 391-392. all pagan cults were banned, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus was closed. Marble cladding from it began to be taken away to different buildings, the roof was also dismantled, the unity of the structure was violated. And when the columns began to fall, their fragments were sucked in by the swamp on which the temple stood. And a few decades later, under the slurry and sediments of the river, the last traces of the best temple of Ionia were hidden. Even the place where he stood was gradually forgotten.
long months it took the English archaeologist Voodoo to find traces of the temple. October 31, 1869 he was lucky. The foundation of the temple was completely uncovered only in the twentieth century. And under it are the traces of the temple burned by Herostratus. Currently, on the site of the temple there is one column restored from the wreckage.

7. Statue of Zeus (Olympia, Greece)

The statue of Olympian Zeus is the work of Phidias, an outstanding work of ancient sculpture. It was located in the temple of Olympian Zeus, in Olympia - a city in the region of Elis, in the north-west of the Peloponnese peninsula, where from 776 BC. e. to 394 AD e. Every four years, the Olympic Games were held - competitions of Greek, and then Roman athletes. The Greeks considered unfortunate those who did not see the statue of Zeus. For more than 300 years, the Olympic Games have been held, when in 470 BC. e. in Greece began to collect donations for the construction of this temple. The construction of the temple began in 466 BC. e. and ended in 456 BC. e. The construction was supervised by the architect Libon, information about which has not reached us. According to legend, the temple was magnificent. The entire temple, including the roof, was built of marble. It was surrounded by 34 massive shell rock columns. Each was 10.5 meters high and over 2 meters thick. The area of ​​the temple was 64 × 27 m. On the outer walls of the temple there were slabs with bas-reliefs depicting 12 labors of Hercules. Bronze doors, 10 meters high, opened the entrance to the cult room of the temple.
The statue of Zeus did not appear in it immediately. The Greeks decided to invite the famous Athenian sculptor Phidias to create a statue of Zeus. Phidias managed by this time to create two famous statues of Athena ("Athena Promachos" and "Athena Parthenos" - did not survive). By his order, a workshop was built 80 meters from the temple. This workshop exactly matched the size of the temple. There he, with two of his assistants, who he needed only as garbage collectors, behind a huge purple curtain created a statue of the god of thunder in the chryso-elephantine technique. Phidias himself was very picky about the material that was delivered to him. He was especially picky about ivory, from which he created the body of a god. Then, under heavy guard, precious stones and 200 kg of pure gold were brought into the temple at the feet of the Thunderer. Phidias carved the figure of the god from wood and overlaid it with slabs of pink ivory, and therefore the body seemed alive. The Thunderer sat on a huge gilded throne. In one hand he held a symbol of power - a scepter with an eagle; on the open palm of the other hand stood a statuette of Nike, the goddess of Victory. From gold were made: a cape that covered part of the body of Zeus, a scepter with an eagle, which he held in his left hand, a statue of the goddess of victory - Nike, which he held in right hand and a wreath of olive branches on Zeus's head. Zeus's feet rested on a bench supported by two lions. The reliefs of the throne glorified, first of all, Zeus himself. Four dancing Nikes were depicted on the legs of the throne. Also depicted were: centaurs, lapiths, the exploits of Theseus and Hercules, frescoes depicting the battle of the Greeks with the Amazons. The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high. The height of the entire statue, together with the pedestal, was, according to various sources, from 12 to 17 meters. The impression was created "that if he (Zeus) wanted to get up from the throne, he would blow the roof off."

For seven centuries, Zeus, smiling benevolently, watched the athletes, until in the II century. n. e. there was no powerful earthquake that severely damaged the statue. But the games in Olympia continued anyway: the athletes believed that if not the temple statue, then God himself, sitting on the top of the mountain, helped them. Sports competitions were put to an end in 394 by the Christian emperor Theodosius I, who had banned all pagan cults two years earlier. After the ban on the Olympic Games, thieves ripped off the statue of Zeus, stealing gold and ivory. All that was left of the famous sculpture of Phidias was taken from Greece to the city of Constantinople, but there the wooden sculpture burned down during a strong fire (during the fire of the temple in 425 or in a fire in Constantinople in 476). So this wonder of the world perished.

Seven wonders of the world, photos and descriptions of unique architectural structures show the greatness of ancient history.

The ancient era, with its greatest cultural and historical monuments, laid the foundation for the outstanding creations of mankind, which continue the legacy with new discoveries and genuine miracles.

What are the wonders of the world, how many of them exist, what they are, why the word “miracle” is used in relation to them, what significance these objects have for world history and culture - we will try to answer these questions, as well as give a definition , a brief description and provide photographs of those that exist in the 21st century.

Since the time of Ancient Hellas, it has been customary to call a wonder of the world an ancient work of architecture and art, which has no equal in beauty, majestic size, precious decoration and originality.

There were 7 such miracles in the ancient world. Who has not heard about the Eighth Wonder of the World? Probably everything. Can you name him? List them, and you will be convinced that there are only seven of them in our time. Not a single list or table in the textbook contains it. And all because the 8th wonder of the world does not officially exist - this is just an expression designed to evaluate something truly amazing and grandiose, or ... to emphasize the extraordinary curiosity of some phenomenon or incident.

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7 wonders of the world - list

So what's on the list:

  1. - the age is about 4.5 thousand years, daily crowds of tourists visit this sight of Egypt.
  2. - an amazing and unusual gift made by a husband for his beloved wife. Beautiful, green gardens full of exotic plants, birds and animals have grown up among dusty Babylon.
  3. Zeus statue in Olympia- only this miracle was located on the territory of mainland Europe. The Olympic Games have already been held for 300 years, and only then the construction of the majestic and main temple began.
  4. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus- a beautiful building, burned for the sake of "glorification" of the name.
  5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus- has stood in its place for a long time - nineteen centuries.
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes- a huge statue of the sun god worshiped by the people.
  7. Alexandrian lighthouse- not just a lighthouse, but a fortress city, on top of which a fire burned day and night. They brought firewood on mullahs along a winding road inside the building.

Detailed Description of the Seven Wonders

The Pyramid of Cheops

The first wonder of the world is the pyramid of Cheops. The ancient heritage of Egypt is located in the northwestern part of Cairo. The location points to 4 parts of the world and shows the unique accuracy of the structure. The greatest Egyptian wonder of the world was erected for 20 years. About a million slaves were used for its construction, the work of which continued even after the death of Pharaoh Cheops.

The area of ​​the base of the pyramid reaches 53,000 square meters. m, and the height at the end of construction reached 147 m. You can get inside to the tomb of the pharaoh only through one entrance, which is located above the ground at a level of 15.5 m.

It is worth noting: Caliph Abdullah Al-Mamun decided to disturb the chambers of the pharaoh, who made a tunnel into the pyramid with the intention of profit, and as a result did not find any treasures.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The second wonder of the world is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They present a chic gift from Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian ruler, for his beloved wife. Subsequently, the wealth and splendor of the city was destroyed by a flood. Structures and buildings where gardens grew are washed out and broken under the influence of a powerful water flow.

Landmark misleads contemporaries about its location. Many archaeologists have made repeated attempts to find traces of the most ancient phenomenon.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The third wonder of the world - the majestic Zeus was a masterpiece of jewelers. The author is the great master of that time - Phidias. The wonders of the world described on Wikipedia say that the author spent about 10 years creating his creation. Until now, the dimensions of the statue have not been precisely determined, it is believed that the approximate height was 12-18 m.

The pedestal for the throne was impressive in size; fragments from the Olympic Games and the life of the gods served as its decoration. On it sat a thunderer naked to the waist, supported at his feet by two lions. On the body is a golden cloak with images of animals and plants. There is a wreath on his head, the Thunderer holds a scepter in one hand, and a golden statue of the goddess of Victory in the other.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The fourth wonder of the world is the temple of Artemis of Ephesus. The ancient pilgrimage center is located in Turkey. It was built by the Amazons, who were considered the founders of the city. Soon the city was burned by Herostratus. In the 6th century, the project of new construction under the leadership of Khersifron provided for white marble columns.

Its construction lasted 120 years and took place according to the same project, with a preliminary collection Money and jewels of the townspeople.

Good to know: on the day of the temple fire, Alexander III the Great was born, and the phrase "Gerostrat's glory" turned into a symbol of a bad deed.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The ruler Mausolus built his tomb under personal supervision. The three-level mausoleum towered 46 meters. The lower level was lined with marble. It contained the tomb of the king. The next level featured a colonnade supporting the roof, creating a pyramidal shape.

The top was personified by the figures of King Mausolus with Artemisia, who are in a chariot with 4 horses.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The sixth wonder of the world is the Colossus of Rhodes. The islanders of Rhodes erected a monument to their patron Helios in gratitude for the victory against the invaders. The monument is the personification of freedom and independence of the inhabitants of the island. The statue has been under construction for 12 years. According to numerous descriptions of contemporaries, the Colossus was located on an embankment, which was a kind of gate to the city. In one hand the young man held the blazing fire of Helios.

The height of the statue reached 36 m. The retaining pillars of the structure's structure proved to be unreliable and after only 65 years collapsed as a result of an earthquake. The statue of the colossus of Rhodes is a wonder of the world that lasted less than all the others.

It is worth noting: fragile structures later became known as the term "Colossus with feet of clay."

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seventh wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The tower got its name from the city of the same name, located near the island of Pharos. The lighthouse performed its immediate role, illuminating the path of ships that got lost to the shore at night. The designer of the gigantic structure of 140 meters was Sostratus of Knidos.

Consisting of several tiers, the lighthouse served as housing for sailors and port workers. At the top of the octagonal tower was a source of light - a large fire. The unique creation served until the 15th century, when an earthquake completely destroyed it.

Note: the second name of the lighthouse is Zeus the Savior.

Who first described the 7 wonders of the world

The founder of the work "On the Seven Wonders of the World" was Philo of Byzantium. His short essay on 12 pages consists of eyewitness accounts of unique buildings.

Philo of Byzantium did not see any of the miracles described with his own eyes, and wrote about them according to the stories of others.

Information about the life and work of the great engineer and poet consists of small facts that are famous for their great discoveries. The wonders of the world were described by many talented authors: Herodotus, Strabo, Pausanias, Sequester, Cassiodorus and others. However, they did not have a single idea and uniquely defined unique monuments.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The well-known wonders of the world that have entered our lives are the wonders of the ancient world. Why are there not five or six wonders of the world ... namely 7?

"7" is a number associated with the sacred god Apollo, signifying completeness and perfection in the view of the ancient civilization.

Compiles a list of venerable rulers of the ancient age. Based on their significance, grandiose monuments of that time were created.

Each monument from the list is the embodiment of architectural art. From the beginning of the Hellenic era, writings about unique monuments were distributed on papyri by Greek authors. They were widely studied at school and were a teaching aid.

How many wonders of the world have survived to this day

Only one pyramid of Cheops has been completely preserved to our time. The Egyptian miracle of antiquity still keeps the secrets of the great ancestors. At the moment, this is the largest architectural construction of stone, reaching 137 m. During its existence, it has decreased by almost 10 m.

Architectural sights that are of interest to many researchers in the world and make up the wonders of the world of the ancient world, have been partially preserved or in the form of a copy:

  • The lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed by an earthquake and could not be restored. To date, only the fortress has survived.
  • A copy of Zeus is exhibited in the Hermitage. This is the tallest antique sculpture of our time with a height of 3.5 m.
  • Having existed for 19 centuries, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus was destroyed by an earthquake. The tombs of Artemisia and Mausolus are in the British Museum.
  • During 18 years of excavations, only the German historian Robert Koldewey managed to discover the gardens of Babylon. Buildings of Ancient Babylon and structures surrounding gardens have been found.

Seven wonders of the world of our time

On July 7, 2007, a list of 7 wonders of the world of our time was compiled. We will give a description and present a photo of each object that was included in the list, which was called the UNESCO World Heritage List.

the great Wall of China

The construction of the greatest defensive structure began in the 3rd century BC, and now it still harbors many legends. During the construction, the main goals were pursued: protecting the territory from the Mongol invasion and creating a guarantee for the protection of one state from another. Inappropriate attention to the great structure gradually destroyed it in some places. Since the end of the twentieth century, a large-scale restoration of architecture began.

1997 was marked by the inclusion in the status of a miracle modern world. The architectural structure stretches for almost 9 thousand km, has a height of 6 to 10 meters.

Do you know that: the construction of the wall resulted in tens of thousands of deaths due to hard labor and epidemics.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The famous symbol of the Brazilian people is located at the very top of Mount Corcovado. Towering over the city with outstretched arms, Christ the Redeemer, with his 38-meter height, seems to embrace all the inhabitants of the metropolis, and at the same time greets guests from afar.

The construction of the monument is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of independence. Funds for the construction were collected by all the inhabitants of the country. The detailed production of the statue took place in France.

Taj Mahal

The pinnacle of the Mongolian architectural style is the snow-white palace, located on the banks of the Jamna. Construction was carried out for two decades, it was built by the middle of the 17th century.

The mausoleum contains the tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, a descendant of Tamerlane. The presence of four minarets along the edges of the palace helps protect the tombs from tremors and destruction.


The largest amphitheater of the ancient era can accommodate more than 50 thousand people. The beginning of construction during the Flavian dynasty lasted 8 years. In the 8th century, due to its impressive size, it began to be called.

At the beginning of its existence, gladiators practiced their art in the arena of the amphitheater. After the looting by the barbarians and the earthquake of the 14th century, the Colosseum was literally pulled apart brick by brick. Only since the 18th century, the building has been taken under protection as an important architectural mega-object.

Machu Picchu

So called the city in the sky, which is located at an altitude of about 2500 m above the sea. Previously, it was the residence of the emperor. The almost untouched ancient city architecture did not suffer from the attacks of the Spanish conquerors.

The clear structure of the city delights with its architectural design. However, little is known about the urban population and the city.


Jordanian Petra is a city in the rock, located above the sea at a level of 900 meters. The road to it is laid through a natural gorge, which acts as city walls.

The surviving ruins of houses built with the traditional stone method stretch for kilometers. Ad-Deir is a 45-meter monastery carved into the rock. The main attraction - the El-Khazneh mausoleum - still keeps the legend of countless treasures. Previously, the city served as a trade route, connecting Damascus and the Red Sea regions.

Note: adventure film by Indiana Jones filmed in Petra.

Chichen Itza

Mexico is famous for the legendary city called, reminiscent of the consonance of legumes, loved by the way the locals. Chichen Itza - the Mayan civilization, has a 24-meter pyramid Temple of Kukulkan, which has 365 steps.

How many days in a year, so many steps. The natural well located is Sacred Cenote. Its depth is "deadly" - 50 m. Previously, it served for the ritual of sacrifice. It is known that living people were dumped into the cenote. Now tourists swim in it.

The change of civilizations leaves behind a grandiose heritage of architecture, which has partially been preserved to this day. To the question - how many wonders of the world are in the world and which ones, now you can definitely answer. The emergence of new wonders is evidence that there are still many mysterious places in the world to study and recognize their significance for all mankind.

We bring to your attention an interesting film about the seven wonders of the world of the ancient world: