How to sleep on an airplane: tips. How to fall asleep on an airplane: effective methods, review of drugs, reviews Prepare a travel kit for sleep

More and more travelers around the world are exposing themselves to the stress and inconvenience of long flights, connecting flights and waiting at airports. Such trips are quite tiring, and often you really want to sleep ...

Sleeping on an airplane is perhaps the best solution to this problem. We are not talking about one and a half - two hour flights, everything is clear with this. And if you fly to Thailand or Cuba? For 12 hours of flight you will get so tired that the next day of vacation is gone completely. Of course, sleep on an airplane is not as deep as usual, and you will probably not be relaxed and energized by the time you arrive at your destination, however, even the most nap can give your body a little rest and gain energy for further travel. But how to sleep on an airplane so that sleep is most effective? We will try to give you some advice in this regard.

To sleep comfortably on an airplane, the most important issue will be the choice of a seat. Of course, if you are flying in first or business class, the question disappears by itself, since the seats are laid out in a horizontal position. In economy class, problems can arise, there are not so many places where you can stretch your legs and lean back.

Many airlines offer a choice of seats on the plane when booking tickets, this option is also available during online check-in for a flight. Do not neglect it, depending on your preferences, you should choose a place that is the most favorable for relaxation. It is best to sleep sitting by the window, because it gives you the opportunity to lean your head against the wall of the plane, and no one will disturb you if, for example, going to the toilet, etc. If you are tall, on the contrary, it is better to think about an aisle seat, otherwise the window space will not be enough for your legs.

Most places where there is space to stretch your legs are located at the exits or near the toilet. Choose the first option, because in the second case you will have to put up with a constant queue and a crowd of passengers. This, perhaps, is all that we can do with the choice of location, but we are unlikely to succeed in choosing quiet and miniature neighbors, this is still a matter of chance.

If you are going to have a good sleep on an airplane, then you need to prepare for the flight in advance. Before landing, it is not recommended to drink coffee and alcohol, eat heavy food. It is better to drink water, and you can also take care of additional skin hydration, because during the flight the body is dehydrated, and dry skin causes discomfort.

You need to dress comfortably, the best solution would be a sports suit and shoes. Please note that it can get cold on the plane, so bring a warm sweatshirt or sweater with you and put on warm socks. Most airlines provide blankets and pillows for international flights, so you don't have to worry about extra luggage. Many aircraft flying long distances also have an adjustable headrest so that the head is fixed during sleep. But it is better to take a blindfold and earplugs with you.

To relax while sleeping on an airplane and not worry about valuables, try to check everything in luggage as much as possible. Download your favorite music to your player or phone and fall asleep. Also, don't forget to ask the flight attendant not to wake you up during meals, etc. In order to avoid pain in the neck, spine and limbs, it is worth doing simple exercises every time you wake up.

Thus, if you are well prepared, you can sleep on the plane even during long-haul flights. Remember that even the slightest rest during a tiring journey will allow us to get to our destination in a better mood, and also, for example, will facilitate the route from the airport to the hotel.

Celebrities like to tease the public with photos from private jets: comfortable chairs, pillows, blankets, enough space to sit comfortably - even the longest flight in such conditions turns into pure pleasure. Ordinary passengers rarely have access to such a luxury, so they have to huddle in a limited space, surrounded by dozens of annoying neighbors, trying to ignore the noise and anxiety.

It would seem that sleep is out of the question: most people cannot fall asleep in an upright position, and low level oxygen and humidity do not affect well-being in the best way. But somnologists are sure: by following a few simple rules, you can not only relax on the plane, but also find yourself in the arms of Morpheus.

1. Horizontal position

The best position for sleeping on an airplane is the one that is most comfortable for each individual person, but there is also universal advice: you should try to take a position that is as close to horizontal as possible. For example, lower the back of the chair, and if this is not possible, stretch your legs as far as possible.

What are the planes talking about? An honest interview with the one who fixes them:

2. Hard pillow

A good neck pillow should securely support the head, preventing it from tilting to the sides: one careless movement can provoke muscle spasm, narrow Airways and make breathing difficult.

Some choose softer pillows, but in vain: although they seem comfortable, they cannot keep their heads upright.

3. No sleeping pills

Impressive passengers, especially those suffering from aerophobia, sometimes prefer to play it safe and take sleeping pills: barboval, sondox, or another over-the-counter drug. But such measures are justified only if there is a really long way to go: from 8 or more hours in the air. Otherwise, the sleeping pill will continue to act, even when the flight is over, drowsiness and dizziness will haunt even after descending from the ladder. And in general, it is better to maintain clarity of mind on an airplane.

4. Activity the day before

Before a long flight, you should spend the day actively: move a lot, give food for the brain, and most importantly, avoid caffeinated drinks and resist the temptation to take a little nap. Entering the plane as tired as possible, the passenger, willy-nilly, relaxes in the chair and perceives the flight as an opportunity to finally relax.

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5. Noise protection

Airplanes are really very, very noisy: during takeoff, the ears are loaded with 105 decibels, which is comparable to the howl of a siren, and during the flight the level drops to 85 decibels, comparable to the volume of a vacuum cleaner. Those who plan to sleep or just relax cannot do without noise-canceling headphones or regular earplugs - wax, silicone or polyurethane.

6. Breathing exercises

Even if there is no history of aerophobia, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid anxiety and stress before the flight: waiting for a flight, check-in and other procedures inevitably set you in an alarming mood. Elementary breathing exercises will help to relax the body and clear the head of unnecessary thoughts.

Before takeoff, you can take 10 deep breaths, during takeoff - 10 breaths through your mouth with exhalation through your nose, in flight for at least 5 minutes breathe in your stomach, inflating it like a balloon while holding your breath, counting to 7 and exhaling slowly. In this case, the back should be straight, and the head should lie comfortably on the headrest.

People who can easily fall asleep on an airplane are the lucky ones. Unfortunately, most passengers are not even able to doze off, not only because of the awkward position, but also surrounded by strangers. If you're facing the same problem, try some tips from experienced travelers. It is possible that this time you will be able to fly to your destination well rested.

Choose night time

If possible, take an overnight flight. On the day of your flight, wake up a few hours earlier than usual to help you fall asleep faster on board.

Travel Tuesday and Wednesday

If you do not want to fly in the company a large number noisy passengers who take up all the free space, choose unpopular days. For most airlines, this is Tuesday and Wednesday. The busiest days are usually the days before holidays and Fridays.

Choose a window seat

Try to always choose a place that allows you to lean your head against the wall and not worry about a neighbor who decides to recover in the bathroom.

Do not choose a place near the wall of the compartment. Of course, there is more space, but these places are also preferred by families with babies, whose neighborhood is unlikely to allow you to sleep. A place near the toilet is also not the best option.

Lower the seatback to the maximum

If you want to have a good rest, lower the seat back as far as possible. Of course, it is worth making sure that the person sitting behind you does not mind. If you sit even for one hour at a right angle, it can cause back pain, not to mention long flights. On the other hand, if you sleep with your head on the table or the back of the front seat, it will be bad for your neck and spine.

Warm and comfortable clothing

For a sound sleep on board, wear loose-fitting clothing. If the plane does not provide blankets, bring a warm sweater and socks with you. It is often cold in the cabin, which can interfere with your sleep.

It is better to fasten the seat belt over clothing

This will not make your sleep more comfortable, but in case of turbulence, the flight attendants will not wake you up to make sure you are safe.

Sleep accessories

Light and noise are the main factors that can interfere with your sleep. Therefore, use blindfolds and headphones. In order not to strain your head and neck, use a special pillow, or, alternatively, a rolled scarf.

Put your gadgets away

You should not start watching movies on your phone, because the blue light from the screen wakes up the brain. Take a paper book, and preferably a boring one, in order to fall asleep faster. You can also use an audio file with soothing sounds (birdsong, rain).

Food and drink

If you want to sleep soundly, don't overeat on board. Choose light and healthy food. From drinks it is better to drink tea, for example, herbal, or plain water. Forget about coffee or alcohol: alcohol can calm you down, but it will affect the quality of your sleep.

If you like to cross your legs while sitting, give up this habit. This position interferes with normal blood circulation in the legs and does not allow the body to relax. It is best when they are straight and only slightly bent at the knees. Increase the angle of the bend when this pose begins to bother, and after a while, straighten your legs back.

2. Move the seat back

Prolonged sitting with a straight back creates a load on the lower back. To lower it, tilt the chair back and lie on your back. Alternatively, you can purchase a lumbar pillow and take it with you on flights.

3. Choose a window seat

If possible, choose a window seat to have the side of the plane at your side. In this case, you will have one more comfortable position for sleeping in stock: you can rest, leaning to one side, without disturbing your neighbor. If you didn’t get a seat in advance and you didn’t get a seat by the window, ask the flight attendant if it’s possible to transfer to another seat.

4. Avoid contact with displays before bed

Try not to use the screens of your gadgets for an hour before bedtime, be it tablets, laptops or smartphones. The light they emit suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

5. Put unnecessary things on the shelf

Put clothes, bags and other unnecessary things in the luggage rack. If you leave one of them with you, you will have to put it next to a chair or hold it in your hands. Such objects will certainly create discomfort during sleep.

6. Watch your diet

Do not eat within two hours before bed. And don't overeat on the day of the flight. Filling your stomach with more food will force your heart to work harder to support digestion. This will prevent you from relaxing.

7. Comfortable clothes

During a long flight, you are unlikely to be comfortable sitting in tight jeans. Put on, for example, soft, not tight pants - they will be much more comfortable. Consider in advance what your clothes are best for the plane.

8. Bring your sleeping supplies

During the flight, you may need earplugs, a pillow and an eye mask. The absence of light and unwanted sounds is what you need for a sound sleep, as well as increased convenience. You can also take a small blanket with you if you like to cover your legs.

9. Try to sleep less before your flight

Alternatively, you can limit your sleep the night before your flight. Having exhausted yourself, you will sleep like a baby on the plane. But if the flight will be short, then it is better not to bother yourself with this trick. Otherwise, you will not have time to restore strength and after landing you will feel tired.

10. Take sleeping pills

If there is a long flight ahead and nothing helps with insomnia, the last option left is to take sleeping pills. For such situations, preparations based on melatonin are suitable. But before choosing a sleeping pill, be sure to consult a doctor.

No one wants to spend the first 36 hours of their vacation recovering from a flight. Therefore, you should choose the time and try to get some sleep during a long flight.

But given the noise on the plane, the lack of legroom and the large number of people on board, knowing how to sleep on the plane is becoming an invaluable skill for travelers.

The tips in this article on how to fall asleep on an airplane will help not only beginners, but also experienced travelers to get enough sleep during the flight.


To fall asleep during a flight, you should think about what people who sleep do not like. They don't like everything. So you should make your flight as convenient as possible even at the booking stage.

It is better to choose a non-stop flight if possible, and also prefer overnight flights, and ideally on the most unpopular day to fly, to increase the likelihood of seat selection.

Location selection

Seat location can be one of the most important factors in how well and how quickly a passenger can fall asleep on an airplane. If possible, choose a window seat so that you can lean against the wall and keep your elbows off the drink serving tables. The location should also be as far away from service areas and restrooms as possible. Among the reasons why first class sits at the front of the plane is the atmosphere. The farther away the seat is on the plane, the louder the ride becomes.

Also, you should think twice about the seats near the emergency exit. While the extra legroom can be nice, some seats in this row don't recline so they won't be a hindrance in case of an emergency.

Another area to avoid when thinking about how to sleep on an airplane is the last row of seats. Again, they may not recline and are often located right next to restrooms, where both noise and odor can be a problem.

In most aircraft, the engines are located under the wings. Sitting in front of the wing is like being behind a speaker. All engine sounds will be heard.

However, choosing a seat away from the wings may not help if you sit next to a crying baby or a chatty neighbor, but if fellow travelers turn out to be quiet, it may be a chance to sleep through the entire flight.

There is less movement in the middle because passengers are closer to the center of gravity. The farther the place is from the middle, the more movement, similar to turbulence, will be felt.

Reduce hand luggage

Carrying two full-sized bags in your carry-on could put one of them under your feet, limiting their space and making it difficult to sleep. Instead, you should pack everything in one bag with a few essentials at the top - a book or magazine, a snack. Before you stow the bag in the top compartment, you can take out important items that you will need during the flight and put them in the backrest pocket of the seat in front.

Reclining the back of the chair

The tilt of the back will help relieve pressure on the lower spine. With less pressure on your back, it will be easier to fall asleep.

The second best position is to sit up straight. But if the abdominal muscles are not strong, then there will be no lumbar support and this can lead to lower back pain. The solution in this case is a special pillow that helps maintain this curve in the lower back. You can use a travel pillow or even a folded sweater.

The worst thing you can do when deciding how to fall asleep on an airplane is to fall asleep leaning forward without any back support. In this position, there is the greatest pressure on the vertebral discs.

Use your headphones properly

Television and movies will help keep you awake during the entire flight and will interfere with falling asleep. On the other hand, listening to soothing music can help distract you and help you fall asleep. Earplugs are a less effective but cheaper alternative.

Stay away from the light

Animated movie screen flashes, reading lights, interior lights, sunlight, breaking through the porthole - all this can disrupt sleep. Another tip on how to fall asleep on an airplane is to get a sleep mask over your eyes. Some airlines provide them, but it's best to have one in your travel kit.

Don't eat too much

It is better to try not to eat 2 hours before the intended sleep. You also need to watch what you eat: overeating or fatty foods can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall asleep on an airplane. Eating a large amount of fatty foods, in addition, can lead to changes that are associated with faster blood clotting, which should be avoided while on a long flight.

Airplane sleep medication

There are also drugs that can help you fall asleep even in the most difficult conditions. You should take pills to fall asleep on an airplane only after consulting a doctor:

  • Melatonin. It is a substance found in nature. It is a hormone that induces sleep. The level of melatonin in the human body decreases with age. This is why older people often sleep less. You should start taking melatonin three days before your trip.

    Melatonin helps induce sleep and set the internal clock. A study by British Aesculapians found that melatonin reduces the problems caused by jet lag. Also, when taking it, there are no serious side effects to worry about.

    Numerous reviews of drugs containing melatonin indicate that they are the best helpers when flying over long distances, giving you the opportunity to sleep at any convenient time. Also, taking melatonin is not addictive, and when arriving at a destination, travelers manage to quickly adapt to the local time.

  • "Dramin". This motion sickness medicine is a fairly common over-the-counter drug. But you should be careful, because it makes a person very drowsy, so after using Dramina, you should not drive a car. Some users advise: if the flight is not very long, and upon arrival you need to be in good shape, then this drug should be avoided. To avoid feeling sluggish, sleep experts recommend administering this medication a week or two before your flight. This way the body will get used to it and the person will know and anticipate any side effects.
  • Sedatives such as valerian, Motherwort Forte, Novopassit. These drugs are readily available and can help those who are worried about how to fall asleep on an airplane if they are afraid. Feeling anxious when boarding an airplane is not uncommon. Studies have shown that every third Russian is afraid of flying. With a sedative effect, these drugs will become the best way out for those passengers who want to relax and sleep through the whole flight. Numerous reviews testify to this.
  • Tylenol and others antihistamines. Tylenol is also used to help you fall asleep on an airplane. However, it can make a person feel hungover after waking up. Reviews about the drug "Tylenol" are excellent - it is an effective pain reliever due to the action of paracetamol.

Count timezones

Crossing several time zones, you should seriously think about sleep during the flight. Any flight that passes through more than 4 time zones will affect the body's circadian rhythms. As a result of jet lag, the human body struggles to adjust to the new local time. This usually happens at the rate of about one hour a day, so it can feel out of sync for a while.

Scientists from National Institute The general medical sciences that study circadian rhythms have found that they are one of the oldest evolutionary traits in mammals. In addition to the sleep cycle, an abnormal circadian rhythm affects metabolism, body temperature, hormone release, mood, thirst, and appetite.

When it's time to wake up...

The worst part of sleep is the need to wake up. On long flights, you should set your alarm 45 minutes before landing. This will give you time to go to the toilet, pack, put on your shoes, watch as you approach your destination, have a cup of coffee, and get off the plane refreshed and well-rested.