Information about the transportation of a disabled person. Is a parking permit for a disabled person valid in the Moscow region

Agricultural land in Russia includes territories that do not belong to residential settlements, they are provided by the state for the development of agriculture, which include:

Also, separately in the structure of lands of agricultural importance, the law includes scientific, educational activities, the creation of protective plantations, but taking into account agricultural production. Precise definition, which means the concept in question, is given in the Land Code of the Russian Federation in article No. 77.

Article 77 RF LC. The concept and composition of agricultural land

    Agricultural lands are recognized as lands located outside the boundaries of a settlement and provided for the needs of agriculture, as well as intended for these purposes.

    Agricultural land includes agricultural land, land occupied by on-farm roads, communications, forest plantations designed to protect land from negative impacts, water bodies (including ponds formed by water-retaining structures on watercourses and used for the purpose of pond aquaculture) , as well as buildings, structures used for the production, storage and primary processing of agricultural products.

This document regulates all relations that are carried out with the specified category of land.

In terms of soil quality and landscape characteristics, this type of land is considered heterogeneous. When separating, it is important to take into account natural conditions, including climatic, remoteness from infrastructure facilities, etc. These characteristics divide the land into:

  • farmland;
  • land occupied by production facilities and agricultural infrastructure facilities;
  • lands occupied by tree and shrub vegetation, closed reservoirs.

Agricultural land is used for growing various plants, grazing, fodder preparations. These include arable land, gardens, meadows, hayfields, pastures. A separate category of land is made up of reindeer pastures, which have an independent legal regime and are subject to special protection. The lands also include fallow lands.

We talked about what agricultural land is and what types of permitted uses they are divided into.

Features of this category

The main feature is that agricultural land is used not only for the development of agricultural production, but also for various other purposes. For example, to create protective forest plantations, for scientific and research purposes, to create horticultural partnerships and other societies. It is also acceptable to use them for commercial purposes and for housing construction.

Land can also be used for the construction of roads, power lines, oil pipelines only if such land is approved. Agricultural lands where there are arable lands, hayfields, pastures, orchards and vineyards have a special status, are subject to protection and have priority in use.

Minimum lot size

Separately, we can say about the minimum areas. Each region has its own minimum. But there are also averages. For grain crops, it should be at least 300 hectares, for other purposes - from one hectare.

On limiting the turnover of agricultural land

There are many restrictions associated with the turnover of agricultural land. They are established by Federal Law No. 101, which strictly controls the sale of land. Restrictions include:

  • Turnover is not allowed if the intended and effective use of the specified category of land is not ensured.
  • Turnover is not allowed with a strong crushing of land for the use of private owners.
  • It is forbidden to use lands located in protected areas.
  • The ban also applies to lands that have a special public significance.
  • Land is not issued if it is intended to be used for purposes other than agriculture.

About use by foreign citizens in the Russian Federation

It is believed that foreigners and stateless persons are given equal rights to land. The exception is the right to land ownership.

Therefore, according to the law “On the turnover of agricultural land”, foreign citizens can only rent this category.

What are the problems of agricultural land?

Today, agricultural land is often empty. Despite the fact that in some regions of our country they are given on very attractive terms, there are no more people who want to develop farming. Another problem is the poor protection of such lands, the abandonment of these territories.

What is reclamation?

Agricultural reclamation involves the restoration of areas that are considered biologically productive, that is, they allow growing the necessary crops on them.

Reclamation refers to a number of different works related to the restoration of lands and water bodies, which, after human impact, have lost their former productivity. The main goal of reclamation is to make the environment better, and land and water bodies more fertile and environmentally friendly.

What is the reclamation of agricultural land and how to draw up a project is described in more detail.

redistribution fund

State control and accounting of such lands is possible thanks to. It was created in order to take into account the land and subsidiary farms, to expand opportunities for agricultural purposes, the development of horticulture, animal husbandry, gardening and haymaking. Thanks to the Foundation, it is possible to avoid a large number ownerless but fertile land. How lands enter the Fund:

  1. in case of voluntary abandonment of the land by its owner;
  2. in case of refusal to inherit this land, or in the absence of heirs or deprivation of the right to inherit for legal reasons;
  3. if there are legitimate reasons to deprive the land and transfer it to the state.

Information about the availability of land in the land redistribution fund is publicly available, you can find out about it on special resources or in municipal authorities.

Cadastral registration

Cadastral registration of land plots - provides for their inclusion in the Unified State Register of Lands, as a result of which each land plot receives individual characteristics. In order for a farmer to receive the specified land, for example, for rent, he needs to allocate it from the entire land mass and put it on the state cadastral register as an independent land plot.

Such a right can be registered by departments of the Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography.

Legislative regulation

Among the laws are many acts. Among them:

Legal regime

The legal regime of all lands, including agricultural land, is determined by their category and type of permitted use, determined on the basis of zoning of territories.

Agricultural land is different from agricultural land. The latter have the opportunity to refer to other categories, but at the same time include land. The agricultural land is directed only to the cultivation of products.

Transfer to another type of ownership

Categories of land can be translated into another form. But there are also a number of limitations. The change is permissible if the land is mothballed, it must be transferred to the category of land protected by the state. If the boundaries of the settlement change, if it is planned to build a road, if it is necessary to extract minerals from them or place social facilities on the territory - hospitals, orphanages, etc.

It is forbidden to transfer to another category for especially valuable productive agricultural land. To change the category, the owner must send a petition to the local administration and conduct a state environmental review.

You can read about the features of the transfer of agricultural land to another category and how it is carried out.


Misuse includes various types of infringement. For example, agricultural land is used for personal buildings, or roads are being built on a protected area and a farm is being built. Often there is this type of violation: the land is leased for research purposes, and in fact structures are built on it for the purpose of obtaining personal gain.

May be related to various types punishments. Depending on their severity, liability may arise:

  1. civil law;
  2. disciplinary;
  3. administrative;
  4. criminal.

By the way, a criminal offense occurs only if the land was damaged, and this led to damage to the environment and harmed people's health.

You will find information about what liability threatens for violating the rules for using such sites and tips on how to avoid fines.

Use of agricultural land

There are several categories:

  • For livestock.
  • For agricultural production.

Agricultural land for summer cottage construction and farming is used by farmers and gardeners. On them, it is permissible to erect a country house, buildings for growing various crops, greenhouses, sheds, etc.

Agricultural land for gardening. On such lands it is permissible to build outbuildings: garages, greenhouses, garden houses, sheds. However, this category of land is not suitable for building a house for permanent residence.

Changing the view

In total, there are two methods of transferring land plots:

  • change of the current category;
  • procedure for changing the species (without withdrawing from the current category).

Lands that are considered specially protected areas are not subject to change.

To change, you must submit a special application, which will be considered by the municipal authorities. After submitting the required package of documents, a decision will be made.

You can also participate in hearings regarding the revision of permitted uses. They invite people who live or own property in the immediate vicinity of the site. After the hearings, the commission draws up a protocol and makes its recommendations. The protocol is sent to the administration, where the decision is made.

You will find a step-by-step procedure for changing the type of permitted use of agricultural land.

What can be built here?

Among the permitted buildings are all those used for the development of agriculture. These can be cowsheds, pig farms, timber industries, sawmills. It is allowed to build sheds, utility rooms, road construction.

Before starting construction on lands with such a purpose, it is necessary to register the land plot as a property. Then it is possible to erect private buildings there, cottages and houses for personal use, but there is no talk of houses as such for permanent residence.

You can find out more about whether it is possible to build a house on an agricultural plot, and about which constructions are allowed and which are prohibited, is described in.

About the possibility of renting

The land can be leased from the municipality without bidding if it is claimed by the farm. To do this, you must contact the local authority and apply for the transfer of land for rent. At the same time, the rent cannot exceed 0.3 percent of the established cadastral value for the plot.

About how you can rent agricultural land from a private person or from the state, it is written in.

Features of the lease agreement

There are several nuances:

  1. cannot change the type of permitted use of the land plot.
  2. The obligation to register the land plot for cadastral registration and to draw up documents rests with the applicant.
  3. To draw up a contract, you need to obtain special permission from representatives of the municipal government.
  4. No mandatory notarization is required.
  5. The contract is required to prescribe the technical data of the leased area, its location and other characteristics.
  6. Individuals, organizations, and the state can act as a lessor.
  7. By the way, not all agricultural land is available for privatization. The ban applies to areas that are already in the ownership of the state or authorities, if they are occupied by reindeer pastures, if they are located in the Far North.


    Does not depend on the results of economic activities of landowners and land users. The tax base for determining the land tax is the area of ​​the specified plot. The tax rate on such land should not exceed 0.3 percent.

    If the owner owns such a land plot and leases it out, he can calculate the land tax at reduced tax rates. In other cases, land plots are taxed by the owner at a rate not exceeding 1.5%.

    Agricultural land can be used for various purposes related to the development of agriculture. This category has special legal forms, which carries a number of features related to the lease, tax rate and legal status of land.

The entire territory that makes up our country is divided into. This division is enshrined at the legislative level and is regulated by the Land Code. Russian Federation.

This is done to establish control over the targeted use of land. Allocate . The most common category of land- Agricultural land.

Agricultural lands are in second place in terms of area among all categories, second only to the lands of the forest fund.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, they occupy approximately 386 million hectares. For comparison, the area is approximately 20 million hectares.

Agricultural lands are under special control of the state.

They are valuable resource and source of food.

Therefore, it is important to use the land for its intended purpose, to prevent its littering and pollution, deterioration of the soil condition, and the impact of harmful factors on it.

Composition of agricultural land


These include areas for sowing and growing various agro-industrial crops, as well as for grazing animals.

farmland- these are the most fertile territories that provide the country with crops, therefore they have a priority status and are under state protection. Agricultural lands are under special control:

  • with artificial irrigation
  • in use by research institutes of any level,
  • with a high cadastral value (10% above average).

Depending on the functions performed land is divided into:

  • arable land,
  • haymaking,
  • pastures, etc.

Arable lands are among the most fertile lands endowed with mineral resources.

arable land- This is a type of land that is annually processed and grown on it with various crops.

hayfields used only for making hay for the winter. Sowing and harvesting on such lands is not carried out. Although there are artificial hayfields.

pastures also usually not sown or processed. Used only for grazing livestock.

You can select and different types farmland:

  • Low quality,
  • average quality,
  • High Quality.

It is permissible to build on agricultural land only those buildings and structures that are necessary for the implementation of agricultural activities. Construction of residential or industrial facilities in such areas is prohibited.

Under on-farm roads and communications

These include roads for access and maintenance agricultural land. They must comply with certain standards specified in SNiP 2.05.11-83.

On-farm roads, depending on their purpose, can be the following types:

  • connecting agricultural facilities to each other (I category of roads),
  • connecting agricultural facilities with main roads (II category of roads),
  • field auxiliary roads for servicing individual lands and their parts (III category of roads).

On-farm roads should occupy the minimum possible area.

They include:

  • directly the lane for placing the roadway,
  • drainage ditches,
  • a safety strip of 1 meter on each side of the road.

Planted with trees and shrubs

These are lands planted with trees and shrubs for protection. environment from the influence of negative factors.

Protective forest belts are created:

  • in horticultural and summer cottages,
  • around the fields
  • along roads and railways.

Cutting and renewal of plants takes place only in agreement with local authorities.

With water objects

Territories with closed water bodies are included in the category of agricultural land only if if they are within the borders of these lands. At the same time, lakes or ponds can be used both for breeding fish and for watering nearby areas. Such objects are divided into two types:

  • reservoirs of artificial origin,
  • reservoirs of natural origin.

Occupied by agricultural buildings

Auxiliary buildings are necessary for the effective implementation of agricultural activities.

They are not residential and are intended for storage and primary processing grown products. For these purposes, the least fertile areas are allocated.

In addition to this criterion, there is a second, very important - logistics. The location of the buildings must be accessible to a specific pool of surrounding cultivated land.

Use of agricultural land

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, agricultural land can be used for the following purposes:

  1. implementation of agricultural activities by enterprises,
  2. creation of private or farm enterprises,
  3. cultivation of vegetables, fruit crops,
  4. creation ,
  5. raising and breeding animals and fish,
  6. research activity.

Important! Since 2015, a classifier of types of permitted land use (VRI) has been used in our country. The document clearly and in detail indicates the types of permitted targeted use of each category, including agricultural land.

Prior to its entry into force, these issues were dealt with by local governments of each individual subject. You can find out more about the VRI classifier.

Farmland Features

Farmland has a number of features compared to other types of agricultural land. They are enshrined in law (Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

  1. The most fertile lands are under the protection of the state, as they are its national treasure and the most important resource.
  2. Such lands can be used only for their intended purpose, that is, for the implementation of agricultural activities. Misuse is punishable by law.
  3. Agricultural land with a high level is not subject to transfer to other categories of land
  4. The construction of any kind of buildings in the territories protected by the state is prohibited.

In exceptional cases, in agreement with regional authorities, agricultural land with poorer soil quality and low cadastral value may be assigned to another category of land.

Among other things, the law requirements for persons using agricultural land:

  • sites must be developed within 2 years,
  • in carrying out its activities to maintain soil fertility,
  • if necessary, provide the authorities with information about the chemicals used.

redistribution fund

The Land Redistribution Fund is a single database of agricultural plots that have temporarily fallen out of circulation, that is, not used for their intended purpose.

Its main function is formation of a fund of lands and their further transfer to the use of individuals or legal entities under certain conditions.

This is done so that strategically important farmlands do not stand idle, because it is economically unprofitable.

The agricultural plot falls into the distribution fund when following conditions:

  • in case of voluntary refusal of the owner from the site,
  • in the absence of heirs after the death of the owner,
  • forced land acquisition by the state.

Ownership of agricultural land

Get into ownership land with the category of agricultural purpose can be the following subjects:

  • individuals (for farming),
  • legal entities (farmers, agricultural enterprises, country associations, etc.).

At the time of buying farmland owner gets the right:

  • transfer land by inheritance
  • rent,
  • sell,
  • present,
  • pledge.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and companies cannot be owners of agricultural land as well as stateless persons. The legal basis for the transfer of ownership of agricultural land is enshrined in the Federal Law "On the turnover of agricultural land" No. 101.

If the owner sells the agricultural land belonging to him, representatives of the municipal authorities of the subject have priority rights to purchase such plots.


The provision of agricultural land for use, in fact, means the transfer of such land for rent, for use for its intended purpose. At the same time, the allotments remain the property of the state.

To get a plot necessary:

  1. Submit an application to the relevant authority.
  2. Collect a package of documents.
  3. Wait for a decision.
  4. Sign a lease agreement.

The law provides for a number of perks and benefits when transferring agricultural land to certain categories of persons (for example, to small peoples to maintain and preserve their way of life).


The legislation stipulates that the state has the right in certain cases forcibly withdraw agricultural land by the owner.

This decision is taken in court and can be challenged within the appropriate time limit. Main reasons for the withdrawal of agricultural land:

  • the agricultural plot has not been used for its intended purpose for three or more years,
  • the site is used irrationally, which leads to a decrease in soil fertility and a deterioration in the quality of the agricultural plot.

Useful video

Detailed information on the use of agricultural land can be obtained in this video:


Agricultural land is one of the strategically important categories of land protected by the state. They must be used exclusively for its intended purpose. The state has the right to distribute them among users in order to increase their rational use.

Farmland can be transferred to individuals and legal entities for ownership. However, in case of improper care of the sites, the state has the right seize them legally.

In contact with

Attention! From November 1, residents can apply for a resident parking permit for three years. At the same time, at the request of the car owner, it will be possible to get it for a shorter period - for one or two years. Upon receipt of a resident permit with a three-year validity period, the motorist, at his discretion, can pay in full, immediately for the entire period of its validity, or separately for each year. If suddenly the owner pays in installments, and late paid a fee for Last year validity of the permit, the period of validity of the permit will be extended by no more than 14 calendar days.

A resident parking permit entitles you to free parking within the municipal district of Moscow, on the territory of which the resident's residential premises are located, daily from 20.00 to 8.00 for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year at the choice of the applicant.

Who is a resident of paid city parking lots?

The owner of the apartment or its share

Tenant of an apartment or its share under a social tenancy agreement

Tenant of an apartment under a contract of employment

No more than 2 permits per apartment

Who has the right to use the resident
parking permit?

Actual Users:


Permanently registered in the apartment

Tenant under a lease/sublease agreement, duly registered* with temporary registration**

* - In the offices of the Unified State Register of Rights;
- In the Moscow city center for renting housing.
**The validity period of both documents is more than the validity period of the parking permit

Which car can be issued a resident parking permit?

Vehicle registered in accordance with the established procedure individual without debt * on fines.

* Debt - non-payment of a fine within 60 days after the entry into force of the decision in the case of an administrative violation (Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How to renew a resident parking permit?

A resident can apply for a new resident parking permit in advance - no earlier than 2 months before the expiration of the previous one. In this case, the new permission will take effect after the expiration of the previous one.

Draw your attention to! The validity of a parking permit may be suspended if the person for whom the vehicle specified in the request is registered in the prescribed manner has 3 or more arrears in paying fines in the field of traffic and parking fees.

In case of receipt of a notice of a possible suspension, the resident must notify the GKU AMPP in writing on email address: [email protected] on the liquidation of all debts within 10 days. Otherwise, the validity of the parking permit will be suspended until the liquidation of all debts and the expiration of 3 months after the relevant written notification of the GKU AMPP.

Methods for issuing, amending and canceling a resident parking permit

Deadline for registration and amendments- 6 business days

Cancellation period- 1 business day

Applicant's appeal

- portal;
- by email;
- SMS message;

  • (in the interactive form of the portal, the application is drawn up automatically)
  • (in the interactive form of the portal, passport data is filled in automatically)
  • Consent of all owners or tenants under a social tenancy agreement*
  • Documents proving the identity of other owners of residential premises

When issuing a resident permit for an employer's vehicle under a rental agreement

  • Residential lease/sublease agreement registered in accordance with the established procedure**

When owning office space

  • Office tenancy agreement

Vehicle registration certificate

Extract from the house book / unified housing

  • (if the dwelling is serviced by non-state budgetary organizations)

Additional documents when contacting a representative of a resident:

  • Identity document of the representative of the resident
  • A document confirming the authority of the representative of the resident

* When submitting documents through:
MFC - 1) The consent must be certified by an MFC employee in the presence of all owners / tenants (under a social tenancy agreement) and the provision of documents confirming their identity and ownership of the residential premises. 2) The consent must be certified by a notary, in the absence of a personal appearance of other owners of the residential premises at the MFC)
and through . - Consent must be certified by a notary; 2) Consent can be confirmed remotely - if the owner indicated the SNILS numbers of other owners when registering the permit on the portal. An offer to confirm your consent will be sent to your Personal Account on the website

** - In the offices of the Unified State Register of Rights;
- in the Moscow state center housing rental.
- temporary registration of the person to whom the vehicle is registered in accordance with the established procedure must be at least the validity period of the parking permit

Payment of residence fee for 1, 2 or 3 years

Making a resident fee online through a personal account on the site website or through the “Services and Services” section on

When paying in in electronic format the service is activated automatically and starts operating immediately after enrollment Money. In order to pay the residence fee, you need to register with personal account the user of the Moscow parking, where you can always check the period of validity of the parking permit for your vehicle.

Draw your attention to! Payment of a resident fee in the amount of 3,000 rubles, 6,000 rubles. and 9,000 rubles. for 24-hour parking is possible only after obtaining a resident parking permit

Making a resident fee at the bank
    The receipt of payment is provided to the resident in the notification (the receipt contains a unique accrual identifier (UIN).

After the funds are credited, you will be able to check in your personal account on the site the change in the status of the parking permit: “Subscription for round-the-clock free parking”.

If the information on the status has not been updated in your personal account on the 6th business day, you can contact the Moscow Transport service center (Staraya Basmannaya St., 20, building 1, 1905 Goda St., 25, daily from 8.00 until 20.00) with the provision of information on the method of payment (for example: through the Bank of Moscow terminal, with a Sberbank card; through the public services portal of the city of Moscow, when paying, I chose NKO Mobidengi LLC, etc.) and copies of documents confirming the fact of payment (Bank check, extract from bank card account).

There is no possibility of making a resident fee by debiting funds from the parking account

Residence Permit with Benefit Mark

When applying for a residence permit by a citizen of a preferential category, it is necessary to put a “tick” in the appropriate box on the availability of benefits.
If a resident belongs to the privileged category of citizens and owns a share in the property, then the consent of other owners is not required for him.
Other owners of the dwelling are still eligible for a residence permit - no more than 2 per apartment.

The following categories of citizens are eligible to receive a resident parking permit with a mark of benefit:

WWII participants

defense of Moscow

Minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention

Soviet Union*

Russian Federation*

Full Cavaliers
Order of Glory*

Socialist Labor*

Heroes of Labor
Russian Federation*

Full Cavaliers
Order of Labor Glory*

*If a resident belongs to the above categories, then he has the right to issue a preferential resident parking permit - no more than 1 permit per apartment (see the requirements and methods for obtaining a resident permit in the "Residents" section). This resident parking permit entitles you to free 24-hour parking within the entire paid parking zone.

Simplified procedure for installing barriers
in residential areas

In accordance with Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 428-PP dated July 2, 2013 “On the procedure for installing fences in adjacent areas in the city of Moscow”, a simplified procedure for installing barriers has been introduced. If you want to install a barrier to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering your yard, please read. .

Step 1. An initiative group of tenants, selected by the tenants in advance (or the head of the entrance), proposes to install a barrier in the yard and votes among the owners of the yard.
Step 2 Having received the support of at least two-thirds of the total number of votes of the owners, the initiators send an application to the municipality for the installation of a barrier and receive a list of requirements for submitting documents and an installation project, as well as a recommendation to consult with lawyers for the correct execution of documents.
Step 3 After consulting with lawyers, the tenants-initiators (or the head of the entrance) send the finished installation project (the exact layout of the yard with the location of the barrier installation indicated on it, its dimensions, etc.).
Step 4 If all the necessary documentation requirements are met, within 30 days the municipality considers the installation project, and also votes at the meeting. The decision is made by majority vote, then the minutes of the meeting and the result of the vote are sent to the initiators.
Step 5 Responsible tenants (or the head of the entrance) are registered in the minutes of the meeting and undertake to ensure monitoring of the fence and the admission of emergency services to the courtyard 24 hours a day: hiring a watchman, installing video surveillance, etc.
Step 6 The initiative group of residents (or the head of the entrance) receives a conclusion from the municipality and independently collects funds, installs and controls the operation of the barrier.

Large families

Permission large family gives the right to free parking within the entire zone of paid city parking daily, around the clock for up to 3 years

Who can get a large family parking permit?

One of the parents (adoptive parents) in a large family of the city of Moscow, who has a place of residence in the city of Moscow, can issue a parking permit for a vehicle registered for him in the prescribed manner.

One permit for a large family

Which car can be issued a parking permit for a large family?

The permission of a large family is issued for a car without debt * for payment of fines in the field of traffic (Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the FRF) and payment for parking (Article 8.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow), registered in the prescribed manner for one of the parents (adoptive parents).

* Debt - non-payment of a fine within 60 days after the entry into force of the decision in the case of an administrative violation (Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

How to extend the parking permit of a large family?

A parent (adoptive parent) of a large family can apply for a new parking permit in advance - no earlier than 2 months before the expiration of the previous one. In this case, the new permission will take effect after the expiration of the previous one.

Draw your attention to!

The validity of a parking permit may be suspended if the person for whom the vehicle specified in the request is registered in the prescribed manner has 3 or more debts in paying fines in the field of traffic and parking fees.

In case of receiving a notice of a possible suspension, the parent (adoptive parent) of a large family must notify the GKU AMPP in writing by e-mail: [email protected] on the liquidation of all debts within 10 days. Otherwise, the validity of the parking permit will be suspended until the liquidation of all debts and the expiration of 3 months after the relevant written notification of the GKU AMPP.

Forms and cancellations
large family parking permit

Processing time - 6 working days

Cancellation period- 1 business day

Applicant's appeal

A parent (adoptive parent) or his/her authorized representative can be submitted to any multifunctional center (MFC) or through the “Services” section on

Applicant can choose how they want to be notified when their parking permit expires or is suspended
- portal;
- by email;
- SMS message;
- mobile application "Parking in Moscow".
3 notices of expiration: 60 days in advance, 14 days in advance and, on the day of expiration.
2 notices of suspension: 10 business days in advance and on the day of suspension.

Mandatory documents for receiving public services

Owners of electric vehicles or motorcycles can park in all paid parking lots for free without a permit.


Disabled parking permits entitle you to free 24-hour parking in places* marked with the sign

8.17 "Disabled" markings 1.24.3

In all other parking spaces, parking is carried out on a general basis (for a fee) **

Who can get a disabled parking permit?

Persons with disabilities (legal representatives of a child with a disability) can apply for disabled parking permits.

Note! A car for which a parking permit for a disabled person has been obtained must be equipped with a sign "Disabled"

Which car can be issued
disabled parking permit?

Registered in accordance with the established procedure for a disabled person (legal representative of a disabled child) (according to the number of such vehicles)

Issued earlier in accordance with medical indications free of charge for gratuitous use of organs social protection***

Belonging to other persons transporting disabled people, with the exception of vehicles used to provide paid services for the carriage of passengers, if a disabled person has contraindications to driving a vehicle ***

* The number of places for the disabled in each parking lot is at least 10%.
** Please note that according to the Rules of the Road, sign 6.4 together with sign 8.17 "Disabled" applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars driven by disabled people of group I or II, or carrying such disabled people, while on the indicated vehicles identification signs "Disabled" measuring 15 by 15 cm should be installed.
*** No more than one permit. multifunctional center (MFC) or through the Services section on .

Mandatory documents to receive public service: Statement

Applicant's identity document

Document proving the identity of the representative of the applicant, and a document confirming the authority of the representative

Document confirming disability (certificate issued by a federal institution medical and social expertise or a copy) if his place of residence is outside the city of Moscow or information about him is not available in the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

A document confirming the authority of the legal representative of a disabled child (for example: birth certificate, guardian's certificate, etc.)


If the place of residence of a disabled person (child with a disability) is outside the territory of the city of Moscow or there is no information about it in the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, it is necessary when submitting a request:

1) Through the MFC, provide a document confirming disability (certificate of the establishment of disability issued by the federal government agency medical and social expertise).

2) Through the Services section on, attach to the request an electronic sample (scanned copy) of a document confirming disability (the original certificate of disability, issued by the federal state institution of medical and social expertise) and provide the original documents upon personal contact at any MFC within 10 calendar days using the Portal.

Owners of electric vehicles or motorcycles can park in all paid parking lots for free without a permit.