Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova Petrenko. The young husband of Ekaterina Klimova

Gela Meskhi is a young Russian actor known for his roles in serials and war films. He has proven his versatility more than once: he played both the coveted by many actors, and the high school student in love with the teacher, and the political criminal.

Fans of Meskhi's work believe that he is a unique actor, as he skillfully combines the game with the emotions that his hero experiences behind the screen. The reincarnation is happening rapidly, for this he is considered an artist from God, endowed from birth with an extraordinary talent, which he skillfully uses.

Childhood and youth

Gela Meskhi was born on May 13, 1986 in Gori. A year later, turbulent times began in this region of Georgia, the parents decided to leave their native land and move to the capital of Russia. The boy received an unusual name from his father, who has Georgian and Spanish roots. Gela's mother is Russian, the actor himself also considers himself Russian by nationality. Initially, the parents wanted to name their son Rocky Junior.

According to the actor, at school he was a bully and did not study well. As a child, Meskhi had 2 serious hobbies: football and school amateur performances. With compulsory subjects, like Russian or mathematics, things were not going well for Gela, so when in high school he wondered how to live on, he realized that he was really only good at playing football and reading expressively.

The young man began to win prizes in recitation competitions, and the teacher of literature recommended that he study at Spesivtsev's theater studio. Over time, acting captivated the boy even more, and after school, Gela entered GITIS.

But after studying for a year, he transferred to VGIK, intending to immediately start filming. When this did not happen, the young man tried his luck for the third time. That year, just at the Moscow Art Theater School, he was gaining a course. Once in the studio to him, Meskhi felt in his place. He was pleased with the constant employment and strict discipline that the master adhered to.


The creative biography of Gela Meskhi began while studying at the Moscow Art Theater School. The young actor participated in productions of the educational theater of the Moscow Art Theater.

Immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Meskhi starred in the title role in the film Hamlet. XXI Century". The director chose him among several dozen students. For this work, according to the results of the 8th festival of cinema and theater "Amur Autumn" in Blagoveshchensk, Gela received the prize for "Best Actor in a Film".

Gela Meskhi in the film Hamlet. XXI Century"

In 2010, 2 films with the participation of Gela Meskhi were released in Russian distribution: Mher Mkrtchyan’s film “Adult Daughter, or a Test for ...” and the film “Comedians”, also shot by Igor Volosetsky. The tapes were warmly received by the audience and film critics. Viewers noted that the actor looked like a young one, which further contributed to their good attitude towards the artist.

The popularity of Meskhi brought the series "Physics or Chemistry" about the everyday life of the school. The premiere took place in August 2011. Gela played the role of Alex Weinstein, a high school student who has a crush on teacher Irina Nekrasova. A suitable height (176 cm) and a rather fragile physique allowed Gela to realistically portray a schoolboy. After the series, the artist woke up famous.

Gela Meskhi in the series "Physics or Chemistry"

In 2013, the actor played a major role in the movie "Son of the Father of Nations." For the sake of filming, Gela Meskhi gained 10 kg. The picture is dedicated to the fate of the beloved son. Vasily had a tragic fate, which the actors tried to transfer to the screen with all certainty.

In his youth, Vasily was a brilliant military man, distinguished himself at the front and was the first to form football and hockey teams of the USSR Air Force, but after the death of Joseph Stalin, he was almost immediately sentenced to imprisonment in the Vladimir Central for "anti-Soviet propaganda", and after the end of his term he was exiled to Kazan, where died under unclear circumstances.

For a long time, Meskhi has been a constant member of the troupe named after the theater. He plays in the performances "Seven Days Before the Flood", "Romeo and Juliet", "Valencian Madmen", "The Abduction of Sabinyaninov", "There Will Be No Trojan War", "Hamlet", "Silence is Gold", "The Tempest".

In 2017, Gela Meskhi appeared on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater. In the play "Cyrano de Bergerac" the actor replaced Sergei Bezrukov, who played the main character for 9 years.

Personal life

The young actor has always been interesting to the press, attention was drawn to the question of the personalities of his women. But at first, Meskhi did not give rise to scandalous articles, and there was no information about the artist on the Web.

The personal life of Gela Meskhi began to be actively discussed in the media in 2015. Such interest of the press was caused by the actor's romance with the fatal beauty.

Meskhi and Klimova's romance has been talked about for a long time, while the couple carefully concealed their relationship. The actors met on the set of the film "Wolf Sun". Gela fell in love with Catherine without a memory. Klimova was then going through a difficult moment of breaking up with her previous spouse. The young man sought reciprocity from the chosen one for a long time, but after the third marriage proposal, the actress agreed to the marriage. On June 5, 2015, the tabloids exploded with a sensation: Gela Meskhi and Ekaterina Klimova secretly got married.

Later it turned out that the couple had been living together for a year, raising Klimova's three children from previous marriages with and actor Igor Petrenko. Along with the fact of the wedding, the media reported that at that moment Klimova was pregnant with her fourth child.

Arriving at the set in Vilnius and talking with the director, the actor realized that this would be an unusual project. Khabensky at the first meeting invited each performer to participate in developing the character of his hero. Before filming, Meskhi needed to lose weight. Despite his love for flour, he managed to lose 5-6 kg. The release of the film was timed to coincide with the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2018.

Now the artist is preparing for an exciting event in his life: Gela will be presented with the title of Honored Artist of Russia. His wife Ekaterina Klimova also received a distinctive badge. In addition to working in the theater, the man continues to act in films. Soon, Meskhi's filmography will be replenished with the action comedy "Billion" and the military drama "Save Leningrad".


  • 2009 - Hamlet. XXI Century"
  • 2010 - "Adult daughter, or Test for ..."
  • 2011 - "Physics or Chemistry"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Nations"
  • 2014 - "Wolf Sun"
  • 2015 - "Shot"
  • 2016 - "Bouncer"
  • 2016 - "Black Cat"
  • 2018 - "Embassy"
  • 2018 - "Sobibor"

For the turbulent life of 37-year-old Ekaterina KLIMOVA (“MosGaz”, “Dragon Syndrome”, “Kuprin”), her fans have been watching with curiosity for more than a month now. A year ago, she divorced her husband, actor Igor PETRENKO, with whom she raised her common sons Matvey and Korney, as well as daughter Lisa from her first marriage with Ilya Khoroshilov. While the fans were digesting this sad news, Katya had an affair with a young colleague - 29-year-old Gela MESHI ("Son of the Father of Nations", "Wolf's Heart"). At first, the lovers were deftly encrypted, but after Klimova became pregnant, the couple had to declassify - on June 5 they legalized their relationship. About how a young family lives now and where they spend their honeymoon, our correspondent learned by flying over their love nest.

Despite the fact that Klimova is already in her sixth month, the actress disappears for days at work. At six in the morning, her brand new "Range Rover" leaves the cottage village of Pavlovo near Moscow and goes to the other end of the region, where the film "Guardian" is currently being filmed. On the way, Katya sometimes even manages to dry-clean her husband's shirts. Klimov returns home, as a rule, closer to midnight. Before that, be sure to turn into an elite fitness center to swim in the pool, and then drop by the local eco-shop for fresh food. Sometimes the newly-made spouse Gela joins her.

Ekaterina's colleagues are perplexed: they say that in her position it is harmful to work so much, especially since there are too many other troubles - after all, you need to prepare for the birth of a baby: equip a room and dowry (cribs, strollers, clothes, diapers, undershirts) to buy. But Klimova is not appeased.

Katya is a complete workaholic, but in this situation she plows without days off rather from hopelessness, - says Alexei Trofimov, one of the administrators of the Opekuna film group. - Already, the filming process is difficult for her: we are looking for an angle so that the tummy is not visible in the frame, we reshoot several times. She perfectly understands that in a month she will have to forget about work, and when she returns to duty is also unclear. Therefore, he is now trying to earn the maximum: she has a rented house, children, mother ... Of course, at the moment Gela is nearby, but a fool understands that his earnings are many times lower than Katya's. And what kind of a man would undertake to support other people's children ?! Here Katya is insured.

Not at all a couple

While Klimova disappears for days on the set, her mother takes care of raising children and housekeeping: Svetlana Vladimirovna takes the baby to mugs, cleans the cottage (and this is already 250 square meters!), In the evenings she walks around the village with the poodle Umka.
- Klimova appeared in our village last summer - just after her divorce from Petrenko, - her neighbor Igor Borisovich told us. - It's quiet here, a high fence, behind which there are only seven houses in the neighborhood on the street, security is all around. But I have known her since the time she and Igor rented a cottage for 120 thousand from a sculptor in a nearby village. It was said that Klimova and Petrenko already cursed terribly. At first, Igor was not satisfied that she gave birth to sons, but did not want to take his last name. He grumbled that the house lacked a female hand, comfort - they say, the wife only thinks about work. Then Petrenko began to drink and, as soon as he threw it over the collar, let her complain. That's where they got divorced.

Now this Gela lives with her: I don’t know, maybe he’s a good guy, but together they don’t look at all. He is rude, arrogant - he freaks out with or without reason, he can swear at her with obscenities. And Katerina is a refined woman, mother of many children somehow. I think if it were not for her pregnancy, they would have fled with this Meskhi (and his last name is somehow strange)!
Now what? It was not because of a good life that she had to take Liza and Matvey from our Pavlovsk gymnasium. This is a very cool school, in which the academic year for one child costs about one and a half million. Apparently, now she does not have that kind of money. Moreover, Korney will go to first grade, and the baby will appear. I heard that they are looking for a cheaper house. So you stopped in time - by the fall Klimova may not be here.

The romance between Katya and Gela began last fall on the set of the historical series "Wolf Sun". Photo:

Text: Martha Baumgertner

The 35-year-old actor gave a candid interview for the first time after information appeared in the media about his divorce from 35-year-old actress Ekaterina Klimova. Petrenko admitted that he was beside himself because of his wife's infidelity. But he blames himself for what happened.

The fact that Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova are on the verge of divorcebecame known in mid-February. The actors began to live separately, ceased to appear together at film premieres and other social events, to play in joint private performances.

According to rumors, jealousy became the cause of tension in the relationship of the spouses: familiar couples spoke about the actor's fleeting hobbies. Recently, documentary evidence of adultery has appeared on the Internet. However, it was not Petrenko who got carried away, but his wife.

The fact that Ekaterina Klimova is cheating on her husband with Chelsea soloist Roman Arkhipov began to be written after eloquent photos and videos appeared on the Internet. In the pictures and in the scandalous video, Klimova and Arkhipov hug and kiss. A short romance between Ekaterina and Roman happened in early February in Las Vegas, where Klimova is filming in the triquel of the film “Love in big city". Roman and Katerina ended up at the same party, after which they did not hold back their feelings, forgetting about the cameras of the ubiquitous paparazzi.

As a result, everyone in the big city saw the love of Klimova and Arkhipov, including the husband of the actress Igor Petrenko. In a frank interview with the portal, he admitted that when he watched a video in which his wife passionately kisses the Chelsea soloist, he crushed everything around.

“I was preparing for her arrival from Las Vegas, before that we did not communicate for a long time. I put our apartment in order, bought new furniture, in short, prepared a surprise for her. And then by chance I saw this video on the Internet. Honestly, I wanted to destroy everything around. Well, actually, that's what I did. It hasn’t even fully healed yet, ”the actor said and showed the scars on his hands.

However, Petrenko is not going to get divorced. He said that he had not yet decided what to do, and that he blamed himself for what had happened, and not his wife, although she, “maybe she should not have done this.”

“I am to blame for what happened. Completely. Believe me, she is a holy woman. Better than her, probably, there is no mother and wife in this world. But what happened happened,” he said.

The actor said that it was very difficult for him to shoot the film "Sherlock Holmes", which lasted more than three years. According to Petrenko, the role "sucked all his strength out of him." He began to drink and could not stop, almost did not communicate with the children (the couple has three children: Catherine's daughter Elizabeth from her first marriage and common sons - Matvey and Korney) and his wife, did not appear at home for months.

If Petrenko does not blame his wife, then, speaking of Roman Arkhipov, the actor is not shy about his expressions. He calls the musician “goldilocks”, “hairy”, with whom Catherine cannot have anything in common. Petrenko is not going to deal "like a man" with Arkhipov, because he considers him "a child who himself does not understand what he has done."

What will happen to their family, time will tell, Igor Petrenko believes. The actor said that they are an unusual couple and "everything is unusual for them." And that they will definitely come up with something, he has no doubt.

Spouses do not sleep together because of the terrible snoring of the stronger half

Spouses do not sleep together because of the terrible snoring of the stronger half

For the personal life of 38-year-old Ekaterina KLIMOVA, her many fans are watching with curiosity. First, she divorced Igor PETRENKO, from whom she gave birth to sons Korney and Matvey, to the delight of her daughter Lisa from her first marriage to the jeweler Ilya KHOROSHILOV. Then the actress had a stormy romance with a young actor Gela MESHI (May 18, he turned 30), ending with a wedding and the birth of another child - baby Bella. At the same time, a wide variety of rumors circulate around Catherine's current marriage.

Last fall, friends and colleagues Klimova doubted the sincerity of feelings Gels Meskhi towards Kate. It was said that the temperamental Georgian, the star of the series “Son of the Father of Nations”, lived for his own pleasure, not particularly burdening himself with everyday life. At this time, Klimova pulled everything on herself and, even when she became pregnant with her fourth baby, she did not stop filming, managing to go shopping during breaks, dragging heavy boxes when moving from a country house to a Moscow apartment.

Katya was able to enjoy the peace and sleep well in Thailand, where her husband took her to her 30th birthday. A photo:

However, despite all this, Gela and Katya signed. Accurately four months before the birth of their common daughter.

The couple's friends were inspired: there was a glimmer of hope that fatherhood would awaken new feelings in Meskhi, make him more responsible and calm.

With the birth of her daughter, Gela really changed, - Klimova's friend, costume designer, rejoices for the spouses Larisa Chukhrai. - If earlier he could not spend the night at home for a week, he allowed himself frivolous pictures with fans, now he tries to control himself and, as soon as he has free time, he rushes to his daughter. Katya said that it was he who chose the baby's name. At first, however, I wanted to name her after myself - Gella (the female variation of this name is written with two "l" - A.V.), but then, apparently, he considered it immodest and chose a consonant name - Bella. If completely, then Isabella Gelovna Meskhi- Beautiful, is not it? He began to treat Katya more reverently: in May, he finally gave her a honeymoon - he took her to Thailand. Nothing that almost a year has passed since the wedding, the main thing is to retire and rest. After all, you won’t envy Klimova: while she will redo the lessons with the elders, then she will take the boys to boxing and football, she will abandon Lisa in French and English, there is practically no time left for herself.

After the Georgian feasts, which are periodically arranged by MESKHI at home, KLIMOVA with her sons Matvey (left) and Korney rush to drive fat into the pool. A photo:

Meskhi took over not only caring for the baby, but also cooking. He - like a real Georgian - is best at meat.

Gela loves to experiment and often indulges in homemade recipes “out of her head,” continues Larisa. - Fry, steam, arrange on plates, decorate with greens - you will lick your fingers! Katya, by the way, eats everything that her husband cooks. She does not sit on diets, but at the same time she manages to maintain an amazing shape. You can't relax with a young husband. Fortunately, with the birth of Gela's daughter, there is no time to do stupid things - there are more important things to do. However, now they have another problem. Katerina recently complained that her husband snores. So much so that the windows in the bedroom begin to rattle! Like, she doesn’t get enough sleep anyway because of the baby, and then there’s this “trombone” under her ear every night ... In general, as a result, Katya decided to move Gela to another room. At first, of course, I persuaded him to go to the doctor, try acupuncture, spray or special inserts in the nose, but he categorically refuses, assuring that all Georgians snore and there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe it is so (heard that Vera Brezhneva also complained that Konstantin Meladze harasses her with his snoring), but sleeping apart is also not an option. Katya and Gela have just gotten used to it - snoring should not be allowed to destroy their marriage.


Scientists have found that due to the snoring of husbands, women lose up to two hours of sleep every night, which leads to chronic sleep deprivation. 39 percent of hearth keepers catch up with occasional sleepovers in another room, and one in nine married couples sleep separately at all times.

Katya was born into the family of a freelance artist Alexander Klimov and his wife, who was a housewife and raised two daughters. Katya has an older sister, Victoria, with whom they are very close.

Despite the age difference of four years and completely opposite characters, the sisters were always friends, arranged joint pranks and absolutely could not be angry with each other for a long time when they happened to quarrel.

The happy family, unfortunately, was not spared the trouble: when the girls were very young, their dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. He was given a long 12 years, which he did not see his daughters.

But life went on. Katya grew up, went to school, and in the summer, in order not to leave the girls alone at home, her mother, who went to work, sent them to the camp. It was there that the restless Katya's first desire to show off on the stage manifested itself.

Theatrical performance at summer holiday Katya was so captivated that by graduation she was already confident in her choice of profession. The experience of working with counselors-directors and the opportunity to perform in front of the guys who were resting with the future actress in the camp gave her the opportunity to go to Sliver after school without fear. Klimova entered the first time.

Married student

film "Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning" (2001)

She got on the same course with the actors who would later become famous - Maxim Konovalov, Pyotr Krasilov, but the most interesting thing is that her future second husband, Igor Petrenko, studied under the course. However, then the girl simply did not notice him. The thing is, she was already married.

Katya first got married very early. While still at school, she began dating the jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. First love was what it should be: pure and affectionate. He beautifully courted his first very young bride, and then a student, a future artist, was introduced to his parents, touchingly asked for hands and hearts ...

The lovers got married, but the young wife kept putting off the birth of a child: she had to unlearn. And then she tried her best to save the marriage - no matter what happened.

And it happened, as in any family, anything. Klimova, who got into the theatrical student environment, finally felt at home there. Now she went to study with pleasure, because Katya no longer had to go to the hated mathematics!

Year by year she grew up, became more attached to art and more and more moved away from her husband.


film "Sins of the Fathers" (2004)

Graduating from high school, Katya has already managed to star in several TV shows and had some recognition. However, her main roles were still ahead. There were big changes ahead.

On the set of "Moscow Windows" between the actors who played the main roles - Klimova and Petrenko, the first sympathy appeared. Both of them were legally married and were already going to build a secret relationship, but the girl realized that she was making a mistake and stopped the emerging passion, saying to Igor: “Enough.”

Filming ended, they each went home. Katya, loving her family with all her heart, tried to save the marriage. When once again the subject of a child came up, she finally agreed, calling into question her just-begun career. In 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa, and a year later, Katya was called to shoot the continuation of Moscow Windows.

A new meeting with Igor on the set again inflamed the feelings of lovers. Now it was real passionate love, from which it was not possible to escape. Klimova reproached herself every day for what was happening, returned to her family with a heavy heart and continued to smile at her husband. But she could not help her feelings, which were stronger than her.

And now she managed to end this relationship and, tormented and breaking herself, still refuse Igor. The actress herself recalls that she had no idea how she could take a child at one moment and leave her husband, because he was everything for her - from a very young age.

But the marriage was already upset. When little Lisa turned two, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for divorce.

Petrenko's heart was also empty during this period. The man raved about Klimova, suffered without her, and finally decided to call - just to hear his native voice. It was this call that made the difference. In an interview, she will later tell: when she heard Igor, she realized that this person should be nearby.


They didn’t care if their relationship was registered, so, nevertheless, having decided to get married, they set a date for New Year’s Eve - December 31, were late at the registry office and forgot their wedding rings. The employees just shook their heads, and the happy couple, without taking their loving eyes off each other, went home to celebrate New Year 2004.

They were called Russian Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they were an incredibly beautiful couple and lived together for 10 years. During this time, they had two boys - Matvey and Roots. The couple was envied, admired and firmly believed: an idyll reigns in the family.

When in 2014 the news appeared in the media that Klimova and Petrenko had officially divorced, the fans were shocked, and Klimova commented: they were an ordinary couple, with their troubles. In their joint fate there were moments of absolute happiness, but they also knew how to make each other's life unbearable.

They parted, according to the actress, in a normal relationship, having experienced their passions to the fullest. They communicate, raise children together, arrange family councils, where they decide where the boys will study, what additional classes to attend, who will pay for it.


The paparazzi's divorce was linked to Katya's betrayal. Allegedly, the actress started an affair with another filming partner. In the film "Wolf Heart" she played with Gela Meskhi, a beginner and very talented and temperamental artist eight years younger than Klimova.

Allegedly, he fell madly in love with a star and literally did not give married Katya peace, expressing his readiness to marry her and raise her children. But nevertheless, Petrenko took the blame for the divorce in his interview, mentioning only that Katya is the best wife and mother in the world.

Klimova refused rumors about a relationship with Gela for a long time, and a year after the divorce, she unexpectedly married him. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Bella. Despite pregnancy and childbirth, the actress did not stop acting. On especially energy-intensive projects during this period, all the tricks for Ekaterina were performed by an understudy.