Pregnancy after radio wave biopsy of the cervix. Radio wave biopsy of the cervix

A biopsy of the cervix is ​​a medical manipulation during which one or more small sections of organ tissue are taken, after which it is performed histological examination cells. The examination is often supplemented by scraping the mucous surface of the cervical canal.

Biopsy is the most accurate way to diagnose any pathological conditions uterus: inflammatory, precancerous (including asymptomatic), oncological.

A similar diagnostic method is not prescribed without first identifying "suspicious" areas on the surface of the neck. As a rule, the specialist recommends the procedure only if abnormal changes are detected during a colposcopy or after receiving the results of a cytology smear.

If the gynecologist noticed pathological areas during a visual examination, an analysis for a biopsy of the cervix (pap test), a smear for infections and a colposcopy is mandatory.

Indications for a biopsy:

  • staining of the epithelium White color after applying a solution of vinegar;
  • signs of cervical papilloma on a colposcopic picture;
  • iodine-negative areas;
  • the presence of structurally altered cells in the smear.

Types of cervical biopsy

Depending on the indications, a selection of the type of procedure is carried out. There are several types of diagnostic cervical biopsy:

  1. Trepanobiopsy is the sampling of a small piece of tissue, the depth of which covers several layers of the cervix.
  2. Conization - excision of a cone-shaped area to detect a change in the state of the cells (extensive biopsy).
  3. Curettage - scraping mucus from the endocervix.

Currently, extensive types of biopsy can be performed using an advanced technique that has many advantages.

Radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​a low-traumatic method of examination: any complications are observed in only 1% of women.

Advantages of the method:

  • painlessness;
  • duration - from several minutes;
  • no burns and scars;
  • the possibility of performing in nulliparous women;
  • rapid healing of tissues;
  • slight, short-term discomfort after the procedure (compared to other methods).

The disadvantages of radio wave manipulation include only the high cost of cervical biopsy.

Preparing for a biopsy and performing it

If the procedure is performed in a standard way (with a scalpel) or requires forceps expansion of the cervix, it may be necessary local anesthesia(at the request of the patient - general).

Instruments for cervical biopsy: scalpel, biopsy forceps or nippers (conchotomy).

If the woman decides to have a less traumatic procedure, a radioknife, laser beam, or electrical loop may be used.

When preparing for a biopsy, it is desirable to observe the following conditions:

  • biopsy immediately after the end of menstruation;
  • absence of infectious processes;
  • a day before the performance - refraining from sexual activity, the use of vaginal medicines, douching;
  • It is recommended to take an NSAID tablet just before the session.

Biopsy of the cervix "Surgitron" - an apparatus for radio wave procedures - lasts no more than 10 minutes (usually -1-2 minutes), is completely painless, does not leave burns. After taking a biopsy, the tissues heal quickly due to the sterilization of the site.

After the procedure, the patient may be disturbed by slight pulling pains in the abdomen. The first menstruation is sometimes more abundant. There are no other complications that are expressed with a conventional biopsy after using a radioknife.

Radio wave biopsy of the cervix - video

Biopsy cost

Women who are interested in the question of how much a cervical biopsy costs should remember: it depends on the type and prestige of the clinic and the professionalism of its doctors. Usually the price of a cervical biopsy performed with a scalpel is 1000-4000 rubles.

For comparison, prices for radio wave biopsy start at 8,000 rubles. The clinic where to do a cervical biopsy is better to choose a proven and reliable one, or get a referral to the district clinic to perform the procedure in a large municipal diagnostic center.

Hi girls! I had a colposcopy, they said that I need to do a radio wave conization of the cervix. I looked on the net how it was carried out and was horrified! Isn't there really anything left of the neck???!!! (if you make a deep cone). Girls who successfully nurtured after radio wave conization with grade 3 dysplasia? How long did you get pregnant? How was the pregnancy (sutured, stored or carried out as a normal pregnancy?) I read that in 50% of cases, dysplasia (even) grade 3 can go away on its own. I'm confused, so afraid...

Experienced doctor's advice

Fate introduced me to an amazing woman - doctor Elena Berezovskaya. I share some of her materials and advice. Erosion, HPV and cervical cancer: from myths and rumors to truthful informationPart 5. What to do? and modern, about the human papillomavirus, precancerous and cancerous conditions of the cervix, and the notorious cervical cancer vaccine. Let's summarize the above in order to move on to practical recommendations that ...

As you know, almost 50% of women suffer from various diseases of the cervical body of the uterus. If any pathological processes are found in this organ, specialists prescribe a full-scale diagnosis. To determine the exact diagnosis, as well as to establish the nature of the neoplasm (malignant or benign), as a rule, a biopsy is prescribed. During the biopsy procedure, comparative samples of the affected areas of the epithelial layer in the neck of the uterine organ are taken from the patient. To date, there are several distinctive methodological types of biopsy examination of the uterine cervix.

A biopsy of the cervical body of the uterus is considered an ordinary manipulation. Depending on the type of biopsy, the procedure may take on the character of an operative action (for example, a knife biopsy is performed under the influence of local or general anesthetics). After tissue sampling, comparative samples are sent for histological examination. If there are indications, a specialist can perform scraping of the mucous tissue from the cervical canal. Currently, a biopsy is recognized as one of the full-scale, most informative and accurate ways to detect a precancerous condition, the presence of inflammatory or infectious processes.

What types of biopsy examinations are used by specialists?

Today, in order to conduct a biopsy of the cervix, specialists use various techniques. The method of sampling is determined strictly individually for each patient. There are the following types of biopsy procedures:

  • Colposcopic;
  • Conchotomy;
  • radio wave;
  • laser;
  • Loop;
  • wedge-shaped;
  • Circular (circular);
  • Curettage of the endocervical canal.
Circular biopsy procedure in a woman

Today, experts prefer to conduct a biopsy using a radio wave research method. Such a biopsy of the uterine neck, first of all, is indicated for nulliparous patients. In Russia, as well as in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, special equipment of the Surgitron type is used to perform such a procedure.

A biopsy performed by the radio wave method does not entail serious consequences, since it does not cause significant damage to the tissue coating. After undergoing such a procedural action, patients are practically not exposed to the occurrence of complications. As already mentioned, a biopsy radio wave analysis of the cervix of the uterine body is performed using special equipment. In practice, it is called the "radio knife".

A biopsy in this way does not require prior administration of anesthetics. The sampling of comparative samples of the epithelial layer of the cervix of the uterine body is carried out in the office of the attending specialist and lasts a short time. As practice shows, there are practically no discharges after the transfer of a biopsy analysis by the radio wave method. Some patients may experience the appearance of bloody discharge for no more than 3 days. There are no scars on the neck of the uterine body, and the risk of their occurrence is too small. Experts believe that this method of examination is optimal for patients who plan childbearing in the future.

For more information about radio wave biopsy of the cervix, see this video:

How to prepare for a radio wave biopsy?

The described biopsy is usually performed immediately after the colposcopic diagnosis. Before performing a biopsy analysis of the cervical uterus, the patient must perform certain preparatory actions, in particular:

  • Undergo a consultation and examination of a visual nature with a treating specialist;
  • Make a colposcopic diagnosis (regular or extended);
  • To pass analyzes of the neck of the body of the uterine organ of the histological type;
  • Pass smears to identify hidden infectious pathogens and determine the state of the flora;
  • Provide bacteriological culture from the vaginal compartment;
  • Undergo a general diagnosis (blood tests, ultrasound examination, etc.).

To extract the affected area of ​​the epithelial layer, along with special equipment, a colposcope is used. With its help, specialists can control the sampling process. In general, the study of the obtained analyzes of the cervix of the uterine body lasts about 14 days. After undergoing a radio wave procedure, doctors strongly recommend that you come for a scheduled examination in about one week.

You can learn more about using a colposcope with the help of this video:

A biopsy using radio wave technology is considered almost painless. During manipulation, the patient may experience slight discomfort in the lower abdomen. Each patient has her own pain and sensitivity threshold, so the opinion on the pain of biopsy analysis of the cervical body of the uterus is very diverse. Slight pain may be experienced when sampling from various affected areas. Some doctors may use local anesthetics (such as lidocaine). With the introduction of anesthetics, the patient is warned in advance about the observance of a sparing diet (approximately half a day before the procedure).

The use of radio wave technologies for medicinal purposes

As you know, radio wave technologies are used not only for biopsy of the cervical section of the uterus, but also in medicinal purposes. Due to the use of high-frequency electronic surgical equipment, the radio wave method of treatment or taking comparative samples for biopsy is recognized as the least traumatic.

The aforementioned apparatus of the Surgitron type is used in practice not only for biopsy analyzes of the cervix of the uterine body, but also for the treatment of erosive processes occurring in the uterine cervical region. Exposure to radio waves is carried out in a high temperature range. As already mentioned, when using radio waves to perform biopsy analyzes, anesthetics are not used. Using radio waves for therapeutic purposes, a local anesthetic can be administered to the patient. Radio wave treatment of cervical uterine erosion in practice is called radio excision.

The photo shows a device for biopsy analyzes of the cervix

What are the advantages of using radio wave technology?

The benefits of radio wave treatment include:

  • The speed of the operational action;
  • The absence of postoperative scars on the epithelial layer of the cervix of the uterine body;
  • The fastest healing process;
  • No bleeding (or slight bloody issues);
  • The absence of post-procedural burns, as well as the possibility of infection;
  • The possibility of obtaining high quality histological comparative material when performing a biopsy examination.

By means of specialized equipment "Surgitron" excision of radio wave technology is performed. The mucous membrane of the internal cervical tissues is protected from damage and scarring. The procedure for the treatment of erosive disease is quite simple and almost painless. As with a biopsy, patients may experience some minor discomfort. Radio wave technologies make it possible to carry out all manipulation actions without affecting healthy, unaffected cells. After the transfer of radio wave biopsy tests or excision, normal gestation and delivery are ensured.

According to ongoing medical research, about 50% of women different ages suffer from diseases of the cervix. These are quite high rates, since among all cancerous pathologies in the female half, breast cancer takes the first place, but it takes the second place. Therefore, it is so important to detect the pathological process at the initial stage of development. Then it will be possible to get a positive trend in treatment and achieve a full recovery. Currently, radio wave biopsy of the cervix remains the most optimal diagnostic method.

This is a diagnostic method, during which a device called Surgitron is used. Thanks to him, a piece of tissue is excised from the pathological site (cervix). It is then examined under a microscope. They take material in order to study it for the presence of cancer cells, or cervical erosion. The removed tissue is then sent for histological examination.

The device works under the influence of electric current. It enters through the tip of the device to the tissues of the cervix. It is then converted into high frequency radio waves. They quickly vaporize the compounds between the selected cells, but do not heat up the living tissue.

Due to the fact that there is no tissue heating, the procedure occurs without pain and without the formation of scars. And the radio waves themselves, without having a harmful effect, allow you to get an effect that is similar to the sealing of blood vessels. Thus, a radio wave biopsy is an absolutely bloodless procedure, during which there is no possibility of infection of the cervix.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the considered type of diagnostics with the use of the Surgitron apparatus is one of the most better ways diagnostics, with the help of which it is possible to quickly and painlessly remove a biopsy from the area between the uterus and the vagina.


A radio wave biopsy may be ordered by a gynecologist during a colposcopy, which was performed routinely or based on the results of a smear examination. Diagnosis can be prescribed when, when examining the cervix with a colposcope, changes are traced that require histological examination. This should include:

  • leukoplakia;
  • Areas that did not succumb to staining with Lugol's solution during colposcopy;
  • atypical cervical vessels detected by Doppler ultrasound with a vaginal probe;
  • change in the properties and structure of the cells of the inner membrane that line the area between the body of the uterus and the vagina);
  • cervical polyps;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the cervix;
  • condylomas - neoplasms on the cervix that occur due to a person.

With erosion, diagnostics can be assigned to patients who have not yet experienced the joy of motherhood. The resulting material is examined under a microscope, which makes it possible to accurately establish the diagnosis. In most cases, this is erosion, and the remaining 10% are chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the cervix, as well as metaplasia or dysplasia of the epithelium.

Advantages of the method

The sampling of a site from the study area can be carried out different methods: laser, surgeon's scalpel, electric current. The method of radio wave biopsy is devoid of the disadvantages of other diagnostic methods. Its main positive characteristics include:

  1. The tissues of the cervix do not get burned. When there is contact with current, radio waves are formed. They neutralize the bonds between cells and form a low-temperature steam. Thus, there are no scars after this procedure. This allows a woman to give birth and not worry that scar tissue will prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal.
  2. Radio waves seal the vessels damaged during the sampling of a piece of material. It does not interfere with blood clotting, so there is no bleeding.
  3. This method of diagnosis is completely painless. Radio waves do not cause damage to nerve receptors and do not contract the muscles of the cervix.
  4. The emitted radio waves have an antiseptic effect. Thus, the cervix at the time of the diagnosis is not exposed to infection.
  5. Radio waves do not pose any danger to the fetus. This will allow for radio wave biopsy even during childbearing. In order not to cause a miscarriage, the procedure should be performed only in the second half of the gestation of the baby. If stimulation of the cervix occurs, but labor activity occurs, then the baby will be born viable. When the biopsy was postponed for the postpartum period, then the manipulation should be carried out after the discharge after labor stops.
  6. With the help of the radio wave method, rapid tissue healing is achieved after the diagnosis.
  7. The method is highly accurate, since during the procedure the tissues are not amenable to traumatization.


In order for the removal of tissue samples of the material, performed by a radio knife, to pass without consequences, it is necessary to first conduct a series of examinations:

  1. Take a Pap test. This is a smear from the vagina, thanks to which you can detect the presence of pathological cells. Its task is to determine the scope of the forthcoming radio wave diagnostics. If at least one of these cells is found, then a circular rather than targeted biopsy will be performed. In the 2nd class of diagnostics, when data on the inflammatory process of the cervix is ​​confirmed, it must be cured before performing the diagnosis. To do this, you will have to pass a smear for bacteriological culture from the vagina. This will allow you to understand whether antibiotics are needed for treatment.
  2. Take a smear from bacteriological and to determine the human papillomavirus, herpes and ureaplasma, chlamydia, located in the cervical canal. Based on the results of the analysis, it should be clear that the contents are sterile. Otherwise, the manipulation will be tedious to repeat. This is very important, as a radio wave biopsy can spread the infection to nearby areas and even affect the entire cervix.
  3. Ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and reproductive organs. This will determine their condition and understand if there are metastases.
  4. General blood analysis. It determines the level inflammatory process, hemoglobin concentration and platelet count. The last indicator will first need to be corrected, and only then perform a radio wave biopsy.
  5. Coagulogram. This is a blood clotting test. If its indicators correspond to the norm, then the diagnosis can be carried out.
  6. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis.
  7. Colposcopy. This is a mandatory diagnostic method, without which it is simply impossible to perform a radio wave biopsy.

Before the biopsy itself, it is necessary not to have sex or douche for two days. Therapeutic suppositories can only be administered if the doctor who will perform the diagnosis has given permission for this. Before the procedure, be sure to take a shower in the evening, and before the manipulation itself, the procedure of intimate hygiene.

When the doctor decides to perform a circular biopsy, this will require the introduction general anesthesia. Hence, it will be necessary to exclude rough, fiber-rich foods, strong and carbonated drinks within 3 days before the procedure. For 4 hours before the procedure itself, you can not drink, and for 6-8 hours - eat food.


Diagnosis is carried out in the first 10-13 days menstrual cycle. That is, you need to wait until the time when bloody discharge from the vagina will no longer stand out, but at the same time, a small growth is characteristic of the inner lining of the uterus and its cervix.

A woman must come to the clinic, complete the necessary documents and go to the ward. Mirrors will be inserted into her vagina, which are used during the examination. But the cervix is ​​​​treated with a spray with lidocaine. Under the control of a colposcope, a biopsy procedure takes place. Its duration takes several minutes, while it is not accompanied by strong painful sensations. There are no stitches here.

There are cases when a woman is prescribed a circular radio wave biopsy of the cervix. In this case, an electrode is used that emits radio waves. With its help, the cervical area is cut out, where an outgrowth was identified that needs microscopic examination. This manipulation involves the excision of a circle in the center of which the cervical canal will be concentrated.

The circular type of radio wave biopsy is justified when the formation either occupies a large area, or is located inside or near the cervical canal, while with its jagged edges or unequal staining, it indicates danger. Therefore, the doctor is obliged to remove not only the neoplasm, but also healthy tissues around it, involving at least 1/3 of the cervical canal in the process.

Compared to targeted radio wave manipulation, circular manipulation is performed in a hospital, under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. Rehabilitation after this manipulation lasts longer.


Radio wave biopsy should not be performed under the following conditions:

  • installed pacemaker;
  • increased bleeding;
  • early pregnancy;
  • microbial inflammation of the cervix.

What can happen after diagnosis

The normal consequences of the diagnosis are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which are pulling in nature, they occur in the first 2-3 days after the procedure, and bleeding that resembles menstrual bleeding.

Blood discharge after the manipulation normally occurs up to 4 days. Then the secreted mucus has yellow, and you can detect it on the gasket for about 7 more days. After a circular biopsy, menstruation can last up to 1.5 weeks, but it should be liquid bloody only for the first 5-7 days.

When spotting bothers you for more than 5 days, there are clots, scarlet blood or other discharge, worsened general state, the temperature has risen or the pain in the abdomen has acquired a spasmodic character, it is urgent to go to the doctor.

After an outpatient manipulation, a woman can immediately go to work, or she will be given a sheet that frees her from work for several days. If the Surgitron apparatus performed a circular type of biopsy, then the sick leave is opened for the entire period of stay in the hospital, while 3-4 days are added after it. A follow-up examination on the chair will be scheduled 4-6 weeks after diagnosis.

To minimize complications, specific conditions must be met. It is forbidden to lift weights that weigh more than 3 kg. It is also worth refusing to visit the sauna or swimming pool, taking drugs that thin the blood. And all this is banned for a month. The use of tampons and douching is prohibited until the discharge is completely stopped.

You can have sex after manipulation performed by the excisional method after 2-3 weeks. If a circular area was removed with a radio knife along with the cervical canal, then it is allowed to restore sexual intercourse after 42 days.

Healing after diagnosis depends on the way the cervical biopsy was performed. If the whole piece of tissue was taken (excisional biopsy), complete healing occurs in 3 weeks. When the doctor performed a circular biopsy of the uterus, then complete recovery and healing of all tissues will occur only in 4-6 weeks.

Complications after a biopsy

Radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​a surgical intervention, and, therefore, even with the seeming simplicity of manipulation, risks and consequences are possible. by the most frequent complication remains bleeding. There is still the possibility of infection, miscarriage during pregnancy and the inability to conceive a child if scars and scars form on the cervix after diagnosis. If there is bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge (especially with a pungent bad smell), acute pain in the abdomen, a rise in body temperature, then this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. This may indicate the presence of an undiagnosed pathology, for example, a bleeding disorder due to the use of anticoagulants or other medicinal medicines, the reception of which the patient did not inform the gynecologist.

Radio wave biopsy is a unique diagnostic method, thanks to which it is possible to detect a number of female diseases and start their treatment in a timely manner. This is an absolutely safe manipulation, since it does not cause pain and does not form scars and scars. And if you correctly follow all the preparation and implementation measures, then there is a high probability that the recovery process will proceed faster and without the development of complications. Besides, this method so safe that it can be used even while carrying a child.

Biopsy of the cervix with a radio wave scalpel represents diagnostic procedure, during which a piece of tissue is cut out from a certain area. Then the resulting material is examined for pathologies under a microscope. This method involves the use of the Surgitron device.

Through the tip of the device, an electric current is transmitted to the tissues of the cervix. It turns into high frequency radio waves that separate the cells in the selected area. Living tissue does not heat up, so pain does not occur and scars do not form.

Indications for biopsy of the cervix with a radio wave scalpel

Radiation does not have a harmful effect on the body. During a biopsy of the cervix, the vessels that provided nutrition are sealed with a radio wave scalpel, and antiseptic treatment takes place. This helps prevent infection.

The study is relevant if the gynecologist reveals by colposcopy:

  • leukoplakia;
  • dysplasia;
  • cervical polyps;
  • inflammatory process in the inner shell of the organ;
  • warts caused by HPV.

A biopsy is performed if Lugol's solution does not stain certain areas during colposcopy. The same applies to the presence of atypical vessels in the neck, identified during ultrasound with Dopplerography. With erosion of the cervix, the radio wave method is used exclusively in nulliparous patients.

Advantages of the radio wave method

Biopsy of the cervix with a radio wave scalpel is considered one of the best methods for diagnosing pathological processes and their treatment. In addition, the surrounding tissues taken for analysis remain intact, and the risk of subsequent bleeding is minimal.

The method has many advantages:

  • The tissues do not get burned and are not deformed, formations in the form of scars do not appear. After such manipulation, natural childbirth is possible.
  • The radio wave does not have a damaging effect on nerve receptors and does not cause contraction of the muscles of the organ.
  • After the manipulation, the studied area of ​​​​the organ heals quickly.
  • The method provides high-precision diagnostics.
  • Unlike traditional surgical interventions, swelling and inflammation develop extremely rarely.

After the operation, the patient does not have a feeling of pain, healing takes place quickly and without pain. discomfort. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis without anesthesia, hospitalization is not required.

Features of the procedure

Preparation for a radio wave biopsy consists in conducting standard studies. The gynecologist examines the patient on a special chair, other manipulations include colposcopy, cytology analysis, vaginal culture, coagulogram, and collection of smears to determine the characteristics of the microflora and detect infections. You will also have to take a blood test, including for HIV and hepatitis. Sometimes an ultrasound is prescribed.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the first part of the cycle. The damaged surface heals in about a week. For several days after the manipulation, small spotting may appear, which is not accompanied by pain.

There are practically no contraindications for the radio wave procedure. An exception is the presence of a pacemaker in the patient. With the help of a cervical biopsy, the doctor can identify oncological pathologies at the most early stages and start treatment promptly.