Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich was appointed. Five takeaways from Fursenko's return to Zenit

Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich is a Russian producer and manager. In the past, he headed the Russian Football Union (from 2010 to 2012). He was the chairman of FC Zenit (St. Petersburg). This article will present his brief biography.


Fursenko Sergey Aleksandrovich (his family is also worthy of mention in this article) was born in Leningrad in 1954. The boy studied at the physics and mathematics school, which he successfully completed in 1972. In the same year, Sergei applied to the Kalinin Polytechnic Institute for the specialty "electrical apparatus". Five years later, the hero of this article successfully graduated.


In 1979, Sergey Fursenko got a job at the All-Union Research Institute of Radio Equipment. There he spent ten years developing and implementing air traffic control and landing systems. Sergey slowly but surely climbed the career ladder. As a result, Fursenko headed the research laboratory. In 1987, the hero of this article was sent to Cuba. There he introduced an air traffic control system. Twelve months later, together with his brother Andrei, he launched the Buran reusable spacecraft (their task was to set up a reusable landing system).

In 1989, Sergey Aleksandrovich Fursenko became the executive director of the Technoeksan company, which specialized in the export of high-tech equipment and high technologies. The organization also commercialized and promoted the products of applied research of the FTI in foreign and domestic markets.

New position

In 1991, Fursenko Sergey headed the research and production CJSC "TEMP", which developed and introduced high technologies in the field of protection environment and ecology. Vladimir Yakunin became the chief consultant of the company. At that time he was the chairman of the International Center for Business Cooperation. At the beginning of 1992, TEMP, along with a number of other enterprises established by Andrei Fursenko, Viktor Myachin, Mikhail Markin, Yuri Kovalchuk and Vladimir Yakunin, became shareholders of Rossiya Bank. The press dubbed the people listed above good acquaintances of Vladimir Putin, who then worked as deputy mayor Sobchak. It was also noted in the media that in 1996 Putin, the brothers Fursenko and Yakunin became co-founders of the Ozero cooperative in the Leningrad region.


In 1998, the hero of this article decided to try his hand at a new profession. Fursenko Sergey became the general director and producer of two organizations: Igor Shadkhan's Workshop - TOM and the SCHOOL production center. And his first work was the documentary "Secrets of sunken ships", which told about the ships that rest at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The Ministry of Culture awarded this film the status of "Russian National Film".


In 2003, Sergei Aleksandrovich got a job at Gazprom. He became deputy head of the department for the use, underground storage and transportation of gas. Six months later, the hero of this article headed a subsidiary of this company called Lenstransgaz LLC.


The position of the general director of the company did not prevent Fursenko from engaging in other activities. In 2003, he was included in the board of directors of FC Zenit (St. Petersburg). And two years later he became its chairman. Soon, Gazprom bought a controlling stake in Zenit. After that, Sergei Alexandrovich headed the football club.


At the end of 2009, Vitaly Mutko resigned as head of the Russian Football Union (RFU). Fursenko decided to put forward his candidacy for this post. Two months later, 95 members of the union supported the hero of this article. His rival Alisher Aminov won only 11 votes (Sergei Kuzmin was in third place, but he withdrew from the elections in favor of Fursenko). Upon taking office, Sergei Alexandrovich set the goal for the national team - to win the 2018 World Championship.

In April 2010, at the initiative of Fursenko, an ethics committee was founded and the “Code of Honor of Russian Football” was adopted. In May of the same year, Dick Advocaat from Holland became the coach of the national team. Sergei Alexandrovich met him while working at Zenit. And in July, Fursenko decided to transfer the Russian championship to the autumn-spring system. Such a scheme allowed national clubs to synchronize their activities with European ones. This decision was severely criticized by experts. The former leaders of the RFU (Koloskov and Mutko) declared that such a system was inconsistent with the Russian climate. Usually the Russian championship was held in two rounds, but the transition to a new scheme added one more. Therefore, the competitions of 2011-2012 became the longest in the history of domestic football.

At the end of 2010, Russia was chosen by the FIFA committee as the host country for the 2018 World Cup. In March 2011, the hero of this article became the head of the marketing committee at the European Union of Football Associations (UEFA).

Leaving the RFU

After the national team performed unsuccessfully at the 2012 European Championships, Sergey Fursenko announced his resignation at a meeting with Putin. Vladimir Vladimirovich asked him to become a member of the President's Sports Council and continue his work in the UEFA executive committee. Officially, Sergei Alexandrovich left the RFU in July. And already in September, Nikolai Tolstykh was appointed to his place.


As the Kommersant newspaper wrote, after Fursenko left the post of president of the RFU, it turned out that the company had a debt of 800 million rubles. It appeared because of a loan taken by Sergei Alexandrovich, the pledge of which was the commercial rights of the football union. All income of the RFU went to its repayment. Vitaly Mutko (Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation) said that the state will not eliminate the budget deficit of this organization. To date, the debt has not yet been repaid.

A family

  • Father - Alexander Alexandrovich (academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
  • Brother - Andrei Alexandrovich. He was Minister of Science and Education from 2004 to 2012. At the moment, he is one of V.V. Putin's assistants.

Sergei Alexandrovich is married and has three daughters.

In order to achieve high sports results and improve the functioning of the club, at the next meeting of the board of directors of FC Zenit JSC, a decision was made to amend the organizational structure of the club: a sole executive body was created in the person of the chairman of the board of the club and the president.

By unanimous decision of the members of the board of directors of the club, Sergey Aleksandrovich Fursenko was appointed to this position. Until the completion of corporate procedures, he will perform the functions of the general director of the club. Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of FC Zenit JSC, signed the order on his appointment.

Sergei Alexandrovich Fursenko was born on March 11, 1954 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.

From 2003 to 2008, he was General Director of PJSC Gazprom's subsidiary Lentransgaz.

At the end of 2005, Sergei Fursenko was appointed chairman of the board of directors of Zenit, and in January next year became club president. Under his leadership, Zenit won the first championship in Russian history in 2007.

From March 2012 to March 2014 he was a member of the UEFA Executive Committee.

In July 2012, he was included in the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Education and Sports. Member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Neft PJSC and Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel LLC.

Is the road to hell paved with good intentions? The return of Fursenko is being framed as an act of saving Zenit, but Soccer.ru suggests not looking at the decision one-sidedly.

Plus destination. Change is ripe

He does not build to evaluate Sergei Fursenko as the boss for Zenit according to the actions of his eccentric brother-teacher and even to work with the RFU. We know that he did not become a great strategist, although he thinks in precisely such categories. But for many years, even a strong tactician did not turn out from Mitrofanov, but Fursenko had point successes- the long-awaited championship as an example. But when they say now that the sales of Hulk, Garay and Witsel are on the list of great successes, you involuntarily smile.

Maybe third places are also better than championships? At the same Valencia, where Ezequiel was packed, the owner is from Singapore, and even the psychologist Fursenko can sell well-known players to the Chinese and other Asian billionaires at exorbitant prices. Plus, they didn’t make up for the losses and didn’t put the coach in the framework of success! Boss change is justified. It's good that they are ripe for change. The club was lost, the team was shaky, the selection was given to Lucescu. The result was not pleasing, changing the gender is the right step. But is it really so bad with fresh shots that Fursenko needs to be pulled after so many years?

Destination minus. Shadow for Fursenko

Such a CEO can benefit Zenith. But there is one catch. It is important to understand who returned it? Three options. Moscow, Gazprom or Fursenko himself volunteered, although this is a sub-item of the starting option. And the most dangerous option for the club is the first one, if Sergei Alexandrovich was returned not by the decision of Mr. Miller, but bypassing his will. It is bad if they said that powerful eagles are only pathologically two-headed. In this case, the Moscow St. Petersburg residents are dissatisfied with the state of affairs in Gazprom and began to act through the hands of people they trust.

If Fursenko was invited to "look after", then expect trouble. Then all the joyful cries that the director will restore order in the club are premature. Obviously, Zenith is not averse to bringing back the old days. Aging "homo sapiens" are prone to nostalgia. The club wants to go to the past, but that door is hidden forever. And in the corridor crowd the same hungry for trophies. Zenit, of course, slipped as a structure and a club, but Fursenko's finding right hand from the outgoing Lombaerts, the most attentive were rather alerted. And the appointment confirmed the fears. Perhaps St. Petersburg's Moscow does not really trust St. Petersburg now. And then Fursenko is the auditor of the dead championship souls.

Plus destination. The influence of the director

Fursenko - big man in the Russian Federation, not because for twenty years he has achieved success in all areas to which he was related. Fursenko is a big man, because he has not lost the trust of his old acquaintance and friend. And although now friendship is impossible, Sergei Alexandrovich is a rare Russian official who can quit and retire without consequences. And then return, and exactly where he wants to be. We must clearly understand how significant this is in Russia!

As you remember, the failure at Euro 2012 ended with a meeting with the head of state, and the resignation was accepted. It was the resignation, no one was expelled. Bearded Fursenko does not take on too much, which makes him related to the same Matvienko. And such officials worry many. So in Zenith, a person from the original first circle is at the helm. This is a plus, if you believe the coach Lucescu - as you remember, Mircea attributed the Spartak championship to administrative resources. And now one of the founders of the Ozero cooperative is working for Zenit.

Destination minus. Football knowledge

It is very important not to rush and not appoint the first coach that comes across, not to buy everyone in a row. After all, now no one asks a simple question. Does Fursenko understand football? Loving a game and understanding it are two different things.. He changed coaches at Zenith and the national team, he turned the “spring-autumn” without thinking it through to the end, but he is far from famous for this. When Fursenko is returned to the club, and Mancini is considered the main candidate for the post of coach, it seems that they have returned to 2012. As we remember, when Fursenko left the RFU, in his safe, according to a popular legend, they found a contract with a new head coach for the Russian national team.

Agreement with Mancini for two years, with a salary of 7.2 million euros. They say the contract was legal, the salary was put on Gazprom. So, Roberto earned compensation for the gap, not a day working with the Russian team. And it’s good if they paid from the pocket of the sponsor of Zenit, it’s bad if it’s from the budget of the Russian Federation. Fursenko tied up all the sponsors of the RFU, and when he left, Tolstoy remained in debt, and rather big ones. The actions of Sergei Alexandrovich as the head of Russian football were not successful. At Zenit, he was backed up on the field by the strong generation of 2008. And we still don't know if Fursenko is good as a football manager.

Reader rating. Fursenko will return titles to Zenit?

Krestovsky, Lucescu, the lost possibilities of the line-up with the Hulk, the selection, the quality of the game, Kokorin and company, Fursenko and, possibly, Mancini - it feels like adrenaline maniacs have settled in Zenit. They always have little difference in height and pressure on the club. Therefore, the chain turns out to be funny. However, Mitrofanov's boring pragmatism will now dilute the cheerful Fursenko. Sergey Alexandrovich is a cheerful uncle, emotional, he likes to promise three European cups in ten years (two were taken, by the way).

And he will definitely challenge Fedun to a duel on occasion. Fursenko is not afraid and knows how to be a comically romantic character on the football field, but at the same time one of those who lies not cynically, which is noticeably different from many others. When Mutko promises to break everyone or would declare victory at the World Cup-18, you would know that he is openly mocking. When Fursenko did this, everyone understood - dreamer, soaring in the sky. This is a dangerous type of people, because they are rarely practical and demanding of themselves.. But Sergei Alexandrovich from his company is far from the worst.

The new CEO of Zenit has one obvious plus - unlike friends, he is inclined to listen to arguments, he can change his point of view not because of the political situation, but of his own free will. Fursenko is one of the few Russian officials and close associates who is free to choose between duck breast and compote, and if he does not want both, he will receive a Zenit hamburger. An independent figure, as far as possible. But all the people of the era of gangster Petersburg have a couple of flaws that appear wherever you put them.

Sometimes they forget what year they live in, and on what laws they built modern world- Fursenko has no problems here, he is still a techie with the soul of a humanitarian, he can say without sarcasm: "Football must be played with clean hands and feet." But there is a second characteristic flaw. Far from always Fursenko and his friends keep their promises. And if they really want something, the principle “the end justifies the means” is turned on. Wouldn't want that to happen. Zenit needs a new clear structure of competent management, bright and suitable football. And we need a club honor, not a code from it.

Famous Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus got through to the football player Alexander Kokorin and the president of Zenit Sergey Fursenko. The pranksters introduced themselves as Vitaly Mutko, who is now the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and was previously the Minister of Sports of Russia.

During a discussion with Sergei Fursenko about the beating of several people by football players in Moscow, the pranksters cut Vitaly Mutko's words into sentences.

So much soul was invested in them, I mean Kokorin. Well, it's simple, Vitaly Leonidovich ... So insulting ... Just freaks! Real freaks, Vitaly Leonidovich, how much we have invested in this football.

- Is this the first and last time? Well, what are you talking about?

Vitaly Leonidovich, we are bred all the time and so on ... What just happens, you understand? I'm just offended to tears, you know? Yesterday morning it was reported that our club is the most visited in the world in 20th place. They were only delighted - and then one after another, as it started ...

- We thought that a few days would pass, everything would be fine. Now let's think about how it all ...

They thought we were going to beat them. But how can you excuse such things? Vitaly Leonidovich, well? ..

- Finished.

Just freaks! Just freaks! When Kolobkov called me, I did not believe what had happened.

You are important, do not fall apart, do not crumble. So don't worry too much. Of course, it’s bad, very bad… But what can you do?

You understand that we prepared it, did not play for half a year, played two games brilliantly. Pulled out the game with Krasnodar ...

And when will you be, Vitaly Leonidovich? I would drive up, because there are so many things to discuss ... Tell me, if possible, you need to consult there on various issues, because ... I understand that you are not dealing with these issues to the extent now, but it doesn’t matter, from old memory, I think you will give good advice.

In addition, the prankster Vovan also got through to Alexander Kokorin and published a short audio recording of a conversation with him.

- Hello.

- Well?

Nothing, I'm sitting straight, - answered Kokorin.

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev are defendants in two criminal cases of infliction of bodily harm. The players were supposed to appear on October 10 for questioning by the police. However, a lawyer came to the investigators instead of them. Alexander Dobrovinsky. According to law enforcement officers, the absence of athletes indicates that they are trying to hide the presence of alcohol and other substances in the blood.

The Petersburg club announced the reorganization of the management system: Alexander Dyukov became chairman of the board of directors, Fursenko replaced him as president, who at first will also act as general director instead of Maxim Mitrofanov.

The news itself is important and large-scale, but hardly surprising anyone. Firstly, after the second successive failure to qualify for the Champions League (and this is a serious financial loss), changes suggested themselves. Secondly, nothing was heard about for almost five years, when suddenly he began to appear at matches again. On the last home game season against "Krasnodar" in the press box about his return was not even whispered, but out loud. A week passed and the information was confirmed.

63-year-old Sergei Fursenko is the younger brother of the ex-Minister of Education and Science. In 2003, he became the general director of Lentransgaz LLC, a subsidiary of Gazprom, which at the end of 2005 acquired a controlling stake and appointed Fursenko as president. The new leader set not only an ambitious, but also a ridiculous task to win three European Cups in ten years, and after all, he almost failed to cope with it.

In 2006, the St. Petersburg club for the first time reached the quarterfinals of the UEFA Cup, fired the head coach Vlastimil Petrzhela and appointed the eminent Dutchman Dick Advocaat, and also sold Alexander Kerzhakov to the Spanish Sevilla. Before the start of the next season, Zenit set the country's transfer record by buying Anatoly Tymoshchuk from Shakhtar Donetsk for $20 million, as well as expensive Zyryanov, Pogrebnyak and Dominguez. At the end of the year, the team became the champion of Russia for the first time in history, and the next spring won the UEFA Cup. True, two months before this historic event, Fursenko was replaced as president, but, it is clear that the foundation of the victories was not laid by him.

Fursenko then moved to the position of general director of the National Media Group, but less than two years later he returned to the game, becoming president of the Russian Football Union and almost immediately appointing the same Advocaat as head coach of the national team. The national team performed well: they made it to the European Championship, where, despite a really good game, they did not leave the group in an offensive way. However, at the same time, he was mired in debt - not least because of the large salary of the Lawyer. After the failure at the Euro, both the Dutchman and Fursenko resigned, although the latter managed to amuse himself here with an ambitious promise - to win the home world championship. Under this case, the championship of Russia even switched to the "Autumn - Spring" scheme, the disputes about the advantages or disadvantages of which have not subsided so far.

"Zenith" for the nine seasons of Dyukov's presidency took first place three times, second two times and third three times, remaining without medals only in the first year. The indicators are good, you can not argue. However, with even greater spending on transfers and salaries, the club has never gone beyond the 1/8 finals of the Champions League or the 1/4 finals of the Europa League. At the same time, Dyukov remained the CEO and Chairman of Gazprom Neft PJSC, acting as a link between the main fan and the CEO, who was responsible for operational management.

What do permutations mean?

1) Mitrofanov's surname is not mentioned in the news about Fursenko's return, but there is a phrase "Until the completion of corporate procedures, he will perform the functions Director General club", that is, just the functions of Mitrofanov. Apparently, he will leave the club or be transferred to a significantly less significant post. This news will surely appeal to the fans, because among them, Mitrofanov, who became CEO at the age of 24, did not have the best reputation Since he was responsible for all the current processes in the club, all the bumps fell on him, from unsuccessful transfers to confrontation with fans, from a flagrant blunder with the appointment of Mircea Lucescu as head coach to problems with the stadium on Krestovsky Island.

We don't know what Mitrofanov is responsible for and what he isn't, but the club's management has always made a lot of mistakes. There is an opinion that Mitrofanov simply did not have enough experience and authority not to commit or correct them.

2) Alexander Dyukov seems to be taken out of brackets, although it was he who signed the order to appoint Fursenko. The ex-president became the chairman of the board of directors, that is, it seems that he even went for a promotion, but then how will his functions now differ from those of Miller, whom Fursenko, unlike Mitrofanov, can go to on his own?

3) At Gazprom, they were tired of all sorts of problems and scandals associated with the club, and decided to entrust the management to an experienced and proven person. For two seasons in a row, Zenit failed to take one of the top two places in the championship and get into the Champions League. The last two coaches did nothing but complain about everything (referees, fields, the limit on legionnaires, journalists, opponents, even Vitaly Mutko, who is extremely difficult to suspect of antipathy to Zenit) - and this despite all the hothouse conditions he created. Under Fursenko and Advocate it was much calmer.

4) Mircea Lucescu will leave his post in the near future. The new coach will be an experienced foreigner. It's a pity, Advocaat signed a contract with the Dutch national team just a couple of weeks ago. Almost didn't make it.

5) "Zenith" is trying to return to the glorious past, but there is no guarantee that this will be done. Fursenko managed the club well, but that was ten years ago, and sports director Konstantin Sarsania helped him a lot in this. Without a person who understands all the intricacies of football mechanisms, he will not succeed in anything sensible. In the RFU, Fursenko worked extremely unsuccessfully, and after that for five years he was generally incomprehensible where.

Formally, the most important permutation of this off-season in the “Zenith” has taken place, but in fact the next ones will have more significance. Will the St. Petersburg club find a strong manager to help the new president, and who will they appoint as the new head coach? We will find out very soon, because there are only two months before the start of the new season.

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