Download presentation on my pet. Interactive game "Pets" (presentation)

Valentina Lipinskaya
Presentation "Pets"

I bring to your attention presentation on the topic"Pets". The presentation contains riddles about pets. Riddles are good for the mind. Riddles about animals- These are the most favorite riddles of children. This presentation can be used as part of the lesson and as a stand-alone for organizing individual lessons with children. In addition, it can be used by parents.

Target: Continue to teach children to solve riddles.

Tasks: Consolidate students' knowledge about pets in an interesting entertaining, playful way;

Develop the mind, logical thinking, the ability to imagine this or that animal;

Raise love, respect for the environment and animals.

It is proposed to play with children, to give children the opportunity to show the speed of thinking, reasoning, comparison, comparison of knowledge about the world around them animals.

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Our companions and friends Try to imagine our life without dogs and cats, cows and horses, goats, sheep and pigs. No, It is Immpossible! We are accustomed to four-legged friends and helpers. For many millennia they live nearby, feed and water, dress and shoe us, give us their affection, warmth and affection, awakening gratitude and kindness in our hearts. Pets. I love pets very much: I feed, protect and caress, Dog and cat, goat and pig I consider my friends. A cow, a goat give us milk, There is no sheep's wool, A purring cat will give us comfort And catch all the mice. Our helpers are a cow, a ram And a black horse, dark-maned They live next to us, are attached to us, Trusting, peaceful.

Dog, dog, puppy at the kennel. Who didn't dream of a funny cute puppy as a child? With his appearance, life changes, becomes more interesting and fun! . Guess the riddle: I serve the master - I guard the master's house, I growl and bark loudly, And I drive away strangers. . They bought me a puppy. On the weekend at the Bird Market, Dad bought me a puppy. He brought it in a basket - Little dog yet! He is funny, clumsy, He licked me right on the nose, He made a puddle in the hallway And wagged his tail slightly. I scratched the puppy behind the ear, I tickled his stomach. The puppy became my best friend, He now lives with us ..

Who lives in a booth, kennel?

Cat, cat, kitten in the house Predator or not? What does it eat? What does it look like? Where does he live? Guess the riddle: Though velvet paws, But they call me "scratch", I deftly catch mice, I drink milk from a saucer. Kitten Fluffy mother, fluffy son, together rolled a ball on the floor. Mom indulged the kitten in the game, She gave him a ball with a paw. What did the son run away from the ball? Baby asks mom for milk!

Horse, horse, foal at the stable Tell about what kind of food the horse prefers. (The horse prefers oats, hay, fresh grass, you can treat it with sugar, black bread with salt). What is a plant-eating animal called? (herbivore) Horse In this stall behind the fence My horse sleeps and eats. I'll comb her hair, and her mane Will lie in waves beautifully. I will give sugar to the horse, She will be glad to the rider, Will carry me at a gallop Along the forest shady paths. . Guess the riddle: The baby is long-legged, The baby is long-maned, Mom is happy: The son is beautiful. He trots, He gallops, hooves along the path, Knock: "Top-top-top."


Cow, bull, calf in the barn What benefits does it bring? Guess the riddle: And sour cream, and kefir, Milk and tasty cheese, So that we are healthy, Give us a motley ... Calf Mama cow caressed the calf, Licked the whole flat muzzle. Maybe the son doesn’t like it, He asks his mother for something: “Moo-mu.” Mom gave the milk udder- So, what he asked for, I understood.

Goat, goat, kid at the barn What does it look like? How does he vote? Where does he live? What does he eat? Guess the riddle: I'll stand on my hooves, I'll get the leaves. I'll peel the aspen - I like to chew the bark. I am small in stature, but have enough milk. Thin-legged and horned, What is my name, guys? A goat kid In the garden, frolicking, a swift-footed mischief-maker penetrated, He gnawed all the cabbage, He shouted: "Me!" And running.

A pig, a boar, a pig at the pigsty Name the family Guess the riddle: The fat woman is running, The tail is a curl, The ears are a pie, The snout is a snout, Hooves are on their feet - Hurries to the trough. Piglet Mama Khavrosh loved the child, To swim in a warm puddle. Together they rolled in a warm puddle, Grunted merrily, buried themselves in the mud. The fat son was very pleased, the son's mother called "Piglet"

Sheep, ram, lamb at the barn Here are woolen mittens - from whose wool are they knitted? A sheep Tears grass in the field in summer, And lives in a barn in winter: They give her plenty of hay, And they expect a lamb for profit. Not horned, not vigorous, Restless, timid. Sheep's wool is sheared, Knitted and woven from it. Guess the riddle: Gray curls, thin hooves... In the field next to the mother frolicking merrily: It is good to chew pink porridge, It is sweet to drink sheep's milk.

Animal Farm How can you call all the inhabitants of the animal farm? List the pets we talked about. All pets in the barnyard have their own homes. Name them. Name the herbivores (cow, sheep, goat, horse) Do you think a cat is a herbivore or a carnivore? Why? Who else can be classified as predators? Talk about the benefits of pets.

The game "Who lives where?" Name the houses of various animals. A cow is a cow house, a cowshed or barn. Dog - ... ... booth or kennel Horse - ... ... stable, stall. Goat - ... .. barn, barn. Sheep - .... barn, manger. A cat is ... a house, an apartment. The game "Who gives a voice? Pig - grunts Dog - barks Sheep - bleats Goat - bleats Horse - neighs Cat - meows Animal Family Game Name the family members of various domestic animals Cow, bull, calf. Pig, hog, piglet. Sheep, ram, lamb. Horse, horse, foal. Goat, goat, kid. Dogs, dog, puppy. The game “Who benefits what? The game "Who eats what? Dog - likes to eat meat, bones. Cat - Cow - Game "Who looks like?" Tell us about the parts of the body that pets have. (horns, hooves, mane, udder)

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rare pets

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Wildlife is an amazing world and a special place in it is given to animals. People have been watching animals for a long time, acquiring knowledge about their appearance, habitat, lifestyle, habits and passing them on from generation to generation. Over time, books about animals appeared, and the science of zoology arose.

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They say that a pet is the keeper of the hearth, which is waiting for us home, loves and makes us happy.

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Domestic animals are descended from wild animals living in the wild. Many wild animals can be tamed, especially at a young age, and even kept at home. Sometimes it happens that wild animals are easily tamed.

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Rabbits have become pets relatively recently. As pets, dwarf rabbits are often kept. Unlike ordinary rabbits, dwarf rabbits are very small in stature. The weight of an ordinary rabbit is 5-8 kg, while dwarf rabbits reach only 1-1.5 kg. Dwarf rabbits have a rounder face and much shorter ears than their larger brothers.
simple rabbit
pygmy rabbit

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Mink is an unusually enterprising and strong predatory animal. She has very fluffy fur. Mink is an excellent swimmer. These animals love to swim, so organize this pleasure for them by placing a basin or a tub of water. Minks, like cats, love to play with a rope, string or leash.

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1. Hoofed animal with a mane and tail 2. A very stubborn animal with long ears 3. A bird with a long beak and a red cap 4. A ringed tail, sleeps under the porch, guards the house 5. Striped forest animal 6. White-sided bird, forest rattle, gossip 7. Big, strong, with fangs, name is Pumbaa 8. Sly red-haired cheat 9. Horny, curly, gives us wool



Ivanova E.S.

Target: give an idea about pets.


  • show distinctive features pets;
  • clarify the names of an adult animal and a cub;
  • to cultivate love and respect for nature and for “our smaller brothers”.

Who are pets?

These are animals that are kept by humans. He provides them with shelter and food, and they, in turn, benefit a person, are either a source of material goods and services, or companions that brighten up human leisure.

Mystery Stroking - caressing Teasing - biting.

The dog says to the puppy:

"Don't get into a fight with a cat, Although the owner is friends with her, But she does not serve him. Since you live in a kennel, So, the main one in the yard!

Mystery Even on the iron roof Walks quietly, quieter than a mouse. Go hunting at night And how he sees everything during the day. Often sleeps, and after sleep She washes.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball: That creeps up to him secretly, Then he will start throwing himself at the ball, Push him, jump to the side... Can't guess at all That this is not a mouse, but a ball

Mystery Hungry - mooing, full - chewing, Gives milk to all the guys!

The cow has a calf Ready to wrestle with her. He calls her to play And she chews grass - To raise a bull We need a lot of milk!

Mystery Piglet digging in the ground, I swim in a dirty puddle.

Pig teaches a piglet Eat a lot, grunt loudly.

And swim in the puddle To be no worse than others. To weigh a hundred kilos To be lucky in life .

Mystery For me, a stable is a home. Feed me oats! The mane curls behind the back, Don't run after me!

The foal will ask the horse: "You tell me, my good, Who has such a mane? Who grows so beautiful?" And answer for him: "You, my sweet, yoke-go!"

A goat with goats went out for a walk, Get drunk in the stream, pinch the grass. The goat gives milk to the mistress, She spins a goat thread from fluff.


With a beard, not an old man, With horns, not a bull. Not a horse, but kicking They milk, but not a cow, With fluff, not a bird, Bast pulls, but does not weave bast shoes.

Mystery Over the mountains, over the valleys There is a fur coat and a caftan.

The lamb has wool in rings, His mother is a sheep. He runs after her And trembles with fear. It means too soon call him a sheep .


He is the little brother of the bunnies, And the child is happy with him. A ball of fluff, a long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots

Where are the rabbits? The rabbit lost the rabbits, And the rabbits lie and are silent. One - behind the branch, Two - behind a broom, One is under the sheet, Two are under a bush. How to find children quickly? Mom has a little more than five of them. .

What are they giving us Pets?

CHECK YOURSELF! What animals called home?


Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about familiar pets. Raising children's interest in books about animals. Tasks: to introduce children to characteristic features appearance, behavior, lifestyle of pets and their cubs; develop the ability to name pets and their cubs; form a caring attitude towards pets; develop emotional responsiveness to works of art.

Preliminary work: Observation of the life of domestic animals; Examining toys, pictures depicting pets; reading works of art: fairy tales: “The wolf and the goats”, arranged by A.N. dereza”, arranged by E. Blaginina, verses: A. Barto “Bull”, “Goat”, “About a kitten”, V. Berestov “Bull”, stories: K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, V. Suteev “Three kittens”, "Who said "Meow?" solving riddles.

He eats grass, chews, is silent, And then mumbles for half a day: Stroke my sides - I'll give you fresh milk.

Who is this? Beard, horns. She has legs in her hooves. Gives magnificent healing milk.

Mila, good-natured, Piglet nose, Lying in a puddle, Crocheted tail sticking out

Joyfully waving his tail, When the owner goes into the house. Her fate is as follows - Keep the house from strangers.

Who lives in our house? Drinks milk from a bowl. Chases mice at night. Resting on a bench during the day.

Gives us wool so that we can get dressed, Keep warm in woolen clothes. Graze in a flock in the meadow. What is the name of the animal?

Didactic game "Guess who is extra?"

Didactic game "What are the names of pet cubs?

Fizminutka "Kittens".

Guys, let's listen to a poem: All day long we were grazing by the pines. Two girlfriends - ME and MU. MYAU warmed the barrel in the sun, BE interfered with it all day. KRYA swam nearby in the river, sang songs to Kukareku, GAV lay on the porch, Oink under the bush sniffed. And now, my friend, remind me, Name everyone who caught our eye on this hot afternoon. (T. Litvinova.) Children name pets

Didactic game "Who eats what?"

Listen to what a good poem the poet Roman Sef wrote about them: These animals live at home, That's why they are called domestic, We shelter them in warmth from the frost, We feed and drink them, if necessary - we cut them, We caress them affectionately, we always take care of them, They we are attached, very obedient And not indifferent to our voice. Dogs diligently guard our house, All cats, of course, live at the house And guard our food from mice. Today we remember our favorites. Let's remember who they are. (Pets).

Thank you for your attention.