If you dreamed that the plane was falling. Unpleasant changes, collapse of plans

Our experts will help you find out why the plane crashes in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I am on the beach by the warm sea, around a large number of people, everyone is resting, swimming. Suddenly we pay attention to the sky, a living baby falls from there, he was caught in his arms unknown man. Then another person caught another falling baby. Everyone began to look at the sky, and someone pointed out that a burning plane was visible there, which would soon fall. Then an adult man falls from the sky into the sea, in a business suit, with his hand in a cast. We are waiting to see if it pops up. This is where the dream ended.

    I have a dream in the morning, as if we are flying on a plane with a granddaughter and it starts to fall vertically to the ground_-nose down, I run up to my granddaughter, I press her to me, I say that everything will be fine and I start praying, as a result, the plane landed not on the highway, but on " belly"

    I dreamed that I was flying in a small plane. In fact, it looks like a minibus, there are very few people in it. Or more on a helicopter, there are only four people in my review. I squeeze the ticket in my hand, for some reason it is an electronic printout. There is another person on it, a man, I do not know him, but he is sitting next to me. We sort of took off, but there was no takeoff as such. And then it turns out that we gained altitude. A second later, screams and a feeling of free fall.

    I open my eyes. Vacation soon. Exactly one week later. I'm scared.

    Evening is not dark but evening. I look with binoculars in the sky I saw a plane. on it hung a blue or blue lace or handkerchief. No. After a while, they tell me that the plane has crashed. and I look and saw the plane stands with its nose forward along with the pole. and a hundred tells me that this is not a plane, but a helicopter. and I'm waiting to see someone come out and there seemed to be no one there. Thanks!

    I watched a falling plane from the side once it fell, touched the ground and rose, then turned around in the sky and began to fall again. After the fall, it moved along the ground right at me and I realized that it was moving right at me.

    we were in the house and saw two low-flying planes from the window and one of them crashed right behind the house and the second flew away my little brother ran out into the street to look at the planes and the plane fell right in front of him I watched from the window

    I followed someone forward in an unfamiliar city, on the water, but then turned around and went back alone. and I saw a plane flying rapidly down next to me, and I already knew for sure that it was crashing and falling. He dived into the ground with his nose and caught fire, while some people calmly got out of it. At one time, I had such dreams every night, where I invariably raised my eyes to the sky and saw a flying plane and already understood that it would now begin to fall and then saw a fall, but at the same time I never felt fear, neither in a dream, nor upon waking up

    My son had this dream in 2013.
    He and his girlfriend flew in an airplane at sunset. The plane began to fall. And he woke up.
    Now he and his girlfriend are going to fly by plane, also at sunset. And he remembered this dream and is afraid to fly. By the way, he has aerophobia

    i dreamed that the plane was falling and at the same time I said it was not clear whether it was landing, or whether it was about to fall and at that moment it was falling and an explosion occurred, I fell to the ground so that the debris did not hit me and covered my head, then I got up and ran staggering trying to find I saw my child who was walking nearby. When I ran that some people were digging there were slabs and there was earth and sand on top and they were digging and I also saw the red nose of the plane with a propeller sticking out from under the slab and I woke up and I never found the child

    stood on the road near a beautiful field. It was summer, the weather was great. I raised my head at the top and I see a strange plane flying, but it's all clean and very unusual. its shape is unusual. then my friends and I go to a neighboring house and see that the plane started to give black smoke, tried to gain altitude, but eventually crashed and exploded. the blast wave also reached us, but we did not feel the wind because the fence covered us

    11/23/2016 in the afternoon at 14 o'clock went to rest at 16-30 woke up from what he saw in a dream. For some reason, I wasn’t fastened on the plane, I went looking out the windows, they took off, they began to gain steep altitude (as always), I decided to sit in a seat, fasten my seat belt (the rules are the same) and walk around the plane, and at that moment the plane began to turn around as soon as it turned 45 degrees. The plane began to fall rapidly, but not at an acute angle, but as if to fend off, sitting in a chair, I see the cockpit, the dashboard, the windshield and everything that happens behind it. The plane does not fall on the coastal zone there is a beach, as I saw not a cloud of sun in the sky it shines, and into the water the sea swaying (do not smooth the storm) blue-green clean.

    I dreamed that I was flying in an airplane and I saw another plane falling through the window, then it again gains altitude, and again falls and crashes into a house, explosion, fire! In our plane, people began to panic and the woman was on board, who was responsible for order, she asked everyone to stand up and said that there was a terrorist on our board, after that we landed and went out into the field

    Hello, I look from the window of my house (parental house) and see how a plane falls, small as a military one and explodes. I was very scared. And then, in a dream, exactly the same planes began to fall and fall, like some kind of attack. All the time I was afraid that it would fall on our house. Woke up in a cold sweat. I am currently facing an important life decision.

    today I had a dream, as if I were standing and watching the plane gain altitude and suddenly it starts to turn around in my direction, approaching me, I see letters and numbers Boeing 777 is buzzing and it hits the ground and crashes, the body itself remains whole and the wings are falling off the people are alive, and out of nowhere the correspondents of the camera live broadcast satellite dishes.

    I was sitting either in the office of the airline, or at some point where planes arrive.
    Communicated with someone. Then planes fly over us and, as it were, make a landing approach, I'm not particularly worried, but then a loud sound, a roar is heard. I go out into the street, and there the planes, one by one, fall nose into the ground. I run away again under the roof, but the plane also falls there, I manage to escape. And I watch from the side how people run, how many victims.

    Dream: I am flying on an airplane with my husband, there are no other passengers. And suddenly the plane starts to fall, I find out that we are sort of testing a new plane. At the same time, we did not experience panic, we calmly sit and observe and somehow become anxious to realize that we are falling. Did not have time to fall, as I woke up. What could such a dream mean?

One of the most unusual dreams, which both frighten and capture, can be called the one in which you will see a plane crash. Such a vision is unlikely to be forgotten and left without attention. To find out why a falling plane is dreaming, a dream book will help.

One of the most unusual dreams that both frighten and capture at the same time can be called the one in which you have to see a plane crash.

The meaning of dreams in which one has to watch an airplane crash is ambiguous. Most often, they indicate that a turning point is expected in the dreamer's life. He will be forced to rethink his life and realize his mistakes. At the same time, it is worth noting that such a shock without the support of friends and relatives will be quite difficult to survive.

It is quite possible that observing such an unpleasant process in dreams will not affect the dreamer himself, but his loved ones. It is their lives that will be destroyed. It is necessary to offer them your help, not only moral, but also financial. For a person in trouble, these actions will be invaluable, he will definitely thank for them later, as soon as he has such an opportunity.

To interpret such a dream, you need to remember what emotions it was accompanied by:

  • shock and horror - in real life you will have to cope with your own fears;
  • panic - the plans that have been built will not come true, no matter what efforts are made;
  • calmness and a smile - the destruction of enemies and victory over competitors.

Plane crash in a dream book (video)

See how the plane crashes and explodes

Seeing a plane crash and explode is not always a bad sign. In order to interpret such a vision correctly, one must take into account the circumstances preceding it, the personality of the dreamer himself and the features of dreams:

  • serious negotiations are expected the day before - it is worth expecting that the deal will not take place, even material losses are not excluded;
  • to see an explosion - you should not get involved in dubious and risky undertakings. They can lead to loss of position and even bankruptcy;
  • for young people, such a vision promises love passions. It is possible that someone will soon confess their feelings, or the beloved will begin to show them with renewed vigor;
  • an explosion directly upon falling is news that will entail a number of troubles;
  • fragments fell on the owner of dreams - serious troubles are expected in the working environment;
  • watch the crash - in connection with the problems that have arisen, the state of mind will also worsen.

Seeing a plane crash and explode is not always a bad sign.

If the plane falls to the ground or into the water in a dream

People have a wide variety of dreams. In some of them you can watch the plane crash into the water. It also happens that he falls to the ground. Of course, the interpretation of such dreams will differ significantly.

  1. If in dreams you have to watch the plane crash into the water, then most likely fate is preparing many trials that have to be overcome on the way to your own success. He definitely needs to cope with the problems that have befallen the dreamer on his own, without resorting to the help of friends. Of course, this will require titanic efforts, but the sleeper will certainly cope with this. During this period, it is extremely important to devote time not only to work, but also to rest. Too much emotional and physical stress threatens a nervous breakdown.
  2. If the falling liner fell to the ground, then this dream indicates that the person is overworked and will not be able to complete the work on time. You need to rest and gain strength in order to get to work later.

If the falling liner fell to the ground, then this dream indicates that the person is overworked and will not be able to complete the work on time.

If in dreams the plane crashed on the ground, but did not burn, then this vision indicates the possibility of betrayal by loved ones. It is possible that they will be a business partner. A plan has been brewing in his head for a long time, but the dreamer does not notice this. It is worth fearing an unexpected, rather painful blow to the back. The consequences of these actions will be dire. Even bankruptcy is not ruled out.

Why dream of a plane crashing near the house

The dream in which you have to watch the plane crash, next to the house, also has a negative meaning. If he fell in the private sector, then the dream indicates the presence of a competitor who is trying with all his might to take the place of the dreamer. Soon, an enemy may appear who will be ready for decisive action in order to achieve his goal. You need to be as careful and attentive as possible.

If an iron bird fell and exploded near a multi-story building, then you should be wary of a conspiracy that will involve a large number of people. For this reason, the dreamer may lose not only material wealth and work, but also respect.

If an iron bird fell and exploded near a multi-storey building, then you should be wary of a conspiracy

The destruction of the family can also symbolize such a dream. If the relationship with the second half has not been going well for a long time, then it may even be better to start life from a new leaf.

Burning plane in a dream: interpretation

No matter how paradoxical it may seem, watching a burning plane crash in a dream is a good sign. In the dreamer's life, a period begins that is most favorable for the implementation of the plans and the adoption of vital decisions. Any, even minor changes promise positive changes in life. Problems can arise only if a person is indifferent to everything.

No matter how paradoxical it may seem, watching a burning plane crash in a dream is a good sign.

Being inside a falling plane in a dream

Of particular importance are dreams in which the dreamer does not have to observe the action from the side, but be a direct participant in it. Such dreams indicate that in real life it will not be possible to realize your dreams. Most likely, the picture of the future is too idealized and for this reason its implementation is unrealistic. A person is destined to face reality, look it in the eye and get rid of illusions.

Depending on additional factors, such a dream can be interpreted somewhat differently:

  • managed to jump out - the dreamer is lucky, surrounded by exceptionally faithful and reliable people. You can safely count on the support of friends even in the most difficult situations. You will never have to know about such states of the soul as despondency or loneliness;
  • falling to the ground - the sleeping person at the moment just needs a nervous shock in real life. Most likely, he is a sincere, gentle person, blindly trusts those around him and simply does not notice what is happening around him. He is deceived and betrayed, but he does not attach any importance to this and takes it for granted. It is worth looking reality in the eye, no matter how unpleasant it may be;
  • death - those who face tragic changes in real life have to see their own death in dreams. Serious problems will arise in business, money will disappear at an incredible speed, serious conflicts will appear in personal life. Even illness and its fatal outcome are not excluded;

You can only explain what a falling plane is dreaming of using a modern dream book. Air transport, seen in a dream, can promise a forced trip. Going on a trip, most likely, will be on duty. This trip will not bring much joy, on the contrary, only troubles and worries will be associated with it. Seeing an airship in the sky crash to unforeseen danger. It will appear at the moment when you least expect it.

If you dreamed of a falling plane several times, then this is a clear signal that all hopes will collapse. Plans will not come true, and goals will not be achieved. For a young unmarried girl, such a dream is a sign that the planned marriage will not take place.

The most common interpretations

Quite a lot of dream books explain what falling planes dream of. Often after such a dream, a person experiences a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. And, in most cases, such feelings are not in vain. Flying inside the cabin in a dream means prosperity and numerous successes both in personal life and in business. The crash of a flying giant, on the contrary, promises only adversity and all sorts of problems.

The scale of the crash is also important. The collapse of a giant liner, accompanied by explosions and a large column of fire, portends major trouble. Dealing with them will not be easy.

To fly in a dream in a falling plane means in real life to completely lose control over the situation. Do not try to take control of events. Despite all the efforts made, the idea will fail miserably.

If a business person constantly dreams of a falling plane, he should prepare for serious business troubles. The dream interpretation warns of the machinations of competitors or envious people. The dreamer will not be able to control the situation. In some cases, bankruptcy of a firm or enterprise may even occur.

The dream interpretation also explains why a falling plane dreams of people who are far from business and conquering career heights. In this case, such a nightly plot warns of disruption of plans. For example, a planned trip to the theater, to a presentation, may not take place. Or any other holiday. Don't get too upset about this. Such a small disappointment will quickly be forgotten.

A few more explanations

What such a plot comes to in a dream also depends on the state of affairs in reality. For example, if you have a business or personal meeting and the day before you saw a falling plane in a dream, it will not go very well. Such a night vision before the wedding predicts an unhappy family life. Perhaps, before formalizing the relationship, it is worth once again carefully considering and analyzing everything?

Seeing yourself in a dream during a crash in the cabin with your lover to difficulties in relationships. Misunderstandings and quarrels can even lead to a painful breakup. Surviving it will not be easy for both partners. It will most likely take a long time. One of the dream books deciphers such a dream as advice to refrain from any absolutely flights in the near future.

If the airbus left a mark in a dream when it fell, one should expect a betrayal of a friend or adultery. Also, as the dream book says, you can survive a heavy loss. It is possible that the help of a psychologist is required.

To find out why a plane falling into the water is dreaming, you need to turn to modern dream book. According to this source, a dream can speak of your great self-doubt.

According to Miller's dream book, a falling plane indicates that very soon in reality you will receive important news that will seriously affect your entire current life.

Falling or taking off, it is possible only on the basis of contemporary ideas. If you dreamed of a plane, then you may have a forced trip that you cannot refuse in any way. If in a dream you saw a plane flying over you, then this is a sign - you need to be extremely careful, there is an unforeseen danger ahead of you that may arise from where you did not expect it at all.

A falling plane in a dream may be evidence of the destruction of hopes. If an unmarried woman had such a dream, then this is evidence that the planned wedding was not destined to come true.

Many wonder, falling? A state of anxiety haunts a person for a long time. He begins to worry that such a dream may indicate future troubles. And such experiences are not in vain, since certain difficulties will indeed await you.

If in a dream you flew on an airplane, then you can expect success in work or business.

Your own flight in an airplane draws your attention to the fact that you are not immortal, life flies very quickly, and you miss many important events. Therefore, you should not put off anything for tomorrow, everything that you have planned for the future, you can start doing right now.

If in a dream you had a very long flight and you were very tired, then in life you will have to make quite a lot of your own efforts to make all your plans and dreams come true. Therefore, you need to think now whether it is worth your efforts. Perhaps you should not even pay attention to small things that will require a lot of energy from you, but you will not get profit or pleasure. If in a dream you saw a very large plane crash, then very serious troubles await you in life.

A falling plane in a dream is a sign of a possible impending misfortune, so you need to be very careful to avoid trouble. A long wait for a plane at the airport may be an indication that due to your insecurities or uncertainty in life, you may now miss out on a very important offer work or miss a very important event in life.

If in a dream you saw white footprint, which was left after the plane, then in life you risk losing something very important to you, the likelihood of parting or a serious quarrel with your loved one increases. At the same time, nothing will depend on you and it is useless to try to keep your loved one, because the decision has already been made and you will not be able to change anything, you will have to put up with it.

And at the same time, if you are a lucky and self-confident person or consider yourself as such, then the answer to the question - why is a falling plane dreaming? - will be different. You are probably characterized by excessive self-criticism, in your soul you doubt your strength, your rightness.

The dream book does not always interpret a plane crash as an impending failure, misfortune, catastrophe, but this is a reflection of an alarming state of mind.

The interpretation of dreams depends on the situation in which you find yourself in relation to this very aircraft.

So, if in a dream you were an airplane pilot, you can say that you are a completely self-confident person, while the people who surround you begin to feel your confidence. If in a dream you were flying a plane, then in reality you keep the situation under control and will be able to bring everything to an end. If you look at the earth through then you should pay more attention to your relatives and close friends, as well as employees at work, otherwise serious troubles at work may await you.

And certainly, if we saw something unusual, memorable or frightening, we want to know if there is any sense in this. Maybe we are being warned about something, or maybe this is how the subconscious mind shows that we are waiting for happiness and good luck? For these purposes, books of interpretation of dreams were invented. You can believe them, you can not, but it is better to take into account the information that is contained there.

falling plane

Why do liners and plane crashes dream, not every dream book can explain. The fall of the plane is interpreted only by the most modern of them. Because when the description of dreams was carried out in the old days, aircraft simply did not exist. What a plane is dreaming of falling from the sky can be accurately interpreted only by remembering all the details of the vision. Did you see it from the side, or maybe you were inside? If you were in the cabin, in what capacity (passenger, pilot)? Who was next to you? If you saw acquaintances or relatives in a dream, then it is quite possible that these people will take a direct part in the events that this dream portends.

In fact, many believe that seeing a falling plane in a dream is not a good sign, some kind of tragedy will definitely happen. Moreover, such a dream is interpreted as a prophetic one. Some people project this vision into their lives and may even cancel the trip if part of the journey is through the air. This interpretation is only partly true, because when deciphering a dream for the greatest reliability, it is necessary to take into account the totality of all life circumstances, think about the main areas: work, home, family life, finances, and so on. And having already looked into the dream book, figure out to which of these areas the interpretation can be applied.


An airplane in a dream in itself, as an object of the real world, is a good sign for the sleeper. It symbolizes the movement forward, and if we draw a parallel with life in reality, then in it, like on the air path of an iron bird, there can be air pockets, turbulence, falling into thunderclouds, flying in bright sunlight. Everyone has ups and downs, difficult life circumstances, streaks of luck or failure. In addition, the plane can be a symbol of the fulfillment of desires, the fulfillment of dreams and hopes. The fall of an airplane for girls may portend an unexpected declaration of love. But most dream books are still inclined to explain such a vision in a not very favorable way.

So, if the plane, as we said above, is a sign of a life path, hopes and achievement of heights, then its fall may mean that it will not be possible to achieve what was planned. And if the airplane still only fell, and you did not wake up until the moment it crashed, then this is a warning that it is better to abandon your plans. Otherwise, all expectations, like a plane in a dream, will turn into only a pile of debris.


The interpretation given above is the most popular. Now let's pay attention to the details. Why the plane is falling in a dream, if you are inside, you can understand by remembering who you were in a dream. If you saw yourself as a pilot, then this most likely means that in life you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, there are many obligations to other people, the feeling that they associate some kind of expectations with you, and the fear of not living up to them. .

In other words, just as pilots are responsible for the lives of passengers entrusted to them, so you feel the burden of the duties you have taken on, but you do not admit it even to yourself, and this anxiety manifests itself only in dreams. If you saw yourself as a passenger, remember who was sitting next to you. In the event that you saw friends or close relatives, a dream may mean that in your relationship, most likely, there was a misunderstanding and some tension. If there were work colleagues or business partners, then, most likely, those projects that were developed jointly with them will not bring the expected success or monetary profit.

Why dream of a plane falling to the ground?

If you see it from the outside, then this, as a rule, is in vain expectations. This interpretation is applicable to various areas of life. This vision may mean that something will interfere with the appointment, lead to the disruption of the financial transaction, if a wedding is foreseen, then an obstacle to it or an unsuccessful marriage. That is, in general, watching in a dream how a plane crashes means that those events that you are looking forward to will not bring you any pleasure or profit.

Ruins after the crash

Why dream of a falling plane, we found out. If you see the ruins after a disaster, this is a sign that you need to be extremely vigilant and attentive to small things. In its own way, a dream warning, which does not necessarily mean that your plans will not come true or there will be obstacles to their implementation, but, perhaps, that if you pay more attention to the little things, then everything will definitely work out.

And, finally, why dream of a falling plane and explodes right there? Most likely, such a dream may mean that you are under stress and are ready to explode yourself. Remember that liners in dreams often symbolize our doubts and mental anguish.