Top of the best cigarette puff tanks. Should I look for a tank with a cigarette puff? best cigarette puff atomizer

There are two main classes of tanks that are mounted on an electronic cigarette power supply, namely clearomizers and atomizers. Everything is quite simple: in the tank of an electronic cigarette there is a chamber for evaporating liquid, where a spiral serves as a heating element, there may be one or two, in rare cases three or more. So here are the differences between clearomizers (Clear Atomiser) and atomizers (Rebuildable Atomizer) are whether the evaporation chamber at the tank is replaceable, or whether it is serviced. The replaceable evaporation chamber is called an evaporator.

Replaceable evaporators come in a variety of types and types, they also have a different number of coils, different materials for absorbing liquid and supplying it to the coil, which will heat up when tightened, turning the liquid into vapor.

There are various recommendations for maintaining the evaporation chamber, they are intended for advanced users who already know how to make spirals themselves, how many turns to make, and what material the spiral will be made of. There are different approaches to winding certain models of atomizers due to the design features.

There is a wide range of materials used as an impregnated wick, usually through a helix. As wicks, silica, cotton wool of Japanese origin, which has directional fibers, can be used in order to make it easier to thread the wick into a spiral. There are also exotic materials such as linen wadding and many others. Each material conveys the taste of the liquid in its own way. Furthermore, different types spirals and materials from which the wire is made also affect the taste sensations and give different resistance.

Atomizers are also divided into types according to the tightening force. Two classes can be noted: cigarette puff and hookah.

Atomizers with a cigarette puff give relatively no a large number of vapor, as a rule, have a good taste transfer, you can also note a somewhat tight puff, unlike hookah tanks, which imitate a puff on an analog cigarette. Cigarette atomizers include tanks such as Taifun and Kaifun. Most atomizers have an airflow control that adjusts how tight the puff will be. However, on cigarette atomizer the tightening will still remain quite tight, and on the hookah tank it will be quite free, due to the design features of the shaft and airflow.

Clearomizers, as we agreed, are not serviced tanks, they also have a puff division into cigarette and hookah. Unless there are no difficulties with winding the heating element. In the "clerics" it simply unscrews, or is pulled out of the rubber grooves, when it has served its time and simply changes to a new one.

Currently, manufacturers are actively producing and developing new type atomizers - clearomizers with the ability to install a serviceable vapor chamber (RBA base), also called "hybrid atomizers" in the vape community. Such clearomizers are often included in kits for novice users who want to purchase a device that allows them to immediately evaluate the entire spectrum of vaping sensations. These clearomizers are Kangertech SubTank (nano, plus, mini), Joytech Delta ll, Smoktech TFV4 and others.


Atomizers (Rebuildable Atomizer) are tanks for advanced amateurs electronic cigarettes, because these people are interested in experimenting, and the wider the field for experiments, the better. Therefore, there are a large number of different tanks that provide different taste sensations.

Clearomizers (Clear Atomiser) - tanks with replaceable evaporators. Evaporators are usually easy to change after their working cycle. Vaporizer operation cycle depends on the evaporator model, other factors such as the power supplied from the battery to the evaporator, the frequency of E.C. and even the concentration of certain ingredients of the liquid and its color. On average, the service life is about two weeks.

Hybrid atomizers (RBA base) - tanks with the ability to install a serviceable vapor chamber - an excellent choice for a beginner who wants to get the experience of self-service atomizer, always being able to simply install a ready-made coil and enjoy the taste of vapor. Such devices are now few and often expensive. However, the lineup is constantly being updated and some hybrid clearomizers are not much inferior in scope for winding experiments to traditional atomizers (Rebuildable Atomizer).

The atomizer is the "heart" of the electronic cigarette. In its design, it resembles a boiler. Inside the tank there is a metal spiral to which liquid is supplied. With the help of electric current from the battery, the vape heats the coil, and the liquid turns into vapor. Tanks with a cigarette puff are equipped with a special blowing system.

Atomizers differ in the type of design:

  • Classic. Consist of an evaporator and a replaceable cartridge. They have a simple design and stylish appearance. The disadvantages of such tanks include the formation of plaque on the spiral.
  • Cartomizers. The evaporator and cartridge are mounted in one common cylinder. The tank is filled with a special syringe. They give a large amount of thick vapor, which conveys the taste of the liquid well. The devices are disposable. If one of the elements fails, the entire cartomizer is replaced.
  • Clearomizer. Tanks made of plastic and glass. The transparent case of such an atomizer allows you to monitor the liquid level. Fully serviced devices.

Most devices with a cigarette type of puff use clearomizers.

Electronic cigarettes with a cigarette puff are the choice of vapers who want to make the vaping process as similar as possible to habitual smoking. The steam in this case first enters the mouth, and then into the lungs (unlike the California draft, where the steam enters the lungs directly).

When choosing a vape with a cigarette craving, you should not count on working with high powers and generating voluminous dense vapor. The puff is tight, similar to a regular cigarette. In technical terms, this vaping option is provided by small-diameter air ducts and a narrow mouthpiece.

What are the benefits of cigarette cravings?

An electronic cigarette with a cigarette puff conveys well all the features of the selected taste due to low air saturation. Vape with cigarette cravings have:

  • Excellent and vibrant flavor.
  • A good imitation of smoking, due to which the user will experience minimal discomfort when switching to ES.
  • A small amount of steam, which is convenient for those who do not want to attract much attention to themselves in the office, on the street or in other public places.

Model Features

Electronic cigarettes with a cigarette puff are distinguished by a high vaporizer resistance - most often, at least 1.5 ohms. Such devices do not differ in design complexity, many adjustable parameters. Often these are simple models where you do not need to understand the intricacies of winding and maintenance.

Electronic cigarettes with cigarette draw also have the following features:

  • Air flow regulation. It is often done mechanically using a ring at the top or bottom of the evaporation system. The more air ducts are closed, the more effort will have to be done when soaring.
  • Low power. For this type of vaping, high power is useless. Therefore, an electronic cigarette with a cigarette puff often does not differ in a capacious tank: a small value of this parameter contributes to savings.
  • Liquid composition. The basis is a composition with a high content of propylene glycol, which provides a good hit on the throat and imitates ordinary smoking as much as possible.

You can buy an electronic cigarette with a cigarette puff in any of the Vardex stores or by choosing the right model through the online catalog. Our experts will help you decide on a suitable model and, depending on current preferences, will advise a simpler or more complex device.

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Recently, vaping - smoking electronic cigarettes - is at the peak of popularity. Although, according to vapers, smoking is not quite the right term for this process, because in fact, only the inhalation of vapor, or “soaring”, occurs. It is logical that due to the increased interest in electronic cigarettes, the range of vaping accessories began to expand. Let's focus on the most important part of the steam generator - the atomizer, consider its device, the principle of operation and determine the best atomizers for electronic cigarettes.

Today, everyone who has ever tried electronic cigarettes knows more or less about atomizers. This is not surprising: it is this element that allows us to consider an electronic steam generator a cigarette. Of course, the battery pack, with the help of which current is supplied for the timely evaporation of liquid from the tank, is also of no small importance. However, it is the atomizer that can be called the "heart" of the electronic cigarette. The design features of the atomizer provide the main properties of the vape device: the density and volume of the exhaled vapor, the rich taste and aroma of the liquid filled into the device.

If you are new to the world of “vaping” and do not yet understand exactly how an atomizer functions, remember ordinary boiler. It is with this unpretentious device that our device can be compared. The very design of the atomizer is a nichrome spiral, inside of which there is a wick (quartz thread) impregnated with a non-flammable liquid. When voltage is applied to the coil from a source of electricity (battery), it instantly heats up and heats the wick very much. The liquid in the wick also reaches high temperatures and goes into steam. The resulting vapor is inhaled by vapers.

Accordingly, if the liquid is flavored, the vapor also becomes palatable.

Thus, in order for the atomizer to work correctly, the following components of the device are required:

  1. A battery that acts as a source of electricity.
  2. Refilled liquid (usually a replacement cartridge). It is she who wets the wick inside the spiral.

The smoker is inhaled through a special mouthpiece. With the help of connecting elements, a battery mod and an atomizer, or, as it is called, a tank, form a single electronic device with different characteristics.

Classification of atomizers

The vaping industry is constantly evolving, and manufacturers offer a ton of options for vapers. These devices vary in size, design features, coil resistance, maintenance. In order not to make a mistake in choosing an atom, it is best to know the main features of a particular type.

Service possible

The most common classification of vape devices is serviceability.

  1. serviced. These are atomizers, the manufacturer of which makes it possible to manually change the heating element - a nichrome spiral. As a rule, inside the design of such atomizers there are special fasteners for convenient installation of the coil. Some models also allow you to replace the wick yourself and customize the device to your taste (for example, adjust the winding of the spiral). This type of atomizer is suitable for those users who do not want to constantly buy new devices - it is easier to replace the necessary elements in an existing device. Perhaps, for beginners, a serviced atomizer will not seem like the most successful acquisition, but over time, having understood the range of accessories and understanding the principle of operation, they will opt for this particular type. Full service models are found among clearomizers, tankomizers, atomizer drips.
  2. Semi-serviced. In this case, changing the coil will not work, but the manufacturer allows you to change the whole evaporator, that is, part of the atomizer with a coil and screwed wicks. In this case, there is no provision for changing the winding of the spiral, which means that it is impossible to adjust the taste and amount of steam generated. The replacement process is quite simple: it will be enough just to attach a new evaporator to replace the old one to the main base of the device. In general, it is even more convenient and takes much less time than painstaking manual installation of the coil into the compartment with fasteners. This type includes the following devices: clearomizers, Ego-C atomizers, DCT tanks.
  3. Unattended. These devices are considered disposable. They have a limited service life, because in the event of a malfunction, it will not be possible to change the heating element. After a breakdown, most likely, you will have to purchase a new model. However, disposable atomizers also have their own varieties: with replaceable cartridges (the most short-lived and inferior in taste to other types), more reliable cartomizers in the form of a tube and clearomizers with a large liquid capacity.

According to the degree of resistance of the spiral

As mentioned above, the devices are equipped with a nichrome spiral - the main heating element of the design. The electrical resistance may vary. Ohm's law, known since the school physics course, says that the greater the resistance, the less current is supplied. In our case, the resistance of the coil determines how thick and at what temperature the steam will be.. If the number is low, then the output is very hot and dense steam. The resistance value is affected by the size of the heating coil and the number of turns in it.

  1. Standard: The resistance is between 2.1 and 2.6 ohms. Steam is formed of medium density and saturation - this is the most acceptable option for vapers.
  2. Low resistance: no more than 2 ohms. These devices generate much more steam than standard models, however, as a result of intensive work, they often fail.
  3. high resistance: more than 3 ohms. Vaporization is powerful and rich, the taste of steam is usually bright. Such tanks are equipped with a more capacious and high-quality battery than the rest.

By type of construction

The third and rather important criterion by which atomizers are classified is the type of construction. In fact, it is the design of the device that determines its main qualities.

Top 5 e-cigarette tanks

How to determine the best atomizer among the abundance of proven devices and fresh new products? There are several criteria for identifying the best atomizer, but mostly it is the taste and the duration of the puff. There are three types of puffs: hookah, medium and cigarette. If you are purchasing an electronic device for the purpose of quitting smoking, then we advise you to opt for tanks with a cigarette puff. The taste of steam is more dependent on the liquid that impregnates the synthetic winterizer. It is better to adjust the brightness of the taste yourself, which means that you should pay attention exclusively to serviced models. Having determined the main requirements for buying a high-quality atomizer, we offer you a small rating of the best models. All of them were released during 2016 and 2017, and in a short time they have proven themselves among experienced vapers only on the positive side.

5th place - Geek Vape Ammit RTA

On the fifth place of the top is a tank with one spiral and 3D airflow. This device was produced in 2016, and since its inception has gained popularity among vapers. The reason for this is the excellent taste of steam thanks to a powerful tank and a versatile, practically 3D blowing inner spiral. Air is supplied from two slots at the top and bottom, and air is also supplied from the side.

Inside the design there are large holes for attaching the coil, so it will not be difficult to replace it even for a novice vaper.

In the delivery set there is an additional fastening-clamp for the correct and reliable installation of the heating element. The liquid supply can be controlled independently thanks to the slots in the tank. The Geek Vape Ammit RTA Tank is easy to refill, just remove the top cap and load e-liquid into one of the slots. The body is made of stainless steel, the tank itself is made of glass. The diameter is 22 mm, the volume of the tank is 3.5 ml.

4th place - Billow v2

This model is a novelty medium puff, serviceable atomizer from the manufacturer Ehpro. This modification means installation of two coils. There is a bottom blowing of the spiral, while the air comes from a pair of holes at the bottom of the base. You can adjust the airflow with a rotary ring. The liquid tank is characterized by a large capacity - the volume is 5 ml.

The body of the tank is made of glass, which means that you can control the level of liquid inside at any time.

The base of the atomizer is equipped with 3 racks with special slots for strong installation of coils. The ends of the helix are held in place by Phillips screws. Refilling this tankomizer is simple: you need to turn it over with the drip tip down and disconnect the base. Next, you will need to fill the liquid through one of the filling holes, and then carefully screw the base back. The disadvantage of Billow v2 compared to similar models is education a small amount of steam- most likely, it will not work to create a huge cloud around you.

3rd place - UD Goblin Mini V3 RTA

This modification was developed by UD Technology. The tank consists of five main parts: the base of the device, a replaceable deck, a dome of the evaporation chamber with an air duct, a body and a top cap - a cover for filling. The tank can function with one or two coils thanks to deck replacement system, and there is a swivel airflow adjustment ring, which can be adjusted to your liking. On the ring, you can see a special engraving, indicating the degree of opening of the air supply hole. There is also a mark by which you can track the amount of liquid in the tank.

The volume of this atomizer is 2 ml of liquid, but you can additionally purchase replaceable tank up to 4 ml. The flask of the tank is glass, and the glass, if necessary, can be replaced with a new one.

All you need to properly fill the tank is to stop pouring liquid into the evaporator and unscrew the top cap. Then you just need to pour new fluid into the tank through one of the holes in the base. The obvious advantage of the UD Goblin Mini V3 RTA is its small size, functionality, ease of operation and excellent dense vapor. The disadvantage lies in the need purchase additional parts, for example, a larger tank.

2nd place - Crius

In the second place of the top is the serviced Crius atomizer with bottom and side airflow. Puff - hookah, free. The first thing that catches your eye when you see the device - rich equipment and a huge selection of spare parts for the limitless imagination of vapers and full control over the steaming process. There is a space in the atomizer box under the main upper compartment in which the manufacturers placed a set of several coils, a piece of wire for self-winding the coil, and a piece of Japanese cotton filler. The manufacturer took care of a set of duplicate swivel rings and tank glasses.

In the tankomizer, convenient control of the liquid supply is carried out: you just need to carefully turn the body of the tank relative to the base. The diameter is 22 ml, the volume of the tank is 4.2 ml. The advantage of Crius is to get thick and voluminous steam in addition, the device is refueled without difficulty - just slide the tank cap and load the liquid into the opened hole.

1st place - Steam Crave Aromamizer RDTA

One of the best tanks of 2017 is the Aromamizer RDTA from Steam Crave. This vape device is equipped with capacious tank about 7 ml. In the latest model, the tank diameter is as much as 25 mm. There is a convenient base with two large posts to simplify the installation of the coil. The spiral is blown here from the side, and it is possible to adjust the air supply to your liking - there is a rotary ring for this.

To fill the tank, you will need to shut off the fluid supply, turn the top cap and pour fluid into the tank. Before unscrewing the tank cap, we recommend that you pay attention to the corresponding mark. The body of the tank is made of high-quality glass (there is also a spare in the delivery set). Thus, the main advantage of this model can be considered convenient refueling, an excellent capacious tank and a pleasant rich taste of the resulting steam.


We hope that our article has helped you better understand what atomizers are, how they work, and which models are considered leaders in the modern vaping industry. We have determined the best atomizer based on user feedback and device characteristics, but do not forget that manufacturers are constantly "upgrading" their developments and offering innovative devices. So, over time, the models will improve and delight vapers with new features and capabilities.

At the moment, there are already a lot of various atomizers, for a free (hookah) puff and for a tight cigarette puff, serviced and unattended, with a container for liquid and without a container for liquid, with a cotton wick on a grid (genesis), in general, for various needs and consumer wishes. We will consider only serviced atomizers and they can be divided into several categories:

RTA - tanks, RDA - drips, RDTA - the so-called "bakodripki"

In this article, we will try to figure out which one to choose. MTL atomizer (tank, drip) for a cigarette puff.

Since a lot of different hardware has already been used and tested, I will rely only on personal experience and your taste. I started using atomizers on cigarette puff about three years ago, at the same time, the boom in the development of the vape industry began and there was no such variety of devices as there is now. The first was Kayfun V 3.1 RTA, then Tayfun RTA, Erlkonigin RTA, Ahilles RTA, Origen V 2 (genesis), Ataman RTA V 2, By-ka V 5 and V 6 RTA , Kayfun V 4 RTA , Kayfun 3 mini RTA , Kayfun V 5 RTA - all these atomizers are sharpened specifically for a tight cigarette puff and have similar design features, namely: a small air supply hole, also a small coil blowing hole, a necessarily serviced base for one coil. Also, on atomizers for a cigarette puff, you must use the correct liquid with a proportion PG/VG - 50/50, but this is not necessary, everyone decides for himself what is right and what is not, but I use just such a proportion and a strength of 3 mg / ml.

In 2017, I can single out a few worthy representatives in the category of "cigarette tanks". I’ll probably give the first place for a real folk tank Merlin mini RTA , for its compact size, ease of use, chic taste transfer, affordable price and versatility, by the way, this tank has been in personal constant use since the day of release, more detailed overview you can watch my video:

Buy Merlin mini RTA in Ukraine can be around $20 per unit.

And Berserker RTA

You can see it in more detail in my video:

You can also add Kayfun V5 and V5 mini to this list, but there are a couple of points. The first is the price of the original 150 euros, buy a clone Kayfun V5 in Ukraine will not be difficult at a much affordable price around $ 20, the second is the need to "dope" the airflow hole of the spiral, in order to achieve a really tight tightening, you will need to find a special bushing.

If you choose any of these atomizers, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the result, everything is decided by the thickness of your wallet and the superiority of a hamster over a toad :-) All three worthy representatives MTL categories with their individual features and benefits.

Buy Berserker RTA in Ukraine it is possible within 1000-1200 UAH, and in China the price tag for it will be quite democratic in the region of $ 30, but to buy By-ka V 7 RTA in Ukraine it is already possible, but the price around $ 150 is exorbitant in my opinion, so it’s worth waiting for the appearance of clones in Chinese stores, sometimes they are of very decent quality, no worse, and in some places even better than the original.

Time does not stand still and everything changes, the leaders in this segment too, you can see a detailed comparison and definition of which tank to choose in my video:

I hope this article will help you make a choice. MTL atomizer for a cigarette puff, of course, I did not touch on all the technical points, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will answer everyone if possible.

All thick and delicious steam!