Review of the school "Skyeng". Jobs at Skyeng Sky ink English

About school

Skyeng is an excellent service for those who want to learn English via Skype in the shortest possible time. It provides unique opportunity study with a personal teacher at any time and place convenient for you, since training is carried out remotely. Spend a lot of time commuting to work? Are you stuck in traffic for a long time? Make good use of this time! Just sign up for courses from Sky Yong.

Learning process

Want to work out on your lunch break or on your day off, wrapped in a blanket and with a cup of hot tea? Since the training is conducted via Skype, the user chooses the time and place that is convenient for him. All you need is a stable Internet connection. The main thing to remember is that in order to benefit from Sky Yong classes, train regularly and do not take long breaks between classes. Studying with a teacher every day for one hour, in a few weeks you will notice significant progress in your learning. After all, it has long been known that from short daily workouts the expected effect will come much faster than from one very long one. Anyone who has ever taken a group study class foreign language, know perfectly well how difficult it is to study in a group. The teacher is simply not able to pay enough attention to each student, so the effectiveness of such classes is low. However, the skyeng school easily solves this problem, because you study one-on-one with the teacher and speak more than 50% of the lesson time.


The school has a large number of teachers, so they can choose for you not just a teacher, but a person who will have common interests with you, a suitable temperament and level of exactingness. Thanks to this, the learning process will be much faster, more efficient and more enjoyable.
Before hiring a tutor, Sky Eng conducts an interview in order to find out his real level of English knowledge, his teaching skills and whether he is able to talk to his interlocutor. In addition, all Sky Yong school employees are regularly tested and trained by experts in pedagogy, take part in webinars of leading methodologists in order to improve their skills and teach even better.


Training is done using the Vimbox platform: you will have your own online textbook with tasks and examples, and you will solve all tasks under the strict supervision of a teacher. It is for this purpose that the built-in video is used. You will also be provided with a unique mobile application for learning words, in which you will independently enter important words. You can learn them in between lessons, using a special scientific learning algorithm that helps you spend much less time on it.


Since you are studying one-on-one with a teacher via Skype, the cost of one lesson on the skyeng website is much lower than that of private tutors. Payment is made for a block of 4 lessons, each of which lasts 50 minutes. The cost of one lesson with a teacher is from $12 (during the promotion period the price may be even lower), and directly with a native English speaker - about $22. At the same time, you can save a lot if you buy a large package of classes. Your payments are protected. You also have the option to reschedule classes for free and get your money back. In addition, there is a bonus system: when you invite a friend to Skyeng through the engreviewer website, you both get 2 free lessons.


The site has a huge number of tests on a variety of topics and areas, passing which you can test your knowledge and significantly improve your level of English. All tests are built using the principle "from simple to complex" and can have both lexical and grammatical parts. Usually, a situation is described to you or a picture is provided, and you choose one of several answers. This approach allows you to most accurately assess the knowledge of students and identify their weaknesses.

Skyeng 18+ is an online English language school.
It is also a community of people who want to change the world and make it a better place. Because English expands horizons and helps people to agree.

2290 people in the state

5440 teachers

90% of employees
works remotely

29 average age

Why did all these people want to work with Skyeng? We are the largest in Russia
IT company in the field of EdTech.
We are changing the rules of the game.

Distant work Work in the way that is more convenient for you - from home, from a cafe, from a hammock under a palm tree. We have built an ideal system of communications and feedback. We are far away, but we are together.

Rapid growth Every year Skyeng grows 3 times. There is room to expand. Skyeng is not a company where employees sour in the same positions for years.

Pleasant perks Each employee, regardless of position, receives a 50% discount on training at Skyeng, can take part in meetings of English speaking clubs and learn from our partners - Netology and Codeschool.

Transparency We do not hide anything - every employee knows what is happening in the company. We share achievements and discuss failures together. All research results and analytics are in the public domain.

High standards We are not just making an educational product. We make the best educational product of this format in Russia. And create it the best people- those who have ideas and the ability to implement them.

Freedom of expression I have an idea? Offer! Do you want to do? Do it! Disagree? Criticize! Nobody at Skyeng is limited by their department. On the contrary, we want everyone to be able to participate in a common brainstorm.

Cozy office If you like working in a company, come to work in our co-working office in the very center of Moscow - one of the 10 best offices in the capital.

good atmosphere We have delicious coffee, a cool library, free healthy breakfasts, a gym and comfortable meeting rooms, high-speed Internet and interesting people.


Sales department

Our telemarketers tell prospective students about the school and invite them to free introductory lessons

superpower sociability

mission bring information about Skyeng to those who want to learn but don't know where

Corporate Sales

This department helps companies organize corporate training at Skyeng and develops programs for a wide variety of organizations.

superpower the gift of persuasion

mission help educate people and grow businesses

He finds new people and does everything to make every Skyeng employee a pleasure to work with us - he arranges meetings and parties, comes up with new bonuses and optimizes the training of newcomers. By the way, our cool office is also their job.

superpower empathy

mission Turn your job at Skyeng into your favorite hobby

Wizards that make our ideas work.

superpower logics

mission create the most innovative educational product in the country

Banners and illustrations, design of the learning platform, identity, landing pages and logos, our designers can do everything and set their own tasks, and do not follow the instructions of the customer.

superpower ability to create beauty

mission Develop design at the level of world brands.


Skyeng Lab is constantly looking for and implementing best practices - teaching, motivating and managing student customer experience.

superpower passion for experimentation

mission Help the students of the school achieve their goal.

New Products Department

The most mysterious department, where the most courageous guys work, who come up with innovative products. We tell you a secret: English is just the beginning. We have several other destinations, but we want even more!

superpower generation of ideas

mission turn Skyeng into an education
corporate supercorporation

It seems we have found each other!

Skyeng office and product review by blogger Anastacia Kay

Skyeng is the largest online English language school in Eastern Europe. For 5 years, 11,200 students and 1,420 teachers from all over the world have joined the school.

Training at Skyeng is strictly individual. At the head of the educational process are the goals and needs of the student. At the first free lesson, the methodologists determine the level of English knowledge of the future student, find out what tasks he faces and how he sees his teacher.

A teacher at Skyeng is selected for a specific student. Depending on the needs, the teacher can be from any English-speaking country, of any gender or age. Pupils can always tell the methodologists about their interests and for him they will select teachers who share them or at least understand the topic. If for some reason the teacher does not suit the student, he can demand a replacement from the school at any time.

Skyeng specialists will help adults and children learn English from scratch, improve spoken English, prepare for an interview or international exams: TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, as well as for the Unified State Examination and GIA. At Skyeng, you can learn English for travel, professional English, participate in conversation clubs, and understand the style and grammar of the English language.

Skyeng training takes place in the Vimbox educational environment. Students, together with teachers, study on the pages of an interactive online textbook, where there is everything necessary for effective study: texts, exercises, helpful videos and even homework.

Vimbox is paired with a mobile app for learning new words. Any unfamiliar word that is presented during the lesson can be added to the dictionary and learned anytime, anywhere. The application is designed taking into account the "forgetting curve" of Hermann Ebbinghaus, which allows you to more effectively memorize new words.

In Vimbox, the student and the teacher can monitor the progress in learning, view statistics and return to previous lessons that are stored in the educational environment for the entire period of study.

Now learning English via Skype is not new for a long time. It is inexpensive, convenient and accessible to residents of both megacities and small towns. is one of the most famous and largest online English language schools in Russia. It employs full-time, carefully selected teachers, and classes are held on the basis of a virtual classroom. In this review, I will talk about the features of this school and how I took an English lesson in it.

SkyEng school features

In my opinion, the SkyEng school has two very positive features:

  • Lessons are held on the basis of a virtual classroom - this simplifies the interaction between the teacher and the student.
  • You can go through a free introductory lesson, where the methodologist will “probe” you in every possible way, give a verdict on, give general recommendations and later select a teacher.

Particularly noteworthy is the virtual classroom. I myself studied and conducted lessons via Skype, so I imagine that using video communication it is not very convenient to show examples, do exercises, you can’t simply point your finger at the right picture in the textbook. The virtual classroom greatly simplifies this part of the lesson.

How is the lesson at SkyEng school

If you've never taken an English class on Skype and want to learn how it all works, it's easy to do with a free trial lesson. On it, you will get an idea of ​​how online lessons are going, whether this format is right for you, and you will see how the SkyEng virtual class works.

Here's how my trial lesson went.

First, I sent an application for a trial lesson, indicating the address Email and phone. Thus, I registered on the site and got access to Personal Area where I was asked to fill out a questionnaire, indicating my interests. Also, in the questionnaire, you need to indicate your Skype so that the teacher can contact you before the start of the lesson.

With the help of the questionnaire it will be easier to select a teacher.

An hour later, the operator called me, and we agreed on the date and time of the lesson. She asked me to go on Skype 10 minutes before the start of the lesson, the teacher would contact me and explain everything.

At the appointed time, Alexandra's teacher called me and we talked a little, first in Russian and then in English. Alexandra told about the school, about herself, about how the lessons are going and asked me a few questions.

I told about myself, my hobbies, and that I am very interested in the SkyEng school, because a few years ago I already took an English lesson via Skype (I described this experience in ) and would like to know how, so to speak, science has moved in this direction. I also said that I would definitely post my experience on my website and asked permission to take some screenshots of our session.

So we talked for about five minutes, asking each other questions - it turned out interesting, and I managed to get into a conversation. I speak badly from a “cold start”, I need to chat for a few minutes to start speaking confidently.

Then we moved to a virtual classroom, in which, in fact, the lessons take place. Alexandra taught me a lesson. As a person who himself had a chance to be in the role of a teacher, I can say that she taught the lesson confidently and professionally. At first, we went through a rather difficult task for me with phrasal verbs, during which I was convinced that the interface of classes is just up to par.

An unfamiliar word can be quickly looked up in a dictionary.

The class has interactive exercises, tests, tasks with audio recordings, a built-in dictionary, and later it will be possible to do homework in it. But back to our lesson. The next task was listening.

After listening to the audio recording, I answered the questions. Not the ones that are written in the picture (they are too easy), but the more complex ones that Alexandra asked me. Having properly analyzed two funny stories, we moved on to a grammar test. I know grammar pretty well, but I answered a couple of questions incorrectly, and I guessed a couple more answers intuitively.

After all the assignments, Alexandra summed up the results and said that everything was fine with my English (here I got a little nervous, like at school), and gave me general guidelines. I thanked her for an interesting lesson, and with that we ended the lesson. The impressions from the lesson were very pleasant! It is convenient, interesting and it does not feel at all that the student and teacher are far from each other. How many times I am already convinced that now is really the golden era of language learning.

School teachers: is it worth learning from a native speaker?

By the way, I asked Alexandra how she feels about the fact that students of language courses sometimes really want to study with native speakers. Turned out to be the same as me: for beginners it is better to study with a Russian-speaking teacher.

Isn't it logical to learn English from someone for whom it is native? It's not always logical. Studying English with a native speaker is very cool, great and useful, but only if you already have some a basic level of , you can understand a foreign teacher and speak with him more or less confidently, otherwise there will be more problems than benefits. Misunderstandings can be so strong that they make the lesson impossible or ineffective.

It is more useful for a beginner to study with a Russian-speaking teacher. At the initial stage, a lot of explanations are required, for example, on grammar. Where necessary, they will explain in Russian; where necessary, they will speak in English. In addition, a compatriot is better acquainted with the intricacies of teaching English to Russian-speaking students.

No matter how wonderful the school is, it is not its reputation that teaches you, but a specific living person, so it’s great that you can “get to know” the teachers better by reading their questionnaires, which include an audio presentation that allows you to evaluate the speech, pronunciation of the teacher.


If you're new to English and feel like you need a teacher's help, Skype English lessons are a good alternative to regular classes. But if, in principle, video communication using a computer is unusual or unpleasant for you, or you are not at all friendly with a PC (so much so that you don’t know what a “PC” is), you may, of course, not like online lessons. If you have any doubts, you can dispel your doubts with the help of a trial lesson on SkyEng - it's free and interesting.