Menstrual cup how to use. What is a menstrual cup and how to use it

Hygiene product: menstrual cup, proper use of a mouthguard

Before using the mouthguard for the first time, sterilize- for this, the mouthguard should be boiled in water for about 3-5 minutes. At the same time, it is desirable that the water into which the cap falls boils for about a minute. Make sure that menstrual cup completely immersed in boiling water during the entire sterilization time.

If you are unable to sterilize the cap or for any reason, you can use Milton sterilization tablets which are used without boiling. These tablets kill all bacteria, viruses and spores in 15 minutes.

Instructions for administration

1. Wash your hands thoroughly
2. For ease of insertion, use plain water or a water-based lubricant gel
3. Fold the mouth guard 2 times (see illustration). )
4. Insert the folded mouthguard into the vagina
5. With the correct insertion, the cap will open itself into the vagina

Attention! It is very important that you are in a relaxed state. In addition, we recommend inserting the mouthguard for the first time outside of your period. This will give you the opportunity to find the most comfortable position for you, which will help you avoid feelings of discomfort in the future.

Extraction Instructions

1. Feel the base of the menstrual cup. Don't pull!
2. Press the bottom of the mouthguard from the side to break the vacuum effect
3. Use your thumb and forefinger to grasp the mouthguard from both sides.
4. After the disappearance of the vacuum effect, you can remove the tray easily and comfortably

After emptying, the menstrual cup should be rinsed with cold running water without the use of soap (cold water helps to wash away the blood, while hot water coagulates it). An additional (but not mandatory) use of a neutral, fragrance-free soap is possible. After that, you can again sterilize the cap in hot water for 3-5 minutes, or use special sterilization tablets that allow you to sterilize the tray in cold water. Your choice depends on the situation.

Monthly: after the end of the critical days capu necessary sterilize in the same way as before the first use. Keep a mouth guard recommended in a small pouch made of cotton, which is usually supplied with it. Never store your mouthguard in a plastic bag or sealed container. In addition, it is not recommended to expose the mouthguard to direct sunlight.

How often should you wash your mouth guard?

How often you need to wash the mouth guard, each woman decides for herself, taking into account the amount of discharge during menstruation. Usually, manufacturers suggest emptying the mouthguard no more than 1 time in 2 hours. At the same time, it is not recommended to leave the mouthguard without emptying for longer than 10 hours!

How do you know when a cap needs to be replaced?

Difficult to determine exact terms of replacement of each cap– because you can use one mouthguard for a very long time. Silicone has a long service life and, if you follow all the rules for using the cap, the bowl can serve you for about 10 years. If changes have occurred in a woman's body - for example, childbirth has taken place - a woman can order another mouthguard of a different size.

Attention! Capa is not a contraceptive! Use the cap for its intended purpose!

General questions and answers can be found on the FAQ page.

How to insert a menstrual cup

C-shaped. Ideal for novice users

1. Squeeze the mouthguard with your thumb and forefinger, making it flat

2. Fold it again in a C shape as tightly as possible.

7-shaped (in the form of the number 7). Convenient and efficient

1. Squeeze the upper edges of the mouthguard, then lower one side down so that the edges of the mouthguard are firmly pressed

2. Fold the edges of the mouthguard again

Insert the cap into the vagina. At the same time, when the cap begins to unfold inside, a slight noise is possible. To make sure that the bottom of the mouth guard is high enough, you need to touch it with your hand.

punch down. Technical. For advanced users

1. Concave the edge of the mouthguard

2. Bring the edges of the incision together at this point, reducing the diameter of the tray

3. Mouthguard is ready for insertion. The small diameter of the rim of the cap is maintained by finger pressure.

Insert the cap into the vagina. In this case, when the menstrual cup begins to unfold inside, a slight noise is possible. To make sure that the bottom of the mouth guard is high enough, you need to touch it with your hand and make sure that there are no wrinkles on it.

“You don't like cats?
Yes, you just don’t know how to cook them!”
The series "Alf" (1986-1990)

When I first heard about menstrual cups, I knew right away that the world had completely gone mad. The passion for “magic” Chinese tampons, which heal everything possible, has just died down, and here it is - a new misfortune.

The idea of ​​inserting some kind of container into the vagina to collect menstrual flow seemed so wild to me that I had to study the issue in detail.

The first revelation was that the idea, to put it mildly, is not new. In 1930, Leona Chalmers (USA) patented the first cone-shaped cup for collecting menstrual flow. Since then, the shape of the bowls has remained the same, only the materials for its manufacture have fundamentally changed. Instead of hard rubber, hypoallergenic medical grade silicone has been used.

The first industrial production turned out to be unprofitable. The possibility of repeated use and the long service life of the “device” played a cruel joke on the innovators. The main advantage of the product became its main disadvantage. It is obvious that disposable hygiene products are more profitable for manufacturers: women are forced to buy them monthly, and some - with abundant menorrhagia - even make purchases “on an industrial scale”.

Here is your first benefit!

The retail price of a menstrual cup today is about 1,500 rubles. Too expensive? Compare with the cost of tampons or pads. If you change the pad / tampon as expected, that is, every 4 hours, 30 pieces will go for one menstruation. For the year - 360, for the entire 37-year reproductive period (from 13 to 50 years) by 444 menstrual bleeding one woman uses 13,320 pads/tampons.

Do you love nature as much as I do?

It is clear that this is a very, very approximate arithmetic, but just imagine the scale of the problem - more than 10 billion used hygiene products end up in landfills in our country every year. The moisture-proof layer of pads and the superabsorbent of tampons are products of oil refining. According to environmentalists, it takes about 100 g of this flammable liquid to produce one gasket.

There are also tampons made from cellulose on the market. There is oil in Russia, there are also quite a few forests, but many women, guided by the desire to preserve the world around them, have decided to use menstrual cups. Naive? I do not argue, but such a point of view exists and deserves respect.

How much blood are we losing?

Objectively specifying the amount of menstrual blood loss is a serious medical problem. Each woman evaluates her periods differently, but no one will definitely answer: “Oh, I lose about 40 ml of blood in five menstrual days.” Even with a blood loss of about 200 ml per cycle, the patient can shrug her shoulders and say: “Yes, I have normal menstruation, like everyone else ...”.

Reusable bowls are graduated, their volume is precisely known, so it is very easy to determine the amount of blood lost with their help. Sometimes I recommend using a bowl for this very purpose.

Do you read instructions too?

I remember very well that rather long sunny summer day when I bought my first pack of Tampax tampons. I carefully studied the instructions, got acquainted with the pictures and for the first time I learned about TSS - toxic shock syndrome.

This formidable condition develops in women who use tampons during menstruation, due to the rapid growth of colonies Staphylococcus aureus. Fortunately, TSS is very rare and is thought to be influenced by a genetic predisposition. The disease is associated with the use of superabsorbent tampons and prolonged stay of the tampon in the vagina.

This begs the question: does the risk of developing this severe, and sometimes fatal, disease still exist when using menstrual cups? For 13 years - from 1996 to 2009 - more than 100 million menstrual cups have been sold worldwide. During all this time, not a single case of TSS was registered. The FDA received seven complaints from healthcare professionals (difficulty removing the cup, vaginal infection, and an allergic reaction) and two complaints from consumers (difficulty removing). Of course, this allows us to talk about the high safety of the product.

Is it really convenient?

Women who avoid tampons are especially wary of the idea of ​​menstrual cups.

“Bowls are probably terribly uncomfortable. I tried using tampons - it's so disgusting! They interfere, rub and all the time it seems that they are about to fall out.

The woman's vagina is conceived by nature with a curve in the form of a "shelf". With the correct - deep enough - introduction of a tampon, it calmly “lies on a shelf” and does not move anywhere, does not rub or swell. A woman simply does not feel a correctly installed tampon. If the tampon is bothering you, think: what are you doing wrong?

Women who successfully use tampons are less conservative and willing to try a new device. They find sanitary napkins completely uncomfortable because of the unpleasant “argument” feeling and the irritating smell.

No matter how “breathable” modern pads are, a moisture-proof film still creates a “greenhouse effect”, disrupting air and heat exchange.

The menstrual cup retains all the advantages of tampons: it allows you to wear panties of any shape and even (!) - with forbidden laces. All bowls can be used during swimming and sports. Today, a new variety has appeared on the market - soft menstrual cups. They can be disposable and reusable (used within one cycle). Soft cups even allow you to have sex on “these” days.

It's not hygienic!

Many women are worried about the need to process and sterilize an unusual device, they say: “This is not hygienic!”. It's actually not hygienic to wear one pad all day long. In general, everything is not so scary.

First, the bowl is individual. Giving her "vilify" a girlfriend is not worth it for sure. The frightening process of sterilization itself is simple and unpretentious. We, on the other hand, are calm about sterilizing jars for home canning or the need to sterilize baby nipples and bottles.

At the beginning of each cycle, the bowl can be boiled in a saucepan or a sterilizing solution can be used, then it is enough just to wash it with soap and water under running water. Insert and remove the bowl with clean hands. The same rule applies to changing sanitary pads/tampons.

After the end of menstruation, the product must be washed, dried and stored in a cloth bag (usually included). Do not wear the cup without emptying for more than 12 hours with scanty discharge. The common belief that the cup and tampon “sacrifice the infection inside” is nothing more than a popular misconception. Nobody saves anything. The tampon absorbs, the bowl simply collects. The tampon is changed, the cup is emptied. There are no savings planned.

It's still terrible!

Indeed, there are many women in the world for whom such close contact with their menstrual flow is simply unacceptable, and the very thought of inserting an object into the vagina causes a feeling of disgust. This means that "eccentric" menstrual cups are not for them. Actually, it is some strangeness and unusualness that is the main drawback of the device.

Of course, cases of an allergic reaction to hypoallergenic silicone also happen. A woman may also worry that she will not understand when the cup is already full and it is time to empty it urgently. Over time, users understand how often this should be done and do not feel much concern about “leaks”.

For a gynecologist, only one aspect is important - menstrual cups do not harm a woman's health, so they can be a convenient, safe, economical and environmentally friendly alternative to the usual hygiene products. So, it's not a shame to recommend - try it!

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


The menstrual cup is a novelty in the field of intimate hygiene, which is considered an acceptable alternative to pads and tampons. We spoke about the latter in detail when we considered the question of whether, in contrast to them, menstrual cup - reusable hygiene product and can serve a woman up to 10 years. It is about her that we will talk today on the site Beautiful and Successful.

The very first questions that arise in your head when you first hear about this new intimate hygiene product are:

  • What is this innovation?
  • How is the bowl held up inside? Does it fall out of the vagina?
  • Does it spill when overfilled?
  • What is it actually made from?
  • How much does it cost, and is this product on our market?
  • What do real users say about it?

These are the questions we will try to answer in detail in this article.

What is a menstrual cup?

The name comes from English "menstrual cup". You can find other names for it:

  • silicone cup (bowl);
  • menstrual cap (cap);
  • menstrual cap.

Mouth guards or menstrual cups are containers in the form of a small cap made of high quality medical silicone, which are inserted into the vagina during menstruation. They do not absorb (absorb) secretions like a pad or tampon, but collect them like a cup. They can also be made from latex or thermoplastic elastomer(TPE).

How is the bowl held up inside?

A silicone cup, like a tampon, is inserted into the vagina by hand. Before inserting the mouthguard, you need to fold it, as shown in the instructions.

Once in the vagina, the cap opens and is held inside thanks to vaginal muscles and vacuum, which is formed with its correct introduction. A snug fit to the walls of the cervix does not allow the contents of the bowl to spill. The bowl is introduced independently by a woman.

  • “It was a little difficult for me to insert a menstrual cup for the first time. This took about 15 minutes. But after practicing a few times, I can now do it in 30 seconds. I use a Ladycup menstrual cup. The main thing when you insert, you need to relax and not strain. Nothing complicated. And one more thing - the first time is better to try before menstruation. Marina."

The menstrual cup may be in the vagina from 5 to 12 hours, depending on the day of menstruation, their abundance. Taking it out is easy. It is enough to press the side of the bowl with your finger to remove the air vacuum and gently pull the tail at the bottom of the mouth guard. Pour out all the contents, rinse the bowl and insert it back.

The main thing is not to pull the tip!

Is the contents of the bowl spilled?

The bowl looks like small soft glass about 5 cm high and 4.5 cm in diameter. The soft material from which it is made does not squeeze or cut into the walls of the vagina. Latex is quite flexible and mobile. It is impossible for them to injure the walls of the vagina or muscles.

Due to the vacuum that is created when the menstrual cup is inserted, it not only does not fall out, but also does not let water into the vagina. Therefore, it also protects you while visiting the pools from infection from the outside.

Tampon and bowl

Unlike tampons, which are very popular among the younger generation, the cup only accepts menstrual flow. She is does not change the state of the microflora of the vagina.

At one time, it can hold 2 times more menstrual blood than the most absorbent pad or tampon.

With a hood you can safely visit the pool, swim in the sea, sunbathe. She does not get wet, like a tampon, and does not burst from the inside. The blood that the tampon absorbs, one way or another, comes into contact with the walls of the vagina. When using the bowl, the blood flows freely into the container and does not come into contact with the genitals.

Gasket and bowl

Unlike pads, the menstrual cup, whose reviews are so inspiring to buy, does not create a greenhouse effect, does not cause irritation. The material from which it is made is reusable and does not require disposal.

On average, 1200 pads are replaced by one menstrual cup.

  • “I change the bowl 3 times in the first days, and in the next days it lasts me a whole working day. Of course, I had concerns about whether the contents would spill, but whether its capacity would be enough. After all, my periods are plentiful. Believe me, when I take out the cup, it is not full. There is still plenty of room for selections. Nothing has ever spilled or leaked. And for that matter, the pad can leak, and the tampon too. Are you afraid? For insurance, you can use a gasket. But this won't be necessary. Mouthguard needs to be changed only after 8 hours! By the way, she does not fall out in a dream either. I have a Mooncup menstrual cup. Kseniya."

Menstrual cup: how to choose the size?

Sometimes cup users have problems because the menstrual cup is the wrong size.

The size

They are usually issued two sizes -S andL. In some firms A and B or 1 and 2.

But there are also manufacturers who produce three sizes (MeLuna). One of them is especially for those who have copious discharge.

Briefly, then S is the small size a menstrual cup for nulliparous women or those who do not have very heavy periods. L is a slightly larger size for those who have already given birth or had surgery on the female genital organs (abortions, for example), as well as for those who have heavy menstruation.

As with the purchase of any product, you need to select a menstrual cap individually. For example, if you are over 30, but you are a small and fragile woman, then you do not need to buy a larger bowl.

The form

In addition, some buyers forget to consider that in addition to the size of the bowl, there is also the form. Menstrual round cups and menstrual elongated (teardrop) cups are forms of mouth guards.

Round form suitable for women who have a short vagina, and elongated caps - for those who have it long.

You can determine the height of your vagina yourself, and do it better before buying a cup.

To do this, wash your hands and simply insert your finger into the vagina. If it easily touches the cervix (a hard seal the size of 5 kopecks), then the vagina is short, if you barely reached it, then you have a long vagina.

You can ask your gynecologist to measure the height of the vagina, at the same time consult with him about menstrual caps (or maybe even enlighten him on this issue).

Many online store providers offer an exchange service for unsuitable goods. To avoid embarrassment, some companies offer to cut the mouthguard and send it to them for exchange for the right size.

  • “I hesitated for a long time which bowl to choose. Decided to get a small one. And I guessed wrong. I was upset, but after contacting the seller, I exchanged the bowl for another. Now everything fits. I am very pleased. And I sympathize with those girls who are afraid to use new products. I would like to remind them that tampons and pads also caused bewilderment among our mothers and grandmothers. Maria."

The site site believes that this thing can be convenient during the period of menstruation.

If you decide to use a menstrual cup, then do not ignore the visit to the gynecologist for a routine examination: the effect of bowls on a woman's health has not yet been fully studied. There are studies by American and Canadian scientists who have evaluated the safety and effectiveness of bowls, but these are only initial data. This question has not been fully studied.

Menstrual cup: harm, cons

We are sure that you are also interested in possible negative opinions about the use of menstrual cups. To end their effect on the female body not yet studied.

Some gynecologists cannot call this product hygienic. The menstrual cup can cause stasis of blood in the vagina. At a temperature of 37 degrees and the absence of oxygen, an environment favorable for the reproduction of bacteria is created. Therefore, gynecologists advise changing them at least every 4 hours.

In contrast, others say that, due to the fact that menstrual blood not in contact with air there is no breeding ground for bacteria. This is confirmed by the fact that the contents of the menstrual cap do not have a pungent odor characteristic of any pathologies.

During menstruation, the cervix opens slightly so that everything flows out of the uterus.

It is possible that when changing the position of the body (for example, at night, during sleep), the accumulated blood will pour back into the uterus. And this, according to some gynecologists, is a direct path to endometriosis, when endometrial cells grow in the wrong place. There are no exact data on this issue. This is a hypothesis that has the right to exist.

If you are worth intrauterine device, then you may need to consult a doctor before using the cup.

The bowl can cause p damage to the hymen, therefore, it is still not advised to use virgins.

If you know that you have a health problem, and also if you are contraindicated in using tampons, then it is better to refuse a menstrual cup. by the most the best option will reusable cotton pads.

How to store the bowl?

Mouth guards or menstrual cups do not require special care. Before the first use and thereafter before the onset of menstruation, the cup is recommended boil for 5 minutes.

It is not necessary to do this during menstruation. It is enough to rinse the cap first cold water then wash with soap and rinse again. The bowl is ready to use.

There are also special tablets on sale that help sterilize the bowl if it is not possible to boil it. This is convenient when traveling.

The bowl is stored in a special cotton bag that comes with it.

Manufacturers produce bowls from transparent material or colored. According to consumer reviews, it is better to give preference to transparent, because the colors lose their hue. But this is a personal matter for everyone.

Many women like a menstrual cup. Reviews about this product are mostly positive. The most popular bowls from Mooncup, LadyCup, Yuuki, Lunette.

Of course, there are those who are distrustful of this hygiene product, but sanitary pads and tampons also have both supporters and opponents.

today menstrual cup not sold in pharmacies, it can be purchased through the services of network marketing.

This novelty costs about 50-80 dollars. It is easy to calculate that it will pay off for you in the first year of use. And if we take into account that it serves at least 5 - 10 years, then the savings are significant.

We wish you to make the right choice!

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Surely every girl and woman had to deal with the problems of discomfort and leakage that appear when using ordinary tampons and pads during menstruation. However, today these tools have been replaced by a unique product, which was developed by experienced specialists.

This is a silicone menstrual cup that can save women from some problems and provide complete freedom of action on critical days.

A bit of history

Means intended for intimate feminine hygiene have been invented since ancient times. Some of their types replaced others and provided new opportunities to make life easier during critical days. Today it is quite easy to imagine an analogue of modern sanitary pads or tampons. However, not many people know about such a device as a menstrual cup, and the mention of it sometimes causes only surprise.

Interestingly, this device was developed back in the 30s of the twentieth century. A container designed to collect menstrual fluid was patented in 1932. In the 60s, these products were produced under the Tassaway brand. However, commercial success did not come to them then. Apparently, women in those years were not ready to recognize such a hygiene product. Menstrual cups began to gain popularity later in Western Europe.

This happened at the end of the 80s, when for their production, in addition to rubber, which causes many women allergic reactions began to use medical silicone and other hypoallergenic materials.

As for Russia, here and today the menstrual cup is not popular and is far from the volume of demand for pads or tampons.

What it is?

The menstrual cup, which is also called a cap, outwardly is a container made in the form of a small cap. It is inserted into the vagina during the period when menstrual flow occurs.

The material for the manufacture of such a product is high-quality medical silicone, thermoplastic elastomer or latex. The menstrual cup can also be disposable. In this case, it is made from a certain type of polyethylene.

What is a menstrual cup for? Its main task is not to absorb menstrual flow, as women's tampons or pads do, but to collect them in their hollow container.

Product varieties

There are two types of menstrual cups:

Operating principle

How do menstrual cups work? Reviews of women confirm that the material from which such products are made is very mobile and flexible. Due to this, the container is able to take the form of a vagina, and when it comes into contact with the walls, there is no injury, muscle strain or irritation.

The mechanism of action of the bowl used on critical days is that after insertion it is able to create a vacuum. The container, if it is located correctly, opens up and fits snugly against the vaginal muscles. This ensures the tightness of the product on both sides.

Due to this, all the secretions in full are collected in their glass menstrual cups. Women's reviews also confirm that during critical days they can swim in the pool or in the pond without any problems. After all, water due to the tightness of the bowl does not penetrate inside.

Product selection

Today, several manufacturers produce menstrual cups. Reviews of women indicate that each of their products is somewhat different in size. But in general, all menstrual cups are divided into two groups. The first of them includes products, the size of which is designated as S. The markings “1” or “A” also correspond to it. The second group of products has a size L, which also corresponds to "2" or "B".

As a rule, the first (small) type of cups is for women aged 25 to 30 who have not yet become pregnant. Products with a large size are intended for those ladies who have already given birth or have crossed the threshold of their thirtieth birthday.

As a rule, these two groups are enough for each of the women to choose the most comfortable product for themselves. But what else needs to be considered when choosing menstrual cups? Feedback from women confirms that determining the right size of a product is a very individual matter. For example, the first group is recommended for those who have not yet given birth, have a fragile physique and not very abundant discharge on critical days. The second type of menstrual cups should be chosen by women who have already given birth, as well as those who have undergone surgical interventions on the genitals (including curettage and abortion). Size L is also designed for those ladies who have a large physique or heavy menstruation. But sometimes even a woman giving birth, but at the same time a miniature woman, chooses the cup of the first type for herself.

When choosing a mouthguard, you will also need to measure the height of the vagina. This can be done independently, but it is better if the woman seeks the advice of a gynecologist.

How to choose a menstrual cup so that it is as comfortable as possible when using it? The size of the product is determined by its length and diameter. To determine the parameters of the cap, it is also necessary to clarify whether the cervix is ​​​​high or low in the body. So, women who can touch it with a finger, as a rule, short bowls are suitable. But all this, again, is very individual.

The correct size of a menstrual cup is most often selected by trying several options from different manufacturers. These companies adhere to the following standards:

  • the Czech company LadyCup offers large bowls with a diameter of 46 mm and a length of 53 mm, and small ones, respectively, 40 and 46 mm;
  • the Czech company Mooncup produces large products with a diameter of 46 mm, the length of which is 50 mm, and small ones, respectively, 43 and 50 mm;
  • the Czech manufacturer Yuuki produces large products with a diameter of 47 mm and a length of 57 mm, and small ones - 42 and 48 mm;
  • The Finnish company Lunette offers large bowls with a diameter of 46 mm, a length of 52 mm, and small ones - 41 and 47 mm, respectively.

The choice of the bowl is also made taking into account such an indicator as its softness. Products made from rigid material are suitable for those women who have strong vaginal muscles, or those who have not yet given birth.

Menstrual cups are produced with various tails. These devices can be flat or tubular, in the form of a ring or a ball. And sometimes there are no “tails” in the products at all.

Bowls designed to collect secretions on critical days are offered by manufacturers in different colors. They can be not only transparent or white, but also have a huge range of different shades. What color should a woman choose? It will depend on her personal preference. But it should be borne in mind that colored products will retain an aesthetic appearance for a longer period. But, on the other hand, this is bad, since it will be difficult to visually determine their purity.

Product Introduction

Instructions for use are included with the menstrual cup. However, it will take a bit of practice for a woman to start inserting a mouth guard without any problems. In general, such manipulation will not cause any difficulties after 2-4 cycles.

Like a tampon, the cup is inserted directly by hand. This procedure can be preliminarily studied according to the instructions, as well as get acquainted with it from video tutorials. Following all the recommendations, you can significantly speed up the process and make your work easier.

How to insert a menstrual cup? First of all, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, using soap. This will prevent infection from entering the body. After you need to decide on the pose. It is most convenient to administer this remedy lying down or standing up, raising one leg on some surface, and also sitting on the toilet or squatting. That is, as someone will be more comfortable. It should be remembered that the vaginal muscles should be in a relaxed state. This will make inserting the menstrual cup much easier.

At the next stage of the procedure, the product is wetted with water or treated with a water-based lubricant. Next, the cap is folded in half. This will make it easier to insert it into the vagina.

After that, it is necessary to push the labia apart with the left hand, and push the cup with the right so that the tip of its tail is at a depth of 1 to 2 cm. If the product is inserted deeper, then some leakage is likely.

Next, the menstrual cup must be properly positioned in the woman's body. For this to happen and the product to take the necessary position, it should be rotated around its axis by the base. At the same time, the cap material, which softens a little after entering the body, adheres tightly to the vaginal walls, preventing the liquid from leaking out.

At correct location caps, a woman will not feel it when moving or when changing positions.

Product use

So, the cap was inserted according to the instructions. What to do with her next? How to use a menstrual cup?

It is worth remembering that, unlike pads or tampons, the product does not absorb discharge. It simply collects them in its container. physiology female body provided that menstrual flow should flow freely outside. A cup inserted into the vagina prevents this.

According to the manufacturers, the mouth guard can be left inside the body for up to 12 hours. After all, it will fit much more discharge than a pad or tampon. As a rule, the capacity of the menstrual cup ranges from 25 to 37 ml. Some women find that their discharge is much more abundant. However, it is not. On average, the body loses from 30 to 120 ml during the day. And this is from 2 to 8 tablespoons. Moreover, a discharge of 60 ml is already considered abundant.

How to use a menstrual cup? As already mentioned, it should be emptied every twelve hours. However, in the case of strong discharges, this can be done more often.


You need to get the cap from the vagina by its tail. But at the same time it is worth bearing in mind some nuances. If you simply pull on the tip of the bowl, the product will not budge. At this point, some women find that inserting the container is much easier than removing it later. How should the cup be extended? To do this, you must first wash your hands. And it must be done with soap. After that, the base of the bowl is groped, on which you should press a little with your fingers. Such movements will violate the tightness of the cap, which due to this is pulled out quite freely.

It is worth remembering that a similar procedure is carried out over the toilet, because at the same time, the secretions collected in the container can be spilled. If the product is disposable, then it is immediately thrown away. After that, another cap is inserted. If the bowl is reusable, then it is cleaned of secretions, washed under running water, washed with warm soapy water and dried a little. Only then can the cap be used again.

Capa can last for 10 years. If it is reusable, then after the end of the critical days, the product is boiled in water for about 15 minutes. Then it is placed in a bag that allows air to pass through (it is usually sold complete with a bowl).

Before use, the cap is washed again with soap.

Negative points

Are there contraindications for a menstrual cup? Despite the fact that this tool appeared almost a century ago, due to its low prevalence, experts cannot give exact answers about the cases in which it is strictly forbidden to use it. Cons of a menstrual cup:

  • spread risk pathogenic bacteria, which is provoked by congestion that occurs when the contents accumulate;
  • the likelihood of secretions in the cap falling back into the uterus, which provokes the development of endometriosis;
  • the impossibility of using the product by virgins, since careless insertion of a cap can damage the hymen;
  • the likelihood of discomfort in the anus and perineum;
  • the need to choose the insertion position;
  • the importance of removing the product quickly and carefully so that liquid does not spill out.

But even if the woman is absolutely healthy and the gynecologist has nothing against the use of a menstrual cup, it must be borne in mind that some problems during the operation of the cap are still possible. After all, its use will require certain skills. For some women, this sometimes becomes a serious obstacle. During folding, the bowl slips out of the hands. The procedure for removing it is also not easy, which sometimes leads to the fact that the contents of the container are spilled.

But even with the correct introduction, especially at the first time of use, the cup often causes some discomfort simply because it is felt inside. It shouldn't be.

Another disadvantage of the menstrual cup is the price of the product. It is quite high, and the purchase of the product will become profitable only if you use it for as long as possible. However, not always a woman can get used to the silicone container in her body or decides to change it as often as possible. In this case, the purchase of the product will be unprofitable.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult when using a mouthguard to comply with the necessary hygiene rules. Especially if the woman is on the road, in a public place, in nature, etc. After all, after removing the product, it must be thoroughly washed.


What are the benefits of using a menstrual cup?

  1. Safety and health. The vagina, when using a cap, works in its normal mode. It is self-cleaned from secretions while maintaining the moisture of the walls, which is very important for protection against damage and infections. The material for the manufacture of bowls is silicone or natural rubber, which does not allow bacteria to multiply. This product does not contain any additives, hazardous chemicals or bleaches. And in this, mouthguards are much better than tampons. After all, the latter are made from viscose or cotton fibers, which are previously specially processed and bleached. After such a procedure, dioxins remain in the product material. These are by-products of the bleaching process. They are cumulative poisons classified as dangerous xenobiotics. In this regard, the use of such products for a woman is highly undesirable. In addition, after insertion, tampons dry the vagina. Thus, they provoke the development of infections, as well as toxic shock syndrome. Many women have noticed a decrease in menstrual flow and less cramps after switching from using tampons to using a cup.
  2. Purity. The use of bowls is very hygienic. In addition, the cap can be subject to additional sterilization. Due to the separation of fluid from the walls of the vagina and the absence of air, odors are less likely to appear during use of the product.
  3. Convenience. Depending on the amount of discharge, the cup is worn for up to 12 hours. You can enter it even before the onset of menstruation, so as not to be left without protection on the road, in nature, etc. In addition, the use of a mouthguard is not prohibited at night. The product is great for sports activities, as it is fixed very securely and imperceptibly from the outside. During menstruation, you do not need to carry spare mouth guards. In addition, you do not have to worry about the product falling out. After all, it is held thanks to the created vacuum very reliably.
  4. Saving. The price of a menstrual cup ranges from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. The specific cost depends on the brand and model. If we take into account that a woman, as a rule, uses about 180 tampons during the year, then their cost will be 1800 rubles. Thus, capa can pay off within the first year.
  5. Environmental friendliness. Over the course of a lifetime, the average woman throws away about 16,800 disposable tampons or pads. Considering that the use of a menstrual cup can last up to 10 years, it becomes obvious that its use will significantly reduce the amount of waste taken to landfills, which subsequently enter the sewer systems, seas and rivers through the soil. It should be noted that in the production of pads and tampons, not only synthetic bases are used, but also wood, the production of which leads to deforestation. The process of manufacturing these products is associated with the chemical processing of the obtained materials. This pollutes the environment and requires significant energy costs.

A decision to use a menstrual cup should be made only after all the risks associated with the use of the product have been taken into account, as well as its benefits have been considered.

Most women are more accustomed to using pads or tampons during their period. But there is no less convenient and hygienic device. This is a silicone cap for menstruation or a bowl (cup). With it, it is much easier to control the amount of discharge. There are other advantages in using the bowl that are not typical for other hygiene products.

Read in this article

Why do you need menstrual cups

For the first time, mouthguards for menstruation were used back in the 30s of the last century. Since then, they have become much more convenient and functional, as the materials from which the hygiene product is made have changed. Now it is elastic and hypoallergenic silicone, which allows you to easily insert and remove the device.

The bowl is designed to collect menstrual flow. It has the appearance of a container with a narrowed and closed bottom. The cup is placed in the vagina so that its wide part is in contact with the entrance to the cervical canal. This will avoid leakage and other inconveniences. When used, a vacuum effect is created that prevents the cap from slipping out of the vagina.

Is it safe to use the device

Differences between a menstrual cap and traditional hygiene products will be noticed immediately:

Advantages Characteristics
Convenience The cup can hold 15 to 30 ml of secretions, so there is usually no need to get up at night to change it.
Physical comfort and safety The device is not felt inside, you can wear any clothes with it. And do not be afraid of toxic shock, as with long-term use of a tampon, which must be replaced every 3 to 4 hours.
Environmental friendliness Mouthguard lasts for several years, which eliminates the need for monthly disposal of hygiene products that exists when using pads and tampons.
Hypoallergenic A negative reaction in the form of swelling, redness and rashes when using silicone caps is found much less frequently than with pads and tampons. The latter contain components that can cause allergies.
Sterility Using a bowl with proper care of it reduces the likelihood of getting inflammation or bacterial, fungal infections. With tampons and pads, the chance of getting sick with them is higher.

The silicone cup for menstruation has a smooth surface. But to use it, you need skill, as well as the right size. The latter is also important for the comfort of sensations during critical days.

It is important that the cap does not interfere, does not injure the mucous membrane, but does not fall out of the vagina. Then the use will be absolutely safe.

Application rules

The instructions for the menstrual cup give clear instructions on how to use it without risking health and comfort. There are also rules that are not specified in it, but important:

  • The device must be sized. All manufacturers of caps have 2 diameters, but they can be in 3 types in length. If a woman has not given birth, she is more likely to fit the smallest size (1st or S). It should also be taken into account that in this case the amount of discharge contained in the bowl will be lower.
  • Before the introduction, the device is not just washed, but sterilized. It is better to do this using special tablets with which you do not need to boil water.
  • You can not take a mouthguard with dirty hands. They should be washed with soap, the genitals should also be clean before insertion.
  • You need to learn how to insert and remove the menstrual cup. This may require more than one attempt. But you should not take the first of them when menstruation has not yet come. Due to the natural dryness of the vagina, it may not be successful. A woman then, most likely, will not learn how to use a mouthguard.
  • Do not keep a menstrual cup inside for more than 12 hours at a time. But there is no need to remove it often either. And yet you should not wait until the capacity is full.

Introduction rules

In order for life to remain comfortable on critical days, you should learn how to use the menstrual cup. In addition to maintaining cleanliness and the right size, it is important to be able to put it in place. The bowl itself can be wetted for better glide or applied with a water-based lubricant. Then you need to do the following:

  • Squeeze the cap so that it becomes flat. Fold it in half lengthwise and place it in the vagina. Inside, with the right introduction, the device will take a natural shape by itself. This will be indicated by the absence of folds on the surface, which is easy to feel.
  • The second method involves compressing the wide edges of the bowl and then bending them down. In such a folded form, she is introduced to the place where she straightens herself.
  • With the third method, the upper edges of the mouthguard are tucked inward. Its diameter thus decreases, the device is easier to install.

The introduction is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the lower back. In order to place the thicket in the vagina without problems, not only the right technique is needed. It is important not to be afraid of the process, not to compress the muscles of the perineum and thighs. It is more convenient to enter the bowl while standing, raising one leg to the level of the toilet lid. You can do this while lying on your back.

Extraction rules

To use the cup for menstruation correctly means to be able to take it out. It is kept inside due to the vacuum effect. And if you just pull on the lower tip of the device, it's easy to hurt yourself. And the cap will remain inside.

To pull it out without staining everything around with secretions, you need:

  • insert the index finger into the vagina;
  • find the side of the bowl, click on it;
  • feeling that there is no vacuum inside, grab the device with your index and thumb, pull it down.

The extraction process will be even shorter in time than the introduction.

The bowl for collecting menstruation implies a certain care for it, which, however, is not too complicated and burdensome. And there are certain rules here:

  • It must be sterilized before use. To do this, a clean enameled container is filled with water. The liquid should boil for a while, after which the hygienic device is placed in it so that it is completely immersed. The cap is sterilized, that is, it is in water heated to 100 degrees for 3-5 minutes. After that, it, of course, cooled down, is ready for use.
  • Instead of boiling, you can use antibacterial tablets. After dissolving them, the bowl is placed in the liquid for 15 minutes. It is better to treat it from germs by sterilization or tablets at intervals after each use. But if it is not possible to do this so often, you need to boil at least before and at the end of menstruation.
  • After removing the bowl, it can be rinsed under running water. To begin with, it is better that it be cold, so it is easier to get rid of the blood. It is allowed to use antibacterial soap when washing.
  • The mouthguard should be stored in the cotton bag that usually comes with it. In no case should you put it in a plastic bag. Before packing, the bowl is air-dried or wiped with a paper towel. You can't put it in the sun.

How to understand that it's time to change the bowl

A hygienic menstrual cup can last up to 10 years. And yet the time when it will need to be replaced may come earlier. How to understand that it has arrived? There are several signs:

  • It was noticed that the device was deformed. Even if the changes are minor, the mouth guard should be replaced in order to avoid inconvenience when wearing, damage to the mucosa.
  • There are cracks or scratches on the surface. Because of them, the risk of infections increases, since with a long stay of the cup in the vagina, microorganisms have better conditions for reproduction.
  • After a long comfortable use, the woman began to feel uncomfortable from wearing the mouth guard. This may mean that there have been changes in her own body. But also the possibility of the deformation of the bowl unnoticed by her. After childbirth, the old device is usually not suitable, you need to choose a larger cap.

A high-quality monthly bowl is not cheap. And many women find it difficult to overcome the psychological barrier in order to start using it. But if you learn how to do this and spare no expense for the device, it turns out that it is in many ways superior to pads and tampons.

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