What does the word where the eyes look. Phraseological units with the word "eyes" and their meaning (with examples)

Through the eyes, a person receives an overwhelming amount of information about the outside world. Sometimes one short glance at an object or situation is enough to make some important decision. Phraseologisms with the word "eyes" accurately and, at the same time, briefly describe a particular life situation.

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye
About an accurately made remark or observation.

Well noted. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!

In both eyes, in all eyes to look
Pay close attention to something or someone without being distracted.

To divert your eyes
That is, to divert someone's attention. The literal meaning is to make a person look away.

Out of the corner of my eye
Look at something briefly, inattentively, without devoting much time to it.

I took a look at your report out of the corner of my eye.

caught my eye
That is, something forced to draw attention to itself.

I noticed an old car parked by the side of the road.

Where do the eyes look
Go in an uncertain direction, without a clear route.

Frustrated, he went wherever his eyes looked.

Darkens in the eyes
Sometimes, from extreme fatigue, a person a short time ceases to perceive the surroundings with his eyes and he has a feeling that it has become dark around. In this case, they usually say: "It's dark in my eyes."

An eyesore
Annoy someone with your presence.

Don't believe your eyes
An expression of surprise when something extremely unlikely is observed, or when a long-awaited event occurs.

Has it started to rain? I can't believe my eyes!

naked eye
About something obvious and very understandable.

It can be seen with the naked eye that this bird is of amazing beauty.

Get up before your eyes
About some image that brightly pops up in the mind of a person.

This funny bear still stands before my eyes.

Not in one eye
So they say when a person is either completely sober or when he cannot sleep.

pop your eyes
A rough description of the state of a person who is surprised by something.

And why did you gouge your eyes out at me, don't you see I'm busy?

Open eyes
To help a person correctly understand a situation or the meaning of something.

You opened my eyes to this man's behavior.

My eyes would not look
Not wanting to see anyone or anything.

My eyes would not look at you!

lay eyes
Be interested in someone or something.

The gardener Gribulin had his eye on the ownerless stones.

Eyes popped out
So sometimes characterize the state of strong physical stress.

Pull the wool over someone's eyes
Create a misleading impression of your abilities.

Eyes lit up
So characterize a high interest in something.

My eyes lit up when I saw this instrument.

See the truth in the eyes
The need to soberly and objectively assess the situation.

You have to face the truth - we can't afford this house.

Flirting, flirting, trying to please.

Eyes on the forehead climbed
An expression of extreme surprise.

When I saw what a mess the house was, my eyes popped out of my head.

Wet eyes
About the state when a person is ready to cry.

Very sharp eye
About a man with an accurate eye.

Eyes run up
About a situation when a person from an abundance of impressions cannot focus on one thing.

There are so many beautiful things in this store that my eyes widen!

Eyes stick together
When a person wants to sleep, he says that his "eyes are stuck together."

In a personal meeting
About the need to talk privately, without witnesses.

Though the eye if (gouge out)
About a state of intense darkness, when it is equally dark with both closed and open eyes.

An eye yes an eye is needed
About the need for close attention to something or someone.

The newcomer Vasyukov needs an eye and an eye.

Eye trained
The ability to quickly, at a glance, assess the state of affairs.

Don't take your eyes off
A high degree of admiration for something or someone, when it is difficult to look away from the object of admiration.

What a beauty, you can't take your eyes off it!

The eye rests, the eye rejoices
Characterizes pleasant impressions from the process of observation.

Get out of sight
Drive the person away.

To divert your eyes
Do something to divert someone's attention.

Speak into your eyes
Speak directly and openly.

For eyes
Discuss someone in his absence.

Close your eyes to something
Ignore any fact or event, do not take it into account.

Don't blink your eyes
Without hesitation, without hesitation.

The assistant lied and did not blink.

measure with eyes
Estimate dimensions or distances with just a glance, without the use of measuring instruments.

Eat with your eyes, eat with your eyes
Very enthusiastically, carefully examining something or someone with an expression of extreme interest.

Go with your eyes
Wishing a person to go away.

prick eyes
Reproach, a reminder of something impartial.

What, brother, does it hurt your eyes?

Climb into your eyes
To impose your presence on another person.

Pop my eyes!
A very emotional manifestation of great surprise.

Don't close your eyes
Don't sleep.

Sharp eye
About an observant, attentive person.

Open your eyes!
A rude wish for a person to be more attentive.

Where are you going, open your eyes!

FROM eyes closed
1. The ability to do something well.
He could disassemble and assemble a car with his eyes closed.

2. Act thoughtlessly, without analyzing the situation.

Shoot your eyes
Flirting, flirting, flirting.

poke in the eyes
It's rude to point to anything.

flap your eyes
Show confusion and embarrassment.

Semyon Yakovlevich, who came to the cry, stood and blinked his eyes.

Take a look at least
A strong desire to see something or someone.

skinny eye
The look of a person that brings harm or misfortune.

Where the eyes look Razg. Unchanged In an indefinite direction, it is not known where, where you want to go. With verb. nesov. and owls. type: go, go, go, go ... where? where the eyes look.

A little light we will leave the fortress and go wherever our eyes look. (A. Pushkin.)

He did not know how to drive a horse, did not know the road and rode at random, wherever his eyes looked. (A. Chekhov.)

We met her eyes ... I suddenly became frightened and somehow became disgusted with myself with my importunity. He turned and went wherever his eyes looked. (A. Kuprin.)

I went out into the street, walked aimlessly - listened to what people were talking about ... (V. Nikulin.)

Kuzma sat at the table and thought this: to lay down the horse now, take Marya and her son, little Masha, and go wherever they look. (V. Shukshin.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what is "where the eyes look" in other dictionaries:

    where the eyes look- Adverb, number of synonyms: 19 without a goal (3) everywhere (47) everywhere and everywhere (30) ... Synonym dictionary

    where the eyes look- (depart) foreign language: somewhere, if only to leave without understanding Cf. Yes, take a husband of such an ugly life, in fact, a good and noble girl, so in three days she will spit on him and run away wherever her eyes look. Ostrovsky. The heart is not... ...

    Where do the eyes look- Razg. 1. Without a certain path, direction of movement (walk, wander, go). [Kostya] got on the train and left. Where? This is what he didn't know. Where do the eyes look? To the ends of the earth (S. Gorbatov. Merchant Lobas). 2. In any direction, anywhere (to go ...

    Where do the eyes look?- I'll go where they grind rye about me. Where do the eyes look? See HOMELAND FOREIGN LAND Wherever your eyes look. Where will the legs go? See HAPPINESS LUCK… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Where do the eyes look- Where the eyes look (go) foreigner. somewhere, just to leave without disassembling. Wed Yes, take a husband of such an ugly life, a really good and noble girl, so in three days she will spit on him and run away wherever her eyes look. ... ...

    where the eyes look- in any direction, anywhere ... Phraseology Handbook

    run wherever your eyes look- somewhere, if only as soon as possible Wed. The need to leave the modern reformed provincial city turns out to be a very widespread need. Some are simply ready to run wherever their eyes look. Ch. Uspensky. New times. Defaulters. 2… Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Run where your eyes look- Run wherever your eyes look (somewhere, if only as soon as possible). Wed The need to leave the modern reformed provincial city turns out to be a very widespread need. Some are simply ready to run wherever their eyes look. Ch. Assumption.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Where do the eyes look- Obsolete. The same as where the eyes look. The hare hare heard the noise of the moose ... he pressed his ears to his back and rushed from all the hare's fast legs where his eyes look, where his legs are (I. Sokolov Mikitov. A year in the forest) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Where the eyes (eyes) look (lead, carry)- Razg. Without a specific direction, anywhere (to go, go, run, etc.); at random. DP, 76; FSRYA, 105; Jig. 1969, 349; 3S 1996, 497; SRGC 4. 587; AOC 4, 10; AOC 9, 82; POS 6, 173; SRNG 29, 257 … Big dictionary of Russian sayings


  • In the city of the Romans, Loginov Mikhail Valentinovich. It is very insulting when you speak the pure truth, but they do not believe you and call you a deceiver. So I want to run away wherever my eyes look. And if they look at a picture depicting the Varangians, then they will have to ...

Phraseologism "where the eyes look" - about freedom, which does not please.

Because the no option is better than the other . And you have to go somewhere.

The meaning of phraseology

Where do the eyes look– without a specific direction, anywhere

Phraseologisms-synonyms: where the legs are carried, on all four sides, it doesn’t matter where, wherever you like

Phraseologisms-antonyms: right on target

AT foreign languages there are similar expressions. Among them:

  • wander aimlessly, follow one "s nose (English)
  • aller le nez au vent (French)
  • der Nase nach (German)

The origin of phraseology

I could not find any description of the origin of this phraseological unit. I do not think that this is due to the particular complexity of such a task. Rather, on the contrary, the logic of its occurrence is so obvious that there seems to be no need to specifically prescribe it.

Apparently, in the beginning this expression was a direct description of the movement of a person in a situation where he did not care where to go, since he lost a place to which he could go. For example, he was kicked out of his home. Later, the expression became figurative meaning, indicating such a situation.

Suggestions from writers' works

"Glory to you, lord!" he said crossing himself. - “Let's leave the fortress with the light and go wherever our eyes look. I have prepared something for you; eat, father, and rest yourself until the morning, like in Christ's bosom" (A. Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter") - by the way, Pushkin's quotes

The prince went out and went mechanically wherever his eyes looked ... For some time the prince wandered aimlessly. (F. Dostoevsky, "The Idiot")

Like a bird from a cage, I rushed to freedom to go wherever my eyes looked - to go until death overtook me somewhere ... (P. Melnikov, "In the Forests")

He won't be back, Kolya. He sent a letter that he no longer wants, and that I can go wherever my eyes look (L. Andreev, “Days of Our Life”) - by the way, Andreev’s quotes

We met her eyes ... I suddenly became frightened and somehow became disgusted with myself with my importunity. He turned and went wherever his eyes looked. (A. Kuprin, "Inna") - by the way, Kuprin's quotes

- Come on, Svetlana, put on your pink dress. We will take my hiking bag from behind the stove, put your apple, my tobacco, matches, a knife, a bun there, and leave this house wherever our eyes look. (A. Gaidar, "Blue Cup")

And so you want to spit on everything and go wherever your eyes look across the desert to look for a real business ... It's a shame, guys. (A. and B. Strugatsky, "Interns")

Phraseologism "where the eyes look" describes special human condition in which he loses his rational approach to where he needs to go, and moves "automatically", no matter where. Usually it is associated with deep feelings.

How can one express the utmost degree of indifference as to which direction to move? It's very simple: "I'll go where my eyes look." We will analyze this phraseological unit today.


Since the expression does not have any specific source, we can say that it arose from a person’s surprise at the boundlessness of the world. All four sides are free and you can go anywhere: left to right, back or straight. The whole world belongs to man. The expression "where the eyes look" is uncomplicated. Phraseologism does not hide riddles in itself.

Go anywhere from grief

Usually, people don't go on trips just like that. There is always a reason, such as grief. It is not uncommon for children to run away from home because it is no longer possible to live there. Parents argue all the time, swear, the child blames himself for everything. Then one day he decides to change everything and leaves wherever his eyes look. Phraseologism assumes the meaning of "anywhere", "it doesn't matter in which direction to go, the main thing is movement."

It is clear that the topic is not very cheerful, but vagrants are those who live by the principle: "The whole world is my home." And they are always on their way somewhere, while they do not have a specific goal. The most interesting thing is that people get used to living like this and it is very difficult to get them out of the street. They do not understand the advantages of property, the beauty of palaces and apartments. Tramps are free birds that embody the principle of "I go wherever my eyes look." Phraseologism is for some associated with freedom of expression and movement.

Phraseologism and romanticism

Lovers also sin by not clearing the road when they are in a good, high spirits. For example, you can refer to the third part of Robert Zemeckis's masterpiece "Back to the Future".

The moment Doc Emmett Brown confessed his love to Clara, he was walking all night long. If someone asked him where he was, the scientist would hardly have found an answer. And the gray-haired researcher, after all, also walked in a romantic mood wherever his eyes looked (the meaning of the phraseological unit was clarified and explained a little earlier).

In other words, you need an excuse to indulge in meaningless staggering back and forth. In a normal, calm state, a person will not leave home.


So, to summarize, phraseological units can be replaced with the following phrases:

  1. No matter where.
  2. It doesn't matter where.
  3. On all four sides.
  4. Ventilate.
  5. Breathe.

Naturally, in each case of use, verbs are added: go, run, ride, swim, fly. “Where the eyes look” (phraseologism), a synonym for which is quite easy to pick up, suggests that it makes no difference to a person where to move. This is the main thing to remember in the creative search for analogues.

Tonality of expression

Naturally, the expression in question can only be used in the circle of close friends. If in an unfamiliar company a person is asked:
- Where are you?

Where the eyes look (the meaning of the phraseologism does not require explanation already, now we are analyzing the tonality).

Those around him, not knowing him closely, may think that something happened to him, or he suddenly went crazy. Why all of a sudden such verbal expression?

You should always choose your words very carefully and think about who and what the person is saying. Otherwise, confusion cannot be avoided. In general, it is not difficult to find a synonym for the expression "where the eyes look" (phraseologism), knowing the meaning. If nothing brief comes to mind, you can replace it with a whole sentence: “Friends, something is not good for me, I will be away for a while, I need to take a walk.” Lots of options.

If you work with your head properly, then with honor you can get out of any even the most unpleasant situation. The main thing is not to despair and tirelessly study the Russian language and literature. Great and mighty will come in handy always and everywhere. Even if a person decides to go wherever his eyes look, he also needs to ask for directions, and along the way you can find good people, friends and stop thinking about the bad.