Barely disabled 2 groups a year. What is included in the second group of disabled people, the rules and conditions for its receipt

The appointment of any disability group in the Russian Federation is possible only if there is an act of medical and social expertise (MSE). Disability category 2 is assigned to disabled people who have certain physical and social limitations, but do not need constant care from other people. Disabled people of the 2nd group have the right to receive social assistance in the form of UDV and NSU. In the article, we will consider the concept of EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group, how to calculate and issue an additional payment.

Social payment for disability

UDV is a monthly cash payment assigned to persons with disabilities. In addition to the direct payment, the UDV also includes the NSO - a set of social services in the form of compensation for the cost of medicines, preferential vouchers to a sanatorium, as well as the right to free travel by rail. A disabled person can receive NSI both in kind and in cash, while the UDV is paid exclusively in the form of Money.

The right to EFA is granted to persons with disabilities of all groups, including children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood. The amount of the payment depends on the group of disability and on the basis for issuing the UA.

EDV sizes for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019

The amount of payment in the presence of 2 groups of disability depends on the medical and social category of a disabled person.

The basic size of the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group is 2590.24 rubles. At the same time, the amount of the payment may vary depending on the form in which the citizen receives the NSI:

EDV size at:

full receipt of NSO in kind RUB 1515.05
waiver of free railway travel RUB 1633.99
maintaining the right to health care RUB 1762.10
maintaining the right to health resort services RUB 2462.13
maintaining the right to medical care and free travel RUB 1643.16
maintaining the right to health resort services and free travel RUB 2343.19
Retaining the right to free travel RUB 2471.30

It should be noted that the amount of social payments is annually determined by the government of the Russian Federation and is subject to indexation. The table above shows the amounts of the unified income, taking into account the indexation carried out on February 1, 2018 in the amount of 5.4%.

What is a set of social services

NSU is an additional advantage to the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group. In particular, persons with disabilities who have issued a UDV automatically acquire the right to an NSS in the form of:

  • Free rest in a sanatorium at least once a year;
  • Free entitlement to certain prescription drugs;
  • Free travel in both directions for spa treatment;
  • Free travel on railway transport of intercity and suburban destination.

Documents for registration of EDV for a disabled person of the 2nd group

When applying for a UDV on the basis of a disability of group 2, a citizen should apply to the FIU at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • application for the appointment of EDV (the form can be downloaded here ⇒ );
  • an extract from the ITU act confirming the assignment of disability of group 2;
  • statement on the choice of payment delivery method (the form can be downloaded here ⇒ ).

When drawing up documents, a citizen should correctly fill out an application indicating the following details:

  • Applicant's initials without abbreviations;
  • Passport data;
  • Actual address of residence and place of registration if they differ;
  • Signature of the applicant and date of preparation of the document;
  • Grounds for the appointment of EDV;
  • Commitment to promptly notify the Pension Fund in the event of a change of residence.

The procedure for issuing a EDV for a disabled person of the 2nd group

In order for a disabled person of group 2 to be assigned a monthly EDV, it is necessary to go through a certain procedure.

Step 1 - If a person has an ITU act, an application for a EDV is submitted to the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. If the beneficiary already has a pension, then you need to contact the Pension Fund where it was previously issued. If a disabled person of the 2nd group permanently lives in a stationary medical institution, then the application is submitted to the body that is assigned to such an institution;

Step 2 – This application is submitted for consideration personally along with the accompanying documents. You can also send by letter with notification by mail or through an authorized representative. It is also possible to apply for in electronic format website of the Pension Fund. You must first register with Personal account»;

Step 3 – An authorized employee, within 15 working days, reviews the received papers for completeness and correctness of the data;

Step 4 - After the specified period, the Pension Fund authorities notify the applicant of the assignment of payment to him. In case of denial of the UDV, the arguments for such a decision are given;

Step 5 – The citizen receives the payment one month after the application is submitted.

Features of the design of the EDV

The applicant for the UDV must have a certificate confirming the presence of the 2nd group of disability and express a desire to abandon the NSI in favor of the UDV by an appropriate application. The EDV can be issued for a period of at least one year.

It should be noted that a disabled person of the 2nd group, who is entitled to the NSO, can only refuse certain benefits in favor of additional payments, but not the entire set of services. In this case, the beneficiary will receive an additional payment and use the list of social services necessary for him. It is also possible to reverse the UDV and receive a set of social services again.

After submitting a full package of papers for registration EDV for a disabled person Group 2 is supposed to accrue this payment from the first day of the month following the month of submission of documents to the Pension Fund.

EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2018 was indexed. However, this same payment for working pensioners was discontinued. In the article, we will figure out what the amount is made up of, what size you can claim today.

What it is?

Lump sum cash payments, abbreviated as UDV, were introduced in Russia in 2005. They are especially important for people with disabilities, who sometimes find it difficult to find a job. Social insecurity also negatively affects financial position people in this category.

Payments to disabled people of the 2nd group are paid on the condition that they have a medical examination in their hands. People with disabilities are one of the categories that are eligible for the EFA. This also includes heroes of labor, war veterans and some others.

What does it consist of?

Disabled people who receive monthly payments do not always know what is included. The list of additional benefits provided includes all types of social services. From the data in the table, you can understand how much money for the NSO (set of social services) is provided for each category:

From here you can calculate how much you get in the end. They are equal to 1,075 rubles 19 kopecks. This size of the NSO is valid today.

If desired, the recipient of the UDV can refuse 1 or 2 of the listed services and receive monetary compensation, which will be paid every month. You don't have to waive benefits every year. It is enough to do it once. After that, it will be impossible to change the compensation for the service.

In addition to the NSO, the UDV also includes a payment that depends on various conditions. For example, in 2018, the maximum amount of the unified income for disabled people of the 2nd group is 2,590 rubles 24 kopecks. Moreover, the final size is lower, since the EVU is indicated with the full cost of the NSU. It turns out that the fixed amount payable is 1,515 rubles 05 kopecks. And already, depending on the set of services, 0, 1 or 2 unused services can be added to this indicator.

The maximum amount receivable is 2,471 rubles 30 kopecks, provided that the disabled person refuses travel compensation. For example, refusing medicines will reduce the EDV to 1,762 rubles 10 kopecks.

You cannot increase the size of the EDV. It is established in accordance with the existing basis for receiving benefits. The only option is to wait for indexing. But it is insignificant, and therefore the EDV will grow quite a bit. The last indexation was carried out on February 1 and amounted to 2.5%.

How to get a?

UDV begin to pay disabled people, as, in fact, to other categories, from the moment they apply for it. However, this should not be done before receiving a medical examination. The entire due amount is transferred every month to a separate personal account. If a person already has one in the FIU, then payments will go there.

UDV is assigned after a personal application for benefits to the FIU. Employees themselves do not verify such information and do not assign subsidies automatically. The disabled person needs:

  1. make an application;
  2. attach to it all the necessary documents (including a medical examination);
  3. wait for the paperwork.

After that, the funds will be credited to his personal account every month. He can dispose of them as he pleases.

Disabled people of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd groups, as well as disabled children and disabled children, have the right to receive the EVA and NSI in the prescribed manner. In the article, we will analyze how much UDV and NSO is set for persons with disabilities in 2019, and also find out how to issue cash payments to people with disabilities and what documents are needed for this.

What is EDV and NSO

EDV, or monthly cash payment, is financial aid, which is provided by the state to persons with limited physical and social abilities (disabled), as well as veterans, military personnel, citizens affected by man-made disasters, victims of the Nazi regime, etc.

UDV is an additional payment and is assigned regardless of the fact that a citizen receives a pension, as well as other compensations, additional payments, benefits.

NSO, or a set of social services - assistance provided to the recipients of the CAU in kind - in the form of granting the right to free travel, vouchers to sanatoriums, medical care and medicines.

NSO is assigned to all recipients of the UDV automatically, at the time of registration of the monthly cash payment. The recipient of the UDV may refuse the NSO in kind by submitting a corresponding application to the FIU (the form can be downloaded here ⇒). In such a case, the amount of the UDV will be increased by the amount of the cash equivalent of the NSO.

Who can apply for EDV and NSU

The current legislation provides the following categories of citizens with the right to receive UDV and NSU:

  • invalids, including combat trauma invalids;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combat operations;
  • relatives of the dead soldiers;
  • persons who have suffered radiation sickness, other citizens affected by the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • Heroes of the USSR, RF, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory.

A complete list of persons with the right to receive payment in the form of a single contribution is contained in the relevant legislative acts, as well as on the official website of the PFR ⇒

Cash payments to people with disabilities: sizes in 2019

The size of the UDV and NSO is fixed and is established at the legislative level. From 02/01/2019, the amount of the unified income was indexed for all categories of recipients by 2.5%.

The amount of monthly payments is determined based on the disability group and from 02/01/2019 is:

  • for disabled people of the 1st group - 2.551.79 rubles / month;
  • for disabled people of the 2nd group - 1.515.05 rubles / month;
  • for disabled people of the 3rd group - 998.32 rubles / month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under the age of 18) - 1,515.05 rubles / month.

The above amounts of UDV are assigned on the condition that the citizen receives NSO in kind.

NSO for persons with disabilities in 2019

From 02/01/2019, the cash equivalent of the NSO is 1,075.19 rubles/month, including:

  • compensation for the cost of medications - 828.14 rubles / month;
  • the right to receive vouchers to institutions of a sanatorium type (if there are medical indications, no more than 1 time in 2 years) - 128.11 rubles / month;
  • free travel in suburban railway transport - 118.94 rubles.

The specified size of the NSO is valid for both disabled people and other recipients of the UA.

The amount of the EDV in case of refusal of the disabled person from the NSU

The recipient of the UDV due to disability has the right to refuse to receive NSI in kind - in the form of medicines, free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel by suburban railway transport. In this case, the monthly amount of payments to the disabled person will be increased by the monetary equivalent of the NSO.

In case of a complete refusal of the disabled person from the NSI, the size of the UIA will be increased by 1,075.19 rubles per month. and will be:

  • for disabled people of the 1st group - 3.626.98 rubles / month;
  • for disabled people of the 2nd group - 2.590.24 rubles / month;
  • for disabled people of the 3rd group - 2.073.51 rubles / month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under the age of 18) - 2,590.24 rubles / month.

The recipient of the UDV may refuse the NSO in kind, either in whole or in part. For example, a disabled person can refuse free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel in railway transport, but retain the right to receive medicines. In this case, the amount of the unified income will be increased by 247.05 rubles per month.

The table below provides information on the amounts of UIA in case of a partial refusal of the disabled person from the NSI:

EVD Recipients Disabled people of the 1st group Disabled 2 groups, disabled children Disabled 3 groups
The amount of UDV in case of refusal of free railway travel RUB 2,670.73/monthRUB 1,633.99/monthRUB 1,117.26/month
The amount of UDV in case of refusal of free railway travel and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,798.84/monthRUB 1,762.10/monthRUB 1,245.37/month
The amount of UDV in case of refusal of free medicines and travel in railway transport RUB 3,498.87/month2.462.13 RUB/monthRUB 1,945.40/month
The amount of EDV in case of refusal of vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,679.90/monthRUB 1,643.16/monthRUB 1,126.43/month
Amount of UDV when refusing free medicines RUB 3,379.93/month2.343.19 RUB/monthRUB 1,826.46/month
The amount of UDV in case of refusal of free medicines and vouchers to a sanatorium 3.508.04 RUB/monthRUB 2,471.30/monthRUB 1,954.57/month

In case of refusal from the NSO, the additional payment to the UDV is assigned from the month following the month of submission of the corresponding application to the FIU.

Cash payments to war invalids

The right to receive EDV and NSU is granted to citizens who have acquired a disability as a result of a combat injury. For this category of persons, the size of the EDV is set at the following rate:

The basis for assigning a payment to disabled combatants is a document issued by a medical institution and confirming that the reason for assigning disability was an injury (wound, mutilation, shell shock) or a disease acquired during military service or participation in hostilities.

Disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War also have the right to receive the UDV in the indicated amount, regardless of the reasons for the assignment of disability.

Persons with disabilities living in Russian Federation, can receive social protection within the limits stipulated by the legislation of the country.

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To do this, they need to go to the hospital and go through medical and social expertise, during which it will be decided whether a person needs to be granted a disability, and which group he can count on.

After obtaining the status, it is possible to issue not only benefits, but also other material subsidies, for example, a pension (labor or social), as well as receive a single payment, which is considered a separate payment.

Disability group 2 is assigned to those people who are not deprived of the possibility of self-service, but also practically cannot perform work duties.

Group 1 is more complex, and such a person should be fully cared for, and the third group is given even for minor irreversible changes in human health.

What is included in this assistance

The monthly cash payment is the amount of money that is provided to certain groups of citizens, and at the same time consists of both material resources and a list of social services for the disabled.

EDV can be provided and large families but on different terms.

The same rule applies to maternity capital from 2019. Social services consist of providing prescription drugs for 807 rubles, vouchers to a sanatorium for 124 rubles and free travel to and from the place of treatment in the amount of 116 rubles.

You can receive this kind of payment:

  • combat veterans who received a disability in combat or while on duty;
  • people who have received a disability for any reason, as well as during childhood or from birth;
  • people who went through concentration camps at a minor age;
  • persons who suffered from the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • heroes and holders of orders of labor and glory.

It is possible to issue such a payment for a third child who was born after 2012, and at the same time lives in a region in which a difficult demographic situation has developed.

To clarify the details, it is better to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration, where they can help:

  1. Find out if a person has grounds for registration monthly payment.
  2. Correctly write an application for such a payment.
  3. They will advise on the package of documents and tell you where they can be obtained.

Registration can be made only in the institution that serves the place of residence of the disabled person. The process of obtaining such funding by disabled people not only of 2 groups, but also of others, stipulates the law 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

It says about who exactly is entitled to UDV, and how it is drawn up and paid to different citizens.

If a disabled person simultaneously suffered from the Chernobyl accident and is a hero of the USSR, the Russian Federation or a full holder of the Order of Glory, then payments for these reasons can be added up, and the final amount will increase.

It is important to consider that alimony is necessarily withheld from such benefits. In case of non-payment, the state automatically writes off the funds in favor of the child.

The procedure for receiving payments

To receive payments, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, providing the necessary documents, including:

  • application for payment;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of assignment of a disability group.

A sample application for the appointment of an EDV is available. These papers are quite enough to submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund and process the appeal within the time limits established by law. The payment countdown starts from the day the citizen applies, but only if he has provided all the necessary documents.

If a disabled person is incapacitated, his legal representative who has the appropriate documents can receive funds. The PF may also request a certificate from the bank, which confirms the existence of a personal account to which funds will be transferred.

The employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must make a decision on the provision of payment or refusal within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. In case of refusal, a person may well challenge the decision by contacting either a higher management or an administrative court.

How the amount (amount) is calculated

The accrual of a specific amount of UDV occurs according to several factors, the main of which is the category of disability of the applicant for payment.

Most of all they can receive 5,000 rubles, the minimum payment can be at the level of 600 rubles, but in the absence of special reasons, for example, a combination of grounds, the amount is the same for everyone.

From February 1, 2019, the amount of state support is 2590 rubles, but this amount is valid only if all social services are refused. While maintaining the benefits and using the basic amount, a disabled person of the 2nd group will receive 1515 rubles.

If a person has the right to receive payment on several grounds, and at the same time passes under one law, then the value with the largest size is used. When it comes to the grounds for receiving a payment under several laws, a citizen himself can choose a specific payment.

If we talk about citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl accident, or have the status of a Hero of the USSR, the Russian Federation, are cavaliers of the Order of the Customs Union, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, then their payment is summed up for several reasons at once.

They receive more than other disabled people, but must document the existence of the grounds.The increase occurs due to indexation, although usually the size of the increase is not particularly large.

In 2019, the increase was only 5.9%, and people who make a payment after February 1 can count on the establishment of a new amount of cash assistance.

Those disabled people who received allowances earlier should not write new applications and bring documents, because indexing is done automatically at the state level.

The payment consists not only of money, but also of social services, which include:

  • social package;
  • free travel to the place of treatment (sanatorium or resort);
  • full benefit for landline telephone payments;
  • the possibility of dental prosthetics with a frequency of five years.

A disabled person may refuse all or part of the services, and the amount of the payment will increase by an amount commensurate with the cost of a particular service.

Obtaining a disability does not mean automatic registration of assistance in the form of regular payments. It is enough to contact the FIU and submit documents.

Is it possible to cancel the service

If a disabled person has improved his or her well-being, got a job, or has any other reasons why he does not want to receive public money, he can refuse monthly allowance. To do this, an application is written to the FIU in a free form, and after that the payment is canceled.

An annual application is not required, with one document a person refuses additional payments, but this does not cancel the possibility of receiving them again.

In order to return the accruals, a disabled person of group 2 must again apply to the Pension Fund, prepare a package of documents and write an application, after which the allowance will be assigned again.

There are no restrictions on the number of requests and refusals of payment, so you can carry out procedures as much as you like. Usually disabled people do not refuse monthly payments, although the law fully entitles them to such a step and does not impose special requirements for paperwork.

Is it possible to increase the payment

The state system does not imply an increase in benefits called EVD. This situation arises on the basis of several factors. Citizens cannot influence them.

The difficult situation in the country in terms of the economy leads to the need to cut all social content. Significant increases cannot be expected.

There are only a few options for increasing payouts:

Indexing It is carried out on social benefits in April of each new year. In 2019, the increase in payment is 5.9%. This level does not cover inflation processes. But there is no funding for more in the state budget
Increasing the disability group This option of the procedure is not available to all pensioners for monthly accruals. But in the case of a re-examination, the status changes, then the payment will have a different indicator. For citizens with the first group, the amount of benefits is the highest. This payment no longer exists under state support programs
Rejection of the social package The state allows you to completely replace the social set with financial compensation. This will increase the payout amount. But, of course, the citizen will lose any right to use the NSO. There is an option to refuse all services. The recipient, refusing a few items, may keep others. Benefits for housing and communal services are not included in the list of this set

Disability pension can be calculated using one of the following formulas:

Social pension + EVD = disability pension

Labor pension + EVV = disability pension

As you can see from these formulas, you can choose only one type of state security pension: social, for which the size of your labor investments is not important, or labor pension, calculated depending on the days of insurance service.

Social pension for the disabled

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, as amended on November 12, 2018, the following persons have the right to receive a social pension:

1) The first paragraph is mandatory for all persons listed in paragraph two - permanent residence in the territory of our country.

2) Disabled people of all three groups, also disabled since childhood; disabled children.

The indexation of social pensions is scheduled for April 1, 2019. On average, benefits will increase by 2.4%. The average annual social pension will be 9215 rubles. Thus, in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166, taking into account indexation, the amount of social pension for disabled citizens will approximately be:

  • disabled since childhood of the 1st group, disabled children - 12,730.82 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of the 1st group, disabled since childhood of the 2nd group - 10,609.17 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of the 2nd group - 5,304.57 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of the 3rd group - 4,508.91 rubles. per month.

A social disability pension is assigned for the period during which a person is recognized as disabled, and may also be indefinite (in case of permanent disability). It is also worth noting that the absence seniority does not affect the payment of these funds.

To receive this type of state pension, you will need the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • documents on the establishment of disability and on the degree of disability.

In addition, when applying for a disability pension, documents may be required:

  • certifying the identity and authority of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian);
  • on the place of stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • on the cause-and-effect relationship of the disability or death of the breadwinner with the commission by a citizen of an intentional criminally punishable act or the deliberate infliction of damage to his health by him;
  • about an intentional criminally punishable act or intentional damage to one's health.

EDV for people with disabilities

Some categories of citizens currently receive monthly cash payments, and the total number of people receiving these cash payments is 16.5 million citizens of the Russian Federation.

The following documents are required to obtain the EDV:

1. Passport;

2. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance;

3. Help ITU.

From February 1, 2019, the amount of the UCW will be indexed and, in accordance with the Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 “On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation”, it will be increased depending on the disability groups and taking into account the increasing coefficient of 1.034:

1) disabled people of the 1st group - 3,750.30 rubles;

2) disabled people of group II - 2,678.31 rubles;

3) disabled people Group III- 2,144 rubles;

4) disabled children - 2,678.31 rubles;

5) war invalids - 5,356.59 rubles;

6) Chernobyl invalids - 2,678.31.

From February 1, 2019, the allowance for the provision of NSOs (a set of social services) will also increase. The payment will be 1111.75 kopecks. (until February 2019 - 1075.19 rubles). Of this amount, 856.30 kopecks are intended for the purchase of medicines, 132.45 kopecks for sanatorium treatment, and 122.90 kopecks for travel to the place of treatment.

Labor pension for the disabled

A disability labor pension is established for citizens of the Russian Federation who have been recognized as disabled persons of groups 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the procedure established by law.

To receive a disability pension, a combination of three conditions is required:

1) A person is recognized as a disabled person of 1, 2, 3 groups.

2) The acquisition of a disability is not connected with the commission by him of:

A criminal punishable act recognized as intentional in a judicial proceeding;

Causing intentional damage to one's health, established in court.

3) The presence of at least 1 day of insurance experience.

To receive a disability pension, you will need the following documents:

  • The passport;
  • Employment book or employment contract;
  • Documents confirming the establishment of disability and the degree of disability (certificate).

In addition, the following documents shall be attached, where appropriate:

  • Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months until January 1, 2002 during employment;
  • Certificate confirming that disabled family members are dependent;
  • Document on the place of residence, stay or actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • A document confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents on changing the surname, name, patronymic.

The amount of the labor disability pension is calculated according to the following formula

TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person (disabled person), taken into account as of the day from which he is assigned a labor disability pension;

T is the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension. When assigning a pension from 2013, 228 months are taken for calculations;

K - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. The normative duration of the insurance period until the disabled person reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age, starting from 19 years, but not more than 180 months;

B is a fixed basic disability pension.

You can see the basic size of the labor pension in the following table.

The basic size of the labor pension is affected by:

  • disability group
  • number of dependents