Alena Vodonaeva before and after plastic surgery. Alena Vodonaeva published her photos before plastic surgery

Chest changes Alena Vodonaeva, TV presenter, singer, actress and famous brawler of the show "Dom-2", is a whole story. Plastic surgery, as you know, is one of the star's favorite hobbies, and she does not hide it at all. Previously, she had already undergone a facelift, cheekbone correction, rhinoplasty, cheiloplasty and blepharoplasty.

Mammoplasty, apparently, became a special operation in the life of Alena Vodonaeva, since plastic surgeons performed it twice, and the goals of these operations were diametrically opposed.

They say that Alena Vodonaeva is an impulsive and extremely emotional person, therefore her desires to change something in herself are often too contradictory and unexpected.

How did it all start?

Glory to Alena Vodonaeva brought participation in the show "Dom-2", to which she devoted several years of her life. Having immediately established herself as a femme fatale vamp, she could not do without plastic surgeons.

Once she once admitted to reporters that she always wanted everything else: a new nose, a new mouth, a new chest.

At first, she used the typical " female tricks"Like special underwear with additional inserts for a visual increase in the bust, she wore corsets and slimming dresses that helped her create the effect of a large volume. It seems that very soon all this was not enough.

When were breast surgeries performed?

Some of her first plastic surgeries - rhinoplasty and breast augmentation - were made to her before the age of 25. At that age, Vodonaeva often changed her image and the so-called stage image. She liked to go from blonde to brunette and vice versa.

At that period of her life, she herself did not expect that someday she would treat plastic surgery with the same ease. The breast augmentation was followed almost immediately by other changes in appearance. A little later she became a star social networks, and the new big breasts have become one of the most popular "subjects" of discussion.

A few years with a large breast size, and Alena Vodonaeva again decided that it was time to change. Someone is sure that her unstable character is to blame for everything, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

What was the result?

There are suggestions that after the birth of her son Bogdan, she had health problems. The girl lost a lot of weight and, perhaps, with such a weight, too large implants became a significant problem.

Therefore, Alena Vodonaeva moved new operation, but this time to reduce the mammary glands. In her posts, she urged all women not to be afraid of condemnation, because health and self-image are much more important.

What does Alena Vodonaeva look like today?

Alena Vodonaeva claims that her new forms suit her much more. However, there are rumors that she has already planned a new operation to enlarge her breasts again, but this time with minimalist implants.

Alena Vodonaeva became known to the general public thanks to her catchy appearance and defiant behavior. The bright brown-haired woman still does not lose her acquired popularity, skillfully using competent PR and outstanding external data.

Biography of Alena Vodonaeva

The famous Russian model and TV presenter was born in the city of Tyumen on June 2, 1982. All the childhood of the future TV star was spent in the family of the father of an orthopedist and the mother of a university teacher. The girl dreamed of becoming a model, so at the age of 12 she was engaged in the local fashion theater.

The talent and artistry of the girl did not go unnoticed, which is why in such early age she participated in fashion shows and various commercials. The biography of the future star continued to search for himself as a journalist.

Tyumenka sent her resume to several different magazines and newspapers, and soon she was writing commissioned articles and interviewing celebrities on numerous occasions. A little later, she began to combine journalism with work on a local TV channel leading a crime chronicle.

The Tyumen Institute of Journalism, where the future star entered, gave her a higher education in this specialty. The beauty of the young student was amazing, and the men melted and were attracted like a magnet. However, the student was determined to study, it was at this moment that she became interested in a new phenomenon on modern television - reality shows.

Vodonaeva on Dom-2

On July 10, 2004, the beauty first came to the Dom-2 TV set. According to legend, the reason for her arrival was the study of the nature of the emergence of reality shows. However, the journalist got along well in the intricacies and undercurrents of the project.

Even the appearance of Alena on the site caused a sensation, because right on the frontal place she announced that the person whose heart she wants to conquer was Stepan Menshchikov, and danced an exciting dance for her chosen one. The girl’s relationship developed well only with the guys, but the rest of the participants in the television project felt a serious competitor in the bright new one.

For 1067 days on the project, Alena had quarrels with almost all the girls more than once, and fights broke out more than once. After breaking up with the main womanizer Stepa, Alena met with the thin and vulnerable May Abrikosov, but the relationship quickly reached a dead end.

After several short novels, Alena unexpectedly left the perimeter in 2007 for everyone. Rumors spread that “in the wild” for the young lady several roles in the series had already been prepared, or maybe she would turn out to be a singer of the sensational group “VIA Gra”. In fact, the famous intriguer became a simple host of the Cosmopolitan Video Version program.

Plastics of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva before and after plastic surgery remained a bitchy and self-confident lady. However, for a successful career and an increase in interest in her own person, she decided to correct her appearance.

  • Mammoplasty. Breast plastic surgery in the case of this beauty is a mythical matter. No one can say for sure whether the young lady inserted implants or from nature she got such a beauty. Alena Vodonaeva before breast correction surgery has already become famous at "House 2". We can say that it was she who became the founder of the fashion for lush breasts for every self-respecting "housekeeper". After Alenka appeared on the TV set, many began to reshape themselves: Daria Pynzar, and others.

Mother Vodonaeva has the same weighty dignity. In a fit of chasing scandals, Alena went for an unnecessary increase in the mammary glands. The dream of every man and the envy of every girl - breasts of the fifth or sixth size has become a nightmare for the former participant in the TV show.

If there was a bust enlargement, then Alena Vodonaeva regretted what she had done after the operation, because everything hurt from the enlarged breast on a lean body: back, spine, neck. Already at a conscious age, the girl corrected the situation and performed the most dangerous operation - breast reduction. But again, this procedure has been disputed many times by both fans and specialists. Many say that the bust remained as before magnificent, without losing size.

The photos in which Alena Vodonaeva before and after the operation are surprising, because now the singer (she sang a couple of songs) and the TV star flaunts in front of the cameras with an incomplete C grade. In personal interviews, the girl admits that her most secret dream has come true - her breasts have decreased. Now no factors cause discomfort.

  • Lip augmentation. Alena Vodonaeva, before plastic surgery, only provoked gossip about herself with her behavior. The Internet erupted in another squabble after the publication of a photo of Alena Vodonaeva with noticeably enlarged lips.

It is now with hyaluronic acid that you will surprise only pensioners from the outback, and in the 2000s the introduction of fillers seemed to be something criminal. The star of the Dom-2 project did not comment on obvious changes, but experts agree on only one thing: fillers have been introduced.

Alena Vodonaeva after plastic surgery began to look more feminine, elegant and expensive.

Vodonaeva's life after the project

  • As soon as the girl left the TV show, she began dating businessman Alexei Molokanov. The couple met at Lesha's birthday party, where Vodonaeva ended up by accident. The young man was a worthy match for Vodonaeva, because he completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State University and became an enviable fiancé candidate of political sciences.

In 2009, young people got married in a chic Moscow restaurant. Only close friends were invited, including Irina Dubtsova and Ksyusha Borodina. In 2010, the couple had a son, Bogdanchik. In honor of her son, a loving mother made a nominal tattoo on her wrist.

The marriage broke up in 2013, the husband claimed that Alena was systematically cheating.

  • Slava Panterov is a party-goer and fashion model from St. Petersburg, who consoled the girl after the divorce.

  • Evgeny Papunaishvili is a partner in Dancing with the Stars and another alleged lover of Vodonaeva. While working on the project numbers, the couple was not limited only to rehearsals, spending a lot of time in a more intimate setting. More than once, journalists caught partners in restaurants hugging and kissing.

  • Yuri Ande is a hobby of the TV presenter of the period of 2014. Alena Vodonaeva's Instagram and her personal blog tell about all the changes in the star's life, in which the girl uploads dozens of photos and videos about herself every day. Personal life is seething, as the singer hints at an early marriage and a rounded belly.

Scandals of the former housekeeper

  • On the program "Live" in 2017, Vodonaeva insulted obese people, saying that she did not understand such women and did not want to have anything to do with them. There was a scandal in the studio that involved both the wife of a famous football player and the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

  • Since participating in the construction site, a video has appeared on the network, popularly nicknamed "lick". On it, a naked couple of Vodonaeva-Menshchikov indulge in love pleasures. The video caused a sensation, but was not removed from the network.

  • The girl’s posts are riddled with swear words and often resemble incoherent speech, and the presenter herself insists that she is a philologist.

  • The winner of the "Vacations in Mexico" project, Catherine Rviza, accused Vodonaeva of prostitution, to which the presenter responded in the same way, publishing the price list for the services of her opponent.

Alena Vodonaeva's plastic surgeries stir up interest in the girl's life, and outrageous behavior is often only demonstrative and indicative. “I am a strong, independent and free woman. And I’m happy!” Alena says about her life now.

Video: Alena Vodonaeva insulted obese people in the program “Live”

Alena Vodonaeva's career began with the television project "House 2". Thanks to him, the country recognized a girl from Siberia. Now she is a famous model and TV presenter.

The childhood of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Yurievna Vodonaeva was born in the city of Tyumen on July 2, 1982. In her hometown, the future celebrity mastered the profession of a journalist and worked in her specialty, first at a radio station, and then at a local television host of crime programs.

Alena Vodonaeva from childhood dreamed of leaving the provinces and conquering the Russian capital. In this she was helped by a new project on the TNT channel "Dom 2". True, as the girl herself says, she went to the TV set not at all for fame, but for the sake of her thesis. Graduating from the university, Vodonaeva decided to cover in her diploma not a criminal topic, but a reality show.

Alena Vodonaeva and "House 2"

After participating in the television project "House 2", the girl gained fame throughout Russia. Alena came there on July 10, 2004 and left rather unexpectedly, 1067 days later, on June 12, 2007.

Alena Vodonaeva came to the project to Stepan Menshikov. At that time, the young man had been alone for two months. As a presentation at the front of the TV set, Alena danced a rather erotic and beautiful dance. Stepan and Alena immediately began a relationship. The novel developed rapidly. And already on the third day after Alena arrived at Dom 2, the couple claimed a vip-house.

Interview with Alena Vodonaeva

The Menshikov-Vodonaev couple was quite scandalous on the project. Quarrels in a potential family occurred constantly, at times conflicts escalated into real military battles. It is noteworthy that Stepan, as a man, was always the first to reconcile. As a result, Alena began to be convicted of what she had made of Menshikov henpecked. However, the girl did not pay any attention to such remarks.

However, Vodonaeva had almost no friends on the project. All because the girl has a very bad character. And besides, according to the assurances of Ksenia Sobchak, Alena constantly lied. Alena was constantly annoyed that in their relationship with the young man there was always a third person in the form of Olga Buzova. Since then, communication between the girls did not work out. Olya and Alena still cannot stand each other.

Meanwhile, Vodonaeva and Menshikov were talking about the wedding. But after a year and a half, the couple broke up. The lovers left each other brightly and hard. However, Alena Vodonaeva did not miss her former lover for long. She immediately met the calm and attractive Anton Potapovich. However, even this young man could not cope with the temperament of the girl. After a series of scandals, the couple announced their breakup.

All the time on the project, Alena Vodonaeva secretly had sympathy for May Abrikosov. At one point, romantic feelings overpowered, and the Alain-May union was formed. The couple made a splash, and the participants wondered for a long time whether the couple had sincere feelings or was it a strategic tandem for the sake of life on the perimeter.

But in this novel, Alena began to show her character: she was constantly insolent. Mai was offended and closed in on himself. Several quarrels convinced the girl that Mai was not the man she needed. In early 2007, he left the television project.

After some time, Alena began a frivolous relationship on the project with Misha Kontsev. And in the summer of 2007, the girl, unexpectedly for the audience, left the project.

Alena Vodonaeva after "House 2"

After Alena Vodonaeva left the television set, the public predicted her career as an actress. There was an opinion that a lot of roles in television series had already been prepared for the girl. A little later, they started talking about the fact that the star would replace one of the vocalists of the famous sexy trio VIA Gra. However, Vodonaeva only went to TNT as the host of the Cosmopolitan - Video Version program.

Alexander Lominsky and Alena Vodonaeva - "Vulnerable Heart"

And the first attempt to become a star on big television ended in failure. For a short time, Alena Vodonaeva was also the host of the Reality Girl project. Alena refused to work due to constant conflicts with her colleague Otar Kushanashvili.

After that, the ex-star of "House 2" became interested in blogging, delighted fans with her photos and hosted a TV program on Alena became the host on the first TV channel for Internet users by accident. She was invited to host the author's program after an interview for the same channel. In her program, Vodonaeva interviews famous men.

With enviable regularity, pictures of Alena appear in various magazines in very revealing outfits and without them. And after some time, Alena Vodonaeva declared herself as a singer. The girl performed a Russian-language ballad together with soloists Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny of the Plazma group. The composition "Paper Sky" made a lot of noise.

In 2010, Vodonaeva became the host of the Naked Ten on Ren-TV. And since the beginning of 2011, on the DTV channel, together with Anfisa Chekhova, she hosted the Good Night, Guys program, in which married couples were tested for jealousy and fidelity for more than four months.

The girl has already gained great popularity on the Dom 2 project, therefore, every event where Alena appears is invariably popular. Vodonaeva herself comes to the conclusion that it is best to be not a journalist and presenter, but a socialite. Therefore, the failed correspondent begins to attend secular parties, where her beloved Lexus RX is her indispensable attribute.

The television project "Dom 2" radically changed the life of the provincial journalist Alena Vodonaeva. The girl changed her residence permit from Tyumen to Moscow. However, the whole family of the girl also moved to the capital. Parents, grandmother and younger brother sold their country house in Tyumen and became Muscovites. Buy two-room apartment in the Mother See of Alena, mom and dad helped. However, the girl did not live there even a day. With a friend, she went to a rented apartment on Sparrow Hills, saying that the "kopeck piece" was too small for her. Now the apartment has turned into Alena Vodonaeva's dressing room.

Personal life of Alena Vodonaeva

Immediately after leaving the TV project, Alena began dating businessman Alexei Malokanov. They met at a birthday party young man, where Alena got quite by accident. Love at first sight did not work, and the relationship began only five months after the first meeting. Alexei completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State University, Ph.D. in political sciences. He is 5 years older than Alena.

In August 2009, the couple got married. The wedding was celebrated in a fashionable restaurant in the center of Moscow, only relatives and close friends were invited. The girl came to congratulate Ksenia Borodina and Irina Dubtsova.

A year later, on August 23, 2010, Vodonaeva gave birth to a son in a private clinic in Moscow. They named him Bogdan. In honor of the birth of her son, Alena Vodonaeva got a tattoo. When the boy was two months old, right hand the young mother wrote the name of her baby.

Alena prefers to remain silent about her personal life and carefully hides all the details of her family life from the press. It is worth noting that even before marriage, the girl received at least three serious proposals for marriage, however, Alena says, it did not work out. Interview with Alena Vodonaeva about love and relationships

Unfortunately, Alena's marriage was not long, the couple divorced in 2013. According to rumors, the cause was the frequent betrayal of the girl. After the divorce, Vodonaeva began dating 25-year-old Slava Panterov, a St. Petersburg party-goer and fashion model.

And in the fall of the same year, she was seen in the company of a famous womanizer and her dance partner Evgeny Papunaishvili. Young people quite often spent time together, not limited only to training and preparations for the Dancing with the Stars project. After the premiere of the show, the partners were seen relaxing in a restaurant, hugging and kissing.

And in 2014, the girl was overwhelmed by a new hobby - 23-year-old St. Petersburg party-goer Yuri Ande. Her fans quickly learn about all the news of the life of a star from social networks, where the girl actively shares her private life. In the same place, she often hints at moving to St. Petersburg and a rounded tummy, plans for a new marriage, fueling interest in her person.

Alena Vodonaeva now

In 2012, Alena became the host of the reality show "Vacations in Mexico-2" on MTV Russia, a rather scandalous project about the relationship of young people - a kind of analogue of "House 2".

In September 2013, the girl took part in the new season of the Dancing with the Stars project on the Russia 1 channel, paired with Evgeny Papunaishvili. The couple was able to win only second place.

It's hard to believe, but the sexy host of the Normal Couple program on RU.TV has long dreamed of more modest forms. And just the other day, Vodonaeva nevertheless decided on a difficult plastic surgery. The TV presenter shared with StarHit exclusive details and photos from the ward.

We met Alena an hour before the operation at the Center plastic surgery Professor Blokhin Frau Klinik. “Chest reduction has been my obsession for many years,” Vodonaeva admitted to StarHit. - It's hard to explain, but it's strong and conscious desire. And after giving birth, it got stronger. You see, I already had such a large size at the age of 16 ... For half my life I hear the question: “My own?” “Look at my mom,” I usually reply.

According to the star, because of the magnificent bust, her back often hurt, there were difficulties with the selection of clothes. Alena was so fired up with the idea of ​​changing forms that she even turned to specialists in New York.

“In America, I consulted with one of the best specialists in this field, but did not choose him, because I saw uncertainty in his eyes,” the TV presenter continues. - He said that this is one of the most difficult breast surgeries, it lasts 9 hours. Then he recommended to consult with someone else. She continued her search in Russia until the monitoring gave the name of Sergei Blokhin. Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, one of the first plastic surgeons in Russia. We met, talked, he examined me. We decided that the most optimal thing is to reduce the bust from my fifth size to an incomplete third. I realized that Sergei Nikolaevich was “the one”. He warned that this was a piece of jewelry, but at the same time he gave me such confidence that I realized that everything would end well.”

After our conversation, Alena was given anesthesia, and soon she fell asleep. The operation, worth a million rubles, was successful and ended in 3 hours. Half an hour later, Vodonaeva came to her senses. I immediately called my parents, who were very worried, and said that everything was fine. According to doctors, the TV presenter will be able to go to work in a week.

“The next day I was at home,” shared the star. - No bulky corsets, just a small dressing in the chest area. At first she took painkillers and felt weak. But gradually got back to normal. In a month I plan to arrange a beautiful photo shoot in a swimsuit.

The surgeon, who undertook a difficult operation, told in detail what kind of work was done and what was required to achieve the goal. “Nature rewarded Alena with voluminous and beautiful breasts, but after pregnancy and feeding, the mammary glands increased in volume and the breasts lost their former shape,” Sergei Blokhin explained to StarHit. - To correct such changes in plastic surgery, reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction) is indicated - quite complex operation, which consists in excision of breast tissue and general repositioning of the nipple-areolar complex. As a result of the surgical intervention we slightly reduced the volume of the mammary glands and restored the previous shape of Alena's breasts.

Bright TV presenter, model and singer Alena Vodonaeva is used to being the center of attention. Since the appearance on the screen, the wave of rumors about her has not subsided. Most of all, fans are interested in the external changes of the former member of "House-2". The girl does not like to discuss the topic of plastic surgery.

Such mystery intrigues fans even more, forcing them to seek out the truth on their own.

Alena from childhood was distinguished by her outstanding appearance. At the age of 12, she decided to learn the profession of a model. The girl began to take part in fashion shows, but soon decided that this was not enough for her. After writing a couple of articles, she sent them to the city editors. After the first successes, Alena began to regularly write notes and interview local stars.

Already in her youth, she was the owner of the fifth breast size. She was often asked the question, does she have her own forms? In these cases, Vodonaeva cited her mother with an identical natural feature as an example. However, there are rumors that nature gave the girl only the second bust size.

Studying at the Faculty of Philology was given to the TV presenter without any problems. In parallel with her studies, she hosted a criminal program in the Moments program. After participating in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2" her life has changed dramatically.

Vodonaeva has repeatedly claimed that a large bust gives her inconvenience. Because of him, she felt back pain, and there were problems with the choice of clothes. All her life she dreamed of a small size. After the birth of a child, the girl seriously thought about plastic surgery.

Some experts believe that the host's breasts are artificial. In their opinion, Alena Vodonaeva turned to the services of a surgeon while participating in a television set, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the archived releases of the Dom-2 project. The network often walk photos of Alena Vodonaeva before and after plastic surgery.

One way or another, the girl nevertheless decided on an operation to reduce her outstanding forms, but whether she removed the implants or really reduced her natural data remains a mystery. After a long search, she managed to find a doctor whom she agreed to trust. The procedure cost Alena a million rubles and lasted about three hours. The bust of the fifth size, to the delight of the celebrity, turned into an incomplete third.

The surgical intervention went well. The very next day, Vodonaeva was at home, and a week later she started work. The new breast looks natural and harmonious on slim body stars.

Discussions about other possible operations stars. According to a number of experts, Alena corrected the shape of her nose and chin, the line of her cheekbones, slightly enlarged her lips.