What will the Earth be like in millions of years? What will happen to our planet earth in the future.

The earth is in a state of constant change. This list contains ten major events that our planet is predicted to experience over the next billion years.

~10 Ma

New satellite observations show that a new ocean is slowly forming on planet Earth, which originated in the fall of 2012 and gradually continues to grow. This ocean, apparently in the future, will divide Africa into 2 continents. It began to form after an earthquake in eastern Africa - an instantaneous crack appeared 8 meters wide and 60 kilometers long. It is estimated that it will take 10 million years for the geological activity in this region to stop, leaving behind only dry pools that will fill with water and form a new ocean.

~100 Ma

Considering a large number of objects that circulate randomly in space, there is a possibility that in the next 100 million years, our planet will collide with such an object. This will be comparable to what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. No doubt some species will survive.
Who knows what kind of life would thrive on such a planet? Maybe one day we will share the Earth with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians.

~250 Ma

Pangea Ultima is a hypothetical supercontinent into which all existing continents are predicted to merge in about 200-300 million years. In the future of the planet Earth, to be more precise, in about 50 million years, Africa will migrate north and eventually collide with southern Europe. Australia and Antarctica will also become part of the new supercontinent, moving north until they collide with Asia.

~600 Ma

A gamma-ray burst is a massive cosmic pulse of explosive energy observed in distant parts of the galaxy that is capable of erasing much of the Earth's ozone layer, thereby causing drastic climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions. In a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst can release as much energy as our Sun releases over 10 billion years.

~1.5 billion years

The Sun gradually gets hotter and slowly increases in size, which will eventually cause the Earth to be too close to the Sun. In this regard, the oceans will completely dry up, leaving behind only deserts with burning soil. But fortunately, Mars at this moment can serve as a temporary home for all the remaining people.

~2.5 billion years

Scientists believe, based on today's ideas about the Earth's core, that the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid - it will solidify. The Earth's magnetic field will slowly disappear until it ceases to exist altogether. In the absence of a magnetic field that protects the planet from destructive solar radiation, the earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compound - such as ozone.

~3.5 billion years

There is a small chance that in the future Mercury's orbit will stretch out and cut off the path of Venus. Although we can't imagine exactly what will happen when it does. At best, Mercury will simply be swallowed up by the Sun or destroyed in a collision with Venus. At worst? Earth could collide with any other large non-gaseous planet - orbits that would be drastically destabilized by Mercury.

~4 billion years

There is a possibility that new stars will appear in our night sky - the Andromeda galaxy. It will probably be a truly wonderful sight. But over time, these new stars will begin to terribly distort the Milky Way, merging together, they will create a chaotic picture of the night sky familiar to us. In any case, our night sky will at least temporarily be adorned with trillions of newest stars.

~5 billion years

The additional force acting on the Moon - the stars, will be enough for the Moon to slowly fall to the Earth. When the Moon reaches the Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate. After that, it is possible that debris from the Moon will form a ring around the Earth, which will fall on our planet for many millions of years.

The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next ten billion years is high. Either it will become a rogue planet, or it will be swallowed up by the "embrace" of the dying Sun, or ... Let's just hope that the Earth does not overtake a sad fate.

Human civilization is developing very quickly. Only five thousand years ago, the first nodular writing appeared - and today we have already learned how to exchange terabytes of information at the speed of light. And the pace of progress is growing.

Predicting what human impact on our planet will look like even in a thousand years is almost impossible. However, scientists like to fantasize about what awaits the Earth in the future if our civilization suddenly disappears. Let us, following them, imagine an unusual situation: for example, in the 22nd century, all earthlings will fly away to Alpha Centauri - in this case, what awaits our abandoned world?

global extinction

Through its activities, mankind constantly influences the natural cycle of substances. In fact, we have become another element capable of causing a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. We are changing the biosphere and climate, extracting minerals and producing mountains of garbage. But, despite our power, it will take only a few thousand years for nature to return to its former "wild" state. Skyscrapers will collapse, tunnels will collapse, communications will rust, dense forest will conquer the territory of cities.

Since emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will stop, nothing can prevent the onset of a new ice age - this will happen in about 25 thousand years. The glacier will begin to advance from the north, holding down Europe, Siberia and part of the North American continent.

It is clear that the last evidence of the existence of civilization will be buried and ground into fine dust under many kilometers of creeping ice. However, the biosphere will suffer the greatest damage. Having mastered the planet, mankind practically destroyed natural ecological niches, which led to one of the most mass extinctions of animals in history.

The departure of mankind will not stop this process, because the chains of interaction between organisms have already been broken. Extinction will continue for more than 5 million years. Large mammals and many species of birds will completely disappear. The biological diversity of fauna will decrease. An obvious evolutionary advantage will be received by genetically modified plants, which scientists have adapted to the most severe conditions of existence.

Such plants run wild, but being protected from pests, they will quickly capture the vacant niches, giving rise to new species. Moreover, during these millions of years, two dwarf stars will pass close to the Sun, which will inevitably lead to a change in the planetary characteristics of the Earth, a hail of comets will fall on the planet. Such catastrophic phenomena will further accelerate the pestilence among the species of animals and plants known to us. Who will replace them?

Rebirth of Pangea

It has long been established that the earth's continents move, albeit very slowly: at a speed of several centimeters per year. During a human life, this drift is practically imperceptible, but over millions of years it can radically change the geography of the Earth.

In the Paleozoic era, there was a single continent Pangea on the planet, washed from all sides by the waves of the World Ocean (scientists gave the ocean a separate name - Panthalassa). Approximately 200 million years ago, the supercontinent split into two, which, in turn, also continued to break up. Now the planet is waiting for the reverse process - the next reunification of land into a common colossal territory, which scientists have dubbed Neopangea (or Pangea Ultima).

It will look something like this: in 30 million years, Africa will merge into Eurasia; in 60 million years Australia will crash into East Asia; in 150 million years, Antarctica will join the Eurasian-African-Australian supercontinent; in 250 million years both Americas will be added to them - the process of formation of Neopangea will be completed.

Continental drift and collisions will significantly affect the climate. New mountain ranges will appear, changing the movement of air currents. Due to the fact that ice will cover most of the Neopangea, the level of the World Ocean will noticeably decrease. The global temperature of the planet will fall, but the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere will increase. In regions with a tropical climate (and there will always be such, despite the cooling), an explosive multiplication of species will begin.

Insects (cockroaches, scorpions, dragonflies, centipedes) develop best in such an environment, and again, as in the Carboniferous period, they will become the real "kings" of nature. At the same time, the central regions of Neopangea will be an endless scorched desert, since rain clouds simply cannot reach them. The temperature difference between the central and coastal regions of the supercontinent will cause monstrous monsoons and hurricanes.

However, Neopangea will not last long by historical standards - about 50 million years. Due to powerful volcanic activity, colossal cracks will cut through the supercontinent, and parts of Neopangea will separate, setting off into “free floating”. The planet will again enter a period of warming, and the level of oxygen will fall, threatening the biosphere with another mass extinction. Some chance of survival will remain for those creatures that will adapt to life on the border of land and ocean - first of all, amphibians.

New person

In the press and science fiction, one can come across speculative assertions that man continues to evolve, and in a few million years our descendants will be as different from us as we are different from monkeys. In fact, human evolution stopped at the moment when we found ourselves outside natural selection, gaining independence from changes in the external environment and defeating most diseases.

modern medicine allows to be born and grow even such children who would be doomed to death even in the womb. In order for a person to start evolving again, he must lose his mind and return to an animal state (before the invention of fire and stone tools), and this is almost impossible due to the high development of our brain. Therefore, if a new person ever appears on Earth, he is unlikely to come from our evolutionary branch.

For example, our descendants can enter into a symbiosis with a closely related species: when a weaker but smarter monkey controls a more massive and formidable creature, literally living on the back of its neck. Another exotic option is that a person will move to the ocean, becoming another marine mammal, but due to climate change and a lack of resources, he will return to land in the form of a clumsy "aquabiota" crawling in search of food. Or the development of telepathic abilities will direct the evolution of new people in an unexpected direction: communities of “hives” will arise in which individuals will be specialized, like bees or ants ...

After 250 million years, the galactic year will end, that is, the solar system will make a complete revolution around the center of the galaxy. By that time, the Earth will be completely transformed, and any of us, if he gets into such a distant future, is unlikely to recognize his native planet in it. The only thing that will remain at that time from our entire civilization is the small footprints on the moon left by American astronauts.

Paleontologists have established that mass extinctions of animals were a periodic phenomenon in the Earth's past. There are five mass extinctions: Ordovician-Silurian, Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene. The most terrible was the "great" Permian extinction 252 million years ago, which killed 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial animal species. Moreover, it also affected insects, which usually manage to avoid the disastrous consequences of a biospheric catastrophe.

Scientists have not been able to determine the causes of the global pestilence. The most popular hypothesis says that a sharp increase in volcanic activity led to the Permian extinction, which changed not only the climate, but also the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Anton Pervushin

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At the very end of spring, a terrible natural disaster struck Moscow, which the inhabitants of the capital are unlikely to forget in the next few decades.

On May 29, squally winds knocked down several thousand trees and caused the death of eleven people.

Photo: instagram.com / allexicher

The hurricane damaged 140 apartment buildings and 1,500 cars.

Photo: twitter.com

As it turned out later, when everyone recovered a little, the May rampant bad weather became the most cruel and destructive natural disaster in Moscow in more than a hundred years. recent years- only the tornado of 1904 was worse.

Before the Russians had time to recover from the Moscow storm, the hurricane hit a number of other regions of the country. Just a week later, on June 6 in: due to heavy rain, they overflowed the banks of the river, flooded the streets and destroyed roads and bridges. At the same time, a large hail fell in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and in the Komi Republic, melt water and heavy rain simply washed away the roads from the face of the region.

Photo: twitter.com

The worst thing is that weather forecasters promise that this is only the beginning of disasters. Hurricanes are forecast to hit the entire Central Russia. At the beginning of summer, on June 2, St. Petersburg residents, already accustomed to bad weather, suffered another stress: in the afternoon the temperature dropped to 4 degrees, and hail fell from the sky. Such cold weather in the northern capital was the last time only in 1930. And then, suddenly, after such an "extreme" the thermometer jumped in St. Petersburg right up to +20.

Photo: flickr.com

While the Russians are trying to hide from the ice hail, the Japanese are dying from the wild heat. According to Japanese media reports, over the past week, more than a thousand Japanese citizens ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis - heatstroke. It has been hot in the Land of the Rising Sun for several weeks now: thermometers show well over 40 degrees. After such an "inferno", employees of the fire service of Japan tell reporters, seventeen people will remain in the hospital for long-term treatment.

« The earth will fly into the heavenly axis! »

So what is really going on in the world? Global warming or cooling? Or is it just the agony of a mad planet that cannot get rid of the “plague” of humanity? In recent decades, the theory of global warming has been the most widespread. It seems to be unconditionally confirmed by the fact that glaciers are melting at a tremendous speed in the world. They are even called the “litmus test” of climate change: after all, we do not notice small fluctuations in the average annual temperature, but the volume of melted ice caps can be easily measured and even simply seen with the naked eye.

According to the forecasts of supporters of the theory of global warming, in the next 80 years, 90% of the glaciers in the European Alps may disappear. In addition, due to the melting of the Arctic ice, the level of the world's seas may also rise significantly. And this is fraught with flooding of some countries and serious climate change on the planet.

Photo: flickr.com

Researchers see the cause of global warming in human activities. They point out that carbon dioxide, methane and other by-products of human agricultural and industrial activities create a greenhouse effect, due to which the temperature on the planet rises, and ice flows into the ocean in streams.

"Winter Is Coming!"

At the same time, now there are more and more supporters of the theory of global cooling. The fact that we are waiting for the cold in the near future, and not excessive anthropogenic heat, is proved by scientists from the British University of Northumbria.

Global cooling, according to their version, will come as a result of the impact on the Earth's climate of external, and not internal factors. The reason will be a decrease in the activity of our luminary - the Sun. British scientists, using mathematical calculations, modeled the processes occurring on the Sun and made a forecast for the coming years.

Photo: flickr.com

According to the predictions of scientists, in 2022 a serious drop in temperature awaits us. At this time, the Earth will move away from its star to the maximum distance, which will lead to a cooling. In five years, Northumbria University scientists say, our planet will enter the Maunder Minimum, and earthlings will have to stock up on down jackets and heaters in full.

The last time a drop in temperature of such a level as predicted by British researchers was observed in Europe in the 17th century. The most interesting thing is that this theory does not at all contradict the latest observations of meteorologists: its supporters attribute the general increase in temperature and the melting of glaciers to the fact that earlier the Earth was at a minimum distance from the Sun.

Photo: flickr.com

The fact that humanity does not have such a big impact on the global climate is also very appealing to the controversial new US leader Donald Trump. In early summer, he announced his country's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. This agreement imposes restrictions on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by them into the atmosphere on the signatory countries. Trump said that this agreement is holding back the growth of industry in the States, and this, in turn, is taking away jobs from the people. But if the British scientists are right, then the US leader has nothing to worry about - the "Maunder minimum" can level the damage that the policy of the industrial magnate can cause to the planet.

When the planet is torn apart

Interestingly, the battle between global warming and global cooling can easily end in an equally global draw. There is a theory according to which periods of excessive heat are replaced by phases of cold in waves. This idea is promoted by the Russian scientist, head of the department of the Siberian Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute Nikolai Zavalishin.

According to the meteorologist, short periods of global increase and decrease in temperature have happened before. In general, they are cyclical. As the scientist noted, each such cycle includes one decade of rapid global warming, followed by 40 to 50 years of cooling.

Photo: flickr.com

Studies conducted by a Siberian meteorologist show that the past two years - 2015 and 2016 - were the warmest in the history of meteorological observations. In the next five to six years, warming should continue, the scientist believes. The average air temperature, as a result, will increase by 1.1 degrees.

But soon, says Nikolai Zavalishin, the warming should end. Here the Siberian is in solidarity with the British: a phase of global cooling is coming. So, according to the Siberian theory, we still have an endless winter ahead of us.

Global warming is a myth

While most scientists place the blame for climate change on mankind, a researcher from the Siberian Institute believes that human activity does not bother the planet too much. Cycles of moderate warming and cooling, according to this version, replace each other regardless of human activity, the growth of agriculture and the scope of industry. At the same time, fluctuations in the average temperature on the planet are closely related to the earth's albedo - the reflectivity of our planet.

Photo: flickr.com

The fact is that we get all the energy, in fact, from one main source - from the Sun. However, part of this energy is reflected from the earth's surface and goes into space irrevocably. The other part is absorbed and provides all life on Earth with a happy and productive life.

But different earth's surfaces absorb and reflect light in different ways. Pure snow is able to kick back into space up to 95% of solar radiation, but fat black earth absorbs the same amount.

The more snow and glaciers on the planet, the more sunlight reflected. Now the glaciers on Earth are in a phase of active melting. However, according to Zavalishin's theory, it is not worth worrying about them - when a half-century period of cooling has come, the balance will be restored.

Who among the scientists is still worth believing? There are quite a few versions of the development of events. Some researchers even promise that in thirty years, in 2047, humanity is waiting for an apocalypse, the cause of which will be unprecedented activity of the Sun. So far, we have only one way to verify this statement - personally live and see.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

Q. What is the future of the Earth and its people in the next 50 years, what will the life of our children be like, what are we preparing for in order to meet the future “fully armed”? In particular, what awaits Russia, the EU countries and globally in general.

A. In the next 50 years, the map of the Earth is likely to change. The cataclysms that are taking place will intensify. A strong migration of people to the East will begin. As already mentioned by many seers, such as Nostradamus, Vanga, Casey, the map of the world and Europe will change. The landscape will remain almost the same in Russia in Siberia, in particular in the region of the Ob River and in India. These landscapes will remain unchanged.

There will be no global catastrophe that will wipe the continents off the face of the earth, but life will be less and less comfortable. In particular, this is Western Europe, so the movement of people to the above areas will begin.

People's outlook will change dramatically. The very formulation of the question “to meet fully armed” is not entirely correct. The desire for spirituality will need to be invested in their own children in order to come to such an understanding, which means not attempts to win back the world and their conditions from nature, not to fight with the elements, but to adapt to it, learn to appreciate everything that is around, nature, water, air. Save, treat with care, understanding that your descendants will live after you. This is what you need to invest in, this is the most important thing. From the state of consciousness of the consumer, move on to the realization of what needs to be created. Something destroyed in nature - restore, clean, remove. Then everything that happens will be perceived more harmoniously, consciously. Then the actions will be clear. There should be interaction, not confrontation.

Indeed, in the situation that is happening now, the consciousness of many people is actively changing.

Q. What exactly should children be taught?

A. To love and respect those around you. Take care of what surrounds us. We are now so far removed from the natural state. It is necessary to take the children out more often somewhere in the forest, to the river, to the mountains. Learn elementary things, how to survive in natural conditions, what our ancestors could do for many millennia in a row and what we have forgotten how to do. It's not about going back to the stone ax and starting all over again. The sooner this awareness comes, the sooner we can change the course of events, and not turn life into a disaster. It is necessary to teach children elementary things, how to keep warm in natural conditions, how to feed yourself. It should not be perceived as something that threatens us in the future, but it greatly expands consciousness. But such an attitude to the world to the nature of nature gives such an experience that does not allow destroying what is. This is the moment of creation, the moment of creation. Not just how to earn money, to be fixated on the material side of life, but to discover these facets.

The closer we get to this natural state, the closer we communicate with grass, trees, and the earth, the more knowledge and worldly wisdom we will receive. This is what children should be taught. They are now severely cut off from nature.

Q. How will a person's life change in general?

A. More and more energy will be spent on creating comfortable living conditions for yourself. Japan has already felt it, and Europe is beginning to feel it. A lot of effort and energy have to be expended in order to create comfort for oneself where it was not there for natural reasons, for example, artificial continents are created, lands in wetlands are reclaimed. The earth will still return everything to its place. To maintain this confrontation, more and more energy will be expended, both natural and human resources. It is very difficult. Create for yourself in the conditions of the Far North the comfort that you can only have in the tropics. And people are looking for it now. Instead of interacting with nature, they oppose it.

Q. So you have to learn to be natural?

A. Yes, and don't be afraid of it. You also need to teach your children not to be dependent on their attachments. Therefore, it is said that there are more aspirations for spirituality, and not for the material world. The fear of losing your comfort zone is in itself destructive for human existence, human essence.

Q. It was said earlier in the readings that the level of solar radiation would increase, is that correct?

And civilizations or even the whole universe. The threat can be both imaginary and real. For some, the expression "end of the world" causes fear, panic and horror, while others consider it absurd. Nevertheless, there is even a whole list of upcoming apocalypses. Before talking about them, you should know possible reasons end of the world.

Possible causes of the apocalypse

There are many reasons for the end of the world. Some of them seem really impossible, while others could well lead to the death of all life.

  • First, this is war. Biological or even nuclear.
  • Secondly, possible genetic diseases, which over time will destroy the whole world, capturing it so strongly that attempts to cure humanity will be useless.
  • Thirdly, famine, which, for example, can occur in the event of overpopulation.
  • Fourth, an ecological catastrophe, when the cause of the death of the people is the people themselves. That is why environmentalists around the world are calling to protect their planet. Take, for example, the destruction of the ozone layer - all this is quite dangerous.
  • Another problem, the fault of which is the man himself, is the exit from the control of nanotechnologies.
  • Sixth, a sharp change in climate. Global cooling or warming will lead to the death of almost all life on the planet.
  • The causes of the apocalypse can also be the eruption of a supervolcano, the fall of a huge asteroid, or a strong solar flare.

All these and many other reasons can radically change life on Earth, and possibly lead to its death. How dangerous are these events and is it worth waiting for the apocalypse in the near future? We will talk about this and much more further.

Mayan calendar end of the world

To begin with, let's remember 2012, when the whole world literally lived in fear of the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. According to numerous sources, the apocalypse was supposed to happen in 2012. Why did everyone expect him on this particular day, and where did such a mythical figure come from?

The thing is that the people who once lived in Central America, the so-called Mayan people, led a calendar that ended on this particular number. Lovers of mysticism and various kinds of clairvoyants said that supposedly the end of the world would come on this day. Such statements, which simply blew up the Internet, frightened millions of people. What earthlings, imbued with fear, did not expect: volcanic eruptions, strong earthquakes and tsunamis, and all this in one day.

“Silence and darkness will come in the world, and humanity will be destroyed,” the Mayans said. It seems absurd now, just as it did for geophysicists in 2012. They then said that it was simply impossible. An interesting fact is that people were offered to survive during the terrible apocalypse, surviving it in a secluded place with huge food supplies. Even the statement about the possible death of mankind was used by supermarkets around the world, which was very helpful to them. Trusting people with fear bought food for months ahead.

But not only supermarkets made money on such news. In many cities, even special bunkers were built, which supposedly could save people from the upcoming apocalypse. Living in such a safe place cost a lot of money. But, as it turned out, the apocalypse was not destined to happen, which is not at all surprising, because we have already survived several ends of the world and still live happily. Anthropologist Dirk Van Turenhut explained the situation by saying: "This is not the end, it's just one calendar followed by another."

Another loud end of the world

The apocalypse was also expected in 2000. People believed that with the transition to the new millennium, the very end of the world would come, and even came up with a reason why this would happen - a parade of planets, the appearance of a second moon. According to some reports, an asteroid should have fallen.

The end of the world in this case would come at its collision with the Earth. We entered the new millennium, but the end of the world did not exist, and still does not exist. Then astronomers and predictors decided to move the expected apocalypse to 2001. What is its reason?

Apocalypse 2001

This is where things get even more interesting. “August 11, 2001, the planet Earth and the entire solar system will be sucked into a black hole,” such an interesting forecast was made by American astronomers. The following prediction was also made by an American scientist. According to him, in 2003 the end of the world will occur due to the disintegration of the Earth. The next apocalypse, apparently, was believed by a few, otherwise how to explain the fact that there were almost no mentions of this in the media. After this prediction, humanity lived quietly for five whole years, after which it became known about the next end of the world.

End of the World - 2008

This year, several scenarios of the apocalypse have been announced at once.

One of them was the fall to Earth of a huge asteroid, the diameter of which was 800 meters. Another reason could be the launch of a huge collider. This made the earthlings worry much more than the forecast of the fall of the asteroid. Fortunately, the excitement was in vain, but the fear did not leave us for long. They began to say that the end of the world will happen in 2011. As it will be?


This version turned out to be much more interesting. The American Harold Camping predicted that on May 21 the dead would rise from their graves. Those who deserve to burn in hell will remain on earth and survive a series of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and only then will they go to another world. The version itself is absurd, but, nevertheless, Harold Camping received a huge number of supporters, especially in the USA.

The preacher even gave hope that there would be a small percentage of survivors, consisting precisely of his followers. An interesting fact is that a US public relations company organized the release of huge posters with a doomsday statement. After nothing like this happened on the expected day, the prophet himself postponed the date of the end of the world to October 21 of the same year, explaining that the incident happened morally, and all that now needs to be done is to wait for the real, already final end of the world .

According to his new forecasts, it was supposed to happen exactly in 5 months. Despite Harold's predictions, the end of the world never came, and thousands of people calmly exhaled and continued to live. When Camping realized that his prediction was wrong, he admitted his guilt and even apologized.

And again about 2012

Well, the most anticipated in the list of the end of the world - the apocalypse of 2012. It has already been mentioned above. Perhaps the discussions of this end of the world are the loudest of all.

This date, indeed, frightened millions of people around the world, because not only the Mayan calendar spoke about the events of that year. Predictions about terrible events were made by Nostradamus and Vanga, known to the whole world for their prophecies. What did they really mean? Natural disasters, the beginning of a new life, or the death of the planet? All this remains a mystery. But Patriarch Kirill, regarding the year 2012 and the apocalypse as a whole, said that it is not worth waiting for it, because Jesus Christ does not give us instructions on any dates whatsoever.

Will there be a rebirth? Perhaps, but no one knows when it will come. Despite everything, people continue to listen to predictions and believe in the end of the world. So what threatens the Earth in the near future?

What do they promise for the future?

The next end of the world is scheduled for 2021. Such a statement was made by IA "SaraInform", which was presented new list ends of the world. The reversal of the magnetic field is the reason for the end of the world in 2021. Or maybe not even the end, because they promise that not all of humanity will perish, but only a large part of it.

Scientists suggest that this end of the world will not take place, but it will be different, and it will happen in 2036. In their opinion, an asteroid called Apophis will fall on the Earth, but again, this information is not objective, since the asteroid may diverge from the Earth.

Another apocalypse is supposed to happen in 2060. Newton himself predicted it back in 1740 from a holy book. And in 2240 planetary epochs will change. So argued scientists who lived in different centuries. And also, in their opinion, this year the era of the Sun should end.

Other possible doomsday dates are 2280, 2780, 2892 and 3797. By the way, the last apocalypse was predicted by Nostradamus, therefore, we are talking about the fact that he did not think about the end of the world in 2012 as the end of all life in general. In his letter to his son, he wrote that the Sun would allegedly swallow the Earth, having exhausted all the hydrogen and reaching incredible volumes.

Other dates of the apocalypse are not yet taken seriously, but no one knows what will happen with time. By the way, these are far from all dates, there are some others - intermediate ones, but no one pays attention to them, since the probability of incidents is almost zero.

Will the end of the world come?

We examined the list of the ends of the world, to believe or not to believe in forecasts is a personal matter for everyone. It can be said with 100% certainty: no one knows and cannot know whether there will be an apocalypse and when exactly. What awaits the Earth in the near future? Whom to trust: predictors or scientists? Everyone has their own point of view, however, it is worth noting that the information of the latter is more reasoned and objective.

Instead of guessing, it is better to think about the real harm we are doing to our planet. For example, each of us can improve the ecological situation, because the Earth is really in a dangerous state, and people themselves are to blame for this.