What to take to fall asleep on an airplane. Sleeping pills for flying on an airplane: allowed drugs

Good news: you bought your plane tickets and are looking forward to your dream trip. Bad news: the flight is long, or overnight, or super-early, and you are not one of the lucky ones who sweetly fall asleep as soon as the plane takes off from the ground. You probably already know all these “life hacks”, they say, buy earplugs and a mask, take a pillow, or better, book a seat in business class, where the seats are more comfortable. Thank you, cap, we have a couple of more relevant tips.

Remember how you sleep and buy the appropriate seat. Even if you fly with Ryanair, save a few euros to. When unsure, rely on Seatguru . If at home you sleep on your right side, take chairs on the right side and vice versa. No need to chase places at the very beginning - a mother with a small child will be put there with a 100% probability, which usually does not contribute to sound sleep. The armchair by the window is the most trump card - you can lean against the wall and close the porthole shutter so that there is less light.

Choose the right position. It is best to recline the seat all the way back (no wonder it was placed at an angle of 135 degrees) to normalize the pressure on the spinal discs. The second place in the ranking of the best sleeping positions is sitting up straight with your back at an angle of 90 degrees (have pity on the neighbor in the back!). The only point: if you have a weak abs, your lower back will not receive any support - and you will wake up with pain in the very bottom of your back. To avoid this, ask the flight attendant for a blanket and put it under your back in the lumbar region. Please don't cross your legs.

Flip your pillow. Rotate the inflatable pillow so that it is between your chin and chest, and your neck is snug against the chair. Usually it is already ergonomic enough to sleep without an extra pillow. The fixed chin will save you from sudden awakenings when the plane enters the turbulence zone.

power off. Tablets in armchairs, mobile phones, tablets - try to get rid of all the blue screens that keep your brain and eyes in suspense and prevent you from falling asleep. Leave only the player, where you first download some sounds of the forest or “white noise”.

Do what you normally do before bed. Brush your teeth, think about how your day went, read a book or scroll through a Facebook feed carefully saved in advance like Pocket. Change into comfortable clothes, take off your shoes. Just please, take care of the psyche of others and do not put on pajamas.

Don't overeat. We know it's difficult, especially if food is included in the ticket price, but it's best to eat a hearty meal at least two hours before bedtime.

Instead of alcohol - herbal tea. And although you already know how to drink properly, try not to do this, because in this case you will not be able to fall asleep quickly. Limit yourself to something soothing like herbal tea.

If you like to cross your legs while sitting, give up this habit. This position interferes with normal blood circulation in the legs and does not allow the body to relax. It is best when they are straight and only slightly bent at the knees. Increase the angle of the bend when this pose begins to bother, and after a while, straighten your legs back.

2. Move the seat back

Prolonged sitting with a straight back creates a load on the lower back. To lower it, tilt the chair back and lie on your back. Alternatively, you can purchase a lumbar pillow and take it with you on flights.

3. Choose a window seat

If possible, choose a window seat to have the side of the plane at your side. In this case, you will have one more comfortable position for sleeping in stock: you can rest, leaning to one side, without disturbing your neighbor. If you didn’t get a seat in advance and you didn’t get a seat by the window, ask the flight attendant if it’s possible to transfer to another seat.

4. Avoid contact with displays before bed

Try not to use the screens of your gadgets for an hour before bedtime, be it tablets, laptops or smartphones. The light they emit suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

5. Put unnecessary things on the shelf

Put clothes, bags and other unnecessary things in the luggage rack. If you leave one of them with you, you will have to put it next to a chair or hold it in your hands. Such objects will certainly create discomfort during sleep.

6. Watch your diet

Do not eat within two hours before bed. And don't overeat on the day of the flight. Filling your stomach with more food will force your heart to work harder to support digestion. This will prevent you from relaxing.

7. Comfortable clothes

During a long flight, you are unlikely to be comfortable sitting in tight jeans. Put on, for example, soft, not tight pants - they will be much more comfortable. Consider in advance what your clothes are best for the plane.

8. Bring your sleeping supplies

During the flight, you may need earplugs, a pillow and an eye mask. The absence of light and unwanted sounds is what you need for a sound sleep, as well as increased convenience. You can also take a small blanket with you if you like to cover your legs.

9. Try to sleep less before your flight

Alternatively, you can limit your sleep the night before your flight. Having exhausted yourself, you will sleep like a baby on the plane. But if the flight will be short, then it is better not to bother yourself with this trick. Otherwise, you will not have time to restore strength and after landing you will feel tired.

10. Take sleeping pills

If there is a long flight ahead and nothing helps with insomnia, the last option left is to take sleeping pills. For such situations, preparations based on melatonin are suitable. But before choosing a sleeping pill, be sure to consult a doctor.

If you can't relax and sleep during a flight, then a 10-hour flight can feel like an eternity. The following 7 simple secrets will tell you how to fall asleep on an airplane and forget about discomfort, feeling unwell and disruption of biorhythms.

Have you thought about it? But this is the foundation of the foundations. While waiting for a boarding announcement, how many times do you go to the coffee machine out of boredom? And then you are sincerely surprised that all the way you have no hint of sleep, and your eyes are like two tennis balls. Cut down on pre-flight drinks, especially those containing caffeine.

2. Don't Sleep Before Your Flight

Many people like to have a good sleep before a trip. Like, you need to save energy for a tiring flight. Still, watch movies for 12 hours or enviously look at sleeping neighbors, how can you not get tired here ... Isn't it better to come to the airport a little tired? In this state, you can fall asleep on the plane even before they start serving food.

3. Take music on the road

Music is a great and long-known way to change the perception of reality. However, many people use this tool incorrectly, without getting the desired result. Before the flight, we download gigabytes of specially recommended music for relaxation or classics, which we immediately delete upon arrival, because “it doesn’t help”.

Our brain is designed in such a way that if you turn on an unfamiliar melody, it will be in a state of increased activity, trying to process new information. And vice versa, if you put on the usual music, to which you successfully fall asleep at home, then sleep will not keep you waiting. Therefore, you should pre-compile a special playlist that acts on you like sleeping pills.

4. Do not take a lot of hand luggage

Having dragged two trunks into the salon, be prepared for the fact that one of them will lie at your feet all the way, interfering not only with sleep, but even with taking a comfortable position. and take a minimum of things with you. This is the only way you can sleep peacefully on the plane.

5. Think ahead

Don't wait until you feel sleepy to ask for a pillow and blanket. Do this immediately after takeoff. Most airlines do not carry a supply for each passenger, so whoever took it first fell asleep. Alternatively, you can take your own inflatable pillow and blanket on board. At the same time, grab a sleep mask.

6. Dress comfortably

Yes, these jeans fit you just divinely, but if they are even slightly tight at the waist, you will not see sleep. Clothing and footwear for the flight should be light and comfortable. Leave evening dresses and tuxedos in your luggage, and put on your favorite tracksuit yourself. Your well-rested body will thank you for it upon arrival.

7. Choose Your Location Carefully

Believe it or not, it plays an almost decisive role in whether you manage to fall asleep on the plane. Take care of this in advance and you will be surprised how comfortable the flight can be.

More and more travelers around the world are exposing themselves to the stress and inconvenience of long flights, connecting flights and waiting at airports. Such trips are quite tiring, and often you really want to sleep ...

Sleeping on an airplane is perhaps the best solution to this problem. We are not talking about one and a half - two hour flights, everything is clear with this. And if you fly to Thailand or Cuba? For 12 hours of flight you will get so tired that the next day of vacation is gone completely. Of course, sleep on an airplane is not as deep as usual, and you will probably not be relaxed and energized by the time you arrive at your destination, however, even the most nap can give your body a little rest and gain energy for further travel. But how to sleep on an airplane so that sleep is most effective? We will try to give you some advice in this regard.

To sleep comfortably on an airplane, the most important issue will be the choice of a seat. Of course, if you are flying in first or business class, the question disappears by itself, since the seats are laid out in a horizontal position. In economy class, problems can arise, there are not so many places where you can stretch your legs and lean back.

Many airlines offer a choice of seats on the plane when booking tickets, this option is also available during online check-in for a flight. Do not neglect it, depending on your preferences, you should choose a place that is the most favorable for relaxation. It is best to sleep sitting by the window, because it gives you the opportunity to lean your head against the wall of the plane, and no one will disturb you if, for example, going to the toilet, etc. If you are tall, on the contrary, it is better to think about an aisle seat, otherwise the window space will not be enough for your legs.

Most places where there is space to stretch your legs are located at the exits or near the toilet. Choose the first option, because in the second case you will have to put up with a constant queue and a crowd of passengers. This, perhaps, is all that we can do with the choice of location, but we are unlikely to succeed in choosing quiet and miniature neighbors, this is still a matter of chance.

If you are going to have a good sleep on an airplane, then you need to prepare for the flight in advance. Before landing, it is not recommended to drink coffee and alcohol, eat heavy food. It is better to drink water, and you can also take care of additional skin hydration, because during the flight the body is dehydrated, and dry skin causes discomfort.

You need to dress comfortably, the best solution would be a sports suit and shoes. Please note that it can get cold on the plane, so bring a warm sweatshirt or sweater with you and put on warm socks. Most airlines provide blankets and pillows for international flights, so you don't have to worry about extra luggage. Many aircraft flying long distances also have an adjustable headrest so that the head is fixed during sleep. But it is better to take a blindfold and earplugs with you.

To relax while sleeping on an airplane and not worry about valuables, try to check everything in luggage as much as possible. Download your favorite music to your player or phone and fall asleep. Also, don't forget to ask the flight attendant not to wake you up during meals, etc. In order to avoid pain in the neck, spine and limbs, it is worth doing simple exercises every time you wake up.

Thus, if you are well prepared, you can sleep on the plane even during long-haul flights. Remember that even the slightest rest during a tiring journey will allow us to get to our destination in a better mood, and also, for example, will facilitate the route from the airport to the hotel.

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 10 minutes

Going on a long plane trip, some passengers experience fear and anxiety, which helps them to cope with a sedative. However, is it safe to take sleeping pills on a plane? Let's find out which Negative consequences may occur after taking such drugs, which drugs are most harmless, and how to take them correctly to avoid problems.

Can you drink sleeping pills on an airplane?

With sleep disorders and excessive excitability nervous system some people find it difficult to do without sedatives on an airplane, especially on long journeys. Indeed, in some cases, taking sleeping pills is justified even when taking into account their negative impact on the body.

Restrictions on transporting medicines

Some medications require a permit to be transported. Information about this can be found at the airport.

Important! It is allowed to carry drops and syrups up to 100 ml in the cabin.

There are many restrictions on the transport of medicines in tablets. Some of them need to be declared. In addition, you need to have a receipt and a prescription for English language, which confirms that the passenger cannot do without this drug on the way.

The following medicines are subject to declaration during the flight:

  • tranquilizers and many sedative compounds;
  • painkillers;
  • psychotropic;
  • for weight loss.

Before the flight, it is advisable to consult with representatives of the airline regarding which drugs are allowed to take with you, and which are strictly prohibited.

It is allowed to carry into the cabin of the aircraft:

  • medicines that improve digestion;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antipyretic;
  • analgesics;
  • nose and throat drops;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • solutions for the treatment of wounds.

All medicines must be taken in acceptable quantities so that they are not seized during baggage checks. If a required drug is forbidden to be imported into the country, you will have to accept it before air travel.

List of sleeping pills that are allowed to take on a plane

Not all sedatives can be taken with you into the cabin. Only harmless, non-prescription medications are allowed on board. This list includes:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • "Novopassit";
  • DreamZzz and other similar means.

When choosing a sleeping pill, you need to pay attention to the speed of its action, as well as the lack of side effects such as nausea, lethargy, and severe drowsiness upon waking.

Valerian tablets and tincture

The drug has vegetable origin. Well established as a sedative that improves sleep. Accumulates in the body, providing an effect even after excretion. The disadvantage of tincture is a specific smell.