Rozhin Boris. Boris Rozhin (Colonelcassad): “The current Ukraine will disappear from the political map

A moment of objective propaganda journalism from The Economist: 1. Assad's empty victory. 2. Syria will poison the region for years to come. 3. Despite everything, the monster won. 4. The remaining rebels are hiding in Idlib, but it will soon fall. 5. His country will be unhappy and divided. 6. True to his slogan, he destroyed entire cities. 7. While Assad...

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A Severe Warning to an Ally

After the fighting in Aden continued, and the UAE aircraft bombed the Saudi puppets, Riyadh officially warned the southern separatists and the Emirates behind them that the continuation of this story would lead to dire consequences. Saudi Arabia has issued a stern warning to separatists in South Yemen, saying any "destabilizing"...

42 1

Robert Mugabe has died

Robert Mugabe, until recently one of the world's oldest sitting dictators, is reported to have died at the age of 95. Not so long ago, he was overthrown by his entourage and lived out his days on a well-deserved pension. The new president and the army ensured that even after the overthrow of Mugabe, he was not subjected to serious persecution and received from the state several millions up to ...

Briefly about Syria. 06.09.2019

On the front west of Aleppo, Syrian military propaganda is broadcasting the following message through installed loudspeakers: On October 15th, everyone who does not leave the de-escalation zone and does not retreat will be destroyed. The clock is ticking; This is your choice. You will either die or your corpses will rot in the sun. We know exactly where you are. We know exactly where you are...

30 1

Chinese cavalry

And more about China. A separate Tibetan cavalry company of the 76th PLA Army Group A separate Tibetan cavalry company of the 76th PLA Army Group is stationed in the Gardze-Tibet Autonomous Region of Sichuan Province. The recruitment of company personnel is made mainly from the local population (Tibetans, Tibetan Mongols). ...

15 1

We want China to repeat the fate of the USSR

On the demands of protesters in Hong Kong. “WE WANT CHINA TO REPEAT THE FATE OF THE USSR” 40 years old, financial industry worker, a native of Hong Kong: “I often go to protests. I have a younger brother, and he and my parents also support our demands. It is too late to withdraw the bill: now we have not one, but five conditions. They are...

64 3

Underground cities of terrorists

Several valleys in the territories of northern Hama and southern Idlib open the way around the mountains of Latakia, which are located to the west. Beyond these plains lies the road to Idlib, the main stronghold of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists (banned in Russia). Therefore, the front of northern Hama was a particularly important direction for the militants. A few years ago, governments...

21 0

5 years to the defeat of "Aidar" near Privetny

5 years ago, fighters of the Rusich DShRG and the Batman RRT destroyed a column of punishers from the Aidar battalion on the highway near Privetny, which suffered the largest one-time losses in the entire campaign, overtaking even the well-known "exploits" of the Donbass battalion under the leadership of Field Marshal Semyon Semenchenko. Most full version this video contains...

74 2

Investigation results don't seem right

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad once again made statements that the current investigation into the Boeing is biased and aimed only at blaming the Russian Federation, and not at establishing the truth. 1. The international investigation into the MH17 disaster is based on the position of those who suffered from this tragedy. Their views cannot be just and neutral. Need...

33 0

Restoration of Aleppo. Summer 2019

Several videos from Aleppo, clearly demonstrating the work to restore the war-torn city. The contrast between the restored parts of the city and the gloomy ruins of the central quarters, which have yet to be dismantled and rebuilt, is clearly visible. It is worth noting that it was in these days of 3 years that the defense of the militants in Ramuseh began to actively fall apart&nbs...

26 1

The role of Poland - the role of Judas

The first stage of the Second World War began on October 1, 1938. Former Czechoslovak diplomat Ladislav Kubiznak told how his region treats the annexation of the territory of Czechoslovakia by the Third Reich, which de jure, in accordance with the Munich Agreement, was unconditionally supported by Great Britain and France. The act of occupation was actually approved by Poland and the Baltic countries ...

47 2

Matios is sinking

In Ukraine, Matios was stripped of the post of Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine. Many cases related to crime and war crimes in the ATO zone were suppressed by this particular character. “Ze-team” decided to get rid of the blackmailer and swindler inherited from Poroshenko “The new broom” in the person of the “president”-comedian freed...


Deformed development

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry demanded that Russia not call the liberation of Europe from Nazism the liberation of Europe from Nazism, because from the point of view of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, the liberation of Europe from Nazism led to repressions, a deformed consciousness and isolation from civilization. I have no doubt that from the point of view of the modern followers of the Nazis and their hangers-on...

60 2

Out of political hatred and enmity...

Podkopaev and Runaway. In addition to two hats Ivan Podkopaev, a participant in an unsanctioned rally in Moscow, who sprayed a gas canister at the police, was sentenced to 3 years in a general regime colony. The prosecution asked for 3 years and 4 months. Podkopaev himself fully admitted his guilt, and the case itself was heard in ...

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Weapons for the Islamic State and the US Government: Serbian Papers

A new investigation by Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhiyeva has been released, which was able to obtain documents showing how weapons produced in Serbia were purchased by the United States and then supplied to ISIS militants in Yemen. Weapons for the Islamic State and the US Government: Serbian Documents Captured from a video of the Islamic State in...

21 3

Bomb for the new government

Kolomoisky prophesies the fall of the hryvnia in September-October, blaming Gontareva and Poroshenko for this. Laying the straw Oligarch Kolomoisky decided to anticipate in advance the economic problems expected this autumn associated with the weakening of the hryvnia, shifting the blame for the upcoming difficulties for the population on the Poroshenko regime: "The National Bank, on the instructions of Petro Aleksevich...

15 1

The best European anti-fascists

“We are here to pay tribute to all the victims of the war, both in Poland, which was the first to fight against Nazism, and in all other countries that stood up for freedom and peace in Europe and in the world as a whole. The Croatian people, considering the total population, made the biggest contribution to the anti-fascist struggle in Europe - more than 500 people took part in it.

52 2

The United States signed a treaty with the Taliban

It is reported that in Doha, Qatar, a preliminary agreement was concluded between the United States and the Taliban on the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Negotiations on this agreement lasted more than a year, but only recently the parties came to a compromise. The US has pledged to withdraw most of its troops from Afghanistan within 135 days. First...

24 1

Russia is to blame for the fact that the Germans do not pay Poland

The Minister of Defense of Poland accused Russia of the fact that because of Russia, Poland did not receive reparations from Germany. 1. Firstly, Poland received reparations, in the amounts that were agreed between the governments of the Polish People's Republic and the GDR. All this is endorsed by the relevant agreements. When this was discussed, most of those who are now demanding even under a hundred ...

December 6th, 2018 07:21 pm

Colonel Kassad rejoices in his LiveJournal that the army and additional forces of the French special forces are being pulled up to Paris. What made him so happy? Hot spectacle expected?

Scheduled for December 8, the grandiose manifestation of the "yellow vests" may be even more violent than the previous ones, and law enforcement forces are no longer able to cope with their water cannons and plastic bullets. Macron ordered military units to pull up.

Well, what is there to be happy about? why such a giggling tone and rubbing hands in anticipation of bloody events?

Is it really so funny to look at how the roof of the people broke from numerous problems and it was used by some secret puppeteers?
Did we laugh at the Ukrainian Maidan? We were then horrified by what was happening there.

If everything is happening in France, then it is possible to cover the wounded and the blood and the dead people? In such posts - stupidity, narrow-mindedness and envy - it is disgusting to read these gloating.

However, one thing is good - such a blogger highlights himself - with his narrowness and selfishness - he needs something, although new victims are possible: he drinks beer, burps and writes posts

Corrupt Records of the "Chocolate King" When Yanukovych fled Ukraine, he was accused of taking $2 billion in cash with him. In place of the "malicious panda" came the heroes of the "revolution of hydness" led by Poroshenko, who proclaimed ...


Zelensky, from the moment he took the presidency, actively began to use the recipe of Old Man Lukashenko to fight "bad officials." During visits to various enterprises or departmental meetings, "particularly distinguished" on camera are scolded and fired. And often...


Since there were questions, then briefly. 1. It is quite obvious that, due to the inertia associated with the presidential elections, the Zelensky-Kolomoisky party will win. The key question is whether she will be able to gain 50% on party lists and in single-mandate constituencies ....


Elections to the Verkhovna Rada as a Factor of Political and Physical Survival The historical boomerang of lustration is returning to Ukraine again. The lustration of Poroshenko and a large group of people associated with the 2014 coup d'état, raised by Zelensky, reflects a classic conclusion…


AT last days the topic of resuming negotiations on Donbass in the Normandy format has revived. Active political consultations are underway to organize a full-fledged meeting between Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany, with hints that if it is successful, then ...


U.S. presidential lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, who canceled his trip to Ukraine because of enemies of Donald Trump and the United States surrounded by Zelensky, announced one of their names. This is evidenced by the video of his interview with Fox News. Rudolf…


By taking an active part in the Venezuelan crisis, Russia shows that it is not going to follow the Monroe Doctrine and reserves the right to interfere in the affairs of the countries of the Western Hemisphere, the Washington Free editor-in-chief said in an interview with Fox News.


"Agent Donald" just now proposed to Russia and China to jointly carry out nuclear disarmament together with the United States. 1. It’s quite funny to hear such statements from Washington, which has been consistently dismantling the current system of treaties in the field for more than 15 years…


On the issue of simplifying the issuance of Russian passports to residents of the DNR and LNR. 1. The fact that passports will be issued is good, I would even say wonderful. Of course, this should have been done earlier, but this is the case when ...


Parliamentary elections are taking place in Moldova today. They will determine whether Dodon can become a full-fledged president and push the pro-Western opposition from power, or whether he will remain a lame duck until the end of his term. The following options are available:…


On the 95th anniversary of Lenin's death, a report was published at a forum in Davos, which indicates that wealth inequality has reached peak values over the past ten years and will only increase in the future. *** Billionaire Net Worth 2018…


The New York Times published a funny article about the fact that everything is lost in Afghanistan and troops need to be withdrawn. So to speak, "in support" of Trump's statements that the contingent should be halved. *** Operation…


Trump announced that the US has defeated ISIS in Syria and is beginning to withdraw troops. Moreover, unlike previous such statements, the order to withdraw troops has already been given. The Pentagon has already confirmed that a quick and complete withdrawal of American…


Regarding readers' questions about the church schism, then briefly. 1. As an atheist and a supporter of the separation of church and state, I frankly am not too interested in disputes between priests. Therefore, I look at churches from the point of view of ...


On the transfer of the S-300 and other air defense and electronic warfare systems to Syria. 1. Last night, the 4th An-124 aircraft arrived in Khmeimim with gifts (this time from Mozdok). Other military transport aircraft also continue to arrive….

By the way, one more schmuck asks for the scoreboard.
Let me explain.
Chmo it's called Rozhin aka colonelcassad .
The bottom line is that this schmuck appropriated the money that people transferred to help the Donbass. And he's no different from a dubzdi, by the way.

This schmuck, like Dabzdi, appropriated with his friend Istyagin the funds intended to help ordinary residents and militias.
Actually, my gut didn’t let me down very often, and when the fundraising and clinging to Girkin / Strelkov began, I immediately realized what it would lead to. And it did happen.
The schmuck dissociated himself from Gikrin / Strelkov precisely for this reason, and not for the fact that it was not working at home: as if Girkin goes into politics and this is at odds with the stated goals. It would be hard to imagine a more despicable explanation.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide more complete information (specifics, screenshots, etc.) for reasons beyond my control.
I would gladly do it if I knew that decent people would not get hurt. So far, I'm not so sure.
But as soon as I get permission to release all the data, I will do it by all means.
Screenshot, by the way, from here:

It's amused that the pimply schmuck (they're kind of like the dubsdi in this - they're just as disgustingly pimply) couldn't find anything better than applying the term "crazy" to a woman who just wrote the truth about him once. Apparently, from a great mind, a Boryarozhin, aka a pimply toad, leaked the data of a person who was wanted by the Nazis into the network, and from the same great mind, the DPR passes lit up in his shitbox. Well, apparently, to make life easier for the Nazis.

Toad will have to recall the words of Freud's grandfather: “... a person talks about what he lacks. The one who does not have enough sex talks about sex, the hungry person talks about food, the person who has no money talks about money, and our oligarchs and bankers talk about morality ... " ©
To paraphrase the grandfather: the kassad toad speaks of what he lacks - about the mind. You are our crazy, kassadik, move away from the monitor on which you cut yourself into tanks, wash your clothes so that you don’t smell like secretions from you, wipe the crumbs from the countless sandwiches that you eat right there, and return the stolen.
And maybe only then I will pretend that I know nothing about you. Not about the stolen money, not about the countless shoals, which you, by your cleverness, made a wagon with a cart.

UPD. I answer questions in a personal at once to everyone - what amount is in question.
Istyagin and the bearded toad embezzled several million. It was with this money that they promoted their fucking Kassad-info and other shit, excuse me. It is with this money that the bearded toad and the sweet couple of Istyagins are now fattening.