On the procedure for referring patients to the FEFU medical center. About the procedure for referring patients to the FEFU Medical Center FEFU Medical Center make an appointment

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They always write good things, but there is no courage for a bad review. My story: When we arrived, there were naturally no places to park near the hospital, since more than half of the free places were traffic cones. Earlier, when I came with a child, I asked the security guard to vacate one place, since the mother small child and I was released for which many thanks, and the car didn’t stop for a long time, since we arrived on time for the reception and were already leaving in half an hour, but this time we were looking for a security guard for a long time because of which we were late for the reception and for some reason it still had to to persuade the guard Ivan Chukharev to make room (being late for the appointment, there was no time to explain that as I could not drag the child in my arms for a long time and the child himself was heavy and chesty in weight, so we always parked at the hospital to go in quickly and out). And only a woman passing by suggested that there was a vacant place, but a small one, and because of the situation, I had to drive a little onto the curb, but I drove in so that people could pass and even the disabled could pass. If the security guard hadn't been so cruel, I wouldn't have had to park like this. Apparently Ivan does not have children to understand that even a man is hard with a child in his arms, what can we say for a fragile girl with poor health and in her arms with a child. And here is the second unpleasant part: Recording with baby was to the maxillofacial surgeon Alexander Aleksandrovich Bocharnikov. Before that, we also came to the maxillofacial surgeon, but a good woman, then they said that she no longer accepts and had to make an appointment with a man. At the doctor’s appointment, instead of telling us that we came to the wrong doctor and canceling the appointment without wasting our time and money, he said a lot of useless words (I won’t help you, look for a different doctor, you can look here and there, on as far as I know that the operation at the age of 5-6 years is done in St. Petersburg and in Moscow (which we already knew and did not come on this issue).When I asked a question about his case, he said that pictures should be taken at 2-2.5 years and even he didn’t examine us with his hands whether we need to take pictures at all (I want to say that I decided to check the doctor because before that a woman looked at us and said that even with a look and what she examined with her hands it was enough to tell us that everything was fine) and after that there was no examination or consultation, he still wrote a conclusion on what he didn’t even say what he wrote, I asked if maybe we would only pay for the appointment by 50%, since there was no reception, he said that he does not solve such issues, but decide at the reception, When I approached the reception, I They said that the doctor had to come and cancel the appointment. And in the end I had to pay 1200 for the reception of which was not. And we left with lost time, bad mood and loss of money. There were thoughts that for mothers it doesn’t matter if they are healthy or sick from the inside and with children (in my case disabled) the relationship is terrible in terms of parking. And it didn’t matter whether there was an appointment or not, they went into the office and said hello and all this is enough to pay for the appointment.

FEFU Medical Center (MC)- a modern medical and scientific institution that meets high international standards.

The medical center is a pilot project of the Government Russian Federation: first medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Education, not the Ministry of Health, and is part of the Far Eastern Federal University. Equipped with unique equipment, the medical center provides highly qualified diagnostic, consultative, medical and rehabilitation assistance. The total area of ​​the FEFU Medical Block, which includes the Medical Center, the School of Biomedicine and Rehabilitation center with the hotel is more than 76 thousand square meters. m.

The main tasks of the center- provision of specialized, including high-tech medical care; development and implementation of modern diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods; organization of conditions for the development of biomedical technologies, continuous training and advanced training of the clinic staff; creation of a clinical base that provides a high level of educational process and meets the needs practical medicine. In 2014, more than 3,000 high-tech operations were performed at the FEFU Medical Center at the expense of the federal budget. In just five years of operation, the clinic's specialists have performed more than 30,000 surgical interventions.

In the structure of the FEFU MC- adult and children's polyclinics to provide advisory assistance expert class.

One of the main tasks of polyclinics is the selection of patients in need of high-tech medical care; Multidisciplinary hospital for 220 beds, Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation with a hotel for 200 beds; FEFU School of Biomedicine, conducting research activities; administrative support units.

FEFU Medical Center includes 17 diagnostic and treatment centers in various fields:
Women's Health;
Cardiac surgery and vascular surgery;
Thoracic surgery;
Traumatology, orthopedics, endoprosthetics and reconstructive surgery;
Neurosurgery and neurology;
Surgery (oncology, urology, proctology, bariatrics, endoscopy);
Otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery;
Nutrition and healthy lifestyle;
Restorative medicine and rehabilitation;
Children's health;
Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care;
Ultrasound and functional diagnostics;
Laboratory diagnostics and
Radiation diagnostics, including PET-CT and 3T-MRI devices that are rare for Russian clinics.

All wards in the hospital are multifunctional and can be transformed into an intensive care unit at any time.